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A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Question-1: `ywU msL¨vi †hvMdj 1120 Ges we‡qvMdj eo msL¨vwUi 2/3 Ask| msL¨v `yBwU KZ? [Bangladesh Bank
Answer: 840 & 280
Question-2: wZb fvB †ev‡bi eq‡mi Mo 16 eQi| wcZvmn fvB‡ev‡bi eq‡mi Mo 25 eQi| wcZvi eqm KZ?
[Bangladesh Bank Officer-1986]
Answer: 52 years

Question-3: wZb N›Uvq 7 wK‡jvwgUvi c_ AwZµg Ki‡j, 3 N›Uv 4 wgwb‡U KZ c_ AwZµg Kiv hv‡e| [Bangladesh
Bank Officer-1986] Answer:

Question-4: gy¯Ívdv I Kvgv‡ji Av‡qi AbycvZ 3: 5| gy¯Ívdvi Avq 25 UvKv n‡j Kvgv‡ji Avq KZ? [Bangladesh Bank

Question-5: 12 dzU eM© GKwU eMv©Kvi N‡ii †g‡S 27 Bw PIov Kv‡c©U Øviv Ave„Z Ki‡Z KZ MR Kv‡c©U jvM‡e|
[Bangladesh Bank Officer-1986]
Answer: feet or 21.33 Yard

Question-6: GK e¨w³ ‣`wbK 7 N›Uv cwik&ªg K‡i †h KvR 18 w`‡i K‡i †m •`wbK 9 N›Uv cwikÖg Ki‡j H KvR KZ w`‡b
Ki‡Z cvi‡e? [Bangladesh Bank Officer-1986]
Answer: days

Question-7: UvKvq 10wU Avg wK‡b UvKvq 12wU weµq Ki‡j kZKiv KZ jvf ev ÿwZ nq| [Bangladesh Bank
Answer: %

Question-8: [Bangladesh Bank Officer-1986]


Question-1: kZKiv 20 fvM Kwgkb †`Iqvi ci GK e¨w³ GKwU eB 4.80 UvKvq weµq Ki‡j Avmj KZ? [Bangladesh
Bank Officer-1988]

Question-2: kZKiv evwl©K †h nv‡i 1024 UvKvq 4.5 eQ‡ii my` 228 UvKv nq, Zvi wظb nv‡i 256 UvKv 2.5 eQ‡ii mij
my` KZ n‡e? [Bangladesh Bank Officer-1988]

Question-3: GK †jvK K n‡Z L ch©šÍ N›Uvq 10 gvBj MwZ‡Z †`․‡o †Mj Ges L n‡Z N›Uvq 2.5 gvBj MwZ‡Z G‡jv| G‡Z
Zvi †gvU mgq jvM‡jv 3 N›Uv| K I L Gi g‡a¨ `~iZ¡ KZ gvBj? [Bangladesh Bank Officer-1988]
Answer: 6 miles
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Question-4: hw` 7 gvBj 11.27 wK‡jvwgUv‡ii mgvb nq Z‡e 9.6 wK‡jvwgUvi KZ gvBj n‡e? [Bangladesh Bank
Answer: 6 miles

Question-1: K,L I M Gi eq‡mi Mo 25 eQi Ges K,L,M I N Gi eq‡mi Mo 27 eQi| Zvn‡j N Gi eqm KZ?
[Bangladesh Bank AD-1990]
Answer: 33 years

Question-2: 80 UvKvq 5 eQ‡ii my` 50 UvKv n‡j, kZKiv evwl©K my‡`i nvi KZ? [Bangladesh Bank AD-1990]

Question-3: GKwU N‡ii •`N¨© 18 dzU Ges cÖ¯’ 12 dyU| cÖwZ eM©MR 270 UvKv g‡~j¨i Kv‡c©U w`‡q H N‡ii †g‡S XvK‡Z
KZ UvKv LiP n‡e| [Bangladesh Bank AD-1990]

Question-4: jwNó KZ msL¨K wjPz 6,8 A_ev 10 evj‡Ki g‡a¨ fvM K‡i †`Iqv ‡h‡Z cv‡i| [Bangladesh Bank AD-
1990] Solution: LCM of 6,8,10 be 120 (Answer)

Question-5: K Ges L Gi eq‡mi AbycvZ 4:7| Zv‡`i eq‡mi AšÍi 15 eQi n‡j K Ges L Gi eqm KZ?.[Bangladesh
Bank AD-1990]
Answer: 20 & 35 Years

Question-6: GK e¨w³i 3 gv‡mi Avq 4 gv‡mi e¨‡qi mgvb n‡j wZwb Av‡qi KZ kZvsk mÂq K‡ib? [Bangladesh
Bank AD-1990]
Answer: 25%

Question-7: 7GKwU N‡ii ‣`N¨© I cÖ¯’ DfqB 10% e„w× Ki‡j AvqZb KZ kZvsk e„w× cvq? [Bangladesh Bank AD-
Answer: 21%

Question-8: GKwU †b․Kv †¯ªv‡Zi AbyK~‡j N›Uvq 8 gvBj Ges †¯ªv‡Zi cÖwZK~‡j N›Uvq 4 gvBj Pj‡j †¯ªv‡Zi †eM KZ?
[Bangladesh Bank AD-1990]
Answer: 2 km/hr

evsjv‡`k e¨vsK, wewmGm mn mKj Faculty i As‡Ki we¯ÍvwiZ mgvavb †c‡Z AvRB msMÖn Kiæb
‘A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition’
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Bangladesh Bank Officer-2001

Question-1: A trade where selling an item was asking for such a price that would enable him
to offer a 10% discount and still make a profit of 20%. If the cost of the product was tk. 50,
what was his asking price? [Bangladesh Bank Officer-2001] Answer: Tk.66.67

Question-2: Mr. X pays 10% tax on all income over Tk.60000 but he does not pay any tax on
interest on postal saving certificate. In2000 he paid Tk.7500 as tax & he earned Tk.12000 as
interest on postal savings account. What is his net and total income in 2000? [Bangladesh
Bank Officer-2001] Answer: Tk.147000 & Tk.139500

Question-3: In an organization, 30% of the employees live over 10 miles from the work. 60%
of employees who live who live over 10 miles from work, use company transport. If 40% of
employees of the company use company transport, what percentage of the employees live 10
miles or less from work and use company transport? [Bangladesh Bank Officer -
2001][Estarn Bank MTO-2007] Answer: 22%

Question-4:A candidate answered all 22 questions in a test & received 63.5 marks. If the total
marks were derived by adding 3.5 marks each correct answer and deducting 1 mark for each
incorrect answer, how many questions did the student answer correctly? [Bangladesh Bank
Officer-2001] Answer:19

Question-5: Mr. Rich sold two properties, P1 & P2 for tk. 50,000 each. He sold property P1 for
20% more than what he paid for it & sold P2 for 20% less than what he paid for it. What was
his total gain or loss, if any, on the sale of two properties? [Bangladesh Bank Officer-2001]
Answer: Tk.4166.67

