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Energy is the capacity of a body for doing work. We have a wide range of sources of
energy such as the sun, the wind, the earth geothermal), flowing water, coal, gasoline, diesel,
natural gas, biogas, etc. at our disposal.
There are two types of sources of energy:
Renewable sources of energy (or non-conventional sources of energy): The sources of
energy which are in constant supply to us by nature and are inexhaustible are known as
renewable sources of energy. Example : The sun (solar energy), oceans, tidal energy, wind
energy, running water energy, wood, geothermal energy etc.
(ii) Non- renewable sources of energy (or conventional sources of energy): The sources
which cannot used again and again and are exhaustible are known as non-renewable sources
of energy. Example: Coal, natural gas, petroleum, fossil fuels etc.
A good fuel:
(a)Low ignition temperature (ii) having high calorific value (iii) Produce less fume and
A good source of energy has following characteristics:
(i) Provide large amount of energy                     (ii) Easy to store and  transport
(iii) Economical                                                        (iv)  Easily available
Q. If you could use any source of energy for heating your food, which one would you use
and why?
Ans: LPG or Natural as it is highly inflammable, produce less smoke on burning, easy to use,
transport and Having high calorific value
Fossil Fuels: It takes million of years to form by carbonization e.g. coal, petroleum and
natural gas. The oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur are released on burning fossil fuels
are acidic oxides that when mixed with rain lead to acid rain. Excess of carbon mono oxide
also create green-house effect.
Fossil fuels are the major fuels used for generating electricity in thermal power plants.
Stem produced has energy that work to rotate the fan, the rotor blade of dynamo with high
speed and convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy.
The disadvantages of fossil fuels :
( a) produces a lot of pollutants that cause air pollution.
(b) Cause acid rain and global warming that affects the soil fertility and drinking water and
temperature above land.
Hydro Power Plants : The kinetic energy of flowing water or the potential energy of water
at a height can be utilized to moves the turbine which in turn rotate the coils of an electrical
generator to produce power or electricity at hydroelectric power stations. Hydro energy can
be stored by storing water in high altitude dams. Hence it is a renewable source of energy
Advantage of Hydro electricity:
(a) The process of hydel power does not cause any environment pollution.
(b) The moving water needed for the purpose is available free of cost.
(c) Water energy is a renewable source of electrical energy which will never get exhausted.
(d) The construction of dams on rivers helps in controlling floods and in irrigation.
Disadvantages of Hydro electricity:
(a) The construction of dam on a river disturbs the ecological balance
(b) Land for agricultural and human habitation submerged in the constructions of big dams.
(c) Dead plants and animals submerged into water produce methane gas cause green house
(d) Decrease fertility of soil in downstream area
Q. Why are we looking at alternate sources of energy?
Ans: Traditionally used sources of energy are limited and used at large scale. If this rate of
consumption continues, then the fossil fuels would be run out from the Earth. Therefore, we
need to conserve the energy sources. Hence, we are look for alternate sources of energy.
Biomass: Biomass is a renewable source of energy because it is obtained from plants (or
animals) which are produced again and again.
There are two ways of using biomass as a fuel. One is to burn the dry biomass like cattle-
dung or wood directly to produce heat. Another method is to convert the biomass
into charcoal and Biogas which is comparatively smokeless and has a high calorific
value. Biomasses produce less heat with a lot of smoke on burning.
Wind Energy: This kinetic energy of moving air rotate windmill that is used to turn the
turbine of the electric generator to produce electricity. Wind energy is an environment-
friendly and efficient source of renewable energy.
Disadvantages of Wind Energy:
(i) It may not be available at all times.                       (ii) Need large open space
(iii) it is costly                                                              (iv) Require high maintenance
Solar energy: The energy generated by the sun is the result of reaction called nuclear fusion.

Short Answer Type Questions (2 marks each) 

Q. 1. List four gases generated in a biogas plant 

Ans. (i) Hydrogen (ii) Hydrogen sulphide (iii) Methane (iv) Carbon dioxide. 

