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质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure

Warranty Brochure

SY500H Excavator

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure

目 录
Table of Contents
客户须知 BRIEFING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第一章 总则CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES ----------------------------------------- 5
第二章 保修规定CHAPTER 2 TERMS OF WARRANTY -------------------------------------6
第二篇 产品保修政策 PART TWO T WARRANTY POLICIES ----------------------- 10
第三章 挖掘机CHAPTER 3 EXCAVATOR -----------------------------------------------------------10

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure

客户须知 Briefing
Dear all dealers:
Thank you for choosing SANY. We will try our best to provide you high-quality after-sales service.
For your own benefits, please read the brochure carefully. At the same time, we would like to remind
you to pay attention to the following issues:

1、 货到目的港后,应及时与三一当地代理或代表对设备进行交接,如发现货物品质及/或数
之日起 30 天内提出,数量/重量异议须于货到目的港之日起 15 天内提出。
Please contact our local dealer or sales representative immediately after the machine arrives at the
destination port to make the handover. You should examine the condition of machine. If the quality,
quantity or weight of machine does not comply with the contract, you should inform SANY for quality
problems within 30 days after the arriving date and for quantity/weight problems within 15 days unless
the responsibility lies in the insurance or freight companies.

2、 保修服务是指由于材料加工制造工艺所导致的产品缺陷而提供的免费修理或换件服务。
易损件(见保修政策表 2)均不在保修范围内。所有更换后的旧件,均属卖方所有。
Warranty service refers to free-of-charge service for products defect caused during manufacture
process. It is free only for the spare parts and labour cost of maintenance, excluding other indirect
expenses such as venue and facility leasing, compensation for machine halt, labour costs for non-SANY
staff. Oils and other consumerable and wearing parts are also excluded from warranty terms (see the
warranty policy for more details). All parts replaced belong to SANY.

3、 我们保留对产品升级、改进的权利,但不承担合同以外对产品升级、改进的义务。
SANY reserve the rights to provide technology upgrade and improvement for products, but SANY
shall not bear the obiligation to provide such services if it is not under the contract.

4、 使用前请认真阅读并严格按照《产品使用说明书》相关规定操作、调整、维护保养设备,
Please read the Operation and Maintenance Manual carefully before using the product and follow the

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure
instructions strictly when operating, adjusting or maintaining the product. Please solve the common
problems timely and keep all the attached tools, accessories, brochures and other documents.

5、 如发现不能自行排除的故障,请及时联系三一当地代理或服务代表,联系人及联系方式
为: 。
If there is a problem that you cannot solve, please contact our local dealer or SANY service engineers
promptly, The contact person is: .
Our service engineer will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Please describe the symptom of the
problem, the breakdown part, the location of the machine and the working condition clearly and

6、 服务人员上门服务时,请积极配合,提供维修场地、设备以及维修所需的工具,确保维

Please cooperate with our service engineer to repair the machine by providing maintenance field、
equipments and tools.
7、 如您对服务或产品不满意,可直接拨打 0086-4006098318,或邮件发送至,我们会安排专人接洽处理!
If you are not satisfied with our service or product,you can directly call 0086-4006098318, or email us
via Your opinions will be received and processed properly.

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure

第一篇 产品质量服务说明
Part One Warranty ServiceRegulation
第一章 总则
Chapter 1 General principles

一、 目 的 Objective
The objective of this regulation is to maintain the reputation of SANY products and ensure that the
SANY machines can be used properly to benefit our customers.

二、 适用范围 Application scope

1、 保修的定义:保修是指在一定期限内,生产厂家或销售者对非人为损坏、意外损坏而导致产品功
Definition of warranty service: It refers to manufacturer or seller providing free-of-charge replacement
or repair for defective parts caused by non-artificial or accidental damage within a limited period.

2、 三一直辖服务网点、代理服务网点应严格执行本条例,负责所在区域三一产品的售后服务。
Service outlets of SANY and its dealers shall execute the regulation strictly and provide high-quality
service in the designated area.

3、 本公司(包括代理商)与终端用户签订产品买卖合同后,此条例即构成合同的组成部分,保
This regulation is an integral part of the sales contract signed between SANY/SANY dealer and the
end user. Warranty service shall be carried out according to this regulation unless there are special
clauses for service in the sales contract.

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure

第二章 保修规定
Chapter 2 Terms of Regulation

一、 保修期限规定 Warranty period

SANY warranty service covers material and workmanship defects during a specified period, and the
products should adopt SANY genuine parts and be used properly and maintained as instructed.
The warranty period applies for product repair and defective parts replacement only. SANY do not
recognize any other guarantee for sales or other particular purposes.

保修项目 Warranty items

1、三一就新挖掘机的使用保修期,设备SY500H, 为 1.5 年或 3000 小时;以上日期从设备交给第
一终端用户之日起开始计算, 两者以先到为准。(使用破碎锤的设备质保期缩短一半)。
About warranty periods: for the machine of SY500H, the warranty period is 1.5 years or 3,000 working
hours whichever comes first. The warranty period will be halfed if hydraulic breaker is used. Warranty
period starts from the date when the machine is handed to the first end-user.

