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Online Lecture 24 March 2020

Go through Lecture Power Point Week 13:

What are the benefits of arts integration in an English lesson with reference to the concept of
assimilation, knowledge absorption, and value inculcation?

Give specific examples to support your ideas.

Online Lecture 25 March 2020

Watch the videos:

1. “Introduction to Remedial”
2. “How to Teach Remedial Reading”, and
3. “Tips to Teach Slow Learners”.

Read the articles:

1. Eastwell and Rennie (2002). Using Enrichment and Extracurricular Activities to Influence
Secondary Students’ Interest and Participation in Science. The Science Education Review,
1(4): 1 – 16.

2. Al-Zoubi, S. M. (2014). Effects of Enrichment Programs on the Academic Achievement of

Gifted and Talented Students. Journal for the Education of the Young Scientist and
Giftedness, 2(2): 22 – 27.

Answer these questions:

1. What are the possible factors causing learning difficulties among learners?
2. How do we detect learning difficulties?
3. What is remedial activity?
4. What are the objectives of remedial classes?
5. What is enrichment activity?
6. What are the effects of enrichment activities?
7. Give an example each for both remedial and enrichment activity for English that integrate
arts in the lesson.

Thematic approaches are often used to meet needs basic education in children's
development. This program is effective because integrating a variety of cultural
perspectives, experiences and expertise artistic. It fits the learning style, reflecting
culture and interest students and teachers. Themes are used as titles or subjects as
well as for exploring human experience from a perspective or perspective and
can cause issues. Themes provide meaning and purpose for learning.

A thematic approach involves the collection of materials, activities and techniques

organized around a concept or theme. It is a management tool that gives teachers
an opportunity to connect between subjects. This will avoid unstructured programs
resulting from unrelated daily lessons. Themed teaching unit also allows students to
connect between understanding, attitude and skills as well as curriculum areas.
In organizing a lesson using the Thematic Approach, students are given the
opportunity to explore, experience, and seek opportunities to express an applied

Theme Selection and Determination

Choosing a theme is an important step in developing a unit learning. There are many
themes and ways to categorize them that approach. Here, a guide to choosing a
possible theme is listed enhance the effectiveness of student teaching and learning:

(a) Selection of themes that need to be implemented in teaching and learning is as

(i) Concept based;
(ii) Skills based;
(iii) Content and skills based;
(iv) Focus on the issue;
(v) Focus on the project; and
(vi) Case study oriented.

(b) The selection of themes should take into account the following aspects:
(i) Can be integrated on all subjects
The selected theme should be applicable to all subjects. Example: “tree” theme.
Therefore, all subjects will apply this theme. In mathematics subjects, for example,
students can use the activity of counting some tree trunks somewhere. While in the
music subject, students will sing songs related to the tree and make movements
such as tree trunks, fallen trees and so on.

(ii) Appropriate and relevant to students’ life experience

Make sure the theme you choose is relevant to the students’ life experience so that it
is easy to interact and do the Art in Education activities effectively.

(iii) Suitable for situations, times or events

The theme chosen should be appropriate to the situation, time and events that are
happening nowadays to facilitate students in making connections between what is
taught with the actual situation.

(iv) Ease of access to materials and resources available used in the teaching and
learning process
Some justifications need to be in making the theme selection, especially in terms of
providing convenience materials and resources to be used in the teaching process
and learning so that teachers can teach by showing real examples and hands-on.

(v) Teachers are interested in the theme chosen in order to motivate and enhancing
student engagement in activities run.

(vi) The ranking of themes from simple to more challenging

Advantages, Strengths and Issues / Challenges of Thematic Approach

(a) Advantages of themed approaches to students;

(i) To create a fun and conducive atmosphere in the process of teaching and
(ii) To inculcate imagination through exploration;
(iii) Enables students to express their feelings through various activities based on
past knowledge and experience;
(iv) To meet challenges;
(v) Be able to make appropriate and relevant choices in life;
(vi) To improve interpersonal and intrapersonal skills;
(vii) Inculcating the values of empathy, harmony and understanding among others
multiculturalism; and
(viii) To develop holistic learning that integrates knowledge with skill.

(b) Strength
(i) Students have the opportunity to express their feelings based on verbal and non-
verbal experiences, whether in the form of movements, visual images, props,
sounds, and theme-based music given;
(i) The show will become more interesting through various activities and high
(ii) Students are more confident and learning more fun;
(iii) Opportunity to inculcate and relate ideas and new imaginations;
(iv) Be able to assess the concept's understanding through its activities run; and
(v) Able to associate knowledge with skill.
(c) Issues / Challenges
(i) Teachers’ proficiency in various subject areas;
(ii) To form a network of members within the group;
(iii) Variety of learning outcomes in different subject areas;
(iv) It is difficult to understand the scope of understanding;
(v) Difficulty in assessing due to students’ different abilities


The themed approach is the management of teaching and learning through a

selected topic or theme to suit the time, place, interest and students’ background.
The selected theme is intended as a resource for mastering skills such as speaking,
reading, writing,
mathematical, thinking and emotional as well as social. In addition, this approach
gives students the opportunity to expand their knowledge through the selected

Themes with the Subject Content

(a) How to select appropriate themes for use in the teaching and learning process
The basic principles for selecting a theme are an important step in the development
of a theme creation unit for improvisation, convenience and functionality. Choose
themes that are relevant to your daily life. and try to solve it.

