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Site level: can apply grep to all commands (| grep "yyyy-mm-dd")(| grep DXU0040)

amos site#
lt all
eaw RAB03 ........ allip:acl=a1;(conectar y ver alarmas)
lget . latitude
lget . longitude
invl (revisar valores ce,huser,etc)
a1(ver alarmas bsc)
lgn (ver historial de comandos a nodoB por usuario)
lh ru ru antpwr 0 0 (borrar alarmas fakes)
invg (inventario hw grafica)
cabx (ver HW de nodB)
get . maximumTransmissionpower (potencia dbm)
hget all maxtotaloutputpower (potencia watts)
lget all maxdlpowercap (potencia dbm)
alt (active alarms)
ala (detalle ampliado alarmas)
lga (history os alarms)
lga | grep -i T1phy (shows on and off time for alarms)
lga -m 20181101 | grep DeviceGroup_GeneralSwError
lgv (node in node out)
lge (evry minute activities on site)
lgo (changes on site)
lgs (RAX/TX crashes)
lgs -m 48h (gives hardware crashes)
lgd 60: (downtime de nodeB)
get . frac (ver particion de discos dw1 60app dw 30app)
cabr- see restarts of nodeB
cvls (daily activies on site - ver cv's)
acc BrmBackup=87 restore ------------------------>>>>> restart de sitio con ultimo
cvms "nombrearchivo" (crear cv) (ej:cvms raxDesbloqueo fponce)
acc emergencyunlock activate
llog (log for restarts on the site)
lgsavemo (To get the history of the site for the working)
pmr -m 2 -r 206 |grep Int_RadioRecInterference (Interferencia)
pmr -m 2 ( two hourly) (1 gives RSSI -97 to -108)
pmr -m 0.25 (quarterly 15 min rop)
st t1(status of T1's)
lst t1 (shows T1s)
pget t1 (status of T1)
st ima (IMA group status)
lh ru fui get devstat- current generated form the sctor with TMA
lh ru fui get vswr (ROE)
st link
st ethernet
st cell
deb 879 (desbloquear celda (879 n�= de proxy)
bl 879 (bloquear celda (879 n�= de proxy)
st fdd
lget . ntpServerIpAddress (SINCRONISMO)
get sync
get . electricalAntennaTilt ------------------------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
get . mechanicalAntennaTilt
hgetc . ^(electricalAntennaTilt|iuantAntennaBearing|userLabel)$
get iub plane (gives if the site is ip or atm)
pmx -m 2 t1 s -a (error secs)
get . nodebfunction (it will provide you with the # of channel elements available
(DL and UL)(1rax board = 128ch elements, i.e., 512, then 4 rax board is needed (4 x
128 = 512) sometimes, the rax board defined is more than what is physically at the
HXV3386> get . maxtot-max total power
hget rbs rbslocalcell|localcellid|maxDlPowerCapability
get . hspdschcodes (El n�mero m�ximo de c�digos HS-PDSCH permitidos por celda.valor
por defecto es 15)
te log read | grep ERROR (gives log on site with errors)
lget . maxnum
lset RbsLocalCell maxnumhsdpausers 96 (modificar maxnumhsdpausers)
lset RbsLocalCell maxNumEulUsers 96(modificar maxNumEulUsers
get . euluser (ver maxulusers)
get . hsdpauser (ver maxhspauser)
get . hspdauser...ulserving (valor entel 15)
Lget all maxnumhspdschcodes (ver cantidad de codigos pdsch)
ldeb slot=3 (desbloquear tarjeta rax, debe salir 16hz)
lget . emergency (ver estado de licencia de emergencia)
lget . available (ver CE disponible)
get . ofradio (conexiones por celda)
ue print -admitted (LTE conexiones)
lget all maxdlpowercap (ver por sector potencia asignada . ver consistencia con
lget all maxtotal (ver potencia en volt asignada por sector. valor por defecto
40,60, depende de licencia)
lget all license (ver licencias que tiene nodeB)
get 0 (ver info gral de nodo)
lget . feature (ver estado de los features en nodeB)
hget . fq|cellid (to check freq of sectors)
get . Band (gives frequency band)
get rbslocalcell (gives rbs)
st rbs (gives operating state of rbs)
get cell availability
St carrier
lst cell
dump list -a
hget radio (UE conectados)
Get radiolink (gives radiolinks) UE conectados
lget radiolink noofradio (gives total number of radio links, no radio links is
disabled cells) UE conectados
Get cell localcell (-------------------------------------gives localid)
get . cellid
st cell (-------------------------------------------)
Get prach ubch
pmx . pmPropagationDelay -m 1 -a (counters)
pget rach pmprop (counters)
get . maxdl (gives maximumDlPowerCapability)
get ANTFEEDERCABLE (gives feeder attenuation, each sector and branch can be checked
against the RNDCIQ)
get feedercable= dlattenuation
get feedercable= ulattenuation
get . atten
get ant att (gives antenna attuenation)
get ant ulatt (gives antenna UL attuenation)
get ant dlatt (gives antenna DL attuenation)
get . internal (gives if tma is powered internally or externally)
get tma
get tma dl (gives TMA DL attenuation)
get tma ul (gives TMA UL attenuation)
lst aal (aal congestion)
cabx | grep RAX (Shows all RAX boards installed in the NodeB)
st aux (Check the Status of Auxillary Units, this will show whether you are dealing
with an RRU or RU/FUs. With RRU, the interface card is the OBIF and the standard
RU/FUs utilise the RUIF)
st ruif/st obif (When the interface hardware is an RUIF, a Status Check of the RUIF
will provide the slot position you will need to allow for polling the board, If aux
shows that the Site has RRUs, then command line will be st obif, Usually slot
convention falls into: macro=12, RRU/Combo Cab=9 and micro=6)
lh ru fui get devstat (gives current, volt, Ulgain, sensitivity=49 means
supervision on and txfreq)
lh ru fui get vswr (gives vswr- shud be in 12 to 24 dB range, higher is better 20dB
is good) (ROE)
lh ru fui get faults
lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_12 fui get vswr or devstat (gives device status and vswr for
respective port# and dev#) (dualband tma if current ~280mA)
lhsh 001200 ps | grep -i hang (hanging board)
lhsh 001200 ps | grep FU (will give the remote RUIF board for all processes grouped
by FU- first row will usually be carrier 1 alpha sector and so on)
st rax (checking individual borads and their slot numbers and operational state)
st tx (checking individual borads and their slot numbers and operational state)
st cbu (checking individual borads and their slot numbers and operational state)
lhsh 000slot#00 te log read (gives logs on that particular slot-000600 is slot 6)
pgets (gives all the enabled counters)

