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Table of Contents

Due to the complexity and broad nature of AB 3, the Fiscal Analysis Division has
prepared the following document, which is intended to identify the sections and
page numbers of the various reductions being proposed within the bill, along with
changes to legislation to effectuate the budget reductions. This document contains
the tables as described below.

Page #
Table 1 - Reductions to Operating Budgets by Department……………………….. 2-3

Table 2 - Reductions to K-12 - By Budget Account and Category………………… 4-6

Table 3 - Reductions to the Restricted Contingency Fund…………...……………. 7

Table 4 - Fund Sweeps/Transfers………………...…………………………………… 8-9

Table 5 -Federal Fund Offsets………………………………..………………………. 10

Table 6 - Reductions to One-Time Appropriations………………………...………… 11-12

Table 7- Enhanced Revenue Authority for Certain Budgets………………………. 13

Other Revisions in AB 3……………………………………………………………….. 14

Table 1 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions
Governor's Finance Office - Budget Reduction Plan Proposal by Department

FY 2021 BDR S-8

Revision to
FY 2021 FY 2021 Revised GF Section
Appropriation Operating Appropriation % References
Back Language
Dept Desc Amount Reductions Amount Reduction (page #)
Sec. 44, page 28 - Reduces funding for
broadband development for schools from
GOVERNOR'S OFFICE $ 24,726,140 $ 3,246,107 $ 21,480,033 13.13% Sec. 16 Pages 12-13 $1,000,000 to $594,973.
LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR'S OFFICE $ 747,758 $ 34,127 $ 713,631 4.56% Sec. 17 page 13
ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE $ 5,292,380 $ 405,227 $ 4,887,153 7.66% Sec. 18 page 13-14
SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE $ 19,400,913 $ 3,346,774 $ 16,054,139 17.25% Sec. 19 Page 14
TREASURER'S OFFICE $ 629,223 $ 201,276 $ 427,947 31.99% Sec. 20 page 14
CONTROLLER'S OFFICE $ 5,505,823 $ 550,582 $ 4,955,241 10.00% Sec. 21 page 14
Sec. 47, page 29 - Eliminates the ability of
$200,000 to fund a grant management system in
DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION $ 6,073,435 $ 817,738 $ 5,255,697 13.46% Sec. 22 Pages 14-15
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 to be transferred
between Fiscal Years.

JUDICIAL BRANCH $ 43,964,492 $ 1,974,808 $ 41,989,684 4.49% Sec 25 page 16

DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS $ 3,793,298 $ 402,392 $ 3,390,906 10.61% Sec. 28 pages 16-17
Sec. 16, Page 13 & Sec. 31,
DEPARTMENT OF INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES $ 2,862,995 $ 438,326 $ 2,424,669 15.31% Page 19
GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ 9,988,911 $ 3,139,872 $ 6,849,039 31.43% Sec. 27 page 16
DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION $ 36,780,540 $ 4,242,178 $ 32,538,362 11.53% Sec. 23 Page 15
COMMISSION ON ETHICS $ 244,951 $ 1,060 $ 243,891 0.43% Sec. 43 page 28
DEPARTMENT OF SENTENCING POLICY $ 488,311 $ 98,139 $ 390,172 20.10% Sec. 16 page 13
LEGISLATIVE BRANCH $ 36,134,457 $ 5,179,959 $ 30,954,498 14.34% Sec. 24 page 15
JUDICIAL DISCIPLINE COMMISSION $ 964,199 $ 35,418 $ 928,781 3.67% Sec. 26 page 16

