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Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167

Advances in understanding and modeling the gas–liquid

mass transfer in shake flasks
Ulrike Maier, Mario Losen, Jochen Büchs∗
Biochemical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Worringerweg 1, Aachen 52056, Germany
Received 12 December 2001; accepted after revision 17 June 2003

The gas–liquid mass transfer in 250 ml shake flasks has previously been sucessfully modelled on basis of Higbie’s penetration theory.
The current contribution presents advances in understanding and modelling the gas–liquid mass transfer in shake flasks at waterlike liquid
viscosity in flask sizes between 50 and 1000 ml. An experimental investigation of the maximum gas–liquid mass transfer capacity OTRmax
using the sodium sulphite system was extended to relative filling volumes of 4–16%, shaking diameters of 1.25, 2.5, 5, 7, 10 cm and shaking
frequencies of 50–500 rpm for the above flask sizes. Simultaneously, the previous model of the gas–liquid mass transfer was extended
to a “two sub-reactor model” to account for different mechanisms of mass transfer in the liquid film on the flask wall and the bulk of
the liquid rotating within the flask. The shake flask is for the first time considered to be a two-reactor system consisting of a stirred tank
reactor (bulk liquid) and a film reactor (film on flask wall and base). The mass transfer into the film on the flask wall and base at “in-phase”
operating conditions is described by Higbie’s penetration theory. Two different mass transfer theories were applied to successfully describe
the mass transfer into the bulk liquid: a model by Kawase and Moo-Young and a model by Gnielinski. The agreement between the new
modelling approach, which requires absolutely no fitting parameters and the experimental is within ±30%. The applicability of the models
to a biological system was shown using a Pichia pastoris culture. This is particularly notable since geometrically non-similar liquid
distributions in very different sizes of shaking flasks are covered. A comparable description of the gas–liquid mass transfer in bubble
aerated reactors like stirred tanks is absolutely out of reach. A spatially- and time-resolved consideration of the mass transfer in the liquid
film on the flask wall and base has shown that the validity of Higbie’s theory sensitively depends on the film thickness and contact time.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Gas–liquid mass transfer; Shake flasks; Modelling; Aeration; Aerobic processes; Bioprocess engineering

1. Introduction observed growth rate is a function of the mass transfer rate

alone and gives no information about the true growth rate of
Providing sufficient oxygen to biological cultures is vital the microorganisms as demonstrated by van Suijdam et al.
for efficient bioprocess development. According to Hilton [2]. Yet, changes in metabolism may occur [3]. Büchs [4]
[1], “highly variable fermentation processes may construc- has identified different degrees of severity of the metabolic
tively be viewed as the result of a lack of awareness of some problems encountered resulting from an oxygen limitation.
parameter critical to that particular process. Often in small In summary it can be said that the true effect of the variables
liquid batch processes, that critical parameter is gas ex- under study in the screening stage of bioprocess develop-
change or balance between respiration rate (oxygen demand ment may be difficult to evaluate under oxygen limitation
of the culture, OUR) and oxygen transfer (to the culture, [5]. Only when the operating conditions are changed in such
OTR)”. The oxygen demand of the culture OUR may be a way as to increase OTRmax does the true and unlimited
limited if it exceeds the maximum oxygen transfer capacity oxygen uptake rate OUR, meaning the unlimited breathing
OTRmax through the shake flask closure and the gas–liquid rate, of the microorganisms become visible. Screening un-
interface. If the metabolism of the organism under inves- der an unknown oxygen limitation may cause an unwanted
tigation remains unaffected by the oxygen limitation, the selection pressure and thus lead to a high degree of variabil-
ity in an early and decisive stage of bioprocess development.
∗ Corresponding author. Present address: Biochemical Engineering,
To harmonise screening experiments, suitable operating
RWTH Aachen University, Worringerweg 1, Aachen 52056, Germany.
conditions (flask size, shaking frequency, filling volume
Tel.: +49-241-8025546; fax: +49-241-8022265. and shaking diameter) ensuring sufficient oxygen supply to
E-mail address: (J. Büchs). cultures must be determined. For this it is vital to gain a

1369-703X/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
156 U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167

Nomenclature OTRmax maximum oxygen transfer capacity

a specific mass transfer area (m2 /m3 ) (mol/(m3 s))
ai specific mass transfer area of differential OTRmax,i maximum oxygen transfer capacity
slice (m2 /m3 ) of differential slice (mol/(m3 s))
aiB specific mass transfer area of bulk OTRB
max,i maximum oxygen transfer capacity
(m2 /m3 ) of bulk slice (mol/(m3 s))
aiF specific mass transfer area of differential OTRFmax,i maximum oxygen transfer capacity
slice of film (m2 /m3 ) of film slice (mol/(m3 s))
ccat catalyst concentration (mol/m3 ) Ph Phase number, [23]
cO2 ,b dissolved oxygen concentration of liquid pO2 ,G oxygen partial pressure in gas-phase (bar)
bulk (mol/m3 ) pO2 ,L oxygen partial pressure in liquid-phase
cD factor (bar)

