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Pertemuan VI dan VII



Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 6(3): 212-217, 2010
© 2010, INSInet Publication

Effect of Concentrate Supplementation on Growth and Sexual Development

of Dairy Heifers
Abdelgadir A. Mohamed, 1 Izeldin A. Babiker and 2 Ali. E. Eltayeb

Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zalingei, Sudan
Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Khartoum,
Shambat, Sudan

Abstract: Eighteen crossbred dairy heifers of average body weight 100 kg were used to study the effect
of supplementation on growth performance and sexual development. The heifers were divided into three
groups of six animals each. Heifers in group (C0) were fed sorghum bicolor (Abu Sabeen) ad-lib, heifers
in groups (LC= low concentrate diet) and (HC= high concentrate diet) were fed on sorghum bicolor forage
ad-lib supplemented with 1.0 and 2.0 kg (as fed) concentrate mixture/head/day, respectively. Results
obtained in this experiment showed no significant (P>0.05) effect of the treatment on roughage intake.
Average daily live weight gain (LW G) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were significantly (P<0.01)
different among the treatments groups. The correlation between live weight and heart girth(r= 0.97) was
positive and significant (P<0.05). Heart girth was significantly (P<0.01) affected by the plane of nutrition
on which the heifers were reared. Heifers fed on high level of concentrate (HC) reached puberty at a
significantly (P<0.05) younger age and heavier live weight than those fed on low level of concentrate
(LC), however, heifers in group (C0) did not reached puberty during days on test. All pubertal heifers
showed oestrus signs which were accompanied with peripheral blood progesterone presence.

Key words: Puberty, progesterone, dairy heifers, supplementation


The nomadic people of Sudan, raise their cattle on This experiment was conducted at the University
pasture and range grasses, which usually show seasonal of Khartoum farm in Shambat area, Khartoum North.
pattern of growth resulting in a marked fluctuation in For the purposes of this study, 18 crossbred dairy
quantity and quality of the nutrient available to the heifers were selected at random from a large herd that
animals. These fluctuations in the supply of nutrients housed and treated as one group. The selected heifers
were then placed on shaded pens (2. x 1.75 m for a
cause fluctuations in the growth rate of the animal,
couple of heifers). The animals were then allowed
which may lead to sever loss of weight, especially
seven days preliminary adaptation period. At the end of
prior to puberty, pregnancy and during lactation, and
this period, heifers were stratified according to their
consequently influence the productive and reproductive
live body weight into 3 similar groups. These groups
performance of the animals. In other irrigated areas and were then randomly assigned to one of the three
Khartoum, dairy cattle were raised mostly on fresh or feeding treatments (Table 1).
dry forage as the sole diet, especially heifers and dry Forage was offered ad-lib to the three dietary
cows with no attention paid to the nutritive groups throughout a period of 130 days then alfalfa
requirements of the animal at this stage of growth. The and Abu Sabeen ad-lib for the period of 45 days.Then
objectives of this study are to determine the feedlot forage (Abu Sabeen) was offered ad-lib to all groups
performance of crossbred dairy heifers fed ad- in addition to the concentrate mixture until they
libitum(ad-lib) on sorghum bicolor forage (Abu sabeen) reached puberty. The concentrate mixture was offered
alone or supplemented with concentrate mixture beside to the heifers once a day at 8.00 a.m. clean water was
examining the sexual development of these heifers as available throughout the experimental period. Daily
affected by concentrate supplementation. allowance of Abu Sabeen was offered in one meal at

Corresponding Author: Abdelgadir A. Mohamed, Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, University
of Zalingei, Sudan

