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Living the Lectionary

Second Sunday after


Season: Epiphany
Week of January 16

“Baptized and included”

About the Season: We are in the season of

“Epiphany”. Epiphany is a season that shows us the
part of Christ’s life when He and His teaching
becomes known to many people. It is a time of
displaying and manifesting Christ in our personal and
public lives.

About this Sunday: This Sunday the readings point

to the inclusion of people into God’s plan and
fellowship with one another.

Reflecting on the Readings:

• Isaiah 49:1-7 – Including Israel and the World
– Isaiah prophesies as Israel in the 1st person,
declaring the God knew Israel before the womb
and for the purpose of being a light to all
nations. What could God show the world
through you?
• Psalm 40 – Including Those In The Pit – God’s
power brings the Psalmist from the pit to a high
cliff. What makes you feel like you’re “in the
pit” this week?
• I Corinthians 1:1-9 – Including All Who Call -
Paul includes the church in Corinth, but
understands the reality that the church is
every place where people call on God’s name.
Have you prayed for another church or group
of Christians?
• John 1:29 – Included by Invitation – Peter is
included through his brother’s invitation. Who
did God use to include you into His family?

Law and Gospel:

• Law: Who is included in your community? Are
the people that you hang out with all people
from church, or is church the secret that you
hide from friends? Manifesting Christ means
manifesting Him in two realms: in the
community of the church, and in the
community of the world. How could you show
Jesus’ love more in each?
• Gospel: God included you into His plans and
into eternity through Jesus Christ. You will
always be included by Him and no one can
make Him exclude you.

Living the Lectionary Ideas:

• Learn: Who is “included” in Christianity, and
who do we fear will be “excluded” when God
returns in Christ?
• Do: Andrew invited Peter to see the Lord. Who
could you invite to “see the Lord” at worship or
some other event or simply in conversation?
• Live: Try living “inclusively”, making a point to
include those people that you normally ignore
or side-line.

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