Question-6: Mr. X has an investable amount of tk.100,000, he will invest the amount for two
years. He has two options. He can invest at simple interest rate of 12% per annum;
alternatively he can invest at a compound interest rate of 10% (compounded semi-
annually),Calculate the earnings at two option and advise him Mr. X accordingly.
[Bangladesh Bank Officer-2001] Answer:Simple interest is better option for Mr. X

Bangladesh Bank AD-2001

Question-1: A total of 50 employees work in a bank branch. of these 22 have taken the
accounting course, 15 have taken finance, 14 marketing, 9 of them taken exactly 2 of the
courses, 1 of them has taken all. How many of the 50 employees have taken none of the
course? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2001] Abyev`t GKwU e¨vs‡Ki kvLvq 50 Rb PvKwi K‡i| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ 22 Rb
Accounting, 15 Rb Finance Ges 14 Marketing †Kvm© wb‡q‡Q| 9 Rb gvÎ 2wU K‡i †Kvm© wb‡qwQj Ges 1 Rb me KqwU
†Kvm© wb‡qwQj| GLb cÖkœ n‡jv H 50 Rb Employee †`i g‡a¨ KZRb †Kvb Course-B †bqwb| Answer:10

Question-2: Mr. X, a sales person earns 5% commission on all sales between Tk.20,000 and
40,000 and 8% on all sales exceeding Tk.40,000 in a month. He does not earn any
commission if sales in a month amount to less than Tk. 20000. His monthly salary is
Tk.60,000; he has to pay tax 20% tax on his basic salary, but no tax on commission, in April,
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

2001,the total net income (salary + commission) of the sales person was Tk 65,000. How
much were the sales in April? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2001]
Abyev`t wg. X GKRb we‡µZv 20,000 UvKv †_‡K 40,000 UvKv ch©šÍ weµ‡qi Rb¨ 5% Ges 40,000 UvKvi AwaK weµ‡qi
Rb¨ 8% Kwgkb cÖwZ gv‡m cvq| hw` ‡m 20,000 UvKvi wb‡P weµq K‡i Zvn‡j †Kvb Kwgkb cvq bv| Zvi gvwmK †eZb
80,000 UvKv| Zvi U¨v· w`‡Z nq Zvi †eZ‡bi Dci 20% wKš‘ Kwgk‡bi Dci †Kvb U¨v· w`‡Z nq bv| GwcÖj 2001 mv‡j Zvi
g~j Avq (†eZb + Kwgkb) wQj 65,000 UvKv| GwcÖj gv‡m †m KZ weµq K‡i wQj? Logical Answer Should Be
Question-3: A trader sells, on an average 18 pencils and 12 pens per day. The profit comes
from pencil is the profit made from selling a pen. If he makes profits of tk 900 in a
month by selling pencils, how much profit does he make per month by selling pens? The
trader sells 30 days in a month. [Bangladesh Bank AD-2001]
Abyev`t GKRb Trader cÖwZw`b M‡o 18wU Pencil I 12wU Kjg weµq K‡ib| GKwU Kjg G †h jvf K‡i, Pencil G jvf K‡ib
Zvi 3 Ask| Pencil weµq K‡i gv‡m †m †gvU 900 UvKv jvf K‡i| Zvn‡j Kjg weµq K‡i gv‡m †m KZ UvKv jvf K‡ib?
Answer: Tk.1800

Question-4: Mr.A purchased a house for Tk.10,00,000 in 1995,he spent Tk.1,00,000 for
routine maintenance & upkeep of the house. In 1999, he sold the house for 25% of more then
what he paid for it. He paid 5% of the proceeds as gain tax & he has to pay 50% of his net
profit to the broker, what is his net income? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2001]
Abyev`t 1995 mv‡j Mr.A 10,00,000 UvKv w`‡q GKwU evwo µq Ki‡jb| evwo iÿYv‡eÿ‡Yi Rb¨ wZwb 1,00,000 UvKv LiP
Ki‡jb| 1999 mv‡j wZwb Zvi Li‡Pi 25% jv‡f evwowU weµq Ki‡jb| †h 5% Sales tax w`‡jb Ges jv‡fi 50% broker
(`vjvj) †K w`‡jb| Zvi Kv‡Q (jv‡fi) KZ iBj? Answer:Tk.1,30,625

Question-5: A simple interest rate of a bank was reduced to 5% from 7%. As a consequences
Mr. B’s income was reduced by tk. 2100 in 5 yrs. How much is Mr. B’s initial deposit in the
bank? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2001]
Abyev`t my‡`i nvi 7% †_‡K 5% nIqvq Mr. B'i Income 5 eQ‡i 2100 UvKv K‡g †Mj| Zvi cÖv_wgK Deposit KZ wQj?
Answer: Tk.21,000

Question-6: One fifth of the products made by a company is defective. Four-fifth of the
defectives were rejected and one-twentieth of the good products were rejected by mistake. If
all the products not rejected are sold ,What percent of the products sold by the company are
defective? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2001][City Bank Officer-1999][BRDB-2004] Abyev`t
1 4 1
Company'i •ZixK…Z c‡Y¨i 5 Ask Defective| Defective Product Gi 5 Ask Ges Good product Gi 20 Ask fzj
K‡i Reject Kiv nq| ‡h mKj Product reject Kiv nq, †m¸‡jvi me¸‡jv hw` weµq Kiv bv nq, Z‡e H Company KZ
kZvsk Defective product weµq K‡i _v‡K?
Answer: 5%

evsjv‡`k e¨vsK, wewmGm mn mKj Faculty i As‡Ki we¯ÍvwiZ mgvavb †c‡Z AvRB msMÖn Kiæb
‘A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition’
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Bangladesh Bank AD-2004

Question-1: Rahim and Karim have equal amount of money. Runa has half of money that
Rahim has. And Mina has half of money that Runa has. If you add taka 1, the sum of their
money will be 100 taka. How much money Rahim has? [Premier Bank TJO-General-2018]
[Bangladesh Bank AD-2004] [Standard Bank TAO-Cash-2016]
Abyev`t Karim Ges Rahim Gi mgvb msL¨K UvKv i‡q‡Q| Runa 'i UvKv n‡jv Rahim Gi UvKvi A‡a©K Ges Mina Gi
Av‡Q Runa 'i UvKvi A‡a©K| Avcwb hw` Zv‡`i UvKvi mv‡_ 1 UvKv †hvM K‡ib, Zvn‡j †gvU UvKv nq 100. Zvn‡j Rahim Gi
Kq UvKv Av‡Q? Answer:36

Question-2: a) Find the value of ‘a’if (a-3) = [Bangladesh Bank AD-2004]

