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Enviromental issues in Ecuador and USA


United States is one of the great world powers that exist all over the world, as it has a very good
economy in the industry, it is also the country where large companies exist, they caused a lot of
pollution because they produce toxic gases that harm the environment such as air pollution, water
among others . In air pollution can see that most Americans have cars, so factories also pollute the
air. Another pollution we can see is the destruction of nature as felled trees even destroy places to
build factories.


America is a country that is affected by problems of environmental pollution such as: alteration in
their ecosystems, hurricanes, storms, floods and droughts, these factors in turn cause the country
to lose stability in its economy. In Ecuador environments major problems are: deforestation,
logging, erosion, the upland areas petroleum extraction to be marketed to foreign countries. On
the other hand the floods that have occurred in the country have caused the damage on the floor.
Both countries have very serious environmental problems treated by what they have created
various institutions to care for the environment.


Which aspect of your chosen topic surprised you?

The aspect that surprised me, is all the environmental problems that exist in America
because it is one of the world's most developed countries and this causes environmental
problems are the factories

Why do you think these cultures similarities/differences exist?

One similarity that I have seen in both countries is that, taking measures to control
environmental problems that exist, and this way it helps the planet Earth is less polluted

What might a person from the target culture find different about you chosen
topic in your culture?

An American person visiting Ecuador can distinguish that there is not so much pollution in this
country as countries because here the factories do not pollute much the environment that are,
also can watch that there is unique flora and fauna in the world as is the case of islands
Galapagos is a very nice and excellent place to visit.

Number words 320

Nations Encyclopedia Environment Ecuador from (n.f)

Whyte Talia (April 22, 2010 at 8:31 AM ) Top 10 environmental issues affecting urban America

Anywhere (2016) Environmental Issues in Ecuador from


Environmental Issues of United States (n.f) from


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