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(3): 212-217, 2010

10.00 a.m. the forage refusal was adjusted to 10% of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the amount offered. The daily feed intake was
calculated by subtracting the refusals from the amount Results of DMI are shown in table (2). The
offered. Heifers were weighed weekly at 7.00 a.m. average roughage intake (on DM basis) for the three
before increasing meal, heart girth was measured in treatment groups were, 3.33, 3.17 and 3.02 kg for the
(cm), average daily gain (kg) were calculated and FCR CO, LC and HC group, respectively. The difference
was computed (kg feed/kg gain). was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The average
The proximate analysis of the feeds used in this total DMI for the three groups were significantly
experiment were done as described by AOAC [1 ]. The (P<0.01) affected by the feeding system. The daily
ME of feed were calculated according to Ellis [8 ] as DMI as percent of live weight showed non-significant
follows: (P>0.05) difference.
Table (3) shows that, the difference among the
ME (MJ/kgDM )= 0.012 CP + 0.031 EE + 0.005 CF + treated groups in daily live weight gain and final body
0.014 NFE weight were highly significant (P<0.01). Animals in
group (CO) showed fluctuations in their live weight
Jugular venous blood (5ml) was obtained by gain throughout the feeding period. Feed conversion
vacutainers at weekly intervals from each heifer ratio (FCR) was improved (P<0.01) for the
throughout the experimental period. All blood samples supplemented treatment groups. No significant (P>0.05)
were received into heparinized (5 I.U. heparin/ml differences among the treatment groups for the initial
blood) nylon syringes, they kept for a short time and heart girth measures were observed. However, the final
centrifuge at 300 g for 10 minutes. Plasma samples heart girth measures showed highly significant (P<0.01)
were stored at -20 o C until the assessment of plasma difference. The correlation between live weight and
progesterone by direct method. heart girth (r= 0.96) was positive and significant
Rectal palpation was performed for heifers that (P<0.05). The greater increase in heart girth was
showed first presence of progesterone in their serum achieved by animals in group HC. The regression
samples and was repeated with the four consequent equations for the treatment groups showed that live
sampling. The ovarian status was determined and the weight increase were 0.75, 0.75 and 0.62 kg for each
findings were recorded. Oestrus signs also were cm increase in heart girth for groups CO, LC and HC,
observed, especially during the period extended from respectively. Initial heart girth measures showed high
first to last rectal palpation. Serum progesterone was correlation(r= 0.99) with body weight. Final heart girth
assayed by method described by joint FAO/IAEA was significantly (P<0.01) affected by the improved
Division using direct solid phase techniques for radio- nutrition. The findings indicate that it is possible to
immunoassay for progesterone. predict accurately the body weight (r= 0.97) in
Materials used at this level were, progesterone crossbred heifers with 100 kg average body weight.
antibody coated tube, progesterone standards for breed Table (5) shows the mean age and live weight at
serum/plasma kit (the standard covers the physiological puberty of dairy heifers. The findings indicate that
range prevalent in most livestock species= 0, 1.25, 2.5, heifers fed (HC) diet, reached puberty at a significantly
5, 10, 20 and 40 nmol/ml), quality control (QC) (P<0.05) younger age and heavier live weight
compared with heifers fed (LC) diet. Moreover, all
samples labeled progesterone (yellow liquid).
pubertal heifers showed oestrous signs that were
The radioimmunoassay procedure was performed
accompanied with the peripheral blood progesterone
by using standard curve, QC and sample tubes which
presence. However heifers in group (CO) did not reach
were used for total counts. Two coated tubes per
puberty throughout the feeding period. The average
standard curve and QC were used. Hundred mml of the
ages (months) and live weights (kg) at puberty were
standards, QC and samples were pipetted into the
23.9, 231.25 and 20.4, 247.87 for heifers in groups
bottom of correspondingly labeled tubes. One ml of 1-
125 (LC) and (HC), respectively. The relationship between
progesterone was added to each tube within 5
age and live weight at puberty (r= 0.33) was positive,
minutes of adding the unknown or standards.
but not significant (P>0.05) indicating that, animals
Standards, QC and samples were incubated overnight
reach puberty at a given live weight rather than at a
at room temperature. The radioactivity of the tubes
given age.
were counted for 1 minute. then the binding percentage
Progesterone concentration noml/L. ovary surface
was calculated.
examination showed that high concentration of
The experimental design adopted in the feeding
progesterone were accompanied with the presence of
trial was the randomized complete block design [2 3 ].
corpus luteum (CL) as examined by rectal palpation. It
Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA),
was observed that some heifer showed oestrous signs
and the difference among treatments means were
before the attainment of the detectable progesterone in
determined by least significant difference (LSD). their peripheral-blood.