Answer: -2, 5
b) Find the value of ‘x’ if (2x2 - 1) = (3x2 - 2x) [Bangladesh Bank AD-2004]
Question-3: At 8:00 A.M a car stared from Dhaka towards Cox’s Bazar at a speed of 50
km/hr. After one hour, another car started from Dhaka towards Cox’s Bazar at a speed of 60
km/hr. After how much time and at what distance from Dhaka the second car will overtake
the first car? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2004]
Abyev`t †ejv 4Uvq mgq XvKv †_‡K K·evRv‡ii w`‡K GKwU Mvwo 50 wKwg/N›Uv †e‡M iIbv †`q| GK NÈv ci, Av‡iKwU Mvwo
XvKv †_‡K K·evRv‡ii Awfgy‡L 60 wKwg/N›Uv †e‡M iIbv †`q| KZÿY ci Ges †Kv_vq Zviv ci¯úi wgwjZ nq|
Answer: After 5 hrs distance 300 km from Dhaka, The second car will overtake the first car

Bangladesh Bank AD-2006

Question-1:Mr. Zaman won an election where the ratio of his votes and those of his
opponent, Mr. Yunus, was 4:3.The total number of voters was 581, of which 91 did not vote.
Calculate the margin of votes by which Mr. Yunus was defeated? [Bangladesh Bank AD-
2006] Abyev`t Mr. Zaman Zvi we‡ivax cÖv_©x Mr. Yunus Gi cÖvß †fv‡Ui AbycvZ 4 : 3| †gvU †fvUvi n‡jv 581 hv‡`i g‡a¨
91 Rb †Kvb †fvU †`qwb| Rvb‡Z PvIqv n‡q‡Q Mr. Yunus KZ †fv‡U †n‡iwQj?

Question-2: The sum of the pay of two officers is Taka 24,000 per month. If the pay of one
officer is decreased by 9% and the pay of the second is increased by 17%, their pays become
equal. Find the pay of each officer. [Bangladesh Bank AD-2006]
Abyev`t 2 Rb Officer Gi †eZ‡bi mgwó 24,000 UvKv| GKR‡bi †eZb hw` 9% Kgv‡bv nq Ges Ac‡ii †eZb hw` 17%
evov‡bv nq, Z‡e Zv‡`i †eZ‡bi cwigvY mgvb| †K KZ cv‡e?
Answer: Tk.10,500

Question-3: A Group of students has hired a bus for Taka 3000 for going to a picnic. They
had an understanding that each participant would share the charge in equal amounts. But
because of 10 students not turning up, the charged per student increased by Taka 10 over the
initial estimates. What was the number of students who originally registered for the picnic?
[Bangladesh Bank AD-2006] Abyev`t Picnic G hvevi Rb¨ K‡qKRb QvÎ 3,000 UvKvq GKwU evm fvov Kij| Zviv
cÖ‡Z¨‡K mgvb fvov †`evi Rb¨ GKgZ n‡jv| wKš‘ 10 Rb bv Avmvq gv_vwcQz fvov 10 UvKv †e‡o †Mj| cÖ_‡g KZRb QvÎ
Picnic G hvevi K_v wQj?
Answer: 60
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Question-4: A square office, 1000 feet by 1000 feet, is to be partitioned into two offices by a
single interior wall. The difference between the perimeters of the resulting two officers is 400
feet.What are their dimensions? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2006] Abyev`t 1000 feet by 1000 feet
AvKv‡ii GKwU eM©vKvi Office `yBfv‡M wef³ Ki‡Z n‡e †hb `yB As‡ki cwimxgvi cv_©K¨ 400 feet nq| GB c„_KxK…Z N‡ii
•`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ KZ?
Answer :(1000;600) & (1000;400) square ft.

Question-5: Abir can do a piece of work in 80 days. He works for 10 days and then Bashir
alone finishes the rest of the work in 42 days. How much time would it take for the two of
them together to complete the whole work? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2006]
Abyev`t Abir GKwU KvR 80 w`‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i| †m GKv H KvRwU 10 w`b Kij| c‡i Boshir GKv Aewkó KvR 42 w`‡b †kl
Kij| Zviv GK‡Î KvRwU Kqw`‡b Ki‡Z cvi‡e?
Answer:30 days

Bangladesh Bank AD-2008

Question-1:Mr. Rahim pays 10% tax on all income earned over 60000Tk but he does not pay
any tax on interest on saving certificate. In 2006 he paid 7500 as tax & he earned 12000 as
interest on savings certificates.What is his total income in 2006? [Bangladesh Bank AD-
2008] Abyev`t Mr. Rehman 10% U¨v· †`q Avq 60,000 UvKvi Dci n‡j| wKš‘ †m Zvi mÂq mvwU©wd‡K‡Ui Dci †Kvb
U¨v· †`q bv| 2006 mv‡j †m 7,500 UvKv U¨v· w`‡qwQj Ges mÂq mvwU©wd‡K‡Ui Dci 12,000 UvKv my` †c‡qwQj| 2006
mv‡j Zvi †gvU Avq KZ?Answer:Tk.1,47,000

Question-1: A trader while selling an item, was asking for such a price that would enable him
to offer a 20% discount and Still make a profit of 30% on cost price. If cost price is 50 tk,
what was his asking price? [SBL TAO-2016] [Bangladesh Bank AD-2008]
Abyev`t GKRb e¨emvqx hLb GKwU cY¨ weµq K‡i †m †h `„k¨ Pvq Zvi Dci 20% wWmKvD›U w`‡Z cv‡i Ges
ZviciI 30% jvf K‡i| hw` GKwU c‡Y¨i LiP 50 UvKv nq ZLb Zvi Rb¨ KZg~j¨ PvB‡e?
Answer: Tk.81.25

Question-3: A man deposits Tk. 1000 in a bank at 8% interest rate compounded annually.At
the end of the 3rd year, what will be the total amount including interest? [Bangladesh Bank
AD-2008] Abyev`t GK‡jvK 8% evwl©K Pµe„w× my‡` 1,000 UvKv e¨vs‡K Rgv K‡i| wZb eQi †k‡l †m my`vm‡j KZ UvKv
cv‡e? : Tk.1259.712

Bangladesh Bank AD-2009

Question-1:A boy purchased some chocolates from a shop for Tk.120. In the next shop he
found that the price of per piece chocolate is Tk. 3 less than that charged at the previous shop,
as such he could have purchased 2 more chocolates. How many chocolates did he buy from
the first shop? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2009]
Abyev`t GKwU evjK †`vKvb †_‡K 120 UvKvq wKQz PK‡jU wKbj| †m cieZ©x †`vKv‡b †`Lj GLv‡b cÖwZwU PK‡j‡Ui `vg Av‡Mi
†`vKvb †_‡K 3 UvKv Kg d‡j †m 2Uv PK‡jU †ewk wKb‡Z cviZ| †m cÖ_g †`vKvb †_‡K KZ¸‡jv PK‡jU wK‡bwQj?
Answer: 8

