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GRADE LEVE: 5th UNIT: 4 WEEK OF: Story 4

Title of Selection Paragraph/Page/Text Structure Breakdown

Delivering Justice Page & Text
Genre Paragraph Structure
5.9D Recognize characteristics and structures of
Savannah, Georgia, 1932
informational text.
Pgs. 326- Westley felt luck at least
5.6B Generate questions about text before, during, and Sequence
327 he saw his own mama
after reading to deepen understanding and gain
once a week.

5.7B Write responses that demonstrate understanding of On one shopping trip, the
text, including comparing and contrasting ideas across a salesman would not serve
variety of sources. them until…
5.9 Recognize and analyze genre specific characteristics, But she treated his
structures, and purposes within and across increasingly grandma as if she were…
complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse Pgs.328-330 Problem
Most of the time, they
texts. were kept segregated
from whites.
Close Reads Focus Story Vocabulary Westley got angry that
Explain relationships segregation black….
between ideas mistreated Voter School, 1942
qualified The Youth Council started
Generate questions a special ”Voter School”…

Working as a Mailman,
Pgs. 331-
sequence 1949.
demonstrators February1960
After work, Westley
spend long evenings at
the NAACP….

sympathize After weeks of training,

small groups of students
Reading Comprehension made their way…
Expectations Westley called a mass
meeting the next
March 17, 1960
The Great Savannah
Pgs. 334-
Sequence Boycott …
Word Study Westley and other
members of the NAACP
organized a picket…
When he delivered mail to
white people, Westley
told them…

5.9D Explain relationships between Use word The mayor made sure that
Pgs. 339-
ideas origins Solution all the signs marking
separate facilities..
GRADE LEVE: 5th UNIT: 4 WEEK OF: Story 4

5.6B Generate questions

Overall Text Structure(s)
Sequence/ Chronological order
Signaling Words Key/Central Idea (Main Idea)
Nobody, would not, could not ,angry, scared, protest, In 1932, Levy Westley lived and experience segregation
boycott` along with his grandmother. In 1942, Westley became a
member of the NAACP. He helped black people to
register to vote and fight for equal rights in a peaceful
Essential Question (CPQ) Summary of Text
What does it mean to be free? In 1932, Levy Westley lived and experience segregation
along with his grandmother and family. In 1942 he
What are some things people can do when their freedom became a member of the NAACP. As a mailman and
is limited? member of the NAACP, he guided young voters to
register to vote and to boycott and have peaceful protest
event. September 1961, Savannah was the first southern
city to declare equality and end with segregation.

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