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galaxy OCTOBER









Editor-in-Chief OCTOBER, 1951 Vol. 3, No. 1


Editor H. L.
Assistant Editor
Art Director by Isaac Asimov 3
Advertising Manager by William L. Bade 52
by Ralph Robin 42
GALAXY Science Fiction
is published monthly by SPACEMEN DIE AT HOME
Galaxy Publishing Corpo-
ration. Main offices: 421 by Edward W. Ludwig 75
Hudson Street, New York
14, N. Y. 35c per copy.
Subscriptions: (12 cop- THE CELESTIAL HAMMERLOCK
ies) 33.50 per year in the
United States, Canada, fay Donald Co/Wfl 91
Mexico, South and Cen-
tral America and U.S.
Possessions. Elsewhere BOOK-LENGTH SERIAL-lnstallment 2
$4.50. Entered as second-
class matter at the Post THE PUPPET MASTERS
Office, New York, N. Y.
Copyright, 1951, by Gal- by Robert A. Heinlein 1 00
axy Publishing Corpora-
tion. Bernard Kautman,
president. Vincent Paris!,
treasurer. Vera Cerutti, EDITOR'S PAGE
secretary. All rights,
including translation, re- by H. L Gold 1
served. All material sub-
mitted must be accompanied
by self-addressed stamped GALAXY'S FIVE STAR SHELF
envelopes. The publisher
assumes no responsibility
for unsolicited material.
by Groff Conklin 87
All stories printed in this
magazine are fiction, and
anysimilarity between char-
acters and actual persons
is coincidental.

Printed in the U. S. A. Reg. U. S. Paf. Off.


Use Before Shaking

has been suggested that hun- partment when we were getting
IT dreds of urgent topics are be- organized and some errors were
seeching the editorial pages inevitable; at my
rejecting stories
of, among other things, science that were not suitable for one
fiction magazines. reason or another; at editorials
I find it surprising. If a science and ads declaring
stating goals,
fiction magazine has a viewpoint that GALAXY is a good maga-
— a dangerous thing, tending to zine, which were construed as
harden into glaucoma it should — bragging.
be apparent in the stories. The This not to excuse any of the
ability to put his maunderings offending practices. Our sub de-
into type may be tempting to an partment is working out its prob-
editor, but the fact is that they lems; for every reader who ob-
are immeasurably stronger in jects to editorial discussion of
stories than in solid pages of aims, rubs and successes, there are
rhetoric. They are also less dull. literallyhundreds who approve
However, since a statement of promotion, whether fortunately or
policy is closely related to science unfortunately, is a necessity for
fiction, here it is: 3iiy product; and I could promise
GALAXY is for democracy, to buy all stories submitted, but
human decency and dignity, I won't.

peace, progress, scientific ad- Thus GALAXY is for indi-

vance, better standards of living, vidual awareness: A psychiatric
education, international and in- axiom is that suicides in almost
tergroup relations, and individual all cases want to kill someone
awareness. else; anyone who attacks an in-
That last point may be con- animate object or a distant, un-
fusing, and I'm glad to have a known person is sore at somebody
chance to explain. Through sub- nearer home.
mitted stories and letters, and To continue, however:
magazines, IVe en-
articles in fan GALAXY is against tyranny of
countered instances of anger so any sort whatever, human de-
disproportionate to cause that the gradation, inhuman war, repudia-
vehicles actually amount to case tion of science or any other aspect
histories. Some of the anger- was of progress, lower standards of
directed at our subscription de- living, education, international


and intergroup relations, individ- remember that radioac-

ual unawareness, and bad stories. tivity does not make areas unin-
Note that GALAXY is against habitable for more than a matter
inhuman wars. Some wars must of months, or a few years at the -

be fought, which is a controversial very most. So no less than hun-

statement. Passive resistance may dreds of millions of people would
win under certain conditions, survive, and civilization safe-
though I doubt if it can against a guarded.
brutalized oppressor, but, passive Nor, actually, is the individual
or otherwise, it is still war. Hu- prospect for survival bad, outside
manity would be in even worse the big cities, maybe.
shape than it is if it had not However, radioactive and bio-
fought its just wars. logical warfare, like poison gas,
Matter of fact, the shape hu- is more likely not to be used for
manity is in is cause for worry, fear of reprisal.
I believe, but not the kind of Cancer? Techniques now in use
paralyzing terror clutches
that are very effective, and more are
science fiction writers in particu- on their way.
lar, every time they think of it. In any case, which would you
A Pollyanna attitude would be —
prefer the Black Plague, with
silly. On the other hand, so is no count ermeasures at all, or to-
irrational fright. It's hard to recall day's perils, with the enormous
many ages that didn't face what resources of laboratory and hos-
they regarded as imminent de- pital? How much of our fear is
struction. Their threats were bar- internal,hung on atomic war and
barians, great plagues, sorcery in cancer, that in other ages would
fill its fearful forms, uncheckable have clung to plagues and bar-
lire, flood, famine. Ours is mainly barians?
atomic and bacteriological war- The opinions contained herein
fare, and cancer. are not to be considered guaran-
Even assuming war must come, tees. Remember the hotheads
which not a certainty, and that
is mentioned earlier, who have their
at will use the awful weapons that counterparts in the governments
science has provided, just how and armed forces of nations. But
bad would it be? if logic means anything, mankind

Well, destroying the entire is in no greater danger than ifs

United States would take untold been in throughout history— and

thousands of bombs. For the with greater knowledge and tech-

whole world there isn't that nology for protection.
— H. L. GOLD
much fissionable material. And


The C-Chute

The spaceship had to be recaptured from the

aliens, -which meant that somebody had to be

a hero. But who would that be • . • and why?

ft*Hn the cabin into
he and the other
powerful force -field defenses.
He knew that could have only
passengers had been herd- one end. Their Earth ship was
ed, Colonel Anthony Windham only an armed merchantman and
could still catch the essence of his glimpse of the Kloro enemy
the battle's progress. For a while, just before he had been cleared
there was silence, no jolting, off deck by the crew was suffi-
which meant the spaceships were cient to show it to be a light
fighting at astronomical distance cruiser.
in a duel of energy blasts and And in less than half an hour.

ustra ted by DAVID STONE

there came those hard little Polyorketes brothers —dash heit,

shocks he was waiting for. The couldn't tell them apart— hud-
passengers swayed back and forth dled in a corner speaking only to
as the ship pitched and veered, as one another. Mullen was a dif-
though it were an ocean liner in ferent matter. He sat perfectly
a storm. But space was calm and erect, with no signs of fear or any
silent as ever. It was their pilot other emotion in his face. But
sending desperate bursts of steam the man was just about five feet
through the steam-tubes, so that tall and had undoubtedly never
by reaction the ship would be held a gun of any sort in his
sent rolling and tumbling. It hands in all his life. He could do
could only mean that the inevi- nothing.
table had occurred. The Earth And there was Stuart, with his
ship's screens had been drained frozen half-smile and the high-
and it no longer dared withstand pitched sarcasm which saturated
a direct hit. all he said. Windham looked side-
Colonel Windham tried to long at Stuart now as Stuart sat
steady himself with his aluminum there, pushing his dead- white
cane. He was thinking that he hands through his sandy hair.
was an old man; that he had With those artificial hands he
spent his life in the militia and was useless, anyway.
had never seen a battle; that now, Windham felt the shuddering
with a battle going on around vibration of ship-to-ship contact;
him, he was old and fat and lame and in five minutes, there was the
and had no men under his com- noise of the through the
mand. corridors. One of the Polyorketes
They would be boarding soon. brothers screamed and dashed foi
those Kloro monsters. It was the door. The oth^r calleSf, "Ari-
their way of fighting. They would stides! Wait!" and hurried after.
be handicapped by spacesuits and happened ^o quickly. Ari-
their casualties would be high, stides was out the door and into
but they wanted the Earth ship. the corridor, running in brainless
Windham considered the passen- panic. A carbonizer glowed briefly

gers. For a moment, he thought, and there was even a

if they were armed and I could scream. Windham, from the door-
lead them — way, turned in horror at the
He abandoned the thought. blackened stump of what was
Porter was in an obvious state of left. Strange —
a lifetime in uni-
funk and the young boy, Le- form and he had never before seen
blanc, was hardly better. The a man killed in violence.


It took the combined force ef same stuff as their bodies.
the rest to carry the other brother There was Anthony Windham,
back struggling into the room. in particular- Colonel Windham,
The noise of battle subsided. he called himself, and Stuart was
Stuart said, "That's it. They'll willing to believe it. A retired
put a prize crew of two aboard colonel who had probably drilled
and take us to one of their home a home guard militia on a village
planets. We're prisoners of war, green, forty years ago, with such
naturally." lack of distinction that he was

"Only two of the Kloros will not called back to service in any
stay aboard?" ask^jl Windham, capacity, even during the emer-
astonished. gency of Earth's first interstellar
Stuart said, "It is their custom. war.
Why do you ask, Colonel? Think- "Dashed unpleasant thing to
ing of leading a gallant raid to be saying about the enemy, Stu-
retake the ship?" art. Don't know that
I like your*
Windham flushed. "Simply a attitude." Windham seemed to
point of information, dash it." push the words through his clip-
But the dignity and tone of au- ped mustache. His head had been
thority he tried to assume failed shaven, too, in imitation of the
him, he knew. He was simply an current military style, but now a
eld man with a limp. gray stubble was beginning to
And Stuart was probably right. show about a centered bald patch.
He had lived among the Kloros His flabby cheeks dragged down-
and knew their ways. ward. That and the fine red lines
on his thick nose gaW him a
JOHN Stuart had claimed from somewhat undone appearance, as
the beginning that the Kloros though he had been wakened too
were gentlemen. Twenty-four suddenly and too early in the
hours of imprisonment had morning.
passed, and now he repeated the Stuart said, "Nonsense. Just re-
statement as he flexed the fingers verse the present situation. Sup-

©f his hands and watched the pose an Earth warship had taken
crinkles come and go in the soft a Kloro liner. What do you think
artiplasm. would have happened to any
He enjoyed the unpleasant re- Kloro civilians aboard?"
actipn it aroused in the others. "Fm sure the Earth fleet would
People were made to be punc- observe all the interstellar rules
tured; windy bladders, all of of war/* Windham said stiffly.
them. And they had hands of the "Except that there aren't any.


If we landed a prize crew on one his red eyes rolling at the other
of their ships, do you think we'd prisoners out of
take the trouble to maintain a swarthy, unshaven face. As Stu-
chlorine atmosphere for the bene- art watched, his face sank into
fit of the survivors; allow them to calloused palms so that only his
keep their non-contraband pos- mop of crisp and curly black
sessions; give them the use of the hair could be seen. He rocked
most comfortable stateroom, et- gently, but now that they were
cetera, etcetera, etcetera?" all awake, he made no sound.
Ben Porter said, "Oh, shut up, Claude Leblanc was trying,
for God's sake. If I hear your very unsuccessfully, to read a
etcetera, etcetera once again, I'll letter. He wasthe youngest of
go nuts." the six, scarcely out of college,
Stuart said, "Sorry!" He wasn't. returning to Earth to get mar-
Porter was scarcely responsi- ried. Stuart had found him that
ble. His thin face and beaky nose morning weeping quietly, his
glistened with perspiration, and pink and white face flushed and
he kept biting the inside of his blotched as though it were a
cheek until he suddenly winced. heartbroken child's. He was very
He put his tongue against the sore fair, with almost a girl's beauty

spot, which made him look even about his large blue eyes and full
more clownish. lips. Stuart wondered what kind
Stuart was growing weary of of girl it was who had promised
baiting them. Windham was too to be his wife. He had seen her
flabby a target and Porter could picture. Who on the ship had
do nothing but writhe. The rest not? She had the characterless
were silent. Demetrios Polyor- prettiness that makes all pictures
ketes was off in a world of silent of fiancees indistinguishable. It
internal grief for the moment. He seemed to Stuart that if he were
had not slept the night before, a girl, however, he would want
most probably. At least, when- someone a little more pronoun-
ever Stuart woke to change his cedly masculine.

position he himself had been That left only Randolph Mul-

rather restless there had been len. Stuart frankly did not have

Polyorketes* thick mumble from the least idea what to make of

the next cot. It said many things, him. He was the only one of the
but the moan to which it re- six that had been on the Arc-
turned over and over again was, turian worlds for any length of
"Oh, my brother!" time. Stuart, himself, for instance,
He sat dumbly on his cot now, had been there only long enough

to give a series of lectures on as- < sloppiness of the others. He
tronautical engineering at the simply sat there, almost apolo-
provincial engineering institute. getic, trussed in his overconserva-
Colonel Windham had been on tive clothing, and hands loosely
a Cook's tour; Porter was trying clasped in his lap. The thin line
to buy concentrated alien vege- of hair on his upper lip, far from
tables for his canneries on Earth; adding character to his face, ab-
and the Polyorketes brothers had surdly increased its primness.
attempted to establish themselves He looked like someone's idea
in Arcturus as truck farmers and, of a caricature of a bookkeeper.
after two growing seasons, gave And the queer thing about it all,
it up, had somehow unloaded at Stuart thought, was that that was
a profit, and were returning to exactly what he was. He had no-
Earth. ticed it on the registry —
Randolph Mullen, however, dolph Fluellen Mullen; occupa-
had been in the Arcturian system tion, bookkeeper employers.

for seventeen years. How did voy- Prime Paper Box Co.; 27 Tobias
agers discover so much about one Avenue, New Warsaw, Arcturus
another so quickly? As far as II.
Stuart knew, the little man had
scarcely spoken aboard ship. He 11/|R. Stuart?"
was unfailingly polite, always Stuart looked up. It was
stepped to one side to allow an- Leblanc, his lower lip trembling
other to pass, but his entire vo- slightly. Stuart tried to remember
cabulary appeared to consist how one went about being gentle.
only of "Thank you" and "Par- He said, "What is it, Leblanc?"
don me." Yet the word had gone "Tell me, when will they let us
around that this was his first trip go?"
to Earth in seventeen years. "How know?"
should I

He was a little man, very pre- "Everyone says you lived on a

cise, almost irritatingly so. Upon Kloro planet, and just now you
awaking that morning, he had said they were gentlemen."
made his cot neatly, shaved, "Well, yes. But even gentlemen
bathed and dressed. The habit of fight wars in order to win. Prob-
years seemed not in the least dis- ably, we'll be interned for the
turbed by the fact that he was a duration."
prisoner of the Kloros now. He "But that could be years! Mar-
was unobtrusive about it, it had garet is waiting. She'll think I'm
to be admitted, and gave no im- dead!"
pression of disapproving of the "I suppose they'll allow mes-


sages to be sent through once live. They'll see to that."
we're on their planet." Windham rumbled, "You
Porter's hoarse voice sounded sound more and more like a
in agitation. "Look here, if you blasted greenie sympathizer, Stu-
know so much about these devils, art. It turns my stomach to hear
what they do to us while
will an Earthman speak well of the
we're interned? What will they green fellas the way you've been
feed us? Where will they get oxy- doing. Burn it, man, where's your
gen for us? They'll kill us, I tell loyalty?"
you." And as an afterthought, "My where it belongs.
"I've got a wife waiting for me, With honesty and decency, Re-
too," he added. gardless of the shape of the being
But Stuart had heard him itappears in." Stuart held up his
speaking of his wife in the days hands. "See these? Kloros made
before the attack. He wasn't im- them. I lived on one of their
pressed. Porter's nail-bitten fin- planets for six months. My hands
gers were pulling and plucking were mangled in the conditioning
at Stuart's sleeve. Stuart drew machinery of my own quarters. I
away sharp revulsion. He
in thought the oxygen supply they
couldn't stand those ugly hands. gave me was a little poor it —
It angered him to desperation wasn't, by the way —
and I tried
that such monstrosities should be making the adjustments on my
real while his own white and own. It was my fault. You should
perfectly shaped hands were only never trust yourself with the ma-
mocking imitations grown out of chines of another culture. By the
an alien latex. -time someone among the Kloros
He said, "They won't kill us. could put on an atmosphere suit
If they were going to, they would and get to me, it was too late to
have done it before now. Look, save my hands.
we capture Kloros too, you know, "They grew these arti plasm
and it's just a matter of common things for me and operated. You
sense to treat your prisoners de- know what that meant? It meant
cently if you want the other side designing equipment and nutrient
to be decent to your men. They'll solutions that would work in oxy-
do their best. The food may not gen atmosphere. It meant that
be very good, but they're better their surgeons had to perform a
chemists than we are. It's what delicate operation while dressed
they're best at. They'll know ex- in atmosphere suits. And now
actly what food factors we'll need I've got hands again." He laughed
and how many calories. We'll harshly* and clenched them into


weak fists. "Hands- » His artiplasm hand gave way.

Windham said, "And you'd sell Polyorketes wrenched free with
your loyalty Earth for that?"
to scarcely an effort.
"Sell my loyalty? You're mad. Windham was bellowing inco-
For years, I hated the Kloros for herently, and Leblanc was calling
this. I was a master pilot on the out in his reedy voice, "Stop it!
Trans-Galactic Spacelines before Stop it?" But it was little Mullen
it happened. Now? Desk job. Or who threw his arms about the
an occasional lecture. It took me farmer's neck from behind and
a long time to pin the fault on pulled with all his might. He was
myself and to realize that the only not very effective Polyorketes

role played by the Kloros was a seemed scarcely aware of the lit-
decent one. They have their code tle man's weight upon his back.
of ethics, and it's as good as ours. Mullen's feet left the floor so that
If weren't for the stupidity of
it he tossed helplessly to right and
some of their people and, by — left. But he held his grip and it
God, of some of ours we — hampered Polyorketes sufficiently
wouldn't be at war. And after it's to allow Stuart to break free long
— enough to grasp Windham's alu-
Polyorketes was on his feet. His minum cane.
thick fingers curved inward be- He said, "Stay away, Polyor-
fore him and his dark eyes glit- ketes."
tered. "I don't like what you say, He was gasping for breath and
mister." fearful of another rush. The hol-
"Why don't you?" low aluminum cylinder was
"Because you talk too nice scarcely heavy enough to accom-
about these damned green bas- plish much, but it was better than
tards. The Kloros were good to having only his weak hands to
you, eh? Well, they weren't good defend himself with.
to my brother. They killed him. I Mullen had loosed his hold and
think maybe I kill you, you was now circling cautiously, his
damned greenie spy." breathing roughened and his
And he charged. jacket in disarray.
Stuart barely had time to raise Polyorketes, for a moment, did
his arms to meet the infuriated not move. He stood there, his
farmer. He gasped out, "What shaggy head bent low. Then he
the hell
—" as he caught one wrist said, "It no use. I must kill

and heaved a shoulder to block Kloros. Just watch your tongue*

the other which groped toward Stuart. If it keeps on rattling too
his throat. much, you're liable to get hurt.


Really hurt, I mean. *t 1

of what? Out of pure, unselfish

Stuart passed a forearm over decency?
his forehead and thrust the cane Stuart laughed silently at him-
back at Windham, who seized it self. He was beginning to expect

with his left hand, while mopping idealism of human beings, rather
his bald pate vigorously with a than good, straightforward, self-
handkerchief in his right. centered motivation.
Windham said, "Gentlemen, we i

must avoid this. It lowers our pOLYORKETES was numb.

prestige. We must remember the * His sorrow and rage were like
common enemy. We are Earth- acid inside him, but they had no
men and we must act what we words to get out. If he were Stu-
are —the ruling race of the Gal- art, big -mouth, white-hands Stu-
axy. We dare not demean our- art, he could talk and talk and
selves before the lesser breeds." maybe feel better. Instead, he had
"Yes, Colonel," said Stuart, to sit there with half of him dead;
wearily. "Give us the rest of the with no brother, no Aristides
speech tomorrow." g It had happened so quickly. If
He turned to Mullen, "I want he could only go back and have
to say thanks." one second more warning, so that
He was uncomfortable about he might snatch Aristides, hold
it, but he had to. The little ac- him, save him.
countant had surprised him com- But mostly he hated the Klo-
pletely. ros. Two months ago, he had
But Mullen dry voice
said, in a hardly ever heard of them, and
that scarcely raised above a whis- now he hated them so hard, he
per, "Don't thank me, Mr. Stu- would be glad to die if he could
art. It was the logical thing to do. kill a few.
If we are to be interned, we would He said, without looking up,
need you as an interpreter, per- "What happened to start this
haps, one who would understand war, eh?"
the Kloros." He wasafraid Stuart's voice
Stuart stiffened. It was, he would answer. He hated Stuart's
thought, too much the bookkeeper voice. But it was Windham, the
type of reasoning, too logical, too bald one.
dry of juice. Present risk and Windham said, "The immedi-
ultimate advantage. The assets ate cause, sir, was a dispute over
and debits balanced neatly. He mining concessions in the Wyan-
would have liked Mullen to leap dotte system. The Kloros had

to his defense out of well, out poached on Earth property,"

"Room for both. Colonel!"
Polyorketes looked up at that,
snarling. Stuart could not be kept
quiet for long. He was speaking
again; the cripple-hand, wiseguy,
Stuart was saying, "Is that any-
thing to fight over, Colonel? We
can't use one another's worlds.
Their c>forine planets are useless
to us and our oxygen ones are
useless to them. Chlorine is
deadly to us and oxygen is deadly
to them. There's no way we could
maintain permanent hostility.
Our races just don't coincide. Is
there reason to fight then because
both races want to dig iron out of
the same airless planetoidswhen
there are millions like them in
the Galaxy?"
Windham "There is the
question of planetary honor '* —
"Planetary fertilizer. How can
it excuse a ridiculous war like
this one? It can only be fought on
outposts. It has to come down to
a series of holding actions and
eventually be settled by negotia-
tions that might just as easily
have been worked out in the first A

place. Neither we nor the Kloros

will gain a thing"
Grudgingly, Polyorketes found
that he agreed with Stuart What
did he and Aristides care where
Earth or the Kloros got their
Was that something for Aris-
tides to die over?



The little warning buzzer

Polyorketes* head shot up and
J he rose slowly, his lips drawing
back. Only one thing could be at
the door. Hewaited, arms tense,
fists balled. Stuart was edging
toward him. Polyorketes saw that
and laughed to himself. Let the
Kloro come in, and Stuart, along
with all the rest, could not stop
Wait, Aristides, wait just a
moment, and a fraction of re-
venge will be paid back.

fTlHE door opened and a figure

-" entered, completely swathed
in a shapeless, billowing travesty
of a spacesuit.
An odd, unnatural, but not en-
tirely unpleasant voice began,
"It is with some misgivings,
Earthmen, that my companion
and myself —
It ended abruptly as Polyor-
ketes, with a roar, charged once
again. There was no science in
the lunge. It was sheer bull-mo-
mentum. Dark head low, burly
arms spread out with the hair-
tufted fingers in choking position,
he clumped on. Stuart was
whirled to one side before he had
a chance to intervene, and was
spun tumbling across a cot.
The Kloro might have, without
undue straight-arme<I
Polyorketes to a halt, or stepped
v&/^._--r- •side, allowing the whirlwind to


pass. Hedid neither. With a rapid That was all. There was no brain
movement, a hand -weapon was pan and no brain. What corres-
up and a gentle pinkish line of ponded to the brain in a Kloro
radiance connected it with the was located \fi what would be an
plunging Earthman. Polyorketes Earthly abdomen, leaving the
stumbled and crashed down, his head as a mere sensory organ. The
body maintaining its last curved Kloro's spacesuit followed the
position, one foot raised, as outlines of the head more or less
though a lightning paralysis had faithfully, the two eyes being ex-
taken place. It toppled to one side posed by two clear semicircles of
and he lay there, eyes all alive glass,which looked faintly green
and wild with rage. because of the chlorine atmos-
The Kloro said, "He is not phere inside.
permanently hurt." He seemed One of the eyes was now cocked
not to resent the offered violence. squarely at Windham, who quiv-
Then he began again, "It is with ered uncomfortably under the
some misgiving, Earthmen, that glance, but insisted, "You have
my companion and myself were no right to hold us prisoner. We
made aware of a certain commo- are noncombatants."
tion in this room. Are you in any The Kloro's voice, sounding
need which we can satisfy?" thoroughly artificial, came from
Stuart was angrily nursing his a small attachment of chromium
knee which he had scraped in mesh on what served as its chest.
colliding with the cot. He said. The voice box was manipulated
"No. thank you, Kloro." by compressed air under the con-
"Now, look here," puffed Wind- trol of one or two of the many
ham, "this is a dashed outrage. delicate, forked tendrils that radi-
We demand that our release be ated from two circles about its
arranged." upper body and were, mercifully
The Kloro's tiny, insectlike enough, hidden by the suit.
head turned in the fat old man's -The voice said, "Are you seri-
direction. He was not a pleasant ous, Earthman? Surely you have
sight to anyone unused to him. heard of war and rules of war
He was about the height of an and prisoners of war."
Earthman, but the top of him It looked about, shifting eyes
consisted of a thin stalk of a neck with quick jerks of its head, star-
with a head that was the merest ing at a particular object first

swelling. It consisted of a blunt with one, then with another. It

triangular proboscis in front and was Stuart's understanding that
two bulging eyes on either side* each eye transferred a separate


message to the abdominal brain, There was the sound of retching.
which had to coordinate the two An uncomfortable silence fell
to obtain full information. while Stuart think of
tried to
Windham had nothing to say. sqmething to say to cover the un-
No one had. The Kloro, its four pleasant sound. Mullen filled in.
main limbs, roughly arms and He had rummaged through a lit-
legs in pairs, had a vaguely hu- tle box he had taken from under
man appearance under the mask- his pillow.
ing of the suit, if you looked no He said, "Perhaps Mr. Le-
higher than its chest, but there blanc had better take a sedative
was no way of telling what it felt. before retiring. I have a few. Pd
They watched it turn and leave. be glad to give him one." He ex-
plained his generosity immedi-
PORTER coughed and said in ately, "Otherwise he may keep
a strangled voice, "God, smell the rest of us awake, you see."
that chlorine. If they don't do "Very logical ," said Stuart,
something, we'll all die of rotted dryly. "You'd better save one for
lungs." Sir Launcelot here; save .half a
Stuart said, "Shut up. There dozen." He walked to where Poly-
isn't enough chlorine in the air orketes still sprawled and knelt
to make a mosquito sneeze, and at his side. "Comfortable, baby?"
what there is will be swept out in Windham said, "Deuced poor
two minutes. Besides, a little taste speaking like that, Stuart."
chlorine is good for you. it may "Well, you're so concerned

your cold virus."

kill about him, why don't you and
Windham coughed and said, Porter hoist him onto his cot?"
"Stuart, I feel that you might H£ helped them do so. Polyor-
have said something to your ketes' arms were trembling er- /

Kloro friend about releasing us. ratically now. From what Stuart
You are scarcely as bold in their knew of the Kloro's nerve weap-
presence, dash it, as you are once ons, the man should be in an
they are gone." agony of pins and needles about
"You heard what the creature now.
said, Colonel.We're prisoners of Stuart said, "And don't be too
war, and prisoner exchanges are gentle with him, either. The
negotiated by diplomats. We'll damned fool might have gotten
just have to wait." us all killed. And for what?"
Leblanc, who had turned pasty He pushed Polyorketes' stiff
white at the entrance of the Kloro, carcass to one side and sat at the
rose and hurried into the privy. edge of the cot. He said, "Can


you bear me, Polyorketes?" what's going on in your mind,
Polyorketes' eyes gleamed. An Polyorketes. You think that when
arm lifted abortively and fell the paralysis wears off, you'll ease
back. your feelings by slamming me
"Okay then, listen. Don't try around. Well, if you do, it will
anything like that again. The next probably be curtains for all of us."
time it may be the finish for all He rose, put his back against
of us. If you had been a Kloro and the wall. For the moment, he was
he had been an Earthman, we'd fighting all of them. "None of you
be dead now. So just get one thing know the Kloros the way I do.
through your skull. We're sorry The physical differences you see
about your brother and it's a rot- are not important. The differences
ten shame, but it was his own in their temperament are. They
fault." don't understand our views on
Polyorketes tried to heave and sex, for instance. To them, it's
Stuart pushed him back. just a biological reflex like breath-
"No. you keep on listening/' he ing. They attach no importance
said. "Maybe this is the only time to it. But they do attach impor-
I'llget to talk to you when you tance to social groupings. Re-
have to listen. Your brother had member, their evolutionary an-
no right leaving passenger's quar- cestors had lots in common with
ters. There was no place for him our insects. They always assume
He just got in
to go. the way of that any group of Earthmen they
our own men. We don't even find together makes up a social
know for certain that it was- a unit.
Kloro gun that killed him. It "That means about every-
might have been one of our own.*' thing to them. I don't understand
"Oh, I say, Stuart," objected exactly what it means. No Earth-
Windham. man can. But the result isthat
Stuart whirled at him. "Do you they never break up a group,
have proof it wasn't? Did you see just as we don't separate a mother
the shot? Could you tell from and her children if we can help it.
what was left of the body whether One of the reasons they're treat-
it was Kloro energy or 'Earth en- ing us with kid gloves right now
ergy?" is that they imagine we're all
Polyorketes found his voice, broken up over the fact that they
driving his unwilling tongue into killed one of us, and they feel
a fuzzy verbal snarl. "Damned guilt about it.
stinking greenie bastard.** "But this is what you'll have
"Me?" said Stuart. "I know to remember. We're going to be


interned together and kept to- ever left Earth. It had been a
gether for duration. I don't like great thing to go to college off
the thought. I wouldn't have Earth. It had been an adventure
picked any of you for co-internees and had taken him away from
and I'm pretty sure none of you his mother. Somehow, he had
would have picked me. But there been sneakingly glad to make
it is. The Kloros could never that escape after the first month
understand that our being to- of frightened adjustment.
gether on the ship is only acci- And then on the summer holi-
dental. days, he had been no longer
"That means we've got to get Claude, the shy-spoken scholar,
along somehow. That's not just but Leblanc, space traveler. He
goodie-goodie talk about birds in had swaggered the fact for all it
their little nests agreeing. What was worth. It made him feel such
do you think would have hap- a man to talk of stars and Jumps
pened if the Kloros had come in and the customs and environ-
earlier and found Polyorketes and ments of other worlds; it had
myself trying to each other?
kill given him courage with Margaret.
You don't know? Well, what do She had loved him for the dan-
you suppose you would think of gers' he had undergone
a mother you caught trying to Except that this had been the
kill her children? first one, really, and he had not
"That's it, then. They would done so well. He knew it and was
have killed eyery one of us as a ashamed and wished he were like
bunch of Kloro-type perverts and Stuart.
monsters. Got that? How about He used the excuse of mealtime
you, Polyorketes? Have you got to approach. He said, "Mr. Stu-
it? So let's call names if we have art."
to, but let's keep our hands to Stuart looked up and said
ourselves. And now, none of
if shortly, "How do you feel?"
you mind, I'll massage my hands Leblanc himself blush. He

back into shape these synthetic blushed easily and the effort not
hands that I got from the Kloros to blush only made it worse. He
and that one of my own kind said, "Much better, thank you.
tried to mangle again." We are eating. I thought I'd bring
you your ration."
T70R Claude Leblanc, the worst Stuart took the offered can. It
•* was over. He had been sick was standard space ration; thor-
enough; sick with many things; oughly synthetic concentrated,

but sick most of all over having nourishing and, somehow, unsat-

isfylng. heated automatically
It Mullen joined them. His can of
when the can was opened, but ration was barely touched. It was
could be eaten cold, if necessary. stillsteaming gently as he squat-
Though a combined fork-spoon ted opposite them.
utensil was enclosed, the ration His voice had its usual quality
was of a consistency that made of furtively rustling underbrush.
the use of fingers practical and "How long, Mr. Stuart, do you
not particularly messy. think the trip will take?"
Stuart said, "Did you hear my "Can't say, Mullen. They'll un-
little speech?" doubtedly be avoiding the usual
"Yes, sir. I want you to know trade routes and they'll be mak-
you can count on me." ing more Jumps through hyper-
"Well, good. Now go and eat." space than usual to throw off
May I eat here?" possible pursuit. I wouldn't be
Suit yourself."

surprised if it took as long as a

For a moment, they ate in si- week. Why do you ask? I pre-
lence, and then Leblanc burst out, sume you have a very practical
"You are so sure of yourself, Mr. and logical reason?"
Stuart! It must be very wonderful "Why. yes. Certainly." He
to be like that!" seemed quite shellbacked to sar-
"Sure of myself? Thanks, but casm. He said, "It occurred to me
therms your self-assured one." that it might be wise to ration
Leblanc followed the direction the rations, so to speak."
of the nod in surprise. "Mr. Mul- "We've got enough food and
len? That little man? Oh, no!" water for a month. I checked on
"You don't think he's self-as- that first thing."
sured?" "I see. In that case, I will fin-
Leblanc shook hi* head. He ish the can." He did, using the
looked at Stuart intently to see all-purpose utensil daintily and
if he could detect humor in his patting a handkerchief against
expression. "That one is just cold. his unstained lips from time to
He baa no emotion in him. He's time.
like a little machine. I find him
repulsive. You're different, Mr. OOLYORKETES struggled to
Stuart. You have it all inside, but ** his feet some two hours later.
you control it. I would like to be He swayed looking like the
a bit,
like that." Spirit of Hangover. He did not
Andthough attracted by the
as try to come closer to Stuart; but
magnetism of the mention, even spoke from where h« stood.

though unheard, of his name. He said, "You stinking greenit


spy, y° u watch yourself.

lips ended, or makehis hangnail

"You heard what I said before, hands more attractive in appear-
Polyorketes." ance.
"1 heard. But also heard what
I "All right, Colonel," said Stu-
you said about Aristides. I won't art. "What's on your mind?"
bother with you, because you're Windham said, "I'd prefer to
a bag of nothing but noisy air. have all the men together."
But wait, someday you'llblow "Okay, call them."
your air in one face too many and Leblanc hurried over; Mullen
it will be let out of you." approached with greater delibera-
*T11 wait," said Stuart. tion.
Windham hobbled over, lean- Stuart said, "You want that
ing heavily on his cane. "Now, fellow?" He jerked his head at
now," he called with a wheezing Polyorketes.
joviality that overlaid his sweat- "Why, yes. Mr. Polyorketes,
ing anxiety so thinly as to em- may we have you, old fella?"
phasize it. "We're all Earthmen, "Ah, leave me alone."
dash it. Got to remember that; "Go ahead," said Stuart, "leave
keep as a glowing light of in-
it him alone. I don't want him/*
spiration. Never let down before "No, no/* said Windham. "This
Ihe blasted Kloros. We've got to is a matter forEarthmen. Mr.
forget private feuds and remem- Polyorketes, we must have you."
ber only that we are Earthmen Polyorketes rolled off one side
united against alien blighters." of his cot. "I'm close enough. I
Stuart's comment was unprint- can hear you."
able. Windham said to Stuart,
Porter was right behind Wind- "Would they — the Kloros, I mean
ham. He had been in a close con- —have this room wired?"

ference with the shaven -headed "No," said Stuart. "Why

colonel for an hour, and now he should they?"
said with indignation. "It doesn't "Are you sure?"
help to be a wiseguy, Stuart. You "Of course I'm sure. They
listen to the colonel. We've been <3idn't know what happened when
doing some hard thinking about Polyorketes jumped me. They
the situation." just heard the thumping when it
He had washed some of the started rattling the ship."
grease off his face, wet his hair "Maybe they were trying to
and slicked it back. It did not give us the impression the room
remove the little tic on his right wasn't wired." -

cheek just at the point where his 441

Listen, Colonel, I've never


known a Kloro to tell a deliberate Earthmen are, but Earthmen are
lie—" better astronautical engineers. We
Polyorketes interrupted calmly, have bigger, better and more
"That lump of noise just loves ships. In fact, if our crew had had
the Kloros." a proper respect for military axi-
Windham said hastily, "Let's oms in the first place, they would
not begin that. Look, Stuart, have blown the ship up as soon
Porter and I have been discussing as it looked as though the Kloros
matters and we have decided that
were going to board/*
you know the Kloros well enough Leblanc looked horrified. "And
to think of some way of getting kill the passengers?"
us back to Earth." "Why not? You heard what
"It happens that you're wrong. the good colonel said. Every one
I can't think of any way." of us puts his own lousy little life
"Maybe there is some way we after Earth's interests. What good
can take the ship back from the arewe to Earth alive right now?
blasted green fellas," suggested None at all. What harm will this
Windham. "Some weakness they ship do in Kloro hands? A hell
may have. Dash it, you know of a probably."
what mean."
I "Just why," asked Mullen,
"Tell me, Colonel, what are you "did our men refuse to blow up
after? Your own skin or Earth's the ship? They must have had a
welfare?" reason."
"I resent that question. I'll have "They did. It's the firmest tra-
you know that while I'm as care- dition of Earth's military men
ful of my own life as anyone has that there must never be an un-
a right to be, I'm thinking of favorable ratio of casualties. If
Earth primarily. And I think we had blown ourselves up,
that's true of all of us." twenty fighting men and seven
"Damn right," said Porter, in- civilians of Earth would be dead
stantly. Leblanc looked anxious, as compared with an enemy casu-
Polyorketes resentful; and Mul- alty total of zero. So what hap-
len had no expression at all. pens? We let them board, kill
"Good," said Stuart. "Of twenty-eight I'm sure we killed
course, I don't think we can take at least that many —and let them
the ship. They're armed and we have the ship."
aren't. But there's this. You know "Talk, talk, talk," jeered Poly-
why the Kloros took this ship in- orketes.
tact. It's becaufee they need ships. "There's a moral to this," said
They may be better chemists than Stuart. "We can't take the ship



away from the Kloros. We might there are only two of the Kloros
be able to rush them, though, and aboard ship. If one of us could
keep them busy long enough to sneak up on them and —
allow one of us enough time to "How? The rest of the ship's all
short the engines." filled with chlorine. We'd have to
"What?" yelled Porter, and wear a spacesuit. Gravity in their
Windham shushed him in fright. part of the ship is hopped up to
"Short the engines," Stuart re- Kloro level, so whoever is patsy
peated. "That would destroy the in the deal would be clumping
ship, of course, which is what we around, metal on metal, slow and
want to do, isn't it?" heavy. Oh, he could sneak up on
Leblanc's lips were white. "I —
them, sure like a skunk trying
don't think that would work." to sneak downwind."
"We can't be sure till we try. "Then we'll drop it all," Por-
But what have we to lose by try- ter's voiceshook. "Listen, Wind-
ing?" ham, there's not going to be any
"Our lives, damn it!" cried
destroying the ship. life My
F«>rter< "You insMint maniac, means plenty to me and if any of
you're crazy!" you try anything like that, Ml
"If I'm a maniac," said Stuart, call the Kloros. I mean it."
"and insane to boot, then natu- "Well," said Stuart, "there's
rally I*m cra2y. But just remem- hero number one."
ber that if we lose our lives, which Leblanc said, "I want to go
is overwhelmingly probable, we back to Earth, but I—"
lose nothing of value to Earth; Mullen interrupted. "I don't
whereas if we destroy the ship, as think our chances of destroying
we just barely might, we do Earth the ship are good enough un-
a lot of good. What patriot would less—"
hesitate? Who here would put "Heroes number two and three.
himself ahead of his world?" He What about you, Polyork< t< s?
looked about in the silence. You would have the chance of
"Surely not you, Colonel Wind- killing two K1or6s."
ham." "I want to kill them with my
Windham coughed tremen- bare hands," growled the farmer,
dously. "My dear man. that is not his heavy writhing. "On their
the question. There must be a planet, I will kill dozens."
way to save the ship for Earth "That's a nice safe promise for
without losing our lives, eh?" now. What
about you, Colonel?
"All right. You name it." Don't you want to march to death
"Lets all think about it. Now and glory with me?"