Question-2: Recently Kamal's hourly wage has been increased by 10%. Before this increase,
Kamal's total weekly wage was Tk. 137. If his weekly working hours were to decrease by
10% from last week's total working hours, what would be the change, if any, in Kamal's total
weekly wage?[Bangladesh Bank AD-2009]
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Abyev`t m¤úªwZ Kvgv‡ji cvwikÖwgK NÈvq 10% e„w× †cj| cvwikÖwgK e„w×i c~‡e© Kvgv‡ji †gvU gRywi wQj 137 UvKv| hw` Zvi
mvßvwnK Kg© NÈv MZ mßv‡ni †_‡K G mßv‡n 10% K‡g hvq Zvn‡j Kvgv‡ji mvßvwnK †gvU gRywii †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e wK?
Answer: Tk.1.37

Question-3: A loss of 15% is incurred by selling a watch for Tk. 612. How much is the sum
of money by which it is sold to make a profit of 10%?[Bangladesh Bank AD-2009]
Abyev`t 15% ÿwZ‡Z GKwU Nwoi weµqg~j¨ 612 UvKv| weµqg~j¨ KZ n‡j Nwo‡Z 10% jvf n‡e?

Bangladesh Bank AD-2010

Question-1: Tanim bought some oranges. He gave of them to his sister, of the remainder
to his neighbor, of those left to his children and had 6 left in the end. How many oranges did
Tanim buy? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2010]
1 1
Abyev`t Tanim wKQz Orange wKbj| Tanim Zvi Orange Gi 2 Ask Zvi †evb‡K w`j| †evb‡K †`qvi ci evKx As‡ki 4th
cÖwZ‡ekx‡K w`j| cÖwZ‡ekx‡K †`qvi ci evKx Orange Gi 5 Zvi †Q‡j-‡g‡q‡K w`j| †Q‡j-‡g‡q‡K †`qvi ci AviI 6wU Zvi
nv‡Z _v‡K| Zvn‡j Tanim KqwU orange µq K‡iwQj?
Answer: 40

Question-2:The length of rectangular plot is greater than its breadth by 20 meters. If the
perimeter of the plot is 160 meters, what is the area of the plot in square meters? [Bangladesh
Bank AD-2010] Abyev`t GKwU AvqZ‡ÿ‡Îi •`N©¨ cÖ¯’ A‡cÿv 20 wgUvi †ewk| hw` †ÿÎwUi cwimxgv 160 wgUvi nq Z‡e
†ÿÎwUi †ÿÎdj KZ?
Answer: 1500 sq.meters

Question-3: Three partners A, B & C start a business. Twice the investment of A is equal to
thrice the capital of B, the capital of B is 4 times the capital of C. They share the profit in the
ratio of their capital. In a particular year, the gross profit is Tk.2,50,000 and the
administrative expenses are 20 % of the gross profit. Find the share of profit each
partner.[Bangladesh Bank AD-2010] Abyev`t wZbRb Partners A, B Ges C GKwU e¨emv kyiæ Kij| A Gi
g~ja‡bi wظY B Gi g~ja‡bi wZb¸‡Yi mgvb Ges B Gi g~jab C Gi g~ja‡bi 4 ¸‡Yi mgvb| Zviv Zv‡`i g~ja‡bi Abycv‡Z
Profit share K‡i| GKwU wbw`©ó eQ‡i,Gross profit 2,50,000 UvKv Ges Administration expense gross proift Gi 20%
n‡j cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki share profit Gi cwigvY KZ n‡e?
Answer: Tk.1,09,090.90 ; Tk.72,727.27; Tk.18,181.81

evsjv‡`k e¨vsK, wewmGm mn mKj Faculty i As‡Ki we¯ÍvwiZ mgvavb †c‡Z AvRB msMÖn Kiæb
‘A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition’
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Bangladesh Bank AD-2011

Question-1: Two cars race around a circular track in opposite directions at constant rates.
They start at the same point and meet every 30 seconds. If they move in the same direction,
they meet every 120 seconds. If the track is 1800 meter long, what is the speed of each car?
[Bangladesh Bank AD-2011] Abyev`t GKwU e„ËvKvi c‡_ `ywU Mvwo GKwU wbw`©ó †e‡M wecixZ w`‡K P‡j| Zviv GKB
Point n‡Z ïiæ K‡i Ges cÖwZ 30 second G wgwjZ nq| Zviv hw` GKB w`‡K P‡j Z‡e Zviv cÖwZ 120 second G wgwjZ K‡i|
Track-wU 1,800 meter n‡j cÖ‡Z¨K Mvwoi †eM KZ?
Answer:37.5 m/s ; 22.5 m/s

Question-3: A printer quotes a price of taka 7,500 for printing 1,000 copies of a book and
Taka 15,000 for printing 2,500 copies. Assuming a linear relationship and 2,000 books are
printed, find
(a) The variable cost per book, Ans:
(b) the average cost per book and
(c) the fixed cost. ans:Tk. 2500 [Bangladesh Bank AD-2011]

Question-3: The length of a rectangle is twice its width. If the length is increased by 4 inches
and the width is decreased by 3 inches, a new rectangle is formed whose perimeter is 62
inches. What is the length of the original rectangle? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2011] Abyev`t GKwU
AvqZvKvi †ÿ‡Îi •`N©¨ cÖ‡¯’i wظY| •`N©¨ 4 Bw evov‡j Ges cÖ¯’ 3 Bw Kgv‡j †h bZzb AvqZ‡ÿÎ nq Zvi cwimxgv 62 BwÂ|
g~j AvqZ‡ÿ‡Îi •`N©¨ KZ?

Answer: 20 inch

Bangladesh Bank Cash Officer-2011

Question-1:The area of a rectangular plot is 323 square meters. Its perimeter is 72 meters.
Find the length and breadth of the plot. [Bangladesh Bank Cash officer-2011]
Answer: 19 meter;17 meter

Question-2: Mr.Hasan has few notes of Tk. 10 and Tk. 50.A total of his 150 notes amount to
Tk.5100.What is the number of each kind of note? [Bangladesh Bank Cash officer-2011]
Answer:60 & 90.

Question-3:The length of rectangular plot is greater than its breadth by 20 meters. If the
perimeter of the plot is 160 meters, what is the area of the plot in square meters?
[Bangladesh Bank Cash officer-2011]
Answer:150 sq.meter

evsjv‡`k e¨vsK, wewmGm mn mKj Faculty i As‡Ki we¯ÍvwiZ mgvavb †c‡Z AvRB msMÖn Kiæb
‘A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition’
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Bangladesh Bank AD-2012

Question-3:A series has 3 numbers a, ar, .In the series, the first term is twice of the
second term.What is the ratio of the sum of the first 2 terms to the sum of the last 2
terms?[Bangladesh Bank AD-2012]

Question-2:Two alloys A and B are composed of two basic elements. The ratios of the
compositions of the two basic elements in the two alloys are 5:3 and 1:2. A new alloy X is
formed by mixing the two alloys A & B in the ratio 4:3. What is the ratio of the composition
of the two basic elements in alloy X? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2012]
Abyev`t `ywU wgkÖavZz A †_‡K B `ywU g~j Dcv`vb Øviv MwVZ| wgkÖavZz؇q Basic element Gi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g 5:3 Ges 1:2| A
Ges B `ywU‡K wgwkÖZ K‡i GKwU bZzb wgkÖY avZz •Zwi Kiv n‡jv hv‡Z A Ges B Gi AbycvZ n‡”Q 4 : 3| GB bZzb x alloy G
Basic element Gi AbycvZ KZ n‡e?