cO oxygen concentration at gas–liquid Re Reynolds number, Re = (d2 n)/v(−)
2 ,L
interface (mol/m3 or % air sat.) ReL overflow Reynolds number, Eq. (10) (−)
cO2 ,L dissolved oxygen concentration Sc Schmidt number, Sc = η/(ρDO2 ) (−)
(mol/m3 or % air sat.) Shmin minimum Sherwood number
cs oxygen concentration in the liquid bulk Shlam laminar Sherwood number, Eq. (8)
Shturb turbulent Sherwood number, Eq. (9)
(mol/m3 )
tc contact time (s)
d maximum shake flask diameter (m)
di maximum shake flask diameter at tc,i
B contact time of bulk liquid (s)
considered height (m) tc,i
F contact time of liquid film (s)
d0 shaking diameter (m) v velocity of the liquid surface relative to
DO2 diffusion coefficient of oxygen in liquid the flask wall
phase (m2 /s) VL filling volume (m3)
dt time step (1 × 10−4 ) s x length scale perpendicular to wall (m)
Fra axial Froude number (−), [23]
kL gas–liquid mass transfer coefficient Greek symbols
(m/s) δ film thickness (m)
kL,i gas–liquid mass transfer coefficient for ε̃ energy dissipation rate (W/kg)
differential slice (m/s) εrel relative deviation between oxygen flux
B gas–liquid mass transfer coefficient of calculated using Higbie’s penetration
theory and of exact solution of mass
bulk (m/s)
transfer equation (%)
F gas–liquid mass transfer coefficient of
η viscosity of liquid phase (mPa s)
film (m/s)
ν kinematic viscosity of liquid phase
kL a integral volumetric gas–liquid mass
(kg m/s)
transfer coefficient (1/s)
ρ density of liquid (kg/m3 )
kn reaction rate constant nth order
(1/s(m3 /mol)n −1 )
L characteristic overflow length (m)
mechanistic understanding of the gas–liquid mass transfer,
Li characteristic overflow length of each
meaning the maximum oxygen transfer capacity OTRmax
differential slice (m)
of the shake flask in dependency of the influencing factors.
LO2 oxygen solubility (mol/(l bar))
Oxygen transfer in shake flasks has previously been
n shaking frequency (1/s or rpm) reaction
discussed in the literature [2,8–12]. Frequently a chem-
order of sulphite reaction with respect
ical model system, such as the sodium sulphite system
to oxygen
has been employed to simulate a biological oxygen con-
ṅ¯ O2 time averaged oxygen flux across the
sumer in experimental investigations. Yet, the results of
gas–liquid interface (mol/s)
the investigations conducted are difficult to transfer to ev-
ṅ¯ O2 ,Higbie time averaged oxygen flux across the
ery day laboratory work in a biological system since only
gas–liquid interface according to Higbie’s
a limited range of operating conditions (flask size, filling
penetration theory (mol/s)
volume, shaking diameter, shaking frequency) has been
OTR oxygen transfer rate (mol/(m3 s))
investigated [7]. In some investigations oxygen probes im-
OTRB oxygen transfer rate of biological
mersed in the liquid have influenced the hydrodynamics
system (mol/(m3 s)) and thus the gas–liquid mass transfer characteristics of
the system [5,8] making results difficult to interpret. Vital
U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167 157

information such as the diffusion coefficient DO2 and oxy- liquid distribution [7,17]. In this model the movement of
gen solubility LO2 of the chemical model system investi- the shaking table is divided into two partial movements as
gated often lacks, so that data cannot be employed to shown in Fig. 1a, the movement of the flask around the
identify suitable operating conditions for a specific biolog- excenter axis ω1 , and the opposite movement at the same
ical system. angular velocity around the flask axis ω2 . The alignment of
In a previous approach [7] a fully mechanistic understand- the flask remains unchanged in the North–South direction.
ing of the gas–liquid mass transfer in 250 ml shake flasks The liquid distribution results as the intersection between
requiring absolutely no fitting parameters was developed. the rotational paraboloid based on a frictionless fluid and the
The aim of this current investigation is to extend the previ- flask wall. This model describes the liquid distribution and
ous understanding of the gas–liquid mass transfer to a wider resulting gas–liquid mass transfer area a in the shake flask
range of operating conditions at waterlike liquid viscosity. for liquids of low liquid viscosity [7]. In our previous in-
For this the OTRmax was investigated experimentally using vestigation it was shown that the relevant mass transfer a in
a fully defined chemical system (aqueous sodium sulphite) the shake flask comprises the mass transfer area of the bulk
which simulates a biological oxygen consumer. liquid aB and the liquid film aF distributed on the flask wall
and base by the rotating bulk [7]. Using the above model
of the liquid distribution to calculate the mass transfer area
2. Theory a, the maximum oxygen transfer capacity OTRmax can be
calculated using Eq. (1) if the mass transfer coefficient kL
2.1. Gas–liquid mass transfer into shake flasks is known. Higbie’s penetration theory [18] has previously
[7] been applied to calculate the mass transfer coefficient
The mass transfer into the shake flask is described by two kL . In the shake flask the contact time tc,i between the gas
resistances: that of the closure and that of the gas–liquid in- and liquid phase depends on the considered height, mean-
terface. The influence of the sterile closure on the oxygen ing it is necessary to calculate the mass transfer coefficient
partial pressure in the flask has been studied in detail by in differential slices kL,i , as shown in Fig. 1b. According
Mrotzek et al. [6]. The results presented in the following to Higbie, the mass transfer coefficient is inversely propor-
will only be concerned with the maximum transfer proper- tional to the square root of the contact time tc,i between the
ties across the gas–liquid interface. An overview over litera- gas- and liquid-phase
ture and first results concerning the gas–liquid mass transfer 
have been previously presented [7]. The basic mass transfer kL,i = 2 (3)
correlations will be briefly presented in the following. πtc,i
The oxygen transfer rate OTR is proportional to the
Higbie is valid for semi-infinite space, meaning that mass
mass transfer coefficient kL , the specific transfer area a,
transfer takes place only close to the gas–liquid surface. The
the oxygen solubility LO2 and the driving pressure dif-
diffusion coefficient DO2 for electrolyte solutions can be cal-
ference pO2 ,G − pO2 ,L or driving concentration difference
∗ culated according to Akita et al. [19] (see Table 1 for details).
cO 2 ,L
− cO2 ,L across the gas–liquid interface
In the mass transfer model [7] it was furthermore differ-
∗ entiated between
OTR = kL a LO2 (pO2 ,G − pO2 ,L ) = kL a(cO 2 ,L
− cO2 ,L )
(1) • the mass transfer coefficient kL,i
F of the liquid film, which