Sec. 58, page 38 - Reduces funding for Adopt a

Vet Dental Program from $250,000 to $125,000
DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS SERVICES $ 2,537,166 $ 217,458 $ 2,319,708 8.57% Sec. 33 page 24
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION $ 1,546,266,638 $ 158,657,560 $ 1,387,609,078 10.3% See NDE-K12 Attachment
NEVADA SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION (NSHE) $ 694,855,461 $ 112,825,823 $ 582,029,638 16.24% Sec. 30 pages 18-19
Sec. 4 page 4-5 - eliminate $6,464,376 for
Medicaid and $5,869 for Check Up for a 2.5%
increase in acute care per diem rate increase.
Sec. 15, page 19, allows DHHS to transfer
appropriated sums among all its budget
Sec. 4, pages 4-5 and Sec.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES $ 1,536,807,595 $ 213,998,030 $ 1,322,809,565 13.92% 31, Pages 19-23
Sec. 48 and 49, pages 29-30: Revised the FY
2021 amounts that may be transferred to FY
ADJUTANT GENERAL $ 5,297,557 $ 741,657 $ 4,555,900 14.00% Sec. 32, pages 23-24 2020.
Sec. 46, pg 29 - Eliminates $1.45 million for out
of state inmates
DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS $ 320,506,125 $ 3,578,710 $ 316,927,415 1.12% Sec. 34 Pages 24-25
TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY $ 1,820,215 $ 254,831 $ 1,565,384 14.00% Sec. 38 page 26
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE $ 3,538,928 $ 475,292 $ 3,063,636 13.43% Sec. 36, Pages 25-26

GAMING CONTROL BOARD $ 32,168,483 $ 2,162,289 $ 30,006,194 6.72% Sec. 55,56 Pages 36-37

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 2 7/15/2020

Table 1 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY $ 71,442,161 $ 12,599,152 $ 58,843,009 17.64% Sec 42, Pages 27-28
Sec. 10 page 8 - eliminates $154,245 for the
Division of Outdoor Recreation.
Sec. 45 page 43 - modifies amount the
department may transfer between fiscal years for
contract services for the Conservation Credit
System Manual and Nevada's Scientific Methods
DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION & Document and Habitat Quantification Tool to
NATURAL RESOURCES $ 41,166,442 $ 3,963,892 $ 37,202,550 9.63% Sec. 37 page 26 align with budget reductions.
DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE $ 1,314,207 $ 596,787 $ 717,420 45.41% Sec. 39, Pages 26-27
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY $ 4,545,673 $ 863,678 $ 3,681,995 19.00% Sec. 35, Page 25
DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES $ 34,326 $ 6,522 $ 27,804 19.00% Sec 41 page 27
DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING & REHAB $ 5,234,615 $ 849,656 $ 4,384,959 16.23% Sec. 40 page 27
Total Operating Reductions $ 535,905,320

