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Principles of Surgical Asepsis

1. Only sterile items are use within the sterile field.

2. Sterile persons are gowned and gloved.
3. Tables are sterile only at the tbale level
4. Sterile person touv\ches only sterile items or areas,
while unsterile person touch only unsterile items

or areas.

5. Unsterile persons avoid reacing over an sterile field,

while sterile persons avoid leaning an unsterile


6. The edges of anything that encloses sterile contents

are considered unsterile

7. The sterile filed in created as close as possible to

the item of use

8. Sterile areas are continously kept in view

9. Sterile person keep well within the sterile area
10.Sterile person keep contact with sterile areas to a

11.Unsterile persons avoid sterile areas

12.Destruction of the integrity of microbial barriers
results in contamination

13.Microorganism must be kept to an irreducible


Responsibilities of a Scrub Nurse

1. Wear proper OR attire

2. Do the surgical scrubbing
3. Get inside the OR, observing sterile technique
4. Dry hand with sterile towel
5. Wear a surgical gown observing aseptic technique
6. Wear a sterile gloves (closed gloving)
7. Drape the mayo stand and arrange the instruments
according to its use

8. Count the instruments, sutures, needles, and

sponges simultaneously with the circulating nurse

watching and recording

9. Hand to the surgeon the towel and serve the gown

and gloves with proper technique

10.Assist the surgeon in draping the patient

11.Prepare the sterile suction tubing and cautery tip if
12.Lay 2 sponges and 1 to the surgeon and 1 to the
assistant surgeon

13.As soon as the surgeon made the incision place the

knife in a kidney basin or specimen basin

14.Hand the hemostat

15.Watch the field and anticipate the surgeon’s needs
16.Keep the field neat and wipe any blood in the
instruments with a moist sponge

17.Sponge bleeding areas and discard soiled sponges

18.Notify circulating nurse for additional instruments
or any supplies

19.Work as fast as possible but be calm

20.Before the closure of the insicion, check or count
the sponges, instruments, needles. Be sure that is


21.Remove the knife and blade from the mayo stand

22.Have warm saline solution ready, if needed
23.Prepare dressing gauze and assist surgeon
24.Remove the soiled drapes
25.Place tissue specimen in a receptacle, if there is any

Responsibilities of a Circulating Nurse

1. Wear proper OR attire

2. Prepare OR setup
3. Read the supplies and equipments. Check if the
equipment are functioning

4. Adjust the operating room light. Focus it to the site

of the incision if possible

5. Prepare the sterile pack and prepare materials

which according to surgeon’s preference

6. Recieve patient and check if any preoperative

procedure had been done basing from the patient’s

preoperative checklist

7. Check the patient’s chart and laboratory results.

Ask the ward nurse if there is a cross-matched

blood available for the patient in some cases

8. Assist in transferring the patient from the stretcher

to the operating table. Always consider the safety

of the patient

9. Position patient fro the induction of anesthesia.

Assist the anesthesiologist as possible
10.Instruct members of the team to refrain from any

11.Place the patient to the desired surgical position

and do the final preparation

12.Tie the surgeons and nurses gown. Fix the sleeve

by reacing the inside gown to the shoulder sleeve

13.When patient is already draped, adjust the mayo

stand over the patient foot area, be sure not to touch

the sterile area

14.Readjust the light. Focus the highlight to the

surgical site

15.Provide flat or fot stand for those who needs it

16.Count the instruments
17.Watch the ongoing procedure and observe any
break of sterility

18.Be observant in the needs of the sterile items

19.Check IV frequently and inform anesthesiologist
20.Document the entire surgical procedure
21.Assist anesthesiologist or the scrub nurse in
transferring the patient to stretcher or accompany

patient to the ward

22.Check the patient before transferring. Cleaning

before leaving the unit

A list of common terms, including the meaning and origin of prefixes and suffixes.

