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i Restaurants Conference Rooms Mi Lecture Halls Churches BH Lobbies WH Ottices 1 Balrooms Arenas FEATURES DESCRIPTION C1Compatible with ZoneMate HID The Wide-Lite VIPAIV is an HID dim takes contral from other stations, ind dimmers ming control designe for situations cating the selected preset at all sta- (Presets - four different intensity \where multiple predetermined lighting tions by integral LED's, Vertically levels intensity levels are desired, sliding, long travel linear controllers al- Variable Fade Rate - easily inanpiicetons sucdreslecture low precise intensty selection, adjustable with linear controller halls, restaurants and arenas, several The VIP system allows a user to se OltewVotage Sold State-no:motor eels of iluminaton may be preset at lect he desved long torstog a ives ‘central location and easily recalled —_the VIP master staion using a sepa (C1 Matiocation Contra - setect from any number of remote stations. tate controller for each of four different resets from any remote. station For example, ina restaurant, ight Iev- presets. The fade rate adjustment is, TiFiner Contre ong stele inemr ls selected for breaktast, unch, then set to 2 desired value betwoen travel for precise intensity control cocktail hour, and dinner are faithfully one and 120 seconds. Touching @ Datractive, clean styling repeated as they were the day before. preset select switch at ether the VIP DUL.tsted ‘An adjustable fade rate makes the master station or any of the remotes Three-year limited warranty transition almost imperceptible, or then sets the appropriate light level completely changes the intensity in a few seconds depending on the fade fate selected. The rate is continuously variable ftom one to 120 seconds. Crispy styled in attractive grain brushed anodized aluminum panels, the controls are functionally organizeo and clearly identified with black leter ing for easy recognition and simpie ‘operation. A compact panel of push: bultons activates the systern and Should full range continuous control bbe required at the remote locations as well, the Wide-Lite RCS controls are compatibie with the VIP system. anon 0286 TECHNICAL DATA SIZE OF #20 ANG MODEL NO. PANEL conpucToRs | BACK BOX (One ViPsv Maree required foreach exane! conto, Back box is supplied with each panel Terminal strip is provided in each panel for ease of installation Control Wire Size: 20 AWG, min. - 16 AWG, max Detailed drawings and installation insttuctions are provided with each system SINGLE CHANNEL SYSTEM ;ONDUC ae MULTIPLE CHANNEL SYSTEM fe Lighting Management Systems Po Box 06 SAN WRACOS, Te ipr2) 9829821, TELEX 7 TYPICAL SPECIFICATION Control centers forthe lighting contro! (cimming) system shail be as sched: led and consist of operating panel subpanel, backbox and assembly fas teners. Operating panel shall be 46mm (0.063) grain-brushed natural anodized aluminum with black ident cation characters and framing sur round, Fasteners shall be buttonhead, hexagon-dhive, black anodized alu ‘num and shall be located in the black framing surtound so as to be estheticaly invisible ‘Subpane! shall have all components mounted and intrawired to compres: sion type barrier terminal strip. Back bbox shall be the specific standard electrical outlet box scheduled, Inten- sity and fade rate controllers shall be linear viscous resistive film slider type with not less than 60mm (2.4" travel provided with rectangular knobs with pointers indexed against individual scales numbered 0 to 10 and gradu ated in half points Each intensity preset panel for each channel of control shall cantain four intensity preset controllers, a fade rato agjustment controller, four preset se lection switches and an off switch, Ad- Justment of fade rate shall be by a linear controler, 6Omm in length. The remote preset stations shall contain four preset selection switches and an off switch, The preset selection switch Shall act as a lake control for each station. The preset selection and off switches shall be compact rectangu- lar, semitlush, micro-movement push ‘buttons wit integral status indicating light emiting diodes. Control centers shall be VIPV se- rigs Control Panels by Wide: Lite Corp San Marcos, Texas. Properly installed dimming controls and dimming bal lasts shall be covered by a three-year limite warranty from Wide-Lite Bute 0205-1166 Copyright 1986

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