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Traffic control

There are four basic elements in a computerized traffic control system:

computer(s), communications devices, traffic signals and associated equipment,
and detectors for sensing vehicles. Traffic flow information is picked up by the
detectors from the roadway and transmitted to the computer system for processing.
The detectors are normally embedded in or suspended above the roadway. Vehicle
counts and speeds are typically measured; vehicle type (e.g., auto or truck) also
may be obtained. The computer processes the traffic flow data to determine the
proper sequence for the lights at the intersections or ramps. The sequencing
information is transmitted from the computer through communications equipment
to the signals. In order to assure safe and proper operation, information is also
transmitted from the traffic signals to the computer, confirming proper operation.
Humans can interact with the system by accessing the computer system in some

Border Control

Computers are used in Border control. They are used:

 In or rather as databases to store fingerprints, this makes it possible for
authorities to detect whether the person is from their country when their
finger print is recognised from the system.

 Footage at borders can be saved and viewed in order to ensure that there
aren’t any trespassers.

 Criminal Records – By knowing who is a criminal, caution will be taking

and the allowance of said person can be disallowed. The fast pace of
transference of information from one computer system to another allows
this information to be spread quickly therefore notifying persons of
authority of what is happening thus allowing them to be able to come with
something to defend the border or prevent certain persons from coming
Social Effects of Computers

Positive effects

 Easier and more convenient to keep in touch wth persons.

 Individuals are able to work and study at home.
 Greater flexibility in terms of working hours.
 Use of EFT to paid employees directly through the banking system
 More IT related jobs created.

Negative effects
 High cost to implement technology – Implementing technology has
become necessary as the need for it has increased that one will be left
behind if they don’t regularly update or install new devices to keep up
with the progress of technology.
 Privacy concerns
 Workers may need more retraining
 Cashless society with the greater use of debit and credit cards
 Computer fraud, identity theft if cards are lost or stolen.
 Efficient computer based systems cause workers to lose their jobs
 Computer related injuries such as eye strain ,Repetitive Strain Injury
(RSI) – pains aches =, swelling affecting fingers, wrist, arms and

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