Command Name Purpose (type "h <command>" for detailed help on a command)
Type: - h <command> to view command description, e.g: h pget
- h <pattern> to view commands whose description match a string, e.g:
h change.*prompt

CV backup handling: list, make local, make remote, remove, setstartable.
inv[hlxpbctrgf] Complete HW/SW inventory. Includes information about RPUs,
licensing, JVM, devices, XPs, ISL, etc.
cab[adefghlmrstxc] Display of miscellaneous COLI printouts relating to hw,
sw, restarts, leds, cpu load, errors, disk/ram usage
stc[p][r] Display state and configuration of Atm/Tdm
std[ar] Display state and configuration of devices (RNC and MGW
stv[b][r] Display state, user, and bandwidth usage for ATM ports and
stt[r] Display state and user of Physical Ports and Ds0Bundles.
ste[gr] Display state and configuration of Ethernet Ports.
sti[bcfopr] Display state and configuration of IP interfaces.
sts Display state and configuration of Network
str[123ft] Print status of the IubLinks/AbisLinks and their
associated Cells and Channels (RNC/BSC only).
hc Run a general healthcheck on the node. Obsolete ! Use dcg
command instead.
dcg[meiasrfkx] Fetch data for TRs/CSRs, according to the Data Collection
diff[a][d][m][o][x][i]/ldiff[a][d][m][o][x][i] Parameter auditing or MO dump
lkr[a] Print RNC Iub resources allocation.
resub Moving Iub resources within or across Subracks (RNC >=
ir[cdpsomt] Iub Redundancy operations for RNC in pool.
rinp[c][m] Live Node Migration to RNC in Pool.
tg[r][c][d] Print Resource Object information for all MOs in LmCell
(RNC only).
ueregprint/uer[d][t][i][s][p][v] Print UE registry or UE context data (serving or
drifting) for all active calls (RNC only).
ced[h][p][s][g][r] Print consumption of cell resources and rbs hw, cell
supported features, cell coordinates (RNC only).
al[atkcg][u] Print the list of active alarms. Acknowledge/Unacknowledge
an alarm.
lg[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345] Fetching and processing of node logs