is described by the contact time between the liquid film

The OTR defined by Eq. (1) is at its maximum, when on the flask wall/base and gas phase tc,i
F (see Fig. 1b) and
the driving partial pressure or concentration difference is
greatest. This is the case when the closure resistance can
be neglected and the oxygen partial pressure pO2 ,L or the Table 1
dissolved oxygen concentration cO2 ,L in Eq. (1) is equal to Input values for “gPROMS” simulation
0. The oxygen transfer rate OTR at this point is termed as Nomenclature Value
the maximum oxygen transfer capacity OTRmax ∗
cL,O 2
Oxygen concentration at 1.09 × 10−1 mol/m3 [20]

OTRmax = kL a LO2 pO2 ,G = kL a cO 2 ,L
(2) gas–liquid interface
cs Oxygen concentration in 0 mol/m3
The factors influencing kL , LO2 and a have been discussed the liquid bulk
previously [7]. dt Time step 1 × 10−4 sa
DO2 Diffusion coefficient of 1.22 × 10−4 m2 /s [19]
oxygen in liquid phase
2.2. Previous mechanistic model of the gas–liquid mass (m2 /s)
transfer k1 First-order reaction rate 0.52 1/s
δ Film thickness 5 × 10−5 m
The previous mechanistic understanding of the gas–liquid
mass transfer in shake flasks is based on a model of the a dt(n = 400) = 5 × 10−5 s.
158 U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167

Fig. 1. Model of the liquid distribution and mass transfer in the shake flask: (a) division of the shaking movement into two partial movements—ω1 :
rotation of the shaking table and ω2 : counter orientation of the shake flask; the combination of both movements results in a unchanged orientation of the
shake flask relative to the ground; (b) application of Higbie’s penetration theory to differential slice in the shake flask, d0 : shaking diameter, tc,i
F : film

contact time, tc,i : bulk contact time.


• the mass transfer coefficient kL,i

B of the bulk liquid, which The resulting mass transfer coefficient kL a in Eq. (5) can be
is described by the contact time between the bulk surface interpreted as an integral mass transfer coefficient compris-
and gas phase tc,i
B (see Fig. 1b). ing of the bulk and film contribution to the mass transfer.
The dissolved oxygen concentration at the gas–liquid inter-
The contact time between the bulk surface and gas phase ∗
face cO 2 ,L
can be calculated according to Schumpe et al.
B is defined by the velocity of the liquid surface which is
[20]. This mechanistic model of the mass transfer has been
considered to move with the velocity of the flask wall v
verified with some experimental data of limited range in the
Li 250 ml shake flask [7].
= (4)
2.3. Extended modelling approach
The maximum oxygen transfer capacity OTRmax can now be
calculated by inserting Eq. (3) into Eq. (1) with the respective 2.3.1. Model for mass transfer coefficient kL according to
mass transfer areas of the bulk liquid aiB and the film aiF Kawase and Moo-Young
resulting from the liquid distribution The model described by Kawase and Moo-Young [26] is
based on the periodic sublayer theory by Pinczewski and
 Sideman [27]. In this model, the mass transfer coefficient in
OTRmax = OTRFmax,i + OTRB
max,i surface aerated stirred tank bioreactors at conditions of iso-
i=1 i=1
      tropic turbulence is described by the following correlation:

film bulk
   1/4
1/4 P
kLB = 0.138Sc−2/3 νε̃ = 0.138Sc−2/3 ν
  VL ρ
N F F  N

=  kL,i ai + B B ∗ ∗
kL,i ai  cO2 ,L = kL a cO (6)
2 ,L
 i=1 i=1 
      with the Schmidt number Sc, the kinematic viscosity of
film bulk liquid phase ν, the energy dissipation rate ε̃ and the specific
(5) power input P/VL .
U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167 159

2.3.2. Mass transfer model according to Gnielinski

A second model applied to calculate the mass transfer
coefficient of the bulk liquid kLB is proposed. It is based
on Gnielinski’s [29] boundary layer theory in form of the
Sherwood number Sh = f (Re, Sc) valid for the liquid–solid
mass transfer at a plane surface
kLB L 
= Shmin + Sh2lam + Sh2turb (7)
with the minimum Sherwood number Shmin = 8/π for a
disc at diffusive conditions [29] and the laminar term Shlam
1/2 1/3
Shlam = 0.664ReL ScL (8)
Fig. 2. Dissolved oxygen concentration profile in liquid film—cO ∗ : oxy-
and the turbulent term Shturb ∗
2 ,L
gen concetration at gas–liquid interface; cO 2 ,L
: dissolved oxygen concen-
L Sc
tration at tc = 0; δ: film thickness; x: length scale perpendicular to wall.
Shturb = (9)
1 + 2.443Re−0.1
L (Sc2/3 − 1)
The inhomogeneous differential equation Eq. (11) can be
with the characteristic overflow length L, the minimum Sher- solved using a simulation tool, such as “gPROMS” (Process
wood number Shmin and the Schmidt number Sc. The over- Systems Enterprise Ltd., London, UK). Concentration pro-
flow Reynolds number ReL is defined by files cO2 ,L (x, tc ) which depend on contact time tc and pen-
etration depth result. The oxygen flux across the gas–liquid
ReL = (10) interface ṅO2 can be calculated by
∂cO2 ,L
The above model can be transferred to any geometry by ṅO2 (x = 0, t) = aDO2 (12)
∂x x=0,t
defining a characteristic overflow length L and velocity v
[29]. In literature some investigators have carried fixed in- with the exchange area a and the diffusion coefficient of
terface theories over to free surfaces [30], as for example oxygen DO2 . The average oxygen flux across the gas–liquid
Kawase and Moo-Young [26]. The “periodic transitional interface ṅ¯ O2 within the contact time tc is then given by

