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Special Issue

International Journal of Distributed

Sensor Networks
2016, Vol. 12(9)
Data transmission optimization Ó The Author(s) 2016
DOI: 10.1177/1550147716670646
algorithm for network utility

maximization in wireless sensor


Chengtie Li1,2, Jinkuan Wang1 and Mingwei Li1,2

We provide a joint scheme for rate control, scheduling, routing, and power control protocol for wireless sensor net-
works based on compressive sensing. Using a network utility maximization formulation, we present cross-layer optimiza-
tion solutions using Lagrangian multipliers in the transport, network, media access control, and physical layers. Inspired
by compressive sensing, we focus on the construction of utility functions based on the constraints of the link capacity,
rate, routing, and power to decrease the computational cost, accelerate the convergence rate, and degrade the error
ratio. The optimization solutions are developed by solving the optimization model of network utility maximization. We
prove the effectiveness by the theory analysis at the stability of the transmission rate and error ratio. Finally, simulation
results demonstrate the performance in terms of stability of the error ratio of compressive sensing, energy consump-
tion, and transmission delay in wireless sensor networks.

Wireless sensor networks, cross layer, optimization, network utility maximization, compressive sensing

Date received: 19 May 2016; accepted: 31 August 2016

Academic Editor: Pelegri-Sebastia

Introduction (MAC), scheduling, and routing through optimization

theory,3 and comprehensively studied the state of the
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have sensed the phys- art for wireless communication at the application,
ical world and played an important role in the Internet transport, network, MAC, and physical layers.
of Things. Data transmission is one of the most signifi- Yang et al.,5 Zhou et al.,6 He et al.,7 and Chen et al.8
cant properties of WSNs. Sensor nodes are responsible formulated optimization solutions by NUM in WSNs
for receiving and relaying data simultaneously. Because with the constraints of specific network topologies.
of the relevance of the data, it is not necessary to trans- Ideal schemes were obtained at the expense of
mit all the data to the sink, as that expends too much
energy and reduces transmission efficiency. A substan-
tial amount of research has concentrated on methods 1
School of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University,
to improve data transmission effectiveness, such as Shenyang, China
cross-layer designs1–4 and network utility maximization 2
Northeastern University, Qinhuangdao, China
Corresponding author:
Khalek et al.,1 Cammarano et al.,2 and Chen et al.4 Mingwei Li, School of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern
proposed the cross-layer transmission schemes and University, Shenyang, Liaoning 066004, China.
derived joint algorithm for media access control Email:

Creative Commons CC-BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

sacrificing network utility and rigorous network topol- routing and appropriate link capacity allocation
ogies,7 which showed that each node cannot transmit are presented, which effectively relieve network
and receive data simultaneously. Furthermore, no congestion.
excessive consumption was guaranteed, and the effec- 2. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the
tive saving of energy consumption was not solved. scheme through Lyapunov theory. Through
Dimension reduction of data has aroused more and theoretical analysis, we find that the transmis-
more concerns to network optimization,9 which proves sion rate is stochastically stable, which should
that the full-view area coverage can replace the full- be attributed to the compression technique
view point coverage which leads to a significant dimen- and optimization method. Furthermore, we
sion reduction for the full-view area coverage problem. also validate that the rate–distortion ratio is
To economize energy, Tapparello et al.10 proposed a less than 4/N (where N is the number of nodes
joint compression–transmission algorithm for energy- in the WSNs).
harvesting multi-hop networks, where both compres- 3. We conduct extensive simulations to validate
sion and transmission activities were implemented using the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
the energy available in the energy buffer. Compressive Simulation results demonstrate that the scheme
sensing (CS) is rapidly being developed in WSNs for can significantly reduce transmission delay and
data compression with a low complexity and low communication costs.
energy consumption. The features of CS for data trans-
mission in WSNs have been recently researched in vari- The article is organized as follows: section
ous studies.11–16 The protocols decrease transmission ‘‘Preliminaries and model statement’’ describes the
delay and reduce the transmission power for less trans- preliminaries and model statement; section ‘‘Problem
mitted data. formulations’’ presents the problem formulation; sec-
In order to achieve network optimization,1–8 tion ‘‘Joint control algorithms’’ proposes the joint
improved data transmission strategies based on maxi- rate control, scheduling, routing, and power control
mum utility or cross-layer ideas without full consider- algorithm; section ‘‘Performance analysis’’ provides
ation of the sparse feature of the original data and the the analysis of the performance of the proposed algo-
efficiency of the data transmission were used. In gen- rithm; section ‘‘Simulation results’’ presents the simu-
eral, the sensor node is responsible for harvesting lation results; and section ‘‘Conclusion’’ presents the
energy from the environment, sampling data, and conclusions.
transmitting to the sink. It is worth mentioning that
data compression will greatly reduce the amount of Preliminaries and model statement
data transmitted after sampling.9,10,17 However, this
approach only reduced the amount of data transmitted, CS theory
and the sampling frequency was not reduced. Despite The unknown original signal v(t) 2 <n , where n is the
data compression,11–16 the cross-layer collaboration vector length, is projected into a low-dimensional space
has not been fully considered. In this article, we through a sensing matrix, F 2 <m 3 n (m \\ n), that is,
improve the bottleneck constraints of the aforemen- y(t) = Fv(t), where a new data vector y(t) 2 <m is
tioned algorithms. The optimal transmission policy will obtained and transmitted, and processed in the net-
be implemented through NUM combined with CS in works. However, the signal is generally not sparse, and
transport, network, MAC, and physical layers, respec- there is an invertible basis matrix C 2 <n 3 n ,
tively. The policy greatly reduces the data transmission y(t) = Fv(t) = FCu(t).
by reducing the sampling frequency, which fundamen- Since the lengths of y(t) and v(t) satisfy m \\ n, the
tally constrains data process. Our major contributions gathered data are less than the original data by the sen-
are summarized as follows: sing node. Thus, an exact reconstruction is difficult in
this situation at the sink node. The more rigorous con-
1. Motivated by data transmission applications, dition of restricted isometric property (RIP) should be
we propose a rate control for the transport considered.18 A matrix F obeys RIP with parameters
layer, scheduling for the network layer, routing (k, d) for d 2 (0, 1) if
for the MAC layer, and a power control algo-
rithm for the physical layer. The proposed ð1  dÞkv(t)k22  kFv(t)k22  ð1 + dÞkv(t)k22 ð1Þ
scheme reduces the transmission flow through
CS, which can significantly reduce energy con- The original signal should be reconstructed when
sumption. In addition, the algorithm imple- the measurement vector is transmitted to the sink
ments a trade-off between transmission rate and node. The reconstruction of v(t) from y(t) is straight-
energy consumption based on Lagrangian opti- forward using the l1 -norm optimization19 as shown in
mization and dynamic programming. Logical equation (2)
Li et al. 3

min ku(t)k1 s:t: y = FCu(t) ð2Þ

Model statement
In this study, we consider a WSN with N nodes that
are randomly distributed in the region. One sensor
node can receive sensory data from other N  1 sensors
and transmit the data to the sink node through a multi-
hop message relay. The WSN model can be denoted as
the directed graph G = (V , L), where V is the set includ-
ing N nodes, each of them transmitting and receiving
data simultaneously. Let L denote the directed link set,
where (i, j) 2 L denotes that node i transmits data to
node j. For simplification, (i, j) can be represented as
link l.
Special relationships exist between the transmission
rate and transmission vector. Suppose the transmission
Figure 1. Architecture of the proposed cross-layer framework.
rate xi (t) is the linear function of the transmission vec-
tor y(t) and the temporal entropy Hij (t)
which states that the sum of the created rate itself and
Vij (y(t), Hij (t))
xi (t) = ð3Þ the receiving rate is equal to the transmission rate for
T node i. Because the rate is associated with the link
where Vij (y), the linear function of y(t), is the transmis- capacity, we have the following constraint
sion aggregate at time t from node i to j. T denotes cycle X
duty. The temporal entropy Hij (t) at time t is calculated xi (t) + rji (t)  fil (t) ð6Þ
as follows20 j2Y(i)

X 1 where fil (t) is the link capacity associated to node i of

Hij (t) = Prji (t) ln ð4Þ link l at time t.
(i, j)2S Prji (t)

where Prji (t) = PrfWi (t) = jg denotes the transmission Power and routing constraints
probability at time t from node i to j. Let Wi (t) be the
next transmission The energy model in this study considered transmitting,
Pnode from node i at time t. For sim- receiving, and sensing energy consumption, which
plicity, Hi (t) = Nj =11 Hij (t). The temporal entropy is
smaller, and there is less unknown information, which accounts for the bulk of all energy consumption. Let
is better for a network environment. Eijtr (t), Eijre (t), Eisn (t), and Ei (t), respectively, denote the
transmitting, receiving, sensing energy consumption,
and the total amount of energy consumption for node i
Problem formulations at time t. The total amount of energy consumption can
be presented as follows
This section presents a cross-layer algorithm based on
CS. The architecture of the proposed cross-layer frame- X X
Ei (t) = Eijtr (t) + Eijre (t) + Eisn (t) ð7Þ
work is shown in Figure 1.
j2T(i) j2Y(i)