RNC level: can apply grep to all commands (| grep "yyyy-mm-dd")(| grep DXU0040)

amos RNC#
lt all
mom . pwradm
mom . pwrOffset
lget utrancell="U5773" eulserving (valor entregado debe ser consistente con
maxuluser en nodeB)
pmr (8 | grep DXU0040)(8 | sort -k4 -n)
pmx DXU0040 pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech �m 4 -a (4 hours and aggregate(-a), sum(-s))
pmx DXU0040 pmnosysRelSpeechNeighbr (gives number of drops due to missing nbrs)
pmx DXU0040 pmnosysRelSpeechUlSynch �m 4 -a (gives drops due to ULsync, last 4
hours aggregated)
alt (active alarms)
get . loadsharingrrcenabled (Should be true(1) in order to activate the load
lget utrancell=DXU1858 loadsharingcandidate (shows all the neighbors for which the
loadsharingcandidate is true(1) i.e activated)
lget DXU4020C.*DXU4020Z qoffset2sn (shows the qoffset2sn for the respective source
and target cells)
lget DXU0167.*DXU2479 qoffset2sn (shows the qoffset2sn for the respective source
and target sites)
ced | grep DXU0040 (Utran audit)
cedr | egrep '(DXU0167|DXU2479)'|sort +6n (used during live monitoring, shows all
counters related to power utilization, can be sorted columnwise)
cedr | egrep '(DXU0167|DXU2479)' (used during live monitoring, shows all counters
related to power utilization)
lget utrancell=CNU1732 frequencyrelationtype 0 (gives all the INTRA defined nbrs
for a site)
lget utrancell=CNU1732 frequencyrelationtype 1 (gives all the INTER defined nbrs
for a site)
lget cnu3229A frequencyrel (same as above)
get utrancell=DXU0040 maximumtransmissionpower
get utrancell=DXU0040 hoType
get utrancell=cnu1970 adminis (gives unlocked)
get utrancell=cnu1970 cellreserve (gived reserved)
get UTRANcell=cnu1970 qrxlevmin|usedFreqThresh2dEcno|sIntersearch|cpich|
usedFreqThresh2dRscp|MaximumTransmissionPower (counters can ce clubbed, can check
any possible counters)
lki (will show consistent and in-consistent Iub links all)
h lki (help on lki)
str | grep DXU5850A (Shows the status of the cell DXU5850A)
get utrancell=HXU0470 scr (scrambling code)
Pmx -m 2 aal2ap=b265 pmUnSuccOutConnsRemoteQosClass (getting Iub congestion -remote
last 2 hours)
get PRSJU0033 rbsid (gives the bnum of the site)
get utrancell=PRSJU0010 (gives al information about the cell)
lget utrancell=TXV42374 directedretry
hget utrancell=HXU4921 Administrativestate|operationalstate|cellreserved
lget "U3849_celda" cpich
lget U3849 maximum
lget U3849 pwradm
lset U3849 maximumTransmissionPower 448
lset U3849 pwrOffset 20
lset U3849 pwradm 80
lget U3849 pwroff
lset U3849 pwrOffset
lset U3022 primaryCpichPower 330 (valor para mejorar potencia admin)

lhget U3177 usedfreqthresh2dEcno|usedfreqthresh2drscp|qqualmin|qrxlevmin|uarfcndl|


hget .HXV2921 localCellId|dlCodeAdm|pwrAdm

rbs: lgo
rnc: lgo | grep ####

get HXU0182 pwradm|pwroffset|dlcodeadm|compmodeadm|sf

hget HXV2921 maximumTransmissionPower|cpich|minpwrRL|minpwrmax|primaryCpichPower
cedr | grep####
cedh | grep2637
s+ : apply this cmd before any relations cmd to get the relations in desending

amos -v corba_class=5,nm_credential=/home/v94868/Ericsson/OMSec/ssucredentials.xml

to check ROP

pmx utrancell=TXU0275 pmtotnorrcconnect(req$|reqsuccess)|

pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech -m 0.25 -a
pmx TXU0237|TXV4237 pmnosystemrabreleasespeech|pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo|
pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr|pmNoSysRelSpeechUlSynch -m 0.25 -a

