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Technology Trends Infographic

By: Stephanie Schick

Current and Future Impact of Technology on Science in the Classroom

According to Yang and Baldwin (2020), “Advancements in educational technology have provided various opportunities for supporting
student learning, and they offer unique affordances for complex, integrated STEM learning environments” (p. 1). Technology can
provide students with learning experiences that can be extended beyond the Science classroom walls. Students’ knowledge can be
built upon the utilization of immersive technology, such as interactive games and virtual reality experiences. Certain virtual platforms
(such as video conferencing) can bring content experts to the classroom to provide a more in-depth explanation of difficult topics,
and social media websites can connect learners across the world. Technology has the unique opportunity to allow students to
expand their knowledge and experiences, and work and collaborate, asynchronously and synchronously, with others from virtually
anywhere. Therefore, integrating technology within the Science classroom can increase student engagement, motivation, and
accelerate learning by acting as a supplemental device inside and outside of the classroom (Yang & Baldwin, 2020).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Platform Classroom Use

Advantages to using social media platforms within the classroom include the ability for students to connect
and collaborate with others (students, teachers, field experts) in real time, learn more about specific concepts
in depth from others who are specialists, and stay up to date with the latest technology and Science practices.

Disadvantages to using social media platforms within the classroom include the potential harm of not being
safe online (sharing passwords, cyberbullying, sharing too much identifying information), the accessibility of
internet access for all students to utilize outside of the classroom, and the consent of parents regarding their
child utilizing the internet for school purposes.

Future Technology Classroom


Augmented reality (AR) can be used within the classroom by providing

"students with feelings of immersion that increase students" understanding Virtual reality (VR) can be used within the classroom by providing students the
and involvement in STEM subjects…” (Yang & Baldwin, 2020, p. 2). “AR opportunity to perform Science experiments or investigate concepts without having
provides students with opportunities for authentic learning, engagement, and physical constraints (Yang & Baldwin, 2020). “With the assistance of computer
increased motivation…” (Yang & Baldwin, 2020, p. 2). Additionally, these types simulations, students can manipulate molecules, change different variables, and “see”
of interactive and immersive games that involve aspects of Science, more phenomena that is unobservable to the naked eye” (Yang & Baldwin, 2020, p. 6). By
specifically STEAM components, can provide additional support to students utilizing such technologies students can learn different subjects within the STEAM
trying to make sense of the complex concepts they are learning about. context, while also overcoming boundaries within the physical Science subject (Yang &
Baldwin, 2020).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Future Technology Classroom Use

Advantages to using AR and VR within the classroom include providing students with powerful and relevant learning
tools that are engaging and exciting to utilize. These technologies also offer students opportunities to investigate
more complex ideas and concepts within the classroom environment (Roblyer & Hughes, 2019). Additionally, these
“tools allow classrooms to become more oriented toward the student and involve authentic research and
communication activities supported by searching web databases and using model-building software and tools to
collect data and describe findings” (Roblyer & Hughes, 2019, p. 392).

Disadvantages to using AR and VR within the classroom include the cost of utilizing such technologies as well as the
availability of equipment to schools. Furthermore, teachers need to be aware of such advancements and know how
to implement these tools into the curriculum. This could be difficult to attain as many teachers lack the training (if
they are not Science certified) and deep understanding needed to teach such concepts within their classroom
(Roblyer & Hughes, 2019).


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