2、对于库存不足 6 个月的样机:符合样机库存日常保养和出库规定的,给予正常保修。
For inventory machine that has been tocked less than 6 months, normal warranty period applies only if it
meets daily maintenance and warehouse exit requirements.

2.1 对于库存大于 6 个月的样机:For inventory machines stocked longer than 6 months:

A、正常销售价格:符合样机库存日常保养和出库规定的,从第 7 个月开始计算保修期。
If the machine is bought with full price and meets daily maintenance and warehouse exit requirements,
the warranty period starts from the 7th moth.

B、折扣价处理:三一和代理商商定保修期,原则上按折扣比例相应的缩短保修期(8 折以上保修
9 个月,6-8 折保修 6-9 个月,6 折以下没有保修期),另外单个配件保修期按主机保修期缩短的比率
If the machine is bought with discount, the warranty period is decided by SANY and the dealer together.
Basically the warranty period is shortened according to the discount (9 months for discount of 20% or

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure
less; 6-9 months for discount of 20%-40%; no warranty for discount greater than 40%). The warranty
period of individual parts is shortened by the same ratio with that of the machine.

2.3 对于上述保修期必须满足下列条件,三一才给予保修。
The warranty above must be under the following conditions.
① 主机必须经过三一或三一授权人员参与调试或预检,得到三一认可。
The product must have undergone commissioning or pre-check with SANY staff or authorized
personnel by SANY involved and finally approved by SANY.

Except for material or workmanship defects, parts replacement and the cost incurred before the machine
exit the warehouse should be covered by the dealer.

3. 配件保修期 Parts warranty

3.1 保内换件:更换后的保修期按此项配件原保修期的剩余时间计算,若剩余保修期不足一个月
Parts replacement within warranty: the warranty period is calculated by the remaining length of the
original warranty period. If it is less than one month, one month warranty shall be granted.

3.2 新购买件:按新机保修条款中的配件保修期折半实施,最长保修时间不超过六个月。
New purchased parts: the warranty period is half the length of that in new machine warranty terms, with
a maximum of six months.

二、非保修项目 Non-warranty items

The warranty above does not apply to any of the following circumstances:
1. 代理商或用户未征得三一事先以书面通知或指示,即对产品作出更改、改装或装上三一以外
Without prior written notice or instructions of SANY, the dealer or user changes, modifies or mounts
non-SANY parts on the product and causes problems or failure.

2. 操作及保养产品时不顾及当时有效的操作及保养手册或三一就其产品发出的其他指示,因而
Operate and maintain the product regardless of the effective operation and maintenance manual or other
instructions from SANY and cause problems or failure.

3. 产品处理或修理不当,或使用非原厂零件,因而引起的产品发生相关问题或故障。

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure
Handle or repair the product improperly, or use non-original spare parts, and cause problems or failure.
4. 产品的问题或故障,由三一证实非因材料或工艺出现瑕疵而引起的。
The problem or failureis proven to be not caused by material or workmanship defects.
5、 由于事故、使用不当、疏忽或者自然灾害而造成的损坏或缺陷。
Any damaged or defect caused by accidents,misuse,carelessness or natural disasters;
6、 机器的保养,如发动机的清洗,散热器的清洁,消耗件的更换,机器润滑以及制动调试等。
Machine maintenance, such as engine cleaning, radiator cleaning, replacement of wearing parts,
machine lubrication, braking test and so on.

Major quality problem within/out of warranty period
As for major quality prolem of machine or special parts within/out of warranty period, the customer
shall keep the site untouched and inform SANY timely. After the identification of quality and accident,
SANY will assist the customer to restore the functions as soon as possible.

四、其他条款 Other terms

Within warranty period, the replaced parts shall be returned to SANY with the assistance of customer.
No organization or person has the right to possess the replaced parts, otherwise SANY has the right to
terminate the warranty or even pursue legal actions.

Approved by SANY, the warranty can be terminated within the warranty period due to infringement of
contract by the customer.

3、 拒绝使用三一提供的维护保养零部件,故意损坏GPS,损坏计时器等,从发现之日起,
In case that any customer who refuses to use spare parts for maintenance provided by SANY and
deliberately breaks GPS and time-meters, we reserve the right to terminate all services and maintenance

4、 三一免费提供质量保证期内的配件和维修服务,所需之修理可以采用修复的、新的或再

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure
SANY will provide spare parts,maintenance and repair service free of charge during quality assurance
period,For repair service,faulty parts may be repaired with a new one or a remanufactured one.SANY
will replace damaged parts free of charge on condition that we determine that damaged parts cannot be
fixed technically.

