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Leaching Gold from Concentrates using Chlorine Based Halides

This is a basic tutorial, we accept absolutely no responsiblity for injury, acci

dent or death caused by this
basic tutorial instruction. It is reccommended that you as an individual researc
h the process further to get a
clearer picture of how it should be done.
How to Leach Gold using Chlorine Halides
This is a Slower Leach and you need to maintain it for several hours to even a d
Leaching Chemicals
Red Devil Lye= Sodium hydroxide "caustic soda"
Pool Chlorine= Calcium hypochlorite
How to mix
Ad Pool chlorine to water appx 1/2 cup per/2 gallons.
Mix a Lye solution, add just enough to allow pool chlorine to dissolve in the wa
Stir carefully, using a plastic stir rod or paddle
Use rubber gloves,eye protection and respirator even an apron thats chemical pro
of to caustic soda.
After mixing together to form leaching solution "NOW Sodium Hypochlorite" measur
e w/Ph meter for a 8 - 8.5Ph factor.
If solution starts to run away "boils chlorine off strong irritating chlorine od
or" add very small amount of
Lye solution to bring it back into control by bringing the solution out of the a
cid composition.
If the leach solution seems to be slowing down or goes dead by appearance add a
touch of muriatic acid.
If the Ph goes to low mix more pool chlorine and lye and add to boost Ph back to
8 - 8.5Ph.
The whole idea is to keep that Ph factor in the required zone of 8 - 8.5 on your
Ph meter.
The principle is not let the solution go acid or over salt on you and keep the h
alides available to extract the Gold.
Neutralizer= Sodium thiosulfate "chlorine neutralizer 4oz powder to 1 gallon of
This is the stuff you use to neutralizes the chlorine in tropical fish tanks.
Use to neutralize the used concentrates after leaching. makes it safe to dump af
ter thorough rinse. Rinse at least 2 times,
3 is better then discard.
1, After leaching, in the clear solution is where the Gold will be, it's invisib
2, So to precipitate the Gold Out use zinc powder even a peice of zinc will poss
ibly work.
3, Add zinc powder into solution little at a time, you'll see dark black or brow
n material start
to collect or appear in bottom of solution tank, that is the Gold.
4, Once the black stops falling and the solution stops reacting.
5, Drain the solution off into a separate tank, leaving the brown/black mud behi
6, Now neutralize the mud w/sodium thiosulfate and water.
7, Stir it all and allow it to settle out once again.
8, Now drain off the neutralizing solution and discard it, its safe and neutral
to dump.
9, Now take the mud and place it into a glass container that'll work on a hot pl
ate without shattering "old coffee pot".
10,Allow the remainder of the liquid in the coffee pot to evaporate off "do not
boil it".
11, You can re admit the drained off leaching solution back into the tank for an
other run. Check it and boost and balance it
if necessary. Its actually so inexpensive to make, you can also neutralize the
old solution and discard it too and make up
a new batch for the next run.
Once dry you can take the dried mud "almost pure Gold .995+" to the furnace to s
melt and melt.
caution must be observed.
Do this OUTDOORS w/ventilation fans blowers what ever. Stand upwind of draft...
This method can be used on any amounts of concentrates you need to Leach from a
pound to a mountain of heap leach
covering a football field. Its what you can handle safely and feel comfortable w
I would reccommend that you use small batches first to practice. Then move up to
larger ones.
The chemicals you will need are:
1, Sodium Thiosulfate
2, Calcium Hypochlorite
3, Sodium Hydroxide [caustic soda "lye"]
4, Muratic acid
5, Critic acid
Buy them in the quantites you want for your process.
Remember to read the tutorial on Blacksands and removing the sulfides and iron u
sing acedic
or citric acid and roasting before you leach your cons. Because excessive sulfid
es and iron will, if not
totally kill your leaching process and gum it all up. Also, do not use sodium bi
carbonate "baking soda" in this process.
it'll turn the entire process into a foaming fizzy gooey gloppy mess.
Hey grunk, you know about that... :P
Additional Note: You can purchase all of the Chemicals you may need from the Che
mistry Store in Pompano beach, Fl.
Their url is:
In order to purchase the Sodium Hydroxide [caustic soda "lye"] you will need to
print their Hazmat release form
and fax it in to them, before they will ship the product.
The calcium Hypochlorite is swimming pool chlorine, buy it anywhere at a pool su
For the basic Prospector w/concentrates, this is the easiest and least expensive
method of extracting that micro Gold.

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