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DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET WOULD LIKE (+ noun) WOULD LIKE TO (+ verb) You You He would like | acupoftea. | |He wouldn't like She It would like to | drink tea. wouldn't like to- We They Yes, No, ! ' 1 you acupoftea? | | you you he like he he Would | she she | would. | she wouldn't. it like to | drink tea? it it we we we they they they (GRAMMAR NOTES: = 2A you 3. | don't understand this. | 4. Patrick 5. (A) Tom 6. (A) Can | help you? (8) Yes, | 7. My friends 8. (A) you 9. you 10. (A) you 14. What you 12. (A) Who “I would lke a cup of tea” is a more polite way to say, “I want a cup of tea.” “I would like a cup of tea” (etc.) is often contracted to “Td like a cup of tea” in speaking. “Yes, I would” Is never contracted to “Yes, I'd.” In response to an offer, “No, thank you." is considered more polite than ‘No, | wouldn't.” © Study the above boxes and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. |. Cm thirsty. | would like a glass of water, please. abreak? B: Yes, we come with us? (B) Yes, he come to the party next week. work on Saturday? (B) No, | some help with my homework. go to the supermarket. He needs milk. a ticket to Melbourne. chocolate ice-cream or vanilla-ice cream? see a movie? (B) No, | do tomorrow? some candy? (B) We ! Permission granted fo reproduce for classroom use. ® wnw.althingsgremmar com

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