sublayer” theory [27] developed for liquid–solid mass trans- ṅO2 (x = 0, t) dt
¯ṅO2 = (13)
fer is directly transferred to the gas–liquid mass transfer tc
at the free surface of a surface aerated bioreactor without
the use of any fitting parameters. The gas–liquid interface According to Higbie the average oxygen flux across the gas
is assumed to behave as a rigid boundary [26]. Kudrjaw- liquid interface ṅ¯ O2 ,Higbie is equal to

izki and Bauer [31], who investigated the gas–liquid mass DO2 ∗
transfer across a surface aerated stirred tank reactor also as- ṅ¯ O2 ,Higbie = 2 ac (14)
πtc O2 ,L
sume that the free surface behaves as a rigid boundary. On
basis of this literature, Gnielinski’s model, developed for
2.5. The sodium sulphite system
solid–liquid mass transfer, is transferred to the gas–liquid
interface of the bulk liquid by assuming that the gas–liquid
The sodium sulphite reacts with the oxygen passing into
interface behaves as a rigid boundary.
the liquid according to the following reaction:
2.4. Gas–liquid mass transfer in liquid film SO3 2− + 0.5O2 −−→ SO4 2− (15)

On basis of a first order reaction the oxygen mass balance To determine the mass transfer coefficient kL a from mea-
around an element in a liquid film is described by surements of the absorption rate measurements have to
be conducted in the so-called “non-accelerated” reaction
∂cO2 ,L ∂2 cO2 ,L
= DO2 − k1 cO2 ,L (11) regime described in detail by Linek and Vacek [16].
∂t ∂x2
with the boundary conditions (see Fig. 2)
3. Materials and methods
BC1 : cO2 ,L (x = 0) = ∗
cO 2 ,L
  3.1. The chemical model system
∂cO2 ,L
BC2 : =0
∂x x=∂ The chemical system used to simulate an oxygen con-
BC3 : cO2 ,L (tc = 0, x) = cO2 ,b sumer is a 1 M sodium sulphite system (≥98%, Roth,
160 U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167

Karlsruhe, Germany) in deionized water catalysed by diameters of 1.25, 2.5, 5, 7, 10 cm (modified Lab Shaker,
1 × 10−7 M cobalt sulphate (≥97.5%, Fluka Chemie Kühner AG, Birsfelden, Switzerland) and shaking frequen-
AG, Buchs, Switzerland). The catalyst concentration of cies of 50–500 rpm (in 50 rpm steps) at waterlike liquid
1 × 10−7 M required to work in the “non-accelerated” re- viscosity were investigated. The investigations were carried
action regime [16] was verified in preliminary experiments. out at a temperature of T = 22.5 ◦ C. For calculation of
The system is buffered using a 0.1 M phosphate buffer kL a the oxygen solubility and diffusion coefficient given in
(disodiumhydrogenphosphate ≥99%; sodiumdihydrogen- Table 1 was used.
phosphate monohydrate ≥98%: Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany)
to ensure a constant pH [13]. The system is adjusted to pH
= 8 using sulphuric acid (≥30%, Applichem, Darmstadt, 4. Results and discussion
Germany) and has a resulting viscosity of η = 1.78 mPa s
and a density of ρ = 1105.9 kg/m3 . 4.1. Investigation of the chemical model system

