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By Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah

Table of Contents

1: Simple KemPtah Derivatives

2: Kemetic Math and The KemPtah

3: Fractions and their real meaning in KemPtah formula.


KemPtah mathematics is Nu and the Old synergies as one of a kind. KemPtah isn’t merely the
resurrection of the old, but the resurrection of the old and standing on their shoulders to even see further
then them. The parents always want their children to be better then them; all our ancestors ever want is
progression. The secrets are unlocked when you start thinking outside the white power paradigm. A lot
of stuff in their math is stolen symbols originating from Afrika and Afrikan rooted kulture collect based
on the law of identity crisis. More is still undiscovered (probably it was not useful to savages that
raided the ancient temples and those who helped in the raid). The abstract was so concrete the
Eurocentrics probably thought it was ornamentation or mere art. This confusion of identity originated
from, you guessed it, the law of identity crisis (the corner stone of Eurocentric worldview and
In this section I will take you a step higher than Ethiopian multiplication and show you Kemetic
multiplication (Nu multiplication of Ethiopian math). I will show you how the Kemetic way are
synergies with KemPtah multiplication formula just like I did with the Ethiopian Kulture. African
science and mathematics is a lift and pull process. We don’t alienate the old who has more wisdom than
the new nor do we deprive the new for being, well, new. One hand washes the other. With synergy of
sides you can’t help hate one-sidedness.

In this part I would like to go into the meaning of KemPtah derivatives and their power in Air-
rithmetic. We will see shortly that doubling or halving is not (isolated). Kempton has rotation of the
source in the middle (0=1) that is the sole cause of multiplication and division. Remember in Ethiopian
multiplication we find that zero and one (0=1) is the soul cause. 0 and 1 is like Aset and Asar, Black
Woman and Black Man. In the law of identity crisis, 1 is paired up with one (1) and 0 is paired with
zero (0). Hence man paired with man and woman is paired with women. Hence in law of identity crisis
sterility is the theme. They believe that not having the ability to reproduce is clean and moral. Hey,
anything recessive thinks recessive is the sh!t. Historically it is found in their dominant homosexual
society as in the Greeks and the Roman (Eurocentric O.G. Kultures).

Multiplicity is the theme in Ethiopian. In Emetic math this is also true but the meaning is more
developed simply from the fact that Kemetic Kulture is an extension of Ethiopian Kulture. So the math
must have that sociological stamp as recognition that both are KemPTah (100% Black) at different

In my first Pamphlet of KemPtah mathematics, I have used the below KemPtah derivative to
prove the sterility of Eurocentric math and their identity crisis law (Shown that multiplicity doesn’t
exist in their system’s source…+1=+1.0=0 0=0…0=0…no multiplicity…no innate
multiplication at all) Now I will show you another powers that KemPtah derivatives have.
We rotate the zero’s to see if it will “double up”; all it did is went to the
source without any work. Identity crisis formula didn’t even try to get anything for
mom (source
). That formula doesn’t represent a responsible thought at all. Right
now this law of identity crisis is taught to our children through mathematics. We
need our own math to teach the youth how not to calculate on their own. Modern
mathematics has hell off racism in it because it originated from the same people
that took us over the Atlantic on the slave ships. Hey even in them days they
needed to enslave the mind, and what better way (now) to teach our children
today the same tool they used to calculate how the destroy black life. KemPtah
formulas do the opposite. Calculates as Black Life. Multiplicity and division of
power is among our people. We just got to realize it. All KemPtah formula can form
infinite derivatives, even though it’s nothing new under the sun because our
ancestors use to do this.
Notice on above source synergy formulas, that doubling of difference comes from rotation.
Notice the equation started from 0=1 then it went to –1=1. This source formula as we will see shortly is
the core motion of multiplication. Women and men multiply by a series of rotation or exchange of
energies. The woman is the origin (0, the great blackness) of all life and marks the standard of societies
educational level, just like zero do to numbers. The Black Woman and Black Man form a union in which
multiplication is possible just like the union of 0=1.
The equation above illustrates how the outside equation follow the inside equations. Internal
equations rotate which gives power to the multiplication equation.
In Pamphlet four of KemPtah Mathematics we explained the relationship of Ethiopian
mathematics and KemPtah. Now we are going deeper because the Kemetic stands on the foundations of
Ethiopian (and older KemPtah Kultures). The Ethiopian kulture is the fundamentals, but the Kemetic
is their extended kulture, hence the mathematics is deepened. Their multiplication is a KemPtah
derivative of Ethiopian multiplication. Both Ethiopian and Kemetic math is contained within KemPtah
mathematics (because KemPtah math is the extension and Nu source of Afrikan mathematics just
as Ethiopian and Kush were). We will show how the internal source of “0=1” is derived and how it
relates to the synergy of the whole formula.