Question-3: a, b, c, d, e are 5 consecutive numbers in increasing order, deleting one of them

from the set decreased the sum of the remaining numbers by 20% of the sum of 5. Which one
of the number is deleted from the set? [PKB SEO -2018][Bangladesh Bank AD-
2014][Bangladesh Bank AD-2012] [PBL SO-2013]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q †h, a, b, c, d, e are 5 cvuPwU µwgK msL¨v hv gv‡bi Ea©µg Abymv‡i mvRv‡bv| cvuPwU
µwgK msL¨v n‡Z GKwU msL¨v wW‡jU Kiv n‡j Ab¨ msL¨v ¸‡jvi ‡hvMdj 20% K‡g hvq| Zvn‡j H µwgK msL¨v
¸‡jvi †mU n‡Z †Kvb msL¨vwU wW‡jU Kiv n‡q‡Q?
Answer: c

Bangladesh Bank AD-2013

Question-3: A, B and C do a job alone in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively. In how many days
can A do the job if he is assisted by B & C? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2013]
Abyev`t A, B, C GKwU KvR h_vµ‡g 20, 30 Ges 60 w`‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i| B Ges C hw` A-†K mvnvh¨ K‡i Z‡e A KvRwU
KZw`‡b †kl Ki‡Z cvi‡e?
Answer:10 day's

Question-2: A bus is traveling with 52 passengers. When it arrives at a stop, Y passengers get
off and 4 get inside at the next stop one-third of the passengers get off and 3 get on. There are
25 passengers. Find out how many passengers got off at the first stop? [Bangladesh Bank
AD-2013] Abyev`t GKUv evm 52 Rb hvÎx wb‡q hvÎv ïiæ K‡i| hLb 1g Stop-G Av‡m ZLb Y Rb hvÎx †b‡g hvq Ges 4
Rb hvÎx D‡V| 2q Stop-G G‡m 3 Ask †b‡g hvq Ges 3 Rb hvÎx D‡V| hw` eZ©gv‡b 25 Rb hvÎx _v‡K Zvn‡j 1g Stop-G
KZRb hvÎx †b‡gwQj Zv †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
Answer: 23

Question-3: An Eskimo leaves its igloo and travels 3 km north, then 8 km east and finally 3
km north to reach the north pole. How many km does he have to travel to return to his igloo
in a straight line? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2013] Abyev`t GKRb Avw`evmx Igloo-†Z evm K‡ib| wZwb cÖ_‡g 3
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

wK.wg. Dˇi, c‡i 8 wK.wg. c~‡e© Ges c‡i 3 wK.wg. Dˇi †M‡jb| wZwb Zvi Igloo-†Z wd‡i Avm‡Z mivmwi KZ wK.wg. `~iZ¡
AwZµg Ki‡eb|
Answer: 10

Bangladesh Bank AD-2014

Question-1: A team of 2 men and 5 women completed one fourth of a job in 3 day's. After 3
day's another man joined the team and they took 2 day’s to complete another one- fourth of
the job. How many men can complete the whole job in 4 day’s.[Bangladesh Bank AD-
2014] Abyev`t 2 Rb cyiæl I 5 Rb gwnjvi GKwU `j 3w`‡b GKwU Kv‡Ri 4 Ask Kij| 3 w`b c‡i, Avi GKRb cyiæl H wU‡g
†hvM Ki‡jb Ges Zviv GK‡Î 2 w`‡b Av‡iv 4 Ask KvR Kij| KZRb cyiæl 4 w`‡b KvRwU Ki‡Z cvi‡e?

Answer: 6 men
Question-2: a, b, c, d, e are 5 consecutive numbers in increasing order, deleting one of them
from the set decreased the sum of the remaining numbers by 20% of the sum of 5. Which one
of the number is deleted from the set? [PKB SEO -2018][Bangladesh Bank AD-
2014][Bangladesh Bank AD-2012] [PBL SO-2013]

Question-3: Rahim bought two varieties of rice, costing Tk.5 And Tk.6 per kg each and
mixed them some ratio.Then he sold the mixture at tk.7 kg, making profit of 20%. What was
the ratio of the mixture? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2015][Janata Bank EO -2012][Rupali Bank
SO-2013][Bangladesh Bank AD-2014]
Abyev`t Rahim 5 UvKv I 6 UvKv `‡i wKQz Pvj wK‡b Zv wgwk‡q 7 UvKv `‡i wewµ Ki‡jb Ges 20% jvf Ki‡jb| wK AbycvZ
wZwb Pvj Mix K‡iwQ‡jb? Answer:1:5

Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2014

Question-1: A shop stocks four types of caps, there are as many red caps as blue caps and
as many green caps as red caps. There are equal number of green caps and yellow caps.If
there are 42 blue caps, then what percent of the total caps in the shop are blue?[Bangladesh
Bank Officer General-2015]
1 1
Abyev`t GKwU †`vKv‡b 4 ai‡bi Cap Av‡Q| hZ¸‡jv Blue cap Av‡Q Zvi 3 Ask Red cap Ges Red cap Gi 2 Ask Green
cap| †`vKv‡b mgvb msL¨K Green Ges Yellow cap Av‡Q| hw` Blue cap Gi msL¨v 42wU nq, Zvn‡j †`vKv‡b kZKiv KqwU
Blue cap Av‡Q?Answer: 60%

Question-2:The annual incomes and expenditures of a man and his wife are in the ratios 5:3
and 3:1respectively. If they decide to save equally and find a balance of Tk. 4000 at the end
of the year, what was their income? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2015]
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Abyev`t GKRb †jvK I Zvi ¯¿xi Avq I e¨‡qi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g 5 : 3 Ges 3 : 1| Zviv hw` mgcwigvY UvKv mÂq K‡i Ges eQi
†k‡l hw` 4,000 UvKv Zv‡`i mÂq nq Z‡e Zv‡`i Av‡qi AbycvZ KZ?
Answer: Tk.5000 & 3000

Question-3: A person sold two articles each for the same price of Tk. 1040. He incurs 20%
loss on the first and 10% loss on the second. Find his overall percentage of loss.[Bangladesh
Bank Officer General-2015] Abyev`t GKRb †jvK 1,040 UvKv K‡i `ywU `ªe¨ Sell K‡i| cÖ_gwU‡Z †m 20% loss Ges
c‡iiwU‡Z 10% loss K‡i| Zvi †gvU (kZKiv) KZ ÿwZ n‡jv?