3.2. Investigation of the chemical model system An investigation was conducted in a stirred tank reactor
to determine the reaction kinetics of the sodium sulphite
An investigation to determine the reaction kinetics of the system according to Eq. (16). The measuring points of the
sodium sulphite system was conducted in a 1.5 l stirred tank OTR in Fig. 3 were fitted to the following equation in a
reactor (VSF Fermentor, Bioengineering, Wald, Switzer- least-squares sense:
land) equipped with a polarographic gas analyzer (Model n
OTR = kn cO 2 ,L
26082, Orbisphere Laboratorien, Genf, Switzerland). The
dissolved oxygen concentration cO2 ,L was measured with The measured oxygen transfer rate OTR describes the oxy-
an oxygen sensor (Comp. Nr. 341003050, Mettler Toledo, gen balance around the liquid, kn in Eq. (16) can be consid-
Steinbach, Germany). The reactor was aerated at 1.15 vvm ered as the reaction rate constant and n as the reaction order
and operated at a temperature of T = 22.5 ◦ C. The stirring of the sulphite reaction.
speed was increased in steps from 400 to 800, 1200, 1500 From Fig. 3 it can be seen that the reaction order of the sul-
and 2000 rpm keeping each stirring speed constant until the phite reaction increases from 1 (when no catalyst is present)
oxygen transfer rate OTR and the dissolved oxygen concen- in direction of 2 with increasing catalyst concentration. This
tration cO2 ,L were in steady state. For each stirring speed, effect has also been reported in literature [14–16]. For the
corresponding values of OTR and cO2 ,L were gained. The catalyst concentration of 10−7 M applied in the systematic
experiment was conducted at a cobalt catalyst concentration investigation of the shake flask in this work, the reaction
ccat equal to 0, 1 × 10−7 , 1 × 10−6 and 1 × 10−5 M. order is n = 1.1 and the reaction rate constant is kn =
0.7 1/s (m3 /mol)n −1 . Fig. 3 furthermore shows that the dis-
3.3. Biological experiments solved oxygen concentration cO2 ,L is actually unequal to 0
for all catalyst concentrations investigated. This means that
Pichia pastoris was grown on complex medium (YPG: the measured OTR (Eq. (1)) does not correspond with the
10 g/l glycerine, Applichem, Darmstadt, Germany, 10 g/l maximum oxygen transfer capacity OTRmax (Eq. (2)), which
select yeast extract, Chemie AG, Buchs, Switzerland and assumes a dissolved oxygen concentration cO2 ,L of 0. This is
20 g/l select peptone, Gibco BRL, Invitrogen Life Tech- quite in contrast to literature, which assumes that the sodium
nologies, Karlsruhe, Germany; YPM: 31.64 g/l methanol, sulphite system reduces the dissolved oxygen concentration
Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany, 10 g/l select yeast extract, to 0 in the so called “non-accelerated” reaction regime [16],
Gibco BRL, Invitrogen Life Technologies, Karlsruhe, Ger- in which investigations of the volumetric gas–liquid mass
many and 20 g/l peptone, Invitrogen Life Technologies, transfer coefficient kL a should be conducted. Consequently,
Karlsruhe, Germany). The culture was run into an oxygen the measured oxygen transfer rate OTR in this investigation
limitation verified by carrying out the experiment using is based on a significantly lower driving concentration dif-
the online measuring method described by Anderlei and ference than if the full driving concentration difference (at
co-workers [3,21,22]. The experiment was conducted in a cO2 ,L = 0) were achieved. Still, the measured oxygen trans-
250 ml shake flask at 5 cm shaking diameter, 10, 15, 25 and fer rate OTR in the shake flask can be corrected to the maxi-
40 ml filling volume and 50–500 rpm shaking frequency (in mum oxygen transfer capacity OTRmax by resolving Eq. (1)
steps of 50) at a temperature of T = 30 ◦ C. to the volumetric mass transfer coefficient kL a as follows:
3.4. Shake flask experiments kL a = ∗ (17)
cO − cO2 ,L
2 ,L
The OTR was measured using an on-line measuring and inserting this expression into Eq. (2)
method developed by Anderlei and co-workers [3,21,22,32].
Erlenmeyer flasks of 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000 ml nom- OTRmax = c∗ (18)
inal volume, relative filling volumes of 4–16%, shaking cO∗ ,L
− cO2 ,L O2 ,L
U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167 161

Oxygen Transfer Rate OTR [mol/(m³ s)]

0.06 OTR = 29.5 cO2,L1.6

0.05 OTR = 2.9 cO2,L1.4

OTR = 0.7 cO2,L1.1


0.02 OTR = 0.4 cO2,L 1.0


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Dissolved Oxygen Concentration cO2,L [mol/m³]

Fig. 3. Reaction kinetics of the 1 M sodium sulphite system: oxygen transfer rate, OTR vs. dissolved oxygen concentration cO2 ,L under variation of the
stirrer speed and cobalt sulfate catalyst concentration, 1.4 l stirred tank reactor, T = 22.5 ◦ C, catalyst concentration: (䊏) c = 10−5 M; (䉬) c = 10−6 M;
(䊉) c = 10−7 M; (䉱) no catalyst.

In the shake flask the dissolved oxygen concentration cO2 ,L 4.2. Transfer of data from chemical model system to
in Eqs. (17) and (18) (depending on whether kL a or OTRmax biological system
is regarded) can be calculated from the oxygen mass balance
in Eq. (16) The applicability of the measured results of the chemical
 model system to a biological system was verified using a
OTR P. pastoris culture. The comparison between the measured
cO2 ,L = n (19)
kn oxygen transfer rate OTRB of the P. pastoris culture and the
maximum oxygen transfer capacity OTRmax of the sodium
The oxygen concentration at the gas–liquid interface phase sulphite system is shown in Fig. 4. OTRB is in fact higher

cO in Eqs. (17) and (18) can be calculated according to
2 ,L
than OTRmax of the sodium sulphite system due to the lower
Schumpe et al. [20] (see Table 1 for details). ionic strength of the biological system. There is a linear

Fig. 4. Measured oxygen transfer rate OTR of P. pastoris vs. maximum oxygen transfer capacity OTRmax of sodium sulphite system calculated from
Eq. (18): 250 ml shake flask, 5 cm shaking diameter, VL = 10, 15, 25 and 40 ml, n = 50–500 rpm (in steps of 50), resulting correlation factor
OTRB /OTRmax = 2.8, R2 = 0.97.
162 U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167

relationship between OTRB of the P. pastoris culture and vwall

OTRmax of the sodium sulphite system. A correlation factor
of OTRB /OTRmax = 2.8 results over the investigated range F shaking flask
t C,i
of operating conditions. This shows that the 1 M sodium sul- = F
t C,i
phite system is suitable to model P. pastoris as an oxygen film reactor
consumer by applying one correlation factor for all operat- +
ing conditions. The applicability to other biological systems stirred tank
requires different correlation factors which need to be indi-
vidually determined for each system.