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(3): 212-217, 2010

Table 1: The ingredient com position of concentrate m ixture and chem ical com position of the experim ental diets
Ingredient Percentage
Sorghum grain 35
Sunflower cake 35
W heat bran 27
Lim estone flour 2
Salt 1
Chem ical com position Abu Sabeen Alfalfa Concentrate
DM 94.3 93.6 98.4
Ash 8.2 10.6 6.2
CP 4.1 16.8 20.8
CF 39.3 28.0 33.4
EE 1.8 2.1 6.32
N FE 45.0 36.1 31.5
M E M J/kgDM 9.31 7.86 10.52

Table 2: Effect of concentrates on feed intake of dairy heifers

Treatm ent param eter Treatm ent groups S.E. Level of significance
N o. of anim als 6 6 6 - -
Period (days) 130 130 130 - -
Roughage intake (kg) 3.33 3.17 3.02 0.08 NS
Concentrate intake (kg) - 0.98 1.96 - -
Total D M I (kg) 3.33 a 4.15 b 4.98 c 0.47 **
D aily D M I (% Bwt) 2.52 2.59 2.55 0.02 NS
D aily M E, M J 31.0 39.83 48.73 - **
D aily CP intake 0.136 0.333 0.521 - **
S.E.Standard error
N .S.N ot significant
a, b, cM eans in the sam e row with different superscripts are significantly different

Table 4: Effect of concentrates on body confirm ation of dairy heifers

Treatm ent param eter Treatm ent groups Level of significance
Initial live weight (kg) 100.0 ±5.03 99.83 ±5.25 100.16 ±4.54 NS
Initial heart girth (cm ) 112.66 ±3.91 112.66 ±3.91 111.16 ±2.87 NS
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.99 0.99 0.97 -
Final weight (kg) 119.83 a ±4.92 160.83 b ±4.68 195.66 c ±5.53 **
Final heart girth (cm ) 136.16 ±6.40 186.83 b ±4.68 218.3 c ±5.33 -
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.98 0.98 0.47 -

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(3): 212-217, 2010

Table 5: Effect of concentrates on sexual developm ent of heifers (m eans ±SE)

Treatm ent param eter Treatm ent groups Level of significance
N o. of anim als 6 6 6 -
D ays on onset 240 240 240 -
Initial live weight (kg) 100.00 ±0.57 99.83 ±5.23 100.16 ±4.54 NS
Age at puberty (M O ) - 23.90 a ±0.57 20.46 b ±0.58 0
- b
Live weight at puberty (kg) 231.25 a ±5.32 247.87 ±2.38 0
Percent cycled - 66 83.3 -
Average daily gain (kg) 0.22 a 0.49 b 0.75 c **

Table 6: Serum progesterone concentration of daily heifers

Param eter Serum progesterone concentration ng/m l
Param eter M H
1 st D S 323 339 337 348 347 341 318 331 321 320
2n d D S 0.77 2.78 0.94 2.21 0.89 2.21 3.55 1.08 0.87 0.94
3 rd D S 3.21 0.98 0.44 0.64 3.45 0.64 ND 3.47 2.20 ND
4 th D S 0.42 3.12 0.82 1.74 ND 1.74 ND 0.67 0.60 0.91
5 th D S 0.69 ND 1.68 3.27 0.98 3.27 0.69 1.20 0.93 1.63
*H efier ear tag
D SD etectable sam ple
N D N on detectable

