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Computer and their uses

Perhaps the single greatest invention of the century is the computer. The
computer is essentially a machine that enables humans to complete tasks that
may be time consuming or very repetitive in nature. This it achieves by
imitating human thought processes. In much the same way that humans think
using pathways in their brains that conduct minute electrical currents,
computers too use tiny electrical circuits which tell it what to do. The difference
being that computers do this at incredible speeds.

In this modern age man has grown to be heavily dependent on computers to

carry out all kinds of jobs that were done manually before. In banking for
example computers allow for millions of transactions to be carried out involving
large sums of money which would otherwise require thousands of bank tellers.
Computers do the job in a much shorter time and practically free of any errors.
Computers are responsible for air traffic control and the running of trains to
ensure that travel is made as smooth as possible. In factories nowadays
computers operate mechanical devices that produce goods we require for
everyday living, in such quantities that would be otherwise impossible to
achieve if these factories were run by humans alone.

Perhaps the greatest advancements have been made in the field of

communications. All of us are by now familiar with the 'Internet'. The internet is
a collection of computer systems and individual terminals linked up worldwide
through telephone lines and other channels. It offers a cheaper alternative to
communicating with people within a country and internationally through
computers. It has also been described as an immense pool of knowledge just
waiting for applications it has given rise to a new means for countries to carry
on trade with each other through 'E-Commerce'.

It must however be kept in mind that as useful as computers are. They are not
capable of independent thought and still require human input. In recent times
scientists have developed' Artificial Intelligence' in computers that may enable
them to function independently of man in the future.
Our neighbor
Living next to next is the principle of a neighbor. Good neighborliness is the ideal to be
aimed at and pursued. People live in the same neighborhood for many reasons. Sometimes it
may be aesthetic and very often convenience. It may be the nearness to one's office of work,
school, traffic centers and so on. As the saying goes, no man is an island; he has to live with
his neighbors. To make life tolerable and bearable one must cooperate with one's neighbor.

One's neighbor may be temporary as in the case of traveling by bus or train. Here the
neighbor is with one for a few minutes or few hours. Even here if there is understanding
between the neighbors the travel will be pleasant. Good neigborliness generates good
company and especially during travel it helps to take away the boredom. There are cases
when such travel has culminated in longstanding friendship.

Whether one likes it or not, one cannot do without neighbors. Even where houses are isolated
as in the case of bungalows there is inevitably the neighbor. Normally one may think one can
do without neighbors because one can command all comforts and services, so the services or
the need for a friend may not arise. However serviceable the radio or the TV may be in
providing the recreation, they cannot supply the human elements. The sympathy, the
admiration and the appreciation which a neighbor may offer will have a great humanizing
influence. To share one's view and sometimes even one's sorrows one needs some neighbors.
Because man is gregarious he cannot live in isolation.

But all neighbors are not always keeping the cordial relationship. Stresses and strains develop
because of misunderstandings. The cause may be very trivial or flimsy, still tension develops
ending in animosity and feud. Jealousy may be another cause for such a tension. The
neighbor may be doing fine, has earned a lot of money, his children are doing well, he gets
quick promotions, these and such others may create jealousy. Once this is generated, this
leads to non cooperation and petty quarrels. Very often children may be the cause for strained

Children may quarrel drawing the elders into the fray. The neighbor's son may pick a flower
or a fruit from your garden and an argument may erupt. Again he may throw his ball at your
window pane damaging it. These are not unnatural so far as the younger one is concerned but
it is for the elders to view at them with equanimity and make up for it. This may read easy on
paper but not so in practical life. But with some broad outlook one must be able to tolerate.

Another reason for tension may be the animals. Your neighbor's dog may be a real nuisance
or his poultry which would come into your garden and eat away the young saplings.

In all these cases to keep up good neighborliness some understanding between the neighbors
is important. Small differences can be easily patched up or ironed out. Care can at times play
the good samaritan and helps the neighbors in a small or big way. Nobody is perfect and it is
better not to speak disparagingly of your neighbor.

A cheerful word or a nod or a casual enquiry will strengthen the feeling of good
neighborliness. Negatively, one must not pry into what the neighbor is or what he does.

Tolstoy speaks in one of his stories how neighbors should behave. A child was wearing a new
shirt and the neighbor's child threw mud on it and thus spoiled it. Women folk started the
quarrel and men folk entered into the fray ending in a few heads broken and so on. By then
the children forgot all their quarrel and were playing. Tolstoy draws a moral from the story
namely neighbors must be quick to forget small wrongs done.

Neighborliness is not only for individuals but it is important also in a great measure between
neighboring countries. History has got a lot to teach in this respect. Unless countries learn to
live as good neighbors, there cannot be peace on earth. So children must be taught at home
and in the school to cooperate with the neighbors and be friendly with them. The basic
principle is to give and take and to develop a sense that the other man has as much right as
you have and some degree of tolerance is very necessary.
Road Safety
Why think of road safety at all? It is because of the accidents that occur everyday on the road,
in which all sorts of vehicles and human beings and even animal are involved. These
accidents mean loss of life and loss of property and more often than not obstruction to traffic.
In this age of speed and fast moving vehicles and with the congestion on roads, these
accidents have became almost an everyday affair. So unless everybody is educated on the
importance of road safety, the loss and the sorry spectacles cannot be avoided.