Q. 2. Name the major constituent of biogas. List three characteristics to prove it as an

excellent fuel. 

Ans. Methane is the major constituent of biogas. 

Three characteristics to prove it as an excellent fuel : (i) Smokeless (ii) Leaves no residue (iii)
Higher heat of combustion. 

Q. 3. Mention the main use of slurry left behind in the biogas of plant. State the
characteristics of the slurry on which this use is based. 

Ans: Slurry is used as a manure as it is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. 

Q.4. List any four reasons why we need to look for alternate sources of energy. 

Ans: Four reasons we need to look for alienate sources of energy are : 
(a) Pollution due to fossil fuels. (b) Exhausting fuel reserves.(c) Increasing need. (d)
Replenishment is not easy. 

Q.5. List any four qualities of an ideal source of energy. 

Ans: Qualifies of an Ideal Source of Energy : (a) More heat per unit mass. (b) Pollution less
and smoke free (c) Cheap and Economical. (d) Easily available and easily handled. (e) Safe
to transport. (any four) 

Q.6. (a) What is solar cell panel ? (b) Name any two elements that are used for making solar
cell panels. 

Ans. (a) A combined arrangement of a large number of solar cells that can deliver sufficient
electricity for practical use is known as solar cell panel. (b) Silver, Silicon. 

Q. 7. Why is charcoal considered to be a better fuel than wood ?

Ans. Charcoal is better fuel than wood because (a) It is smokeless and leaves no residue. (b)
It has a higher heat of combustion. 

Q. 8. List any two disadvantages of using fossil fuels. 

Ans. (a) Burning of coal or petroleum products lead to air pollution (b) The oxides of C, N
and S are released on burning fossil fuels as acidic, oxides. It leads to acidic rain and affect
water and soil. 

Q.9. List two reasons which limit the usage of solar cells for harnessing energy for domestic

Ans. (a) Availability of the special grade silicon for making solar cells is limited. (b) The
process of manufacture is expensive, silver used for interconnections of the cells in the panel
further adds to the cost. 

10. Biogas isconsidered to be a boon to the farmers. Give reasons.

Ans. (a) Farmers can produce clean fuel from biowastes. (b) Spent slurry is used as a best
manure and can be used to generate electricity. 

Q. 11. Give two advantages of using nuclear energy. 

Ans. Two advantages of using nuclear energy am (a) Very small mass of Uranium yields
tremendous energy. (b) The released energy can be used to produce steam and further
generate electricity. 
Q.12. State any three characteristics of a good source of energy. Name the gaseous fuel which
has the highest calorific value. 

Ans. Characteristics of Good Source of Enemy : (a) Large amount of work per unit
volume/mass. (b) Easily available (c) Easy to transport. Gaseous fuel of highest calorific

Q. 13. (a) Hydrogen is used as a rocket fuel. Why ? (b) List two limitations of using
solar cookers.

Ans. (a) Hydrogen is comparatively a cleaner fuel than any other gaseous fuel as on its
burning only water is produced which does not pollute the environment. (b) (i) Can not be
used in night/cloudy days. (ii) Direction of reflector has to be changed from time to time. 

Q. 14. What is a nuclear fusion reaction ? List any two advantages of nuclear fusion

Ans. Reaction in which two nuclei of lighter elements combine and form a heavy nucleus
with release of tremendous amount of energy. 

Two advantages : (a) Large amount of energy from a very small amount of fuel. (b) Produces
non-pollutant waste/does not produce gases which pollute the environment/ muse green
house effect. 

Q. 15. Large scale use of nuclear energy becomes prohibitive due to some hazards. State any
two major hazards associated with a nuclear power plant. 

Ans. (i) Storage and disposal of spent or used fuels which decay into sub-atomic particles
with harmful radiations. (ii) Nuclear waste storage and disposal result in
environment contamination or accidental leakage of nuclear radiations. 