The serum progesterone concentration was slightly nutrients which may be lacking or deficient in the
higher for heifers in group (HC) compared with those roughage. This is in line with the findings of other
in group (LC), whereas for heifers in group (CO) was previous studies[2 6 ,1 3 ,9 ] , which demonstrated that live
not detectable (Table 6). weight gain increased as the amount of concentrate
supplementation increased. Supplementation of forage
Discussion: The results of this study showed no with concentrate mixture had significantly (P<0.01)
significant (P>0.05) effect of supplementation of improved the feed efficiency (FE) of the supplemented
roughages with concentrate on the roughage DMI. This groups of heifers, this is obviously noted in heifers fed
agree with the findings of Tayler and W illkison [2 6 ] who the high level of concentrate (HC) than those
reported that concentrate intake did not affect roughage supplemented with low level (LC). These results are in
intake. On the other hand, these results contradict with line with that of Guibert et al. [1 0 ] and McCulloush [1 6]
other studies which indicated that roughage intake were who reported that feed efficiency was improved by
depressed by increasing the level of concentrate intake decreasing the level of roughage in the diet. FCR
supplementation[3 ,7 ,1 6 ,1 3 ] . Findings of total DMI showed reported in the study were higher than those reported
a highly significant (P<0.01) difference among by Gaber[9 ] and Mustafa[1 8] for the same breed. It was
treatment. This is in line with the findings of Iedger et observed that, in this study, the heart girth increased
al.[1 4 ] and Pool (1986) who reported that increasing of with the increase in live weight, especially in heifers
the DMI of high roughage diet was associated with the fed on (LC) and (HC) diets. This is in agreement with
increase in the metabolizable energy (ME). DMI as a the findings of other workers [2 ,2 1 ,2 5 ,1 7 ] who reported that
percent of live body weight showed no significant the external body measurements increased linearly with
(P<0.05) effect among the treatment groups. This is in the increase in age and body weight. Heifers of the
agreement with Paladines and Alba [1 9 ] and Mustafa [1 8 ]. supplemented groups in this study exhibited puberty at
These workers reported an average DMI as 2.51 kg/100 a heavier live-weight and younger age; whereas, the
kg live weight. The results also showed an improved unsupplemented ones did not reach puberty during days
daily live weight gain. This might be due to the fact on test. M oreover, the results showed that, heifers fed
that, addition of concentrates mixture would provide (HC) diet reached puberty at significantly (P<0.05)

J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(3): 212-217, 2010

younger age and extremely heavier live weight 8. Ellis, 1981. The nutrient composition of Sudanese
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reported that improved plane of nutrition effected the Sudan.
onset of puberty in cattle. 9. Gaber, S.S., 1987. Effect of concentrate addition to
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puberty at younger age than the local Sudanese breed Thesis, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
used by Elkhidir et al.[6 ] . This is in line with Teodero 10. Guibet, H.R., G.H. Hart, R.A. W angon and M.
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age at puberty. in beef cattle.Cali.Agric. Exp. Bull., 688.
The results indicate that the first presence of 11. Joint FAO/IAEA Division. Animal reproduction
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unit, Animal production and health section.
ranged from 0.77 to 2.78ng/ml and 0.87 to 3.35 ng/ml
Internatio nal Atomic Energy Agency.
with an average age and live weight of 23.9 month at
W ageramerstrasse 5, P O Box 100- 1400 Vienna,
231.25 kg and 20.46 month at 247.87kg for heifers fed
on (LC) and (HC) diets, respectively. These results
12. Joubert, D.M., 1954 . The influence of winter
were in line with that reported by Donaldson et al.
nutritional depression on growth , reproduction and
(1970) who found that the plasma progesterone
concentration of heifers ranged from 0.3 to 3.9 ng/ml. production of cattle. J.Agic. Sci Camb., 44: 5.
Also, the results showed that, higher concentration of 13. Leaver, J.D., 1973. Rearing of dairy cattle .4
progesterone were accompanied with the presence of Effect of the concentrate supplementation on the
corpus luteum. This agrees with the previous results live weight gain and feed intake of calves offered
reported by Rakha et al. [2 0 ]. roughages ad- libitum .Anim. Prod. 17: 43.
From this study it could be concluded that , 14. Leadger, H.P., A. Rogerson and G.H. Freeman,
supplementation of poor quality roughages improves the 1970. Further studies on the voluntary intake of
performance and the reproductive traits of dairy heifers. Bos indicus, Bos Taurus and cross bred cattle .
Anim. Prod. 12: 425.
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Tugas Metodologi Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah

Pertemuan VI dan VII

1. Jenis Penelitian
a. Jenis Penelitian Menurut Pendekatan Analitik
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada jurnal ini menurut pendekatan analitik
adalah penelitian kuantitatif Bila disederhanakan penelitian ini berdasarkan
pendekatan kuantitatif secara mendalam digolongkan penelitian deskriptif.
Penelitian deskriptif melakukan analisis hanya sampai taraf deskripsi, yaitu
menganalisis dan menyajikan data secara sistematik, sehingga dapat lebih
mudah untuk dipahami dan disimpulkan. Analisis data pada penelitian
deskriptif hanya mencari ukuran pemusatan dan penyebaran data dan sering
disertai berbagai bentuk grafik. Penelitian diatas termasuk penelitian deskriptif,
karena data numerikal hasil pengaruh pemberian pakan suplementasi konsentrat
pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seksual pada sapi perah dianalisis hanya
sampai taraf deskriptif.

