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1. In which form food is stored in our body?
2. Which enzyme does saliva contain?
3. Define peristaltic movements?
4. Which is the site of complete digestion?
5. What prevents the collapsing of trachea?
6. Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure?
7. Which process helps in artificial removal of waste from the body?
8. Name the filtration units of human body?
9. Why is nitrogen essential for plants?
10. What is systolic pressure?
11. Which acid is form in muscles during cramps?
12. What is energy currency of cell?
13.What is the first step of breaking down of glucose?
14. Mention any one function of HCL?
15. How does mucus help in digestion?
16. Define autotrophic mode of nutrition?
17. What is diastolic pressure?
18. What is role of valves?
19. Name any two methods of transportation of water in plant .
20. Which of the following process need energy – translocation or transpiration

1. How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place.
2. What is role of saliva in the digestion of food?
3. How plants excrete?
4. What is excretion?
5. Which acid is removed during excretion from the body.
6. Differentiate between transportation of food and water.
7. Distinguish between veins and arteries?
8. Explain lymph briefly?
9. What are capillaries? Explain one function of capillaries.
10. Name the red pigment. Where does it present?
11. Explain any two path ways from which glucose is oxidized?
12. What is respiration?
13. Explain closing and opening of stomata?
14. Explain events which take place during photosynthesis?
15. Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
16. Differentiate between autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition?
17. Why herbivores has large small intestine?
18. Where do plants get each of the raw materials required for photosynthesis?
19. What are parasites? Give one example.
20. Give any two functions of bile juice.

1. Explain any three components of blood.
2. Diffusion is insufficient to fulfill oxygen requirements in complex multicelluar
organism like humans? Why?
3. Explain how lungs are designed to maximize the change of gases between
respiratory system and blood.
4. Rate of breathing of aquatic animals is much faster than terrestrial animals? Why?
Explain how small intestine is designed to maximize the rate of absorption of digested food?

1. Explain the process of digestion in human being?
2. Draw a well-labeled diagram of nephron and explain its functioning and structure.
3. Draw a well- labeled diagram of heart and explain its structure and functioning.
4. Explain mode of nutrition in unicellular organisms.
5. What happens to food after it enters the small intestine? Mention all the enzymes


1. Which system is responsible for control and coordination in animals?
2. What is stimulus?
3. Name the gap present between two neurons.
4. Which is the longest cell in our body?
5. What are electric Impulses?
6. Why have reflex arcs evolved in animals?
7. What is central nervous system made up of?
8. By whom is the communication between central nervous system and other body parts
9. Which part of the brain is specialized for hearing , smell and sight?
10. Involuntary actions are controlled by which part of brain?
11. Which part of hind brain is responsible for maintaining pasture and balance of the body?
12. How is spinal chord protected?
13. Give an example how is plant respond to stimuli?
14. Identify : ’I help in climbing plants on fences or other plants’ .
15. What do you mean by ‘tropic ‘ movement?
16. Which two hormones help in plant growth?
17. Identify: ‘I cause wilting and inhibit plant growth’ .
18. Name any two endocrine gland present in body.
19. Iodine helps in the synthesis of which hormone?
20. How is the timing and the amount of hormone released and regulated in human body?

1. How are reflex arcs related to reflex action?
2. What do the following receptors detect:
(i) Gustatory receptors (ii) Olfactory receptors
3. Which is the main thinking part of the body? Mention its anyone function.
4. Mention any two actions controlled by mid and hind brain.
5. how are tissues protected? Explain by giving two examples.
6. What is the role of muscle cells in action?
7. Give two example to explain how plants respond to stimuli?
8. How do plant cells and muscle cells change their shape?
9. How tendrils help pea plant to climb?
10. How do shoots and roots show phototropic movement?
11. Define geotropism in plants.
12. What are the two limitations of electrical impulses?
13. Name a growth promoter and growth inhibitor in plants . Mention one function of each.
14. Name the stress hormone in human body.
15. A person has a swollen neck, name the disease. How it is related to the thyroid gland?
16.Which hormone is secreted by thyroid gland? Describe its functions.
17. Which hormone is responsible for growth in human beings? It is secreted by which
18. What would be the results of the following:-
a. Deficiency of growth hormone.
b. Absence of abscisic acid in plants.
19. Which hormones regulates the dramatic changes during adolescence in males and
20. A person is suffering from diabetes. Which hormone is deficient in the his body. It is
secreted from which gland ?

1. Name any 3 hormones present in plants and mention their functions.
2. Draw a well labeled diagram and
(i) Identify where information is acquired.
(ii) Where electrical impulse travels And where it is converted into chemical signals.
3. Describe the three types of tropic movements in plants.
4. Name the 3 major parts of the brain and their functions.
5. What is the need for a system of control and co-ordination in organisms?

1. Describe the pathway of an electrical impulse in neuron. Draw diagram also.
2. How does chemical communication in animal takes place?
3. List any 5 characteristics of hormones.
4. What is the stress hormone? How does it help in dealing with stressful situation?
5. How does nervous tissue cause action?

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