Q. 16. A student constructed a model of box type solar cooker. He used a transparent plastic
sheet to cover the open face of the box. He found that this cooker does not function well.
What could be the possible draw backs in his model List any four draw backs. 

Ans. He may not have used (a) Black painted sheet to absorb heat radiation. (b) Black
cooking vessel to absorb heat radiation. (c) Glass sheet - prevents the escape of heat radiation
from the box instead of plastic sheet. (d) Mirror plate reflects the sunlight to fall on the glass

Choose the incorrect statement 

(a) It is expected to harness wind power to minimum in open space.
(b) The potential energy content of wind blowing at high altitudes is the source of wind
(c) Wind hitting at the blades of a windmill causes them to rotate. The rotation thus achieved
can be utilized further
(d) One possible method of utilizing the energy of rotational motion of the blades of a
windmill is to run the turbine of an electric generator.
Ans (b)
Q.2. Acid rain happens because:
(a) sun leads to heating of upper layer of atmosphere.
(b) burning of fossil fuels release oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur in the atmosphere.
(c) electrical charges are produced due to friction amongst clouds.
(d) earth atmosphere contains acids.
Ans . (b)
Q.3. In a hydro power plant
(a)potential energy possessed by stored water is converted into electricity.
(b) kinetic energy possessed by stored water is converted into potential energy.
(c) electricity is extracted from water.
(d) water is converted into steam to produce electricity.
Ans. (a)
Q.4. which one of the following forms of energy leads to least environmental pollutionin the
process of its harnessing and utilization?
(a)nuclear energy                                               (b) thermal energy
 (c) solar energy                                                (d) geothermal energy
Ans. (c)
Q.5. Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?
(a)wood                                                            (b)sun
(c)fossil fuels                                                    (d) wind
Ans .(c)
Q.6. Ocean thermal energy is due to
(a) energy stored by waves in the ocean
(b) temperature difference at different levels in the ocean
(c) Pressure difference at different levels in the ocean.
(d) Tides arising out in the ocean.

Q.7. the major problem in harnessing nuclear energy is how to:

(a) Split nuclei.
(b) Sustain the reaction.
(c) Dispose off spent fuel safely.
(d) Convert nuclear energy into electrical energy.
Q.8. which is the ultimate source of energy?
(a) water (b) sun (c ) uranium (d) fossil fuels
Ans. (b)
Q.9. The main constituent of biogas is
(a) Methane (b) carbon dioxide (c) hydrogen (d)hydrogen sulphide.
Q.10. the power generated in a windmill:
(a) Is more in rainy season since damp air would mean more air mass hitting the blades.
(b) Depends on the height of the tower.
(c) Depends on wind velocity.
(d) Can be increased by planting tall trees close to the tower.
Ans. (c)
Q.11. choose the correct statement:
(a)Sun can be taken as an inexhaustible source of energy.
 (b) There is infinite storage of fossil fuel inside the earth.
(c) Hydro and wind energy plants are non polluting sources of energy. (d) Waste from a
nuclear power plant can be easily disposed off.
Q12. which part of the solar cooker is responsible for green house effect?
(a) coating with black colour inside the box           (b) mirror
(c) glass sheet.                                                       (d) outer cover of the solar cooker
Q.13. In a hydroelectric power plant more electrical power can be generated if water falls
from a greater height because:
(a) its temperature increases.                
(b) larger amount of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
(c) the electricity content water increases with height.
 (d) more water molecules dissociate into ions.
 Ans. (b).
Q.14. choose the incorrect statement:
(a) We are encouraged to plant more trees so as to ensure clean environment and also provide
bio-mass fuel.
 (b) Gober-gas is produced when crops,vegetable wastes etc.,decompose in the absence of
 (c) The main ingredient of bio-gas is ethane and it gives a lot of smoke and also produces a
lot of residual ash.
 (d) Bio-mass is a renewable source of energy.
Q.15. Fuel used in thermal power plants is
(a) water (b) uranium (c) biomass (d) fossil fuels
Ans. (d)

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