pmx -m 2 cell=TXU61188 pmCellDowntime -to check downtime

lget . defaulthotype

pmom . counter name

mom . Cpich ()

llog(restart info)

lhsh 000100 te log read | grep -i err

lhsh 000100 te log read | grep error
lhsh 000100 te log read | grep synchronizationFailure

pmxh . pmCapAllocIubHsLimitingRatioSpi03|pmHsDataFramesLostSpi03 -m 5-Transport


pmx UtranCell=HXU2531 pmNoFailedAfterAdm -m 48 -a (Failed after admission)

get . outputpower
get externalTMA
lget utrancell=HXU4182 hsiflsmarginusers|hsiflsthreshusers|iflsmode|
lget coveragerelation ref
lget utrancell=HXU25551 coveragerelation
get UtranCell=HXU25551,CoverageRelation

lh rax ter 3600

lh tx ter 3600

external defined or not

AUSUTXNIRNC003> lget HXV43777 external

RL attempts from OSS

pmx UtranCell=HXU0043 pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellSpeech -m 240


Main RBS Cabinet for macrocells contains: FU, RU, RUIF

for drpdue to others

board errors
CBU errors
pilot pollution in the area
transport issues
SC collision
IFHO failures
Neighboring sites with alarms or cell down time


this iflsmode will tell that when to trigger eaither 0=rar_est 1=Upswitch_att,


First inter-frequency load sharing candidate cells must be defined, by defining

coverage relations and setting the hsLoadSharing and/or dchLoadSharing attributes
to ON. HSDPA load sharing can then be activated by setting hsIflsThreshUsers to a
value other than 0. Non-HSPA load sharing can then be activated by setting
dchIflsThreshPower and/or dchIflsThreshCode to a values other than 0.
this is what i under shood i am sharing to you
if we are keep 0 thenif power congestion ifls will not trigger
if you are keeping cod as 0 the n also it will not trigger
it will trigger only wehn you are keep 50
ok i will try for i cell & share


ok so you have total power and than you have power used each cell for cs traffic.
the ideally is to keep that power as low as possible. and whateever the power used
on cs traffic rest are for the hs. the graph that shows the power utilization for
yoru cs are called the non-hs power utilization
you look into this to make judgement if you cell is heavily congested or not. if it
is not than you can cahnge your admission parameters cause many cases they are set
to very high

Date: 2013-07-19
Object Counter 15:00 16:00 17:00
UtranCell=HXU52511 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU52511 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU52512 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU52512 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU52513 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU52513 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU52514 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 10 6 0
UtranCell=HXU52514 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 8 6 0
UtranCell=HXU52515 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 56 27 0
UtranCell=HXU52515 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 46 12 0
UtranCell=HXU52516 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU52516 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU5251A pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU5251A pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU5251B pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU5251B pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU5251C pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXU5251C pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 0 0 0
UtranCell=HXV62511 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 9 6 0
UtranCell=HXV62511 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 9 8 0
UtranCell=HXV62512 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 15 36 0
UtranCell=HXV62512 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 14 32 0
UtranCell=HXV62513 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw 8 6 0
UtranCell=HXV62513 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest 6 6

UtranCell hsdschInactivityTimerCpc long
Time after which a CPC activated connection with low throughput is downswitched
from CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH. This parameter is used instead of hsdschInactivityTimer
for CPC activated connections.
Special value
-1: corresponding parameter on MOC ChannelSwitching is used
Resolution: 5
Dependencies: Used if the feature InactivityTimerCellConfig is activated and if the
parameter value is defined. If not the corresponding parameter on MOC
ChannelSwitching is used.
Feature: InactivityTimerCellConfig
Change takes effect: New connections
Unit: 0.1 s
Range: -1, 0 to 1000, Default=-1
UtranCell hsdschInactivityTimer long
Time after which a connection with low throughput is downswitched from HS-DSCH to
Once the throughput on both the uplink and downlink has fallen below the value of
ChannelSwitching::downswitchTimerThreshold, a downswitch to FACH/RACH is normally
requested after this length of time. However, the downswitch is not requested if
the throughput has subsequently increased above the value of
ChannelSwitching::downswitchTimerThreshold. If CELL_FACH state is not available,
the connection is switched down to IDLE state. Applicable only for radio
connections without CPC.
Special values:
-1: corresponding parameter on MOC ChannelSwitching is used
7200: only for internal use.
Dependencies: Used if the feature InactivityTimerCellConfig is activated and if the
parameter value is <> -1. If not the corresponding parameter on MOC
ChannelSwitching is used.
Feature: InactivityTimerCellConfig
Change takes effect: New connections
Unit: s
Range: -1, 1 to 255, 7200, Default=-1

for parameters
mom MO parametername
for counters
pmom MO countername


mobatch sitelist.txt 'lt all;get . rbslocalcell; get . localcellid;get .