"Your attitude is very cynical "What's a C-chute?" asked Le-

and unbecoming, Stuart. It's ob- blanc.
vious that if the rest are unwill- "Well—-" began Mullen, and
ing, then your plan will fall then stopped, at a loss.
through." Stuart said, mockingly, "It's a
Unless I do it myself, huh?" euphemism, my boy. Its full name
You won't, do you hear?" said is 'casualty chute.' It doesn't get
Porter, instantly. ' talked about, but the main rooms
"Damn right won't/' agreed
I on any ship would have them.
Stuart. "I don't claim to be a They're just little airlocks down
hero. I'm just an average patriot, which you slide a corpse. Burial
perfectly willing to head for any at space. Always lots of sentiment'
planet they take me to and sit and bowed heads, with the cap-
out the war." tain makinga rolling speech of
the type Polyorketes here would-
MULLEN said, thoughtfully, n't like."

"Of course, there is a way Leblanc's face twisted. "Use

we could surprise the Kloros." that to leave the ship?"
The statement would have "Why not? Superstitious? Go —
dropped flat except for Polyor- on, Mullen."
ketes. He pointed a black-nailed,, The little man had waited pa-
stubby forefinger laughed and tiently. He "Once outside,
harshly. "Mr. Bookkeeper!" he one could re-enter the ship by the
said. "Mr. Bookkeeper is a big steam-tubes. It can be done with —
shot talker like this damned luck. And then you would be an
greenie spy, Stuart. All right, Mr. unexpected visitor in the control
Bookkeeper, go ahead. You make room."
big speeches also. Let the words Stuart stared at him curiously*
roll likean empty barrel." "How do you figure this out?
He turned to Stuart and re- What do you know about steam-
peated venomously, "Empty bar- tubes?"
rel! Cripple -hand empty barrel. Mullen coughed. "You mean
No good for anything but talk." because I'm in the paper-box
Mullen's soft voice could make —
business? Well " He grew pink,
no headway until Polyorketes was waited a moment, then tnade a
through, but then he said, speak new start in a colorless, unemo-

ing directly to Stuart, "We might tional voice. "My company,

be able to reach them from out- which manufactures fancy paper
side. This room has a C-chute, boxes and novelty containers,
m sure. made a line of spaceship catidy


boxes for the juvenile trade some "That's because I'm no hero.
years ago. It was designed so Porter. I admit it. Myobject is to
that if a string were pulled, small stay alive, and shinnying down
pressure containers were punc- steam-tubes is no way to go about
tured and jets of compressed air staying alive. But the rest of you
shot out through the mock are noble patriots. The Colonel
steam-tubes, sailing the box says so. What about you, Col-
across the room and scattering onel? You're the senior hero
candy as it went. The sales theory here."
was that the youngsters would Windham said, "If I were
find it exciting to play with the younger, blast it, and if you had
ship and fun to scramble for the your hands, I would take pleas-
candy. ure, sir, in trouncing you sound-
"Actually, it was a complete
failure. The ship would break no doubt of
"I've it, but that's
dishes and sometimes hit another no answer/ 1
child in the eye. Worse still, the "You know very well that at
children would not only scramble my time of life and with my
for the candy but would fight leg

" he brought the flat of his
over it. It was almost our worst hand down upon his stiff knee—
failure. We thousands.
lost "I am in no position to do any-
"Still, while the boxes were thing of the sort, however much
being designed, the entire office I should wish to."
was extremely interested. It was "Ah, yes," said Stuart, "and I,
like a game, very bad for effi- myself, am crippled in the hands,
ciency and office morale- For a as Polyorketes tells me. That
while, we all became steam- tube saves us. And what unfortunate
experts. I read quite a few books deformities do the rest of us
on ship construction. On my own have?"
time, however, not the com- "Listen" cried Porter, "1 want
pany's." to know what this is all about.
Stuart was intrigued. He said, How can anyone go down the
"You know it's a video sort of steam-tubes? What if the Kloros
idea, but it might work if we had use them while one of us is in-
a hero to spare. Have we?*' side?"
"What about you?" demanded "Why, Porter, that's part of the
Porter, indignantly. "You go sporting chance. It's where the
around sneering at us with your excitement comes in."
cheap wisecracks. I don't notice "But he'd be boiled in the shell
you volunteering for any thing/* like a lobster."


A pretty image, but inaccur- awful. But it would be quicker.
ite.The steam wouldn't be on Then—"
or more than a very short time, Porter turned and walked un-
naybc a second or two, and the steadily away.
uiit insulation would hold that Stuart said, lightly, "Another
ong. Besides, the jet comes scoot failure. One act of heroism still
ng out at several hundred miles ready to be knocked down to the
n minute, so that you would be highest bidder with nothing of*
>Iown clear of the ship before the fered yet"
:team could even warm you. In Polyorketes spoke up and his
"act, you'd be blown quite a few harsh voice roughed the words,
niles out into space, and after "You keep on talking, Mr. Big
hat you would be quite safe from Mouth. You just keep banging
he Kloros. Of course, you that empty Pretty soon,
ouldn't get back to the ship." we'll kick your teeth in. There's
Porter was sweating freely, one boy I think would be willing
"You don't scare me for one min- to do it now, eh, Mr. Porter?"
ute, Stuart/' Porter's look at Stuart con-
Then you're offering
"I don't? firmed the truth of Polyorketes'
to go? Are you sure you've remarks, but he said nothing.
thought out what being stranded Stuart said, "Then what about
in space means? You're all alone, you, Polyorketes? You're the
you know; really all alone. The bare-hand man with guts. Want
steam-jet will probably leave you me to help you into a suit?"
turning or tumbling pretty rap- "II! ask you when I want help/'
idly. You won't feel that. You'll 'What about you, Leblanc?"
seem to be motionless. But all the The young man shrank away.
stars will be going around and . "Not even to get back to Mar-
around so that they're just streaks garet?"
in the sky. They won't ever stop. But Leblanc could only shake
They won't even slow up. Then his head.
your heater will go or your oxy- "Mullen?"
gen will give out, and you will "Well— V 11 try."
Jie very slowly. You'll have lots "You'll what?"
of time to think. Or, if you are in "I said, yes, I'll try. After all,
i hurry, you could open your it's my idea."
suit. That wouldn't be pleasant, m Stuart looked stunned. "You're
either. I've seen the faces of men serious? How'come?"
who had a torn suit happen to Mullen's prim mouth pursed.
them accidentally, and it's pretty "Because no one else will."


"But that's no reason. Espe- Mullen withdrew his hand awk-
cially for wardly from the deep and vi-
Mullen shrugged. brating grasp of the other.
There was a thump of a cane And Stuart just stood there. He
behind Stuart. Windham brushed was in a very unusual position.
past. He was. in fact, in the particular
He said, "Do you really intend position of all positions in which
to go, Mullen?" he most rarely found himself.
"Yes, Colonel." He had nothing to say.
"In. that case, dash it, let me *

shake your hand. I like you. HPHE quality of tension had

You're an — an Earthman, by -*•
changed. The gloom and frus-
heaven. Do this, and win or die, tration had and the
lifted a bit,
I'll bear witness for you excitement of conspiracy had re-

placed Even Polyorketes was
it. detect a musty odor about it, but
fingering the spacesuits and com- that, he knew, was only imagina-
menting briefly and hoarsely on tion.
which he considered preferable- He stopped proceedings
Mullen was having a certain when Mullen was half within the
amount The suit hung
of trouble. tube. He tapped upon the little
rather limply upon him even man's faceplate.
though the adjustable joints had "Can you hear me?"
been tightened nearly to mini- Within, there was a nod.
mum. He stood there now with "Air coming through all right?
only the helmet to be screwed on. No last-minute troubles?"
He wiggled his neck. Mullen lifted his armored arm
Stuart was holding the helmet in a gesture of reassurance.
with an effort. It was heavy, and "Then remember, don't use the
his artiplasmic hands did not grip suit-radio out there. The Kloros
it well. He said, "Better scratch might pick up the signals."
your nose if it itches. It's your Reluctantly* he stepped away.
last chance for a while/' He Polyorketes* brawny hands low-
didn't add, "Maybe forever," but ered Mullen until they could hear
he thought it. the thumping sound made by the
Mullen said, tonelessly, "I steel-shod feet against the outer
think perhaps I had better have valve. The inner valve then swung
* spare oxygen cylinder." shut with a dreadful finality, its
"Good enough." beveled silicone gasket making a
"With a reducing valve." slight soughing noise as it crushed
Stuart nodded. "I see what hard. They clamped it into place.
you're thinking of. If you do get Stuart stood at the toggle-
blown clear of the ship, you could switch that controlled the outer
try to blow yourself back by using valve. He threw it and the gauge
the cylinder as an action-reaction that marked the air pressure
motor." within the tube fell to zero. A
They clamped on the headpiece little pinpoint of red light warned
and buckled the spare cylinder that the outer valve was open.
to Mullen's waist. Polyorketes Then the light disappeared, the
and Leblanc lifted him up to the valve closed, and the gauge
yawning opening of the C-tube. climbed slowly to fifteen pounds
It was ominously dark inside, the again.
metal lining of the interior hav- They opened the inner valve
ing been painted a mournful again and found the tube empty.
black. Stuart thought he could Polyorketes spoke first. He said.


"The little son-of-a-gun. He come think of it. I'd like to say
went!" He looked wonderingly at I'm sorry if I have."
the other. "A little fellbw with He turned away morosely and
guts like that." walked toward his cot. He heard
Stuart said, "Look, we'd better the steps behind him, felt the
get ready in here. There's just a touch on his sleeve. He turned;
chance that the Kloros may have it was Leblanc.

detected the valves opening and The youngster said softly, "I
closing. If so, they'll be here to in- keep thinking that Mr. Mullen is
vestigate and we'll have to cover an old man."
up." "Well, he's not a kid. He's
"How?" asked Windham. about forty-five or fifty, I think."
"They won't see Mullen any- Leblanc said, "Do you think,
where around. We'll say he's in Mr. Stuart, that / should have
the head. The Kloros know that gone, instead? I'm the youngest
it's one of the peculiar character- here. I don't like the thought of
istics of Earthmen that they re- having let an old man go in my
sent intrusion on their privacy in place. It makes me feel like the
lavatories, and they'll make no devil."
effort to check. If we can hold "I know. If he dies, it will be
them off—" too bad."
"What they wait, or if they
if "But he volunteered. We didn't
check the spacesuits?" asked Por- make him, did we?"
ter. "Don't try to dodge responsi-
Stuart shrugged. "Let's hope bility, Leblanc. It won't make you
they don't. And listen, Polyor- feel better. There one of us
ketes, don't make any fuss when without a stronger motive to run
they come in." the risk than he had." And Stu-
Polyorketes grunted, "With art sat there silently, thinking.
that little guy out there? What
do you think I am?" He stared at |t/|ULLEN felt the obstruction
Stuart without animosity, then beneath his feet yield and

scratched his curly hair vigor- the walls about him slip away
ously. "You know laughed at t
I quickly, too quickly. He knew it
him. I thought he was an old was the puff of air escaping, car-
woman. It makes me ashamed." rying him with it, and he dug

Stuart cleared his throat. He arms and legs frantically against
said, "Look, I've been saying the wall to brake himself. Corpses
some things that maybe weren't were supposed to be flung well
too funny after all, now that I clear of the ship, but he was no


corpse —for the moment. A feeling of unreality over-

His feet swung
and thresh-
free whelmed him. Sturdy, it wasn't
ed. He heard the clunk of one he standing on the outer surface
magnetic boot against the hull of a ship. Not Randolph F. Mul-
just as the rest of his body puffed len. So few human beings could
out like a tight cork under air ever say they had. even those who
pressure. He teetered dangerously traveled in space constantly.
at the lip of the hole in the ship He was only gradually aware
he had changed orientation sud- that he was in pain. Popping out
denly and was looking down on of that hole with one foot clamped -.

it then took a step backward as to the hull had nearly bent him in
its lid came down of itself and two. He tried moving, cautiously,
fitted smoothly against the hull. and found his motions to be er-


— —

ratic and almost impossible to flection in the mirroring metal.

control. He thought nothing was They were moving thousands
broken, though the muscles of his of miles an hour. The stars were.
left side were badly wrenched. The ship was. He was. But it
And then he came to himself meant nothing. To his senses,
and noticed that the wrist lights there was only silence and dark-
of his suit were on. It was by their ness and that slow wheeling of
light that he had stared into the the stars. His eyes followed the
blackness of the C-chute. He stir- wheeling
red with the nervous thought that And his head in its helmet hit
from within, the Kloros might see the ship's hull with a soft bell-
the twin spots of moving light just like ring.
outside the hull. He flicked the He felt about in panic with his
switch upon the suit's mid-sec- thick, insensitive,
tion. gloves. His feet were still firmly
Mullen had neverimagined magnetized to the hull, that was
that, standing on a ship, he would true, but the rest of his body bent
fail to see its hull. But it was backward at the knees in a right
dark, as dark below as above. angle. There was no gravity out-
There were the stars, hard and side the ship. If he bent back,
bright little non-dimensional dots. there was nothing to pull the
Nothing more. Nothing more any- upper part of his body down and
where. Under his feet, not even tell his were bending.
joints they
the stars not even his feet. His body stayed as he put it.
He bent back to look at the He pressed wildly against the
stars. His head swam. They were hull and his torso shot upward
moving slowly. Or, rather, they and refused to stop when upright.
were standing still and the ship He fell forward.
was rotating, but he could not He tried moreslowly, balancing
tell his eyes that. They moved. with both hands against the hull,

His eyes followed down and be- until he squatted evenly. Then
hind the ship. New stars up and upward. Very slowly. Straight up.
above from the other side. A black Arms out to balance.
horizon, The ship existed only as He was straight now, aware of
a region where there were no his nausea and lightheadedness.
stars. He looked about. My God,
No stars? Why, there was one where were the steam -tubes? He
almost at his feet. He nearly couldn't see them. They were
reached for it; then he realized black on black, nothing on noth-
that it was only a glittering re- ing.

Quickly, he turned on the wrist itthere by main force and mov-
lamps. In space, there were no ing it horizontally. Horizontal
beams, only elliptical, sharply de- motion involved no effort at all;
fined spots of blue steel, winking it was motion perpendicular to
light back at him. Where they the lines of magnetic force. But
struck a rivet, a shadow was cast, he had to keep the foot from
knife-sharp and as black as snapping down as he did so, and
space, the lighted region illumi- then lower it slowly.
nated abruptly and without dif- He puffed with the effort. Each
fusion. step was agony. The tendons of
He moved his arms, his body his knees were cracking, and
swaying gently n the opposite
* there were knives in his side.
direction ; action and reaction. Mullen stopped to let the per-
The vision of a steam-tube with spiration dry. It wouldn't do to
its smooth cylindrical sides steam up the inside of his face-
sprang at him. plate. He flashed his wrist-lamps,
He tried to move toward it. His and the steam-cylinder was right
foot held firmly to the hull. He ahead.
pulled and slogged upward,
it The ship had four of them, at
straining against quicksand that ninety degree intervals, thrusting
eased quickly. Three inches up out at an angle from the mid-
and had almost sucked free;
it girdle. They were the "fine ad-
six inches up and he thought it justment" of the ship's course.
would fly away. The coarse adjustment was the
He advanced it and let it down, powerful thrusters back and front
felt it enterthe quicksand. When which fixed final velocity by
the sole was within two inches their accelerative and decelera-
of the hull, it snapped down, out tive force, and the hyperatomics
of control, hitting the hull ring- that took care of the space-
ingly. His spacesuit carried the swallowing Jumps.
vibrations, amplifying them in But occasionally the direction
his ears. of flight had to be adjusted
He stopped in absolute terror. slightly and then the steam -

The dehydrators that dried the cylinders took over. Singly, they
atmosphere within his suit could could drive the ship up, down,
not handle the sudden gush of right, left. By twos, in appropri-
perspiration that drenched his ate ratios of thrust, the ship
forehead and armpits. could be turned in any desired
He waited, then tried lifting his direction.

foot again a bare inch, holding The device had been unim*


proved in being too

centuries, to peer into the tube and the
simple to improve. The atomic ship dropped down precipitously
pile heated the water content of as his orientation changed. He
a closed container into steam, reached out to steady himself, but
driving it, in less than a second, he was not falling. There was no
up to temperatures where it up or down in space except for
would have broken down into a what his confused mind chose to
mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, consider up or down.
and then into a mixture of elec- The cylinder was just large
trons and ions. Perhaps the enough to hold a man, so that it
breakdown actua lly took place. might be entered for repair pur-
No one ever bothered testing; it poses. His light caught the rungs
worked, so there was no need to. almost directly opposite his posi-
At the critical point, a needle tion at the lip. He puffed a sigh
valve gave way and
the steam of relief with what breath he
thrust madly out in a short but could muster. Some ships didn't
incredible blast. And the ship, in- have ladders.
evitably and majestically, moved He made his way to it, the ship
in the opposite direction, veering appearing to slip and twist be-
about its own center of gravity. neath him as he moved. He lifted
When the degrees of turn were an arm over the lip of the tube,
sufficient, an equal and opposite feeling for the rung, loosened each
blast would take place and the foot, and drew himself within.
turning would be canceled. The The knot in his stomach that
ship would be moving at its or- had been there from the first was
iginal velocity, but in a new di- a convulsed agony now. If they
rection. should choose to manipulate the
Mullen had dragged himself ship, if the steam should whistle
out to the lip of the steam-cyl- out now
inder. He hada picture of himself He would never hear never

—a small speck teetering at the know it. One instant he would be

extreme end of a structure thrust- holding a rung, feeling slowly for
ing out of an ovoid that was tear- the next with a groping arm. The
ing through space at ten thousand next moment he would be alone
miles an hour. in space, the ship a dark, dark
But there was no air-stream to nothingness lost forever among
whip him off the hull, and his the stars- There would be, per-
magnetic soles held him. more haps, a brief glory of swirling ice
firmly than he liked. crystals drifting with him, shin-
With lights on, he bent down ing in his wrist-light and slowly


— !

ppproaching and rotating about part toward the ship. The springs
him, attracted by his mass like allowed to give under the first

infinitesimal planets to an ab- wild thrust of steam pressure be*

surdly tiny Sun. fore the ship's mighty inertia
He was trickling sweat again, could be overcome. The steam
and now he was also conscious of was bled into the inner chamber,
thirst. He put it out of his mind. breaking the force of the thrust,
There would be no drinking until leaving the total energy un-

he was out of his suit if ever. changed, but spreading it over
Up a rung; up another; and time so that the hull itself was
another. How many were there? in that much less danger of being
His hand slipped and he stared staved in.
in disbelief at the glitter that Mullen braced himself firmly
showed under his light. against a rung and pressed
Ice? against the outer lock so that it
Why not? The steam, incredi- gave a little. It was stiff, but it

bly hot as it was, would strike didn't have to give much, just
metal that was at nearly absolute enough to catch on the screw. He
zero. In the few split-seconds of felt it catch.

thrust, there would not be time He strained against it and

for the metal to warm above the turned it, feeling his body twist
freezing point of water. A sheet in the opposite direction. It held
of ice would condense that would tight, the screw taking up the
sublime slowly into the vacuum. strain as he carefully adjusted the
It was the speed of all that hap- small control switch that allowed
pened that prevented the fusion the springs to fall free. How well
of the tubes and of the original he remembered the books he had
water-container itself. read
His groping hand reached the He was in the interlock space
end. Again the wrist-light. He now, which was large enough to
stared with crawling horror at hold a man comfortably, again
the steam nozzle, half an inch for convenience in repairs. He
in diameter. It looked dead, could no longer be blown away
harmless. But always would,
it from the ship. If the steam blast
right up to the microsecond be- were turned on now, it would
fore merely drive him against the in-
Around was the outer steam
it —
ner lock hard enough to crush
lock. It pivoted on a central hub him to a pulp. A quick death he
that was springed on the portion would never feel, at least.
toward space, screwed on the Slowly, he unhooked his spare

— "

oxygen cylinder. There was only They were all restless, jumpy,
an inner lock between himself and but the tension among themselves
the control room now. This lock had disappeared. was as though
opened outward into space so that all the threads of emotion ex-
the steam blast could only close tended to the hull of the ship.
it tighter, rather than blow it Porter was bothered. His phil-
open. And it fitted tightly and osophy of life had always been
smoothly. There was absolutely —
simple take care of yourself be-
no way to open it from without. cause no one will take care of you
He lifted himself above the for you. It upset him to see it
lock, forcing his bent back against shaken.
the curved inner surface of the He said, you "Do suppose
interlock area. It made breathing they've caught him?"
difficult. The spare oxygen cyl- "If they had, we'd hear about
inder dangled at a queer angle. it," replied Stuart, briefly.
He held its metal- mesh hose and Porter felt, with a miserable
straightened it, forcing it against twinge, that there was little in-
the inner lock so that vibration terest on the part of the others in
thudded. Again again — speaking to him. He could under-
It would have to attract the at- stand it; he had not exactly
tention of the Kloros. They would earned their respect. For the mo-
have to investigate. ment, a torrent of self-excuse
He would
have no way of tell- poured through his mind. The
ing when they were about to do others had been frightened, too.
so. Ordinarily, they would first A man had a right to be afraid.
let air into the interlock to force No one likes to die. At least, he
the outer lock shut. But now the hadn't broken like Aristides Poly-
outer lock was on the central orketes. He hadn't wept like Le-
screw, well away from its rim. blanc. Ife —
Air would suck about it ineffectu- But there was Mullen, out there
ally, dragging out into space. on the hull.
Mullen kept on thumping. "Listen," he cried, "why did he
Would the Kloros look at the air- do it?" They turned to look at
gauge, note that it scarcely lifted him, not understanding, but Por-
from zero, or would they take ter didn't care. It bothered him to
its proper working for granted? the point where ithad to come
out. "I want to know why Mullen
130RTER said, "He's been gone is risking his life."
J"- an hour and a half." "The man," said Windham, "is
"I know/* said Stuart. a patriot

'No, none of that!'* ^Porter was volunteered first. He was anxious
almost hysterical. "That little fel- for the half-hour to pass.
low has no emotions at all. He
just has reasons and I want to IT caught Mullen by surprise.
know what those reasons are, be- * The outer lock flew open and
cause—" the long, thin, snakelike, almost
He didn't finish the sentence. headless neck of a Kloro sucked
Could he say that if those reasons out, unable to fight the blast of
applied to a little middle-aged escaping air. "

bookkeeper, they might apply Mullen's cylinder flew away,

even more forcibly to himself? almost tore free. After one wild
Polyorketes said, "He's one moment of frozen panic, he
brave damn little fellow." fought for it, dragging it above
Porter got to his feet. "Listen/* the air-stream, waiting as long
he said, "he may be stuck out as he dared to let the first fury
there. Whatever he's doing, he die down as the air of the con-
may not be able to finish it alone. trol room thinned out, then bring-
I— I volunteer to go out .after ing it down with force.
him." It caught the sinewy neck
He was shaking as he said it squarely, crushing it. Mullen,
and he waited in fear for the sar- curled above the lock, almost en-
castic lash of Stuart's tongue. Stu- tirely protected from the stream,
art was staring at him, probably raised the cylinder again and
with surprise, but Porter dared plunging it down again, striking
not meet his eyes to make cer- the head, mashing the staring
tain. eyes to liquid ruin. In the near-
Stuart said, mildly, "Let's give vacuum, green blood was pump-
him another half-hour." ing out of what was left of the
Porter looked up, startled. neck.
There was no sneer on Stuart's Mullen dared not vomit, but
face. It was even friendly. They he wanted to.
all looked friendly. With eyes averted, he backed
He said, "And then—" away, caught the outer lock with
"And then those who do
all one hand and imparted a whirl.
volunteer will draw straws or For several seconds,maintained

something equally democratic. that whirl. At the end of the

Who volunteers, besides Porter?" screw, the springs engaged auto-
They all raised their hands; matically and pulled it shut.
Stuart did, too. What was left of the atmosphere
But Porter was happy. He had tightened it and the laboring

pumps could now begin to fill the kast, though, his heavy metal
control room onee again. clogs no longer clung so exaspcr-
Mullen crawled over the man- atingly to the metal underneath.
gled Kloro and into the room. It Within the ship, floors and wall
was empty. were of cork- covered aluminum
He had barely time to notice alloy.
that when he found himself on He circled slowly. The neckless
his knees. He rose with difficulty. Kloro had collapsed and
lay with
The transition from non-gravity only an occasional twitch to show
to gravity had taken him entirely it had once been a living organ-

by surprise. It was Klorian grav- ism. He stepped over it, distaste-

ity, too, which meant that with fully, and drew the steam-tube
he carried a fifty percent
this suit, lock shut.
overload for his small frame. At The room had a depressing bil-



ious cast and the lights shone There was a flash of motion
yellow-green. It was the Kloro at- caught in the corner of his eyes.
mosphere, of .course. As quickly as he could in his
Mullen felt a twinge of surprise heavy suit, he turned, then
and reluctant admiration. The screamed. The Kloro he had

Kloros obviously had some way thought dead was rising to its
of treating materials so that they feet.
were impervious to the oxidizing Its neck hung limp, an oozing
effect of chlorine. Even the map mass of tissue mash, but its arms
of Earth on the wall, printed on reached out blindly, and the ten-
glossy plastic-backed paper, tacks about its chest vibrated
seemed fresh and untouched. He rapidly like innumerable snakes'
approached, dra,wn by the fa- tongues.
miliar outlines of the continents-** It was blind, of course. The de-

t -

struction of neck-stalk had

its bother reducing the pressure. He
deprived it of all sensory equip- let it gush out unchecked so that
ment, and partial asphyxiation he nearly staggered under the
had disorganized it. But the brain backward push.
remained whole and safe in the He could see the oxygen stream.
abdomen. It still lived. It was a pale puff, billowing out
Mullen backed away. He cir- amid the chlorine-green. It caught
cled, trying clumsily and unsuc- the Kloro with one hand on the
cessfully to tiptoe, though he weapon's holster.
knew that what was left of the The Kloro threw its hands up.
Kloro was also deaf. It blundered The little beak on its head-nodule
on its way, struck a wall, felt to opened alarmingly but noise-
the base and began sidling along lessly. It staggered and fell,

it writhed for a moment, then lay

Mullen cast about desperately still. approached and
for a weapon, found nothing. played the oxygen-stream upon
There was the Kloro's holster, its body as though he were ex-
but he dared not reach for it. Why tinguishing a fire. And then he
hadn't he snatched it at the very raised his heavy foot and brought
first? Fool! it down upon the center of the

The door to the control room neck-stalk and crushed it on the

opened. It made almost no noise- floor.
Mullen turned, quivering. He turned to the first. It was
The other Kloro entered, un- sprawled, rigid.
harmed, entire. It stood in the The whole room was pale with
doorway for a moment, chest oxygen, enough to kill whole le-
tendrils stiff and unmoving; its gions of Kloros, and his cylinder
neck- stalk stretched forward; its was empty.
horrible eyes flickering first at Mullen stepped over the dead
him and then at its nearly destd Kloro, out of the control room
comrade. and along the main corridor to-
And them its hand moved ward the prisoners' room.
quickly to its side. Reaction had set in. He was
Mullen, without awareness, whimpering in blind, incoherent
moved as quickly in pure reflex. fright.
He stretched out the hose of # the
spare oxygen-cylinder, which, CTUART was tired. False hands
since entering the control room, *3 and he was at the controls

he had replaced in its suit-clamp, of a ship once again. Two light

and cracked the valve. He didn't cruisers of Earth were on the way.


For better than twenty -four hours Mullen in his dry voice. There
he had handled the controls vir- was no feeling in it.
tually alone. He had discarded "No, itwasn't. It is no one's
the chlorinating equipment, re- privilege to despise another. It is
rigged the old atmospherics, lo- only a hard-won right after long
cated the ship's position in space, experience."
tried to plot a course, and sent "Have you been thinking about
out carefully guarded signals this?"
which had worked. "Yes, all day. Maybe I can't
So when the door of the control explain. It's these hands." He held
room opened, he was a little an- them up before him, spread out.
noyed. He was
too tired to play "It was hard knowing that other
conversational handball. Then he people had hands of their own. I
turned, and it was Mullen step- had to hate them for it. I always
ping inside. had to do my best to investigate
Stuart said, "For God's sake, and belittle their motives, point
get back into bed, Mullen!" up their deficiencies, expose their
Mullen said,
Tm tired of stupidities. I had to do anything
sleeping, even thoughnever
I that would prove to myself that
thought I would be a while ago." they weren't worth envying."
"How do you feel?" Mullen moved restlessly. "This
"I'm stiff all over. Especially explanation not necessary."

my side." He grimaced and stared "It is. It is!" Stuart felt his
involuntarily around. thoughts intently, strained to put
"Don't look for the Kloros," them into wdrds. "For years J*ve
Stuart said. "We dumped the abandoned hope of finding any
poor devils." He shook his head. 'decency in human beings. Then
"I was sorry for them. To them- you climbed into the C- chute/*
selves, they re the human beings, "You had better understand,**
you know, and we're the aliens. said Mullen, "that I was moti-
Not that I'd- rather they'd killed vated by practical and selfish con-
you, you understand." siderations. I will not have you
"I understand." present me to myself as a hero." :

Stuart turned a sidelong glance "I wasn't intending to. I know

upon the little man who sat look- that you would do nothing with- '

ing at the map of Earth and went out a reason. It was what your
on, "I owe you a particular and action did to the rest of us. It
personal apology, Mullen. I didn't turned a collection of phonies and
think much of you." fools into decent people. And not
"It was your privilege," said by magic either. They were de-


cent all aloHg. It was just that Then what made you do it, you,
they needed something to live up of all people?"
to and you supplied it. And I'm — "Why the phrase, 'of all peo-
one of them. I'll have to live up ple'?"
to you, too. For the rest of my "Don't be offended, but you
life, probably/' seem devoid of all emotion."
Mullen turned away uncom- "Do I?" Mullen's voice did not
fortably. His hand straightened change. It remained precise and
his sleeves, which were not in the soft,yet somehow a tightness had
least twisted. His finger rested on entered it. "That's only training,
the map* Mr. Stuart, and self- discipline
He was born in Rich-
said, "I not nature- A
small man can have
mond, Virginia, you know. Here no respectable emotions. Is there
it is. be going there
I'll first* anything more ridiculous than a
Where were you born?" man like myself in a state of
"Toronto," said Stuart. rage? I'm five feet and one-half
"That's right here. Not very far inch tall, and one hundred and
apart on the map, is it?" two pounds in weight, if you care
Stuart said, "Would you tell for exact figures. I insist on the
me something?" half inch and the two pounds.
"If I can." "Can be dignified? Proud?