Question-4:If the sum of five consecutive integers is S, what is the largest of those integers in
terms of S? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2015]
Abyev`t 5wU avivevwnK c~Y©msL¨vi †hvMdj S| Avcbv‡K me‡P‡q eo msL¨vwU S Gi gva¨‡g †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|

Question-5: The difference between two numbers is five and the difference of their squares is
65.What is the larger number? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2015]
Abyev`t `ywU msL¨vi we‡qvMdj 5 Ges Zv‡`i e‡M©i we‡qvMdj 65 n‡j e„nËg msL¨vwU KZ?
Answer: 9

Question-6:Robi drove 100 miles to visit a friend. If he had driven 8 miles per hour faster
than he did, he would have arrived in of the time, he actually took. How many minutes did
the trip take? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2015]
Abyev`t Robi 100 gvBj Drive K‡i Zvi eÜzi evwo‡Z †Mj| †m hw` 8 miles per hour †ewk †e‡M Mvwo Pvjv‡Zv, Zvn‡j Zvi
†cuŠQv‡Z †j‡MwQj g~j mg‡qi 6 ¸b| åg‡Y Zvi KZÿY †j‡MwQj?

Question-7: Of the three numbers, second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the
average of the three numbers is 44, then what will be the largest number? [Bangladesh Bank
Officer General-2015] Abyev`t wZbwU msL¨vi g‡a¨ wØZxq msL¨vwU cÖ_g msL¨vi wظY Ges Z…Zxq msL¨vi wZb¸Y| wZbwU
msL¨vi Mo hw` 44 nq Zvn‡j e„nËg msL¨vwU KZ?

√ √
Question-8: [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2015]
√ √

evsjv‡`k e¨vsK, wewmGm mn mKj Faculty i As‡Ki we¯ÍvwiZ mgvavb †c‡Z AvRB msMÖn Kiæb
‘A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition’
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Bangladesh Bank AD-2015

Question-1:A bus hired at the cost of Tk. 2400 and it was decided that every student would
share the cost equally. But 10 more students joined as a result the fare decreased by Tk. 8 per
person. How many students were travelling in the bus? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2015] Abyev`t
2,400 UvKv w`‡q GKwU evm fvov Kiv n‡jv Ges wm×všÍ †bqv n‡jv †h, cÖ‡Z¨‡KB mgvb LiP enb Ki‡e| wKš‘ Av‡iv 10 Rb QvÎ
†hvM †`qvq gv_vwcQz LiP 8 UvKv K‡i K‡g †Mj| H ev‡m KZRb QvÎ ågY K‡iwQj?
Answer: 60
Question-2:The average age of students of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of boys in
the class is 16.4 years and of the girls is 15.4 years. Find the ratio of number of boys to girls
in the class.[Bangladesh Bank AD-2015] Abyev`t GKwU class G QvÎQvÎx‡`i eq‡m Mo 15.8 eQi| Class G
Qv·`i eq‡mi Mo 16.4 eQi Ges QvÎx‡`i eq‡mi Mo 15.4 eQi| H Class G QvÎQvÎxi msL¨vi AbycvZ KZ?
Question-3: –
[Bangladesh Bank AD-2015]
Abyev`t hw` x + x = 3 nq, Zvn‡j x6 + x6 =? A_ev, hw` x + x = 3 nq, Zvn‡j x6 + x6 Gi gvb †ei Ki|
1 1 1 1

Ans: 322
Question-4:The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Tk. 1920 is equal to the
percentage loss incurred by selling the same article for Tk. 1280. At what price should the
article be sold to make 25% profit? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2015][SBC AM -2019][SBC JO-
2019][IBBL PO-2019]
Abyev`:†Kvb GKwU cY¨ 1,920 UvKvq wewµq Kivq kZKiv †h cwigvY jvf nq, 1,280 UvKvq weµq Ki‡j wVK H
cwigvY ÿwZ nq| 25% jvf Ki‡Z n‡j `ªe¨wU KZ UvKvq weµq Ki‡Z n‡e?
Answer: Tk. 2000

Question-5: A can do a piece of work in 10 days while B can do it in 15 days. They work
together for 5 days and the rest of the work is done by C in 2 days. If they get Tk. 4500 for
the whole work, how should they divide the money? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2015]
Abyev`t A GKwU KvR 10 w`‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i, †hLv‡b B KvRwU 15 w`‡b K‡i| Zviv GK‡Î 5 w`b KvRwU K‡i Ges
KvRwUi evwK Ask C K‡i 2 w`‡b| hw` KvRwUi Rb¨ 4,500 UvKv cvIqv hvq, Z‡e †K KZ cv‡e?
Answer: Tk.2250; Tk. 1500; Tk. 750

Question-6:ABCD is a square and one of its sides AB is also a chord of the circle as shown in
the figure. What is the area of the square? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2015]
Abyev`t ABCD GKwU eM©‡ÿÎ Ges AB n‡jv e„‡Ëi R¨v| eM©‡ÿ‡Îi †ÿÎdj KZ?
Answer:18 sq.unit
Bangladesh Bank Officer IT-2016

Question-1:10% of the voters did not cast their vote in an election between two
candidates.10% of the votes polled were found invalid. The successful candidate got 54% of
the valid votes and won by a majority of 1620 votes. Find the number of voters enrolled on
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

the voters list. [Bangladesh Bank IT-2016]


Question-2:Two friends P and Q started a business investing in the ratio of 5: 6 R joined them
after six months investing an amount equal to that of Q 's .At the end of the year ,20% profit
was earned which was equal to tk 98000.What was the amount invested by R?[Bangladesh
Bank IT-2016]
Answer: Tk. 2,10,000

Bangladesh Bank AD -2017

Question-1:A man sells an article at a profit of 25%. If he had bought it at 20% less and sold
it for Tk. 10.50 less, he would have gained 30%. Find the cost price of the article.
[Bangladesh Bank AD -2017][20 marks]
Abyev`t GKRb e¨w³ GKwU `ªe¨ 25% jv‡f weµq K‡i| †m hw` `ªe¨wU 20% Kg `vg w`‡q wKb‡Zv Ges Zv hw` 10.50
UvKv K‡g weµq Ki‡Zv, Z‡e †m H `ªe¨wU weµq K‡i 30% jvf Ki‡Zv| `ªe¨wUi µqg~j¨ KZ?
Answer: Tk.50

Question-2:A and B can do a piece of work in 18 days, B and C can do it in 24 days, A and C
can do it in 36 days. In how many days will A, B and C finishes it, working together and
separately? [Bangladesh Bank AD -2017][30 Marks]
Abyev`t A I B GKwU KvR 18 w`‡b, B I C 24 w`‡b Ges A I C 36 w`‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i| H KvRwU Zviv GK‡Î Ges
Avjv`vfv‡e KZw`‡b Ki‡e?
Answer: Working together A, B And C finish the in 16 And Separately A, B And C finish
the work in 48 day’s , 28.8 day’s and 144 days