maxDlPowerCapability' Parameters

in some cases when you need something but that parameter needs pass (like cabx) you
need to add a password in the sitelist
CVU2066 password=rbs2066
CNU6108 password=rbs6108
CVU0407 password=rbs0407
CVU4366 password=rbs4366

egrep -i (optional) 'maxdl|localcellid|rbs' ./*.log > dump.txt

for multiple lookups in Parameter CR


lgaes -s 20130901-alarms,event,crashes
st t1
pmr -m 3 -r 25-report no 25 to show the packetloss
lh rax te log read | grep -i error-RAX check
lh tx te log read | grep -i error-Tx Check


For 1900, check if its -120/ -8

For 850, if its -95/-8

This usually helps the PS ACC..

HW/SW load MOC Parameter AT&T Gold Standard Initial Value

(Only to be used by Ericsson when building a new site)
W12B Eul=1900 pathlossThresholdEulTti2 95..170 120
W12B Eul=850 pathlossThresholdEulTti2 95..170 95
W12B Eul threshEulTti2Ecno -8

Jose Alberto Grimaldo 4:30 PM
ok, this report show you of course if you site have ATM transport
if you have congestion issues in the transport part
every QosClass have some resources assigned for voice, video, data
Mohammed Mohiuddin 4:31 PM
Jose Alberto Grimaldo 4:32 PM
and with this report you can see the number of success in every class
and how many are unsuccess

amos -v
shell=1,secure_ftp=1,username=eeidhd OKCYOKMTCRBR12

hget SXU0048|SXV0548 qrxlevmin|primarycpich|uarfcndl|hsiflsthresh|sf8Adm$|


mobatch -v
CRBR17,AUSUTXNICRBR18, 'lt utranrelation;lget . frequencyrelationtype 0' AUS_1002


utranrelation;lget . frequencyrelationtype 0' intra_0927

mobatch sitelist.txt 'lt all; st cell; other cmds; q' outputfolder

v94868@all2e2cx2> cd AUS_1002
v94868@all2e2cx2> grep UtranCell ./*.log > AUS_1002.txt
v94868@all2e2cx2> gzip AUS_1002.txt
v94868@all2e2cx2> pwd

pmx HXU5216|HXV6216 pmOutHsIflsHhoAtt|pmOutHsIflsHhoSucc -m 2

for Eutranfreq- get HXU2547.*,eutranfreqrelation Id

ue print -admitted
>> lga -s 20050705 -e 20050710 --> show alarm log entries between the dates
20050705 and 20070710
>> lgaemc | grep -i atmport --> show all entries from the alarm/event logs
matching the word "atmport" (case insensitive), display in CSV format (semicolon
separated), pipe to grep
>> lgx -m 14 --> show alarms that were active 14 days ago
>> lgxc -s 20080704.1330 --> show alarms that were active on the 2008-07-
04 at 13:30 and print output in CSV format
>> lgvsm -s 20050705.1000 --> show all entries from system log and
availability log since the 20070705 at 10:00, merged in chronological order
>> lgar -m 10d -p 30m --> refetch the alarm log and show all its
entries starting from 10 days ago and until 30 minutes from then.
>> lgf --> fetch all logs from the node and put them in
the default location
>> lgf /home/user/logs/rnc10 --> fetch all logs from the node and put them in
the zipped file /home/user/logs/rnc10/<node>
>> lgaemic -m 10h -l ~/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/lg/rnc10/20071122_1425 -->
parse the last 10 hours of the alarm and event logs stored in the folder
~/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/lg/rnc10/20071122_1425, merge them and display them
in CSV format and reverse chronological order
>> lgd -m 30d --> show all node restarts and system downtime
from the past 30 days
>> lgt -g mp --> show the T&E logs of the boards of the board
group "mp", sorted in chronological order
>> lgtaom -m 12h --> show the T&E logs of all boards merged with
the alarm log and audit trail, for the past 12 hours
>> lgn -m 5 -n 137.58 --> show the moshell command log for the past 5
days for all nodes whose address matches 137.58
>> lgk -m 5d -b 000100 --> show OS status on SCXB in 000100 for past 5
>> lgk -m 10d -x ce --> show security events and COLI command history
on XBs for past 10 days
>> lgk -x coma,erl,swmi -m 30 --> shown ESI log entries from com_alarm.log,
erlang.log, and swminternal log for the last 30 days
>> lgf2 --> collect all XB logs
>> lgf2 -b 000100 --> collect CMXB logs from SCB 000100