"Just why did you go out Draw myself to my full height

there?" without inducing laughter? Where
Mullen's precise mouth pursed. can I meet a woman who will not
He said, dryly, "Wouldn't my dismiss me instantly with a gig-
rather prosaic reason ruin the in- gle? Naturally, I've had
to learn
spirational effect?" to dispense with external display
"Call it intellectual cariosity. of emotion.
Each of the rest of us-had such "You talk about deformities.
obvious motives. Porter was No one would notice your hands
scared to death of being interned; or know they were different, if

Leblanc wanted to get back to his you weren't so eager to tell people
sweetheart; Polyorketes wanted all about it the instant you meet
to kill Kloros; and Windham was them. Do you think that the eight
a patriot according to his lights. inches of height I do not have
As for me, I thought of myself as can be hidden? That it is not the
a noble idealist, I'm afraid. Yet first and, in most cases, the only
in none of us was the motivation thing about me that a person will
strong enough to get lis into a notice?"
spacesuit and out the C-chute* Stuart was ashamed. He had


" —

invaded a privacy he ought not warming them to just a tepid

have. He said, "I'm sorry," room temperature. "There were
"Why?" days when I thought I would
"I should not have forced you show them, the mysterious 'them*
to speak of this. I -should have that includes all the world. I was
seen for myself that you—that going to leave Earth and carve
you— out worlds for myself. I would be
"That I what? Tried to prove a new and even smaller Napoleon.
myself? Tried to show that while So I left Earth and went to Arc-
I might be small in body, I held turus. And what
could I do on
within it a giant's heart?" Arcturus that I could not have
"I would not have put it mock- done on Earth? Nothing. I bal-
ingly." ance books. So I am past the
"Why not? a foolish idea,
It's vanity, Mr. Stuart, of trying to
and nothing like it is the reason I stand on tiptoe."
did what I did. What would I "Then why did you do it?"
have accomplished if that's what "I left Earth when I was twen-
was in my mind? Will they take ty-eight and came to the Arc-
me to Earth now and put me up turian System. I've been there
before the television cameras ever since. This trip was to be
pitching them low, of course, to my first vacation, my first visit
catch my face, or standing me on back to Earth in all that time. I

a chair and pin medals on me?" was going to stay on Earth for
"They are quite likely to do six months. The Kloros instead
exactly that." captured us and would have kept
"And what good would it do us interned indefinitely. But I
me? They would say, 'Gee, and couldn't —
couldn't let them stop
he's such a little guy.' And after- me from traveling to Earth. No
ward, what? Shall I tell each man matter what the risk, I had to
I meet, 'You know, I'm the fellow prevent their interference. It was-
they decorated for incredible n't love of woman, or fear, or
valor last month?' How many hate, or idealism of any sort. It
medals, Mr. Stuart, do you sup- was stronger than any of those."
pose it would take to put eight He stopped, and stretched out a
inches and sixty pounds on me?" hand as though to caress the map
Stuart said, "Put that way, I on the wall.
see your point." "Mr. Stuart," Mullen
Mullen was speaking a trifle quietly, "haven't you ever been
more quickly now; a controlled homesick?"
h^at had entered fcis words, —ISAAC ASIMOY


Where better to prove for clues than in a

criminal's dreams? But there are all sorts

and shapes of dreamsr including nightmares!

OUR wife is beautiful private office, and soft lights

and a charming hostess came on. The visitor gazed
and very interesting" around, surprised.
the visitor bubbled. "I see you are looking for the
"Isn't she?" Gniss said. "I mar- desk or table. Men of my rank
ried her only last year, I was don't use any/' Gniss said.
especially taken with her dar^c There were not even chairs,
hair. That's extremely rare, yo^ only tjie couches affected in late
know.- •.:•.. !i tiu.i i I
years by fashionable;
They walked into Gniss's most Gniss dropped onto one, grunting,


Illustrated by I WISH

end waved the visitor to another. ly in plastic—of the very best

"Do you know what this divan quality, of course.
I'm lying on is covered with?" "It must be convenient to live
Gniss did not wait for an answer. right where you work," the visitor
""Cloth made from the cocoons said.
of moth larvae by an incredibly They had just dined in Gniss's
ancient and expensive method." apartment, the official residence
The visitor shook his head in of the Chief Watcher. The apart-
wonderment. The cauch he w*is ment Was a grand affair; since
on was upholstered more modest- the time that Gniss had risen tt>
' i I 4 t
, 1

,. /
Chief Watcher, it had spread one side and talked, it seemed to
through a whole floor of the im- the visitor, to his pillow.
mense building. "Give me Blor," he said.
"My wife says I might not The visitor could see a faint
work at night so much if I lived haze eddy above the platform.
farther away/' Gniss pointed out, Nothing else happened.
"Is there much to do at night?" "Oh, well," said Gniss. "He
the visitor asked. rarely sleeps in his own bed—
•'I don't have my title for noth- that's what makes him useful.
ing! Even while they sleep, we But he's only a double spy."
watch them. , The visitor's eyes were wide.
"You mean you put micro- Only a double spy!
phones under suspects' beds and "111 show you something really
listen to them
talk in their sleep?". big," Gniss said. He
spoke gently
The visitor smiled to show that to the pillow: "Give me Stak."
he was joking. "Not — " the visitor blurted.
Gniss bellowed and shook, sur- "Correct," Gniss said. "The fa-
prising the visitor, wlio thought mous rebel."
the response was more than his "But I thought—"
feeble little joke deserved. But "That we couldn't catch up
the good-natured laughter was with him? That's what we let out
something to remember, he noted for the public, and,«naturally, for
for his mental scrapbook. At him. But we ran him down, and
school, Gniss had been rather a now we are watching him in a
dour boy, hundred different ways. If we ar-
"My dear fellow," Gniss said rested him, he would undoubted-
when he had control of his voice ly kill himself. That's something
again, "they were doing that cen- that even my watchers can't stop
turies before the first dispersal of a determined man from doing.
man. Look at this!" But before he dies, we want to
He shifted on his couch and find out who the traitor was that
began to play with a little jew- kept him informed of the govern-
eled wheel projecting from the ment's plans during the critical
wall. A section of the floor at — time last year."
least a quarter of the large room The visitor hadn't known, of
—rose on slender pillars to make course, that Stak had made use
a platform. Under the platform, of an agent in official circles, but
the purple floor appeared un- he was discreet enough to say
changed. nothing. It frightened him a little
Gniss rolled his heavy body on to hear such portentous matters.


yet it flattered him, too, that his with the young face; it's an odd
old school friend would be so angle, and the water and the
open with him. steam and the bare arms he —
The haze above the platform must be dreaming he's a child
deepened, and shone with internal and she's giving him a bath. It's
light. The platform itself began unfortunate she didn't drown
to glow and to vibrate on its deli- him."
cate pillars. Or perhaps it did not The woman melted, faded, and
move; perhaps it was an illusion a green billow was a wood and
from the shimmering light. was separating into trees, and
The visitor did not know what there was a kind of park. A lamb
to expect, but he felt a warm rip- with a very intelligent face walk*
ple of excitement. He glanced at ed around a tree. Suddenly the
Gniss. His host was watching the lamb opened its mouth and cried
platform with an indefinable ex- like a human baby. *

pression, ill which there was at The visitor was was

startled. It
least some official — or was it the first sound from the dream
fashionable? — weariness. projection.
He has seen so much, the vis- "You mean you can hear the
itor thought, turning back to the dreams too?" he asked naively.
platform, "Of course, my friend. Our
Vaporous waves of light were technical people are talented."
rolling straight up, to dissipate; "I should say! Tell me, how is
the visitor did not know where. it all done?"
The waves split and were less like "Well, we were working
waves and then were not waves along at a telepathic instrument,

at all. They were vague forms, which isn't quite perfected yet.
gray and colored: some suggested Thoughts, you know, are pro-
people; some suggested thing duced by electrical impulses in
Continually, they changed in the brain and these induce weak
shape and in size and in color. electromagnetic fields. Our theory
"They are dreams!" the visitor was to build up the patterns of
exclaimed. visual and auditory thoughts
dreams" Gniss said.
"Stak's from the electromagnetic fields.
"Now w^ are getting some con- For some reason the instrument
tinuity. Look." hasn't worked right as a general
"Where is Stak?" device, but we found out by ac-
Oh, you rarely see the dream- cident that it worked perfectly
er. You see through his eyes. for dreams. Dreams are a form
That woman — the old woman of thought, but there is a subtle

difference in the fields,** for the trapped outlaw, lost now
"Marvelous?" exclaimed
the in the nightmare of Yet he
visitor. He had not noticed the said scornfully, as much to him-
metamorphosis of the technical self as to Gniss, "He's a coward
people into "we." after he?"
all, isn't

Wait till I tell my children, the "Everyone's a coward/' Gniss

visitor thought. But maybe he replied. "But, awake, Stak is less
had better not say anything at a coward than most."
all about his call on Gniss. He The nightmare dissolved into
smiled as he remembered how his confused patterns the terrified

children had tried to talk him out voice dropped to a thin, wordless
of visiting his old schoolmate. babble. The dream projection fo-
"Visit the museums," they had cused to a sort of cellar. Twenty
told him. "The art galleries. Go or thirty men and women were
inside that big statue of Kumat. sitting on the floor. Their faces

See the insect zoo it's a won-
were turned toward Gniss and
derful place and very education- the visitor.
al." The youngsters had been to "He's dreaming about a meet-
the capital twice, their father ing, and I think he's making a
never, and they were very know- speech," Gniss said. "This is like-
ing. "There's plenty to do with- ly to be useful. Naturally it's
out looking for trouble " his boy being watched in the regular
Trenr had insisted. monitoring chambers. Our moni-
"But Gniss and I were great tors will try to identify everybody
friends at school, and Pm
a re- at the meeting. There are diffi-
spectable citizen. Why
should culties. Sometimes several faces
Gniss cause me trouble?" he had are blended into one in a dream.
asked, puzzled. "Look at those expressions f

Images came into being on the The sentimental fool thinks all
stage, and vanished, in a bizarre his followers are noble souls. See
panorama. Uniformed watchers, that skinny fellow to the left? He
already taller than a dream roof, positively drips nobility of souL
grew still taller until their heads And that woman over there? She
were lost in the real ceiling. Their belongs in heaven. And will get
monstrous hands held hoop- there soon, no doubt," Gniss
shaped mind-rippers. A terrified added with a laugh.
— — —
voice cried, "No no no " over The visitor found himself say-
and over. The word filled the ing, "But dreams are all pretty
room. imuch mixed up. Isn't it possible

The visitor felt a surge of pity he might put a chance acqfuain-


tance at one of those dream meet- cian a piece of your fingernail or
ings? Or someone he saw on the a bit of hair or a scraping of skin
street? Couldn't it happen to —anything that contains at least
anybody?" one whole —and in min-
cell five
"We as fair as we
try to be utes he'll tell you your name. Or
can. But you know the old say- we could visit the mind -ripper
ing: 'It is far better that ten in- range where we train recruits."
nocent men be punished than that "I'd rather not see that," the
one guilty man go free/ " visitor said. In the back of his
" That's very true," the visitor mind was rumor about the
said "and everyone
earnestly, mind-ripper range that he had
must be assumed to be guilty tried not to listen to.
until he can prove his innocence." "The targets for today didn't
Gniss motioned for him to be prove their innocence," Gniss ex-
quiet- Stale'smuttering voice was plained drily. His hand was still
gaining strength. It sounded more at the wheel. "Well?"
like language, and soon the vis- "Let's watch it a little more,**
itor could pick out words. the visitor said. "It's changing to
"... choose happy and . . .
something new."
free . . . man's will . . . life . , . "H'mm, so it is. This looks in-
sacrifice era Gniss .
. . . . . . .
The word was unmistakable. It was the park where the lamb
Gniss roared his laughter. "Pm had walked around the tree and
even in their dreams. But I sup- cried. But there was no lamb:
pose this must be boring you. there was a young woman, walk-
Shall I turn it off? I can always ing, alone. She was wearing a
have it repeated by the recording long cloak of a kind out of fash*
system, if I need to see it later." ion for several years, but, the
His hand was at the little jeweled visitor thought, more becoming
wheel. than the short cloaks the women
"I'm enjoying it," the visitor were wearing now. Her yellow
protested. hair was loosely tied with a filmy-
"Would you rather take a walk scarf. Her face was more beauti-
through some of the installations? ful than any real face the visitor
We work around the clock, you had ever seen.
know. We
could look in at the It was a face of delicate sym-
classification laboi&tory where metry; of early love; of high in-
We catalogue everybody by the telligence.
positions of the atoms in their Gniss raised himself and leaned
chromosomes. Give the techni- on his elbow. "We know that Stale

hasn't had a woman for some us the best information. I recog-
time, at least since we
closed in. —
nize the girl now Lell. She used
Watch, she'll be taking that cloak to be Stak's sweetheart." He said
off pretty soon —
and the rest of the word contemptuously. "She
her clothes, too, no doubt. That's was executed when he was first
usual in dreams." joining the revolt."
The was shocked, but
visitor The dream couple embraced in
he tried to keep from showing it. pantomime: The scene was very
"Be as good as the nakeds I used real, and it was hard for the
to go to when was a young fel-
I visitor to remember that these
low," he said bravely. were only images from a dream-
As a matter of fact, he had al- ing brain. His knowledge that the
ways gone only to the half- girl was dead added a strange
nnkeds and had taken his wife quality to the scene.
Naid. both before they were mar- While he was thinking that this
ried and afterwards. People had bright girl had been given to the
laughed at their being together —
sacred death birds if indeed her
so much, but they had had a fine body had been treated with such
life together. Then Naid had died respect — Stak cried out: "It's
while the children were still you, Lell! But you're dead!"
small. He wondered whether he Lell answered, "I've come back,
ever dreamed of Naid. He never darling. I've come back for your
could remember his own dreams, sake."
probably because he generally Now she did unfasten her
jumped out of bed so quickly and cloak. Gniss chuckled and the
went about the day's business. visitor tried to chuckle as Stak
On the dream stage, the image was helping her to take off her
of a man was standing beside the clothes with frantic hands. But
girl. The man was young and in a moment she was dressed
was wearing the kind of clothes again and beyond his reach.
that students wore, and he was "I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm
holding the girl's hand. dead," she was saying, and then
''It's Stak/' Gniss said. "This is she was not Lell at all, but an-
the less common
kind of dream, other woman. The cloak she was
though usual enough, where the wearing was short and her head
dreamer seems to be watching was bare in the new style and —
himself from the outside. We get her hair was <Iark.
a full view of him then and we Gniss made a noise that could
see his actions. It's the kind of have been a breath, but sounded
dream that's clearest and gives more like a growl or a cry.


— "

was a noise that made sweat

It of course. He got hold of a pic-
extrude from the visitor's fore- ture somehow. He knows his
head, made his throat tighten as dreams are being watched, and
if he would never swallow again. rebels must have found some way
He saw himself in the great statue of controlling their dreams. It can
of Kumat with other middle-aged be done, you know. You con-
tourists. He saw himself watch- sciously pick a subject or a per-
ing the the Luminous
fishes in son—"
Pond. He saw himself at his desk "Be quiet," the Chief Watcher
in the criteria room, where he said, and the visitor regretted
had worked for thirty years. that he had spoken.
He saw the sacred death birds Gniss never took his eyes from
circle and lower. the dream projection, but the vis-
The visitor made an effort to itor would not look. Already, he
collect himself. He must
decide had seen too much.
whether it was better to speak or He could not help hearing,
to be silent, to go on looking or though. Dream-Stak and dream-
to turn away. He did not know. Orv spoke lovingly, eagerly.
The man on the couch of cocoon Their words grew more intense,
cloth was no longer his old were blurred, became rhythmic
schoolfellow; he was the Chief sobs.
Watcher. Then there was silence. The
On the stage, the dark dream visitor looked again. The images
woman moved closer to Stak. "I were gone. The lifeless platform
love you too, Stak. I am not Lell. was sinking into the floor.
Lell is dead. I am Orv. But I Gniss said in a cold, faraway
love you, too." voice, "I will have to dispose of
Stak said, "To love me is to them. And of you, I am afraid.
die. Even to know me is to die." You may have heard the proverb
"What difference does that of the North Tribes: 'Who sees
make? We are all going to die what the gods want hidden had
some day. Why not die to bring better been born blind.' I was at
a time when others can be. free? fault in bothering, childishly

Happy and free unhappy and enough, to impress an old friend
free free!" —but I have got where I am by
"My wife," Gniss said, in a making sure that other people
terrible voice. "My
wife Orv expiate my faults."
Now it was in the open, and "Surely, Gniss, you don't be-
the visitor knew he had to speak. lieve it. You must realize a
He turned to Gniss. "It's a trick, trick." The visitor's voice was


shrillwith fear. way. He let loose his bellowing

"It's not a trick. There were laugh.
several reports, ambiguously
"You haveled too obscure a
phrased. I would not understand life," he said, choking. 'You
them; or, if understood them,
I could have made a career for
I would not believe them." yourself here. You have just
The visitor thought again of achieved something that calls Tor
his children's advice. If only he unusual talent —
you've won a
had listened to them! He pictured point simply by stating the ob-
them in his mind: his son, nine- vious truth. I was only fooling
teen-year-old Trenr: his daugh- myself, I see now. As you say, I
ter,sixteen-year-old Zhom. They am destroyed. I'll kill myself, of
were so wise, yet so foolish in course."
many ways, and so young. Know- Gniss put his hand to the jew-
ing he would have to return to eled wheel. The red and blue and
them, he grew calm. green gems twinkled between his
He rose from the couch and, fat fingers.

speaking slowly and steadily, said "Go out that way." Gniss said,
to the Chief Watcher: "You told and the and saw
visitor turned

me yourself that Stale's dreams that the wall had opened to a

were shown in the regular moni- small elevator. "It will take you
toring chambers, that they were to an unguarded door."
recorded. And there are the re- "Good-by," said the visitor.
ports you mention. How can this "An old friend's good-by. I know
will never see you again."
thing be kept secret? A hundred I

people must know about it be- "Never," Gniss said gravely.

sides me. A
hundred and one "Good-by, old schoolfellow."
can't make it any worse. There were tears in the vis-
itor's eyes as he walked into the
"Do you really think that by
killing me you can stop the story elevator. As soon as he had en-
the door automatically
from reaching high men in the tered,

Government? I am only an or- closed, and the elevator automat-

dinary citizen, but even I have ically carried him to a lower

heard of the rivalry among you floor, where it automatically and

powerful men. ^
completely disposed of him.
Nothing was left for the sacred

"Gniss, you are* destroyed. De-

stroying me won't save you. death birds.
Nothing can save you. You may -Little people, little minds,"
as well let me go home." Gniss said. "As if killing oneself
Gniss reacted in an astonishing were all a man could do."


Then he spoke pillow to his started to say something, but the
quietly, giving orders for a hun- full force of two mind-rippers
dred deaths. His wife's, first; then stopped him. His body fell back
Stale's; then . . . on the couch.
When he was through the list, Jenj began to cry.
he reconsidered and made it two "What's the matter, Jenj?" the
hundred. man said. "Think of Stale. Think
The hour was late and Gniss of Orv. I have never taken part in
was tired when
mistress his an execution that I regret less."
greeted him in her house, in an "You're not a woman," Jenj
old quarter of the city. said, still crying. "After all, a
They embraced. woman can't simulate for so long
"Dear girl, dear Jenj," Gniss without developing some emo-
said. "I have had to work late. tional attachment, even for a
It'sbeen a difficult day and I'm monster like that."
exhausted." But she made an effort to be
"Poor darling," said Jenj. "Lie stern.
down right now and rest.*' "Who going to take Stale's

Gniss stretched out on a couch, place?" she asked, as if nothing

grunting comfortably. The plastic now remained to be said about
felt a bit chilly, and he thought, Gniss.
I'll have to find her some of that The man answered, not "It's
primitive larval stuff. definite yet. Maybe Trenr. He's
A young man and a young young, but Stak thought highly
woman walked in from another of him. He's very capable."
room. They were carrying small "And close - mouthed," the
mind-rippers. woman said. "Even his father,
"Get out of the way," the man poor innocent, never knew Trenr
said to Jenj, was one of us. He was paying
Jenj moved quickly. Gniss a social call. Imagine!"
Gniss jumped to his feet. He —RALPH ROBIN
Don't Miss the Smashing Conclusion of . . -



, . next month's issue! With Heinlein plotting like a superb chess

. in
player and writing with the voltage of a cyclotron . don't bet that . .

you can guess the climax! You'll lose your bet!



To the men of the future, the scientific goals of today w*re
as incomprehensible as the ancient quest for the Hoiy Grail!

a thump. Mait-
stirred, came half
about three o'clock.
What had he heard? He had a
awake, and opened his definite impression that thesound
eyes. The room was dark except had come from within the room.
where a broad shaft of moonlight It had sounded like someone
from the open window fell on the stumbling into a chair, or —
foot of his bed, Outside, the resi- Something moved in the dark-
dential section of the Reserva- ness on the other side of the
tion slept silently under the pale room. Maitland started to sit up
illumination of the full Moon. and it was as though a thousand
He guessed sleepily that it was volts had shorted his brain . .

illustrated by L WOROMAY


This time, he awoke more nor- member of the original atomic

mally. He opened his eyes, looked reaction -motor team, he pos-
through the window at a section sessed information that other
of azure sky, listened to the sing- military powers would very much
ing of birds somewhere outside. like to obtain. It was absolutely
A beautiful day. In the middle of incredible that anyone had man-
the process of stretching his aged to abduct him from the
rested muscles, arms extended heavily guarded confines of the
back, legs tensed, he froze, look- Reservation, yet someone had

ing up for the first time really done it. How?
seeing the ceiling. He turned his
head, then rolled off the bed, wide TTE pivoted to inspect the room.
awake. -*--*- Even before his eyes could
This wasn't his room! take in the details, he had the
The lawn outside wasn't part impression that there was some-
of Reservation! Where the
the thing wrong about it. To begin
labs and the shops should have with, the style was unfamiliar.
been, there was deep prairie grass, There were no straight lines or
then a green ocean pushed into sharp corners anywhere. The
waves by the breeze stretching to walls were paneled in featureless
the horizon. This wasn't the Cali- blue plastic and the doors were
fornia desert! Down the hill, smooth surfaces of metal, half
where the liquid oxygen plant ellipses, without knobs. The flow-
ought to have been, a river wound ing lines of the chair and table,
across the scene, almost hidden built apparently from an alu-
beneath its leafy roof of huge minum alloy, somehow gave the
ancient trees. impression of arrested motion.
Shock contracted Maitland' s Even were made
after allowances
diaphragm and spread through for the outlandish design, some-
his body. His breathing quick- thing about the room still was
ened. Now he remembered what not right.
had happened during the night, His eyes returned to the doors,
the sound in the darkness, the and he moved over to study the
dimly seen figure, and then nearer one. As he had noticed,
what? Blackout . . • there was no knob, but at the
Where was he? Who had right of this one, at about waist
brought him here? For what pur- level, a push-button projected out
pose? of the wall. He pressed it; the
thought he knew the answer
He door slid aside and disappeared.
to the last of those questions. As a Maitland glanced in at the dis-


closed bathroom, then went over his nose against the window, he
to look at the other door. strained his eyes to see what it
There was no button beside was.
this one, nor any other visible A man and a woman were com-
means of causing it to open. ing toward him up the hill. Evi-
YBa filed, he turned again and dently they had been swimming,
looked at the large open window for each had a towel; the man's
— and realized what it was that was hung around his neck, and
had made the room seem so the woman was still drying her
queer. bobbed black hair.
did not look like a jail cell.
It Maitland speculated on the
There were no bars . . . possibility that this might be
Striding across the room, he Sweden; he didn't know of any
lunged forward to peer out and other country where public bath-
violently banged his forehead. He ing at this time of year was cus-
staggered back, grimacing with tomary. However, that prairie
pain, then reached forward cau- certainly didn't look Scandina-
tious fingers and discovered a vian . . .

hard sheet of stuff so transparent As they came closer, he saw

that he had not even suspected its that both of them had dark uni-
presence. Not glass! Glass was form suntans and showed striking
never this clear or strong. A plas- muscular development, like per-
tic, no doubt, but one he hadn't sons who had trained for years
heard of. Security sometimes had with weights. They vanished be-
disadvantages. low his field of view, presumably
He looked out at the peaceful into the building.
vista of river and prairie. The He sat down on the edge of the
character of the sunlight seemed cot and glared helplessly at the
was afternoon.
to indicate that it floor. u
He became aware that he was
hungry. A BOUT half an hour later, the
Where the devil could this ** door he couldn't open slid
place be? And — muscles tight- aside the wall. The man
ened about his empty stomach Maitland had seen outside, now
what was in store for him here? clad in gray trunks and sandals,
He stood trembling, acutely stood across the threshold looking
conscious that he was afraid and in at him. Maitland stood up and
helpless, until a flicker of motion stared back, conscious suddenly
at the bottom of the hill near the that in his rumpled pajamas he
river, drew his attention. Pressing •made an unimpressive figure.

The fellow looked about forty- ed. "My reason for bringing you
five. The first details Maitland here is altogether different. I want
noticed were the forehead, which to give you some psychological
was quite broad, and the calm, tests . .

clear eyes. The dark hair, white "Are you crazy?" Maitland
at the temples, was combed back, asked quietly. "Do you realize
still damp from swimming. Be- that at this moment one of the
low, there was a wide mouth and greatest hunts in history must be
a rounded chin.
firm, going on? I'll admit I'm baffled
This man was intelligent, Mait- as to where we are and how you
land decided, and extremely sure got me here —
but it seems to me
of himself. that you could have found some-
Somehow, the face didn't go one less conspicuous to give your
with the rest of him. The man tests to."
had the head of a thinker, the Swarts did smile.
Briefly, then,
body^of a trained athlete —an un- "They won't find you," he said.
usual combination. Now, come with me. i*
** 1

Impassively, the man said,

"My name is Swarts. You want AFTER that outlandish cell,

to know where you are. I am not

Swarts laboratory looked
going to tell you." He had an ac- rather commonplace. There was
cent, European, but otherwise un- something like a surgical cot in
identifiable. Possibly German. the center, a bench along one
Maitland opened his mouth to wall supported several electronics
protest, but Swarts went on, cabinets. A couple of them had
'•However, you're free to do all cathode ray tube screens, and
the guessing you want." Still they all presented a normal com-
there was no suggestion of a plement of meters, pilot lights,
smile. and switches. Cables 'from them
"Now, these are the rules. ran across the ceiling and came
You'll be here for about a week. to a focus above the high flat cot
You'll have three meals a day, in the center of the room.
served in this room. You will not "Lie down," Swarts said. When
be allowed to leave it except when Maitland hesitated, Swarts add-
accompanied by myself. You will ed, "Understand one thing the —
not be harmed in any way, pro- more you cooperate, the easier
vided you cooperate. And you can things will be for you. If neces-
forget the silly idea that we want sary, I will use coercion. I can
your childish secrets about rocket get all my results against your
motors." Maitland's heart jump- will, if I must. I would prefer


not Please don't make me.*'
to. Presently, a number of tiny
"What's the idea?" Maitland electrodes were adhering to his
asked. "What is all this?" temples and to other portions of
Swarts hesitated, though not, his body, and a minute micro-
Maitland astonishedly felt, to phone was clinging to the skin
evade an answer, but to find the over his heart. These devices ter-
proper words. "You can think of minated in cables that hung from
it as a lie detector. These instru- the ceiling. A sphygmomanome-
ments will record your reactions ter sleeve was wrapped tightly
to the tests I give you. That is as around his left upper arm, its
much as you need to know. Now rubber tube trailing to a small
lie down." black box clamped to the frame
Maitland stood there for a mo- of the cot. Another cable left the
ment, deliberately relaxing his box and joined the others.
tensed muscles. "Make me." —
So Maitland thought Swarts —
If Swarts was irritated, he could record changes in his skin
didn't show it. "That was the first potential, heartbeat, and blood
test," he said. "Let me put
an- it pressure : the involuntary re-
other way. I would appreciate it sponses of the body to stimuli.
a lot if you'd lie down on this cot. The question was, what were
I would like to test my appar- the stimuli to be?
atus." "Your name," said Swarts, "is
Maitland shook his head stub- Robert Lee Maitland. You are
bornly. thirty-four years old. You are an
"I see," Swarts said. "You want engineer, specialty heat transfer,
to find out what you're up particularly as applied to rocket
against." motors No, Mr. Maitland, I'm
. . .

He moved so fast that Mait- not going to question you about

land couldn't block the blow. It your work; just forget about it.
was to the solar plexus, just hard Your home town is Madison,
enough to double him up, fighting Wisconsin , .

for breath. He felt an arm under "You seem to know everything

his another behind his
back, about me," Maitland said defi-
knees. Then he was on the cot. antly, looking up into the hang-
When he was able to breath ing forest of cabling. "Why this
again, there were straps across his recital?"
chest, hips, knees, ankles, and "I do not know everything
arms, and Swarts was tightening —
about you yet. And I'm testing
a clamp that held his head im- the equipment, calibrating it to
movable. your reactions." He went on,

"Your favorite recreations are She smiled, put the tray of food
chess and reading what you term on the table, and swept out, her
science fiction. Maitland, how cloak billowing behind her. Mait-
would you like to go to the land remained standing, staring
Moon?" at the closed door for a minute
Something eager leaped in after she was gone.
Maitland's breast at the abrupt Later, when he had finished the
question, and he tried to turn his steak and corn on the cob and
head. Then he forced himself to shredded carrots, and a feeling of
relax. "What do you mean?" warm well -being was diffusing
Swarts was chuckling. "I really from his stomach to his extremi-
hit a semantic push-button there, ties, he sat down on the bed to
didn't I? Maitland, I brought you watch the sunset and to think.
here because you're a man who There were three questions for
wants to go to the Moon. I'm in- which he required answers before
terested in finding out why.' 9 he could formulate any plan or
IN THE evening a girl brought Where was he?
* Maitland his meal. As the door Who was Swarts?
slid aside, he automatically stood What was the purpose of the
up, and they stared at each other "tests" he was being given?
for several seconds. It was possible, of course, that
She had the high cheekbones this was all an elaborate scheme
and almond eyes of an Oriental, for getting military secrets, de*
skin that glowed like gold in the spite Swarts' protestations to the
evening light, yet
thick coiled contrary. Maitland frowned. This
braids of blonde hair that glit- place certainly didn't have the
tered like polished brass. Shorts appearance of a military estab-
and a sleeveless blouse of some lishment, and so far there had
thick, reddish, metallic -looking been nothing to suggest the kind
fabric clung to her body, and over of interrogation to be expected
that she was wearing a light, an- from foreign intelligence officers.
kle-length cloak of what seemed It might be better to tackle the
to be white wool. firstquestion first. He looked at
She was looking at him with the Sun, a red spheroid already
palpable curiosity and something half below the horizon, and tried
like expectancy. Maitland sighed to think of a region that had this
and said, "Hello,** then glanced kind of terrain. That prairie out
down self-consciously at his wrin- there was unique. Almost any-
kled green pajamas. where in the world, land like that


would be cultivated, not allowed Venus was a morning star just
to go to grass. now . . .

This might be somewhere in Just now!

Africa . . .
- He realized the truth in that
He shook his head, puzzled. moment.
The Sun disappeared and its
blood-hued glow began to fade T ATER, when that jewel of a
from the sky, Maitland sat there, •"- i
planet had set and the stars
trying to get hold of the problem were out, he lay on the bed, still
from an angle where it wouldn't warm with excitement and relief.
just slip away. After a while the He didn't have to worry any more
western sky became a screen of about military secrets, or who
clear luminous blue, a backdrop Swarts was. Those questions were
for a pure white brilliant star. As irrelevant now.. And now he could
always at that sight, Maitland accept the psychological tests at
felt his worry drain away, leav- their face value; most likely, they
ing an almost mystical sense of were what they purported to be.
peace and an undefinable longing. Only one question of impor-
Venus, the most beautiful of the tance remained:
planets. What year was this?
Maitland kept track of them He grimaced in the darkness,
all in their majestic paths through an involuntary muscular expres-
the constellations, but Venus was sion of jubilation and excitement.
his favorite. Time and time again The future! Here was the oppor-
he had watched its steady climb tunity for the greatest adventure
higher and higher in the western imaginable to 20th Century man.
sky, transient rule there as
its Somewhere, out there under the
evening star, its progression to- stars, there must be grand glitter-
ward the horizon, and loved it ing cities and busy spaceports,
equally in its alter ego of morn- roaring gateways to the planets.
ing star. Venus was an old friend. Somewhere, out there in the
An old friend night, there must be men who
Something icy settled on the had walked beside the Martian
back of his neck, ran down his canals and pierced the shining
spine, and diffused into his body. cloud mantle of Venus some- —
He stared at the planet unbe- where, perhaps, men who had vis-
lievingly, fists clenched, forget- ited the distant luring stars and
ting to breathe. returned. Surely, a civilization
Last night Venus hadn't been that had developed time travel
there. could reach the stars!


he had a chance to become floor,she started toward the door,
a part of all that! He could spend carrying the tray with the dirty
his life among
the planets, a citi- dishes from yesterday. He stop-
zen of deep space, a voyager of ped her with the word, "Miss!"
the challenging spaceways be- She turned, and he thought
tween the solar worlds. there was something eager in her
"I'm adaptable/' he told him- face.
self gleefully. "I can learn fast. .
"Miss, do you speak my lan-
There'll be a job for me out guage?"
there H . .
"Yes," hesitantly. She lingered
If— too long on the hiss of the last
Suddenly sobered, he rolled consonant.
over and put his feet on the floor, "Miss," he asked, watching her
sat in the darkness thinking. To- face intently, "what year is this?"
morrow. Tomorrow he would Startlingly, she laughed, a mel-
have to find a way of breaking low peal of mirth that had noth-
down Swarts' reticence. He would ing forced about it. She turned
have to make the man realize toward the door again and said
that secrecy wasn't necessary in over her shoulder, "You will have
this case. And ifSwarts still to ask Swarts about that. I can-
wouldn't talk, he would have to not tell you."
find a way of forcing the issue. "Wait! You mean you don't
The fellow had said that he didn't know?"
need cooperation to get his re- She shook her head. "I can-
sults, but not tell you."
After a while Maitland smiled "All right; we'll let it go at
to himself and went back to bed. that."
She grinned at him again as the
TTE WOKE in the morning with door slid shut.
*-*• someone gently shaking his
shoulder. He rolled overand SWARTS came hour
half an
looked up at the girl who had later, and Maitland began his

brought him his meal the evening planned offensive.
before. There was a tray on the "What year is this?"
table and he sniffed the smell of Swarts' steely eyes locked with
bacon. The girl smiled at him. his. "You know what the date is,"
She was dressed as before, ex- he stated.
cept that she had discarded the "No, I don't. Not since yester-
white cloak. day."
As he swung his legs to the "Come on," Swarts said pa-


tiently, "let's get going. We have inch from the engineer's eyes. He
a lot to get through this morn- attached tiny clamps to Mait-
ing." land's eyelashes.
"I know this isn't 1950. It's "These will keep you from
probably not even the 20th Cen- holding your eyes shut," he said.
tury. Venus was a morning star "You can blink, but the springs
before you brought me here. Now are too strong for you to hold
it'san evening star.*' your eyelids down against the
"Never mind that. Come." tension/'
Wordlessly, Maitland climbed He inserted button earphones
to his feet, preceded Swarts to the into Maitland's ears
laboratory, lay down and allowed And then the show began.
him to fasten the straps and at- He was looking at a door in a
tach the instruments, making no partly darkened room, and there
resistance at all. When Swarts were footsteps outside, a peremp-
started saying a .list of words — tory knocking. The door flew
doubtlessly some sort of semantic open, and outlined against the

reaction test Maitland began the light of the hall, he saw a man
job of integrating "csc n x dx" in with a twelve-gauge shotgun. The
his head. It was a calculation man shouted, "Now I've got you,
which required great concentra- you wife-stealer!" He swung the
tion and frequent tracing back of shotgun around and pulled the
steps. After several minutes, he trigger. There was a terrible blast
noticed that Swarts had stopped of sound and the flash of smoke-
calling words. He opened his eyes less powder —then blackness.
to find the other man standing With a deliberate effort, Mait-
over him, looking somewhat ex- land unclenched his fists and tried
asperated and a little baffled. to slow his breathing. Some kind
"What year is this?" Maitland —
of emotional reaction test what
asked in a conversational tone. was the countermove? He closed
"We'll try another series of his eyes, but shortly the muscles
tests." around them declared excruciat-
took Swarts nearly twenty
It ingly that they couldn't keep
minutes to set up the new appa- that up.
ratus. He lowered a bulky affair Now he was looking at a girl.
with two cylindrical tubes like She ...
the twin stacks of a binocular Maitland gritted his teeth and
microscope over Maitland's head, fought to use his brain; then he
so that the lenses at the ends of had it.

the tubes were about half an He thought of a fat slob of a

bully who had beaten him up
one day after school. He remem-
bered a talk he had heard by a
politician who had all the intel-
ligent social responsibility of a
rogue gorilla, but no more. He
brooded over the damnable stu-
pidity and short-sightedness of
Swarts in standing by his silly
rules and not telling him about
this new world.
Within a minute, he was in an
ungovernable rage. His muscles
tightened against the restraining
straps. He panted, sweat came out
on his forehead, and he began to
curse. Swarts! How he hated . . .