A-/An- not, without, less, absent: also, in a particular place or
condition (Old English, from an, an alternative for on)
Ab- Away from, off (Indo-European ‘off, away’)
Ad- To, toward (Latin ad, ‘toward, near’)
Aer- Air
Amb- Both, on both sides
Amph- On both sides
Angio- To do with arteries
Ante- Before
Anti- Against, opposite (Greek anti, ‘opposite, against’)
Apo- From, opposed
Auto- Self
Bi- Twice, double
Brachy- Short (Greek brakhus ‘short’)
Brady- Slow
Cardio- The heart
Cata- Down, back, apart (Greek kata)
Cephal- The head
Chole- To do with bile
Chromo- Colour
Circum- Around
Colo- To do with the colon
Con- Together
Cyan- Blue (Greek kuanos, ‘dark blue’)
Contra- Against
Cyst- Bag, bladder
Cyto- Cell
Dacry- Tears
Dactyl- Finger or toe (Greek daktulos)
De- From, not
Deci- Tenth
Demi- Half
Dent- Teeth
Derma- Skin
Di- Two, twice, double
Dia- Through, across (Greek dia)
Diplo- Double
Dis- Apart, absence of
Docho- Relating to a duct
Dys- Bad or abnormal (Greek dus-)
Ect-, Ecto- External, outside (Greek ektos ‘out’)
Eu- Normal
Endo- In, within, inside (Greek endo)
Entero- Small intestine (Greek enteron. ‘in, inside’)
Epi- On, over, above (Greek epi, ‘upon’)
Ex, exo- Out
Extra- Beyond or outside (Latin extra, ‘outside, beyond’)
Fore- Before, in front of
Galacto- Milk
Gastro- The stomach
Genic- Producing or related to genes (Greek genos, ‘offspring,
Glosso- The tongue
Haem- Blood (Greek haima)
Hemi- Half, partial (Greek hemi-)
Hepato- Liver
Hetero- Other, dissimilar
Holo- All
Homo- Same, similar
Hydro- Water or liquid (Greek hudor)
Hyper- Above or excessive (Greek huper)
Hypo- Under or low (Greek hupo)
Idio- Private or individual (Greek idios, ‘one’s own, private’)
Ileo- The ileum
Infra- Beneath
Inter- Between, among (Latin inter, ‘between, among’)
Intra- Within or inside (Latin intra)
Intro- Into or inward (Latin intro)
Iso- Equal
Juxtra- Near
Kerato- Horn-like tissue, cornea (Greek keras, ‘horn’)
Kinese- Movement
Lact- Milk
Laparo- Abdomen, loin
Laryngo- Larynx
Latero- Side
Lepto- Thin, light, frail
Leuko- White
Litho- Stone or callculus (Greek lithos, ‘stone’)
Macro- Large
Mal- Bad
Medi- Middle
Mega- Large
Melano- Black
Meno- Menopause
Meso- Middle, intermediate (Greek mesos)
Meta- Later, behind (Greek meta, ‘beside, after’)
Micro- Small
Mio- Less, smaller
Mono- Single
Multi- Many
Myco- Fungus, fungi (Greek mukes. ‘slimy’)
Myo- Muscle
Myelo- Marrow
Myxo- Mucus
Neo- New, recent (Greek neos)
Nephro- Kidney
Neuro- Nerves
Non- No
Ob- Against
Oculo- Eye
Odont- Tooth
Oligo- Few
Omo- Shoulder
Oo- Ovum, egg (Greek oion)
Opisth- Backward
Orchid- Testicle
Ortho- Correct; straight (Greek orthos, ‘straight, right’)
Os- Mouth, bone
Osteo- Bone (Greek osteon)
Oxy- Sharp
Pachy- Thick
Pan- All (Greek ‘all’)
Para- Beside, faulty (Greek para)
Path- Disease
Per- Going through a structure
Peri- Around (Greek peri)
Pleo- More
Pneu-, Pneumo-Lungs, breathing
Pod- Foot
Poikilo- Iregular, varied
Poly- More than one (Greek polus, ‘much’)
Post- After
Pre- Before
Pro- Before
Procto- Anus, rectum (Greek proktos)
Proto- First
Pseudo- False, spurious (Greek pseud ‘to lie’)
Psych- Mind
Py- Pus
Pyelo- Relating to the pelvis of the kidney
Re- Again
Retro- Backward
Rhino- Nose, nasal (Greek rhis, ‘nose’)
Sacro- Sacrum
Salpingo- Fallopian tube
Sarco- Flesh
Sclero- Hard
Scoto- Darkness
Somato- Relating to the body
Steato- Fat (Greek steat)
Stetho- Chest
Sub- Under, below, beneath (Latin sub, ‘under’)
Supra- Over, on top of (Latin supra, ‘above, beyond’)
Syn- With, together
Tachy- Accelerated, rapid (Greek takhus, ‘swift’)
Tampon- To plug (French tampon)
Thermo- Heat
Thyro- Thyroid
Trans- Going across a structure (Latin trans, ‘across, over,
Tropho- Nourishment, nutrition
Uni- One, single (Latin unus)
Uro- Urine
Vaso- A vessel
Verm- Worm-like
Xanth- Yellow