The main energy limitation of WSNs is the use of

Rate and capacity constraints battery supplies; therefore, we provide an upper bound
Let T(i) be the set of nodes to which node i can directly of energy consumption, that is
transmit data and Y(i) be the set of nodes from which
node i can directly receive data. Let rji (t) denote the rate X

Ei (t)  E(t) ð8Þ
from node j to node i at time t (receiving rate at node i)
and rij (t) denote the rate from node i to node j at time t
(transmitting rate at node i). The rate conservation law  is the upper bound of energy consumption at
where E(t)
implies that for rate xi (t) and node i time t in the network.
X X Channel allocation supports multiple transmissions
xi (t) + rji (t) = rij (t) , (i, j) 2 L ð5Þ and reduces interference.21,22 Let PIr (Hij (t)) denote the
j2Y(i) j2T(i) occupancy probability of link (i, j). If the entropy is
4 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

smaller, the channel performance is better. Therefore, Lagrangian multiplier decomposition

PIr (Hij (t)) can be formulated as The cross-layer optimization model (9) is approxi-
j mately convex7 if the entropy satisfies
PIr (Hij (t)) = eHi (t) ð9Þ e Hij (t)
’ 1  Hij (t). We form the Lagrangian problem
by relaxing constraints (5)2(9) as follows
Cross-layer optimization model  
L xi (t), fil (t), Iil (t), Ei (t), li , ai , bi , gi
Utility function U() reflects the ‘‘utility’’ when the
impact factors play a role in maximizing utility.23 In = U xi (t), fil (t), Iil (t), Ei (t)
this study, we design the U() for the function of rate i=1
xi (t), link capacity fil (t), routing Il (t), and power pi (t) at X X
time t. We assume that U() is differentiable and non- + li (t) xi (t) + rji (t)  rij (t)
decreasing. In addition, all variables are functions of j2Y(i) j2T(i)
! ð12Þ
entropy Hij (t), that is, xi (t) , xi (Hij (t)). X
Combining equations (5)–(9) associated with each + ai (t) fil (t)  xi (t)  rji (t)
node in the network, a fair standard utility function for j2Y(i)
node i is given by + bi (t) PIr (Hij (t))  eHi (t)
max U xi (t), fil (t), Iil (t), Ei (t) ð10Þ  
+ gi (t) E(t) E (t) i
(5)  (9)
xi (t)  0, fil (t)  0, Iil (t)  0, Ei (t)  0 where li (t), ai (t), bi (t), and gi (t) are Lagrangian mul-
tipliers with the conservation constraints. Because L()
Constraint (5) is the rate constraint for node i at time
is only piecewise differentiable, we use the distributed
t; constraint (6) expresses the relationship between rate
sub-gradient method. The implementation details are
and link capacity; constraints (7) and (8) denote the
as follows.
power constraint; and constraint (9) states the probabil-
ity of routing selection, which is inversely proportional
to entropy Hij (t). Rate control. Our goal is rate maximization under condi-
The NUM challenge of dynamic-routing WSNs with tions where link capacity, routing, and power allocation
the transmission rate, routing, link, and battery capac- are relatively satisfied
ity constraints is how to maximize the network utility
(10) under constraints (5)–(9) P1 max xi (t)
N   s:t:(5)  (9)
max U xi (t), fil (t), Iil (t), Ei (t) ð11Þ
i=1 Taking the derivative of L() with xi (t) and li (t), we

(5)  (9) obtain the solution as follows
xi (t)  0, fil (t)  0, Iil (t)  0, Ei (t)  0
∂ Ui
The solution for maximizing the utility function ∂L i=1
involves the joint design of all nodes and links to (t) = (t) + li (t)  ai (t) ð13Þ
∂xi ∂xi
achieve reliable and secure communication for all users
while at the same time maintaining a stable stochastic ∂L X X
(t) = xi (t) + rji (t)  rij (t) ð14Þ
transmission rate. ∂li j2Y(i) j2T(i)

Since P1 is the approximately convex problem, it can

Joint control algorithms
be solved by
In order to achieve an efficient trade-off between energy
consumption and quality of service, we present a cross- ∂L
layer algorithm for physical, MAC, network, and trans- xi (t + 1) = xi (t) + e (t) ð15Þ
port layers. The proposed WSN algorithm is derived  +
from the solution of the NUM problem.24,25 We use the ∂L
li (t + 1) = li (t)  e (t) ð16Þ
Lagrangian multiplier method to solve the cross-layer ∂li
optimization problem and jointly achieve optimal rate
control, scheduling, routing, and power control. where ½x+ = max (0, x) and e is the step size.
Li et al. 5