lg[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345] [-l <input-directory|logfile|zipfile>] [-m
<minustime>] [-p <plustime>] [-s <startdate>] [-e <enddate>] [-g <boardgroup>] [-n
<nodefilter>] [-x <XBlog-filter|ESIlog-filter> ] [-b <xb> ] [-d <nrdumps>]
[<destination-directory>] [|<unix-cmds>]
Fetching and processing of node logs

All options can be combined together, except options "d","w","x","f" which can only
be combined with the options "r" and "c".

CPP Log Options:

- 1: Print the list of logs from the node.
- 2: T&E disk and ramdisk log (/d/usr/cello/telogs and /r000X00/telogs)
- 3: RNC SON logs (/c/logfiles/SON/ANR_EVENTLOG.xml and TPS_EVENTLOG.xml)
- 4: MGW BGF log (/c/logfiles/BGF)
- 5: MGW IPCS log (/c/logfiles/ipcs_logs)
- a: Alarm log (ALARM_LOG.xml). History of alarms raising and ceasing.
- j: Alarm durations (ALARM_LOG.xml). Same as option "a" except that raising and
ceasing are combined into one entry, together with the total duration of the alarm.
- x: Active alarms (ALARM_LOG.xml). Snapshot of alarms active on a specific
date/time given in -m/-s option.
- e: Event log (EVENT_LOG.xml). History of MO events.
- v: Availability log (CELLO_AVAILABILITY2_LOG.xml). History of node/board/program
- s: System log (/c/logfiles/systemlog). History of node/board/program restarts.
- p: Post Mortem Dumps (/c/pmd) and LTE ENodeB error files
(/c/logfiles/troubleshooting/error). History of board/program crashes. PMD files
are saved permanently in moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/pmdfiles/<nodeaddress>/pmd .
- u: Upgrade log (Trace.log/Trace.txt). History of system upgrades.
- d: Downtime log. History of node outages and partial outages.
- o: MO command log (CORBA_AUDITTRAIL_LOG.xml and PNP_LOG.xml). History of MO
write commands (set/action/create/delete).
- q: MO command log in "trun" format (CORBA_AUDITTRAIL_LOG.xml). Useful for
recovering configuration data which was not saved to CV before node restart.
- l: COLI command log (SHELL_AUDITTRAIL_LOG.xml). History of COLI commands.
- y: SecurityEvent log (CELLO_SECURITYEVENT_LOG.xml). History of O&M connection
- w: Active O&M connections (CELLO_SECURITYEVENT_LOG.xml). Snapshot of O&M
connections on a specific date/time given in -m/-s option.
- z: IP Transport log (CELLO_IPTRAN_LOG.xml).
- t: T&E log (lh all te log read. to specify a different boardgroup than "all",
use the "-g" option). Trace and Error Log.
- g: Board Restart error log (lh allpd llog -l ; lh ru llog -l -n 5).
- h: HW Inventory log (CELLO_HWINVENTORY_LOG.xml). This file must first be
generated with the command "hili mk" on O&M MP.
- k: XB logs. Fetches CMXB logs (HCS and Evo nodes) and SCXB logs (Evo nodes). Use
"-b <xb>" to limit log fetching from a single board. Use "-x <xblogfilter>" to
determine which logs are processed (see below).
- b: RLIB log (/c/logfiles/Rlib/RLIB_PM_LOG.xml), applicable to RNC only.
- f: collect all logs except XB logs and ENB DSP dumps, and save to a zipfile.
To specify number of ENB DSP dumps to collect, use option "-d <n>", eg "lgf -d 2"
to collect the last 2 ENB DSP dumps.
- f1: collect all logs and last ENB DSP dump, and save to a zipfile.
- f2: collect only XB logs, and save to a zipfile. To only collect XB logs from a
specific board, use option "-b", eg "lgf2 -b 000100"