Bangladesh Bank Officer(Cash)-2017

Question-1:If 9 engines consume 24 metric tons of coal, when each is working 8 hours a day,
how much coal will be required for 8 engines, each running 13 hours a day, it being given
that 3 engines of former type consume as much as 4 engines of latter type?[BB
Abyev`t 9wU BwÄb w`‡b 8 NÈv K‡i KvR K‡i 24 †gwUªK Ub Kqjv e¨envi K‡i| Zvn‡j 13 NÈv K‡i KvR K‡i 8wU BwÄb KZ
†gwUªK Ub Kqjv e¨envi Ki‡e †hLv‡b †`qv Av‡Q †h, cÖ_g †ÿ‡Îi cÖwZ 3wU BwÄb cieZ©x cÖwZ 4wU Bwćbi mgvb Kqjv e¨envi
Answer: 26 metric tons

Question-2:Shakil started a business investing Tk. 25000 in 2009. In 2010, he invested an

additional amount of Tk. 10000 and Raihan joined him with an amount of Tk. 35000. In
2011, Shakil invested another additional amount of Tk. 10000 and Jafor joined them with an
amount of Tk.35000. What will be Raihan's share in profit of Tk. 150000 earned at the end of
3 years from the start of the business in 2009?[BB Officer(Cash)-2017] Abyev`t Shakil 2009
mv‡j 25,000 UvKv wewb‡qvM K‡i GKwU e¨emvq ïiæ Ki‡jv| 2010 mv‡j †m Av‡iv 10,000 UvKv wewb‡qvM Ki‡jv Ges
Raihan Zvi mv‡_ 35,000 UvKv wewb‡qvM K‡i e¨emv ïiæ Ki‡jv| 2011 mv‡j Shakil Av‡iv 10,000 UvKv wewb‡qvM
Ki‡jv Ges Jafor 35,000 UvKv wewb‡qvM K‡i Shakil'i mv‡_ e¨emvq †hvM w`j| wZb eQ‡ii H e¨emvq 1,50,000 UvKv
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

gybvdv n‡j Raihan KZ UvKv gybvdv cv‡e?

Answer: Tk.5000
Question-3:Dawood invested certain amount in three different schemes A, B and C with the
rate of 10% p.a., 12% p.a. and 15% p.a. respectively. If the total interest accrued in one year
was Tk. 3200 and the amount invested in Scheme C was 150% of the amount invested in
Scheme A and 240% of the amount invested in Scheme B, what was the amount invested in
Scheme B?[BB Officer(Cash)-2017]
Abyev`t Dawood Zvi A, B Ges C bvgK wZbwU e¨emvq GKwU wbw`©ó cwigvY A_© h_vµ‡g 10%, 12% Ges 15% nvi my‡`
wewb‡qvM Ki‡jv| GK eQ‡i †gvU my` Avm‡j 3,200 UvKv ‡cj| C, A Gi 150% Ges B Gi 240% A_© wewb‡qvM Kiv n‡j B
e¨emvq KZ UvKv wewb‡qvM Kiv n‡qwQj?
Answer: Tk 5000

Bangladesh Bank AD(Statistics)-2017

Question: Consider a pack contains 4 blue, 2 red and 3 black pens.
(a) If a pen is drawn at random from the pack, replaced and the process repeated 2 more times, What
is the probability of drawing 2 blue pens and 1 black pen?[BB AD Statistics-2017]
(b) A pack contains 4 blue, 2 red and 3 black pens. If 2 pens are drawn at random from the pack, NOT
replaced and then another pen is drawn. What is the probability of drawing 2 blue pens and 1 black
pen? [BB AD Statistics-2017]
(a) Answer: (b) Answer:

Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2018

Question-: A piece of stone fell from a balloon when it was flying in the upward direction
with a velocity 20m/sec. What will be the height of the balloon when the stone hit the ground
in 10sec? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2018]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, 20 m/sec DaŸ©gyLx †Kvb †ejyb n‡Z GKwU cv_i 10 †m‡K‡Û f~wg‡K ¯úk© Ki‡j ZLb
f~wg n‡Z †ejy‡bi D”PZv KZ n‡e?
Answer: 490 meter
Question-2: Find the maximum value of Z = 6x + 2y, subject to the condition, x≥0 , y≥0, x+
y =5, x ≤ 2, y ≤ 4 [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2018]

Question-3:A semi-circular sheet of metal of diameter 28 cm is bent into an open conical cup.
Find the depth and capacity of cup. [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2018]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, 28 †m.wg. e¨vm wewkó Aa©-‡MvjvK…wZi GKwU c`v_©‡K evuwK‡q †KvYK AvK…wZi GKwU
Kv‡c iæcvšÍwiZ Kiv nq| †KvYK AvK…wZi Kv‡ci MfxiZv I aviYÿgZv KZ?
622.37 cm3 (Answer)

Question-4: How many ways are there to divide 50 peoples into 3 groups so that each group
contains member equal to a prime number? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2018]
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, 50 †jv‡Ki GKwU `j‡K KZfv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq †hLv‡b cÖwZwU `‡ji †jvK msL¨v †gŠwjK
msL¨vi mgvb n‡e? Answer: 5 Ways
Question-5: The sum of the digits of a two digit number is subtracted from the number. How
many such two digit numbers can be formed so that the digit in the unit place of the resulting
number is 6. [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2018]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, `yB AsK wewkó ‡Kvb msL¨vi AsK؇qi †hvMdj msL¨vwU n‡Z we‡qvM Ki‡j KZ¸‡jv `yB
AsK wewkó msL¨v MVb Kiv hv‡e| †hLv‡b GKK ¯’vbxq AsKwU me©`vB 6 n‡e?

Bangladesh Bank AD-2018

Question-1: After traveling 108 km, a cyclist observed that he would have required 3 hrs. less
if he could have travelled at a speed 3 km/hr more. At what speed did he travel? [Bangladesh
Development Bank Ltd. Senior Officer-2018][Bangladesh Bank AD-2018]

Question-2: 3 coins are tossed at random. Show the sample space and find the probability of
getting: - (i) one head two tails (ii) One tail (iii) One tail and two heads
[Bangladesh Bank AD-2018][Bangladesh House Building Corporation Senior Officer-2017]
(i) one head two tails (ii) One tail (iii) One tail and two heads

Question-3: Three numbers x, y and z are in an Arithmetic Progression and their sum is 30.
And The sum of their squares is 308. Find the numbers. [Bangladesh Bank AD_2018]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, GKwU mgvšÍi avivi 3 wU msL¨v n‡jv x, y and z Ges Gi mgwó 30| ZvQvov msL¨v
¸‡jvi e‡M©i mgwó 308 n‡j msL¨v 3 wU KZ?
Answer: 8,10,12 or 12, 10, 8