(b) How to run a Thematic Approach

There are several different ways to introduce this unit:
(i) K-W-L Activity is a technique that teachers can use to introduce a themed
· K (know) --- What do I know about this title?
· W (want) --- What do I want to know about this title?
· L (learn) --- What did I learn from this title?
(ii) Find a speaker to talk about a title like nature, communication, accounting,
climate, poetry and other things like science, religion, morals and life skills.
(iii) An easy way to start a unit is by reading a story to the class,
(iv) Show pictures or video recordings for start a unit - if the titles are about sound,
a collage of pictures can be displayed at on the bulletin boards to show various
examples of humans and machines.
(v) Play a recording or cassette.
(vi) Expose students to poetry, for example language and music.
(vii) Expose students to observational activities, for example science and math.
(viii) Bring teaching aids such as sea corals.

Themes from science, mathematics, local studies and languages can be taught by
incorporating visual art and movement to make the teaching and learning experience
a meaningful process.

Themes with Skills

The selected theme should be a theme that enhances students' personal skills
especially 3M skills (reading, writing and counting). These skills are the backbone of
the nation's educational philosophy that can enhance the overall level of students'
intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual and social potential.


Environmental Themes

Organisms live in an inseparable environment and constantly interact with one

another. The environment encompasses physical and social elements. The physical
environment of a variety of materials, space for play and ample time can have an
impact on children's development. The social environment is influenced by parenting
styles, interactions with peers and support. These physical and social elements
interact with the child's developmental stages, past experiences, time and space.
The three elements in the environment that influence living organisms are nature,
man-made and technological. The ecosystem will balance the environment so that
all life is in harmony. Changes caused by human activities to the environment such
as forest exploration, housing construction sites and others will have a positive and
negative impact on human life. Technology has brought growth and change to
humans. Technology has also created a world without borders and has introduced
the concept of globalization. In art, technology offers ways to achieve artistic goals,
intellectuals, production and performance.
In teaching and learning, themes related to the environment can be used to enhance
creativity and understanding among students. The title of 'environment' can be
taught through other subjects such as music, visual arts and physical education. At
the same time, themes related to the environment can also be used to teach other
subjects such as science, language, mathematics by using other subjects such as
music, visual arts and physical education.

(a) Environment - Nature

Through the environment the students are expected to be able to understand more
clearly the role and understanding of natural environment. Nature embraces all
aspects of its environment, the place and habitat of all living things and interacts with
one another in a balanced ecosystem. Learning about nature also educates the
community to be more sensitive and responsible in addressing environmental issues
and instills a love for the environment, an this helps to improve the teaching and
learning process.

(b) Environment - Man-made Nature

In addition to nature, man-made environments are also plays an important role in our
lives. These man-made environments include houses, building construction,
construction machinery, furniture and more. Students will be able to identify:
(i) Impact of recycled materials (Science)
(ii) Produces a strong and gentle sound (Music)
(iii) Demonstrate brush strokes according to the sound produced at the construction
site (Visual Arts)
(iv) Demonstrate manipulative movements using recycled materials (Physical

(c) Environment - Technology

The theme of the technology environment is globalization, a borderless world,
communication through the Internet, various forms of transportation and more. This
theme can be used to teach topics from other subjects such as language, science,
local studies and more.

A summary of the theme of the environment enables you to understand the concept
of the environment along with the advantages and uses of the elements involved. It
also aims to raise awareness of the importance of music, movement and visual arts
in teaching and learning about the example of "subject" titles in science subjects,
and in other subjects using environmental themes, for example the theme "jungle", in
essay writing. These environment themes can also help you explore creative
movements, images, sounds and help students express their feelings freely.

Themes of Society

Humans have existed many years ago. All of us including students are social beings
and share the same basic needs. Therefore, we need to belong, feel safe, be loved,
experience success and gain recognition. In human society, social and cultural
aspects are inseparable. We need to work together for the benefit of the community.
These social connections allow them to create activities to meet their leisure time.
These activities have been inherited throughout the generations and have become
so popular in society that they have become a culture within the community.
Children start their own life then grow into family relationships and move on to larger
groups in society. In this regard, we need to be flexible in paying particular attention
to the characteristics of social maturity and to consider how these phenomena
should be addressed in the best way in all stages of development.
Every human being is important in the life and environment of the child. Each person
also plays a role in creating various communities such as garbage collector, garbage
collector, gardener, cook in canteen, bus driver to take children to school. In addition
to social interactions in society, culture and racial issues can influence children's
socialization. Culture is a way of life that embraces a variety of backgrounds, families
and individuals. Diversity and diversity make the individual unique. The elements of
diversity include age, gender, ability, race, social status, religion, size and character.
These differences and differences can be fun and frustrating as we seek out
individual desires, interests and abilities. Teachers need to make sure that various
cultural materials are available for children's play.