Pico Log Options:

- a: Alarm log (/var/volatile/log/permanent/oss/alarmlog.log)
- e: FmEvent log (/var/volatile/log/permanent/oss/fmevents.log)
- g: Runtime log (/var/volatile/log/runtime)
- h: AutoIntegration log (/var/volatile/log/permanent/oss/AutointegrationLog.txt)
- o: Audit Trail logs (/var/volatile/log/runtime* and
- s: SystemEvent log (/var/volatile/log/permanent/oss/sysevent)
- u: Upgrade log (/var/volatile/log/permanent/oss/SWUpgradeLog.txt)
- y: SecurityEvent log (/var/volatile/log/security)
- f: collect all logs and save to a zipfile

RCS Log Options (MSRBSv2/TCU):

- a: Alarm log (AlarmLog). History of alarms raising and ceasing.
- j: Alarm durations. Same as option "a" except that raising and ceasing are
combined into one entry, together with the total duration of the alarm.
- x: Active alarms. Snapshot of alarms active on a specific date/time given in
-m/-s option.
- b: TN Application log (TnApplicationLog)
- d: Downtime log. History of node outages and partial outages.
- h: AutoIntegration log (AiLog)
- g: Board Restart log ("llog -l" on DU/RU/XMU).
- k: Ericsson Support Information log (EsiLog)
- l: COLI command log (AuditTrailLog)
- o: MO command log (AuditTrailLog)
- p: Post Mortem Dumps (from /rcs/dumps/pmd). History of CPM crashes. PMD files
are saved permanently in moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/pmdfiles/<nodeaddress>/pmd .
- q: Health Check log (HealthCheckLog)
- v: Availability log (RBS_CS_AVAILABILITY_LOG)
- t: T&E log (lh all te log read. to specify a different boardgroup than "all",
use the "-g" option). Trace and Error Log.
- u: Upgrade log (SwmLog)
- y: Security log (SecurityLog)
- z: TN Network log (TnNetworkLog)
- 4: APC Logs (BatteryLog, ClimateLog, PowerDistributionLog, PowerSupplyLog)
- 5: OOT log (OotLog)
- f: collect all logs with small ESI and save to a zipfile. If small ESI fails,
try "lgf -d -1" to collect a static ESI (= small without callbacks)
- f1: collect all logs with large ESI and save to a zipfile
- f0: collect all logs except the ESI and save to a zipfile

Note: If the "lg" command fails on RCS node, try setting the following
uservariables in the file ~/.moshellrc:
- export_method: use value 1 (SFTP export to the current workstation) or value 2
(SFTP export to a different workstation).
- export_username: the username for the SFTP server to which the logs will be
- export_password: the password for the SFTP server. Can be encrypted with the
command "encpw". If the password is not set, then it will be prompted at the
command line.
- export_server: the IP address of the SFTP server. Only applicable if
More information about export uservariables can be found in the file

Common Options (CPP/Pico/RCS):

- m: merge the different logs together (eg: lgaevm will merge
alarm/event/availability logs).
- i: inverse chronological order.
- r: refetch the logs from the node. Logs are only fetched once and kept in cache.
This option is used to refresh the session cache.
- c: print the output in csv format (semicolon separation).
- n: Moshell command log. To specify different or all nodes, use the "-n <node-
filter>" option. If "-m" or "-s" option are not specified, the default is to show
command history of the last 30 days.

Time filtering(CPP/Pico/RCS):
- The "-s" and "-e" options are used for specifying an absolute timespan: -s gives
the starting date and -e gives the ending date. The format is yyyymmdd[.hhmm], for
instance 20071230, or 20071230.0800.
- The "-m" and "-p" options are used for specifying a timespan relative to today's
date: -m gives how long time backward and -p gives how long time forward. The
format is in days, hours, or minutes, eg. 10d (10 days), 2h (2 hours), 30m (30
Note: the switch "-s"/"-m" can sometimes be omitted. E.g. "lgo 14" can be used
instead of "lgo -m 14", and "lgo 20080701.1200" can be used instead of "lgo -s
20080701.1200". This works only when the options -e/-p are not used.

