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Lesson plan 3

Class – 7th grade
Number of students – 28
Level: A2, pre-intermediate
Topic: The Ghost castle
Module: Literature & Festivals
Textbook: Limba modernă1. Engleză – clasa a VII-a, autori: Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks,
Peter Lewis-Jones, Oana Stoica, Ioana Tudose, Ioana Adam, Editura ArtKlett, București,
Type of lesson: fixation of knowledge and developing skills and abilities
Skills: Writing
Methods and techniques: conversation, observation, dialogue, explanation, exercise,
brainstorming, the Hot Seat technique, project, photostory;
Resources: notebooks, worksheet, blackboard, flipchart.
Interaction- T-S, S-S, individual work, group work.
Time: 50 min
General competences:
4. Writing messages in common communication situations
Specific competences:
4.2. Briefly recount an incident using connectors to mark the chronological order

The students are tested for ability to:

C1 Identify and name main vocabulary items from a picture;
C2 Extract main ideas from an illustrated story and narrate the events in the right order;
C3 Use the adequate connectors to write a narrative;
C4 Write a narrative starting from a given model and using Past Tenses;

Values and attitudes:

 Forming a positive attitude about your own physical, emotional, aesthetic, spiritual,
intellectual, moral and social development;
Stages of the lesson

Stages Com Activities Types Skills/m Evaluati Time

peten of ethods on
ces organis
1. Lead-in - T. greets class and checks frontal Convers Observat 2’
attendance ation ion
T announces the writing
activity and its goals;
2. Pre-writing C1 1. Discussion: frontal Convers Observat 10’
activities C2 - Places you ation ion
visited/travelled to. Ss Exercise
name such places. Word
- Did anything strange cloud
happen during your visit?
2. Ss look at the photo
story provided in annex 1.
- they fill in a word cloud
with vocabulary derived
from the image (ghost,
castle, visitors, children,
dinner, secret passage etc.)
- What do you think
3. Writing C1 1. In groups of 5 Ss solve Individ Worksh Fill in 20’
activities C2 the tasks on worksheet 1 ual eet activities
C3 (annex 2) Group Project Matchin
C4 - match images and words g
in order to build the activities
necessary vocabulary for
the written task.
- fill in a text with
adjectives, in order to
describe scenery and
people in the images.
- answer comprehension
questions in order to
extract the main ideas
(who, where, when, what)
- fill in a short narrative
about the photo story with
linking words.
- finish the story following
the example given.
Ss work in groups to write
a paragraph in order to
finish the story. They will
use Past tenses (especially
irregular verbs in Past
Simple Tense).
Team leaders will fill in a
project diary.
4. Feedback C4 The speaker of each group Whole Presenta Oral 15
presents the paragraph class tion expressi
created. on
Each team leader will Self-
describe the other teams’ evaluati
presentations using a on
single word.
T presents the grading
The Hot Seat technique –
each member of the group
will say to his colleagues
“You helped the team
with....” and “I would like
to see more of...”
5. C4 Ss will have to write a two Individ Convers Written 3’
Homework paragraph story narrating ual ation expressi
assignment an unexpected event they on
encountered in the past.

Annex 1
Annex 2


1. Match the words with the pictures

a. castle b.curtain c.staircase d.ghost e. painting

2. Adjectives make a story more interesting. Choose adjectives from the box to fill the blanks
dark old little long big red secret cold black
Last weekend we went to visit Haunted Castle. It was very old and .............. There
were ...................... birds on the roof. Inside the castle, our dog, Toby, disappeared behind
a .................... curtain at the side of the room. We went to call him and discovered
a ................................ staircase.

3. Comprehension
a) Where did Peter and Jess go last weekend?
b) Why did Peter look behind the curtain? What did he find?
c) What did they see at the bottom of the stairs?
d) Why were Peter and Jess scared? What did they do?
e) What was so strange about the painting on the wall?

4. Prepare for writing

Join these sentences with words from the box
so but because and where

We ran down the stairs and saw a door in the front of us. We wanted to go back ............. we
suddenly saw an old man. He called to us ..................we followed him ...................he took us
to another part of the castle............................ there were some other people. We thought they
were actors.................................. they were dressed in strange clothes.

5. Writing
Help Peter and Jess to finish the story. Here is the topic sentence of the last paragraph:
“ The people asked us to eat with them but we were frightened................”

Annex 3
Project diary

Roles Activities Grade given by the team


No Activities
Annex 4
Grading chart

Item Good Medium Insufficient

Team collaboration: according to the teamwork 2 1 0
journal and T’s observation
Overall aspect of the project/visuals 2 1 0.5
Content: adequate information, coherence and 4 3 2
cohesion, spelling, vocabulary
Presentation – persuasion, coherence of the 2 1 0.5
speech, pronunciation, vocabulary
Teamwork journal 1 0.5 0


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