The scene was suddenly a flock

of sheep spread over a green hill-
side. There was blood hammering
in Maitland's temples. His face
felt hot and swollen and he writh-
ed against the restraint of the
The scene disappeared, the
lenses of the projector retreated
from his eyes and Swarts was
standing over him, white-lipped.
Maitland swore at him for a few
seconds, then relaxed and smiled
weakly. His head was starting to
ache from the effort of blinking.
"What year is this?" he asked.
"All right," Swarts said. "A.D.
Maitland's smile became a grin.

REALLY haven't the time to

i waste talking irrelevancies,"
Swarts said a while later. "Hon-


estly, Maitland, I'm working has been bringing you your
against a time limit. If you'll co- meals."
operate, 111 tell Ching to answer Maitland considered a moment,
your questions/' then nodded. Swarts lowered the
"Ching?" projector to his eyes again, and
"Jngrid Ching is the girl who this time the engineer did not re-

That evening, he could hardly

wait for her to come. Too excited
to sit and watch the sunset, he
paced interminably about the
room, sometimes whistling nerv-
ously, snapping his fingers, sitting
down and jittering one leg. After
a while he noticed that he was
whistling the same theme over
and over; a minute's thought
identified it as that exuberant
mounting phrase which recurs in
the finale of Beethoven's Ninth
He forgot about it and went on
whistling. He was picturing him-
self aboard a ship dropping in
toward Mars, making planetfall
at Syrtis Major; he was seeing
visions of Venus and the awesome
beauty of Saturn. In his mind, he
circled the Moon, and viewed the
Earth as a huge bright globe
against the constellations . . .

Finally the door slid aside and

she appeared, carrying the usual
tray of food. She smiled at him,
making dimples in her golden
skin and revealing a perfect set
of teeth, and put the tray on the
"J think you are wonderful."
she laughed. "You get everything


you want, even from Swarts, and acteristics, and hesitantly asked,
I have not been able to get even "Maybe I shouldn't . . . This a
a little of what I want from him. little personal, but . . . you don't
I want to travel in time, go back look altogether like the Norweg-
to your 20th Century. And I ians' of my time."
wanted to talk with you, and he His fear that she would be
would not let me." She laughed offended proved to be completely
again, hands on her rounded hips. unjustified. She merely laughed
"I have never seen him so irri- and said, "There has been much
tated as he was this noon/' history since 1950. Five hundred
Maitland urged her into the years ago, Europe was overrun
chair and sat down on the edge of by Pan-Orientals. Today you
the bed. Eagerly he asked, "Why could not find anywhere a 'pure*
the devil do you want to go to European or Asiatic." She gig-
the 20th Century? Believe me, gled. '
'Swarts' ancestors from
I've been there, and what I've your time must be cursing in
seen of this world looks a lot their graves. His family is Afri-
better." kander all the way back, but one
Sheshrugged. "Swarts says of his great-grandfathers was
that I want to go back to the pure-blooded Bantu. His full
Dark Age of Technology because name is Lassisi Swarts."
I have not adapted well to mod- Maitlandwrinkled his brow*
ern culture. Myself, I think I have "Afrikander?"
just a romantic nature. Far times "The South Africans." Some-
and places look more exciting ."
thing strange came into her eyes.
"How do you mean —"
. .

Mait- It might have been awe, or even

land wrinkled his brow — "adapt hatred; he could not tell. "The
to modern culture? Don't tell me Pan-Orientals eventually con-
you re from another time!" quered all the world, except for
"Oh, no! But my home is Ares- —
North America the last remnant
und, a little fishing village at the of the American World Empire
head of a fiord in what you would and southern Africa. The Afri-
call Norway. So far north, we are kanders had been partly isolated
much behind the times- We live for several centuries then, and
in the old way, from the sea, they had developed technology
speak the old tongue." while the rest of the world lost it.
They had a tradition of white
TJTE looked at her golden fea- supremacy, and in addition they
-*••*- tures, such a felicitous blend were terrified of being encircled/'
of Oriental and European char- She sighed. "They ruled the next



world empire and it was founded us not talk about them any
on the slaughter of one and a more.
half billion human beings. That "Robot factories and farms,"
went into the history books as the Maitland mused. "What else?
War of Annihilation.*' What means of transportation?
"So many? How?" Do you have interstellar flight
"They were clever with ma- yet?"
chines, the Afrikanders. They "Inter-what?" *

made armies of them. Armies of "Have men visited the stars?"

invincible killing-machines, pro- She shook her head, bewildered.
duced in robot factories from "I always thought that would
robot-mined ores .Very clever."
, . be a tough problem to crack," he
She gave a little shudder. agreed. "But tell me about what
"And yet they founded modern men are doing in the Solar Sys-
civilization/' she added. "The tem. How is life on Mars and
grandsons of the technicians who Venus, and how
long does it take
built the Machine Army up set to get to those places?"
our robot production system, and He waited, expectantly silent,
today no human being has to but she only looked puzzled. "I
dirty his hands raising food or don't understand. Mars? What
manufacturing things. It could are Mars?"
never have been done, either, be- After several seconds, Maitland
fore the population was reduced — swallowed. Something seemed to
to three hundred million/' be the matter with his throat,
"Then the Afrikanders are still making it difficult for him to
on top? Still the masters?" speak. "Surely you have space
SHE shook her head. "There are She frowned and shook her
no more Afrikanders." head. "What does that mean —
"Rebellion?" space travel?"
"No. Intermarriage. Racial He was gripping the edge of the
blending. There was a psychology bed now, glaring at her. "A civili-
of guilt behind it. So huge a crime zation that could discover time
eventually required a propor- travel and build robot factories
tionate expiation. Afrikaans is wouldn't find it hard to send a
still the world language, but there ship to Mars!"
is only one race now. No more "A ship? Oh, you mean some-
masters or slaves." thing like a vliegvlotter. Why, no,
They were both silent for a mo- I don't suppose it would be hard.

ment, and then she sighed. "Let But why would anyone want to

do a thing like that?" "Honestly," she said, "I did not
He was on his feet towering know they ever had." She hesi-
over her, clenched.
fists She tated. "Maybe you are asking the
raised her arms as if to shield her wrong question."
face if he should hit her. "Let's He furrowed his brow, bewild-
get this perfectly clear/' he said, ered now by her.
more harshly than he realized. I mean," she explained, ''may-
*'So far asyou know, no one has be you should ask why people
ever visited the planets, and no in the 20th Century did want to
one wants to. Is that right?" go to worlds men are not suited
She nodded apprehensively. "I to inhabit."
have never heard of it being Maitland felt his face become
doner hot "Men can go anywhere, if
He sank down on the bed and they want to bad enough."
put his face in his hands. After a "But why?' 9

while he looked up and said bit- Despite his sudden irrational

terly, "You're looking at a man anger toward her, Maitland tried
who would give his life to get to to stick to logic."Living space,
Mars. I thought I would in my for one thing. The only perma-
time. was positive
I I would when nent solution to the population
1 knew 1 was in your time. And problem ." . .

now I know I never will.** "We have no population prob-

lem. A hundred years ago, we
THE cot
and he
creaked beside him
felt a soft arm about
realized that the key to social sta-
bility is a limited population. Our
bis shoulders and fingers deli- economic system was built to take
cately stroking his brow. Pres- care of three hundred million
ently he opened his eyes and people, and we have held the
looked at her. "I just don't un- number at that."
derstand," he said. "It seemed "Birth control." Maitland scoff-
obvious to me that whenever men ed. "How do you make it work
were able to reach the planets, —secret police?"
they'd do it." "No. Education. Kach of us has
Her pitying eyes were on his the right to two children, and we
face. He hitched himself around cherish that right so much that
so that he was facing her. "I've we make every effort to see that
got to understand. I've got to those two are the best children
know why. What happened? Why we could possibly produce ." . .

don't men want the planets any She broke off. looking a little
more?" self-conscious. "You understand,


what I have been saying applies his arm. "You grew up in the
to most of the world. In some Age of Technology. Everybody
places like Aresund, things are was terribly excited about what
different. Backward. I still do not could be done with machines-
feel that I belong here, although machines to blow up a city all at
the people of the town have ac- once, or fly around the world, or
cepted me as one of them." take a man to Mars. We have had
"Even," he said, "granting that —
our fill of what is the word?—
you have solved the population gadgets. Our machines serve us,
problem, there's still the adven- and so long as they function right,
ture of the thing. Surely, some- we are satisfied to forget about
where, there must be men who them.
still feel that I . Ingrid,
. doesn't it "Because this is the Age of
fire something in your blood, the Man. We are terribly interested in

idea of going to Mars just to what can be done with people.
go there and see what's there and Our scientists, like Swarts, are
walk under a new sky and a studying humanrather than nuc-
smaller Sun? Aren't you inter- lear reactions. We are much more
ested in finding out what the fascinated by the life and death of
canals are? Or what's under the cultures than by the expansion
clouds of Venus? Wouldn't you or contraction of the Universe.
liketo see the rings of Saturn With us, the people that are
it is

from a distance of only two hun- important, not gadgets."

dred thousand miles?" His hands Maitland stared at her, his face
were trembling as he stopped. blank. His mind had just manu-
She shrugged her shapely factured a discouraging analogy.
shoulders. "Go into the past His present position was like that
yes! But go out there? I still can- of an earnest 12th Century cru-
not see why." sader, deposited by some freak of
"Has the spirit of adventure nature into the year 1950, trying
evaporated from the human race, to find a way of reanimating the
or what?" anti-Mohammedan movement.
She smiled. "In a room down- What chance would he have? The
stairs there is the head of a lion. unfortunate knight would argue
Swarts killed the beast when he in vain that the atomic bomb of-
was a young man. He
used a fered a means of finally destroy-
spear. And time traveling is the ing the infidel . . .

greatest adventure there is. At Maitland looked up at the girl,

least, that 1* the way I feel. who was regarding him silently
Listen, Bob." She laid a hand on with troubled eyes. "I think I'd

like to be alone for a while," he explain it very well to you.**
said. "That's need." Maitland
all I
licked his lips and frowned. "On
the morning, Maitland was that point, anyway. Another thing
IN — Swarts told me I'd be here for
though not particularly
depressed. He hadn't slept much, about a week. Is there any set
but he had come to a decision. procedure involved in that? Have
When woke him, he gave
Ingri-d 'other persons been brought to this
her a cavalier smile and a cheery period from the past?"
•'Good morning" and sat down to She laughed. "Thousands.
the eggs and ham' she had Swarts has published nearly a
brought. Then, before she could hundred case studies himself, and
leave, he asked, "Last night when spent time adding up to years in
we were talking about spaceships, the 19th and 20th centuries."
you mentioned some kind of ves- Maitland interrupted incredu-
sel or vehicle. What was it?" lously. "How on Earth could he
She thought. "Vliegvlotter? ever manage to keep that many
Was that it?" disappearances quiet? Some of
He nodded emphatically. "Tell those people would be bound to
me about them." talk."
they are
"Well, —
cars, you She shook her head definitely.
might say, with wheels that go "The technique was designed to
into the body when you take off. avoid just that. There is a method
They can do, oh, 5,000 miles an of 'fading' the memories people
hour in the ionosphere, 50 miles have of their stay here. The epi-
tip." sode is always accepted as a
"Fifty miles,*' Maitland mused. period of amnesia, in the absence
•*Then they're sealed tight, so the of a better explanation."
air doesn't leak out?" Ingrid nod- 'Still,in thousands of cases..."
ded. "How do they work? Rocket
'Spread out over centuries in
drive?" a total population of billions."
"No." She plucked at her lower He laughed. "You're right. But
lip. "I do not understand it very will that be done to me?"
well- You could picture some- "I suppose so. I can't imagine
thing that hooks into a gravity Swarts letting you take your
field, and pulls. A long way from memories back with you."
the Earth i\ would not work very Maitland looked out the win-
well, because the field is so thin dow at the green horizon. "We'll
there . . • I guess I just cannot see," he said.


MAITLAND removed his Are you familiar with elementary

three-day beard with an ef- quantum theory? As an analogy*
fective depilatory cream he dis- you might regard yourself, dis-
covered in the bathroom, and set- placed from your proper time, as
tled down to wait. When Swarts an atom in an excited state. The
arrived, the engineer said quietly, system is bound to drop back to
"Sit down, please. I have to talk ground state. In the atomic case,
with you." the time which elapses before that
Swarts gave him the look of a transition occurs is a matter of
man with a piece of equipment probabilities. In the case of time
that just won't function right, and travel, depends on the
it just
remained standing. "What is it amount of mass and the number
now?" of years the mass is displaced.
"Look," Maitland said, "Ingrid "In short, the laws of nature
has told me that men never will insist on your returning to
reached the planets. You ought to 1950 in just a few days."
know how I feel about space Maitland looked at the floor for
flight. It's my whole life. Knowing a while, and his shoulders sagged.
that my work on rockets is going "Your memories of this will be
to pay off only in the delivery of faded," Swarts said. "You'll for-
bombs, I don't want to go back get about what Ingrid has told
to the 20th Century. I want to —
you forget you were ever here,
stay here." and take up your life where you
Swarts said slowly, "That's im- left off. You were happy working
possible." on rockets, weren't you?"
"Now, look, if you want me to —
"But " Maitland shook his
cooperate ..." head despairingly. Then he had
The big man made an impa- an idea. "Will you let me do one
tient gesture. "Not impossible be- thing, before I go back? I realize
cause of me. Physically impos- now that our time is limited, and
sible. Impossible because of the you have a lot of tests to give me,
way time travel works." but I'm willing to help speed
Maitland stared
at him suspi- things up. I want to see the stars,
ciously. just once, from deep space. I

"To displace a mass from its know you'll make me forget it

proper time takes energy," Swarts ever happened, but once in my
explained, "and it's one of the life . . • You have vessels vlieg-
oldest general physical principles vtotter, Ingrid called them —that
that higher energy states are un- can go into space. If you'd give
stable with respect to lower ones. me just a couple days to go, out

— —

there, maybe Moon...?"

circle the one of these people looks at me I
There was a pleading note in his feel inferior."
voice, but he didn't care. She had confided her dream of
Swarts regarded hirn dispas- visiting far times and places, then
sionately for a moment, then had finished, "I doubt that Swarts
nodded. "Sure," he said. "Now will ever let me go back. He
let's get to work." thinks I am too irresponsible.
Probably he is But it is ter-
•TTiHE Earth doesn't change ribly discouraging. Sometimes I
J- much," Maitland mused. think the best thing for me would
Sitting on i&e cot, his arm around be to go hometo the fiord ." . .

Ingrid's yielding waist, he was Now, sitting in the sunset glow,

wearing the new blue trunks she Maitland was in a philosophic
had given him to replace his mood. "The color of grass, the
rumpled pajamas. The room was twilight, the seasons, the stars
full of evening sunlight, and in those things haven't changed." He
that illumination she was more gestured out the window at the
beautiful than any other woman slumbering evening prairie. "That
he could remember. This had scene, save for unessentials, could
been the last day of tests; tomor- just as well be 1950 —
or 950. It's
row, Swarts had promised, he only human institutions that
would begin his heart-breakingly change rapidly .
.* .

brief argosy to the Moon, with "I'll be awfully sorry when you
Ingrid as pilot. go back," she sighed- "You're the
Over the past four days, he had first person I've met here that I
been with the girl a lot. In the can talk to."
beginning, he realized, she had "Talk to," he repeated, dis-
been drawn to him as a symbol of satisfied. "You're just about the
an era she longed, but was unable, finest girl I've ever met."
to visit. Now she understood him He kissed her, playfully, but
better, knew more about him when they separated there was
and Maitland felt that now she nothing playful left about it. Her
liked him for himself. face was flushed and he was
She had told him of her child- breathing faster than he had been.
hood in backward Aresund and Savagely, he bit the inside of his
of loneliness here at the school in cheek, "Two days! A lifetime here
Nebraska. "Here," she had said, wouldn't be long enough!"
"parents spend most of their time "Bob." She touched his arm and
raising their children; home,
at her lips were trembling. "Bob, do
they just let us grow. Every time —
you have to go out there? We


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could get a couple of horses to-
morrow, and we would have two The Best Way to Get Started
He leaned back and shook his
head. "Can't you see, Ingrid? This
is my only chance. If I don't go
tomorrow, I'll never get to the MAGAZINES
Moon. And then my whole life Develop the working hubit un-
won't mean anything . .
der the personal direction of
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HE woke with Ingrid shaking

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1 vate school completely owned and op-

erated by successful editors and writers,

was an urgent whisper. "You've offers a series of fascinating assignments
(l.'sii'ned to jrct you started and keep y©U
got to wake up quick! Bob!" writing. They are sent regularly to your
home, where you work on them in spare
He sat up and brushed the hair time. They give you a chance to polish
out of his eyes. "What's the mat- your style the way professional writers

polished theirs by writing continually.
ter?" You may concentrate on either short
story or article work, advancing as rapid-
"I didn't really believe that ly as your ability warrants.

Swarts would let you go into Everyassignment you submit is re-

turned with detailed criticism.
space. It wasn't like him. Bob, he
fooled you. Today is when your fREE CATALOG
Writers themselves active in the maga-
time runs out!" zine field help you find your best outlets,
Maitland swallowed hard, and often suggest markets you might never
have heard of. Send
his chest muscles tightened con- the coupon today for VETERANS:
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vulsively. "You mean it was all a which tells you how This course
you may get started approved for
trick?" toward a writing veteran** training

She nodded. "He told me just career.

now, while he was putting some- The Magazine Institute, Inc.

50 Rockefeller Plaza
thing in your milk to make you Rockefeller Center, New York 20, N. T.
sleep." Her face was bitter and re- * — ^mmm hh m^ mm* *h — * •—
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sentful. "He said, 'This is a lesson The Magazine Institute, Inc*
Dept. 349-C, 50 Rockefeller Plaza
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work with individuals like this. PJease send your free catalog, with-
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Maitland put his feet on the I cSQ*l*44l»Otf<>U.|.^M«lHAMt»«»M4i<ltM(HMttHl i*t** *f *»«tf hi "<»-r*

floor, stood up. His face was white

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(hiquiiiej confidential. No salesman will mil)
She grasped his arm. "What



are you going to do?** hand in hand across the lawn and
He shook her hand off. "I may she pushed him up through the
not get to the Moon, but I'm go- door, then slammed it shut and
ing to teach one superman the screwed the pressure locks tight.
advantage of honesty!" They were strapping them-
"Wait! That won't get you selves into the seats, bathed in
anywhere." sunlight that flooded down
"He may be bigger than I am/* through the thick plastic canopy,
Maitland gritted, "but— when she stopped, pale with con-
She squeezed his arm violently. sternation.
"You don't understand. He would "What the matter?" he de-
not fight you. He'd use a gun." 4
"If I could catch him by sur- "Oh, Bob, I forgot! We can't
prise ."
. . do this!"
She took hold of his shoulders "We're going to," he said
firmly. "Now, listen, Bob Mait- grimly.
land. I love you. And I think it's "Bob, sometime this morning
the most important thing in the you're going to snap back to 7950.
world that you get to see the If that happens while we're up
stars. Swarts will never let me there ..."
time travel, anyway." His jaw went slack as the im-
What are you thinking?" plication soaked in. Then he
a I'll go down to the village and
reached over and finished fasten-
get a vliegvlotter. It won't take ing the buckle on her wide seat
twenty minutes. I'll come back, belt.
see that Swarts is out of the way, "Bob, I can't. I would be killing
let you out of here, and take you just as surely as ." . .

you—" she hesitated, but her eyes "Never mind that. You can tell

were steady "wherever you want me how to run this thing and then
to go." get out, if you want to."
He was trembling. "Your ca- She reached slowly forward and
reer. I can't let you . . ." *
threw a switch, took hold of the
She made as to spit, then if wheel. Seconds later they were
grinned. "My career! It's time I plummeting into the blue dome
went home to the fiord, anyway. of the sky.
Now you wait here!" The blue became darker, pur-
plish, and stars appeared in day-
THE vlnegvlotter
was about 50
ellipsoid of revo-
light. Maitland gripped the edge
of the seat; somewhere inside him
feet long,
lution. Maitland and Irtgrid ran it seemed that a chorus of angels

" .

was singing the finale of Beetho- clouds. The polar ice-cap was
ven's Ninth. visible in its entirety, alongwith
There was a ping and Ingrid the northern portions of the Eura-
automatically flicked a switch. A sian land mass. The line of dark-
screen lit up and the image of ness cut off part of Alaska and
Swarts was looking at them. His bisected the Pacific Ocean, and
eyes betrayed some unfamiliar the Sun's reflection in the Atlan-
emotion, awe or fear. "Ching! tic was blinding.
Come back here at once. Don't And was Venus,
you realize that
— liant,
white jewel against the
a bril-

"Sorry, Swarts/* Maitland's starry blackness of interstellar

voice resonated with triumph space, and now he could see the
"You'll just have to humor me Sun's corona ...
once more." The ship was rotating slowly,
"Maitland! Don't you know and presently the Moon, at first
that you're going to snap back quarter, came into view, not per-
to the 20th Century in half an ceptibly larger than seen from"
hour? You'll be in space with no Earth. Maitland heaved a sigh
protection. You'll explode!" of regret. If only this could have
"I know," Maitland said. He been but the beginning of a voy-
looked up through the viewport. age .. .

"Right now, I'm seeing the stars Ingrid touched his arm. "Bob."
as I've never seen them before. He turned to look at her golden
Sorry to make you lose a case, beauty.
Swarts, but this is better than dy- "Bob, give me one more kiss."
ing of pneumonia or an atomic He loosened his seat strap and
bomb." put his arms around her. For a
He reached forward and snap- moment he felt her soft lips on
ped the image off. his . . .

Then she was gone, and the

TWENTY minutes later, Mait- ship had vanished. For perhaps
land had Ingrid cut the drive as long as a second, alone in
and turn the ship, so that he space, he was looking with naked,
could see the Earth. It was there, unprotected, ambition-sated eyes
a huge shining globe against the at the distant stars.
constellations, 1 0,000 miles dis- The luring white blaze of
tant, 100 times the size of familiar Venus was the last image he took
Luna. North America was di- with him into the night without
rectly below, part of Canada cov- stars.
ered with a dazzling area of —-WIM JAJM L. BADE
die at home

One man's retreat is another's

prison « • and it takes a heap

of flying to make a hulk a home!

FORTY days of heaven and

forty nights of hell. That's
stars? And yet, at the same time,
to be filled with a terrible, gnaw-
the way it's been, Laura. —
ing fear a fear locked in my
But how can I make you under- mind during the day and bursting
stand? How can I tell you what out like an evil jack-in-the-box
it's like to be young and a man at night. I must tell you, Laura.
and to dream of reaching the Perhaps if I start at the begin-

Illustrated by THORNE


tling,the very beginning . . . going to find new

land for our
It was the Big Day. All the colonists, good rich land that will
examinations, the physicals and bear food and be a home for our
psychos, were over. The Academy, children. And perhaps most im-
with its great halls and classrooms portant of all, they'll make other
and laboratories, lay hollow and men think of the stars and look
silent, an exhausted thing at sleep up at them and feel humility
after spawning its first-born. for mankind needs humility."
For it was June in this year of The speaker was Robert
1995, and we were the graduating Chandler, who'd brought the first
class of the U. S. Academy of In- rocket down on Mars just five
terplanetary Flight. years ago, who'd established the
The first graduating class, first colony there, and who had
Laura. That's why it was so im- just returned from his second hop
portant, because we were the first. to Venus.
We sat on a little platform , Instead of listening to his
twenty-five of us. Below us was words, I was staring at his broad
a beach of faces, most of them shoulders and his dark, crew-cut
strange, shining like pebbles in hair and his white uniform which
the warm New Mexican sunlight. was silk-smooth and skin-tight.
They were the faces of mothers I was worshiping him and hating
and fathers and grandparents and him at the same time, for I was

kid brothers and sisters the peo- thinking:
ple who a short time ago had been He's already reached Mars and
only scrawled names on letters Venus. Let him leave Jupiter and
from home or \yords spoken wist- the others alone! Let us be the
fully at Christmas. They were the first to tand somewhere! Let us
memory -people who, to me, had be the first!

never really existed.

But today they had become 71/I"ICKEY Cameron, sitting next
real, and they were here and J-* --
to me, dug an elbow into my
looking at us with pride in their ribs. "I don't see 'em, Ben/' he
e^es. whispered. "Where do you sup-
A voice was speaking, deep, pose they are?"
sure, resonant. ". . .these boys I blinked. "Who?"
have worked hard for six years, "My folks."
and now they're going to do a That was something I didn't
lot of big things. They're going to have to worry about. My parents
bring us the metals and minerals had died in a strato-jet crash
that we desperately need. They're when I was four, so I hadn't


needed manyof those "You are those final months at the Acad-
cordially invited" cards. Just one, emy and I knew we'd be a good
which I'd sent to Charlie Taggart. team in space. The Universe was
Stardust Charlie, we called mighty big, but with two of us to
him, although I never knew why. face it together, it would be only
He was a veteran of Everson's half as big.
first trip to the Moon nearly And then it seemed that
the all

twenty-five years ago, and he was proud faces were looking at us as

still at it. He was Chief Jctman if we were gods- A shiver went

now on the Lunar Lady, a com- through my body. Though it was

mercial ore ship on a shuttle be- daytime, I saw the stars in my
tween Luna City and White mind's vision, the great shining
Sands. balls of silver, each like a voice
I remembered how, as a kid, crying out and pleading to be ex-
I'd pestered him in the Long Is- plored, to be touched by the sons
land Spaceport, tagging after him of Earth.
like a puppy, and how he'd grown They expect a lot from us.
to like me until he became father, They expect us to make a new
mother, and buddy all in one to kind of civilization and a better
me. And remembered, too, how
I place out of Earth. They expect
his recommendation had finally all this and a hell of a lot more*
made me a cadet. They think there's nothing we
My gaze wandered over the can't do.
faces, but I couldn't find I felt very small and very
Charlie's. It wasn't surprising. humble. I was scared. Damned
The Lunar Lady was in "White scared.
Sands now,
but liberties, as
Charlie said, were as scarce as A T last it was over, and the
water on Mars. ** proud faces descended upon
It doesrit matter, told myself.
I us in a huge, babbling wave.
Then Mickey stiffened. "I see Then I saw him. Good old
'cm, Ben! There in the fifth row!" Stardust Charlie.
Usually Mickey was the same His wizened little body was
whether in a furnace-hot engine shuffling down an aisle, his eyes
room or a garden party, smiling, shining like a child's. He'd been
accepting whatever the world of- sandwiched, evidently, jn one of
f< But now a tenseness and an
I. the rear rows.
excitement had gripped even him. But he wasn't the Charlie I'd
I was grateful that he was beside seen a year ago. He'd becoJnc
me; we'd been a good team during gaunt and old, and he walked


with an unnatural stiffness. He tight uniforms of the government
looked so old that it was hard service and wore a shiny black
to believe he'd once been young. suit that was a relic of Everson's
He scratched his mop of steel- early-day Moon Patrol. His tie
gray hair and grinned, was clumsily knotted, and a but-
"You made it, boy" he chor- ton on his coat was missing.
tled, "and by Jupiter, we'll cele- And the left side of his face
brate tonight. Yes, siree, I got was streaked with dark scar tis-
twenty-four hours, and we'll cele- sue, the an atomic
result of
brate as good spacemen should!" blowup on one of the old Moon
Then Mickey strode up to us. ships. was so accustomed to the

He was his normal, boyish self scars, I was seldom aware of

again, walking lightly, his blond, them; but others, I knew, would
curly-haired skull swaying as if find them ugly.
in rhythm with some silent mel- You were kind. You shook
ody. hands and said, softly: "It's a
And you, Laura, were with him. privilege to meet you, Charlie.
"Meet the Brat," he said. "My Just think — one of Everson's men,
sister one of the first to reach the
I stared almost rudely- You Moon!"
were like a doll lost in the im- Charlie gulped helplessly, and
mensity of your fluffy pink dress. Mickey said: "Still going to
Your was long and trans-
hair spend the weekend with us, aren't
formed into a golden froth where you, Ben?"
sunlight touched it. But your eyes I shook my
head. "Charlie has
were the eyes of a woman, glow- only twenty-four hours liberty.
ing like dark stars and reflecting We're planning to see the town
a softness, a gentleness that I'd tonight."
never seen in eyes before. "Why you both come
"I'm happy to meet you, Ben/' with us?" you asked. "Our folks
you said. "I've heard of no one . have their own plane, so it would
else for the past year." be no problem. And we've got a
A tide of heat crept up from my big guest room. Charlie, wouldn't
"collar. I stuttered through an in- you like a home-cooked meal be-
troduction of Charlie. fore going back to the Moon?"
You andMickey looked Charlie's answer was obscured
Strangely at Charlie, and I real- by a sudden burst of coughing. I
ized that old Stardust was not a knew that he'd infinitely prefer to
cadet's notion of the ideal space- spend his libertysampling Mar-
man. Charlie scorned the skin- tian fizzes and Plutonian zombies.


But this night seemed too sa- "Used to want?" I asked.
cred for Charlie's kind of cele- "What do you mean?"
bration. You bit your lip, not answering.
"We'd really like to come," I "What did she mean, Mickey?"
said. Mickey looked down at his feet.
"I want to tell you yet,
/\N our way to the 'copter Ben. We've been together a long
^-^ parking field, Dean Dawson time, planning to be on a rocket.
passed us. He was a tall, willowy But—"
man, spectacled, looking the way "Yes?"
an academy professor should "Well, what does it add up to?
look. You become a spaceman and wear
"Ben/' he called, "don't forget a pretty uniform. You wade
that offer. Remember you've got through the sands of Mars and
two months to decide." the dust of Venus. If you're lucky,
"No, thanks," I answered. "Bet- you're good for five, maybe ten
ter not count on me." years. Then one thing or another
A moment later Mickey said, gets you. They don't insure
frowning, "What was he talking rocketmen, you know."
about. Ben? Did he make you an My stomach was full of churn-
offer?" ing, biting ice. "What are you try-
I laughed. "He offered me a job ing to say, Mickey?"
here at the Academy teaching as- "I've thought about it a long
trogation. What a life that would time. They want me for Cargo
be! Imagine standing in a class- Supervisor of White Sands Port."
room for forty years when I've got He raised his hand to stop mM VI
the chance to—" know. It's not so exciting. I'll just
I hesitated, and you supplied live a lot longer. I'm sorry, Ben."
the right words: "When you've - I couldn't answer. It was as if
got the chance to be the first to someone had whacked the back
reach a new planet. That's what of my knees with the blast of a
most of you want, isn't it? That's Jet.
what Mickey used to want." "It change anything,
I looked at you as if you were —
Ben right now, I mean. We can
Everson himself, because you still have a good weekend."

seemed to understand the hunger Charlie was muttering under

that could lie in a man's heart. his breath, smoldering like a
Then your last words came bomb about to reach critical
back and jabbed me: "That's mass. I shook my head dazedly
what Mickey used to want." at him as we got to the 'copter.



"Sure,** I said to Mickey, "we Wegazed for a few seconds up

can still have a good weekend." into the dark sky. and then you
said: "Charlie is funny, isn't he?
LIKED your folks, Laura. He's nice and I'm glad he's here,
I There was no star-hunger in but he's sort of funny."
them, of course. They were sim- "He's an old-time spaceman.
ple and solid and settled, tike You didn't need much education
green growing things, deep-root- in those days, just a lot of brawn
ed, belonging to Earth. They were and a quick mind. It took guts to
content with a home that was be a spaceman then."
cool on this warm summer night, "But he wasn't always a space-
with a 'copter and a tri-dimen- man. Didn't he ever have a fam-
sional video, and a handsome ily?"
automatic home that needed no smiled and shook my head.

servants or housework. "If he had, he never mentioned it.

Stardust Charlie was as com- Charlie doesn't like to be senti-

fortable as a Martian sand- mental, at least not on the out-
monkey in a shower, but he tried side. As far as I know, his life

courageously to be himself. began when he took off for the

At the dinner table he stared Moon with Everson."
glassily at nothing and grated, You stared at me
strangely, al-
"Only hit Mars once, but Til most in a sacred kind of way- I v

never forget the kid who called knew suddenly that you liked me,
himself a medic. Skipper started and my heart began to beat faster.
coughing, kept it up for three There was silence.

days. Whoopin* cough, the medic You were lovely, your soft hair

says, not knowin' the air had like strands of gold, and there
chemicals that turned to acid in were flecks of silver in your dark
your lungs. I*d never been to eyes. Somehow I was afraid- I had
Mars before, but I knew better'n the feeling that I shouldn't have
that. Hell, I says, that ain't come here.
whoopin' cough, that's lung-rot." You kept looking at me until
That was when your father I had to ask: "What are you
said he wasn't so hungry after all. thinking. Laura?"
Afterward, you and I walked You laughed, but it was a sad,
onto the terrace, into the moon- fearful laugh. "No, I shouldn't be
lit night, to watch for crimson thinking it. You'd hate me if I
tailed continental rockets that told you, and I wouldn't want
occasionally streaked up from that."
White Sands. "I could never hate you."


