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Experiment 04

Name of exp:
Objective of exp:
The objective of this experiment to increase weight and measure pressure at
diff weights.
Meter for pressure measurement
Oil for grease
Piston(moveable) with D 0.018 meter
Pieces of diff weights/mass
First of all we know what is measurement of pressure? It is analysis by
which force is applied on something by any material like by increasing mass and measure
pressure by pressure guage. The formula of pressure is given as
So pressure is defined like force over area is called pressure.
Unit of pressure is Newton per meter square
Such as
Force(F)=mass*Area= kgm/s2=Newton
Area(A)=Ωr2=meter square
There are different method of pressure measurement such as vacc , atmospheric pressure.

(Diff meter to measure P)

 Firstly I took all required things from lab to perform experiment.
 Then I push some oil for greasing the area where piston move up and down so that
meter measure pressure accurate.
 Firstly measure P in bar by gauge/meter with out increasing mass on moveable piston
and written output in given table.
 Then I increase mass of 0.5 kilogram on piston and observe that pressure on meter
 Then I increase weight/mass one by one such as (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5) kilogram on moveable
piston and calculate P as mass increase.
 All results stored/save in given table.
Calculation and obs:
D=0.018 meter
Such as
So A=(3.14)(0.018)2/4=2.5 bar :. 10^5=1 bar
Mass(m) Pressure(P) Pressure(P)
(kg) (bar) (bar)
Practically pressure Theoretically pressure
0.5 0.154 0.192
1 0.32 0.38
1.5 0.55 0.58
2 0.74 0.82
2.5 1.14 0.91

Note all readings with full concentration.
Follow instruction of teacher.

By this experiment I learned that by increase in mass on piston pressure is also increase
that is shown on meter. As we increase weight one by one on piston we saw that P is also high
as mass increase.

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