-aceous Resembling (Latin, ‘related to’)
-ade An action (Latin –ata)
-aemia Blood (Greek haima, ‘blood’)
-aesthesia, Sensation
-agogue Substance promoting a flow of something (Greek
agogos, ‘a drawing off’)
-algia Pain (Greek algos, ‘pain’)
-cardial Relating to the heart (Greek kardia, ‘heart’)
-cele Tumor, cyst, hernia
-cephalic Head (Greek kephale, ‘head’)
-cide Causing death
-coel(e) A cavity (Greek koilos, ‘hollow’) e.g. hydrocoele
-cyst A fluid filled sac
-cyte Cell e.g. phagocyte
-creas Flesh (Greek kreas, ‘flesh’) e.g. pancreas
-dynia Pain
-ectasia Dilatation of ducts
-ectomy Surgical excision of a part of the body (Latin -ectomia,
‘cutting out’) e.g. tonsillectomy – excision of the tonsils
-fuge To drive away
-genic The capacity to produce (Greek -genus, ‘born’)
-gogue To make flow
-gram An imaging technique using contrast medium
-itis Inflammation (Greek) e.g. appendicitis (inflammation of
the appendix)
-lasis Condition, pathological state
-lysis Set free, disintegrate
-megaly Anormal enlargement (Greek megal-) e.g.
-morphic Something that has a particular form, shape, or
structure (Greek morphe) e.g. pleomorphic
-nexal From ‘nexus’ indicating a connection or link e.g. adnexal
-oid Shape, resemblance
-oma A tumour (Latin) e.g. hepatoma – a tumour of the liver
-osis Abnormal condition, process (Greek)
-oscopy Inspection of a cavity
-ostomy A connection between two hollow organs e.g.
cholecystoduodenostomy – an anastomosis between
the gall bladder and the duodenum
-ostosis Formation of bone (Greek osteon, ‘bone’)
-otomy To cut into a part of the body (Latin -tomia, ‘cutting’) e.g.
laparotomy – an incision into the peritoneum
-penia Lack
-phagia Eating (Greek phagein ‘to eat’)
-pathy Disorder or disease (Greek pathos)
-plasia Growth or formation (Greek plassein, ‘to form, mould’)
-plasty Surgical revision e.g. pyloroplasty (Greek plastos,
-plegia Paralysis
-pnoea Breath, respiration
-poiesis Production
-rhage Flow
-rhaphy Suturing
-rrhoea Flow, discharge (Greek rhein, ‘to flow’)
-sclerosis Dryness, hardness
-scopy To see
-stomosis To create an outlet
-systole Contraction of the heart (Greek sustole ‘to contract’)
-tomy Cutting
-trophic Nourishment
-tropic Having an affinity for, turning towards
-uretic To do with urine
Abscess A localised collection of pus (Latin abscessus, ‘to go
away’ - referring to bodily humours going away in the
Adenoma A benign epithelial tumour of glandular origin
Aneurysm Dilatation of an artery (Greek aneurusma, ‘dilation,
Antegrade Going in the direction of flow, e.g. antegrade
Arrhythmia Disturbance or irregularity of the heartbeat
Axillary Of, relating to, or located near the axilla (armpit)
Ballotment To toss about (French)
Bifurcation To divide into two parts or branches
Biliary Of or relating to bile, the bile ducts, or the gallbladder
Cannulation The insertion of a cannula or tube into a hollow body
Capillary A tube of small internal diameter
Cirrhosis Chronic degenerative disease of the liver
Claudication Claudius I (10BC – 54AD), Emperor of Rome had a
limp, possibly due to polio. Hence the Latin term
claudus for ‘lame’.
Colitis Inflammation of the colon
Concomitant Occurring or existing concurrently
Cutaneous Relating to or existing on or affecting the skin
Diverticulum Plural diverticula (hence, use of the term
‘diverticulae’ is erroneous)
Dysplasia Abnormal development or growth of tissues, organs,
or cells
Embolus A blood clot that becomes lodged in a blood vessel
and obstructs it (Greek embolos, ‘peg, stopper,
Empyema A collection of pus in a body cavity
Endarterectomy Surgical removal of the inner lining of an artery that
is clogged with atherosclerosis
En bloc On mass; all together
Fistula A pipe or tube (Latin), plural fistulae. An abnormal
communication between two hollow viscera, or one
hollow viscera and the skin. It is conventional to
name the diseased viscus first i.e. colovesical fistula
due to diverticula disease; whereas, vesicocolic
fistula from a bladder cancer.