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 3 7/15/2020

Table 2 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions
Reductions to K-12 - By Budget Account and Category
Nevada Department of Education Proposed Budget Reductions for FY 2021
FY 2021 Balance FY 2021 FY 2021 FY 2021
Legislatively Forward from Operating One-Time Revised GF
Budget Category Approved GF FY 2020 to FY General Fund Appropriations FY 2021 Appropriation AB 3 AB 3
Budget Name # # Category Name Appropriation 2021 Reduction Reduction Sweeps Amount Sections Page Numbers
DISTRIBUTIVE SCHOOL ACCOUNT 2610 16 Class Size Reduction 165,487,286 18,146,459 147,340,827 Sec. 65, 66 42-44
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 8 Incentive for Continuing Teacher Title I (A.B. 196) - 2,799,665 2,799,665 - Sec. 87 61-62
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 9 Incentive for New Teacher Title I - 1,195,185 1,195,185 - Sec. 87 61-62
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 10 Incentive for Transfer Teacher Title I - 1,005,150 1,005,150 - Sec. 87 61-62
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 18 NV Ready 21 Technology Grants 1,474,904 1,474,904 - Sec. 87 61-62
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 14 S.B. 551 Block Grant (Remaining FY 2020 Funding) 6,952 6,952 - Sec. 87 61-62
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 20 A.B. 309 Block Grants (Remaining FY 2020 Funding) 973 973 - Sec. 87 61-62
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 Treasurer's Interest (budgeted vs. actual) 163,306 163,306 - Sec. 87 61-62
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 86 Prior Year's Interest (FY 2020 Reserve) 1,637,244 1,637,244 - Sec. 87 61-62
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 14 S.B. 551 Block Grant 36,848,070 1,047,536 35,800,534 Sec. 53 33-34
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 15 & 16 Zoom & EL Rurals & SPCSA 49,950,000 501,775 49,448,225 Sec. 72 51-53
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 17 Victory Schools 23,824,084 1,847,329 21,976,755 Sec. 73 53-54
SCHOOL REMEDIATION TRUST FUND 2615 20 A.B. 309 Block Grants 19,307,977 149,767 19,158,210 Sec. 54, 76 34-36, 55
INCENTIVES FOR LICENSED EDUCATION PERSONNEL 2616 Sweep of Portion of Account Balance 600,000 600,000 - Sec. 88 62
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS 2618 10 Great Teaching and Leading Fund 94,591 94,591 - Sec. 103, 129 64, 76-77
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS 2618 11 Regional Professional Development Program 7,667,393 327,696 7,339,697 Sec. 74, 75 54, 54-55
INSTRUCTION IN FINANCIAL LITERACY 2620 12 Financial Literacy Professional Development Sub Grant 750,000 750,000 - Sec. 81 58-59
COMPUTER ED & TECHNOLOGY 2671 10 Computer Ed & Tech Program (S.B. 313) - 100,000 100,000 - Sec. 106, 127 64, 74
NEW NEVADA EDUCATION FUNDING PLAN 2677 10 New Nevada Education Funding Plan 69,937,000 69,937,000 - Sec. 79, 126 57, 73-74
2677 10 New Nevada Education Funding Plan 1,868,043 1,868,043 - Sec. 104, 126 64, 73-74
SCHOOL SAFETY 2698 19 Social or Other Licensed Mental Health Workers 1,358,455 720,000 638,455 Sec. 5 5-6
SCHOOL SAFETY 2698 20 School Resource/Police Officers 2,750,000 1,957,336 792,664 Sec. 6 6-7
SCHOOL SAFETY 2698 21 Facility Improvements (Excluding CCSD and WCSD) - 876,020 - 876,020 - Sec. 82(a) 59
SCHOOL SAFETY 2698 23 Facility Improvements (Including CCSD and WCSD, S.B. 551) 8,404,930 - 8,404,930 - Sec. 52 32
SCHOOL SAFETY 2698 24 Social Emotional Learning 2,350,000 2,350,000 - Sec. 7 7
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 11 Read by Third Grade 31,429,229 31,429,229 - Sec. 67, 71 44-47, 50-51
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 13 Underperforming Schools Turnaround 2,500,000 2,500,000 - Sec. 67, 70 44-47, 49
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 14 School Garden Program (S.B. 458) 205,000 - 205,000 - Sec. 12, 13, 14 9-12
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 25 Jobs for America's Graduates 4,201,645 588,230 3,613,415 Sec. 67(7f) 46
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 27 College and Career Readiness 5,000,000 5,000,000 - Sec. 69 48-49
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 43 Computer Education & Technology (S.B. 313) 700,000 700,000 - Sec. 63 40-42
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 46 Special Elementary Counseling 850,000 850,000 - Sec. 67(7g) 46
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 49 Educational Leadership 500,000 300,000 200,000 Sec. 67(7l) 46-47
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 50 Teaching & Educator Preparation 750,000 750,000 - Sec. 67(7k) 46
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 73 CCR Diploma Incentives 1,314,000 1,314,000 - Sec. 68 47-48
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 78 CTE programs 13,543,822 1,000,000 12,543,822 Sec. 67(7e) 46
OTHER STATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS 2699 80 Adult Education 19,260,398 1,227,646 18,032,752 Sec. 67(4) 44-45
BULLYING PREVENTION ACCOUNT 2704 36 Bullying Grants 45,000 45,000 - Sec. 77 56
TEACHERS' SCHOOL SUPPLIES ASSISTANCE ACCOUNT 2717 10 Teacher School Supply Reimbursement 4,499,000 1,000 4,499,000 1,000 - Sec. 80, 105, 125 57-58, 64, 73
TEACH NEVADA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2718 10 Teach NV Scholarship 2,407,861 1,794,681 613,180 Sec. 78 56-57
Subtotal K-12 Education Categorical Programs 475,841,150 11,823,033 149,732,684 12,285,615 8,147,348 317,498,536