Down below shows a ruff sketch on how our Kemetic ancestors use to get down with the
mathematics. Instead of halving they double up both sides. On the left “1” is doubled up and on the right
6 is doubled up. The number on the left are markers that can be added to get 9. The corresponding
numbers to which equate to nine are added up to get the product of 6 * 9 (6 times 9).
I know you looking like “what does the KemPtah equation has to do with Kemetic
multiplication?” Their difference gives rise to being kin, a-alike. Also, the way Europeans explain
Kemetic math is based on their essential misconception (law of identity crisis). This means the bridge
from KemPtah and Kemetic is invisible in the view of the Eurocentric. As for ways to reclaim our
identity, it’s all about looking in oneself, one’s source and not the programming we are force-fed.
Looking from your oppressors view or even trying to make believe that they have minute validity in
their essence will give the sand man that much room to put you back to sleep. Every time I remnents of
Eurocentric reasoning pop up, I get stuck, but as soon I assume an Afrocentric stance all doors open up!
If water don’t regulate how water regulates then 9 times out of 9.1 it isn’t water. Black Power, Black
Love and Black Supremacy isn’t a belief, it’s how reality runs. If not, then our mathematics that I
rediscovered wouldn’t work. As if the Kemetics build things (temples, pyramids and technology)
precisely by accidental accession. Believing that the modern European math is all universal means
dismissing Afrikan-Kushite-Kemetic-KemPtah math as accidental.

Below shows the same process but much deeper than how the Eurocentrics outlined it. Since
they do not work with synergy of sides they bypass (or are blind to) the rotational calculation inherited
in multiplication and division (many people can imitate the hieroglyphics… but actually being
what’s written a different thing). Just like I have mentioned in my previous pamphlet that all KemPtah
equations are rotational- calculation is angular in motion. So the equation below shows the source of
multiplication and division is 0=1 (Aset and Asar), their KemPtah derivatives comes from rotation of
the source, synergy of sides. These derivatives come after 0=1 formed a union just like Kemetic
calculations came after Ethiopian. If it didn’t it will be impossible to naturally do KemPtah calculations
as our ancient sistas and brotha had. Notice the marker add up to get nine also correspond to the
numbers that create the product of 6 * 9 which is 54.This calculation works every time. Hierarchy of
Below is the KemPtah formula of 9 times 6 equals 54, among other calculations that are
happening in parallel (not binary, because binary is operation of two number on each other i.e. 2+3
is a binary operation). Europeans are quick to play down the power of Afrikan mathematics, because
their mathematics is savaged from all other kultures, not created. All KemPtah (Kushite, Kemetic) is
innately a parallel processing equation. KemPtah doesn’t use parallel to make up for calculation; parallel
is one of KemPtah qualities (remember D-A-C?). Eurocentrics uses parallel to make up for what they
lack. They do it in their primitive digital computer to make up for the isolation of 0s and 1s. Technology
for a Eurocentric is a respirator or artificial life support system.

In below figure, all numbers are doubled by the rotation of the source (Old=New, 0=1). All
Kemetic elementary Multiplication and Division can be accounted for in KemPtah. While Eurocentrics
makes up a whole new formula for new phenomenon, KemPtah formula stays on it’s Circle because it is
the actual sole source of all formulas that are here and will be here. Our calculation is really a cultivation
process and not calculation just for the sake of calculation ( A=A, calculation = calculation, identity
crisis). Ours is synergy of sides (A=~A, Calculation = Cultivation). The two numbers that double in
Kemetic mathematics exist in a single formula.
The Equation above shows that the Kemetics uses rotation of the source to double up.
The Equation below shows the answer-problem. There is no problem without a solution right along with
it. The difference between solution and problem gives an illusion of separation. All champion’s road are
easy the only hard part is getting pass oneself.