Fundoplication A surgical procedure involving making tucks in the
fundus of the stomach around the lower end of the
Ganglioma A tumour of a ganglion
Gangrene Death of tissue with putrefaction, sometimes referred
to as ‘wet’ gangrene (Greek gaggraina, ‘death of
tissue). C.f. necrosis, mummification
Haematoma A swelling containing blood
Haemorrhage Heavy bleeding from ruptured blood vessels
Haemorrhoid Pain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal
Hepatic Of, relating to, or resembling the liver; acting on or
occurring in the liver
Hernia The abnormal protrusion of the contents of a cavity
beyond the normal confines of that cavity
Hydatid Cyst filled with liquid; forms as a result of infestation
by tapeworm larvae
Ileus Intestinal obstruction
Infarction Infarct: localized necrosis resulting from obstruction
of the blood supply
Inguinal Of, relating to, or located in the groin
Intussusception The enfolding of one segment of the intestine within
Ischaemia An inadequate supply of blood to a part of the body
caused by blockage of an artery
Keloid An area of raised pink or red fibrous scar tissue at
the edges of a wound or incision (Greek khele, ‘crab
Laparoscopy Laparotomy performed with a laparoscope that
makes a small incision to examine the abdominal
Lymphoma Any of various usually malignant tumours that arise
in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue
Maxillary Of or relating to a jaw or jawbone, especially the
upper one
Mesenteric Of or relating to or located in a mesentery
Mesothelioma A form of carcinoma of the mesothelium lining lungs
or abdomen or heart; usually associated with
exposure to asbestos dust
Metastasis The spreading of a disease (especially cancer) to
another part of the body
Mummification Death of tissue with desiccation rather than
putrefaction, sometimes referred to as ‘dry’
gangrene. (French momifier, ‘to dry out and shrivel’)
Necrosis Death of tissue with structural evidence of such
Nephrectomy Surgical removal of a kidney
Occlusion Closure or blockage (as of a blood vessel)
Omental Pertaining to the omentum (a fold of peritoneum
supporting the viscera)
Ossification The developmental process of bone formation
Paediatric Of or relating to the medical care of children
Perfusion Pumping a liquid into an organ or tissue (especially
by way of blood vessels)
Peritoneal Of or relating to or affecting the peritoneum
Popliteal Of or relating to the area behind the knee joint
Psoas Either of two muscles of the abdomen and pelvis that
flex the trunk and rotate the thigh
Retrograde Going a reverse direction against flow e.g.
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram
Sebaceous Greasy
Sepsis The presence of pus-forming bacteria or their toxins
in the blood or tissues
Sigmoid Curved in two directions (like the letter S)
Sinus A blind tract lined with granulation tissue hollow or
gulf (Latin, ‘curve, fold, hollow’)
Slough A piece of dead soft tissue or water (Old English
sloh, a hole or low area in the ground filled with mud)
Splenic Of or relating to the spleen
Squamous Covered with or formed of scales; scaly
Stent An artificial tube inserted into a tubular organ to keep
it open
Stoma Surgical opening: an artificial opening made in an
organ, especially an opening in the colon
(colostomy) or ileum (ileostomy) made via the
abdomen. (Greek, ‘mouth’). Plural stomata
Subacute Used to describe a medical condition that develops
less rapidly and with less severity than an acute
Suture The fine thread or other material used surgically to
close a wound or join tissues; an immovable joint
(especially between the bones of the skull)
Thrombus A blood clot that forms in a blood vessel and remains
at the site of formation (Greek thrombos, ‘clot’)
Tomography Obtaining pictures of the interior of the body
Tonsillar Of or pertaining to the tonsils
Ulcer A non-traumatic discontinuity of an epithelial surface
(Latin ulcer, ‘a sore’)
Varicose veins Dilated, lengthened, and tortuous veins
Ventricular Of or relating to a ventricle (of the heart or brain)