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 4 7/15/2020

Table 2 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions
Nevada Department of Education Proposed Budget Reductions for FY 2021
FY 2021 Balance FY 2021 FY 2021 FY 2021
Legislatively Forward from Operating One-Time Revised GF
Budget Category Approved GF FY 2020 to FY General Fund Appropriations FY 2021 Appropriation AB 3 AB 3
Budget Name # # Category Name Appropriation 2021 Reduction Reduction Sweeps Amount Sections Page Numbers
EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS 2612 3 In-State Travel 4,830 1,449 3,381 Sec. 29 17-18
EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS 2612 11 Financial Literacy Administration (A.B. 543 and S.B. 314) 15,000 15,000 - Sec. 51 31-32
EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS 2612 14 Teacher Recruitment & Retention Task Force (A.B. 276) 7,692 7,692 - Sec. 64 42
EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS 2612 29 Teachers and Leaders Council 8,790 4,395 4,395 Sec. 29 17-18
EDUCATIONAL TRUST ACCOUNT 2614 Sweep of Portion of Account Balance 830,051 375,000 455,051 Sec. 86 &120 61, 66-68
ACCOUNT FOR ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS 2672 1 Personnel 101,115 101,115 - Sec. 29 17-18
ACCOUNT FOR ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS 2672 12 Indirect Cost 27,641 19,479 8,162 Sec. 29 17-18
ACCOUNT FOR ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS 2672 71 Personnel Services (PCN Transferred to GEAR UP, 25% GF) - (25,279) 25,279 Sec. 29 17-18
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 2673 1 Personnel Services (Hold PCN Vacant and Modify GF to ESS 1,433,088 357,028 1,076,060 Sec. 29, 116 17-18, 66
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 2673 2 Out-of-State Travel 6,292 2,078 4,214 Sec. 29 17-18
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 2673 3 In-State Travel 36,677 12,103 24,574 Sec. 29 17-18
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 2673 16 State Board of Education Travel 4,590 2,296 2,294 Sec. 29 17-18
STANDARDS AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 2675 1 Personnel Services (Change Funding Source from GF to GEE 1,122,403 85,787 1,036,616 Sec. 29, 117 17-18, 66
STANDARDS AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 2675 3 In-State Travel 20,288 6,695 13,593 Sec. 29 17-18
STANDARDS AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 2675 31 Nevada Ready 21 Administrative Costs 7,200 1,457 5,743 Sec. 29 17-18
STANDARDS AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 2675 32 Technology Commission 8,788 3,288 5,500 Sec. 29 17-18
CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION 2676 26 Information Systems 18,023 2,318 15,705 Sec. 29 17-18
CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION 2676 78 CTE Program 56,000 17,810 38,190 Sec. 29 17-18
ASSESSMENTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY 2697 1 Personnel Services 1,536,321 65,470 1,470,851 Sec. 29 17-18
ASSESSMENTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY 2697 26 Information Systems 10,077 2,044 8,033 Sec. 29 17-18
ASSESSMENTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY 2697 33 Academic Standards Council 5,934 5,934 - Sec. 29 17-18
ASSESSMENTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY 2697 35 End of Course Examinations 1,013,969 1,013,969 - Sec. 29 17-18
ASSESSMENTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY 2697 44 State Assessment Administration 81,596 3,365 78,231 Sec. 29 17-18
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT 2706 2 Out-of-State Travel 2,303 760 1,543 Sec. 29 17-18
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT 2706 3 In-State Travel 2,527 834 1,693 Sec. 29 17-18
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT 2706 26 Information Systems 3,038 2,146 892 Sec. 29 17-18
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT 2706 32 Council on Parental Involvement 6,774 3,387 3,387 Sec. 29 17-18
OFFICE OF EARLY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT 2709 33 NV Ready Pre-K Administration 200,047 95,311 104,736 Sec. 29 17-18
OFFICE OF EARLY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT 2709 34 NV Ready Pre-K Aid to Schools 19,754,875 6,217,847 13,537,028 Sec. 29 17-18
STUDENT AND SCHOOL SUPPORT 2712 1 Personnel Services 2,393,548 183,954 2,209,594 Sec. 29 17-18
STUDENT AND SCHOOL SUPPORT 2712 3 In-State Travel 10,452 3,449 7,003 Sec. 29 17-18
STUDENT AND SCHOOL SUPPORT 2712 9 External Evaluations 265,000 165,000 100,000 Sec. 29 17-18
STUDENT AND SCHOOL SUPPORT 2712 17 Commission on Mentoring (A.B. 543 and A.B. 235) 25,987 - 25,000 987 Sec. 1 3-Feb
STUDENT AND SCHOOL SUPPORT 2712 26 Information Systems 32,825 8,583 24,242 Sec. 29 17-18
STUDENT AND SCHOOL SUPPORT 2712 28 English Mastery Council 7,025 713 6,312 Sec. 29 17-18
LITERACY PROGRAMS 2713 3 In-State Travel 4,464 1,473 2,991 Sec. 29 17-18
LITERACY PROGRAMS 2713 11 Read by Third Grade 185,000 143,000 42,000 Sec. 29 17-18
LITERACY PROGRAMS 2713 26 Information Systems 6,466 4,292 2,174 Sec. 29 17-18
INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT 2715 33 Gifted and Talented Ed Admin 27,216 1,485 25,731 Sec. 29 17-18
DATA SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 2716 3 In-State Travel 1,314 434 880 Sec. 29 17-18
DATA SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 2716 27 Statewide Accountability Information NV (SAIN) 240,160 946 239,214 Sec. 29 17-18
DISTRICT SUPPORT SERVICES 2719 11 Audit Travel & Training 14,988 4,769 10,219 Sec. 29 17-18
DISTRICT SUPPORT SERVICES 2719 13 Out-of-State Audit Travel (S.B. 485) - 36,000 36,000 - Sec. 82(n) 61
DISTRICT SUPPORT SERVICES 2719 26 Information Systems 24,964 2,146 22,818 Sec. 29 17-18