Scheduling. P2 is also approximately convex for the max- ∂L
Ei (t + 1) = Ei (t)  e (t) ð23Þ
imization link capacity fil (t), and the implementation ∂Ei
approach is similar to P1  +
g i (t + 1) = gi (t)  e (t) ð24Þ
P2 max fil (t) ∂gi
s:t:(5)  (9)
Taking the derivative of L() with fil (t) and ai (t), the Routing. Routing access strategy should be considered
solutions are obtained, respectively, as for solving channel competition resulting in network
congestion. In this study, we give the maximal prob-
ability link access at the next hop. Thus, we have
∂ Ui
∂L i=1  
(t) = (t) + ai (t) ð17Þ
∂fil ∂fil Iil (t) = arg max PIr (Hij (t)) ð25Þ
ði, jÞ
∂L X
(t) = fil (t)  xi (t)  rji (t) ð18Þ Note that routing access Iil (t) is updated in real time
∂ai j2Y(i)
through dynamic network environment, which achieves
The link capacity and Lagrangian multiplier can be routing access with least congestion ratio.
updated, respectively, as follows
 + Remark 1. The proposed algorithm accounts for the
l l ∂L
fi (t + 1) = fi (t)  e l (t) ð19Þ need to allocate rate, power, link capacity, and routing
also for node i. It can be proven that this algorithm has
 + optimal properties as summarized in Theorems 1 and
ai (t + 1) = ai (t)  e (t) ð20Þ 2. We omit a formal statement of this result here since
it is a straightforward extension of Theorems 1 and 2.
Link capacity is allocated according to the aggregate
flow and transmission rate. Transmitting with unneces-
sarily high link capacity reduces the lifetime of the net- Performance analysis
work and leads to excessive interference. Therefore,
In this section, we validate the effectiveness of the pro-
distribution according to one’s needs is the best alloca-
posed algorithm for rate stability and transmission
tion principle for link capacity.
accuracy. Obviously, xi (t)  xi and ∂x
(t) are opposite,
in addition, L() is convex and xi (t) is bounded. Thus,
Power control. The common transmission power used by we assume the following relationship between xi (t)  xi
each node should be large enough so that the bit error ∂L
and ∂x i
rate (BER) is within the toleration span; however, the
sensor node relies on limited battery power. The trade-
Assumption 1. For transmission rate xi (t), if xi denotes
off between power and transmission efficiency is one of
the desired rate at node i, xi (t) and xi satisfy
the most important issues in WSNs
xi (t)  xi  d2 ∂x
P3 min Ei (t)
s:t:(5)  (9) Stability analysis
Taking the derivative of L() with Ei (t) (21) and gi (t) Theorem 1. Let xi be the desired rate at node i, under
(22) Assumption 1, the transmission rate (11) is stochasti-
cally stable.
∂ Ui
∂L i=1
(t) = (t)  g i (t) ð21Þ Proof. In the proposed algorithm, the sensor node
∂Ei ∂Ei
can transmit and receive data simultaneously. To
achieve a balance between transmission and reception,
(t) = E(t) Ei (t) ð22Þ
∂gi the created rate should be adjusted according to
entropyPHij (t). Define the Lyapunov function as
Using the same technique to obtain pi (t) and g i (t), it V (t) = Ni= 1 (xi (t)  xi )2 .
can be shown that Based on formula (11), the sub-gradient vector is
6 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

DV (t + 1) = V (t + 1)  V (t) denote the rate–distortion ratio. Considering the utility

 + ! function
= xi (t) + e (t)  xi (t)
∂xi ð26Þ 1 2
 + ! U (xi (t), fil (t), Iil (t), Ei (t)) = x (t) + xi (t)ðai (t)  li (t)Þ
∂L Ne i
xi (t) + e (t) 
+ xi (t)  2xi  2  2  2
∂xi + fil (t) + Iil (t) + Ei (t)
Next, we discuss the positivity and negativity of
DV (t + 1) from two aspects. we discuss the transmission accuracy based on CS
and rate control (15).
1. If xi (t) + e ∂x (t).0, we have
Theorem 2. Considering the utility function (25) under
Assumption 1, the rate–distortion ratio is satisfied by
(x (t)x )2
XN   ri = i(x (t))2i  N4 .
∂L i
DV (t + 1) = xi (t) + e (t)  xi (t)
Proof. When ∂x (t)  0, the rate–distortion ratio is
∂L  i
¼ xi (t) + e (t) + xi (t)  2xi
 2 !  2 e ∂L
XN   xi (t)  xi 2 ∂xi (t) e2
S2xi (t) = x 1
 ∂L ∂L 4
= 2e xi (t)  xi (t) + e (t) ri = 2
∂xi ∂xi ðxi (t)Þ ðxi Þ2 ðxi Þ2 N

