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Aim: Create your own page with your favorite hobbies.



<H2 ALIGN = CENTER> Hobbies Page</H2><BR><BR><BR>


ul { text-align: center;

padding: 0; }





<U><B>My Hobbies Are:<BR ><BR></U></B>

<Li>Playing With Codes</LI><BR>

<Li>Listening Music</LI><BR>

<Li>Internet Surfing</LI><BR>




Short answer Questions:

Ques: What is the syntax difference between a bulleted list and numbered list?

Ans: Bulleted lists use the <ul> tag, which stands for “unordered,” whereas <ol> is used to
create an ordered list.
Ques: What are some of the common lists that can be used when designing a page?

Ans: Some of the common lists that can be used are:

a) Ordered list

b) Unordered list

c) Definition list

d) Menu list

e) Directory list

Ques: Is it possible to list elements straight in an html file?

Ans: Yes, it is possible with the use of indents.

Ques: What are the attributes of ul?

Ans: Attribute name - <ul type=” ”>

Values – disc , circle , square.

Ques: What are the attributes of ol?

Ans. Attribute name – type, start.


Aim: Create a frameset that is divided into three sections. The frameset should have three zones.

• The Topmost section of the frameset should take up about just 15% of the

browser window. Name this frame title.

• The middle section should be 70% of the browser window. Name this frame title.

• The lower section should be 15% of the browser window. Name this frame menu.






<frameset rows="15%,75%,10%">

<frame name="frame1"src="a.html">

<frame name="frame2" src="b.html">

<frame name="frame3" src="c.html">




<title>FRAMES 1</title>



When you use frameset you split the visual real estate of a browser window into multiple
frames. Each frame has it�s own contents and the content in one don�t spill into the next.

An iframe, on the other hand, embeds a frame directly inline with the other elements of a

While both frames and iframes perform a similar function � embedding a resource into a
webpage � they are fundamentally different.

Frames are layout-defining elements.

Iframes are a content-adding elements.





<title>FRAMES 2</title>



<strong>The History and Future of Frames</strong>

Frames have been deemed obsolete by the W3C in HTML5. The reasoning given for this is
that frames create usability and accessibility issues. Let�s consider each of these charges.



The Problem with Frames

<br>Usability challenges: With the rise in popularity of mobile devices and tablets with small
displays it�s more important than ever that websites offer multiple views which change
based on the size of the device viewport. While frames can be manipulated to provide a
certain degree of responsiveness, they are simply not well-suited to creating responsive

<br><br> Accessibility challenges: Screen readers and other assistive technologies have a
very hard time understanding and communicating websites that use frames.
In addition to the accessibility and usability issues created by frames, the trend within web
design is to separate the content of a webpage from its presentation.


Content should be added and defined by markup such as HTML.

<br> Presentation should be manipulated with languages like CSS and JavaScript.

<br>Using frames is primarily about creating a specific look and layout, a presentation task
that should really be handled with CSS.


<br>To use frames on a page we use <frameset> tag instead of <body> tag. The <frameset>
tag defines, how to divide the window into frames. The rows attribute of <frameset> tag
defines horizontal frames and cols attribute defines vertical frames. Each frame is indicated
by <frame> tag and it defines which HTML document shall open into the frame.

<br> <br> Note - The <frame> tag deprecated in HTML5. Do not use this element.






<title>FRAMES 3</title>


<strong>The Future of Frames</strong>

While all modern browser offer support for frames today, the W3C has unequivocally stated
that frames “are not to be used by Web developers” and that support for frames in web
browsers is offered for historical purposes only.

If you have a website that makes use of frames you should start planning a website migration
away from frames. At some point in the future support for frames will be dropped by modern
web browsers, and when that happens websites build with frames will become unusable.



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