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Read an extract from an article about space tourism. Choose from the list (A-H) the sentence which best
summarizes each part (1-6) of the extract. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A. Careers can be planned in readiness for jobs in space tourism.

B. We can look forward to a time of widespread space tourism.
C. Individuals can contribute in various ways to making space tourism a reality
D. The development of space tourism will depend on the level of commercial investment.
E. Financial planning is required now if you want to be a space tourist in the future.
F. There are good reasons for encouraging space tourism.
G. In its initial phase, space tourism wi8ll offer only basic facilities.
H. Space tourism is becoming the concern of private companies.

The idea of what’s called Space Tourism, where ordinary members of the public line up to buy tickets for travel into
outer space and back, really stretches the imagination. According to Alan Grant, this distant dream could soon be a

On the Earth, governments provide a number of services, such as defense, police and a legal system. But most
activities are done by individuals and companies and it is going to be the same in space. Over the past few years a
growing volume of work has been done on the subject and it is now clear that setting up commercial space tourism
services is a realistic target for businesses today.

Many people still think that to get the chance to go to space you have got to try to become an astronaut.
Unfortunately, the chances of succeeding are tiny, simply because there are so few astronauts- and there is no
prospect of a lot more being employed. However, you need not despair because you will be able to go as a visitor.
So for anyone, the first thing you should do if you want to go to space is save up because the demand is expected
to be strong and, in early stages, prices will be high.

In order to stay longer in space, you could work in one of the businesses that will be set up in orbit. There will be
opportunities in manufacturing- aerospace vehicle makers, orbital construction, electric power, extra-terrestrial
mining, chemical engineering and other fields. So you can start university studies and try to get the sort of work
experience that will ensure you are well-placed to apply for a job in any of these areas.

The general public is very interested in travelling to space. Apart from the interest factor, such tourism is the only
way in which space activities can become profitable and the quickest way to start to use the limitless resources of
space to solve our problems on Earth. And living in space involves every line of business, from construction to
marketing, fashion, interior design and law.

It is possible to envisage a future when demand for space tourism travel will grow from thousands of passengers
per year to hundreds of thousands per year. Tickets to orbit will cost less and flights will depart from many
different airports. Orbital facilities will grow from just being prefabricated modules to large structures constructed
for hundreds of guests.

But like any other business, space tourism will develop progressively. Starting as a relatively small-scale and
relatively high-priced activity, customers will find that the service will be nearer to “adventure travel” than to a
luxury-style hotel. Orbital accommodation will be safe but rather simple. This will be a time for the pioneers who
will not mind the lack of comfort.

Miss Anahí, I want to thank you for your patience with me, I am
too strong a challenge for me, I am sincere and challenging
and a little scary, but I love the way you teach and motivate
your students, I want to give you the Thank you god bless you!
I will miss her, see you next Saturday

Few projects are successfully completed without the help of people who believe in them. It is possible to take an
active role in bringing space tourism about by asking airlines, hotels and travel companies if and when they intend
to offer space travel. Others may prefer to lend a hand by doing research into one or more of the areas needing it,
or by joining one of the many companies that are already working towards a future in space.

Read the extract again and match the word in bold to its meaning or synonym.

8.- stretches _C_______ a) objective

9.- target _____A______ b) not have
10.- demand __E______ c) broadens
11.- ensure __F_______ d) predict
12.- envisage __D______ e) requirement
13.- lack _____B_______ f) guarantee

14.- Do you believe that space tourism will be a reality one day? Why?

I honestly don't think so, because space tourism requires economic strength between the United States and the
USSR, apart from space travel being expensive, and I don't think people would spend that much to go for a few

15.- If you had the opportunity, would you pay for one of these trips? Explain why.

The truth is, I wouldn't pay for this trip, if I did it for a professional or other specific purpose,
maybe I would. I prefer to know, a place, where I leave learning and culture.


TEXT 1 Read about the achievements of this amazing Mexican and answer the activities.

1. In what year did Dafne Almazan graduate as psychologist? 13 years old

2. What is the meaning of “gifted”? They are individuals with high intellectual abilities have a score
greater than 130 on intelligence tests

3. Gifted children are often misdiagnosed with… TDAH

4. What is the Noumenic Methodology? It is about keeping gifted children in a childlike

environment while empowering their intellect with more advanced teachings.