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 5 7/15/2020

Table 2 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions
Nevada Department of Education Proposed Budget Reductions for FY 2021
FY 2021 Balance FY 2021 FY 2021 FY 2021
Legislatively Forward from Operating One-Time Revised GF
Budget Category Approved GF FY 2020 to FY General Fund Appropriations FY 2021 Appropriation AB 3 AB 3
Budget Name # # Category Name Appropriation 2021 Reduction Reduction Sweeps Amount Sections Page Numbers
DISTRICT SUPPORT SERVICES 2719 1 Personnel Services 1,836,092 186,012 1,650,080 Sec. 29 17-18
SAFE AND RESPECTFUL LEARNING 2721 3 In-State Travel 11,980 3,953 8,027 Sec. 29 17-18
SAFE AND RESPECTFUL LEARNING 2721 26 Information Systems 12,361 4,190 8,171 Sec. 29 17-18
SAFE AND RESPECTFUL LEARNING 2721 36 Bullying Training 15,000 15,000 - Sec. 29 17-18
SAFE AND RESPECTFUL LEARNING 2721 37 Bullying Informational Materials 13,000 13,000 - Sec. 29 17-18
SAFE AND RESPECTFUL LEARNING 2721 86 Reserves (Vacant Medicaid EPP Approved by IFC in 2/2020) 120,699 120,699 - Sec. 29 17-18
Subtotal Department of Education Budgets 31,574,470 36,000 8,924,876 25,000 375,000 22,285,594
TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (DEPT AND CAT) 507,415,620 11,859,033 158,657,560 12,310,615 8,522,348 339,784,130