(a) The Purpose of a Society-themed Approach

 Teaching and learning music, visual arts and movement will provide
opportunities for students to develop cognitive, effective and psychomotor
 A society-themed approach will help students choose and transfer ideas,
processing, synthesis and appreciation.
 Pupils apply skills such as selecting and transferring ideas, processing,
synthesis and appreciation to develop their knowledge of music, art and
movement and the production of creative works.
 Pupils understand that production and response in making music, art and
movement are intertwined between analysis and critique.
 Society-themed approaches also provide opportunities to understand the role
that music, art and movement play in human’s success.
 Pupils take an in-depth approach of their own values as well as others' values.
They can too combine music, art and movement with values, universal beliefs
and desires.
 They can finally understand the art of every culture is influenced by aesthetic
and social, political, economic ideas and others.
 Art teaching and learning sessions in education through community-themed
approach to cultural knowledge and history can help play a role in adaptation

Example activity: Family Tree

Here are some examples of activities that use themes society in a thematic
approach. This approach works in teaching the concept of "family" in other subjects.

In science education, family tree production as a project can help students

understand the process of science such as observing, making inferences,
communicating and interpreting data. The family tree presented as a diagram forms
a graphical presentation that communicates directly to students by providing a
variety of information about family members in a simple, direct and easy-to-
understand form.

Example: Family
· Humans live in different family groups
· Each family has its own history
· Humans use written language and spoken language for communicating
· Families teach children to appreciate something
· Families help one another.

The theme of society emphasizes on humanity, society and culture. Proper social
learning and related activities can help one to raise awareness and to gain a deeper
understanding of community and experience as well as appreciate the many cultures
that exist in our society. The students' experience based on the activities around the
Society Theme can help to enhance the teaching and learning process for music,
movement and visual arts.

Communication Themes
Communication refers to the behavior of one or more people responding to and
receiving news that occurs in context that has an impact and provides little
opportunity for feedback. All communications occur in contexts that contain at least
four dimensions namely physical, cultural, social and temporal psychology.
Physical context is a real environment in which communication takes place in the
same room or room or in the garden. Cultural context refers to the rules and norms
of communication, beliefs and attitudes that are passed on from one generation to
the next. Sociopsychological contexts include examples of relationship status among
participants, the role that humans play and the cultural regulation of things the
society in which communication takes place. While in the temporal context it involves
time and date and past when communication occurred.

Communication messages come in many forms. You can send and receive
messages through anyone or any combination of sensory organs. Although you
usually think of a message as verbal, you can also communicate non-verbally.
Examples are the clothes you wear, the way you walk, shake hands, nod your head,
comb your hair, sit back and smile. Everything about you is a form of communication.
Communication often has little effect on the person or persons involved in the
communication. For example, you can learn or learn how to analyze, synthesize, or
evaluate something. All of these are intellectual or cognitive effects. You may be able
to gain or change your attitude, beliefs, emotions and feelings. All of these are
affective effects. You might learn new body movements like throwing a ball or
painting and painting with verbal and non-verbal treatment. These are psychomotor

The message system used to communicate meaningfully with others. The system
contains verbal and non-verbal aspects. Verbal parts are the words, phrases and
sentences to use. While non-verbal forms include various elements — space
communication, time orientation, sign language, facial expressions, eye movements,
touch and variations in speed and tone of speech.

(a) Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is a system of conveying messages in the form of words,
phrases and sentences.
(b) Non-verbal Communication
Non-verbal forms contain various elements: space relationships,
time orientation, sign language, facial expressions, eye movements, touch and
variations in speed and tone of speech.

Teaching-learning strategies
Use gestures or body movements to communicate between when
evaluating/analysing animals.

(i) Visual arts

· On a piece of paper, you are required to draw the various animals you see while
walking in the forest.
· Apply collage techniques to animal drawings using different methods,

(ii) Movement
· Ask students to mimic the different animals they encounter in the forest. Use the
'Follow Like Me’ style to help students gain an understanding of the concept of
differences between animals.

(iii) Science and movement

· By using the body show different movements performed by different animals:
climbing, crawling, chasing, walking slowly and jumping.

(iv) Music and mathematics

· On the marked floor, while performing different animal movements with varying
tempos of percussion instruments, students follow the leader to concentrate on the
following types of geometry:
- Triangles are the same;
- Squared;
- Rectangular;
- Pentagon;
- Hexagon;
- Octagon; and
- Circle.

(v) Mathematics and science

· Organize the animals you find. Use a a tally method to show the number of animals
you have classified.
(vi) Math and visual arts
· • Draw a photograph to show different animals based on physical characteristics.
Draw the appropriate icons for represents different animals for use in building the
· (Vi) Math and visual arts
• Draw a photograph to show different animals based on physical characteristics.
Draw appropriate icons to represent different animals to be used in the photograph.

· This topic helps you understand themed approaches and activities related to the
theme of environment, community and communication.
· This topic enhances your level of understanding and awareness to delve deeper
into the themes and helps to enhance the teaching and learning process for music,
movement and visual arts.

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