Prevention is better than cure. This holds good even in the matter of road accidents.
Accidents are due to many causes and may occur under different circumstances. The simplest
but at the same time dangerous perhaps is people slipping down on the road caused by an
orange or a banana peel. Without meaning any harm, quite innocently a person may throw
away the orange peel or the banana skin on the road or the sidewalk. When a person, walking
briskly, steps on, it he or she will slip down ending in fracture of bones and sometimes even
more dangerous than that. So people must take care they do not throw the pealings on the
road but should deposit them in a dust-bin. In some countries the offenders are severely
punished. The second cause of accident is due to careless crossing in busy roads. While
crossing one must look to the right and left for moving vehicles and then cross.

Where there are Zebra crossings on the road for the pedestrians to cross, one should cross
along them. One should keep to the margin of the road while walking and the vehicles must
keep to their lanes in busy streets.

In the case of accidents involving vehicles there are many causes. One is trying to overtake
and very often taking risk. Another is wrong judgment in crossing. Sometimes it may be not
caring for the signals. In crowded streets accidents may take place in a snap second because
one does not care for the signal. "Stop, look and go" is the best precept; it will save vehicles
from accidents. But where one takes a foolish step, the result is the inevitable accident. Jay
riding may be another cause. Riding two or three abreast is always dangerous. Especially one
must be aware of this. Scooter riders become victims of road accidents. But if they just wear
the helmet as required by law they could easily avoid fracture and hence death.

Very often the cause of accidents is the failure of the brake system which means the owner of
the vehicle does not bother to keep the machine in good condition. By attending to the
vehicle regularly a lot of miseries could be avoided.

Road safety is a matter of education in which the school can play a significant role. Through
scouting, Red Cross and social education classes, children can be taught the importance of
observing the rules of the road. Children must be taught their limbs and lives are very
valuable and they must not take risk, especially when leaving the school. As soon as the bell
goes children rush out and accidents do happen. Under the circumstances the teachers must
feel it their duty to regulate the traffic near the school. The police can cooperate with the
school in this respect.

To make the people road conscious, the mass media can play a useful role. The newspaper,
the wall poster and the cinema and now the TV come in handy. Shots in the cinema or TV
emphasizing the importance of road safety can be highlighted. There may be speeches over

radio by the police officials. During peak hours in crowded areas, the police may direct the
traffic and ask people to keep to their lanes.
How to make your life successful
What we call life is a very complex affair. It is not simply eating, reproducing and finally
dying. Every creature does these. But in the case of man he has to lead a highly complicated
life. It is like going through a maze and coming out. He is an economic being and a social
animal. He has to earn, make a home, look after his people, attend to his obligations to the
society and the Government. So in order to be successful, in all these, he has to develop
certain qualities.

What do we mean by saying a man is successful? If in his occupation he can do satisfactorily

both for himself and others then he is successful. He must be able to look after his people and
bring up good children. If he becomes a professional man like an engineer, doctor or lawyer,
making money should not be the only criterion; he must also be able to satisfy his clients and
be honest at it.

In order to be successful one should develop certain qualities. At first he must realize his
purpose; in other words what he would like to be. This is the crux of the problem, for the
choice does not come to him. Parents decide it very often for them. Let us suppose he decides
to be somebody in his life. Once having decided he must work for attaining certain standard
in that line. Only hard work would make him fit for the job. It is rightly said that it is 5%
inspiration and 95% perspiration. One must deserve before desiring. One must remember
one's education does not stop with the school or college. it is a life long process. Professional
people must keep themselves up to date.

Then one must get on with others. In the chess board of life one may find himself in any
position; it may be the all powerful queen or simply a pawn. It must be remembered that
given the chance, even a pawn can destroy a queen. This means in a complex society,
everyone finds oneself in a particular position; there may be some above and some below.
One need not be favoring and flattering those above and be arrogant with those below. "What
can I do for you' is the correct attitude and having done it go about your duty. In getting on
with others sweet temperament is really an asset; then only others will like to transact with
one. One must not be easily irritable nor give irritants to others. Then one must be reliable.
One may be clever but if he is not reliable, he cannot achieve success in a great measure
because others will have very little to do with him.

Another important quality that would make up for success is doing things then and there.
Procrastination is the thief of time. Postponement of doing things means swelling of work for
the next day. A small chink may be easily closed today but tomorrow it may be late. If we
analyze the life of successful people we could easily see they have been through and never
postponed doing things.

Still another quality is not to argue. The other may be really wrong. By pointing out that he
has been wrong you are not going to improve matters, on the other hand you can help him
correct. Arguing not only takes away precious time but also causes irritations. Especially
one's superior may not like situation something like this. 'You may be right, sir', or 'This is all
right', but 'what about our alternative' and so on.
One must be capable of learning from experience. One must be able to learn from the
mistakes of others. Only when nations and individuals fail to learn from the past mistakes,
they are ruined. History is replete with examples.

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