Question-4: A square is inscribed inside a circle. What is the area of the square, if the radius
of the circle is 10 cm? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2018]
Abyev` cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, GKwU e„‡Ë GKwU eM© AšÍwj©wLZ Av‡Q| e„ËwUi e¨vmva© 10 †mwg n‡j eM©wUi ‡ÿGdj
Answer: 200 square cm
Question-5: 50 daily workers can complete a dam project in 40 days. If 30 of them work daily
and the rest work in every alternative day. How many more days will be required to complete
the project? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2018][RBL OG-2019]
Question-6:A senior Citizen invests Tk.50 lac in a fixed deposit scheme at 11.5% annual
interest for six months. In every six months he withdraws Tk. 2 lac from his principal plus
interest earned. What will be his principal amount to invest after two years [Bangladesh Bank
Abyev`: cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q ‡h, GK wmwbqi e¨vw³ 11.5% nv‡i 50 jÿ UvKv e¨vs‡K fixed deposit scheme -G
ivL‡jb| cÖwZ 6 gvm AšÍi AšÍi Zvi g~j UvKv n‡Z 2 jÿ UvKv mv‡_ gybvdv Zy‡j †bq| Zvn‡j 2 eQi ci Zvi Avmj
KZ _vKj? Ans. 42 lac
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

Bangladesh Bank Assistant Maintenance Engineer (AME)-2019

Question-1:A company employs 20 workers for every 3 managers, and 5 managers for every
director. If the total number of employees at the company is between 300 and 400, what is the
number of managers who work at the company?[BB-AME-19]
Answer: 45

Question-2:The distance between Town X and Town Y is twice the distance between Town
X and Town Z. The distance between Town Z and Town W is 2/3 the distance between Town
Z and Town X. If the distance between Town Z and Town W is 18 miles, how far is Town X
from Town Y?[BB-AME-19]
Answer: 54 km

Bangladesh Bank AD (Statistic)-2019

Question-1:If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator is
increased by 350%,the resultant fraction is ,what was the original fraction? [Bangladesh
Bank AD(Statistics)-2019] Abyev` cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q, GKwU fMœvs‡ki je 200% Gi nq 350% evov‡bvn‡j
fMœvskwU nq 12 | Zvn‡j g~j fMœvskwU KZ?

Question-2: A boat can travel with a speed of 10 km/hr. in still water. If the speed of the
stream is 3 km/hr.What is the time taken by the boat to go 52 km downstream? [Bangladesh
Bank AD(Statistics)-2019]Abyev` cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q,w¯’i cvwb‡Z GKwU †bŠKvi MwZ‡eM 10 kmph †m&ªv‡Zi
†eM 3 kmph n‡j, †m&ªv‡Zi AbyK‚‡j 52 km †h‡Z †bŠKvwU KZ mgq wb‡e?
Question-3:In a box there are 10 apples and of the apples are rotten. If three apples are
taken out from the box, what will be the probability that at least one apple is rotten.
[Bangladesh Bank AD(Statistics)-2019] Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q, GKwU ev‡· 10wU Av‡cj i‡q‡Q hvi
g‡a¨ 5 Ask Av‡cj cu‡P wM‡q‡Q| GLb, H ev· n‡Z 3wU Av‡cj D‡Ëvjb Kiv n‡j Kgc‡ÿ 1wU Av‡cj cuPv nevi
m¤¢vebv KZ?
Question-4:There are two numbers. 1st number is 12 more than the 2nd number. The average
of the two numbers is 19. If 2 is added in both numbers, find the ratio of the numbers.
[Bangladesh Bank AD(Statistics)-2019]
Abyev`:cÖkwœ U‡Z ejv n‡”Q, `ywU msL¨vi g‡a¨ GKwU msL¨v AciwUi †P‡q 12 †ewk| msL¨v `ywUi Mo 19 msL¨v `ywUi
Df‡qi mv‡_ 2 †hvM Kiv n‡j Zv‡`i AbycvZ KZ n‡e?
Answer: 9:5

Bangladesh Bank Officer General -2020

cÖk-1œt `yB AsKwewkó †hmKj msL¨v 3 Øviv wefvR¨ Zv‡`i †hvMdj wbY©q Kiyb| [Bangladesh Bank Officer
A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition

cÖk-œ 2t n‡j n Gi gvb KZ? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2020]
cÖk-œ 3t GK e¨w³ FY`vb ms¯’v †_‡K evwl©K 9% Pµe„w× gybvdvq 160000 UvKv FY wb‡jb| wZwb cÖwZ eQi †k‡l
60000 UvKv K‡i cwi‡kva Ki‡j 3q wKw¯Í ‡`Ëqvi ci Zvi Avi KZ UvKv FY _vK‡e? [Bangladesh Bank
Officer General-2020]

cÖk-œ 4t `yBwU †evZ‡j GwmW Ges cvwbi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g 2t3 Ges 1t2| †evZj `yBwU †_‡K 1t3 Abycv‡Z wgkÖb •Zwi
Ki‡j Zv‡Z GwmW Ges cvwbi AbycvZ KZ n‡e? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2020]
Answer: 7:13

cÖk-œ 5t GKwU wbw`©ó ¯’vb †_‡K `ywU iv¯Ív 60 wWwMÖ †Kv‡Y P‡j †M‡Q| `yBRb †jvK H wbw`©ó ¯’vb †_‡K h_vµ‡g N›Uvq 7
wKwg Ges 5 wKwg †e‡M iIbv n‡jv| 4 N›Uv ci Zv‡`i g‡a¨ mivmwi `~iZ¡ KZ? [Bangladesh Bank Officer

Answer: km

Bangladesh Bank DECO(IT)-2020

Question-1:evwl©K eb‡fvRb Abyôv‡b Av‡qvR‡bi Rb¨ b‡ev`q mwgwZi m`m¨iv 45000 UvKvi ev‡RU Kijb Ges
wm×všÍ wb‡jb †h cÖ‡Z¨K mgvb Pvu`v w`‡eb|wKš‘ 5 Rb m`m¨ Pvu`v bv ‡`Iqvq evwK m`m¨‡`i gv_vwcQz 15 UvKv e„w×
†cj| b‡ev`q mwgwZi m`m¨ msL¨v KZ? [Bangladesh Bank DECO(IT)-2020]
Answer: 125

Question-2:‡Kvb Avmj 3 eQ‡i gybvdv Avm‡j 5500 UvKv nq| gybvdv Avm‡ji 3/8 Ask n‡j, Avmj I gybvdvi
nvi wbY©q Kiæb|[Bangladesh Bank DECO(IT)-2020] Answer: Tk.4000, 12.5%

evsjv‡`k e¨vsK, wewmGm mn mKj Faculty i As‡Ki we¯ÍvwiZ mgvavb †c‡Z AvRB msMÖn Kiæb
‘A Complete Faculty Based Bank Written Math 4th Edition’

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