" a

It — it's about the stars,** you upward and on the stars.
said very softly. "I understand Now stumbled into a cross-
why you want to go to them. roads, beholding a strange new
Mickey and I used to dream path that I'd never noticed be-
about them when we were kids. fore.
Of course I was a girl, so it was You can go into space, I
just a game to me. But once I thought, and try to do as much
dreamed of going to England. Oh, living in ten years as normal men
it was going to be so wonderful. do in fifty. You can be like Ever-
I lived for months, just thinking son, who died in a Moon crash at
about it. the age of 36, or like a thousand
"One summer we went. I had others who lie buried in Martian
fun. saw the old buildings and
I sand and Venusian dust. Or, if
castles, and the spaceports and you're lucky, like Charlie a kind —
the Channel Tube. But after it of human meteor, streaking
was over, I realized England through space, eternally alone,
wasn't so different from America. never finding a home.
Places seem exciting before you Or there's the other path. To
get to them, and afterward they're stay on this little prison of an
not really Earth in cool, comfortable houses.
I frowned. "And you mean it To be one of the solid, rooted
might be the same with the stars? people with a wife and kids. To
You think maybe I haven't be one of the people who live
grown up yet? ' 1
long enough to grow old, who
Anxiety darkened your features. awake to the song of birds instead
"No, it'd be good to be a space- of rocket grumblings, who fitt
man,to see the strange places and their lungs with the clean rich air
make history. But is it worth it? of Earth instead of poisonous
Is it worth the things you'd have dust.
to give up?" "I'm sorry/' you said. "I didn't
I didn't understand at first, mean to make you sad, Ben."
and I wanted to ask, "Give up "It's all right," I said, clench-
what?" ing my fists. "You made sense —
Then I looked at you and the lot of sense."
promise in your eyes, and I knew.
All through the years I'd been *T*HE next morning Charlie said
walking down a single, narrow -- good-bye in our room. He
path. rubbed his scarred face nervously
Government boarding school, as he cleared his throat with a
the Academy, my eyes always series of thin, tight coughs.



Then he pointed to a brown, Ishook the thought away. If

faded tin box lying on the bed. Charlie was sick, he wouldn't talk
"Vm leavin' that for you. It's full about going to Mars. The medics
of old stuff, souvenirs mostly. wouldn't let him go even as far as
Thought maybe you'd like to Luna.
have 'em." We watched him leave, you and
scowled, not understanding,
I Mickey and I.
"Why, Charlie? What fpr?" "When will you be back?" you
He shrugged as if afraid he asked.
might be accused of sentimen- Charlie's contorted
hard face
tality. "Oh, it's just that I've been itself into a gargoylish grin.
dodgin' meteors now for twenty- "Maybe a couple of months,
five years. That's a long time, maybe a couple of years. You*
boy. Ain't one spaceman in a know spacemen."
thousand that lucky. Some of Then he waved and strode

these days, I won't be so lucky." away, a strange, gray, withered

I tried to laugh. "You're good
gnome of a man.
another twenty-five years, I wanted him to say something,
Charlie." to tell me the secret that would
He shook his head stiffly, star- kill the doubt worming through
ing at nothing. "Maybe. Any- my brain.

way, I'm gonna get off the Shut- But he rounded a corner, still
tle this time, make one more trip grinning and waving, and then
to Mars. Tell you what. There's he was gone.
a stone cafe on Mars, the

Space Rat, just off Chandler THAT afternoon Mickey show-

Field on the Grand Canal. When ed me hisroom. It was more
you get to Mars, take a look in- iike a boy's room than a space-
side. I'll probably be there." man's. In it were all the little
He coughed again, a deep, rasp- things that kids treasure pen-—
ing cough that filled his eyes with nants, models of Eversons two
tears. ships, a tennis trophy, books, a
"Not used to this Earth air," he home-made video.
muttered. "What I need's some I began to realize how im-
Martian climate." portant a room like this could be
Suddenly that cough frightened to a boy. I could imagine, too, the
me. It didn't seem normal. I happiness that parents felt as they
wondered, too, about his stiff .
watched their children grow to
movements and glassy stare. It adulthood.
was as if he were drugged. I'd missed something. My folks



were shadow-people, my impres- But wanted, also, to be with


sions of them drawn half from you, Laura, to see your smile and
ancient photos, half from imagi- the flecks of silver in your eyes
nation. For me, it had been a and the way your nose turned
cold, automatic kind of life, the upward when you
ever so slightly
life of dormitories and routines laughed. You see, I loved you al-
and been so blinded by
rules. I'd ready, almost as much as I loved
the brilliancy of my dreams, I the stars.
hadn't realized I was different. And I said, slowly, my voice
folks were killed in a rocket sounding unfamiliar and far
crash. If it weren't for rockets, away, "Sure, I'll stay, Mickey,
I'd have lived the kind of life a Sure."
kid should live.
Mickey noticed my frown. FORTY days of joy, forty
"What's the matter, Ben? Still nights of fear and indecision.
sore? I feel like a heel, but I'm We did all the little things, like
just not like you and Charlie, I watching the rockets land at
guess. I
— White Sands and flying down to
"No, I understand, Mickey. the Gulf to swim in cool waters.
I'm not sore, really." You tried, unsuccessfully, to
"Listen, then. You haven't ac- teach me and we talked
to dance,
cepted any offer yet, have you?" about Everson and Charlie and
"No. I got a couple of possi- the Moon and the stars. You felt
bilities. Could get a berth on the you had to give the stars all the
Odyssey, the new ship being fin- beauty and promise of a child's
ished at Los Angeles. They want dream, because you knew that
me, too, for the Moon Patrol, but was what I wanted.
that's old stuff, not much better One morning I thought, Why
than teaching. I want to be in must I make a choice? Why can't
deep space.** I have both you and the stats?
"Well, how about
staying with Would that be asking too much?
us till you decide? Might as well All day the thought lay in my
enjoy Earth life while you can. mind like fire.
Okay?" That evening I asked you to
I felt like running from the marry me. I said it very simply:
house, to forget that it existed. I "Laura, I want you to be my
wanted someone to tell me one of wife."
the old stories about space, a tale You looked up at Venus, and
of courage that would put fuel you were silent for a long while,
on dying dreams. your face flushed.


" T

Then you murmured, "I — fears and doul too frantic to let
want to marry you, Ben, but are me sleep.
you asking me to many a space- YouWe got to decide now, I
man or a teacher?" told myself. You can't stay here.
"Can't a spaceman marry, Youve got to make a choice.
too?" The teaching job was still open.
"Yes, a spaceman can marry, The spot on the Odyssey was still
but what would it be like? Don't —
open and the big ship, it was
ou see, Ben? You'd be like rumored, was equipped to make it
!harlie.Gone for maybe two all the way to Pluto. '

nonths, maybe two years. Then You can take Dean Dawson's
you'd have a twenty -four hour job and stay with Laura and
liberty —and I'd have what?" have kids and a home and live to
Somehow I'd expected words see what happens in this world
like these, but still they hurt. "I sixty years from now.
wouldn't have to be a spaceman Or you can see what's on the
forever. I could try it for a couple other side of the mountain. You
of years, then teach." can be a line in a history book.
"Would you, Ben? Would you I cursed. I knew what Charlie

be satisfied with just seeing Mars? would say. He'd say, "Get the
Wouldn't you want to go on to hell out of there, boy. Don't let a
Jupiter and Saturn and Uranus fool woman make a sucker out of
and on and on?" you. Get out there on the Odyssey
Your voice was choked, and where you belong. We gora date
even in the semi-darkness I saw on Mars, remember? At the Space
tears glittering in your eyes. Rat, just off Chandler Field on
"Do you think I'd dare have the Grand Canal."
children,Ben? Mickey told me That's what he'd say.
what happened on the Cyclops. And yet I wanted you, Laura.
There was a leak in the atomic I wanted to be with you, always.

engines. The ship was flooded "Oh God," I moaned, "what

with radiation —just for a second. shall I do?"
It didn'tseem serious. The men
had no burns. But a year later the NEXT morning the door chimes
captain had a child. And it you went to the
pealed, and
was — door and brought back the audio-
"I know, Laura. Don't say it." gram. It was addressed to me; I
You had to finish. "It was a wondered who could be sending
monster." me a message.
That night I lay awake, the I pressed the stud on the little



gray cylinder, and a rasping, black statue of a forgotten Mar-

automatic voice droned "Luna : tian god, a gold service medal
City, Luna, July 27, 1995. Regret from the Moon Patrol.
to inform you of death of Charles This was what remained of
Taggart, Chief Jetman J* . . Charlie after twenty-five years in
Then there was a Latin name space. It was a bitter bargain. A
which was more polite than the statue instead of a wife, yellowed
word "lung-rot" and the metallic letters instead of children, a
phrase, "This message brought to medal instead of a home.
you by courtesy of United Na- Ifd be a great future, I thought.
tions Earth-Luna Communication You'd dream of sitting in a dingy
Corps/' stone dive on the Grand Canal
I stood staring at the cylinder. with sand-wasps buzzing around
Charles Taggart was dead. smoky, stinking candles. A bottle
Charles Taggart was Charlie. of luchu juice and a couple of
Stardust Charlie. Martian girls with dirty feet for
My heart thudded crazily company. And a sudden cough
against my chest. It couldn't be! that would be the first sign of
Not Charlie! The audiogram had lung-rot.
lied! To with it!
I pressed the stud again. ** • • . I walked into your living room

regret to inform you of death of and called Dean Dawson on the

Charles .**
. . visiphone.
I hurled the cylinder at the I accepted that job teaching.
wall. It thudded, fell, rolled. The
broken voice droned on. A ND
now, Laura, it's nearly
You ran to it, shut it off. "I'm ** midnight. You're in your
sorry, Ben, so terribly
— room, sleeping, and the house is
Without answering, I walked silent.
into my room. I knew it was true It's hard to you, to make
now. I remembered
Charlie's you understand, and that is why
coughing, his gaunt features, his I am writing this.

drugged gaze. The metallic words I looked through Charlie's box

had told the truth, again, more carefully this time,
I sat fora long time on my bed, reading the old letters and study-
crying inside, but staring dry- ing the photographs. I believe
eyed at Charlie's faded tin box. now that Charlie sensed my in-
Then, finally, I fingered his decision, that he left these things
meager possessions a few wrin- — so that they could tell me what
kled photos, some letters, a small he could not express in words.


And among the things, Laura, Yousay that the beauty of the
I found a ring. other side of the mountain van-
A wedding ring. ishes after you reach it. But how
In that past he never talked can one ever be sure until the
about, there was a woman his — journey is made? Could I or
wife. Charlie was young once, his Charlie or the thousand before us
eyes full of dreams, and he faced bear to look upon a star and
the same decision that I am fac- think, / might have gone there;
ing. Two paths were before him, I could have been the first?
but he tried to travel both. He We said, too, that the life of a
later learned what we already spaceman is lonely. Yet how

know that there can be no com- could one be lonely when men
promise. And you know, too, like Charlie roam the spaceways?
which path he finally chose. Charlie wanted me to himself
Do you know why he had to that night after graduation. He
drug himself to watch me gradu- wanted us to celebrate as space-
ate? So he could look at me, men should, for he knew that this
knowing that I would see the would be his last night on Earth.

worlds he could never live to see. It might have seemed an ugly

Charlie didn't leave just a few kind of celebration to you, but he
trinkets behind him. He left him- wanted it with all his heart, and
Laura, for he showed me that
self, we robbed him of it.
a boy's dream can also be a Because of these things, Laura,
man's dream. I will be gone in the morning.
He made his last trip to Luna Explain the best you can to
when he knew he was going to Mickey and to your parents and
die. Heaven knows how he es- Dean Dawson.
caped checkup. Maybe the
a Right now I've got a date that
captain understood and was kind I'm going to keep at a dingy—
— but that doesn't matter now. stone cafe on Mars, the Space
Do you know why he wanted Rat, just off Chandler Field on
to reach Mars? Do you know why the Grand Canal.
he didn't want to die in the clean, Stardust Charlie will be there;
cool air of Earth? he'll go with me in memory to

It was because he wanted to whatever part of the Galaxy I

die nearer home. His home, may live to reach. And so will
Laura, was the Universe, where you, Laura.
the ship was his house, the crew I have two wedding rings with
his father, mother, brothers, the me — his wife's ring and yours.
planets his children. —EDWARD W. LUDWIG


THE UNDESIRED PRINCESS, Here things either are or are not
by L, Sprague de Camp. Fantasy whatever they are, with no in-be-
Publishing Co., Inc., Los Angeles, tweens. A social lion is a real lion.
1 951. 248 pages, $3.00. The princess, being a fairy tale
ROGUE QUEEN, by L. Sprague princess, is perfect —painfully so.
de Camp. Doubleday & Co., Inc., Everything in the tale has this
New York, 1951. 222 pages, $275. haywire quality of being or not
being, plus a lot of pleasant de
* THESE volumes show why de Campish plotcident and nonsense
-* Camp has puzzled and exas- along with it.
perated his fans. The F.P.C.I. volume is fattened
The Undesired Princess is a out by the inclusion of a 34-page
pure pseudo-fairy tale adventure short story called Mr, Arson. This
about a character named Rolliri one has to do with how a char-
Hobart who istranslated into an acter named Grinnig bought him-
Aristotelian World called Logeia. self a correspondence course on

* * * * * SHfLF 87
Nigromaney, conjured up one of stantially real, so humanly
the Paracelsian fire demons called ble, that the book becomes a sheer
the Saldine, and got himself and —
delight to read particularly after
s lot of other nice people into the bombasts and atom blasts of

fiome hot but very hot water. — much modern science fiction. And
Both these fantasies are clever, more especially after the sadden-
glib, andwholly unimportant ing amount of routine wordage
They can almost be counted on to de Camp has been producing. I
depress the true believer in de hope he stays off the literary
Camp. treadmill for good.
Rogue Queen something else

again. This is without doubt the BEYOND INFINITY, by Rob-

best item de Camp has yet devel- ertSpencer Carr. Fantasy Press,
oped out of his concept of Viagens Reading, Pa., 1951. 236 pages,
the Portugese-
Inter planet arias, $2.75.
epealdng monopoly that controls
all Terran space travel. FOUR long short at
In Rogue Queen, a novel never least two of them reprinted
published before, we find our- from The Saturday Evening Posf.
selves in a strange feminist civili- The title story, Beyond Infini-

sation one which is essentially ty, is a long, curiously uncon-
kumanoid, but similar to that of vincing tale about how a certain
the bee. The meticulously scien- type of space -time travel makes
tific way in which de Camp de- the travelers live backward so
velops details of this culture on that, upon returning from a de-
m far-distant planet to parallel a cades-long voyage, they have be-
bee society is fascinating. Men come young people again.
•re literally nothing but drones, Morning Star has to do with
•nd most females mere workers. the attempts of manless Venus to
With the arrival of the Viagens get some nice young men from.
Interplanetarias spaceship Paris, Earth to settle there and give
bearing a load of scientists and Venusian women a chance at nor-
explorers from Earth, a chain of mal reproductive procedures,
•vents is begun which terminates rather than their current parthe-
In the reconversion of this ab- nogetic way. This is all mixed up
normal society back to the be- with a hush-hush super-secret war
ginnings of a more natural way rocket project on Earth, a lot of
ADf life. terribly brilliant scientists, and a
The story of how this is ac- plan to Get To Mars Before The
complished is made so circum- Reds Do*


Those Men from Mars is about Great Science of Tomorrow ^m

the best of this crop an engaging Space Travel.
though superficial tale of how the The book carries you straight
Martians land a ship on the through from the classical aeoli-
White House lawn and another pile of Heron of Alexandria to
inside the Kremlin, and how the (and here I quote chapter head-
two societies work on their re- ings) "The Rocket into Cosmic
spective Martians to place the Space," "The Spaceship," and
enormous scientific resources of "Terminal in Space." In between,
their planet on one or the other it you all the historical
side. background there is, and great
Weak ending ... gobs of the science, too.
The fourth tale, Mutation, is There is the engrossing story of
about post-atomic-war chaos, and the German Rocket Society of the
the white and shining, angelic 1920s, in which Ley himself play*
mutated boys and girls that ed an important part; there is

spring phoenixlike from this what we know of Peenemunde,

chaos. A very old-hat conception, birthplace of the V-l and the V-2;
but smoothly carried out. and there is as much as can be
Pleasant reading, not top- told—which is more than you
drawer science fiction. —
may think about White Sands
and its work. The guided missiles
ROCKETS, MISSILES AND aspect is, of course, now empha-
SPACE TRAVEL, by Willy Ley. sized far beyond its previous
The Viking Press, New York, weight in earlier editions, as the
1951. 432 pages plus xii plus 12 inclusion of the word in the new
pages of illustrations plus a folded title indicates.
chart, " Characteristics of the As for the data on space travel
Earth 9 s Atmosphere," inside the itself, and on spaceships, they
back cover; $5.95* have also been greatly expanded
when compared with the earlier
THIS is the last word, the com- editions. The prospects and dif-
plete book, the authoritative ficulties of successful space flight

job on rockets —
good enough, are given a full detailing.
without question, to serve as a anyone who owns Rockets
primary textbook, reference vol- (1944- 1945) or Rockets and
ume and handbook for everyone Space Ships (1947), the names
with a serious interest in the sub- under which the earlier editions
ject, and also to introduce those of this book appeared, believes
who know nothing about it to the that he won't need the new vol-

• • • • • SHELF
ume, I can only assure him that so long before had jumped from
he is wrong. Great advances have the 14th floor of an apartment
been made since then, and much house when the girl's husband
previously restricted information came home unexpectedly ("What
has been released. made you jump?" "I forgot what
floor we were on/' the voice said
THE SPIRIT WAS WILLING, sheepishly — that's the essential
by Milton Luban. Greenberg: level of the humor in this vol-
Publisher, New York, 195L 188 ume) and ; a female ghost named
pages, $2.50. Beryl Topaze, who creates earth-
quakes in people's apartments.
*T^HIS is a piece of machine- It's all quite cuckoo, but not,
*• made, chromium - plated unfortunately, with that wonder-
Thorne Smithiana, carefully cut ful old jet-propelled cuckooism
along the pattern Thorne origi- typical of Thorne Smith.
nated, and assembled together I did like the two unfortunate
with real care. It is a complete psychiatrists, though, Egghoff and
Smith, even to the screwy court- Hpphegg. Imagine trying to psy-
room scene. The only thing that choanalyze a ghost!
is missing is Thorne Smith. It would be too bad if publish-
The tale tells about ghosts, ers didn't continue bringing out
very funny ghosts who get sued books like this, on the chance that
for alienation of affections one — one might make up for all the
by the name of Ahbed; one by others. This doesn't happen to be
the name of Terry Stone, who not the one. — CROFF COIMKUN

Coming Up . * .


* THE PUPPET MASTERS by Robert A. Heinlein
The startling conclusion of a tremendous novel by one of science fiction'*
greatest authors!

* SEA LEGS by Frank Quartrocchi

Don't count on the dreams of a homesick space pilot! They are apt
to turn into nightmares!

* SELF-PORTRAIT by Bernard Wolf*

With this ideolistic cyberneticist, nothing was too good for his scientific
colleagues. Much too good!





From: Jed Michaels. Ryttuk, * * *
Eros rocket mail (Second Class)
To: H. E. Horrocks, Interplane-
tary Amusement Corp., Cosmo- Dear Michaels:
polis, Earth Your last message indicates you

This bigtime space promoter could get

the Horsehead Nebula in a flying mare
— but pinning a planetoid is tougher!


wish toleave the employment talk in six syllable words and
of the Interplanetary Amusement their idea of a good time is to
Corp. Under our employee policy, sniff flowers and do five dimen-
this is allowable, effective upon sional calculus. They have less
completion of your current as- use for wrestlers than I have for
signment. Under precedent set as you.
long ago as 2347 A. D. the com- Michaels
pany will even pay the cost of * *
your message of resignation.
However, the words "you bal- ROCKE-f mail (Second Class)
loon brain" do not seem a neces-
sary part of that message and will
Michaels, you nitwit:
be deducted from your salary. That wasn't Eros, you idiot!
Furthermore, I have a few You were supposed to go to Erie
words of my own to say You
march straight into my office,
— Erie, Pa., right here on Earth!
If you remembered even your
Michaels, just as soon as you get
sixth grade Solar System history,
back from Eros. Eros? what in you would know that the plane-
HELL ARE YOU 1X)ING ON EROS? toid Eros was settled in 2141 by
Horrocks a group of longhairs headed by
* * * Prof: M. R. Snock, a philosopher
With a dozen university degrees.
rocket mail (First Class) He wanted to show that war,
crime and all forms of violence
Mr. H. E. Horrocks would disappear if people thought •

Dear Balloon Brain: only beautiful thoughts.

If you paid a little more atten- The planetoid is lousy rich with
tion to your office and less to that erydnium ore and the people keep
golf course on Venus, you'd know in luxury selling it to space
what I am doing on Eros. I got freighters. They spend their time
here two days ago via Mars with being gentle and thinking beauti-
a herd of six wrestlers, in ac- ful. There hasn't even been a
cordance with your own written spitball thrown there in eight
memorandum. We were to appear generations.
at an Auruchs club smoker. A fine place for youto show up
Upon arrival, I found that no mahouting six wrestlers with no
preparations had been made for foreheads. You're lucky they
us and nobody knows anything haven't thrown you in jail.
about an Auruchs club. Horrocks
The people here are nuts. They * * *


pocket mail (Postage Due) please go down. Now they're per-
fuming us every hour and feeding
Mr. H. E. Horrocks us flower bulbs to make us gentle.
Dear Jellyhead: We could climb out of this rat-
What do you mean lucky? We hole whenever we wanted, but
are in jail. that would be climbing straight
Right after we got here, the into a striped spacesuit.
boys decided they had been I think about you all the time.
cramped in that local spaceship And if you think they're beautiful
and needed a workout to limber thoughts, you're as crazy as I've
up. As soon as they got started, always suspected.
they were surrounded by a bunch Michaels
of scrawny males, all sniffing hol- P.S. The boys asked that I en-
lyhocks. from them:
close this note
Their spokesman, a bald bird Dear Mr, Horox:
with rosebuds in his whiskers, We do not like it here Mr.
touched me with a gold-headed Horox. The Grub is no good,
cane and said that apparently we You come get us Plese Mr. Hor-
were not yet attuned to the high ox. Come soon.
mental plane of the planetoid, Gorilla Man Thorpe
and would we mind going into Choker Jonas
protective custody while they R. Z, Zbich, light-heavy-
worked over our egos and cured weight champion of the m
our kineticisrn. Moon, Mercury and the in-
I said suppose we wouldn't. He ner rings of Saturn
looked shocked and waved his Gorgeous Gordon
flower and said that then, al- Barefoot Charles Anya
though it had never happened X, the Faceless Wonder
before, he supposed he would *F -J*- *J*

have to call the space patrol and

have us thrown into the hoose- rocket mail (First Class)
gow on Ganymede.
I translated that into basic Mr. Jed Michaels
wrestler for the boys and we Mr. Michaels:
agreed we'd better go along. We'd Don't think you can sit around
heard about the jail those tough doing nothing and collect pay
space patrol babies operate on from the Interplanetary Amuse-
Ganymede. ment Corp. You're suspended un-
The flower lovers took us to an til you get out of there.

old erydnium pit and asked us to Horrocks


* * * pretty. She might have been as
intellectualas the president of
spacegram (Collect) Harvard above the shoulders, but
what a framework she had to
Mr. H. E. Horrocks, Cosmopolis, hold up that brain!
Earth She went over to Gorgeous
MY RESIGNATION IS A MISTAKE. Gordon and she said, "Ooh!"
I WITHDRAW IT. YOU ARE BEST OF With all the flower lovers around
ALL POSSIBLE BOSSES. IMPROBABLE here, was probably the first
AS IT SEEMS, I LOVE YOU. man with muscles she had ever
JED seen.
* * * The big ham
swelled up. He
flexed his arms and stuck out his
SPACEGRAM chest. "OOH!" said the girl, and
went bounding back up the side
Mr. Jed Michaels, Ryttuk, Eros of the pit.
ONLY ONE POSSIBLE CAUSE FOR I stopped the exercise and the
YOUR LAST SPACEGRAM. HAS SHE A wrestlers sat and mused blankly
SISTER? at each other.
HANK In a few minutes, our little
* * * visitor was back again. With her
were about a dozen pals, differing
rocket mail (Second Class) in details, but resembling her in
the important points.
Mr. H. E. H6rrocks The leader was a tail, brown-
My dear employer and pal; haired, gray-eyed girl, with a
Erosa wonderful asteroid!
is face where intellect fought a los-
Toward the end of the second ing battle with a dimple. The
day in the pit, the wrestlers lim- others helped her down the pit
bered up. Zbich and the Gorilla side as if she were something
Man worked out on headlocks,. fragile and precious, like maybe a
Gorgeous Gordon did calisthenics, new bottle of perfume.
and Barefoot Charley, Choker Then our pal went back to Gor-
Jonas and the Faceless Wonder geous Gordon. "More ooh!° said
got themselves Into a grunting the girl guide.
free-for-all. You know how wrestlers are.
After that got under way, I They'll slap each other silly to get
heard a squeal and a girl came the cheers of four kids on a street
bounding down the pit side. She corner, or commit mayhem for a
was young and dark -haired and purse big enough to buy a ham


hock. In five seconds, we had go- "A satisfactory outcry. Prin-
ing one of the finest wrestling cess," I explained, "is, 'Break it
matches in the history of good, off !'
clean sportsmanship. And over ''Break it off!" encouraged Ali-
the cracking of wrestler's bones ana.
rose the shrieks of the girls, show- I had to wind it up, finally, be-
ing that their throats were in the fore the wrestlers reduced them-
light place, even if their brains selves to blubber, thereby forcing
weren't. the Interplanetary Amusement
The gray-eyed girl sat with me Corp. to go out and lasso itself
on a flange of unmined ore. She another herd.
was Aliana, a direct descendant of The girls went giggling up the
the leader of the Eros pioneers. side of the pit. At the top, Aliana
As such, she was princess of the waved at me. The others blew
planetoid, although she left most kisses, not caring much where
of the governing to a council of they landed, as long as the re-
ciders,apparently as outstanding ceiver had muscles.
an array of mossbacks as ever Next morning, a young man
smelled a gardenia or just plain came into the pit. He announced
smelled. that, upon Princes Aliana's or-
"I sometimes think. Mr. Mich- ders, we were to have the freedom
aels/' Aliana told me, "that we of of Eros, so that contact with the
Eros have laid too much stress planetoid could win us
upon the cerebral. I wonder if our from our uncouth ways.
lives would not be fuller if we He was too young to be wholly
also included some of the more gentled by the flowers and the
vigorous activities, such as the council of elders. So the Choker
one in which those men are now showed him a wristlock. And
engaged." when the Choker tossed him on
"If it's a vacation for your mind his ear in the erydnium ore, he
that you want. Princess," I said words that were not beauti-
agreed, "those boys are your ful. Maybe there's something to
meat." the people of this asteroid.
Just then the Gorilla Man got Anyway, everything is great
a leg split on Barefoot Charley now. We wander wherever we
and began to braid his toes. please, as long as we return to the
"How stimulating," breathed pit to sleep. When nobody is look-
Aliana. "What is proper for the ing, we sneak into the royal pala« c a

onlooker to remark in such a situ* courtyard and put on a wrestling

ation?" show for the girls.


And the nights! Ah, the nights!
Don't turn entirely green with
envy, Hankus. At least leave your ROCKET MAIL
nose the familiar red. (Free, Royal Frank)
Royal Palace, Eros
To: H. E. Horrocks, Cosmopolis,
Dear melon brain:
To; Jed Michaels, Ryttuk, Eros I gather from your last message
FINE WORK. RETURN IM MEDIATE- that you wish to discharge me. I
LY. WILL MEET YOU AT MARS. MAY- accept the offer, fat boy. In fact,
BE YOU CAN PERSUADE SOME OF under royal Eros precedent, which
THE GIRLS TO ACCOMPANY YOU I made up three minutes ago, we

THAT FAR. AM SENDING THE will even pay for your message.
WRESTLERS TO SATURN. However, the words "you blun-
HANK dering baboon" do not seem a
* * * necessary part of that message,
and their cost will be taken out
rocket mail (First Class) of the first bit of business that the
royal house of Eros decides to
To: H. E. Horrocks, Cosmopolis, honor your puny little corpora-
Earth tion with.
Dear Hank: If any.
Go Mars, the man says. I
to Times are changed, Hankus.
can't go anywhere. The elders I'm a big shot now.
caught us giving a rassle when A few hours after we got back
Aliana was away and we're in in the pit, Aliana came back and
again. sneaked down to see us. She said
These flower roots taste ter- she thought it was about time to
rible. end this council of elders* non-
Jed sense and she asked our help.
I told her plan to the wrestlers
in words of one syllable or less.
SPACEGRAM They all agreed except the Face-
less Wonder.
,To: Jed Michaels, Ryttuk, Eros "I don't see why I should have
YOU BLUNDERING BABOON, YOU- nothing to do with no book," he
'RE FIRED. seems he had had a book
said. It

HORROCKS once and chewed up the first three


chapters before he found put it elders for showing me the error of
wasn't something to eat. my ways. said that, after staying

I signaled to the boys. Zbich in the lovely erydnium pit, I was

clamped a headlock on him. The enraptured with flowers, crazy
Choker got a hammerlock. The about culture and practically en-
Gorilla Mantook him in a scis- gaged in five dimension calculus.
sors. Gorgeous Gordon got a toe- I asked that I and the boys could
hold and Barefoot Charley stood have the priceless boon of walking
by to jump on his stomach. freely around Eros, swapping
"Do you understand now?" I beautiful thoughts with the local
asked politely. yokels.
"Sure, Jed, sure," said the Face- The elders went into a deep
less Wonder. "Why didn't ya ex- state of flutter. Most of them
plain it to me in the first place?" were for accepting our proposi-
So the next morning, we yelled tion out of hand —
which was bad.
for books. And for the following Our old pal with the beard saved
days, whenever anybody was us.
around, we were busy sniffing "But I saw these men romp-
flowers and reading. Between ing/' he shrilled. He lowered his
times, I tried to explain to the voice to a high alto. "Positively
wrestlers why there weren't more romping!'*
pictures in the books. "Perhaps these men could
A week later, we sprang the prove their sincerity/' Aliana
trap. I told the stablehand who said, winking at me. "Perhaps
brought us our fodder that I had one of them would consent; to
taken in so much culture that I what he has learned here
was breathing beauty. Zbich, gag- by giving a public talk on some
ging a little, asked for a second scientific subject/'
helping of flower roots. Gorgeous "I should be glad/' I answered,
Gordon requested a needle and "to hack off a lecture for the good
thread; he said he had fallen be- folk of Eros. Suppose I give it on
hind in his needlepoint. anatomy/'
A report of the conversation got And sowas decided.

to the council of elders and it Exactly as we had planned.

brought them to the lip of the pit, There was an amphitheater
looking like something the glue which the inhabitants of Eros had
factory had refused to accept. been using for ballets, string quar-
Aliana was with them. tets and lectures by such of the
I bowed from the waist and longhairs as got stuffed so full of
made a speech. I thanked the long words that they couldn't


keep them to themselves. I had "Let me illustrate," I said.
jringposts and ropes set up on the I drew the bathrobes off the
platform, saying I needed them wrestlers.
to illustrate my talk. I got into The boys' muscles rippled as
the ring with Gorgeous Gordon they strutted around the ring.
and Zbich, who were dressed in From the women spectators came
trunks and bathrobes. a long, deep sigh. From that mo-
* ment, we had half the audience
The wit and beauty of Eros —
with us the female half.
was assembled there, the beauty "In anatomy," I said, shaking
being represented by the girls, my finger to emphasize the point,

and the wit such as it was by — "the wingback shifts outward for
the council of elders. The rest of a lateral. In the words of the
the seats were filled with other great philosopher Hypocritus. the
forms, some of them tolerably coil should always be kept clean
easy to look at. between the barrel and the tap
I had picked out the subject and all excess collar should be
of anatomy in the belief that none removed with a spatula."
of the inhabitants of Eros knew Nobody was listening to me;
anything about it. they were looking at the wrestlers,
The men didn't notice and the which, of course, was what I'd
women had nothing at all to figured on. Most of the men
look at, anyway. were comparing the grunters'
I went into my act. muscles to their own, and here
"Kind hosts, friends and un- and there a few Ayere dropping
fortunate incidents," I said. "My their flowers onto the floor.
topic is the science of anatomy. I signaled and in a second the
Now, the science of anatomy is boys were an omelet of flying legs.
copacetic to the point of mopery. The crowd gasped, then leaned
The cerebellum is distended and forward intently. The shrieking
the duodenum goes into a state began when Gordon got a head-
of c pluribus unum. Incalculably, lock on Zbich. It grew when
thrombosis registers and the ecto- Zbich flipped Gorgeous with a
plasm becomes elliptic. Or, in the flying mare. By
the time Gordon
vernacular, the eight ball in the got in a billygoat butt, the amphi-
side pocket." theater sounded like feeding time
The crowd sat stunned. Here at the 200.
and there, a flower sniffer looked But there was another sound,
down at his own rack of bones to too. Old Whiskers was tottering
check my statement. down the aisle, shrieking, "This


is romping! Mere romping!

match between Choicer Jonas and

I signaled and the boys stop- the Faceless Wonder, they were
ped. reduced to a jelly. We had to
"We need a third man to illus- call off the third match for fear
trate the next point," I said. we would have to take them home
"Perhaps the gentleman in the in jars.
aisle will volunteer." At the end, we went in a body,
Two wrestlers grabbed Old led by the wrestlers, and threw
Whiskers and tossed him into the the council of elders into the
ring. Making fast double talk, I erydnium pit. We are keeping
took off his shirt and he stood them now on a diet of raw meat.
there, stripped to the waist, blink* The amphitheater has been
ing in the sun and looking like converted into a permanent wres-
a dehydrated squab. tling arena. We've laid out a
The crowd noted the contrast footballand a baseball field in
between his scrawniness and the the lyceum grove, and next week
muscles of the wrestlers. A roar we'll start turning the botanical
of laughter swept it. garden into a golf course.
"Perhaps," I said, "the gentle- To carry out the full program,
man would like to romp." we shall have to buy some equip-
Zbich made a grab for him and ment and hire some talent.
he scuttled out of the ring, fall- Whether we toss some of the busi-
ing over the lower rope. A woman ness Interplanetary depends,
in the first row slugged him with Hankus boy, entirely on what at-
a gardenia. titude Interplanetary takes to-
"Sit down, you old fool!" She ward you know who.
turned to the wrestlers. "Break When you write your crawling
it off!" she shouted. letter, you worm, address me as

The match went on. "Your Mightiness." I am minister

In my career, including my of athletics on Eros now and the
medicine show days, I've had lots second most important person on
of easy marks, but nothing to the planetoid.
compare to the crowd at Eros* My work takes me close to the
first wrestling match. When Gor- Princess Aliana. Very close.
geous took the first fall with a Come to think of it, I wish
body scissors, they went mad; there was a moon on Eros. It's

when Zbich evened it up, they not essential, but it helps.

went hysterical; when Zbich took So long, peasant.
the deciding fall, they were de- JED
lirious. And at the end of the —DONALD COLVIN