4.3. Systematic description of the gas–liquid mass Fig. 5. Hydrodynamics in the liquid bulk and resulting “two sub-reactor
transfer in shake flasks model” of the shake flask: hypothetical division of the shake flask into a
falling film and a stirred tank reactor.
The experimental investigation of OTRmax in the shake
flask using the above described sodium sulphite system is be found. Several mass transfer models including models
extended well beyond the commonly applied operating con- based on the “boundary layer theory”, such as those by King
ditions. The maximum volumetric mass transfer coefficient [30], Lamont and Scott [32], Theofanous et al. [33], Prasher
of the experimental investigation was found to be kL a,Exp = [34] and Zhang and Thomas [35] were therefore tested for
0.157 1/s in the 50 ml flask at a relative filling volume of their suitability to describe the mass transfer in the shake
4%, a shaking frequency of 450 rpm and shaking diameter flask. These models proved to significantly overestimate the
of 7 cm. mass transfer coefficient of the liquid bulk. Only the models
The validity of the previous mechanistic model of the by Kawase and Moo-Young [26] and Gnielinski [29] lead
gas–liquid mass transfer described above and termed as to reasonable mass transfer coefficients as will be presented
“previous model” will now be investigated using the mass in the following.
transfer coefficient kL a (model: Eq. (5) resolved to kL a;
measuring values: Eq. (17)). The comparison between the 4.4.1. Mass transfer model according to Kawase and
volumetric mass transfer coefficient of the model compu- Moo-Young
tations kL aModel and measurements kL aExp for the investi- The first model proposed to describe the mass transfer
gated operating conditions shows that although there is a into the bulk liquid is a model by Kawase and Moo-Young
general linear tendency the data points clearly scatter (data [26] according to Eq. (6). This correlation is transferred to
not shown). The average deviation of the model values from the shake flask using the volumetric power input correlation
the measuring values is given by the linearly assumed fit described by Büchs et al. [23].
kL aModel = 1.62kL aExp meaning 62% deviation. This means
that Higbie’s model applied for the bulk liquid and film mass P n3 d 4
= 2/3 (20)
transfer as in Eq. (3) overestimates the experimental data. VL ρ VL (70Re−1 + 25Re−0.6 + 1.5Re−0.2 )
4.4. Extended modelling approach with the shaking frequency n, the maximum flask diameter
d and the Reynolds number Re. The conditions of isotropic
When applying Higbie’s theory to model the mass trans- turbulence were ensured using Liepe’s criteria [28], which
fer coefficient of the bulk liquid kL,i
B (“previous model”), the has been transferred to the shake flask by Büchs and Zoels
surface of the bulk liquid is considered to move with the ve- [25].
locity of the flask wall, neglecting all friction effects within Eq. (6) is now applied to calculate the mass transfer co-
the liquid. Due to this, the bulk mass transfer is likely to be efficient of the bulk liquid kLB . The bulk contribution to the
overestimated. According to power input investigations by total mass transfer in Eq. (5) is calculated using the spe-
Büchs and Zoels [25], the bulk can be considered as being cific exchange area of the bulk aB . The film contribution in
well-mixed. This mixing in the liquid is not accounted for by Eq. (5) is calculated with Higbie’s penetration theory. This
Higbie’s model. It is thus necessary to extend the modelling approach will be referred to as the “Kawase and Moo-Young
approach to account for the different mechanisms of mass two sub-reactor model”. Fig. 6 shows the experimental ver-
transfer in the liquid film and bulk liquid. For this, the shake sus the modelled values of the volumetric mass transfer co-
flask is divided into two hypothetical reactors: a falling film efficient.
reactor and a stirred tank reactor as shown in Fig. 5. If all measuring points are considered the scattering is still
It can be assumed at this point that Higbie’s penetration significant. To elucidate this behaviour the hydrodynamics
theory, which has been specifically developed for falling of the measuring points are considered. In shake flasks the
films satisfactorily describes the film mass transfer coeffi- bulk of the liquid generally rotates with the direction of the
cient kLF in Eq. (5). A suitable model to describe the mass centrifugal acceleration. Yet, an unfavourable hydrodynamic
transfer coefficient of the bulk liquid kLB in Eq. (5) must still operating condition, the so-called “out-of-phase” condition
U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167 163

