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Dear Parent,

Thank you for downloading this 26-prompt travel journal. I encourage you to take a

look at it and print out extra prompts that may need more than one for a longer trip.

Here are some suggestions:

D - The dining out prompt can be for a favorite meal of the trip, a favorite meal of the day or every

meal of the trip. Print out as many copies as you think you'd need.

F - The facts and figures are a great way to introduce kids to know a new place, but for places with

multiple stops, print out one for each stop.

H - Print out one for each hotel.

I - The itinerary prompt is meant to be for one day. You might not want to do one day only, so print

out multiples to cover multiple days.

K - Keepsakes and collectibles will probably take up more than one page. Print out more or use

blank paper for found items.

W - I love tracking weather and if there are any budding meteorologists in the family they might

love having more than one day of tracking in their travel journal.

This journal was made in conjunction with a blogging A-Z series of posts, to read

background and tips for each prompt check out this post:

This is provided free for personal use only. Please direct others to our website if you

think they'd be interested in a copy for themselves.

Thank you for supporting us at Kids Travel Books.

My A-Z Travel Journal
A About my trip
These are the details and what I want to do.

Time to get excited about your trip. Fill out this short form to think about the

things to see and do on the trip.

My name is ___________________________. I am ______

years old. I'm taking a trip to _____________________
I get there on _______________________ & we leave on

I'm so ____________________________ to go on this trip.

So far I've learned about __________________________


These are the top 5 things I want to do when we get

1. ______________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________.

But, I'm most excited about _______________________

B Business Cards
Collect them and put them here
Businsess cards are so much fun. Find some at some of the shops, museums, and restaurants

and attach them here. Let them overlap, or just pick out your favorites.
C Costs for things
How much did it cost? Put it here.
Things cost money, and it's interesting to see how the prices compare from place to place. So

keep track of some of the trips expensives on these price tags.










D Dining Out
These are the things from my favorite meal
Eating out in new places is the perfect opportunity to try something you've never had before.

Or maybe stick to the food you know you like. Draw it below.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

How was it?

E Emotions
I came, I saw, and this is how I felt about it
Travel can be emotional. The beautiful sites, the difficult to understand language, or the

unexpected sleepiness - draw your emotions and label where you saw it below.
F Facts & Figures
Facts and Figures I've learned about this place
Collect the fun facts and figures about where you're visiting. Hot tip: Parents of young kids,

let them make it up and see how it compares with reality.

Important People

Major Cities

Unique Aspects
G Graphs
Draw the line
How many red towels are there at the beach? How many taxis vs bikes vs trucks?pass you in

the city? Figure out what you want to count, and plot the results below.
H Hotels
Or other accommodations we're staying in
Hotels are magical. Take some time to note some of the things about your hotel room below.

Add anything else if you want to!

Hotel Name


What our room looks like.

The view out the window.

I Itinerary
This is what we did today
What was the day all about? Write down your itinerary here to keep track of the things you

saw and the places you ate.

Today's Date





J Jokes and laughing
The things that made us laugh
Family travel is filled with inside jokes and funny things we see along the way. Write down

some of your favorites from this trip below.

K Keepsakes
A place to put the things we find
Put admission tickets, restaurant receipts, and other scraps of paper found along the way in

this spot.
L Language
Things are said a little bit different here
Different places have different sayings. What are some of the things people say here that they

don't say back home - or what are some foreign phrases you've learned?
M Money, Money, Money
What it looks like
If you're traveling to another country, you'll immediately notice the money looks different. If

you're in your home country, what do you imagine a other currencies to look like? Draw below.
N News
Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Headlines of today
While you're traveling, there are still things happening around the world. Check it out to find

out what's going on and write the highlights below.

O Opinions
First, second, and third place favorites
There are many enjoyable things about this trip, but what's your opinion on the top three

things you've seen or done. Award them below.

P Postcards
Don't forget to send some postcards
Postcards are awesome to collect, send to yourself for a souvenir, or send to loved ones to let

them know you're thinking about them.

Send a post card to:


A family member

Your best friend

Your second best friend

The person watching your pet

Your teacher

Your coach

Someone you care about

Wish you were here

Who are you sending them to?

Q Questions
Who - What - When - Where - Why
The best trips make us ask a lot of questions, but we might not always have time to get the

answers. Write your questions here and research the answers when you get home.
R Review it
What did we do and what did I think about it?
While this whole A-Z Travel Journal is an in-depth trip reflection, this is a place to give a

simple review. Write down what you want to review and fill-in up to 5 stars to review it.
S Signs
Signs are everywhere - you just need to look
Color in any of the modes of transportation used on this trip. Underline the ones you hope to

try someday, and put an X on the ones you never want to do.
T Transportation
This is how we got around
Color in any of the modes of transportation used on this trip. Underline the ones you hope to

try someday, and put an X on the ones you never want to do.
U Understanding
Understanding Local Customs and Traditions
Take some time to observe and ask locals questions to answer some of the following

questions about the place you're visiting?

What are some of the local crafts being made here?

What are the traditional and casual dress codes?

What are the local manners, especially around shopping and meal times?

How is the local history represented?

V Views
This is what I see at this EXACT moment
What's in front of you RIGHT NOW? Is it another family member, a gorgeous landscape, a

waiting room for your tour? Draw it below.

W Weather
How's the weather?
Pick a day and keep track of the weather throughout the day. Does it stay the same, is it a

little bit of everything? Write it below:

Today's Date:

Where we are today:



X X marks the spot
Draw a map
Mapping your day or your trip is a fun way to get your bearings. Make a map below and use the

key to identify what the symbols mean.

Y Yesterday
This is what we did yesterday
Reflect on your trip by asking yourself details about yesterday. This is great for many

reasons, but especially to help reinforce and remember your trip.

What was the date yesterday?

Where was I yesterday?

What did I eat for breakfast yesterday?

What was the coolest thing I saw yesterday?

What was my favorite part of the day yesterday?

What do I want to try again sometime?

What time did I eat dinner last night?

What time did I fall asleep?

Z Zig Zag
Oooodles of Dooooodles
Freedom - we're at Z. Do what you want on this page. Draw something trip related. Draw the

first thing you want to do when you get home. Have fun!

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