Pup pet


Illustrated by Don SiMey

SYNOPSIS tion alias of "Mary Cavanaugh"

The "Saucer turned out to be a
On July 7, 2007, three of us hoax, but six of our own people
flew out to Iowa to investigate had preceded us and failed to
the landing of a Flying Saucer — come back.
me, the chief of the secret intel- A clue led us to Des Moines
ligence agency */ work for, and stereo station where we captured
another agent, a sultry redhead a strange, horrible parasite, kill-
known to me only by her opera- ing its host, the station manager,

The one thing worse than fighting on

enemy completely human or completely

alien is — fighting one that is both!


in so doing. Itwas our first sight it and show it to the Presi-
oi a "Puppet Ma f %
—a repul- dent, but it managed to transfer
sive blob oi protoplasm which to me.
had fastened itself to the man- I escaped from headquarters,
agers back, controlling his nerv- fully conscious, but my will was
ous system, his will, his actions. my master's will; I was warmly
We escaped with the captured content to serve him. I rented a
parasite, but, without its host, it loft, had a shipment of masters

died. sent to me from Des Moines, and

By strict logical reconstruction started recruiting new servants.
the Old Man realized that Earth In a short time we had the police
was being invaded by extrater- force, stereo announcers, the
restrial parasites. He urged the mayor, local politicos, ministers
President to quarantine Iowa and — all the key people needed to
fight back, and was politely bring New Brooklyn completely
brushed off. It was our first de- under our control, yet on the sur-
feat by an enemy almost impos- face life went on as before.
sible to fight —a man
possessed I might still be serving my mas*

by a parasite looked and acted ter had not the Old Man searched
like a normal man. Key people for me and
slipped me a hypo as
in Iowa were already possessed, I was getting into an air taxi.
but we could not prove it. After my rescue it took me some
Mary and I dug into the files days to recuperate; I was half
of the Congressional Library and starved, covered with dirt and
came up with data which proved and in a nervous state. When
that the Saucers had been scout- I was partly recovered the Old
ing tltis planet even before we Man put me back on duty and
achieved space flight. But we took me to see an ape which was
needed direct evident / got the , . being used as host to the parasite
Old Man to send me back to Iowa captured with me. The sight of
with two other agents and a my master was almost too much
portable pickup, to relay pictures for me. wanted to kill it at once.

back to the President. We found The Old Man explained soberly

a nest of parasites and their vic- that he wanted me to submit
tims at that same Des Moines again to being possessed by it so
stereo station and had to shoot that he might interview it. I re-
our way out. We did not get pi fused, spilling over with horror
but we did capture another para- and indignation. He forced me to
site; it fastened itself to one of remain in the room while a vol'
my agent*. We planned to keep unteer was brought in to serve in


my place. When they started Man had no reason to
said that I
strapping her into the chair that be rough on Mary,
would restrain her during the in- We had a head-on clash over
terview, I realized that the victim this point; as I saw it, Mary had
was to be Mary! I blew my top let herself be used as bait to force
and stopped them. me to volunteer for a job so dirty 9
1 let them strap me down, let so soul-soiling, that I would never
them place that wet and pulsating have touched it otherwise. But ac-
thing on my bare shoulders and — cording to the Old Man she had
then I was back with my master, been a true volunteer, a real hero,
and happy to be so. We avoided and had not had the slightest no-
their questions skillfully at first, tion that he really wanted me for
but the Old Man used an electri- the interview. Vd proved I could
cal shocking device which my live through it, while she might
master could not stand, and have died. He freely admitted
which almost tore me apart. He tricking me, but swore that Mary
where we
tried to force us to tell was innocent.
came from. Under the unbearable 1 did not know what to believe.
pain of the shocks, I collapsed.
When I came to, J was again XII
human and unpossessed, but hat-
ing every human who had had
anything to do with my ordeal.
WHEN the doctor
leased me, I went look-

Mary was waiting for me in the ing for Mary. I still had
She sobbed when she saw
corridor. only the Old Man's word, but I
the shape I was in. I looked her had more than a suspicion that I
over, called her a bitch, and had made a big hairy sap of my-
slapped her, then stumbled back self.
to my infirmary bed. You would think that a tall,
The Old Man came to see me handsome redhead would be as
when I was better and told me easy to find as flat ground in Kan-
that the interview had been a suc- sas. Field agents come and go,
cess, even though the parasite had though, and the resident staff are
died without letting me talk. For encouraged to mind their own
unknown to me, they had been business. The personnel office
able to dig out of my brain, with gave me the bland brushoff They .

hypnotic drugs, one key piece of i«-ferred me to Operations, mean-

information —the location of the ing the Old Man. It was Mary I
home base of the parasites: Titan, wanted, not him.
moon of Saturn. Second, the Old I nut with even more suspicion


when I tried the door tally; I be- our backs before he would let ut
gan to feel like a spy in my own approach and check out. We went
section. on up, coming out in the lower
I went to the bio lab, could not levels of New Philadelphia. "I
find its chief, and talked to an take it this burg is clean?" I said
assistant. He
did not know any- to the Old Man.
thing about a girl in connection "If you do, you are rusty in the
with Project Interview; he went head," he answered. "Keep your
back to scratching himself and eyes peeled."
shuffling reports. and went
I left The presence of so many fully
to the Old Man's office. There clothed humans bothered me; I
seemed to be no choice. found myself drawing away and
A new face was at Miss Haines* watching for round shoulders.
desk. I never saw Miss Haines Getting into a crowded elevator
again, nor did I ask what had be- to go up to the launching plat-
come of her; I did not want to form seemed downright reckless.
know. The new secretary passed When we were in our car and the
in my I. D. code, and, for a won- controls set, I said, "I could swear
der,the Old Man was in and one cop we passed was wearing a
would see me. hump."
"What do you want?" he asked Even probably."
grumpily. I thought you had this job

I "Thought you might

said, taped and were fighting back on
have some work for me," which all fronts."
was not at all what I had in- "What would you suggest?"
tended to say. "Why, it's obvious even if it—
"Matter of fact, I was just fix- were freezing cold, we ought not
ing to send for you. You've loafed to see a back covered up any-
long enough." He barked some- where, not until we know the
thing at his desk phone, stood up parasites are all dead."
and said, "Come!" "That's right."
I felt suddenly relaxed. "Cos- "Well, then—Look, the Presi-
metics?" dent knows the score, doesn't he?**
"Your own ugly face will do. 'He knows it."
'What's he waiting for? He

We're headed for Washington."

Nevertheless we did stop in Cos- should declare martial law and
metics, but only for street clothes, get action."
a gun, and to have my phone The Old Man stared down at
checked. the countryside. "It's time you
The door guard made us bare learned the political facts of life*


Congresses have refused to act in deeply, glad it was dead.
the face of obvious dangers. This The ape gave way to me. I saw
one isn't obvious. The evidence is myself being clamped into the
slim and hard to believe," chair. I hate to admit how I look-
"But how about the Assistant ed; real funk is not pretty. I saw
Secretary of the Treasury? They them lift the titan off the ape and
can't ignore that." onto my own bare back. Then I
"Can't they? The honorable fainted in the picture and al- —
gent is in Walter Reed with a most fainted watching. I won't
nervous breakdown and can't re- describe it; I can't.
call what happened. The Treas- But I saw the thing die. That
ury Department gave out that an was worth sitting through the
attempt to assassinate the Presi- rest.

dent had been foiled true, but — The ended and the chair-
man said, "Well, gentlemen?"
not the way they meant it."
"And the President held still "Mr. Chairman!"
for that?" "The gentleman from Indiana
"There are men both Houses
in is recognized."
who want his head on a platter. "Speaking without prejudice to
Party politics is a rough game." the issue, I have seen better trick
"Good Lord, partisanship does- photography from Hollywood."
n't figure in a case like this!" The head of our bio lab testi-
The Old Man cocked an eye- fied, and then I found myself

brow. "You think not, eh?" called to the stand. I gave my

I finally managed to ask him name, address, occupation, and
the question I had come into his perfunctorily was asked about my
office to ask: "Where is Mary?" experiences under the titans. Thp,
"Odd question from you " he questions were read from a sheet* &,
grunted. I let it ride; he went on, From the floor, one Senator said
"Where she should be. Guarding to me, "Mr. Nivens your name—
the President." is Nivens?" I nodded. "You say

We went a closed session

first to that you are an investigator?"
of a joint special committee. "Yes."
When we got there they were run- "F. B. t, no doubt?"
ning stereos of my anthropoid "No, my chief reports directly
friend, Napoleon — shots of him to the President."
with the titan on his back, then The Senator smiled. "Just as I
closeups of the titan. One parasite thought. Now, Mr. Nivens, as a
looks like another, but I knew matter of fact you are an actor,
which one this was and I was are you not?"


I say that I had once
wanted to Man and I were on that little bal-
acted one season of summer stock, cony business back of the Speak-
but that I was, nevertheless, a er's rostrum. They opened with
real, live, sure-enough investiga- full rigamarole and then went
tor. The next thing I knew the through the ceremony of notifying
clerk was saying, "Stand down, the President. He came in at once,
Mr. Nivens." escorted by the delegation. His
I sat tight. "Look here " I said. guards were with him, but they
"It's evident that you think this were all our men.
is a put-up job. Well, for the love Mary was with him, too. Some-
of heaven, bring in a lie detector! body set up a folding chair for
Or use the sleep test. This hearing her, right by the President. She
is a joke." fiddled with a notebook and
The chairman banged his gavel. handed papers to him, pretending
"Stand down, Mr. Nivens/' to be a secretary. But the disguise
I stood. ended there; she looked like Cleo-
The Old Man
had told me that patra on a warm night.
the purpose of the meeting was to I caught her eye and she gave
report out a joint resolution de- me a long, sweet smile. I grinned
claring total emergency and vest- like a collie pup until the Old
ing war powers in the President. Man dug me in the ribs. Then I
We were ejected before the vote. I settled back and tried to behave.
said to the Old Man, "It looks The President made a reasoned
bad." explanation of the situation. It
he said. "The'Pres-
it," was as straightforward and ra-
ident knew this gambit had failed tional as an engineering report,
<,... when he heard the names of the and about as moving.
put He
.ft * committee." aside his notes at the end. "This
"Where does that leave us? Do is such a strange and terrible
we wait for the slugs to take over emergency, so totally beyond any
Congress, too?" previous experience, that I must
"The President goes right ahead ask broad powers to cope with it.
with a message to Congress re- In some areas, martial law must
questing full powers." be declared. Because any citizen,
"Will he get them?" no matter how respected or loyal,
The Old Man simply scowled. may be the unwilling servant of
these secret enemies, all citizens
HPHE joint session was secret, must face some loss of rights and
-- but we were present— direct personal dignities until this
orders of the President. The Old plague is killed.


"With utmost reluctance, I ask verbiage that it was hard to tell
that you authorize these necessary what he was saying. I looked at
steps." With that he sat down. the Old Man.
You can feela crowd. They The Old Man was looking at
were uneasy, but he did not carry Mary.
them. The President of the Senate She was looking back at him
looked at the Senate majority with an expression of extreme
leader; it had been programmed urgency.
for him to propose the resolution. The Old Man snatched a pad
I don't know whether the floor from his pocket, scrawled some-
leader shook his head or signaled, thing, wadded it up, and threw it
but he did not take the floor. down to Mary. She caught it, read
Meanwhile the delay was awk- it, and passed it to the President,

ward and there were cries of He was sitting, relaxed and

"Mister President!" and "Order!" easy, as if one of his oldest friends
The Senate President passed were not tearing his name to
over several others and gave the shreds and, with it, the safety of
floor to a member of his party- the Republic. He read the note,
Senator Gottlieb, a wheelhorse then glanced unhurriedly around
who would vote for his own at the Old Man. The Old Man
lynching if it were on his party's nodded.
program. He started out by yield- The President nudged the Sen-
ing to none in his respect for the ate President, who banged his
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, gavel. "If the Senator please!"
and probably the Grand Canyon- Gottlieb looked startled and
He pointed modestly to his own said, "I do not yield."
long service and spoke well of "The Senator is not asked to
America's place in history. I yield. Because of the importance
thought he was stalling while the of what he is saying, the Senator
boys worked out a new shift, is asked to come to the rostrum
when I suddenly realized that his to speak."
words were adding up to mean- Gottlieb was puzzled, but he
ing: he was proposing to suspend walked slowly toward the front
the order of business and get on of the House. Mary's chair
with the impeachment and trial blocked the steps up to the ros-
of the President of the United trum. Instead of getting out of
States! the way, she fumbled around,
I tumbled to it as quickly as turning and picking up the chair,
anyone; the Senator had his pro- so that she got even more in the
posal so decked out in ritualistic way. Gottlieb stopped and she


brushed against him. He
caught largest moon. Without waiting for
her arm, as much to steady him- consent, he pointed to the front
self as her. She spoke to him and row and told them to come
he to her, but no one else could Mary stayed on the platform.
hear the words. Finally he went About twenty had filed by when
on to the front of the rostrum. 1 saw Mary signal the Old Man.
The Old Man was quivering This time I was a hair ahead of
like a dog in point. Mary looked his order. I might have had quite
up and nodded. The Old Man a fight if two of the boys had not
said,*"Take him!" been close by, because this one
I was over that rail in a flying was young and tough, an ex-
leap and landed on Gottlieb's marine. We laid him beside Gott-
shoulders. I heard the Old Man lieb.
shout, "Gloves, son! Gloves!" I Then it was "inspection and
did not stop for them, I split the search" whether they liked it or
Senator's jacket with my bare not. I patted the women on the
hands and I could see the slug back as they came by and caught
pulsing under his shirt. I tore the one. I thought I had caught an-
shirt so anybody could see it. other, but was an embarrassing

Six stereo cameras could not mistake; it was just blubber fat.
have recorded what happened in Mary spotted two more, and then
the next few seconds- I slugged there was a long stretch, three
Gottlieb to stop his thrashing. hundred or more, with no jack-
Mary was sitting on his legs. The pots. It was evident that some
President was standing over me were hanging back.
and shouting, "There! Now you Eight men with guns were not
can all see." The Senate President —
enough eleven, counting the Old
was standing stupefied, waggling Man, Mary and me. Most of the
his gavel. Congress was a mob, slugs would have gotten away if
men yelling and women scream- the Whip of the House had not
ing. Above me the Old Man was organized help. With their assist-
shouting orders to the Presiden- ance, we caught thirteen, ten
tial guards. i
alive. One of the hosts was badly
Between the guns of the guards wounded.
and pounding of the gavel, some
order was restored. The President XIII
started to talk. He told them that
fortune had given them a chance the President got the au-
to file past and see for themselves
SOthority and the Old Man was
one of the titans from Saturn's his de facto chief of staff; at last


we could move. The Old Man had "Schedule Bareback" was to be
a simple campaign in mind. It the first phase of "Operation
could not be the quarantine he Parasite."The idea was that
had proposed when the infection everybody was to peel to the
was limited to the Des Moines waist and stay peeled, until all
area. Before we could fight, we titans were spotted and killed.
had to locate the enemy. Govern- Women could have halter strings;
ment agents couldn't search two a parasite could not hide under
hundred million people; the peo- one.
ple had to do it themselves. We whipped up a display to go


with the stereocast speech the demonstrate what the Well
President would make to the na- Undressed Citizen Would Wear
tion. Fast work had saved seven This Season, including the metal
of the parasites we had flushed in head-and-spine armor which wai
the sacred halls of Congress; they intended to protect a person even
were alive on animal hosts. We when asl< <
could show them and the less We got it ready in one black*
grisly parts of the film taken of coffee night. The smash finish was
me. Tin President himself would to show Congress in session, dis-
appear in shorts, and models cussing the emergency, and every


man. woman, and pageboy show- Apparently some people would
ing a bare back. rather be dead than lose dignity,
With twenty-eight minutes left with Congress high on the list.
until stercocast time, the Presi- They had given the President the
dent got a call from up the street. authority he asked for; "Schedule
I was present; the Old Man had Bareback" itself had been dis-
been with the President all night cussed and approved, but they
and had kept me around for did not see that it applied to
chores. We were all in shorts; them. After all, they had been
"Schedule Bareback" had already searched and cleaned out. Maybe
started in the White House. The some saw holes in the argument,
President did not bother to cut but not one wanted to be first in
us out of his end of the conver- a public striptease. They sat tight,
sation. fully dressed.
"Speaking," he said. Presently When the President took the
he added, "You feel certain? Very rostrum, he waited until he got
well. John, what do you advise? dead silence. Then slowly, calmly,
.. I see. No, I don't think that
. he started taking off clothes. He
would work had better come
... I stopped when he was bare to the
up the street. Have them ready/* waist. He then turned around,
He pushed back the phone and lifting his arms. At last he spoke*
turned to an assistant. "Tell them "I did that/' he said, "so that
to hold up the broadcast." He you might see that your Chief
turned to the Old Man. "Come, Executive is not a prisoner of the
we must go to the Capitol/' enemy." He paused, punched a
Hesent for his valet and re- finger at the junior Whip. "Mark
tired into a dressing room adjoin- Cummings, are you a loyal citi-
ing his office. When he came out, zen or are you a zombie spy? Get
he was formally dressed for a your shirt off!"
state occasion. He offered no ex-

"Mister President " It was
planation. The rest of us stayed in Charity Evans, from the State of
our gooseflesh specials and so we Maine, looking like a pretty
went to the Capitol. schoolteacher. She stood and I
It was a joint session and I got saw that, while she was fully
that no-pants-in-church night- dressed, she was in evening dress.
mare feeling,for the Congress- Her gown reached to the floor, but
men and Senators were dressed ^s was cut as deep as could be above.
usual. Then I saw that the page- She turned like a mannequin; in
boys were in shorts without shirts back the dress ended at the base
and felt better. of her spine. "Is this satisfactory


attire, Mr. President?" XIV
'Quite satisfactory, Madam."
Cummings was fumbling at his "T OCK your doors!"
jacket; his face was scarlet. Some- -" "Close the dampers on your
one stood up in the middle of the fireplaces!"
hall —Senator Gottlieb. He looked "Never enter a dark place!"
as if he should have been in bed. "Be wary of crowds!"
His cheeks were gray and sunken, "A man wearing a coat is an
his lips showed cyanosis, but he —
enemy shoot him!"
held himself erect and, with in- In addition to a steady barrage
credible dignity, followed the of propaganda, the country was
President's example. Then he, too, being quartered and sectioned
turned all the way around. On from the air, searching for Fly-
his back was the scarlet mark of ing Saucers on the ground. Our
the parasite. radar screen was on full alert for
He spoke. "Last night I stood unidentified blips. Military units,
here and said things I would from airborne troops to guided-
rather have been flayed alive than rocket stations, were ready to
utter. Last night I was not my smear any that landed.
own master. Today I am." Sud- In the uncontaminated areas
denly he had a gun in his hand. people took off their shirts, will-
"Up on your feet! Two minutes ingly or reluctantly, looked
to show a bare back or I shoot!" around them and found no para-
Men close to him tried to grab sites. They watched their news-
his arm, but he swung the gun casts and wondered and waited
around like a fly-swatter, smash- for the government to tell them
ing one of them in the face. I had that the danger was over. But
my own out, ready to back his nothing happened, and both lay-
play, but itwas not necessary. men and local officials began to
They could see that he was as doubt the necessity of running
dangerous as an old bull. They around in sunbathing costumes.
started shucking clothes like The contaminated areas? The
Doukhobors. reports from there were not ma~
One man bolted for a door; he terially different from the reports
was tripped. No, he was not wear- from other areas.
ing a parasite. But we did- catch Back in the days of radio it

three. After that the show went could nothave happened; the
on the channels ten minutes late Washington station where the
and Congress started the first of 'cast originated could have blank-
its "bareback" sessions. eted the country. But stereo-video


rides wave-lengths so short that be sure to fence off."
horizon-to-horizon relay is neces- The Old Man grunted. "Can't
sary and local channels must be you folks see that the titans have
squirted out of local stations. It's won another round?"
the price we pay for plenty of "Eh?"
a You only heard the governor;
channels and high-resolution pic-
tures. they let us look at his back or —
In the infected areas the slugs somebody's back. Did you notice
controlled the local stations; the that he didn't turn around in front
people apparently never heard of the camera?"
the warning. "But he did," someone said. "I
But in Washington, we had saw him."
every reason to believe that they "I certainly had the impression
had heard the warning. Reports that I saw him turn," said the

came back from well, Iowa, for President slowly. "You are sug-
example, just like those from Cal- gesting that Governor Packer is
ifornia. The governor of Iowa was himself possessed?"
one of the first to send a message "Correct. You saw what you
to the President, promising full were meant to There was a
cooperation, There was even a camera cut just before he was
relayed stereo of him addressing fully turned; people hardly ever
his constituents, bare to the waist. notice them. Depend onMister it,

He faced the camera and I want- President; every message out of

ed to tell him to turn around. Iowa is faked."
Then they cut to another camera The President looked thought-
and we had a close up of a bare ful. Secretary Martinez said, "Im-
back, while the governor's voice possible! Granted that the gov-
continued. We listened to it in a ernor's message could have been
conference room off the Presi- —
faked a clever character actor
dent's office. The President had could have faked it. But we've
kept the Old Man with him, I had our choice of dozens of 'casts

tagged along, and Mary was still from Iowa. How about that street
on watch. Secretary of Security scene in Des Moines? Don't tell
Martinez was there as well as the me that you can fake hundreds
Supreme Chief of Staff, Air Mar- of people dashing around stripped
shal Rexton. to their waists. Or do your para-
The President watched the sites practice mass hypnotis?"
'cast and turned to the Old Man. "They can't that I know of."
"Well, Andrew? I thought Iowa conceded the Old Man. "If they
was a place we would have to can, we might as well throw in the



towel. But what made you think won't prove it with that thing*
that 'cast came from Iowa?" He gestured at the stereo tank.
"Why, it came over the Iowa Secretary Martinez squirmed.
channel." "This is ridiculous! You are say-
"It looked like any typical ing that we can't get a correct
street in a downtown retail dis- report out of Iowa, as if it were
trict. Never mind what city the occupied territory."
announcer told you it was; what "That's what it is. Control the
city was it?" communications of a country and
got fairly close to the
I've you control the country. You had
"camera eye" that detectives are better move fast, Mister Secre-
supposed to have. I let that pic- tary, or you won't have any com-
ture run through my mind — and munications left."
I not only could not tell what city. "But I was merely—"
I could not even place the part of The Old Man said rudely, "I've
the country. It could have been told you they are in Iowa and in
Memphis, Seattle, or Boston, or New Orleans, and a dozen other
none of them. Most downtown spots. My job is finished." He
districts in American cities are as stood up and said, "Mister Presi-
standardized as barber shops. dent, I've had a long pull for a
"You don't know/' the Old man my age: when I lose sleep. I
Man went on. "I couldn't tell and lose my temper. Could I b< ex-
I was looking for landmarks. The cused?"
explanation simple. The Des
is "Certainly, Andrew." He had
Moines station picked up a not lost his temper and
I think
'Schedule Bareback' street scene the President knew it. He doesn't
from some city not contaminated lose his temper; he makes other
and rechanneled it under their people lose theirs.
own commentary. Gentlemen, the Secretary Martinez interrupted.
enemy knows us. This campaign "Wait a moment! You've made
has been planned in detail and some flat statements. Let's check
they are ready to outwit us in al- up." He turned to the Chief of
most any move we can make," Staff. "Restaur
"Aren't you being an alarmist "Yes, sir."
Andrew?" said the President. "That new
post near Des
"There is another possibility, that Moines, Fort something-or-other,
the titans have moved somewhere named after what's-his-name?"
else." "Fort Patton."
"They are still in Iowa," the "That's it. Well, get them oa
Old Man said flatly, "but you the command circuit —
''With visual," put in the Old flustered. He added, "Just a mo-
Man. ment while I widen the view
"With visual, of course, and angle, sir."
we'll show this —
I mean we'll get The picture melted and rippling
the true situation in Iowa." rainbows chased across the tank.
The Air Marshal handed a by- The young officer's voice was still

your-leave-sir to the President, coming over the audio channel*.

went to the stereo tank and "There, that better, sir?"

patched in with Security General "Damn it, we can't see a thing!"

Headquarters. He asked for the "You can't? Just a moment,
officer of the watch at Fort Pat- sir."
ton, Iowa. Suddenly the tank came to life
The tank showed the inside of and I thought for a moment that
a communications center. Filling we were back at Fort Patton. But
the foreground was a young offi- it was a major in the screen this

cer. His rank and corps showed time and the place looked larger.
on his cap, but his chest was bare. "Supreme Headquarters " the im-
Martinez turned triumphantly to age announced. "Communications
the Old Man. officer of the watch, Major Dono-
"You see?" van."
"I see." "Major," Martinez said in con-
"Now to make certain. Lieu- trolled tones, "I was hooked in
tenant!" with Fort Patton. What hap-
"Yes, sir!" The young fellow pened?"
looked awestruck and kept glanc- "Yes, sir; I was monitoring it.

ing from one famous face to an- We've had a slight technical diffi-
other. Reception and bi-angle culty. We'll put your call through
were in sync; the eyes of the again in a moment."
image looked where they seemed "Well, hurry!"
to look. The Old Man stood up. "Call
"Stand up and turn around," me when you've cleared up that
Martinez continued. 'slight technical difficulty.' I'm
"Uh? Why, certainly, sir." He going to bed." *

seemed puzzled, but did so, and

it took him almost out of scan. XV
We could see his bare back up to

the short ribs no higher.
IF have given the impression

"Confound it!" shouted Mar- that Secretary Martinez was

tinez. "Sit down and turn around." stupid, I am sorry. Everyone had
Yes, sir!" The youth seemed trouble at first believing what the


slugs could do, including me. there down to New Orleans but —
There were no flies on Marshal no green ones. There was a hot
Rexton,, either. The two worked spot around El Paso and two on
all night, after convincing them- the East Coast.
selves by more calls to known The President looked it over.
danger spots that "technical inter- "We shall need the help of Can-
ruptions*' do not occur so con- ada and Mexico," he said. "Any
veniently. They called the Old reports?"
Man about four A.M. and he "None that mean anything,
called me. sir.

They were in the same room, "Canada and Mexico," the Old
Martinez, Rexton, a couple of his Man said seriously, "will be just
brass, and the Old Man. The a start. You are going to need
President came in, wearing a the whole world."
bathrobe and followed by Mary, The President drew a finger
as I Martinez started to
arrived. across the map, "Any trouble
speak but the Old Man cut in. getting messages to the West
"Let's see your back, Tom I" Coast?"
Mary signaled that everything "Apparently not, sir," Rexton
was okay, but the Old Man chose told him. "The parasites don't
not to see her. "I mean it," he seem to interfere with straight-
persisted. through relay. But all military
ThePresident said quietly, communications I have shifted to
"Perfectly correct, Andrew," and relay through the space stations/*
slipped his robe off his shoulders. He glanced at his watch finger,
His back was clean. "If I don't "Station Gamma, at the mo-
set an example, how can I expect ment."
others to cooperate?" "Hmrnm — " said the President,
Martinez and Rexton had been worried. "Andrew, could these
shoving pins into a map, red for things storm a space station?*'
bad, green for good, and a few "How would I know?" the Old
amber ones for doubtful. Iowa Man answered testily. "I don't
looked like measles; New Orleans know whether their ships are built
and the Teche country were no for it or not. More probably
better. So was Kansas City. The they would do it by infiltration,
upper end of the Missouri-Mis- through the supply rockets."
sissippi system, from Minneapolis "Don't worry about it," Rexton
and St. Paul down to St. Louis, said. "The costume we are wear-
was clearly enemy territory. ing is customary in a station. A
There were fewer red pins from man fully dressed would stand
out like an overcoat on the beach. think. Sweating, I pointed to New
But we'll see." He gave orders to Orleans. "I'm pretty sure one was
an assistant. about here. I don't know where
The President resumed study- the others landed."
ing the map. "So far as we know," "How about here?" Rexton
he said, pointing to Grinnell, asked, pointing to the East Coast.
Iowa, "all derives
this from a know."
"I don't
single landing, here." "Can't you remember anything
The Old Man answered, "So far else?" Martinez demanded, an-
as we know." noyed. "Think, man!"
I said, "Oh, no!" They all I thought until my skull ached,
looked at me. "There were at then pointed to Kansas City. I

least three more landings— I sent several messages here, but I

know there were — before I was don't know whether they were
rescued." shipment orders or not."
The Old Man
looked dumb- Rexton looked at the map.
founded. '"Are you sure, son? We "We'll assume a landing near
thought we had wrung you dry." Kansas City. The technical boys
"Of course I'm sure." can do a problem on it. It may
"Why didn't you mention it?" be subject to logistic analysis;
I tried to explain how it feels we might derive the other land-
to be possessed, how you know ing."
what is going on, but everything "Or landings," added the Old
seems dreamy, equally important Man.
and unimportant. I grew quite
upset. am
not the jittery type,
but being ridden by a master does
something to you. HINDSIGHT is confoundedly
The Old Man said, "Steady At the moment the
down, son," and the President first Saucer landed, the menace
gave me a reassuring smile. could have been stamped out by
Rexton said, "Thfc point is: one bomb. At the time Mary, the
where did they land? We might Old Man and I reconnoitered
still capture a ship." around Grinnell, we three alone
"I doubt it," the Old Man an- might have killed every slug, had
swered. "They did a cover-up on we known where they all were.
the first one in a matter of hours. Had "Schedule Bareback" been
If it was the first," he added ordered during the first week, it
thoughtfully. alone might have turned the trick.
I went to the map and tried to But it was quickly clear that
"Schedule Bareback" had failed Christi. El Paso was the center
as an offensive measure. As a de- of a ruby area unconnected with
fense it was useful. The uncon- the main body.
taminated areas could be kept so. I wondered what was going on

Areas contaminated but not in those border strips. I was

"scoured" were cleaned up — alone; the Cabinet was meeting
Washington itself, and New and the President had taken the
Philadelphia. New
Brooklyn, too Old Man with him. Rexton and
— there I had been able to give his brass had left earlier. I stayed
specific advice. The entire East because I hesitated to wander
Coast turned from speckled to around in the White House, so
solid green. I fretted and watched amber
But as the middle of the coun- lights blink red and, much less
try filled in on the map, it filled frequently, red lights blink amber
in red. The infected areas stood or green.
out in ruby light now, for the I wondered how with
a visitor
wall map studded with pins had no status managed to get break-
been replaced by a huge elec- fast. I had been up since four
tronic military map, ten miles to and so far I had had one cup of
the inch, covering one wall of coffee, served by the President's
the conference room. It was a valet. Even more urgently, I

repeater map, the master being wanted to washroom. At

find a
down in the New Pentagon. last I got desperate enough to
The country was split in two, try doors. The first two were
as if a giant had washed red pig- locked; the third was what I
ment down the central valley. wanted. It was not marked "Sa-
Two amber paths bordered the cred to the Chief" so I used it.
band held by the slugs; these When I came back, Mary was
were the only areas of real ac- in the map room.
tivity, places where line-of-sight looked at her stupidly. "I
reception was possible both from thought you were with the Presi-
stations held by the enemy and dent/'
from stations still in the hands of She smiled. "I got chased out.
free men. One started near Min- The Old Man took over."
neapolis, swung west of Chicago "Mary, I've been wanting to
and east of St. Louis, then me- talk with you and this is the first
andered through Tennessee and chance IVe had. I guess Well, —
Alabama to the Gulf. The other anyway, I shouldn't have I —
cut a path through the Great mean, according to the Old
Plains and came out near Corpus Man —" I stopped, my carefully


ehearsed speech in ruins. "I At least shouldn't have slapped

houldn't have said what I did,** you so hard/'

1 concluded miserably. "The devil youVe sorry," I

She put a hand on my arm. growled, "but you didn't have to

"What you and what you
said have put english on it. You damn
did were fair enough on the basis near took the hide off."
A what you knew. The important "Poor Sam! 1
She touched it;

hing, to me, is what you did for it hurt. "She's really not your girl

le. The rest does not matter^ friend?"

xcept that I am happy again to "No, but not because I didn't
now that you don't despise me." try."
"Damn don't be so noble!"
it, "I'm sure it wasn't. Who is

She gave me a merry smile, not your girl friend, Sam?"

at all like the gentle one with You are, you vixen!"

which she had greeted me. "Sam, Yes," comfortably,
she said
[ think you like your women to **I am —
if you'll have me. I told

be a bit bitchy. I warn you, I you that before. Bought and paid
^can be." She went on, "You are for."
still worried about that slap, too. She was waiting to be kissed;
All right, I'll pay it back." She I pushed her away. "Go to hell.
reached up and patted me gently I don't want you bought and paid
on the cheek. "There, it's paid for."
and you can forget it." "I put it badly. Paid for, but
Her expression suddenly not tibught. I'm here because I
changed, she swung on me, and want to be. Now will you kiss
I thought my head had been me, please?" •

taken off. "And that," she said, I myself sinking into a


"pays back the one I got from warm golden haze and I did not
your girl friend!" ever want to come up. Finally I
I raised a hand and she tensed had to break and gasp, "I think
—but I just wanted to touch my I'll sit down for a minute."

stinging cheek. "She's not my girl She said, "Thank you, Sam/*
friend," I said lamely. and let me.
We eyed each other and simul-
taneously burst out laughing. She MARY," I said presently,
put her hands on my shoulders "there is something I am
and let her head collapse on my hoping you possibly could do for
right one, still laughing. "Sam," me."
. she managed to say, **Fm so "Yes?" she asked eagerly.
sorry. I shouldn't have done it. "Tell me how in the name of



Ned a person gets breakfast She stopped me. "I know, Sam.
around here. Vm starved." But you don't have to prove any-
She looked startled, but she an- thing. I won't run out on you and
swered, "Why, certainly!" I didn't mistrust you. Take me
I don't know how she did it; away on a weekend; better yet,
she may have butted into the move into my apartment. If I

White House pantry and helped wear well, there's always time
herself, but she returned in a few to make me what great-grand-
minutes with sandwiches and two mother called an 'honest woman,*
bottles of beer. I was cleaning up heaven knows why."
my third corned beef on rye when I must have looked sullen. She

I said, "Mary, how long do you put a hand on mine and said seri-
figure that meeting will last?*' ously, "Look at the map, Sam."
"Oh, I'd give it a minimum of I turned my head. Red as ever,
two hours. Why?" or more so —
the danger zone
"In that case/' I said, swallow- around El Paso had increased.
ing the last bite, "we have time She went on, "Let's get this
to duck out, find a registry office, cleaned up first, dear. Then, if
get married and return before the you still want to, ask me again.
Old Man misses us," In the meantime, you can have
She did not answer. Instead she the privileges without the respon-
stared at the bubbles in her beer. sibilities."
"Well?" I insisted. What could be fairer than that?
She raised her eyes. "I'll do it The trouble was it was not the
if you say so." way I wanted it. Why will a man
"You don't want to marry who has been avoiding marriage
me?" like the plague suddenly decide
"Don't be angry, darling. You that nothing less will suit him?
don't know me yet. Get ac-
quainted with me; you might
change your mind."
WHENOld the meeting
was over,
the collared me
"Fm not in the habit of chang- and took me for a walk. Yes, a
ing my mind." walk, though we went only as far
She glanced up, then looked as the Baruch Memorial Bench.
away sadly. I felt my face get There he sat down, fiddled with
hot. "That was very special cir-
a his pipe, and scowled. The day
cumstance," I protested. "It could was as muggy as only Washing-
not happen to us again in a hun- ton can get; the park was almost
dred years. That wasn't me talk- deserted.
ing; it was — »»
He said, " 'Schedule Counter


Blast* midnight. We
starts at So I moved. The combo was
swoop down on every relay sta- to the car we had comedown in;
tion, broadcast station, newspa- I picked it up at Rock Creek Park

per office, and Western Union platform. Traffic was light and I
office in 'Zone Red'." commented on it to the des-
"Sounds good," I answered. patches "Freight and commercial
How many men?" carriers grounded," he an-
Hedid not answer. "I don't swered. "The emergency. You got
like it" a military clearance?"
"Hull?" I could get one by phoning the

"The President went on chan- Old Man, but bothering him

nels and told everybody to peel about trivial things does not en-
off their shirts. We
find that the dear one to him. I said, "Check
message did not reach infected the combo."
territory. What's the next devel- He shrugged and slipped it in
opment?" his machine. My hunch had been
shrugged. " 'Schedule Counter
I right; his eyebrows shot up. "Boy,
Blast,' I suppose." you rate!" he commented. "You
"That hasn't happened yet. must be the President's caddy!"

