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Ever have the privilege of living with a cat? If you have, you know that they have a certain degree of unique magical
energy. It’s not just our modern domesticated felines, though–people have seen cats as magical creatures for a long
time. Let’s look at some of the magic, legends, and folklore associated with cats throughout the ages.
Touch Not the Cat
In many societies and cultures, it was believed that a surefire way to bring misfortune into your life was to deliberately
harm a cat. An old sailors’ tale cautions against throwing the ship’s cat overboard–the superstition said that this
would practically guarantee stormy seas, rough wind, and possibly even a sinking, or at the very least, drownings. Of
course, keeping cats on board had a practical purpose, as well–it kept the rat population down to a manageable
In some mountain communities, it is believed that if a farmer killed a cat, his cattle or livestock would sicken and die.
In other areas, there’s a legend that cat-killing will bring about weak or dying crops.
In ancient Egypt, cats were regarded as sacred because of their association with the goddesses Bast and Sekhmet.
To kill a cat was grounds for harsh punishment, according to the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus, who wrote,
"Whoever kills a cat in Egypt is condemned to death, whether he committed this crime deliberately or not. The people
gather and kill him.”
There's an old legend that cats will try to "steal a baby's breath," smothering it in its sleep. In fact, in 1791, a jury
in Plymouth, England found a cat guilty of homicide in just these circumstances. Some experts believe that this is the
result of the cat lying on top of the child after smelling milk on its breath. In a slightly similar folktale, there's an
Icelandic cat called the Jólakötturinn who eats lazy children around the Yuletide season.
In both France and Wales, there’s a legend that if a girl steps on a cat’s tail, she’ll be unlucky in love. If she’s
engaged, it will get called off, and if she’s seeking a husband, she won’t find him for at least a year following her cat-
tail-stepping transgression.
Lucky Cats
In Japan, the maneki-neko is a cat figurine who brings good luck into your home. Typically made of ceramic,
the maneki-neko is also called the Beckoning Cat or Happy Cat. His upraised paw is a sign of welcome. It is believed
that the raised paw draws money and fortune to your home, and the paw held next to the body helps keep it
there. Maneki-neko is often found in feng shui.
England’s King Charles once had a cat that he loved very much. According to legend, he assigned keepers to
maintain the cat’s safety and comfort around the clock. However, once the cat fell ill and died, Charles’ luck ran out,
and he was either arrested or died himself the day after his cat passed away, depending upon which version of the
story you hear.
In Renaissance-era Great Britain, there was a custom that if you were a guest in a home, you should kiss the family
cat upon your arrival to ensure a harmonious visit. Of course, if you’ve had a cat you know that a guest who fails to
make nice with your feline could end up having a miserable stay.
There’s a story in rural parts of Italy that if a cat sneezes, everyone who hears it will be blessed with good fortune.
Cats and Metaphysics
Cats are believed to be able to predict the weather–if a cat spends the entire day looking out a window, it could mean
rain is on the way. In Colonial America, if your cat spent the day with her back to the fire, then it indicated a cold snap
was coming in. Sailors often used the behavior of ships’ cats to foretell weather events–sneezes meant a
thunderstorm was imminent, and a cat who groomed its fur against the grain was predicting hail or snow.
Some people believe that cats can predict death. In Ireland, there’s a tale that a black cat crossing your path in the
moonlight meant you’d fall victim to an epidemic or plague. Parts of Eastern Europe tell a folktale of a cat yowling in
the night to warn of coming doom.
In many Neopagan traditions, practitioners report that cats frequently pass through magically designated areas, such
as circles which have been cast, and seem to make themselves contentedly at home within the space. In fact, they
often seem curious about magical activities, and cats will often lay themselves down in the middle of an altar or
workspace, sometimes even falling asleep on top of a Book of Shadows.
Black Cats
There are a number of legends and myths surrounding black cats in particular. The Norse goddess Freyja drove a
chariot pulled by a pair of black cats, and when a Roman solder killed a black cat in Egypt he was killed by an angry
mob of locals. Sixteenth-century Italians believed that if a black cat jumped on the bed of an ill person, the person
would soon die. 
In Colonial America, Scottish immigrants believed that a black cat entering a wake was bad luck, and could indicated
the death of a family member. Appalachian folklore said that if you had a stye on the eyelid, rubbing the tail of a black
cat on it would make the stye go away.
If you find a single white hair on your otherwise-black cat, it's a good omen. In England's border countries and
southern Scotland, a strange black cat on the front porch brings good fortune.

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