1. abdominal hysterectomy - the uterus is removed through the abdomen via a

surgical incision.

2. abdominoscopy - a type of surgery using a laparoscope, which is inserted into

one or more small incisions, to examine the abdominal cavity. (See also
endoscopy, laparoscopy, or minimally invasive surgery.)

3. acute appendicitis - acute inflammation of the appendix due to infection.

4. advance directives - legal documents stating a patient's medical preferences in

the event the patient should become incapable of voicing his/her opinion. (See
also durable power of attorney and living will.)

5. anesthesia - medicine administered for the relief of pain and sensation during

6. antibiotics - medication used to treat infection.

7. anticoagulation drugs - medication used to prevent blood clots from forming.

8. appendectomy - the surgical removal of the appendix to treat acute appendicitis.

9. arthroscopy - with the use of an endoscope, surgeons can look at the interior of
a joint. This technique is most often used to inspect the inside of the knee joint.

10. artificial ventilation - the process of supporting breathing by manual or

mechanical means when normal breathing is inefficient or has stopped.

11. top

12. biopsy - a diagnostic test involving the removal of tissue or cells for examination
under a microscope.

13. blood pressure - the pressure of the blood in the main arteries.

14. bronchoscopy - the examination of the bronchi, the main airways of the lungs,
to diagnose certain lung disorders.

15. top

16. catheter - a flexible tube used to drain fluid from or inject fluid into the body. The
most common catheter is the Foley catheter, used to drain urine from the

17. cholecystectomy - surgery to remove the gallbladder.

18. colectomy - partial or complete removal of the large bowel or colon.

19. colonoscopy - test to look into the rectum and colon. The doctor uses a long,
flexible, narrow tube with a light and tiny lens on the end. The tube is called a

20. colposcopy - visual examination of the cervix and vagina using a lighted
magnifying instrument (colposcope).

21. computed tomography (CT or CAT scan) - using a computer and x-rays to get
a cross-sectional picture of the tissues being examined.

22. craniectomy - excision of a part of the skull.

23. craniotomy - surgical opening of the skull to gain access to the intracranial

24. cystoscopy - inserting a viewing tube up the urethra to examine the urethra and
bladder cavity.

25. debridement - the surgical removal of foreign material and/or dead, damaged or
infected tissue from a wound or burn.

26. deep vein thrombosis - blood clotting which occurs within deep-lying veins.
27. diathermy machine - a piece of equipment used in the operating room to control

28. dilation and curettage (D & C) - a common gynecological surgery which

consists of widening the cervical canal with a dilator and scraping the uterine
cavity with a curette.

29. durable power of attorney - a legal document denoting a friend or family

member as your legal guardian in case you are unable to make medical
decisions for yourself.

30. elective surgery - an operation the patient chooses to have done, which may
not be essential to continuation of quality of life. (See also optional surgery.)

31. electrocardiogram - a record of the electrical impulses that immediately precede

the contraction of the heart muscle.

32. electrocoagulation - electrosurgery which helps harden tissue.

33. electrodesiccation - electrosurgery which destroys tissue.

34. electrosurgery - surgery which uses electrical instruments.

35. emergency surgery - an operation performed immediately as a result of a

urgent medical condition. (See also urgent surgery.)