Think it has been more than Once launched, I set the con-
twenty-four hours. What should trols for Kansas City at legal
have happened and hasn't?" max and tried to think. The
"Should I know?" transponder beeped as radar
"You you are ever
should, if beams hit it each time I slid from
going to amount to anything on one control block into the next,
your own. Here." He handed me but no faces appeared on the
a combo key. "Scoot out to Kan- screen. Apparently the Old Man's
sas City and take a look-see. Stay combo was good for the route,
away from comm stations, cops, emergency or not. I began to won-

and stay away from them. Look der what would happen when I
at everything else. And don't get slipped over into the red areas—
caught. Be back here a half hour and then realized what he had
before midnight. Get going." meant by "the next develop-
"A lot of time you allow to case ment."
ft whole city," I complained. "It One tends to think of commu-
will take three hours just to drive nications as meaning line-of -sight
to Kansas City." channels and nothing else. But
"More than three hours/* he "communications" means all traf-
answered. "Don't attract atten- fic, even dear old Aunt Mamie,
tion by getting a ticket. Move, headed for California and stuffed



with gossip. The slugs had seized nocent look on the nose of a
the channels, but news can't be duo? If I went in on foot, the
stopped that easily; such meas- Old Man would get his re-
ures merely slow it down. Ergo, port come next Michaelmas; he
if the slugs expected to retain wanted it before midnight.
control where they were, seizing Once, in a rare mellow mood,
the channels would be just their the Old Man told me that he did
first step. not bother agents with detailed
What would they do next? instructions. Give a man
a mis-
They would do something and I, sion; let him sink or swim. I said
being a part of "communications" his method must use up a lot of
by definition, had better be pre- agents.
pared for evasive action if I "Some,'* he had admitted, "but
wanted to save my pink skin. not as many as the other way. I
The Mississippi River and Zone believe in the individual and I
Red were sliding closer by the try to pick those who are survivor
minute. I wondered what would typop."
happen the first time my recogni- "And how in hell," I had asked,
tion signal was picked up by a "do you pick a 'survivor type'?"
station controlled by masters. He had grinned wickedly. "A
I judged that was probably
I survivor type is one who comes
safe in the air, but that I had back." i

better not let them spot me land- So I was about to find out
ing.Elementary. —
which type I was and damn his
"Elementary" in the face of a icy heart!
traffic control net which was de-
scribed as the No -Sparrow- Shall Tt/|*Y course would take mc to-
Fall plan. The traffic men boasted -*•" ward St. Louis, swing me
that a butterfly could not make a around the city loop, and on to
forced landing anywhere in the Kansas City. But St. Louis was
United States without alerting the in Zone Red. The map had shown
search & rescue system. Not quite Chicago as green; the amber line

true but I was no butterfly. had zigzagged west somewhere
On foot I will make
a stab at above Hannibal, Missouri and —
penetrating any security screen, I wanted very badly to cross the
mechanical, manned, electronic, Mississippi while still in Zone
or mixed. But how can you use Green. A
car crossing that mile-
misdirection in a car making wide river would make a radar
westing a full degree every seven blip as sharp as a desert star.
minutes? Or hang a stupid^ in- I signaled block control for per-


— a

mission to descend to local-traffic bucking the car by hand that I

level, then did so without waiting, lost all track of navigation, I

resuming manual control and cut- swore and wished that the car
ting my speed. I headed north. were a triphib so that I could
Short of the Springfield loop I land on water. The trees suddenly
headed west, staying low. When broke; I saw a stretch of level
I reached the crossed
river I land, kicked her over and squat-
slowly, close to the water, with ted her in with a deceleration that
my transponder shut down. Sure, nearly cut me two against my
you can't shut off your radar rec- safety belt. But I was down and
ognition signal in the air but — no longer trying to play catfish
I had hopes, if local traffics were in a muddy stream.
being monitored while I crossed, I wondered what to do. No
that my blip would be mistaken doubt there was a highway close
for a boat on the river. by. I had better find it and stay
I did not know certainly on the ground. That was silly-
whether the next block control there was no time for ground
station across the river was Zone travel; I must get back into the
Red or Zone Green. I was about air- But I did not dare until I
to cut in the transponder again, knew positively whether traffic
on the assumption that it would here was being controlled by free
be safer to get back into the traf- men or by slugs.
fic system, when I noticed the I had not turned on the stereo
shoreline opening up ahead. The since leaving Washington. Now I
map did not show a tributary; I did so, hunting for a newscast,
judged it to be an inlet, or a but not finding one. I got (a) a
new channel not yet mapped. I lecture by Myrtle Doolightly,
dropped almost to water level and Ph. D., on Why Husbands Grow
headed into it. The stream was Bored, sponsored by the Uth-a-
narrow, meandering, almost over- gen Hormone Company; (b) a
hung by trees, and I had no more trio of girl hepsters singing //
business taking a sky car into it you Mean What I Think You
than a bee has of flying down Mean, What Are We Waiting
a trombone. But it afforded per- For? (c) an episode in Lucre ti
fect radar "shadow;" I could get Learns About Life.
lost in it. Dear Doctor Myrtle was fully
In a few minutes I was lost dressed. The trio were dressed the
lost myself, right off the map. way one would expect, but they
The channel switched and turned did not turn their backs to the
and cut back and I was so busy camera. Lucretia alternated hav-


ing her clothes torn off with tak- shows. He was saying: " and —
ing them off willingly, but the some very lucky little woman sit-
camera always cut or the lights ting by her screen right this min-
went out just before I could see ute is about to receive, absolutely
if her back was bare—of slugs, free, a General Atomics Six-in-
that is. One Automatic Home Butler.
And none of meant anything.
it Will it be you? You? Or lucky
Those programs could have been you?" He turned away from scan;
taped months before the Presi- I could see his shoulders. They
dent announced "Schedule bare- were covered by a jacket and dis-
back." I was still switching chan- tinctly rounded, almost humped.
nels, trying to find a newscast, I was inside Zone Red.

when I found myself staring into

the unctuous smile of an an- SWITCHING off, I realized
nouncer. He was fully dressed. that I was being watched by
It was one of those giveaway a male about nine years old. He


was wearing only shorts —at his so he'd get a longer ride.
age that's standard style. I threw If you could call it a highway
back the wind screen. "Hey, bub, — there was not an ounce of rub-
Where's the highway?" ber in the paving. Still, it was a
He answered, "Road to Ma- road; I followed it to the west.
con's up yonder. Say, mister, All in all, I had wasted an hour.
that's a Cadillac Zipper, ain't it?" Macon, Missouri, seemed too
"Sure thing. Where yonder?" normal to be reassuring; "Sched-
"Give me a ride, huh, will ule Bareback" obviously had not
you?" been heard of. I gave serious
I shrugged. While he climbed thought to checking this town,
in, I opened my kit, got out shirt, then beating back the way I had
trousers, and jacket. I said, come, while I could. Pushing far-
"Maybe Ishouldn't put these on. ther into country which I knew
Do people around here wear to be controlled by the masters
shirts?" made me wanted to run.
jittery; I

scowled. "Of course they But the Old Man had said
do. Where do you think you are Kansas City. I drove the belt
— Arkansas?" I asked again
in around Macon and pulled into a
about the road. He said, "Can I landing flat on the west. There
punch the button when we take I queued up for local traffic
off, huh?" launching and headed for Kan-
I explained that we were going sas City in a mess of farmers'
to stay on the ground. He was copters and local craft. I would
annoyed but condescended to have to hold local speeds across
point a direction. I drove cau- the state, but that was safer than
tiously as the car was heavy for getting into the hot pattern with
unpaved countryside. Presently my transponder identifying my
he said to turn. car to every block control. The
Quite a bit later, I stopped and fieldwas automatically serviced;
said, "Are you going to show me it seemed probable that I had
that road, or am I going to wal- managed to enter the Missouri
lop you?" He opened the door traffic pattern without arousing
and slid out. "Hey!" I yelled. suspicion.
looked back. "Over that
way," he jeered. I turned the car, XVII
not expecting to find a highway,
but it was only fifty yards away. KANSAS City was not hurt in
The brat had caused me to drive the bombings, except on the
©round three sides of a square east, where Independence used to


be. Consequently it never hacfto having a safety drive," he ex-
be rebuilt. From the southeast plained. "Here's your car check.
you can drive as far as Swope Pick it up on the other side of
Park before having to choose be- the barrier. Get out and go in
tween parking or paying toll to that door."
enter the city proper. Or you He pointed to a building near
can fly in and make another the curb.
choice: land in the landing flats "What for?"
north of the river and take the "Eyesight and reflexes. You're
tunnels into the city, or land on holding up the line."
thedowntown platforms south of In my mind's eye I saw the
Memorial Hill. map with Kansas City glowing
I decided not to fly in; I did red- That the city was "secured"
not want to have to pick the car I was sure; therefore this mild-

up through a checking system. I mannered policeman was almost

do not like tunnels in a pinch, surely hag-ridden. But short of
nor launching platform elevators. shooting him and making an
A man can easily be trapped in emergency takeoff, there was
them. nothing to do but comply. I got
Frankly, I did not want to go out grumbling and walked slowly
into the city at all. toward the building. It was a
Iroaded the car on Route 40 temporary job with an old-style
and drove into the Meyer Boule- unpowered door. I pushed it open
vard toll gate. The line waiting with a toe and glanced both sides
was quite long; I began to feel and up before I entered. There
hemmed in as soon as another car was an empty anteroom with
filled in behind me. But the gate- door beyond.
keeper took my toll without Someone inside called, "Come

glancing at me. I glanced at him, in.
all right, but could not tell There were two men in white
whether or not he was being coats, one with a doctor's re-
ridden. flector strapped to his head. He
drove through the gate only
I — said briskly, "This won't take a
to be stopped just beyond. A bar- minute. Step over here." He
rier dropped in front of me and closed the door I had entered: I
I barely managed to stop the car, heard the lock click.
wh< r< upon a cop stuck his head It was a sweeter setup than we
in. had worked out for the Constitu-
"Safety check," he said. "Climb tion Club. Spread out on a table
out." I protested. "The city is were transit cells for masters, al-



ready opened and warmed. The IVe had a little trouble with the
second man had one ready for — leftone." I lifted both hands and

me, I knew and was holding it pulled back the lids of my left
toward him, so that I could not eye. "See?"
see the slug. The transit cells He said angrily, "This is not a
would not arouse alarm in the clinic. Now, please
if you —
victims; the medical men always They were both in reach; moving
have odd things at hand. quickly, I snapped my arms out
As for the test, I was being in- and grabbed at the spot between
vited to place my
against eyes each set of shoulderblades. With
the goggles of an ordinary visual each hand I struck something soft
acuity tester. The "doctor" would under the coats and felt revulsion
keep me there, blindfolded with- clutch me.
out knowing it and reading test Once I saw a cat struck by a
figures, while his "assistant" fit- ground car; the poor thing sprang
ted me with a master. No vio- straight up with its back arched
lence, no slips, no protests. the wrong way and all limbs fly-
It was not necessary, as I had ing. These two unlucky men did
learned during my own "service," the same thing. They contorted
to bare the victim's back. Just every muscle in a grand spasm. I
touch the master to the neck, *
could not hold them; they jerked
then let the recruit himself ad- out of my arms and flopped to the
just his clothing to cover his floor. But there was no need to
master. hang on. After that first convul-
"Over here," the "doctor" re- sion they went limp.
peated. "Place your eyes against Someone was knocking. I called
the eyepieces." out, "Just a moment. The doctor
I went to the bench on which is busy." It stopped. I made sure
was mounted the acuity tester. the door was locked, then bent
Then I turned suddenly around- over the "doctor" and pulled up
The had moved in,
assistant his coat to see what I had done
the cell ready in his hands. As I to his master.
turned he tilted it away from me. ThP* thing was a ruptured mess.
"Doctor," I said, "I wear con- So was the one on the other man.
tact lenses. Should I take them which pleased me heartily. I had
off first?" determined to burn the slugs with
"No, no," he snapped. "Let's my gun if they were not already
not waste time." dead, and I was not sure that I
'But, Doctor." I protested, "I could do so without killing the
want you to see how they fit. hosts. I left the men to live or die


be seized again by titans. I ton to shift license plates. It
had no way to help them. seemed possible that there was
The masters waiting in their already a call out for the plates I
cells were another matter. With a had been showing at the gate. I
fan beam and max charge, I wished that I had been able to
burned them all. There were two change the car's colors as well.
large crates against the wall; I Before the Freeway reached
beamed them also until the wood Mcgee Traffic Way, I turned
charred. down a ramp and stuck there-
The knocking resumed, I look- after to sidestreets. It waseight-
ed around hastily for somewhere een hundred, Zone Six time, and
to hide the two men, but there I was due in Washington in four
was nowhere, so I decided to run and one-half hours.
for it. As I was about to go out
the exit, I felt that something was XVIII
missing, I looked around again.
There seemed to be nothing '
T^HE city did not have the right
suited to my purpose. I could use * flavor, as if it were a clumsily
clothing from the "doctor" or his directed play. I tried to put my
helper, but I did not want to. finger on the fault; it slipped
Then I noticed the dust cover for away.
the acuity tester. I loosened my Kansas City has many neigh-
jacket, snatched up the cover, borhoods made up of family units
wadded itand stuffed it under my a century old or more. Kids roll
shirt between my shoulders. With on lawns and householders sit on
my jacket zipped, it made a bulge their front porches, just as their
of about the proper size. great-grandparents did. If there
Then I went out, feeling pretty are bomb shelters around, they do
cocky. not show. The queer, old, bulky
Another cop took my car check. houses, put together by guilds-
He glanced sharply at me, then men long since dead, make those
motioned me to climb in. I did neighborhoods feel like enclaves
and he said, "Go to police head- of security.cruised through
quarters, under the City Hall.'* along streets, dodging dogs, rub-
"Police headquarters, City ber balls and toddlers, and tried
Hall/' I repeated and gunned her to get the feel of the place. It
ahead. I started in that direction was the slack of the day, time for
and turned onto Nichols Freeway. a drink, for watering lawns, for
1 cameto a stretch where traffic neighborly chatting. I saw a
thinned out, and punched the but- woman bending over a flower bed.


She was wearing a sunsuit and population. I remembered my
her back was bare; clearly she own experiences, recalling how we
was not wearing a master, nor picked our recruits and made each
were the two kids with her. What new host count. Of course that
could be wrong? had been a secondary invasion
It was a very hot day; I began depending on shipments, whereas
to look for sunsuited women and Kansas City almost certainly had
men in shorts. Kansas City is in had a Saucer land nearby. Still it
the Bible Belt, so I found neople did not make sense; it would take

dressed both ways but the pro- a dozen or more to carry enough
portions were wrong. Sure, there masters to saturate Kansas City,
were plenty of kids dressed for If there had been that many,
the weather, but in several miles surely the space stations would
of driving I saw the bare backs have radar-tracked their landing
of only five women and two men. orbits.
I should have seen more like Could itbe that they had no
five hundred, trajectories to track? We did not
Cipher it out. While some jack- know what the masters were
ets undoubtedly did not cover capable of in engineering and it
masters, by simple proportion was not safe to judge their limi-
well over ninety per cent of the tations by our own.
population must be possessed. But the data I had led to a
The masters did not simply conclusion which contradicted
hold key points and key officials; common logic; therefore I must
the masters were the city. check before I reported. One thing
I felt a blind urge to blast off seemed sure: even if the masters
and streak out of Zone Red at had almost saturated this city,
emergency maximum. Knowing they were still keeping up the
that I had escaped the gate trap, masquerade, permitting the city
they would be looking for me. I to look like a city of free human
might be the only free man driv- beings. Perhaps I was not as con-

ing a car in the entire city and spicuous as I feared.
th£y were all around me! I moseyed along another mile
I fought it down. An agent who or so, going nowhere. Finding my-
turns panicky is not likely to get self heading into the retail district
out of a tight spot. But it was around the Plaza, I swung away.
hard to be calm. Where there are crowds, there are
I must be wrong; there could cops, and the masters make a
not possibly be enough masters special point of possessing police
to saturate a city with a million forces. I passed a public swim-


ming pool; noticed it, and was city had been saturated, granting
several blocks away before I a large enough supply of slugs. I
realized it had carried a sign felt sure that I would encounter
CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. another toll gate trap on the way
Item: a trap at the city's toll out and that there would be others
gates; item: too few sunsuits; on launching platforms and at
item: a swimming pool closed in every entrance and exit to the city
the hottest part of the summer. proper. Every person leaving
Conclusion: the slugs were in- would be a new agent; every per-
credibly more numerous than son entering would be a new slave,
anyone had dreamed. I had noticed a vendo-printer
Corollary: "Schedule Counter- for the Kansas City Star on the
blast" was based on a mistaken last corner I had passed. Now I
estimate; it would work as well as swung around the block, pulled
hunting rhinoceri with a sling- up to it and got out. I shoved a
shot. dime in the slot and waited nerv-
Counter argument: I could ously for mypaper to be printed.
hear Secretary Martinez' polite The Star's format had its usual
sarcasm tearing my report to dull respectability —
no excite-
shreds. I needed proof strong ment, no mention of an emer-
enough to convince the President gency, no reference to ''Schedule
over the reasonable objections of Bareback/* The lead story was
his official advisors —and I had to headed phone service disrupted
have now. Breaking all traffic
it by sunspot storm, with a sub-
laws, I could not clip much off head City Semi -Isolated by Solar
two and a half hours running time Static. There was a 3-col, semi-
back to Washington. stereo, tru-kolor of the sun, its
What should I do? Go down- face disfigured by cosmic acne.
town, mingle with crowds, and It was a convincing and unexcit-
then tell Martinez that I was sure ing explanation of why Mamie
that almost every man I passed Schultz, herself free of parasites,
was possessed? How could I prove could not get her call through to
it? For that matter, how could I Grandma in Pittsburgh.
myself be certain? As long as the I tucked the paper under my
titans kept up the farce of "busi- arms to study later and turned
ness as usual/' the telltales would back to my car . just as a po-
. .

be subtle, a super-abundance of lice car glided silently up and

round shoulders, not enough bare cramped in across the nose of it.
ones. A moment before the corner was
I had some notion of how the deserted. Suddenly there were


people around and the cop was
all take to the air but lacking space.
coming toward me. My hand , A street showed up on the left.
crept toward my gun; I would Islamrt^ed into it. It was a mis-
have dropped him had I not been take; trees arched over it and I
sure that most of those around could not take off. The next turn
me were equally dangerous. was even worse. Of necessity I
He stopped in front of me. "Let slowed down. Now I was crufsing
me see your license/' he said at conservative city speed, still
pleasantly. watching for some boulevard wide
"Certainly, officer. It's clipped enough foran illegal takeoff. My
to the instrument board/* I step- thoughts began to catch up and
ped past him, letting it be as- I realized that there was no sign

sumed that he would follow. I of pursuit.

could tcel him hesitate, then take My knowledge of the masters
the bait. I led him around be- came to my aid. Except for "di-
tween my car and his. This let rect conference" a titan lives in
me see that he did not have a and through his host; he sees
mate in his car. a most welcome what the host sees, receives and
variation from human practice. passes on information through
More important, it placed my car whatever organs and by what-
between me and the too-innocent ever means are available to the
bystanders. host. It was unlikely that any of
"There/' I said, pointing inside, the slugs at that corner had been
"it's fastened down." Again he looking for that particular car
hesitated, then looked —
long other than the one inhabiting the
enough for my left hand to slap —
body of a policeman and I had
his shoulders and clutch with all settled with it! Now, of course,
its strength. the other parasites present would
His body seemed to explode, so be on the lookout for me, too, but
« violent was the spasm. I was in they had only the abilities and
the car and gunning it almost be- facilities of their hosts. I de-
fore he hit the pavement. cided that I need treat them with
The masquerade broke as no more respect than I would
abruptly as it had in Barnes' give to any casual crowd of wit-
outer office; the crowd closed in. nesses, i.e., ignore them; change
One woman clung by her nails to neighborhoods and forget it.

the outside of the car for fifty feet For I had barely thirty minutes
or more before she fell off. By left and I had decided on what I
then I was making speed, cutting —
needed as proof a prisoner, a
in and out of traffic, ready to man who had been possessed and


could tell what had happened to —
no time left and he wore a
the city. I must act now. sweater which bulged suspicious-
Even decided, I saw a man
as I

walking in the block ahead, step- He looked up as Istopped.

ng along like a man who sees "Fve just come from City Hall."
home and supper. I pulled along- I told ham. "You and I need a

side him and said, "Hey!" direct conference right away."

He stopped. "Yes?" „• He said quietly, "Come in the
"I've just come from City Hall. house. That car is too public."
No time to explain slide in and— I wanted to refuse, but he was

already heading for the house. As

we'll have a direct conference."
"City Hall? What are you talk- I came up he whispered, "Careful.

ing about?" The woman is not of us."

I said, "Change in plans. Don't
Had I seen her on the veranda,
waste time. Get in!" I would have passed him by, for

He backed away. I jumped out she was dressed in bra and skirt
and grabbed at his hunched and so could not have been pos-
shoulders. My hand struck hu- sessed. \
man flesh, and the man began to "Your wife?"
yell. "Yes."
I jumped and got
into the car We stopped on the porch and
out of there fast- When I was he said, "My dear, this is Mr.
blocks away I slowed and thought O'Keefe. We have business to dis-
it over. Could it be that my nerves cuss. We'll be in the study."
were so overwrought that I saw She smiled and answered, "Cer-
signs of titans where there were tainly, my love. Good evening,
none? Mr. O'Keefe. Sultry, isn't it?"
No! The toll gate, the sunsuits, I agreed and she went back to

the swimming pool, the cop at the her knitting. We went inside,
vendo- printer —those facts I knew where the man ushered me into
—and this last fact simply meant his study. Since we were keeping
that I had picked the one man in the masquerade I went in first, as
ten, or whatever the odds were, befitted an escorted visitor. I did
who was not yet recruited. not like turning my back on him.
I speeded up, looking for a new For that reason I was half ex-
victim. pecting it; he hit me near the base
He was middle-aged man
a of the neck. I rolled with it and
watering his lawn, so normal in went down almost unhurt. I con-
appearance that I was half a tinued to roll and fetched up on
mind to pass him by. But I had my back.
In training school they used to the one who had given
trouble me
slap us with sandbags for trying earlier was inside, fiddling with
to get up, once down. So I stayed the controls. Cursing, I dumped
down and was threatening him my prisoner in the lounge circle
with my heels as soon as I hit. He and grabbed the kid. He strug-
shuffled out of range. Apparently gled, but I tore him
and loose
he did not have a gun and I could —
threw him out into the arms of
not get at mine. But there was a the first of my pursuers. He was
room, com-
real fireplace in the stilluntangling himself when I
plete with poker, shovel, and slammed into the seat and shot
tongs; he circled toward it. A forward without bothering with
small table was just out of my door or safety belt.
reach. I lunged, grabbed a leg As I took the first corner, the
and threw it. door swung shut and I almost
It caught him in the face as he went out of my seat. I held a
grabbed the poker. Then I was on straight course long enough to
him. fasten the belt, cut sharp another
His master was dying in my corner, nearly ran down a ground
fingersand he himself was con- car, and went on.
vulsing under its last, terrible I foundwide boulevard the
a —
command when I became aware —
Paseo, I think and jabbed the
of his wife, screaming in the door- takeoff key. Possibly I caused
way. I bounced up and let her several wrecks; I had no time to
have one. She went down in mid- look. Without waiting to reach
scream and I returned to her hus- altitude, wrestled her to course

band. east. I kept her on manual across

A limp man is amazingly hard Missouri and expended every
to lift and he was heavy. For- launching unit in her racks to give
tunately I am a big husky; I more speed. That reckless, illegal
managed a lumbering dog trot trick have saved my neck;
toward the car. I doubt if our somewhere over Columbia, just
fight disturbed anyone but his as I fired the last one, I felt the car
wife, but her screams must have shake to concussion. Someone had
aroused half that end of town. launched an interceptor and the
There were people popping out of pesky thing had fused where I
doors on both sides of the street. had just been.
So far, none of them was near, but There were no more shots,
I was glad that I had left the car which was good; I would have
door open. been a duck on water from then
Then I was sorry; a brat like on. My starboard impeller began


to run hot. either from the near over to the White House and
miss or simply from abuse. I let finding the Old Man, I would
it befit, praying that it would not reach Washington a few minutes
fly apart for another ten minutes. after midnight. So I was already
Then, with the Mississippi behind li:te and the Old Man was sure

me and the indicator 'way up into as the devil going to make me

"danger," I cut it out and let the stay in after school for it.

car limp along on the port unit. I tried to start the starboard
Three hundred was the best she impeller. No dice. It was piob-

would do but I was out of Zone ably frozen solid. Just as well.
Red. Anything that goes that fast can
be explosively dangerous if it
" HAD not had time to give my gets out of balance. So I desisted
* passenger more than a glance. and tried to raise the Old Man by
He lay sprawled on the floor pads, phone.
unconscious or dead. Now that I The phone would not work.
was back among men and no Perhaps I had jiggered it one
longer had power for illegal of the spots of exercise I had been
speeds, there was no reason not forced to put it bark,
take. I

to go automatic. I flipped the feeling that this was one of those

transponder, signaled a request days when it had not been worth-
for a block assignment, and put while to get out of bed. I turned
the controls on automatic with- to the communicator and
out waiting for permission. I then punched the emergency tab.
swung around into the lounge and "Control; I called out. "Con-
looked my man over. trol!"
He was still breathing. There The screen lighted up and I
was a welt on his face, but no was looking at a young man. He
bones seemed broken. I slapped was, I saw with relief, bare to the
his face and dug thumbnails into waist. "Control answering — Block
his earlobes, but I could not rouse Fox Eleven. What are you doing
him. The dead slug was beginning in the air? I've been trying to
to stink and I had no way to dis- raise you ever since you entered
pose of it. I left him and went my block."
back tothe control seat. "Never mind! Patch me into
The chronometer read twenty- the nearest military circuit. This
one thirty-seven, Washington time is crash priority!"
— and I still had better than six He looked uncertain, but the
hundred miles to go. Allowing screen flickered and another pic-
nothing for landing, for tearing ture built up, showing a military



message center. That did my satisfied myself that the boat

heart good; everyone in sight was wouldn't move. They took me in
stripped to the waist. In the fore- and I met the wing commander
ground was a young watch officer. personally. He even put my mes-
I could have kissed him. Instead sage through after his psych
I said, emergency.
"Military squad got through giving me the
Patch me through the Pentagon antidote for the sleep test. By
and there to the White House/' then it was one-thirteen, zone five
"Who are you?" —and "Schedule Counter Blast"
"I'm a civil agent and you had been under way one hour
wouldn't recognize my I.D. Hur- and thirteen minutes.
ry! The Old Man listened to a
I might have talked him into it, summary, grunted, then told me
but he was shouldered out of scan to see him in the morning.
by a wing commander, "Land at
once!" was all he said. XIX
"Look, skipper," I said, "this
is a military emergency. You've SCHEDULE Counter Blast"
got to put me through. I—" was something tremendous.
"This is a military emergency/' The parachute drops were made
he interrupted. "Civil craft have just at midnight, Zone Five, on
been grounded the past three over ninety-six hundred commu-
hours. Land at once."
— —
nication points newspaper offi-
"But I've got to ces,block controls, relay stations,
"Land or be shot down. We are and so forth. The raiding squads
tracking; I am about to launch were the cream of our skyborne
an interceptor to burst a half mile forces, plus put
technicians to
ahead of you. Make any maneu- each communication point back
ver but landing, and the next will into service.
burst on." Whereupon the President's
"Will you listen, please? I'll speech was to go out from each
land, but I've got to get " He
— local station. "Schedule Bare-
switched off. back" would take effect all
The first burst seemed short of through the infected territory.
a half mile ahead. I landed and The war would soon be over.
cracked up, but without hurting By twenty -five minutes after
myself or my passenger. midnight, reports started coming
I did not have long to wait. in that such-and-such points were
They had me flare-lighted and secured. A little later there were
Were swooping down before I had calls for help from other points,


By one in the morning most of The Old Man asked the Presi-
the reserves had been committed, dent to insist on visual checks,
but the operation seemed to be but the operation was being con-
going well —so well that unit com- trolled by relay through Space
manders were landing and report- Station Alpha and there just
ing from the ground. aren't enough channels to paral-
That was the last anybody ever lel audio with video through a
heard of them. space station. Rexton had said,
Zone Fed swallowed up the "Quit worrying. As fast as we get
task force as if it had never ex- local stations back in our hands,

isted over eleven thousand craft, our boys will patch into the
more than hundred and sixty
a ground relay net and you will
thousand fighting men and tech- have all the visual evidence you
nicians, seventy-one group com- want."

manders and why go on? The The Old Man had pointed out
United States had received its that by then it would be too late.
worst militarysetback since Rexton had burst out, "Confound
Black Sunday. I am not criticiz- it, man! Do you want a thousand

ing Martinez, Rexton, and the men to be killed just to quiet

General Staff, nor those poor your jitters?"
devils who made the drop. The The President backed up Rex-
program was based on what ap^ ton.
peared to be a true picture, and By morningthey had their vis-
the situation called for fast action ual evidence. Stations in the cen-
with the best we had. tral valley were giving out with the

It was nearly daylight, so I un- same old Rise and Shine with
derstand , before Martinez and Mary Sunshine, Breakfast with
Rexton got it through their Beads the Browns, and such junk. There
that the messages they had gotten was not a station with the Presi-
back about successes were actu- dent's stereocast, not one that
ally fakes sent by their own men conceded that anything had hap-
—our own men—but hag-ridden, pened. The military despatches
possessed, inducted by the enemy. tapered off around four o'clock
After my report, more than an and Rexton's frantic calls were
hour too late to stop the raids, the not answered.
Old Man had tried to get them Task Force Redemption ceased
not to send in any more men, but to exist spvrlos versenAf.
they were flushed with success
and anxious to make a clean DID not get to see the Old
sweep. i Man until nearly eleven the
\£Kt morning. He let me report chimps and orangutans, mostly.
without comment, and without None were on gorillas.
>awling me out, which was worse. The Director had had the apes
He was about to dismiss me locked up in the Zoo's hospital.
vhen put in, "How about
I my Two chimpanzees, Abelard and
>risoner? Didn't lie confirm my Heloise, were caged together; they
onclusions?" had always been mates and there
"Oh, him? unconscious.
Still seemed no reason to separate
They don't expect him to live." them. That sums up our psycho-
"I'd like to see him/' logical difficulty in dealing with
"You stick to things you under- the titans. the men who
stand." transplanted the slugs still
"Well, have you got something thought of the result as apes,
'or me to do?" rather than as titans.
"I think you had better —No, The next treatment cage held a
*:rot down
to the Zoo. You'll see family tuberculous gibbons.
:hings that put a different light They were not used as hosts,
on what you picked up in Kansas since they were sick, and there
City." was no communication between
"Huh?" cages. They were shut one from
"Look up Doctor Morris, the another by sliding panels and
assistant director. Tell him I sent each cage had its own air-con-
you." ditioning. The next morning the
Morris was a nice little guy panel had been slid back and the
who looked like one of his own gibbons and the chimps were to-
baboons; he turned me over to a gether. Abelard or Heloise had
Doctor Vargas who was a spe- found some way to pick the lock.
cialist in exotic biologies — the The lock was supposed to be
same Vargas who was on the monkey proof, but it was not ape-
Second Venus Expedition. He cum -titan proof.
showed me what had happened. Five gibbons, plus two chimps,
If the Old Man and I had gone —
plus two titans but the next
to the National Zoological Gar- morning there were seven apes
dens instead of sitting around in ridden by seven titans.
the park, it would not have been This was discovered while I
necessary for me to go to Kansas was leaving for Kansas City, not
City. The ten titans we had cap- enough time for the Old Man to
tured in Congress, plus two the have been notified. Had there
next day, had been sent to the Zoo been, he would have known that
to be placed on anthropoids- Kansas City was saturated and


" I

"Schedule Counter Blast*' would each fission: then, when oppor-

not have taken place. tunity exists, fission. Two adult
"I saw the President's broad- daughter parasites in a matter of
cast," Vargas said to me.
Dr. hours. Less, possibly/'
"Weren't you the man who
— — If that were true —
and, looking
mean, weren't you the at the gibbons, I could not doubt
"Yes, I was the man who," I it— then why had we depended
agreed shortly. on shipments at the Constitution
"Then you can tell us a great Club? Or had we? I did not
deal about these phenomena.*' know; I did what my master
"Perhaps I should be able to/' wanted done and saw only what
I admitted, "but I can't." came under my eyes. But it was
"Do you mean that no cases of clear how Kansas City had been
fission reproduction took place saturated. With plenty of "live
— —
while you were uh their pris- stock" at hand and a spaceship
oner?" loaded with transit cells to draw
"That's right." I thought about from, the titans had reproduced
it. "At least I think that's right." to match the human population.
"I was given to understand that Assume a thousand slugs in
victims have full memory of their that spaceship, the one we be-
experiences." lieved to have landed near Kan-
"Well, they do and they don't." sas City; suppose that they could
I tried to explain the odd de- reproduce every twenty - four
tached frame of mind of a ser- hours, when given opportunity.
vant of the masters. First day, one thousand slugs.
"I suppose it could happen Second day, two thousand.
while you sleep," he said. Third day, four thousand.
"Maybe. Besides sleep, there is At the end of the first week^
another time, or rather times, the eighth day. that is a htm* —
which are difficult to remember. dred and twenty -eight thousand
During conference." sltigs!

