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Sing for Hope and Justice!

A Non-Profit Organization

This event took place during the summer of 2010

This summer, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ruiz are sponsoring “Sing for Hope and Justice” (S4HJ), a songwriting
contest to protest anti-immigrant laws like the one recently passed in Arizona. Over 200 contestants
submitted entries and, in late September, 15 finalists were invited to an awards ceremony. During this
event, each of the 15 contestants from California, New Mexico, Texas, Puerto Rico and Mexico sang
their song, and four of them shared $10,000 in cash prizes.

S4HJ has put together a CD with ten original songs protesting the Arizona law or singing about the fear
as well as the hopes and dreams of immigrants and their families everywhere. These songs serve to
inform and educate communities about the need to respect all peoples and find ways to unite rather than
divide. And, these songs also provide a great opportunity for small non-profits to raise funds to support
their work, especially advocacy work or services focused on low income immigrants and their families.

That is why S4HJ is eager to collaborate with local non-profit organizations and get these songs out into
as many communities as possible.

WHO Can Collaborate: Non-profit organizations that serve or advocate for low income immigrants and
their families collaborating with Sing for Hope and Justice (S4HJ).

WHAT Is Proposed: A collaborating fund-raising strategy selling CDs with ten original songs protesting
Arizona-like laws, and an advocacy model that advances the cause on behalf of low income immigrants
and their families through song.

How It Works: S4HJ donates 40% of proceeds to collaborating non-profits. CDs sell for $10 plus
shipping, if required. Suppose a collaborating non-profit organization sells 1,000 CDs or grosses
$10,000 in sales, S4HJ would donate $4,000 to the collaborating organization. S4HJ will use the
balance to manufacture more CDs, sustain the needs of the organization, and set aside additional funds
to donate to other worthy causes.

S4HJ is a non-profit organization that advocates for justice and fair play toward low income immigrants
and speaks out against bigotry and “jim crow” laws that racially profile Latinos and their families.
Moreover, S4HJ works to inform and educate the public and Latino community in particular about the
evils embedded in Arizona-type anti-immigrant laws. And, S4HJ supports humane and comprehensive
immigration reform that unites and not divides our families and communities.

S4HJ works to provide small grants to civic, education and service organizations that advocate for
and/or provide needed help to low income immigrants and their families. S4HJ depends as well on the
generous support of individuals and public and private sources to sustain its advocacy work and to
provide small grants to deserving local non-profits.
Paul F. Ruiz, PhD, Emeritus-Co founder
The Education Trust, Inc.; and
Board Chairman - National Institute of M. A. History of Civil Rights

paul ruiz <drruiz48@GMAIL.COM>

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