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 6 7/15/2020

Table 3 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions

AB 3 - IFC Restricted Contingency Fund Reductions

AB - 3
Budget References
Description Reduction (page #)
AB500 - Smart 21 - HR & Financial System $ 8,100,000
AB 516 - Marsy's Law $ 10,000,000
AB 543 - Supreme Court $ 1,290,292
Section 101
AB 445 - Taxation - Market Faciliators $ 458,355
pages 63-64
SB 528 - SPWD Grant Sawyer relocation $ 1,000,000
SB 543 - NDE Pupil Centered Funding Plan $ 5,379,652
TOTAL $ 26,228,299

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 7/15/2020

Table 4 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions

AB 3 - Fund Transfers/Sweeps
AB 3
Account Balance % References
Fund/Account as of 7/8/2020 Sweep Amount Reduction (page #)

Charter School Loan Program $ 713,211 $ 400,000 56.1% Sec. 83, Page 61

Employment Security Penalties and Interest $ 14,000,460 $ 6,000,000 42.9% Sec. 84 page 61

Promise Scholarship $ 3,863,168 $ 1,063,168 27.5% Sec. 85 page 61

Education Trust Fund $ 670,372 $ 375,000 55.9% Sec. 86 &120, Page 61, 66-68

School Remediation Trust $ 40,997,407 $ 1,637,244 4.0% Sec. 87, Pages 61-62

School Remediation Trust $ 6,952 0.0% Sec. 87, Pages 61-62

School Remediation Trust $ 973 0.0% Sec. 87, Pages 61-62

School Remediation Trust $ 163,306 0.4% Sec. 87, Pages 61-62

School Remediation Trust $ 1,474,904 3.6% Sec. 87, Pages 61-62

School Remediation Trust $ 2,200,335 5.4% Sec. 87, Pages 61-62

Professional Development Programs $ 7,667,393 $ 94,591 1.2% Sec. 103, Page 64

Computer Ed & Technology $ 100,000 $ 100,000 100.0% Sec 106, Page 64

Teachers' School Supplies Assistance
Account $ 4,499,000 $ 1,000 0.0% Sec 105, Page 64

Incentive-License Ed Personnel $ 1,866,366 $ 600,000 32.1% Sec. 88, Sec. 128 Pages 62; 74-76

New Nevada Education Funding Plan $ 1,868,043 Sec. 104, Sec. 126 Pages 64, 73-74

Graffiti Reward Fund $ 21,204 $ 21,204 100.0% Sec. 89, Page 62

Construction Ed Account $ 177,855 $ 100,000 56.2% Sec. 90, Page 62

Severe Financial Emergency $ 544,530 $ 300,000 55.1% Sec. 91, Page 62

Health Care Facilities Admin Penalty $ 223,867 $ 100,000 44.7% Sec 82.1.(i), page 60

Alcohol Tax Program $ 705,425 $ 500,000 70.9% Sec. 92, page 62. Sec. 131, page 77.

Sagebrush Ecosystem Account $ 1,319,367 $ 133,181 10.1% Sec 93 page 62

Prison Ranch $ 2,107,322 $ 350,000 16.6% Sec. 82(J) Page 60

Prison Industry $ 2,169,166 $ 250,000 11.5% Sec. 82(K) Page 60

GOED Small Business Enterprise Loan $ 478,022 $ 478,022 100.0% Sec 94, pages 62-63

Fiscal Analysis Division 8 7/15/2020

Table 4 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions
AB 3
Account Balance % References
Fund/Account as of 7/8/2020 Sweep Amount Reduction (page #)

Tort Claim Fund $ 5,475,996 $ 960,000 17.5% Sec. 95, page 63

Inmate Welfare /Store Fund $ 15,660,295 $ 8,000,000 51.1% Sec. 96 Page 63

Bond Interest & Redemption $ 156,499,511 $ 9,000,000 5.8% Sec. 97 Page 63

(AB 1 of the 31st Special Sessio n)
PEBP N/A $ 12,000,000 N/A Sec 2, page 3-4

Healthy Nevada Fund $ 36,998,816 $ 16,851,440 45.5% Sec. 98, Page 63

Disaster Relief Account $ 6,880,155 $ 7,000,000 101.7% Sec. 99, Page 63

Behavioral Health Prevention & Treatment
AG Settlement Funds $ 6,470,473 $ 1,698,944 26.3% Sec. 82.1(l), page 60