calculated using Higbie’s penetration theory. This approach

will be termed as the “Gnielinski two sub-reactor model” in
the following. Applying Gnielinski’s boundary layer theory
to model the mass transfer in the bulk liquid results in an
average deviation of the model from the measured values of
14%, meaning a correlation factor of 1.14 for the very broad
range of operating conditions investigated (not shown). The
agreement between the model and measured values when
applying the “Gnielinski two sub-reactor model” for the bulk
liquid is slightly superior to the “Kawase and Moo-Young
two sub-reactor model” for the bulk liquid.
The volumetric mass transfer coefficients kL aModel of the
“Kawase and Moo-Young two sub-reactor model” corre-
spond well with those of the “Gnielinski two sub-reactor
model” (data not shown). This is quiet remarkable consider-
ing that the modelling approach is absolutely different and
both approaches require absolutely no fitting parameters.
Only at low kL a-values does the “Kawase and Moo-Young
two sub-reactor model” show slightly higher values than
Fig. 6. Volumetric mass transfer coefficient of model kL aModel (film the “Gnielinski two sub-reactor model”. The “Gnielinski
mass transfer: Higbie; bulk mass transfer: Kawase and Moo-Young) vs. two sub-reactor model” accounts for mass transfer at lam-
measuring values kL aExp : 50–1000 ml shake flask, 1.25–10 cm shaking
diameter, 4–20% relative filling volume, 50–500 rpm shaking frequency,
inar flow conditions, which the “Kawase and Moo-Young
1 M sodium sulphite system, T = 22.5 ◦ C, (䉱) all measurement values; two sub-reactor model” does not account for. Even though
(䊊) only “in-phase” measurement values which were calculated according the condition of isotropic turbulence for the “Kawase and
to Büchs et al. [23] with the Phase number, Ph > 1.26 and axial Froude Moo-Young two sub-reactor model” have been ensured
number, Fra > 0.4, kL aModel = 1.16kL aExp ; R2 = 0.88. [25,28], it can be questioned, whether this transition is
actually well defined within the shake flask. Considering
[23] may occur towards small shaking diameters, low filling the fact that both models require no fitting parameters for
volumes and high liquid viscosities. At this operating con- the large number of operating conditions investigated the
dition, the bulk liquid no longer rotates with the direction agreement with measurement values can be considered as
of the centrifugal acceleration [23,24], but collapses at the being good. In the following results from the “Gnielinski
flask base. The specific power input P/VL and mass transfer two sub-reactor model” only will be further discussed.
area a are consequently significantly reduced. The model of The data points have up to now been considered irre-
the liquid distribution explained above, is unable describe spective of flask size, shaking diameter or flask volume. In
the mass transfer area at “out-of-phase” operating condi- the following the validity of the “Gnielinski two sub-reactor
tions, since it assumes a symmetrical liquid bulk rotating model” in dependency of the maximum flask diameter, shak-
within the flask. The “out-of-phase” operating conditions in ing diameter and filling volume will be discussed to figure
our investigation can be identified and eliminated using the out in which conditions the new modelling approach still
“in-phase” criteria by Büchs et al. [23]. With this the scat- doesn’t describe the true mechanisms correctly.
tered data points are clearly reduced as Fig. 6 shows. It can
be concluded that the scattering is obviously caused by the 4.4.3. Influence of the flask volume
“out-of-phase” operating conditions. The average deviation When regarding the parity plot differentiated by flask
of the model from the measured values is reduced from 60% size, shown in Fig. 7, a clear tendency becomes visible: the
in the “previous model” to 16%, meaning a correlation fac- smaller the flask volume, the greater the overestimation of
tor of 1.16. the model values compared to the measuring values. Fig. 8a
shows a representative comparison between the model and
4.4.2. Mass transfer model according to Gnielinski measurement kL a-values in dependency of the shaking fre-
To apply this model the bulk liquid is divided into dif- quency and flask volume. It can be clearly seen that the
ferential slices. The characteristic overflow length of each agreement between the model and measurement values im-
differential slice Li is defined by the length of the gas–liquid proves with increasing flask volume. In the 250 ml flask
interface and the characteristic velocity at the gas–liquid in- the agreement is very good, whereas in the 50 ml flask the
terface vi is approximated by the velocity of the flask wall agreement increases with shaking frequency.
vi = 2πndi /2. Eqs. (7)–(10) are thus applied to calculate Influence of the shaking diameter. No general tendency
the mass transfer coefficient of the bulk liquid kL,i
B . The bulk in dependency of the shaking diameter could be found be-
contribution in Eq. (5) results by considering the specific tween the model and measuring values (data not shown).
mass transfer area aiB . The film contribution in Eq. (5) is The agreement between the model- and measurement values
164 U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167

bulk. This process is repeated continuously. As described

earlier, Higbie’s penetration theory is valid for semi-infinite
space only, meaning that it describes the mass transfer as
long as this takes place close to the gas–liquid interface. In
the following the oxygen diffusion process into the liquid
film will be considered time- and spatially-resolved to val-
idate the application of Higbie’s penetration theory in the
“Gnielinski two sub-reactor model” as well as to investigate
the influence of the reaction.
For a first estimation mass transfer for different contact
times tc equal to the reciprocal of the shaking frequency 1/n
is considered. For example, tc (100 rpm) =1/100 × 60 =
0.6 s. Contact times corresponding with shaking frequen-
cies n = 100, 200, 300 and 400 rpm were considered. The
reaction of the sodium sulphite system is considered as a
1.1 order reaction. In first investigations of the film thick-
ness conducted using a fluorescent measuring method a film
thickness in the order of δ = 5 × 10−5 m was found in
Fig. 7. Volumetric mass transfer coefficient of model kL aModel (film a 250 ml flask. In this preliminary measurement the film
mass transfer: Higbie, bulk mass transfer: Gnielinski) vs. measuring val- thickness was not investigated in dependency of the oper-
ues kL aExp for different flask sizes: 50–1000 ml shake flask, 1.25–10 cm ating conditions. The oxygen mass balance in Eq. (11) was
shaking diameter, 4–20% relative filling volume, 50–500 rpm shaking fre-
solved using the programme “gPROMS” applying the val-
quency, 1 M sodium sulphite system, T = 22.5 ◦ C; flask sizes: (䉬) 50 ml
flask; () 100 ml flask; (+) 250 ml flask; (䊐) 500 ml flask; (䉱) 1000 ml ues listed in Table 1.The resulting profiles of the dissolved
flask. oxygen concentration cO2 ,L (x, t) are shown in Fig. 9a. It
can be seen that the lower the shaking frequency, mean-
ing the higher the contact time tc the higher the dissolved
can be considered as being good for a shaking diameter of oxygen concentration at the flask wall. At high shaking fre-
5, 7 and 10 cm. The reason for small deviations between quencies (n > 400 rpm) the liquid film can still be consid-
model- and measurement values at a shaking diameter of ered as a semi-infinite space, meaning Higbie’s penetration
2.5 cm (not shown), which decreases with increasing shak- theory can still be applied. At low shaking frequencies the
ing frequency could not be found. dissolved oxygen concentration at the flask wall is lifted,
meaning that Higbie’s penetration theory is no longer fully
4.4.4. Influence of the filling volume valid.
Fig. 8b shows a representative comparison between the The relative deviation εrel between the oxygen flux calcu-
model- and measurement kL a-values in dependency of the lated using Higbie’s penetration theory (Eq. (14)) and that
shaking frequency and relative filling volume. It can be seen of the exact solution of Eq. (12) can be calculated according
that the agreement between the model- and measurement to:
values increases towards smaller relative filling volumes and
ṅ¯ O − ṅ¯ O2 ,Higbie
increasing shaking frequencies. εrel = 2 × 100 (21)
There is a tendency in deviation between the “Gnielinski ṅ¯ O2
two sub-reactor model” and the measurement values in de- For the longest contact time considered tc = 0.15 s (cor-
pendency of the maximum flask diameter, filling volume and responding to n = 400 rpm) a relative deviation of εrel =
shaking frequency. Still the agreement between the “Gnielin- 2.6% results. For the shortest contact time considered tc =
ski two sub-reactor model” and the measurement values can 0.15 s (corresponding to n = 100 rpm) a relative deviation
be considered as being good, since no fitting parameters of εrel = 8.8% results. This means that the higher the con-
whatsoever are applied. tact time, the more the actual oxygen flux (Eq. (12)) is ac-
tually underestimated by Higbie’s theory (Eq. (14)). This is
4.5. Gas–liquid mass transfer in liquid film at first quite surprising, since based on the results presented
in Fig. 9a Higbie would be expected to overestimate the ac-
The rotating bulk liquid distributes a liquid film of a cer- tual oxygen flux. This indicates that there is a second influ-
tain thickness δ on the flask wall and base. The dissolved encing factor, which compensates the expected effect. This
oxygen concentration of the film at the time of application effect is that Higibe’s penetration theory neglects the mass
(tc = 0) is equal to the dissolved oxygen concentration of transfer due to the reaction in the liquid film.
the liquid bulk cO2 ,b . Gas–liquid mass transfer and reaction To investigate the influence of the film thickness on the va-
then takes place across the film for the contact time tc , af- lidity of Higbie’s penetration theory, the film thickness was
ter which the liquid film is mixed under the rotating liquid increased and decreased by 50% (meaning to δ = 7.5×10−5
U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167 165