ð27Þ P
N ð30Þ
∂ Ui
where S = i=1
∂xi (t) + li (t)  ai (t). If ∂x (t) . 0, then
According to Assumption 1, the inequality of i

DV (t + 1)\0 is obtained. Hence, the transmission rate

 2 ∂L
(15) is stochastically stable. xi (t)  xi e ∂x (t) 4
ri = 2
ðxi (t)Þ ðxi Þ2 N
2. If xi (t) + e ∂x (t)\0, then xi (t + 1) = 0, thus we
obtain Hence, Theorem 2 is proven.

Remark 3. The fact that (31) implies that the transmis-

N   sion rate (15) satisfies the rate constraints (5) and (6) at
DV (t + 1) = x2i (t) + 2xi xi (t)
each time-slot since transmission vector, after compres-
ð28Þ sion, is relatively stable.
 x2i (t) + exi (t) (t)
Simulation results
Obviously, we achieve the solution of Theorem 1. In this section, we present our results and analyses of
transmission delay, transmission rate, error ratio, and
Remark 2. In fact, bounded link capacity and energy energy consumption to demonstrate the performance of
consumption efficiently facilitate rate stability. The the proposed algorithms (DTOCLD) and to compare
stable transmission rate (11) guarantees for effective them with those of CLC_DD and CLC_OOD.6
data transmission, which makes the compression maxi- Parameters used in Zhou et al.6 are selected. Considering
mization for the initial data and sampling frequency a 100-node network, the nodes are stochastically distrib-
minimization. This can significantly optimize data uted. We set the utility function for formula (29), and the
transmission environment of WSNs. timing of each simulation at 3 s. The sensing matrix F of
size 100 3 200 was generated with independent nor-
mally distributed entries N (0, s2 ), where s2 = 1=1000
Transmission accuracy (expected l2-norm of each column is unity).
Figure 2 shows the comparison of transmission
The transmitted data are incomplete because the data delays of CLC_DD and CLC_OOD. Despite the larger
are compressed before transmission, but they still con- delay of DTOCLD during the first second as a result of
tain effective information. CS is efficient for reducing the heavy upload based on CS, it descended quickly in
energy consumption; however, the transmitted data the next second because of the solutions from the
(xi (t)xi )2
may not be completely accurate. Let ri = (xi (t))2
Lagrangian method.
Li et al. 7

Figure 2. Comparison of transmission delays of CLC_DD, Figure 4. Error ratio of DTOCLD.


Figure 3. Comparison of transmission rates of CLC_DD, Figure 5. Comparison of energy consumptions of CLC_DD,

Figure 3 shows the transmission rate of DTOCLD

compared to CLC_DD and CLC_OOD. DTOCLD nodes. The CLC_DD and CLC_OOD algorithms con-
has a much larger transmission rate than CLC_DD and sume more energy because of the enormous amount of
CLC_OOD. Data compression can depress the amount data transmitted.
of traffic, which effectively improves network condi-
tions and significantly enhances transmission efficiency. Conclusion
Figure 4 presents the error ratio of DTOCLD.
According to Theorem 2, the error ratio is less than This article presents the implementation of a cross-
0.04 in the 100-node network, which is in accordance layer optimization design for data transmission in
with the results of Figure 4. After 2 s, the error ratio is WSNs consisting of rate control, scheduling, routing,
stable and less than 0.04, which validates the lower and power control. Unlike the existing cross-layer pro-
influence of loss compression. tocols, we focus on a joint optimization strategy based
In the DTOCLD algorithm, the energy consumption on CS in physical, MAC, network, and transport
in nodes is low in the key region of Figure 5. This layers. Taking into account the relationships among
demonstrates that the DTOCLD algorithm consumes rate, routing, link capacity, and energy allocation,
less energy, which is attributed to decreased transmis- NUM is proposed for efficient data transmission, and
sion data by the CS theory. This confirms that the we solve the optimal solutions with the Lagrangian
DTOCLD algorithm optimizes network utilization. multiplier method. The performance of the proposed
DTOCLD chooses a congestion-avoidance routing that algorithm, in theory and practice, perfectly achieves the
consumes the least energy based on the number of desired solutions.
8 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

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