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Sampson Cohort Arijit Majee Final

Reflection Paper
From my global management class I learned the following things in a sequential
manner. I learn about the global management by being in multicultural class
with so much valuable information.the centre theme of my learning in global
management for me was about the effective leadership in multicultural world
with one boundary. The interactive learning process like movies ,wafa wafa
cultural stimulus game and cultural leadership game make it very easy to
understand , relate and learn.

I missed to realise the use of MBI model to make my team to perform better. As
I was looking for the effective way to make the team more productive and
efficient, I relied on persuasion tools. I took grade as measurement metrics and
everybody common goal. But when I took the help of the MBI tool, I am able to
understand the framework for high performance team. Cultural CPQ also helps
me to identify each individual values and thinking styles. Unless I am able
understand my team, I can’t do the bridging. From CPQ analysis I can understand
where we are different . In our business execution team meeting, I asked the
question to everyone that why we are not reviewing our lower grades in team
work. Even though we got diverse team, still we are missing to better grades. I
asked their suggestion about me and how I can be effective team player. We all
agree that we never review about our team assignment results. I took help of
one of my team mate to ensure there should be blame free discussion. I invite
everyone to participate with their strength. We should use everyone strength
and distribute the work. As we know my fellow team mate yichen good in
accounting and finance. he can lead the team in those assignment. so there
would be more participation and with his strength we can save time .As I explain
that my weakness is falling behind the time. I need someone help who will work
with me to make sure I am on time. We need time to review our final result of
team assignment before submitting it. With everyone suggestion it will get
better. We should align ourselves with the team with our strength. We decided to
work creating clear objective of the each assignment. It is not possible the
facilitator to have strength in every field. If the facilitator need help of other
fellow team member, he or she can raise the issue so that any of our team mate
can help the facilitator. During this process I found the online posting of yichen
shang on use of MBI in Arla case very useful as it is true that conflict is natural in
every team. But I learnt from my team that each process make other one
possible. With out knowing my team individual value and style I find the right
way to ask everybody participate. With out everybody we can’t make a common
frame to implement. From team conflict we learn how to resolve this conflict as
it reflect in our team result..After the cultural skit we have review meeting to
realise where we did good and where we did bad. This time we took other
performance as metrics to compare our presentation. This new frame work
improves dramatically team participation. I found both business execution and
global management very useful learning experience. In this global environment
it gives me an experience which will be useful not only in my next module team
but also in global working environment. After each case study I tried to learn
from everyone opinion from their individual cultural stand point. Like when we
discuss about Johannes van den Bosch email,I learn about acceptable and avoidable 
Sampson Cohort Arijit Majee Final
Reflection Paper

business practices and culture of Latin America. When we discuss about the Nissan case 
study I got idea about the japans old and new model of business practices. In the leadership 
skit I got the idea about the leadership style of japans organization.

I found “the Decision making under uncertainty” as a very useful tool for me. As
in real world most of the time we took decision under uncertainty, that why is
challenging for us. when I watch the movie called ”Path to the war”.i found what
it could be decision making trap in different situation.i could able to relate myself
with this movies. As in my past professional life I was supervising sales and
leading a sales team. When I was dealing with sunk trap from losing 2 dealers
who is already in bad debt list. It was my last business manager Mr. Debasis Das
who explained me by showing the accounting report of the dealer and make me
realise that I should leave it. it took time to realise to remove those few dealers
from my collection list and I should spend more time on sales growth and new
dealer creation. I like the lesson I learned from the character Robert McNamara
who influenced the president with his effective and distinct style. Sometimes I
have been influence by sales people when they communicate the competitor
moves . Sometime because of it I forget to take everything in consideration. As
working in a organization sometimes I was in status quo trap while doing critical
thinking. Even though I know there are better alternatives for the certain
problem. still I wait for my business manager guidelines. It was when market was
slow resulting in dropping in sales. I decided to create new dealers and more
aggressive campaign about service for customer retention. But I chose my senior
manager decision for going to present dealer and do aggressive sales. but as the
present dealer inventory was high after sometimes we were in trouble. Then I
never knew that because of status quo I was avoided taking decision and relied
on tradition way of my organization doing sales. As I learned from the movie how
time constrain make us to take impulsive decision. We took sales decision based
on past events and some time fall into the decision making traps. Now after this I
can filter during decision making. It also helped us to improve our team work by
consulting everybody ,looking all alternative and researching on new ideas under
time constrain. Because in my professional life also time played a major factor in
decision making process. Here in HULT time act as challenge for the team to
make efficient result under limited time.

In the global management I learned and got more tools that will help me in
future being a effective leader in multicultural world. As from the online Situational 
Leadership LEAD Self­Inventory I am now present to my strength and weakness. After 
watching movies like “12 angry man” and “Path to War”, I got a better idea about my team. 
As we are got diverse back ground and time constrain to take better decision as a team. At 
the end of the course in the team leadership skit I learn more about how the business culture 
in different give me a sense how to use MBI model to integrate into any culture.

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