"Conference?" When I ex- After two weeks, more than six-

plained, his eyes lit up. "Oh, you teen million slugs!
mean conjugation." But we did not know that they
"No, I mean conference." were limited to spawning once a
"We mean the same thing. day. Nor did we know that a
Don't you see? Conjugation and Flying Saucer could lift only a
fission —
they reproduce at will, thousand transit cells. It might
whenever the supply of hosts per- be ten thousand or more or less.
mits. Probably one contact for Assume ten thousand as breed-


" a

ing stock with fission every twelve allow me gene equivalents?" he

hours. In two weeks the answer said stiffly.

comes out "Whyshould I? You are rea-

MORE THAN TWO AND A HALF soning by uncertain analogy.
TRILLION ! There is only one characteristic
The figure did not mean any- common to all life forms and that
thing; it was cosmic. is the drive to survive."
I felt worse than I had in "And to reproduce/' insisted
Kansas City. Vargas.
"Suppose the organism is im-
Vargas introduced me to mortal and has no need to re-
DR. a Dr. Mcllvaine of the produce?"
Smithsonian Institution. Mcll- Vargas shrugged. "We know
vaine was a comparative psy- that they reproduce." He ges-
chologist, the author, so Vargas tured at the apes.
told me, of Mars, Venus, and "And I am suggesting," Mcll-
Earth: A Study in Motivating vaine came back, "that this is
Purposes. Vargas seemed to ex- not reproduction, but a single
pect me to be impressed, but I organism availing itself of more
had not read it. Anyhow, how space. No, Doctor, it is possible
can anyone study the motives of to get so immersed in the idea of
Martians when they were all dead the zygote-gamcte cycle that one
before we climbed down out of forgets there may be other pat-
trees? terns."
Mcllvaine asked me, "Mr. "But throughout the Solar Sys-
Nivens, how long does a confer- tem—"
ence last?" Mcllvaine cut him short. "An-
"Conjugation," Vargas correct- thropocentric, telocentric, solo-
ed him. centric —
it is a provincial ap-
"Conference," Mcllvaine re- proach. These creatures may be
peated. "It's the more important from outside the Solar System
aspect." entirely."
"But, Doctor," Vargas insisted, I said, "Oh, no!" I had a sud-
"conjugation is the means of gene den picture of the planet
exchange whereby mutation is Titan and with it a choking sen-
spread through — sation.
"Anthropocentricism, Doctor! Neither one noticed. Mcllvaine
You do not know that this life continued, "Take the ameba —
form has genes." more basic and much more suc-
Vargas turned red. "You will cessful life form than ours. The



motivational psychology of the "How about Satan? He's a

ameba — mean bastard anyway."
I switched ofF my ears; free "All right, but hurry it up."
speech gives a man the right to So they brought in Satan, a
talk about the "psychology" of coal-black chimp. He may have
an ameba, but I don't have to been aggressive elsewhere; he was
listen. not so here. When they dumped
They did some direct experi- him inside,he shrank back
mentation which restored my in- against the door and began to
terest. Vargas had a baboon wear- whine. It was like watching an
ing a slug placed in the cage with execution. I had had my nerves
the gibbons and chimps. As soon —
under control a man can get
as the newcomer was dumped in t —
used to anything but the ape's
they gathered in a ring facing out- hysteria was contagious. I want-
ward and went into direct con- ed to run.
ference, slug to slug. At first the hag-ridden apes
Mcllvaine jabbed his finger at simply stared at him like a jury.
them. "You see? Conference is not This went on for a long while,
for reproduction, but for exchange Satan's whines changed to low
of memory. The organism, tem- moans and he covered his face.
porarily divided, has now re- Presently Vargas said, "Doctor!
identified itself." Look!"
I could have told him the same "Where?"
thing without the double talk. A "Lucy, the old female. There.**
master who has been out of touch He pointed.
always gets into direct conference It was the matriarch of con-
as soon as possible. sumptive gibbons. Her back was
"Hypothecation!" Vargas snort- toward us; the slug thereon had
ed. "They have no opportunity to humped itself together. An iri-
reproduce just now.*' He ordered descent line ran down the center
the boss of the handling crew to of it
bring in another ape. Itbegan to split as an egg splits*
"Little Abe?" asked the crew In a few minutes only, the divi-
boss. sion was complete. One new slug
"No, I want one without a centered itself over her spine; the
parasite.Let me see —make it other flowed down her back as
Old Red." she squatted almost to the floor.
The crew boss said, "Gripes, It slithered off, plopped gently on

Doc, don't pick on Old Red." the concrete and crept slowly to-
"This won't hurt him." ward Satan. The ape screamed



hoarsely and swarmed up into the inby the extension it had formed
top of the cage and attached itself to Satan's
So help me, the slugs sent a foot From there crawled up.

squad to arrest him two gib- When it reached the base of his
bons, a chimp, and the baboon. spine, Satan sat erect. He shook
They tore him loose and held him himself and joined the others.
face- down on the floor. Vargas and Mcllvaine started
The slug slithered closer. talking excitedly, apparently un-
It was a good two feet away moved. wanted to smash some-

when it grew a pseudopod slow- —
thing for me, for Satan.
ly, at first, a stalk that weaved Mcllvaine maintained that we
©round like a cobra. Then it were seeing something new to our
lashed out and struck the ape on concepts, an intelligent creature
b foot. The others promptly let so organized as to be immortal
go, but Satan did not move. and continuous in its personal
The titan seemed to pull itself identity — or its group identity.


He would have
theorized that it

continuous memory back to its

racial beginning. He
described the
slugs as a four-dimensional worm
in space-time, inter-twined as a
single organism, and the talk grew
too technical for me to follow.
I did not follow and did not

care. The only way I cared about

slugs was to kill them.

FOR a wonder, whenavailable

got back I
the Old Man was
the President had left to address


a secret session of the United Na- is somewhere west of the Missis-
tions. I told the Old Manwhat I sippi by now."
had seen and added my opinion "Anybody missing?"
of Vargas and Mcllvaine. "Boy He shrugged "Jiow can
Scouts," I complained, "compar- you tell in a free country? At
ing stamp collections. They don't least, the titan can't hide on a
realize it's serious." . human host anywhere short of
The Old Man shook his head, Zone Red."
"Don't them short, son" he
sell His comment made me think
advised me. "They are more likely of something I had seen at the zoo
to come up with the answer than and had not reasoned out. What-
are you and I." ever it was, it eluded me. The Old
"They're more likely to let Man went on, "It's taken drastic
those slugs escape." action to makethe bare- shoulders
"Did they tell you about the order stick, though. The President
elephant?" has had protests on moral
"What elephant? They damn grounds, not to mention the Na-
near didn't tell me anything; they tional Association of Haberdash-
got interested in each other and ers."
ignored me." "Huh?"
"You don't understand scien- "You would think we were try-
tific detachment. About the ele- ing to sell their daughters down to
phant: an ape with a rider got Rio. There was a delegation in,
out, somehow. Its body was found called themselves the Mothers of
trampled to death in the elephant the Republic, or some such non-
house- And one of the elephants sense."
was gone." "The
President's time is being
"You mean there is an elephant wasted like that, at a time like
loose with a slug on him?" I had this?"
a horrid vision, something like a "McDonough handled them.
tank on the loose with a cyber- But he roped me in on it." The
netic brain. Old Man looked pained. "We
"Her/ the Old Man corrected
told them that they could not see
me. "They found her over in the President unless they strip-
Maryland, quietly pulling up cab- ped. That stopped 'em."
bages. No parasite." The thought that had been
"Where did the slug get to?" bothering me came to the surface.
Involuntarily I glanced around. 4*
Say, boss, you might have to.
"A duo was stolen in the ad- "Have to what?"
joining village. I'd say the slug "Make people strip/'



He chewed his lip. 'What are as he down, '"go around

you driving at?" clutching women by the rump."
"Do we kn^w, as a certainty, "You may have to," I pointed
that a slug can attach itself only out, "or make everybody strip."
near the base of the brain?" "We'll run some experiments.**
"You should know." "How?" I asked.
"I thought I did, but now I'm "You know that head-and-
not sure. That's the way we al- spine armor? It's not worth much,
ways did it, when I was, uh, with except to give the wearer a feeling
them." I recounted in more detail of security. I'll tell Doctor Morris
what I had seen when Vargas had to take an ape, fit such an armor
had poor old Satan exposed to a so that a slug can't reach any-
slug. "That ape moved as soon as thing but his legs, say, and see
the thing reached the base of his what happens. We'll vary the
spine. I'm sure they prefer to ride areas, too."
up near the brain. But maybe "Uh, yes. But don't use an ape/*
they could ride down inside pants "Why not?"
or dresses and just put out an ex- "Well, they're too human.**
tension to the end of the spinal "Damn it, bub, you can't make
cord." an omelet —
"Hmm . . . remember,
you'll " —
without breaking eggs.
son, the first time I had a crowd Okay, but I don't have to like it.*'
searched, I made everybody peel
to the buff." XXI
"I think you were justified.
They might be able to conceal SPENT the next several days
themselves anywhere on the body. I lecturir\g to brass, answering
Take those droopy drawers you- fool questions about what titans
've got on. One could hide in them ate for lunch, explaining how to
and it would just make you look tackle a man who was
a bit satchel-fannied." I was billed as an "expert," but

"Want me to take 'em off?" half the time my pupils seemed

"I can do better than that; I'll sure they knew more than I did.
give you the Kansas City The continued to hold
Clutch." My words were joking Zone Red, but they could not
but^I was not; I grabbed at the break out without being spotted
bunchiness of his pants. He sub- — we hoped. And we did not try
mitted with good grace; then gave to break in again because every
me the same treatment. slug held one of our own people
"But we can't/' he complained as hostage. The United Nations


was no help. The President want- tem began to blast us as soon as
ed a "Schedule Bareback" on a they had worked out a new line.
global scale, but they hemmed The whole thing was an "Ameri-
and hawed and sent the matter can imperialist fantasy." I won-
to committee for investigation. dered why the titans had not at-
The truth was they did not be- tacked Russia first; the place
lieve us; that was the enemy's seemed tailor-made for them. On

great advantage only the burned second thought, I wondered if
believed in the fire. they had. On third thought, I
Some nations were safe because wondered what difference it would
of their own customs. A
Finn who make.
did not climb into a steam bath I did not see the Old Man dur-

in company every day or so ing this period; I got my

would have been conspicuous. ments from Oldfield, his deputy.
The Japanese, too, were casual Consequently I did not know it

about mixed bathing. The South when Mary was relieved from
Seas were relatively safe, as were special duty with the President. I
large parts of Africa. France had ran into her in the lounge of the
gone enthusiastically nudist, on Section offices. "Mary!" I yelped.
weekends at least, right after She gave me that slow, sweet

World War III a slug would smile and moved over. "Hello,
have a tough time hiding. But in darling!" she whispered. She did
countries where the body -mod- not ask what I had been doing,
esty taboo meant something, a nor scold me that I had not been
slug could stay hidden until his in touch with her, nor even com-
host dropped dead. The United ment on how long it had been.
States itself, Canada, England— Mary let water over the dam take
particularly England. care of itself.
They flew three slugs, with Not me— I babbled. "This is
apes, to London. I understand great! I thought you were still

the King wanted to set art ex- tucking the President into his
ample as the President had, but beddy-bye. How long have you
the Prime Minister, egged on by been here? When do you have to
the Archbishop of Canterbury, go back? Say, can I dial you a
would not let him. Nothing about —
drink no, you've got one." I
this appeared in the news and the started to dial one for myself; it
story may not be true, but English popped out into my hand. "Huh?
skin was not exposed to the cold How'd this get here?"
stares of neighbors. "I ordered it when you came
The Russian propaganda sys- in the door."


"Mary, did I tell you that you been following me around. I keep
are wonderful?" dreaming I'm back with the tit-
"No/' ans."That last point was true.
You're wonderful."
"I will. "But since when has being
"Thank you." crazy been any handicap in this
I went on, "Couldn't you get section?" He waited for me to
some leave? They can't expect argue the point.
you to be on duty twenty-four "Look, do I get leave or don't
hours a day, week after week, I?"
with no time off. I'm going He fumbled through papers,
straight to the Old Man and tell found one and tore it up. "Okay.
him—" Keep your phone handy; you're
"I'm on leave, Sam." subject to recall. Get out."
—just what I .think of —You I got. Mary looked up when I
are? For how long?" came in and gave me the soft
"Subject to call. All leaves read warm treatment again. I said,
that way now." "Grab your things. We're leav-
"How long have you been on ing.
leave?" She did not ask where; she
"Since yesterday. I've been sit- simply stood up. I snatched my
ting here, waiting for you." drink, gulped some and spilled
" Yesterday!" I had spent yes- the rest. We were up on the
terday giving kindergarten lec- pedestrian level of the city before
tures to brasshats who did not we spoke. Then I asked, "Where
want them. I stood up. "Don't do you want to get mnrried?"
move. I'll be right back." "Sam, we discussed that be-
I rushed over to the operations fore."
office. Oldfield looked up when I "Sure we did and now wc are
came in and said in a surly tone, going to do it. Where?"
"What do you want?" "Sam, my very dear, I will do
"Chief, that series of bedtime what you say. But I am still op*
stories I'm scheduled to tell bet- — posed to it."
ter cancel them/* "Why?"
"Why?" "Let'sgo to my apartment. I'd
"I'm a sick man; I've rated like to cook dinner for you."
sick leave for a long time. Now "Okay, you can cook dinner—
I've got to take it." but nof there. And we get married
"You're sick in the head." first."
"Thafs right, I'm sick in the Sam!"
head. I hear voices. People have Somebody said, "Keep pitch-



ing, kid. weakening." I

She's I've loved you ever since

looked around and found that we "Ever since what?"
were playing to a gallery. I expected her 1o say that she
I swept an arm wide and shout- had loved me ever since I took
ed irritably, "Haven't you people her place in "Project Interview."
got anything to do? Go get What she said was, "I've loved
drunk r you ever since you slapped me."
Somebody else said, 'Td say Now, is that logic?
he ought to take her offer." The driver was cruising slowly
I grabbed Mary's arm and did along the Connecticut coast; I
not say another word until I had id to wake him before I could
gotten her into a cab. "All right/* get him to land in Westport. We
I said gruffly, "let's have your went to the city hall. I stepped up
reasons." to a counter in the bureau of
"I'm yours; you don't need a sanctions and licenses and said to
contract, so why get married, a clerk, "Is this where we get
Sam?" married?"
"Why? Because I love you, "That's up to you," he an-
damn it!" swered. "Hunting licenses on the
She did not answer for quite a left, dog licenses on the right, this
while. I thought I had offended is the happy medium."

her. When
she did, I could hardly "Good," I said stiffly. "Will you
hear her. "You hadn't mentioned oblige by issuing a license?"
that before, Sam." "Sure. Everybody ought to get
"Hadn't I? Oh, I must have." married at least once; that's what
"No, I'm quite sure you have- I tell my old lady." He got out a

n't. Why didn't you?" form. "Let's have your serial

"An oversight, I gueps. I'm not numbers." We gave them to him.
sure I know what the word 'love* "Either of you married in any
means." other state?" We said we weren't
"Neither am I," she said softly, "You're sure? If you don't tell
"but I love to hear you say it. Say me, so I can put on a rider show-
it again, please." ing other contracts, this contract
"Huh? Okay. I love you. I ain't valid."
love you, Mary." We told him again that we
"Oh, Sam!" weren't married anywhere. He
She snuggled against me and went on, "Term, renewable, or
began to tremble. I shook her a lifetime? If it's over ten years, the
little. "How about you?" fee is the same as for lifetime. If
Me? Oh, I do love you, Sam.

it's under six months, you get the


short form from that vendo ma- "No! Put it down the way I
chine over there." told you to. salary."No
Mary said in a small voice, The clerk looked helpless but
"Lifetime." bent over the typer. "I guess
The clerk looked surprised. that's all," he said finally. "You-
"The renewable contract, with the 've kept it say that.
simple, I'll

automatic option clause, is just *Do - you - both - solemnly - swear -

as permanent, and you don t have
to go through the courts if you the-best-of-your-knowledge-and-
change your mind." belief-that-you-are-entering-into-
I said, "You heard the lady!" this -agreement -uninfluenced -by-
"Okay, okay. Either party, mu- drugs - other - illegal - induce -
or -

tual consent, or binding?" ments - and - that -there -exists - no -

"Binding," I answered, and undisclosed - covenants - nor-other-
Mary nodded. legal - impediments -to - the -execu-
"Bind ing it is," he agreed, tion - and - registration - of - the -
bending over the typer. "Now the above-contract?"
meat of the matter: who pays and We both said that we did and
how much? Salary or endow- we were and it was and there
ment?" weren't. He pulled it out of the
I said, "Salary." I didn't own typer. "Let's have your thumb
enough to set up a fund. prints. Okay, be ten dol-
"Neither," Mary stated. "This lars, including federal tax." I paid

isnot a financial contract." him and he shoved the form into

The clerk stopped completely. the copier and threw the switch.
"Lady, don't be foolish," he said "Copies will be mailed to you/*
reasonably. "You heard the gen- he announced, "at your serial-
tleman say he was willing to do number Now, what
the right thing." type of cefemony are you look-
"No." ing for? Maybe I can help."
"Hadn't you better talk with "As quick, plain and cheap as
your lawyer before you go ahead? it can be," Mary told him.
There's a public communicator "Then I've got just what you
in the hall." want. Old Doctor Chamleigh.
"Nor Non-sectarian, best stereo accom-
"Well, I'm darned if I see what paniment in town, all four walls
you need a license for." and full orchestra. He gives you
"Neither do I," Mary told him. the works, fertility rites and
"You mean you don't want everything, but dignified. And he
this?" tops it off with a fatherly straight-



from-the-shoulder word of advice. "What, and risk those bear

Makes you feel married " traps? Anyhow, it's not mine; it's
"No." This time I said it; ours.
"Come on!" the clerk said to She kissed me again, which
me. "Think of the little lady. If made me kind of louse up the
she sticks by what she just swore landing. She slid out ahead of me
to, she'll never have another while I was securing the board; I
chance. Every girl is entitled to a found her staring at the shack.
formal wedding. Honest, I don't "Sweetheart, it's beautiful!"
get much of a commission." "You can't beat the Adiron-
I said, "You can marry us, dacks," I agreed. There was a
can't you? Go ahead. Get it over slight haze with the sun low in
with!" the west, giving that wonderful
He blinked at me. "Didn't you depth-upon-depth stereo look.
know? In this state you marry She glanced at it and said,
yourself. You've been married, "Yes, but I didn't mean that. I

ever since you thumbprinted the meant your — our — cabin. Let's
license." go inside right now."
I said, "Oh." Mary didn't say "Suits," I agreed, "but it's real-
anything. We left. ly just a simple shack." Which it
I hired a duo at the landing was. Not even an indoor pool.
flat north of town; the heap was When 1 came up here, I didn't
ten years old, but it had full- want to feel had brought
that I

automatic and that was all that the city with me. The shell was
mattered. I looped around the conventional steel and fiberglass,
City, cut across Manhattan Cra- but I had had it veneered in duro-
ter,and set the controls. I was slabs which looked like real logs.
happy though nervous and then — The inside was just as simple —
Mary put her arms around me. big living room with a real fire-
After a long time I heard the place, deep rugs and plenty of
beeeep! beep-beep beeeep! of the low chairs. The services were in
beacon at my shack, whereupon a Kompacto special, buried under
I unwound myself and landed- the foundation — air-conditioner,
Mary said sleepily, "Where are power pack, cleansing system,
we?" sound equipment, plumbing, radi-
"At my cabin in the moun- ation alarm, servos everything —
tains," I told her. but deep-freeze and the other kit-
"I didn't know you had a cabin chen equipment, out of sight and
in the mountains. I thought you mind. Even the stereo screens
were headed for my apartment/' would not be noticed unless in


use. It was about as near as a man "You know too much.**
could get to a real log cabin and She did not answer but wan-
still have a little comfort. dered out into the kitchen. I

"J think it's lovely/' Mary said heard her squeal.

seriously. "I wouldn't want an "What's the matter?" I asked.
ostentatious place." "I never expected to find a real
"You and me both." I worked kitchen in a bachelor's lodge."
the combo and the door dilated; j "I'm not a bad cook. I wanted

Mary was inside at once. "Hey! a kitchen, so I bought one."

Come back!" I yelled. "I'm glad. Now I will cook you
She did, looking puzzled. dinner."
"What's the matter, Sam? Did I "It's your kitchen; suit your-
do something wrong?" self. But don't you want to wash
"You sure did." I swung her up? You can have first crack at
up in my arms and carried her the shower. Tomorrow we'll get
across the threshold, kissing her a catalog and you can pick out
as I put her down. "There. Now a bathroom of your own. We'll
you are in your own house, prop- have flown in."

erly/' "You take first shower," she

The lights, of course, came on said. "I want to start dinner."
automatically as we entered. She
looked around, then turned and "M/JARY and I slipped into do-
threw her arms around my neck. **-* mesticity as if we had been
"Oh, darling, darling!" married for years. Oh, not that
We took time out. Then she our honeymoon was humdrum, or
started wandering around, touch- that there weren't a thousand
ing things. "Sam, if I had planned things we still had to learn about
it myself, it would have been just —
each other the point was that
this way." we already seemed to know the
"It has only one bathroom," I necessary things about each other
apologized. "We'll have to rough that made us married. Especially
it." Mary.
"I don't mind. I'm glad; now I don'tremember those days
I know you didn't bring any of too clearly. was happy; I had

those women of yours up here." forgotten what it was like, had

"What women?" not known that I was not happy.
"You know darn well. If you Interested, I used to — di-
had been planning this as a nest, verted, entertained, amused— but
you would have included a pow- not happy.
der room." We did not turn on a stereo or
fead a book, we saw no one and Mary looked up and smiled.
spoke to no one, except that on "You need not have worried. I'm
the second day we walked down two-thirds cat myself."
to the village; Iwanted to show "What's the other third?"
Mary off. On the way back we "You'll find out."
passed the shack of John the From then on the cat was with
Goat, our local hermit. John did. — —
us or with Mary almost all the
what little caret aking I required. time, except when I shut him out
Seeing him, I waved- He waved of our bedroom. That I would
back. He was dressed as usual, not stand for, though both Mary
stocking cap, an old army blouse, and the Pirate thought it small
shorts, and sandals. I thought of of me.
warning him about the bare-
to-the-waist order, but decided MARY never borrowed trouble.
against it. Instead I cupped my She did not like digging into
hands and shouted, "Send up the the past. She would let me talk
Pirate!" about mine, but not about her
"Who's the Pirate, darling?" own. Once when I started quiz-
"You'll see." zing her, she changed the subject
As soon as we got back, the saying, "Let's look at the sunset."
Pirate came in, for I had his little "Sunset?" repeated. "Can't

door keyed to his own tneeow—- be. We just finished breakfast."

the Pirate being a large and rak- The mixup about the time of day

ish tomcat. He strutted in, told jerked me back to reality. "Mary,

me what he thought of people how long have we been up here?"
who stayed away so long, then "Does it matter?"
head-bumped my ankle in for- "You bet it matters. It's been
giveness. After I roughed him up, more than a week, I'm sure. One
he inspected Mary. She dropped of these days our phones will
to her knees and made the sounds start screaming and then it's back
used by people who understand to the treadmill."
cat protocol, but the Pirate "In the meantime, what differ-
looked her over suspiciously. Sud- ence does it make?"
denly he jumped into her arms wanted to know what day
I still

and commenced to buzz, while it was. I could have found out

bumping her under the chin. by switching on a stereo, but I

"That's a relief," I announced. would probably have bumped in-
"For a moment I didn't think I to a newscast and I did not want
was going to be allowed to keep that. I was still pretending that
you/' Mary and I were away in a dif-


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ferent world, where titans did her name was. "Mary," she said
not exist. tranquilly.
"Mary," I said fretfully, "how 1
"Mary really is your name?"
many tempus pills have you?" I had long since told her my right
"None." name, but we went on using Sam.
"Well, I've got enough for us "Certainly it's my name, dear.
both, I suppose. Suppose we have I've been Mary since you first
just twenty-four more hours; we called me that."
could stretch it out to a month, "Oh. All right, you are my be-
subjective time." loved Mary. But what was your
"No." name before?"
"Why not? Let's carpe that old Her eyes held an odd, hurt
diem" look, but she answered steadily,
She put a hand on my arm and "I was once known Allucquere."
looked up into my eyes. "No, "Allucquere," I repeated, sa-
darling, if s not for me. I must voring it. "What a strange and
live each moment and not let it beautiful name. darling Al- My
be spoiled by worrying about the lucquere."
moment ahead." I looked stub- "My name is Mary now." And
born. She went on, "If you want that was that.
to take them, I won't mind, but Somewhere, somewhen, I was
please don't ask me to." convinced, Mary had been hurt,
"Confound it, I'm not going on badly hurt. But it seemed un-
a joy ride alone." She did not likely that I was ever going to
answer, which is the damnedest know about it. Presently I ceased
way of winning an argument. to worry about it. She was what
Not that we argued. If I tried she was, and I was content to
to start one, Mary would give bask in the warm light of her
in and somehow it would work presence.
out that I was mistaken. I did
try several times to find out more WENT on Mary,
calling her
about her; it seemed to me that I I but the name that she had
ought to know something about once kept running through my
the woman I was married to. To mind, I wondered how it was
one question she looked thought- spelled. '

ful and answered, "I sometimes Then suddenly I knew. My

wonder .whether I ever did >aVe pesky p&ckrat memory was paw-

a childhood or was it something -
ing away at the shelves in the
I dreamed last night?" back of my mind where I keep
I asked her pointblank what the useless junk that I am unable


to get rid of- There had been a and very ancient solution to their
community, a colony that used sexual problems, a solution which
an artificial language, even to produced explosive results when
given names the Whitmanite culture touched
The Whitmanites, that was it. any other pattern of behavior.
The anarchist-pacifist cult that Even Little America had not been
got kicked out of Canada, then far enough away. I had heard
failed to make a go
of it in Little somewhere that the remnants had
America. There was a book writ- emigrated to Venus in which —
ten by their prophet, The En- case they must all be dead by
tropy of Joy; it was full of this time.
pseudo - mathematical formulas Iput it out of my mind. If
for achieving happiness. Mary were a Whitmanite, or had
Everybody is for "happiness," been reared that way, that was
just as they are against "sin," but her business. I certainly was not
the cult's practices got them in going to let the cult's philosophy
hot water. They had a curious cause us a crisis now or ever;

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marriage is not ownership and and fix me breakfast," I replied
wives are not property. and tickled her feet. She gasped
and drew up her legs; the cat
XXII squawked and landed on the floor.
"Oh, dear!" she said. "You
THE next
time I mentioned
pills, she did not ar-
made me move
"Never mind
too fast."
the cat, woman;
gue but suggested that we hold you're married to me." Er.t I
it down to a minimum dose. It knew that I had made a mistake.
was a fair compromise —we could In the presence of people not un-
always take more. der the drug, one should move
I prepared it as injections so with great care. I simply hadn't
that it would take hold faster. thought about the cat; no doubt
Ordinarily I watch a clock after he thought we were behaving like
I've taken tempus; when the sec- drunken jumping jacks. I inten-
ond hand slows to a stop, I know tionally slowed down and tried
I'm loaded. But my shack has no to woo him.
clocks and neither of us was both- No use — he was streaking to-
ering with ringwatches. It was ward his door. I could have stop-
sunrise and we had been awake ped him, for to me his movement
all night, cuddled up on a big was a molasses crawl, but had I
low couch by the fireplace. done so I would have frightened
We continued to lie there, feel- him more. I let him go.
ing good and dreamy, and I was Do you know, Mary was right?
considering the idea that the drug Tempus-fugit drug is no good for
had not worked. Then I realized honeymoons. The ecstatic happi-
that the sun had stopped rising. ness I had felt before was masked
I watched a bird fluttering past by the euphoria of the drug. I
the window. If I stared at him had substituted a chemical fake
long enough, I could see his wings for the true magic. Nevertheless
move. it —
was a good day or month. But

I looked back from it to I wished that I had stuck to the

wife. The was
Pirate up
curled real thing.
on her stomach, his paws tucked Late that evening we came out
in as a muff. They seemed asleep. of it. the slight irritability
I felt
**How about breakfast?" I said. which marks the loosening hold
Tm starved/' of the drug, found my ringwatch
"You get it," she answered. "If and timed my reflexes. When they
I move, I'll disturb Pirate." were back to normal I timed
You promised to love, honor, Mary's, whereupon she informed


me that she had been out of it *'I think I offended him. I know
for twenty minutes or so — putty I did."
accurate matching of dosage. "He's probably down at Old
"Do you want to go under John's. That's his usual way of
again?" she asked. punishing me. Hell be all right."
kissed her. "No. Frankly, I'm
I "But it s late at night— I'm
glad to be back." afraid a fox might get him. Do
•Ton so glad." you mind, darling? HI just step
I had the usual ravenous ap- out and call him." She headed for
petite one has afterward;
that the door.
I mentioned it. "In a minute/' she "Put something on," I sug-
said. "1 want to call Pirate." gested. "It will be nippy out."
I had not missed him; the She went back to the bedroom
euphoria is like that. "Don't wor- and got a negligee I had bought
ry," I told her. "He often stays for her the day we had gone to
out all day." the village. She went out- I put
He never has before." wood on the fire and ambled into
He has with me," I answered. the kitchen. While 1 was trying

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to make up my mind about a had. and I had all I could do

menu, I heard her saying, "Bad, to keep from killing her. I had
bad cat, you worried mama," in to keep her from killing me
that cooing voice suitable for ba- and I had to kill the slug and I—
bies and house animals. had to keep the slug from get-
I called out, "Fetch him in and ting at me or I would not be
close the door — and mind the able to save her.
penguins!'* She did not answer
and I did not hear the door relax,
so I went back into the living
room. She was just coming in
and did not have the cat with
her. I started to speak and then
caught sight of her eyes. They
were staring, filled with unspeak-
able horror.
"Mary!" and started to-
I said,
ward her. She seemed to see me
and turned back toward the door;
her movements were jerky, spas-
modic. Then I saw her shoulders.
Under the negligee was a hump.
I don't know how long
stood I

there. Probably a split second,

but it is burned into me as end-
less. I jumped and grabbed her
by the arms. She looked at me
and her eyes were no longer wells
of horror but merely dead.
She gave me the knee.
I squeezed and managed to
avoid the worst of it. Look, you
don't tackle a dangerous oppo-
nent by grabbing his arms, but
this was my couldn't come
wife. I

at Mary with a feint-shift-and-

But the slug had no compunc-
tions about me. Mary —or tt—
was p' -'-^ me everything she
I letgo with one hand and Mary on top. I shoved my
jabbed her chin. The blow did under her chin to stop her from
not even slow her down. I grabbed biting me.
again, with both arms and legs, Curbing her strong body by
trying to encase her in a bear sheer muscle, I tried to paralyze
hug to immobilize her without her with nerve pressure, but she
injuring her. We went down, knew the key spots as well as I


did. I was lucky that I was not it was like wrestling a mountain
myself paralyzed. lion. But I got her there, grabbed
There was one thing left that her mop of hair and slowly forced
I could do: clutch the slug. But her shoulders over the fire.

I knew the shattering effect that meant only to singe the slug,
had on the host. It might kill force it to drop off to escape that
her; it was sure to hurt her hor- heat. But she struggled so hard
ribly. I wanted to make her un- that I slipped, banging my own
conscious, then remove the slug head against the arch of the
gently before I killed it drive . . opening and dropping her shoul-
it off with heat or force it to ders against the coals.
turn loose with mild shocks. She screamed and bounded out
Drive with heat
it off of the fire, carrying me with her.
I was given no time to develop I struggled to my feet, still dazed

the idea; she got her teeth in by the wallop, and saw her col-
my ear. shifted
I right my arm lapsed on the floor. Her beautiful
and grabbed at the slug. hair and her negligee were burn-
NOTHING happened. Instead slapped at them both with

of my fingers sinking into it, my hands. The slug was no longer

I found that this slug had a leath- on her. Still crushing the flames
ery covering. It was as if I had with my hands, I glanced around
clutched a football! Mary jerked and saw lying on the floor by

when I touched it and took away —

the fireplace and the Pirate was
part of my ear, but there was no sniffing at it.
bone-crushing spasm; the slug "Get away from there!" I
was still alive and in control. yelled. "Pirate! Stop that!"
I tried to get my fingers under The cat looked up inquiringly.
it clung like a suction cup.
It I went on making certain that the
My fingers would not go under. fire was out. When I was sure, I

In the meantime I was suffer- left her; there was not even time
ing damages in other places. I to see if she was still alive. What
rolled over and got to my knees, I wanted was the fireplace shovel;

still hugging her. I had to let her I did not dare risk touching the
legs free and that was bad, but thing with my hands. I turned to
I bent her across a hip and strug.- get it.

gled to my feet. But the slug was no longer on

I dragged and carried her to the floor; it had gotten Pirate,
the fireplace. k > The cat was standing rigid, feet
She almost got away from me; wide apart, and the slug was setr

tling into place. I dived at Pirate He was still where I had left
and got him by his hind legs just him and he did not look good.
as he made his first possessed He had gotten it much worse
movement. than Mary and probably flame
Handling a frenzied cat with in his lungs as well. He was ly-
bare hands is reckless at best; ing so still, I thought he was
controlling one which is already dead, but he lifted his head when
controlled by a titan is impos- 1 touched him/
sible. Hands and arms being •'I'm sorry, old fellow," I whis-
slashed by claws and teeth at pered. I think I heard him mew.
every step, Ihurried to the fire- I did for him what
had done I
place again. Despite Pirate's wails for Mary, except that I was
and struggles, I forced the slug afraid to give him a soporific.
against the coals and held it there, After that I went into the bath-
cat fur and my hands alike burn- room and looked myself over
ing, until the slug dropped off carefully.
directly into the flames. Then I The
car had stopped bleeding;
took Pirate out and laid him on I decided to ignore it. hands My
the floor. He was no longer strug- were what bothered me. I stuck
gling. I made sure that he was them under hot water and yelped,
no longer burning anywhere, and then dried them in the air blast
went back to Mary. and that hurt, too. I could not
She was still unconscious. I figure out how Icould dress them,
squatted down beside her and and, besides, I needed to use
sobbed. them.
Finally I dumped about an
AN hour
had done what
later I
for Mary. Her hair
ounce of the jelly for burns into
each of a pair of plastic gloves
was gone from the left side of and put them on. The stuff in-
her head and there were burns cluded a local anesthetic; that
on shoulders and neck. But her would help me get by. Then I
pulse was strong, her respiration went to the stereophone and
steady, though fast and light, and called the village medical man.
I did not judge that she would I explained what had happened
lose much body fluid. I dressed and what 1 had done about it and

her burns I keep a full stock of asked him to please come up at
medical stuff out there in the ©ncc.

country and gave her an injec^ "At night?" he said. "You must
tion to make her sleep. Then I be joking."
had time for Pirate. I said that the hell I was.


Hr answered. "Don't ask the night. buried him at once so

impossible, man. Yours makes that Mary would not see him.
the fourth alarm in this county; Digging hurt my hands, but he
nobody goes out at night. 1*11 did not need a very big hole.
stop in and see your wife first I said good-by him and came to
thing in the morning, when it's back in. Mary was resting qui-
safe." etly; I brought a chair to the
I told him where to go first bed and watched over her. Prob-
thing in the morning and switched ably dozed from time to time;

off. I can't be sure.

Pirate died a little

after mid- — ROBKRT A. HF.INt.FI*

Concluded Next Month


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