AG Settlement Fund $ 29,444,095 $ 11,098,370 37.7% Sec. 100, Page 63

AG State Settlements $ 2,404,964 $ 112,394 4.7% Sec. 82(m) page 61

IFC Restricted Contingency $ 41,619,956 $ 26,228,299 63.0% Sec. 101, Pages 63-64

Millennium Scholarship $ 3,405,224 $ 2,000,000 58.7% Sec 107, page 64

TOTAL $ 113,167,370

Fiscal Analysis Division 9 7/15/2020

Table 5 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions

AB 3 - Federal Fund Offset

AB 3
Federal CARES Section
Budgeted Act Funds References
General Funds Substituted (page #)
State Agency
DeparteDepartment of Health and Human Services
Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
Field Services Division $ 13,985,573 $ 13,985,573 Sec. 109 page 65

Division of Public and Behavioral Health

So. NV Adult Mental Health $ 780,972 $ 780,972 Sec. 110 page 65

No. NV Adult Mental Health $ 427,386 $ 427,386 Sec. 111 page 65

Biostatistics and Epidemiology $ 27,368 $ 27,368 Sec. 112 page 65

Department of Education
Office of the superintendent $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Sec. 116 page 66

Standards and Instructional Support $ 85,787 $ 85,787 Sec. 117 page 66

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 7/15/2020

Table 6 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions

AB 3 - General Fund One-Time Appropriations

Fiscal Year 2021

FY 2021 BDR S-8

FY 2021 One-Time Section
2019 Appropriation Appropriations % References
Legislature Description Appropriation To Amount Reduction Reduction (page #)

NDVS- Adopt a Vet Department of Veterans

AB487 Dental Program Services $ 250,000 $ 125,000 50.00% Sec 58, page 38
Nevada Department of
Education-Other State Sec. 12,13 &14
SB458 School Gardens Education Programs $ 205,000 $ 205,000 100.00% Pages 9-12
Grants for Nevada Department of
Mentorship Education
AB235 Programs $ 25,000 $ 25,000 100.00% Sec. 1, Pages 2-3

Science Innovation &

SB402 K-5 STEM Grant Technology $ 250,000 $ 250,000 100.00% Sec. 57, page 38.

Regional Stem Science Innovation &

SB402 Networks Technology $ 300,000 $ 300,000 100.00% Sec. 57, page 38.

School Safety -
Facility Nevada Department of
SB551 Improvements Education-School Safety $ 8,404,930 $ 8,404,930 100.00% Sec. 52, Page 32
NV Center for Civic Governor's Finance Office - Sec. 59, 60 Pages
SB193 Engagement Special Appropriations $ 175,000 $ 175,000 100.00% 39-40
Lou Ruvo Center for Governor's Finance Office -
SB528 Brain Health Special Appropriations $ 542,343 $ 542,343 100.00% Sec. 3 Pages 3-4
Department of Health &
Prevent the use of Human Services- Public &
SB263 Tobacco Behavioral Health $ 2,500,000 $ 1,472,680 58.91% Sec. 11, page 9
New electronic Department of Health &
medical Record Human Services- Sec. 82.1(h), page
AB520 system Community Health Services $ 112,000 $ 112,000 100.00% 60

Radio System Nevada Department of Sec 82.1(g), page

SB534 Upgrade Transportation $ 3,645,989 $ 1,800,000 49.37% 60
Personnel Costs for Parole and Probation
AB236 Quality Assurance $ 421,466 $ 421,466 100.00% Sec. 2 Page 3
Sub-grant to
organizations for use
to recruit and train
persons to serve as Attorney General's Office -
sexual assault Violence Against Women
AB176 victims advocates. Grants $ 150,000 $ 150,000 100.00% Sec. 61 Page 40
Sec. 102
Grant match Dept. of Admin. Grants $ 1,000,000 $ 29,822 2.98%
Page 64
SB528 program Office