Offline usage:
The "-l" option allows to process the logfiles in offline mode, when not connected
to the node.
The argument of the "-l" option specifies the location where the logfile(s) are
locally stored on the workstation. It can be:
- a single logfile
- a directory containing several logfiles.
- a zipped archive containing one or more logfiles.
By running the command "lgf" while connected to the node, it is possible to
download all the logfiles to a local directory for later offline processing. The
local directory can be specified as argument. If not specified, a default location
is chosen (~/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/lg/nodeaddress/date_time). The local
directory is then automatically compressed and saved in a zipped archive.

XB log filters (CPP):

The XB log filter is specified with "-x <filter>" in the command "lgk" on nodes
containing CMXB/SCXB boards, to specify the type of logs that will be displayed.
The XB log filter shall be given as a combination of one or more of the following
- o: OS log (default)
- s: SNMP log
- c: COLI command log
- b: Board manager log
- w: Switching event log
- m: Software management log
- e: Security log
- f: Firewall log
- h: Shelf manager log
- a: Application log
- t: Timing unit manager log
- p: Power and fan log
- x: All of the above listed logs
>> lgk -x oscb --> show the XB log entries from OS log, SNMP log, COLI command
log and Board manager log

ESI log filters (RCS):

The ESI (Ericsson Support Information) log filter is specified with "-x <filter>"
in the command "lgk" on RCS nodes (TCU/MSRBSv2), to specify the type of logs that
will be displayed.
The ESI log filter shall be given as a combination of one or more of the following
strings, separated by commas:
- 1) ai : rcs/log/AiLog/AiLog.*
- 2) al : rcs/saf_log/saLogAlarm/saLogAlarm_*__*.log
- 3) a_t : rcs/log/AuditTrailLog/AuditTrailLog.* (MO part)
- 4) atr : rcs/log/AuditTrailLog/AuditTrailLog.* (COLI part)
- 5) capi : cpu_load.log (generated after running COLI command "capistart" and
"capistop" on the DUS)
- 6) com : rcs/comte/com.log.*
- 7) coma : rcs/comte/com_alarm.log.*
- 8) comi : rcs/log/ComInterfaceLog/ComInterfaceLog.*
- 9) erl : rcs/bootlogs/erlang.log.1 AND rcs/erlang/erlang.log.*
- 10) ev : rcs/log/NotificationLog/NotificationLog.*
- 11) lic : rcs/log/LicensingLog/LicensingLog.*
- 12) ltt : rcs/log/LttngLog/LttngLog.*
- 13) mmi : rcs/log/MMILog/MMILog.*
- 14) nl : rcs/bootlogs/nl_log.* and rcs/networkloader/nl_log.*
- 15) notif : rcs/saf_log/saLogNotification/saLogNotification_*__*.log
- 16) pnp : rcs/saf_log/PnpApplicationLog/PnpApplicationLog_*__*.log
- 17) sys : rcs/saf_log/saLogSystem/saLogSystem_*__*.log
- 18) sec : rcs/log/SecurityLog/SecurityLog.*
- 19) swmi : rcs/log/SwmInternal/SwmInternal.*
- 20) tnapp : rcs/saf_log/TnApplicationLog/TnApplicationLog_*__*.log
- 21) tnnet : rcs/saf_log/TnNetworkLog/TnNetworkLog_*__*.log
- 22) tri : rcs/log/TriLog/TriLog.*
- 23) swm : rcs/log/SwmLog/SwmLog.*
- 24) upg : rcs/saf_log/saLogUpgrade/upgrade_*__*.log
- 25) pmc : rcs/log/RcsPmCounters/RcsPmCounters.*
- 26) pmev : rcs/log/RcsPmEvents/RcsPmEvents.1
- 27) syslog: var/log/syslog
- 28) llog : var/log/llog/llog
- 29) hw : tmp/ee_esi/ee_esi.log
- 30) sync : applicationlogs/SyncDusg2_*/sync-dcg.log

>> lgk -x coma,erl,tri --> show the log entries from com_alarm.log, erlang.log
and TriLog in the ESI
>> lgk -x 7,9,22 --> same as above
>> lgkm -x 2-4,7 --> show the log entries from saLogAlarm, com_alarm, and
AuditTrail (both MO and COLI parts), and merge them chronologically

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