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Prezentul Perfect Simplu & Prezentul Perfect Continuu

I. Forma:
Afirmativ: S + HAVE/HAS + Part. Trecut Af: S + HAVE/HAS + BEEN + P. Prezent
I have seen. I have been taking driving lessons for a
Negativ: S + HAVE/HAS + NOT + P.T. Ng: S + HAVE + NOT + BEEN + P. Prez.
I haven’t seen. We haven’t been seeing each other lately.

Interogativ: HAVE/HAS + S + P.T. Int: HAVE / HAS + S + BEEN + P. Prez.

Have you seen? How long have you been taking driving
Interogativ-negativ: Int-Ng:
HAVE/HAS + S + NOT + Part. Trecut HAVE/HAS + S + NOT + BEEN + P. Prez.
Have you not seen? Have you not been reading…
Haven’t you seen? Haven’t you been reading…

II: Cazurile:

Acțiuni neterminate Acțiuni neterminate

- acțiuni, situații, obieceiuri neterminate - acțiuni neterminate care au început în

care încep în trecut și continuă până în trecut și continuă până în prezent.
prezent. - SINCE / FOR

I have liked chocolate since I was a She has been working here since 2004

- folosim, de regulă, verbe stative - folosim, de regulă, verbe dinamice

!!!Verbele stative nu pot fi folosite în
aspectul continuu!!!

- menționăm doar pentru cât timp s-a - acțiunea continuă neîntrerupt până în
desfășurat acțiunea prezent.
Acțiuni terminate Acțiuni terminate

- acțiuni care s-au terminat recent, chiar - acțiuni care s-au terminat recent și au
dacă nu există un rezultat clar ( o un rezultat pe care îl putem, deseori,
situație certă) în prezent. auzi, vedea sau simți în prezent.

He got ill five weeks ago and has not I have been studying all day, so I’m
recovered yet. tired.

- experiențe de viață - obiceiuri sau situații temporare
I have been to London.
I have been going to gym a lot recently.
- acțiuni însoțite de o expresie de timp
neterminată ( Today, This week, etc)

I haven’t seen her this month.

- acțiuni terminate cu un rezultat în

prezent (asupra căruia ne concentrăm).

I have lost my keys. (so I can’t get into

mu house)
III. Exerciții:

1. The earth _____ here for billions of years. (BE)

2. We _____ cards for the last few hours. (PLAY)

3. We _____ problems with our new car recently. (HAVE)

4. Cuba _____ a socialist country since 1959. (BE)

5. I _____ care of my neighbour’s cats while they are away. (TAKE)

6. I _____ my car for six years. (HAVE)

7. _____ an important fight? (THE BOXER, EVER, WIN)

8. John and Mary _____ with each other since the day they got married.

9. It _____ hard since last night. (RAIN)

10. I’m tired because I _____ well lately. (NOT FEEL)

11. The Patient _____ penicillin for several days now. (TAKE)

12. A big earthquake _____ San Francisco since 1906. (not hit)

13. He got ill five weeks ago and _____ yet. (NOT RECOVER)

14. We _____ very cold weather this year. (HAVE)

15. The bank is still closed. It _____ yet. (NOT OPEN)

16. Our daughter _____ lipstick since she was 16. (WEAR)

17. She is angry because her boyfriend _____ up yet and she _____ for half an
hour. (NOT SHOW, WAIT)

18. I’m still waiting for an answer. They _____ up their minds yet. (not make)

19. How many times _____ the cat today?

20. The kids _____ on my nerves. They _____ too much noise.

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