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SCRIPTURES: Revelation 21: 1-6a & John 1: 35-42
KEY CONCEPTS: Seekers of Christ, then & now, continue to search for the answer to this
question. What are we looking for in 2011?
How much do you spend looking for things you’ve laid down, put up or stored? Over the past
few years, I’ve noticed that I spend much more time looking for items that I seem to
remember having stored somewhere other than where I am. I can be quite frustrating. I
don’t know if it’s that I have too many material items to keep up with (which means I need to
give some things away) or if my memory really is getting worse!  Either way, my need to
answer the nearly daily question, “What are you looking for?” reminds me that some days I
spend time looking for trivial items – like that new pair of socks I got for Christmas or the new
bottle of ketchup that seems to have vanished in our abundantly stocked refrigerator.
And then I hear the words from today’s Gospel reading & realize that even in Jesus’ day, 1st
century spiritual seekers were looking for much greater items. For they were seeking
something more eternally significant than lost or misplaced material items – rather it seems
they may have been seeking a Messiah. Their search prompted Jesus’ question of “What
are you looking for?”(John 1: 38). It was a good question then & an even better question
now. On this the 3rd Sunday of 2011, what are you looking for?
In seeking to answer Jesus’ question, “What are you looking for?” implies that we’re indeed
looking for something different, something new & something that will enhance our lives & the
lives of those around us.
Jesus posed the question to two of John’s disciples: Andrew & possibly the disciple, John.
This encounter began as John the Baptizer’s ministry was drawing to a close & Jesus’
ministry was just beginning. John the Baptizer, the foreteller of Jesus had fulfilled his calling
well & now he was willing to turn his disciples over to Jesus. By responding to Andrew,
Jesus was ultimately able to not only invite Andrew to be his disciple, but also Andrew’s
brother, Peter.
Andrew & John the disciple answered Jesus’ question with a question. “Teacher, where are
you staying?” And finally Jesus states, “Come & see.” The men followed Jesus to where he
was staying & spent the day with him….maybe talking about who he was, what his purpose
was, etc. Whatever they discussed – at the end of the day – they could confidently report
that they “had found the Messiah.”
I believe that Andrew & John could report that Jesus was the Messiah because they were on
the lookout for the Messiah! They had listened to the words of John the Baptizer about Jesus
& then they went to see for themselves.
Application: In this New Year, we need to not only find Christ for ourselves, but we report
back & invite those who are our brothers, sisters & friends to find Christ too. In 2011, I truly
believe that Our Hope MCC can make a huge impact on our GLBTQ community by offering
the love of Christ that can heal body, mind & spirit.
In seeking to embody the love of Christ that can heal our broken world, I have been drawn to
the incident that occurred last Saturday in Tucson, AZ. In only 15 seconds, a mass murderer
took out his anger & frustration on innocent people. Six people lost their lives & now their
families are forever changed by this cowardly act of violence. Numerous other lives were
changed due to injuries. And throughout the week, I kept asking “Where is God?” & “What
good is God going to bring out of this tragedy?”
In answer to today’s question, “What was I looking for?” with regard to the senseless
tragedy in Tucson? I was looking for God to be God. And over the past week, I have seen
God in numerous ways:
• Lives of those killed
• Lives of those injured & still recovering
• Lives of those who tackled the shooter & ministered to the wounded
• Lives of the doctors, nurses & medical staff
• In the response of those in Tucson – flowers, cards, candles & prayers
• In the response of the nation….in coming together to pray & offer support
While I am on this earth, I am looking for a kinder, less violent world – a world that Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. dreamed of. One where there would be more equality for people of all races,
a world of peace, a world of economic justice & opportunity. Dr. King & I still dream of a
world where God abides among God’s people. (Rev. 21: 3). What am I looking for?
• A place where tears are wiped away
• Where death is no more
• Where mourning, crying & pain is no more
But...until that time: I will continue to invite each of us to look to God who desires for us to
“Come & see” that God is still God – on the best of days & on the worst of days.
The other night, I was watching the memorial service in Tucson – where numerous people
spoke & where the final speaker was President Obama. Following that experience, I realized
that during tragic times, we all look to leaders to “say the right things, to assure us that death
& murder won’t come to our town”.
And, it dawned on me; most human beings expect their political, religious & national leaders
to be god. We sometimes, unfairly, set such high expectations that only Jesus Christ could
fulfill our expectations & manage our fears. How unfair is that: to ask humans – even when
they’re great leaders – to be someone they can never be nor should never try to be?
In closing, maybe what we’re all looking for is a Messiah! And maybe the reason, Jesus said
to “Come & see” was to remind us all that in order to find what we’re looking for, we need to
make sure we’re looking in the proper places.
What are you looking for? And where are you looking for it?

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