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English quiz


1. Write 10 words in which all 5 vowels are used. Eg: equation 2.

Write 10 words who starts from consonant but prefix by ‘an’
3. Write 10 words starts from vowel but prefix by ‘a’.
4. What is homonyms? Give 10 examples
5. What is oxymoron? Give 10 examples
6. What is the difference between Acronym, Initialism and Abbreviations? Give 10
examples of each
7. What are two ways to obtain area of any triangle?
8. Difference between rhombus, Kite, Trapezium and Parallelogram

1. Automobiles, authorities, authorize, authentication, cauliflower, education,

evacuation, remuneration, regulation, unquestionably.
2. Hour, honest, honorable, hourly, heir, heiress, heirloom, MLA, MBA, honorary 3.
Union, University, unicorn, uniform, euro, European, one, utensil, ewe, universe.
4. Homonyms are 2 words that are spelled the same and sound the same but they have
different meanings.
a. Address - to speak/ location
b. Bark - a tree's outer layer/ the sound a dog makes
c. Current - up to date/ flow of water
d. Bat - used in cricket/ a nocturnal flying mammal
e. Kind - type of/ caring
f. Match - equitable / beautiful
g. Mean - average/ someone who is not nice
h. Well - in good health / an underground water source.
i. Right - correct / opposite of left
j. Lie - to recline / tell a falsehood
5. Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in
conjunction. Examples in sentence are:
a. This is another fine mess you have got us into.
b. The room was filled with deafening silence.
c. That comedian was seriously funny.
d. You are clearly confused about Integers.
e. Do you have the original copies I gave you?
f. My trip to Delhi was very much a working holiday
g. The lecture lasted for an endless hour
h. Your handwriting is awfully good.
i. She was terribly pleased with her marks in the exam.
j. I let out a silent scream as the someone was walking behind me.
6. Difference between Acronym, Initialism and Abbreviations
a. Abbreviation: it is the short form of a word. Eg. Approx. Misc. Mr. Mrs. No. Tel.
Vs. tsp. tbsp. St. CEO
b. Acronyms: are formed by using the first letter of each word in a phrase to form a
new word. E.g.:
i. AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ii. GIF: Graphics Interchange Format
iii. RADAR: Radio Detection And Ranging iv. SONAR: Sound Navigation And
v. LOL: Laugh Out Loud vi.
ASAP: As Soon As Possible vii.
AWOL: Absent Without Leave
viii. NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ix. SWAT: Special Weapons And Tactics
x. Navy SEALs: Navy Sea Air Land forces
c. Initialism: An abbreviation consisting of initial letters pronounced separately. Eg:
i. VIP: very important person
ii. DOB: Date of Birth
iii. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation iv. CBI: Central Bureau of
v. BTW: By The Way
vi. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
vii. IQ : Intelligence Quotient
viii.PC : Personal Computer
ix. MC: Master of Ceremonies
x. ATM: Automatic Teller Machine 7. 2 ways to calculate area of a
a. Use the base and height of the triangle

Formula: A = b × h x ½

Eg. Base = 5cm

Height = 3cm

Area = 5 × 3 × ½

= 7.5 cm sq.

b. 2. Calculate the perimeter, multiply it by ½ (to get semiperimeter) then set up

Heron's Formula:

A = √ (s (s - a) (s - b) (s - c))

* 's' is semiperimeter and a, b, c are the 3 sides respectively.

Eg. Sides length given are 5, 3 and 4 cm.

So, semiperimeter = ½ × 5 + 3 + 4
= ½ × 12 = 6

A = √ (6(6-3) (6-4) (6-5))

= √ (6(3)(2)(1))

= √ (6 × 6) = √36 Area

= 6 cm sq.

9. Differences between:
a. Rhombus: Rhombus is a quadrilateral; whose four sides all have same length.
Opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal. The diagonals also meet
in the middle at a right angle
b. Parallelogram: A parallelogram has opposite sides equal in length and parallel. Also
opposite angles are equal.
c. Trapezium: a trapezium has a pair of opposite sides parallel.
d. Kite: It has 2 pairs of sides and each pair of is made of 2 equal length sides that join
up. The angles where the two pairs meet are equal. The diagonals meet at a right
angle and one of the diagonals bisects the other.

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