Statewide Financial Sec. 82(b), page

AB500 System upgrade SMART 21 $ 32,970,373 $ 5,265,000 16.00% 60

Technical Advisory DCNR - Office of State

AB229 Program Historic Preservation $ 20,000 $ 20,000 100.00% Sec 8 pages 7-8

Alpha Migration
SB512 Project Gaming Control Board $ 7,218,698 $ 3,947,460 54.68% Sec. 82(c) Page 60

Offender Tracking DPS-Division of Parole and

SB515 Information System Probation $ 2,711,874 $ 675,449 24.91% Sec. 82(d) Page 60
School Safety -
Facility Nevada Department of Sec. 82(1a), Page
SB555 Improvements Education-School Safety $ 7,500,000 $ 876,020 11.68% 59

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 11 7/15/2020

Table 6 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions

FY 2021 BDR S-8

FY 2021 One-Time Section
2019 Appropriation Appropriations % References
Legislature Description Appropriation To Amount Reduction Reduction (page #)

Deferred Sec. 82 (e) & (f)

SB525 Maintenance DCNR - Division of Forestry $ 820,000 $ 378,460 46.20% page 60
Teacher Incentives Nevada Department of
Title I Continuing Education - School Sec. 87 Pages 61-
AB 196 Teachers Remediation Trust $ 5,000,000 $ 2,799,665 55.99% 62
Sec. 82(m) page
Attorney General $ 112,394 61
Total One-Time Appropriations $ 28,087,689

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 12 7/15/2020

Table 7 AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions

Enhanced Revenue Authority FY 2021

AB 3
Enhancement to Section
Authorized References
State Agency Funding (page #)
DHHS - Division of Welfare and Supportive Services $ 13,985,573 Sec. 109 Page 65
DHHS - Division of Public and Behavioral Health $ 780,972 Sec. 110, page 65
$ 427,386 Sec. 111, page 65
$ 27,368 Sec 112, page 65
Office of the State Treasurer $ 144,830 Sec 113, page 65
NDOW - Diversity $ 27,657 Sec. 114, page 65-66
NDOW - Habitat $ 156,331 Sec. 115, Page 66
Department of Education - Office of the Superintendent $ 300,000 Sec. 116, Page 66
Department of Education - Standards and Instructional Support $ 85,787 Sec. 117, Page 66
AGRI - Agriculture Registration/Enforcement $ 121,131 Sec. 118, Page 66

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 7/15/2020

AB 3
Section References and
General Fund Reductions

Other revisions in AB 3
Section 9 page 8 adds the provision that money in the Grant matching furn
can pe used for any purpose authorized by the Legislature.

Section 119 page 66 suspends the transfer to the Rainy Day fund Pursuent
to NRS 353.288.

Sec. 123 Page 71 amends NRS 232.161 (Account to Restore the

Sagebrush Ecosystem) to add “For any other purpose authorized by the
Legislature” as an allowable use of funds in this account

Sec 120, pg 67-68. Allows for funds in the Offenders' Store Fund to be
used for any other purpose authorized by the legislature.

Sec. 131, page 77, adds the provision that money in the Tax Liquor
Account can be used for any purpose authorized by the Legislature
(concerns sweep of the Alcohol Tax Prorgam).

Section 120, pages 66-68 adds the provision that money in the Educational
Trust Account can be used for any purpose authorized by the Legislature.

Section 125, page 73 adds the provision that money in the Teachers'
School Supplies Asistance Account can be used for any purpose authorized
by the Legislature.

Section 126, pages 73-74 adds the provision that money in the New Nevada
Education Funding Plan can be used for any purpose authorized by the

Section 127, pages 74 adds the provision that money in the Account for
Computer Education and Technology can be used for any purpose
authorized by the Legislature.

Section 128, pages 74-76adds the provision that money in the Grant Fund
for Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnal can be used for any
purpose authorized by the Legislature.

Section 129, pages 76-77 adds the provision that money in the Great
Teaching and Leading Fund can be used for any purpose authorized by the

Prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division 7/15/2020

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