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New Alian High School & college Raru Ambore MZD

Pre-Board Test (2016)

Class Paper Type Chapter/course Total Marks Time
1styear Biology Subjective Chapter 4 40 1:50hrs
Q.2:Give the short Answer to the following. (12x2=24)
i. State various structural modifications a cell involved in ii Differentiate b/w chromoplast and leucoplast.
iii. What are storage diseases? Why they occur? iv. What is polysome?
v. Differentiate b/w primary cell wall and secondary cell wall. vi. Differentiate b/w granular and agranular endoplasmic
vii. Writ down Rudolph Virchow’s contribution in cell theory. viii. Differentiate b/w cytoplasm and protoplasm.
ix. What is Murein? x. Differentiate b/w primary lysosome and secondary
Give the answers to the following in detail and also draw diagrams where necessary. (8x2=16)
Q. 3: (a)What is fluid mosaic model? Write down the functions of plasma membrane. (04)
(b)Explain the structure and function of “Golgivesicle’’ (04)
Q. 4: (a)Compare prokaryotic cell with eukaryotic cell. (04)
(b)Write a note on “Nucleus”. (04)
Best Of Luck
New Alian High School & College Raru Ambore MZD
Pre-Board Test (2016)
Class Paper Type Chapter/course Total Marks Time
1 year Biology Objective Chapter 4 10 10 min
Name: Roll No.
Q.1: Encircle the correct option. Cutting erasing and overwriting is not allowed.
1. Colloidal solution which is non-viscous is called as;
a. Sol b. gel c. cytoplasm d. all of these
2. Which organelle is not present in most plant cells?
a. Vacuole b. centriole c. lysosome d. both b & c
3. The resolutionof electron microscope is ;
a. 0.01 mm b. 2.0 µm c. 1.0 mm d. 2-4 A°
4. Cell wall acts as barrier to ;
a. Water b. lipid c. ions d. none
5. Golgi bodies present in plant cell are called;
a. Golgi apparatus b. dictyosomes c. golgisomes d. all of these
6. The no. of pairs of chromosomes in Drosophila melanogaster;
a. 8 b. 3 c. 4 d. 7
7. Cell theory is not applicable to;
a. Cyanobacteria b. viruses c. bacteria d. both a & b
8. Which cell is responsible for photosynthesis?
a. Chlorenchyma b. collenchyma c. parenchyma d. both a & b
9. Which of the following pairs of structure function is mismatched?
a. Golgi; cell secretions b. lysosome; extracellular digestion
c. nucleolus ; r RNA synthesis d. Ribosome; mRNA synthesis
10. Vacuole is bounded by a single membrane;
a. Chromoplast b. Tonoplast c. Monoplast d. none of these

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