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure

第二篇 产品保修政策
Part 2 Warranty Policies

第三章 挖掘机
Chapter3 Excavator
一、整机保修期限:Warranty Period for the Machine
SY500H, 为 1.5 年或 3000 小时; 以上日期从设备交给第一终端用户之日起开始计算,两者以
For machines of SY500H, the warranty period is 1.5 years or 3000 working hours, whichever comes
first .The period starts from the date the machine is handed to first end-user; (the period will be halved if
hydraulic breaker is used). Special terms will be applied based on the contract. Warranty periods for
parts and components are as follows.

二、 设备型号SY500H的,主要零部件保修期限表:
Table of Warranty Periods for Main Parts and Components for machines of SY500H.

序号 部件名称 质量保证期 备注
No. Parts and Components Warranty Period Remarks
液压系统主油泵、及调节器,先 1.5 年或 3000 小时
1 导泵
Main pump, adjuster, pilot pump 1.5 year or 3000 hours

机、(不含湿式摩擦片) 1.5 年或 3000 小时
2 Slewing motor decelerator,
Travelling motor decelerator, 1.5year or 3000 hours
(excluding wet friction wafer)
斗杆、大臂、油缸 1.5 年或 3000 小时
Arm,boom, cylinder 1.5year or 3000 hours
中央回转接头、回转支承 1.5 年或 3000 小时
4 Central slewing joint, slewing
bearing 1.5year or 3000 hours

5 电磁阀、先导手柄 1.5 年或 3000 小时

Solenoid valve, Joystick 1.5year or 3000 hours
主阀块、电磁阀块 1.5 年或 3000 小时
6 Main valve block, solenoid valve
block 1.5year or 3000 hours

防爆阀、溢流阀 1.5 年或 3000 小时

7 Anti-explosion valve, overflow
valve 1.5year or 3000 hours
8 油缸密封 3 个月或 500 小时

质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure
Cylinder seal 3months or 500 hours
9 控制器、转换板 1.5 年或 3000 小时
Controller, conversion plate 1.5year or 3000 hours
感器、先导压力传感器 Primary 1.5 年或 3000 小时
11 pressure sensor, pressure
switch, negative pressure sensor, 1.5year or 3000 hours
pilot pressure sensor

12 翘板开关、钥匙开关 3 个月或 500 小时

Seasaw switch, key switch 3 months or 200 hours
13 喇叭、空调面板 半年或 1000 小时
horn, air-conditioner panel 6 months or 1000 hours
14 继电器、先导限位开关 半年或 1000 小时
Relay, guide limit switch 6 months or 1000 hours
15 Carrier roller, Track roller, Drive 1.5 年或 3000 小时
wheel,Guide wheel,track link 1.5year or 3000 hours

16 门锁、工具锁 3 月或 500 小时
Door lock, tool lock 3 months or 500 hours
17 各滑动轴承 半年或 500 小时
Sliding bearings 6 months or 500 hours
18 停车电磁阀 1.5 年或 3000 小时
Parking solenoid valve 1.5year or 3000 hours
累计工作时间 500 小时(经三一
6 months or 500 accumulated
working hours for high pressure oil
pump and oil ejector( Must be
detected through assigned
发动机(滤芯除外) certification authority by SANY;
19 Engine (excluding filter the fault caused by men or fuel is
elements) not covered under warranty).

其余部分保修 1.5 年或累计工作

时间 3000 小时
1.5 year or 3000 accumulated
working hours for other parts and
电机、油门旋钮 Monitor, 1.5 年或 3000 小时
20 stepping electric motor driver,
throttle motor, throttle electric 1.5year or 3000 hours
motor, throttle knob

21 柴油箱、液压油箱 1.5 年或 3000 小时

Diesel tank, hydraulic oil tank 1.5year or 3000 hours
质量保修手册 Warranty Brochure
主泵室门、边门、蓄电池门 半年或 1000 小时
22 Main pump chamber door, side
6 months or 1000 hours
door, battery door
23 发电机、启动马达 generator, 3 个月或 500 小时
starting motor 3 months or 500 hours

Note: The warranty period or hours is subject to the principle of “whichever comes first”.

List of Wearing Parts and Components Excluded from Warranty
类型 零部件名称
Type Parts and Components
滤芯 器等。
Filter Engine air filter element, hydraulic oil filter element, precision diesel filter, rough
Elements diesel filter element, hydraulic oil filter element
油料 液压油、机油、柴油、润滑油、润滑脂、防冻液
Oils Hydraulic oil, engine oil, diesel oil, grease lubricant, antifreeze
其它 瓶、收音机、点烟器、及其他类似部件。Coolant、Glass、rear view mirror、filters、
Others grease、oil cup、blet、gasket、rubber articles、fuse、cables、carbon brush、lamp、
locker、grease nozzles 、injetctor nozzle、fuel pump pistion、outlet valve; bucket、
bucket teeth、pins、sleeves and related parts which be connected with bucket; track
shoe、track shoe bolt;bettery、radio、cigarette lighter and other similar parts.

四、以上表格未提到的零部件保修按照半年或者 500 小时保修。使用破碎锤的,零部件的保修期

A warranty period of 6 months or 500 hours is applicable to the parts and components not included
in the tables above. Warranty periods are halved if hydraulic breaker is used.


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