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Fundamentals of Chapter 06 — Combined Axial _ yr n and

Structural Steel Design Bending Stresses 4. . - -47

supports, the value of C,,, may be determined by an analysis. However,
in lieu of such analysis, the following values are permitted.
i. For members whose ends are restrained against
rotation in the plane of bending, C,,, = 0.85
ii. For members whose ends are unrestrained against
'rotation in the plane of bending, C,,, = 1.0

M, M Ml

M, 1/21‘12 MI M2 MI --, 0
Cm = 0.4 1.0 = 0.6
MI/M2 is positive MI/M2 is negative MI/M2 is negative

Reverse curvature Single curvature Single curvature

Figure 6-1 - Values of

f, computed axial stress
computed bending stress
F„ allowable axial stress if axial force existed
F b allowable compressive bending stress- if bending moment
alone existed
K effective length factor
Li, actual unbraced length in the plane of bending
corresponding radius of gyration

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