Fig. 8. Volumetric mass transfer coefficient of model kL aModel (film mass transfer: Higbie, bulk mass transfer: Gnielinski) and measuring values kL aExp
of 1 M sodium sulphite system, T = 22.5 ◦ C for: (a) different flask sizes, 5 cm shaking diameter, 4% relative filling volume; (b) different relative filling
volumes in 250 ml flask, 5 cm shaking diameter.

and 2.5×10−5 m) and the resulting dissolved oxygen profile (i) at moderate contact times (tc > 0.2 s) and film thickness
and oxygen flux calculated for a contact time of 0.6 s. From (δ = 5 × 10−5 m) the reaction within the film dominates
Fig. 9b it can be seen that the thinner the film, the more and causes Higbie’s penetration theory to underestimate
the dissolved oxygen concentration profile at the flask wall the actual oxygen flux across the gas–liquid interface,
is lifted and the condition of semi-infinite space is certainly (ii) in thin liquid films (δ = 2.5 × 10−5 m) the oxygen
no longer given at δ = 2.5 × 10−5 m. For δ = 2.5 × 10−5 m diffuses right through to the flask wall and the condi-
a relative deviation of εrel = −9.6% results, meaning that tion of semi-infinite space is no longer given; in this
Higbie’s penetration theory actually overestimates the oxy- case Higbie’s penetration theory overestimates the ac-
gen flux in thin films. tual oxygen flux across the gas–liquid interface.
The above considerations have shown that the validity of
Higbie’s penetration theory depends sensitively on contact To elucidate the exact influence of the above tendencies on
time and film thickness. Two general tendencies have been the deviations in the “Gnielinksi two sub-reactor model”
found shown above detailed measurements of the film thickness
166 U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167

Fig. 9. Calculated oxygen concentration cO2 in liquid film vs. penetration depth x. (a) Variation of the contact time tc , film thickness δ = 5 × 10−5 m.
(b) Variation of the film thickness, contact time tc = 0.6 s (n = 100 rpm).

are necessary, since the film thickness may be a function is equally well described by two different mass transfer
of the operating conditions such as shaking frequency and theories: that of Kawase and Moo-Young [26] and that of
maximum flask diameter. Gnielinski, which is based on the boundary layer theory
[29] for a rigid boundary. Gnielinski’s model can be con-
sidered to describe mass transfer at laminar flow conditions
5. Conclusion better than Kawase and Moo-Young’s model. The models
require no fitting parameters whatsoever and satisfacto-
A fully mechanistic “two sub-reactor model” of the rily describe the measuring values of the volumetric mass
gas–liquid mass transfer in shake flasks at waterlike liq- transfer coefficient kL a and the maximum oxygen transfer
uid viscosity has been developed. This model considers capacity OTRmax in a 1 M aqueous sodium sulphite model
the shake flask as a “two sub-reactor” system dividing it system with an average deviation of 14%. The OTRmax
into a hypothetical film reactor and a stirred tank reactor. of the sodium sulphite system has shown a constant cor-
The mass transfer into the liquid film (film reactor) on the relation factor of 2.8 with an oxygen limited P. pastoris
flask wall is described using Higbie’s penetration theory. culture under variation of the operating conditions. Other
The mass transfer into the bulk liquid (stirred tank reactor) biological systems have still to be investigated. Thus, the
U. Maier et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 17 (2004) 155–167 167

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