5. Dr. Asdrúbal is Dafne´s uncle True False

6. She the first Mexican to study a master´s degree in Harvard True False

7. Gifted children have a higher IQ True False

8. Gifted children spend their day studying too much True False

TEXT 2. Read about the story of this amazing diplomat and answer the questions.

1. Have you seen the movie “The Schindler´s list”? I have not seen that movie

2. Why is Bosques compared to Oskar Schindler? Because snatched 40,000 prisioneros from the grip
of fascism during the second World war

3. How did Schindler save lives? by cunningly convincing the Nazi regime that we need free labor
to keep its army supply factory running.

4. How many people did Gilberto Bosques save? 40,000

5. He was Mexican consul in…General of Mexico in Paris

6. What did Gilberto Bosques convince to President Cardenas? to facilitate the transportation of
refugees to Mexico and grant Mexican citizenship to all of them upon arrival.

7. How did Gilberto Bosques save too many lives from the nazi regime? Bosques rented two castles in
Marseille, plants the Mexican flag in both and restricted and fed as many refugees as he could,
many of them rescued from concentration camps and underground security houses.

8. Why were Mr. Bosques and his family prisoners in Germany? because Mexico broke diplomatic
relations with occupied France.

9. According to the article, we need to build more bridges, not _walls_______.

10. What dd Bosques use to say every time he was thanked by a refugee he had saved? It wasn't me, it
was Mexico ",

LISTENING ACTIVITIES VIDEO 1: Watch this video and answer the questions.

1. How did Forbes call Dafne? Her one of mexicos most powerful women

2. What master´s degree did she study? Master in education

3. How old was Dafne when she received her master´s degree? 14 years old

4. What is she currently studying? and right now she is finishing doctorate in law

5. What languages does she speak? English, Franch, Latin and Mandarin

6. What kind of teachers does the school have? the school has gifted teachers

7. Why does the school have especial kind of teachers? so that the children fit together and adapt
according to their environment and learning.

8. What is the objective of the school? “main goal is to stop your talents from leaving the country, in
the future, we want these generations to choose to stay here and push Mexico forward”


Write a short paragraph about an outstanding Mexican. Mention what he does (athlete, singer, artist,
writer, etc), mention some of his/her achievements and why you really admire him/her.

Adhara Pérez, the gifted girl

At just eight years old, Adhara Pérez went into the spotlight after learning his IQ of 162,
higher than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkings. Currently, the little girl is studying
two degrees: Industrial Engineering and Systems Engineering.

I admire Adhara, because in an interview the girl is super humble and simple, she
comments: "My favorite planet is Earth," says the little girl. "I like Earth because we
can survive. And I want to go to space to colonize Mars. "

apart from coming from very humble and simple parents who are aware of her, this
little girl I see a lot of future, she is going to do a great engineering, and a person of
good, I admire her, for how small she is, and in that there is no evil, but dreams and a
desire to get ahead.


Download the app “lyrics trainning” in your phone. Choose your favorite song and play in MULTIPLE
CHOICE, INTERMEDIATE. When you finish, take a screenshot of the same screen, to let me see how
many points, attempts and correct answers you had. You must have more correct answers than
attempts! Paste your screenshot here.


Complete the following sentences with one of the idioms/phrasal verbs form the list. smelled fishy /
costs an arm and a leg / told off/ turn in / run over /ran out of / make ends meet / lived from hand to
mouth / ask out

1. Nowadays many people struggle to __ _make ends meet________________ because the wages in
Mexico are very low

2. They liked to show themselves as wealthy people but they actually _ lived from had to

3. The company asked for money before they offered a job, that _____turn in_____________

4. Luis likes Sonia but he is too shy to __ask out_____her_ ran out of________.

5. I need to ____ _ran out of_______________ this document to the teacher before 7:30

6. Francisco was almost _____run over_____________ by a car outside his house. Fortunately,
nothing happened.

7. My mom _ smelled fishy______ me __ told off________ for getting home late again

8. The writer ____ lived from hand to mouth______________ ideas to continue the romance story of
the characters of her book

9. He was sweating and complaining, but the coach told him “_____told off______________”

10. I wanted to buy the newest iPhone, but I couldn´t because it __ costs an arm and a


Hello dear student,

Today, this was the last class of our English course. I only want to congratulate you for all your effort,
self-motivation and enthusiasm you worked with, I know this course was especially challenging for
some people, but you never gave up and continued. Also, I want to thank you for all the patience you
had and all the beautiful things the teacher could learn from you. Congratulations! You have almost
finished! See you next saturday for the final exam :

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