b. Jenis Penelitian Menurut Bentuk dan Tujuannya

Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada jurnal diatas menrutu bentuk dan
tujuannya adalah penelitian eksperimental adalah suatu penelitian untuk
menguji populasi hipotetik, yaitu suatu populasi yang dibayangkan akan ada
oleh si peneliti, suatu penelitian eksperimental selalu dilakukan dalam kondisi
dimana variabelnya dapat dikontrol atau diidentifikasi secara jelas.
Pengontrolan variabel artinya, satu atau beberapa variabel bebas atau tetap
ditentukan dengan jelas, demikian juga satu atau beberapa variabel tak bebas
atau tergantuing dapat didefinisikan secara jelas.

c. Jenis Penelitian Berdasarkan Teknik atau Cara Melakukan Penelitian.

Berdasarkan tehnik atau cara melakukan penelitian, penelitian diatas
tergolong penelitian percobaan (experiment research), dimana penelitian ini
dilakukan perubahan ( atau perlakuan khusus atau kondisi ) terhadap variable
yang diteliti. Pada penelitian diatas, 18 sapi perah betina yang akan dijadikan
objek penelitian diberikan perlakuan khusus yaitu dengan pemberian pakan
konsentrat yang mengandung suplemen. Hijauan ad-libitum diberikan untuk
diet tiga kelompok sapi yang sudah dikelompokkan selama periode 130 hari
kemudian alfalfa dan Abu Sabeen ad-lib untuk periode 45 hari. Kemudian
hijauan (Abu Sabeen) ditawari ad-lib untuk semua kelompok selain campuran
konsentrat sampai mereka mencapai pubertas.

d. Berdasarkan Hasil yang Diperoleh.

Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh penelitian diatas termasuk Applied
Reseach (Penelitian Terapan): mempunyai alasan praktis, keinginan untuk
mengetahui; bertujuan agar dapat melakukan sesuatu yang lebih baik, efektif,

2. Pengolahan Data

Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model tetap, dimana pada
model tetap, percobaan yang perlakuannya ditetapkan sebelum penelitian oleh peneliti.
Hal ini berkaitan dengan bidang ilmu yang akan digunakan oleh peneliti dalam
penelitian. Penelitian diatas dikatakan menggunakan model tetap karena 18 sapi perah
sebelum penelitian diberikan perlakuan yang sudah ditetapkan. Hijauan ad-libitum
diberikan untuk diet tiga kelompok sapi yang sudah dikelompokkan selama periode 130
hari kemudian alfalfa dan Abu Sabeen ad-lib untuk periode 45 hari. Kemudian hijauan
(Abu Sabeen) ditawari ad-lib untuk semua kelompok selain campuran konsentrat
sampai mereka mencapai pubertas. Campuran konsentrat ditawarkan untuk sapi muda
sekali sehari pukul 8.00 pagi dan air bersih tersedia sepanjang periode percobaan. Abu
Sabeen (Hijauan) ditawarkan dalam sekali makan di jam 10.00, penolakan hijauan
disesuaikan menjadi 10% dari jumlah yang ditawarkan. Asupan pakan harian adalah
dihitung dengan mengurangi penolakan dari jumlah tersebut ditawarkan. Sapi dara
ditimbang setiap minggu pukul 7.00 pagi.
3. Bentuk Grafik yang Digunakan
Pada penelitian diatas data disajikan menggunakan tabel analisis ANOVA
(Mean, dan SE) dan tabel yang disajikan sesuai dengan perlakuan yg diberikan kepada
sapi perah.
4. Analisis Data
Perubahan perkembangan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seksual dianalisis
secara statistik menggunakan Analisis of variance (ANOVA) karena terdapat lebih dari
2 kelompok sapi perah dan perbedaan paling signifikan (LSD) dalam Program IBM

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