Below show KemPtah link up formula that can be used as a 9 times table, just by adding the
numbers on the top (or bottom) of the equal sign to get what ever number your trying to multiply with
nine. Then add (or subtract) the multiples (corresponding to what number you added together to
multiply with nine) to get the (product of number you added) N * 9 = product. KemPtah formula do
not need to be broken up as tables for calculation, a single formula is good enough. A KemPtah link up
formula is also a single complex formula. Even the fractions aren’t fractured. Ancient Kemetic math can
do the same thing. The Eurocentric tries to hide the Kemetic multiplication power by illustrating the
process as a table (ideal cage). Notice below 0=1 is set for all equations. –1 and +1 represents
continuous feed forward and feed back of 0 and 1 (0=1). So in essence the formulas are rotating
(without actually rotating or doing the KemPtah derivative process because the source is in the
soup). KemPtah link up formula can be used as it is made (use and production are one of a kind in
KemPtah formula). I took you on this Afrikan mathematical journey to through light on what is
happening to the synergy source inside the formula. The link up formula is much more easy to use
because it is one formula and not a scattered many as we worked out above. It looks like a road map
because it is a map of multiplication (more generally a map of mathematics). 9 is the
central city. The roads are the distance (in multiplication-division) of 9 from it’s multiples (i.e. 18, 32,
64 etc). The 1’s in the middle of the road means one two-way road (0=1, 0 means back to center city, 1
means forward to outskirt cities). Roads can be added up, which gives you a Nu road to a Nu outskirt
city (product of adding up the cities that correspond to those roads that have been added up).
Remember all KemPtah formula (thanks to the ancient Kemetic and Kush Mathematics) has the
ability to transform and translate hence all values (infinite) values are distributed, associated and
commutative (D-A-C, Mathematical water) in essence. We will go into deeper calculations using the
link up formulas in the future. It is more calculations happening in the link up formula below than just 9
times (*) a number. “More than meets the eyes”.
Also to recognize is that multiplication isn’t just a number added together a certain amount of times
(notice in KemPtah calculations we didn’t do 9 * 6 as 9+9+9+9+9+9) but a specific structure or form
that addition takes on. This structure takes on the form of KemPtah link up equation, Kush
multiplication and Kemetic Multiplication. Yes we do progressions but in parallel not binary progression
(9 * 6 as 9+9+9+9+9+9). Notice we have a better understanding when we are pass paradoxes that
plague the pilgrim (Eurocentric) mathematicians. If we did it in a so-called regular (Eurocentric way
is really irregular, go figure, they are on that identity crisis mentality) way, we would be lost in the
sauce. Useful is Beautiful.

Fractions are sections of calculations in KemPtah. We have seen that Afrakan derivatives of a
fraction through multiplication of KemPtah. Addition derivative is the bare derivative, while standing on
the foundations of addition – multiplication is more complex (more specialized), from being the
offspring of addition. The denominators and numerators are translatable and transformable, hence they
share (D-A-C, mathematic water). Fractions wouldn’t be fraction is it wasn’t connected to the source
(0=1), just like a piece of something wouldn’t be a piece at all if it didn’t come from something whole.

Since 0=1 is an elementary addition/subtraction KemPtah formula, fraction need not to ever
happen at the same time the fractions didn’t ask to be here. In other words fractions are offspring’s of
elementary addition-subtraction in general and 0=1 in particular. So in essence when we do
multiplication, we are calculating with the limb (extension, not addition of thought and practice but
additional room for thought and practice) of addition and not vice versa. In going

Notice that all the fractions above are different proportions that make 6. Hence doubling causes
division. The more double the more division. The farther you take 6 away by doubling it, the closer it
will be to itself (infinite variety of fractions of 6, 6 finds it’s multiplicity through 0=1).

In all KemPtah multiplication and division formulas, fractions and their inverse are inherited in
it. Multiplication of the fraction with its inverse leads to 1 (0=1). All fractions and inverses are inter-
inverting (synergy of sides). One’s treasure is another one’s trash. So Ethiopian and Kemetic
mathematics isn’t a spook magic mathematics that the Eurocentric think but a Maatic math, an ancestor
math to KemPtah mathematics. Working what you have and not what it is made out to be solves all
things. The best assumption is no assumption at all! Empty your cup so that only blackness is in it.

Below: The numerator on the top fraction (red) and the denominator on the bottom fraction are
part of the synergy.
Above formula shows that KemPtah fractions (and their inverse) are always there, for it is the
body part of a single divine formulated body called KemPtah equation ( KemPtah Synquation). Since
the ÷ is just a neg.(-) running in progression, they cancel each other out just like two negative signs. Just
like reverse (-) reversing(÷) is forward(+). On the visual the division sign is just a negative sign with dot
on the top (fire, destruction, neutralization of sides by complete synergy) and the dot on the bottom
(water, construction, adding up the zeros). Negative (and division) signs don’t mean less than
nothing (it does in a identity crisis social system) but the direction it takes versus its positive counter

Division is nothing more than counting how many zeros a number will make out of another
number. For short, how many complements pair off (neutralized). So if division produces 1, then that
will be the first zero counted. Zero works as quality control because it is the specific number we are
counting to get any so called “quantity” found after division. The remainder is excess of pairing off.
KemPtah in mathematics means mathematical “economy of motion” not mathematical
telegraphing so we are going Bruce Lee and above with our mathematics. Bringing math (logic) and
TOA (Taking Action Only) to it’s closest point which been the point called KemPtah. We use the BA
(Breeding Answers) add up to GEB (Good Ends Bad).

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