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1. Translate into Romanian (9+1points)

Anicet și cu Dragu îi urară bună seara și porniră îndărăt spre bulevard. Mergeau fără să-și spună nimic.
Și cu cât înaintau, cu atât se sfiau să înceapă vorba. Anicet încercă de câteva ori să-l întrebe ceva; nu se hotărî,
nu știa ce ar putea să-l intereseze pe David. Și totuși, dorise atât de mult să-l întâlnească; avea să-i spună atâtea
- Ți-am spus că mă mut de acasă? întrebă Dragu, fără să-l privească.
- Da?
Atât găsi să-i răspundă. Se întristă deodată. Ce Dumnezeu mă interesează pe mine dacă se mută el de acasă? Să-
mi spună altceva, dacă are ce; sau, atunci, să-i spun eu... Dar ce-aș putea să-i spun? Ce-ar putea el simți ca mine?
Merseră iar alături, fără să vorbească. Dragu evita să pomenească de întâmplările de astă-noapte; de ce venise el
la Corso, de ce băuse și pusese la cale farsa cu ceilalți. Îi părea rău; o tristețe nedefinită, o sfială care-l turbura, ca
și cum ar fi înghețat ceva între ei, s-ar fi depărtat sufletește. (Mircea Eliade – Întoarcerea din rai)

2. Translate into English (9+1points)

In his younger years he had been suspected of low tastes, and his mother had greatly feared he would make a slip
in the mud of the highway and bespatter the family shield. He had been treated, therefore, to more than his share
of schooling and drilling (...). He had been tied with so short a rope in his youth that he had now a mortal grudge
against family discipline. He had been known to say, within the limits of the family, that, light-headed as he was,
the honor of the name was safer in his hands than in those of some of its other members, and that if a day ever
came to try it, they should see. His talk was an odd mixture of almost boyish garrulity and of the reserve and
discretion of the man of the world, and he seemed to Newman, as afterwards young members of the Latin races
often seemed to him, now amusingly juvenile and now appallingly mature. (Henry James – The American)

3. Exercises (9+1points)
I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable tense (0,5 x 6 = 3 p):
1. If that little boy carries on like that, he ... (have) an accident before long.
2. By the time I qualify, I ... (study) law for six years.
3. This is the second time you ... (forget) to post something for me.
4. I think I … (get) more forgetful as I grow older.
5. She recalled … (take) to London when she was young.
6. If only I … (enter) politics earlier, I could be Prime Minister now.

II. Finish each of the sentences below so that the meaning stays the same (8 x 0,75 = 6 p):
1. Without your help we couldn't have got the car started.
If it.......
2. Inviting him to dinner would have meant my cooking all afternoon.
3. We really should be leaving, shouldn't we?
It's high....
4. It's a widespread assumption that George was wrongly accused.
5. I can't tell you what it feels like because nobody's ever given me $100,000.
6. The only explanation for him being so late is that his train was delayed.
His train.....
7. There is no way he got the news from me as we haven't spoken.
8. The accused still claims she was framed, though all the evidence points to the contrary.

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