36. endarterectomy - the surgical removal of plaque or blood clots in an artery.

37. endoscopy - a type of surgery using a laparoscope, which is inserted into one or
more small incisions, to examine the abdominal cavity. (See also
abdominoscopy, laparoscopy, or minimally invasive surgery.)

38. epidural anesthetic - an anesthetic which is injected into the "epidural space" in
the middle and lower back, just outside the spinal space, to numb the lower

39. esophagus - the muscular canal that runs from the voice box to the stomach.

40. fallopian tubes - the tube that extends from the uterus to the ovary. The
fallopian tube transports eggs and sperm.

41. free skin graft - the detaching of healthy skin from one part of the body to repair
areas of lost or damaged skin in another part of the body.

42. gastrectomy - complete or partial removal of the stomach.

43. gastroscopy - examining the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and the first part
of the small intestine with a long viewing tube.
44. general anesthetic - an anesthetic which causes the patient to become
unconscious during surgery.

45. heart rate - the rate at which the heart beats. Normal heart rates range between
60 and 100 beats per minute.

46. hemorrhage - the medical term for bleeding.

47. hemorrhoidectomy - the removal of hemorrhoids.

48. hemorrhoids - distended veins in the lining of the anus.

49. hysterectomy - the surgical removal of the uterus.

50. hysteroscopy - a visual inspection of the cervical canal and uterine cavity with
an endoscope.

51. top

52. inguinal hernias - protrusions of part of the intestine into the muscles of the

53. infection - the invasion of the body by microorganisms that cause disease.

54. informed consent form - a form signed by the patient prior to surgery which
explains everything involved in the surgery, including its risks.

55. inpatient surgery - surgery which requires the patient to be admitted and stay in
the hospital.

56. intravenous line - a thin plastic tube inserted into a vein (usually in the patient's
forearm) through which a volume of fluid is injected into the bloodstream.

57. laminectomy - surgical procedure which includes removal of a portion of the

lamina, to provide more room in the vertebral canal; usually for disc herniation or
spinal canal stenosis.

58. laparoscope - a type of endoscope consisting of an illuminated tube with an

optical system.

59. laparoscopic cholecystectomy - an operation to remove the gallbladder. The

doctor inserts a laparoscope, and other surgical instruments, through small holes
in the abdomen. The camera allows the doctor to see the gallbladder on a
television screen. The doctor removes the gallbladder through the holes.

60. laparoscopic lymphadenectomy - the removal of pelvic lymph nodes with a

laparoscope done through four small incisions in the lower abdominal region.

61. laparoscopy - a type of surgery using a laparoscope, which is inserted into one
or more small incisions, to examine the abdominal cavity. (See also endoscopy,
abdominoscopy, or minimally invasive surgery.)
62. laryngoscopy - inspecting the larynx (voice box) with a mirror or viewing tube.

63. laser surgery - using a device which emits a beam of light radiation, surgeons
can cauterize a wound, repair damaged tissue, or cut through tissue.

64. living will - a legal document which states your medical preferences for
treatment and resuscitation in the event you can no longer speak for yourself.

65. lobectomy - removal of a lobe of the lung, for cancer, benign tumors, or

66. local anesthesia - anesthetic medicine injected into the site of the operation to
temporarily numb that area.

67. lumpectomy - a surgical procedure to remove a tumor and surrounding tissue.

68. mastectomy - the removal of all or part of the breast.

69. minimally invasive surgery - any technique involved in surgery that does not
require a large incision. (See also endoscopy, abdominoscopy, or laparoscopy.)

70. modified radical mastectomy - surgical removal of the entire breast and the
ancillary lymph nodes.

71. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - with the use of a high-powered magnetic
field, cross-sectional images can be made of organs and structures without using

72. nephrectomy - surgical removal of the kidney.

73. needle aspiration (of the breast) - uses a thin needle and syringe to collect
tissue or drain a lump after using a local anesthetic.

74. needle biopsy (of the breast) - a procedure to remove a small piece of breast
tissue using a needle with a special cutting edge, after using a local anesthetic.

75. open surgery - cutting the skin and tissues during surgery to expose a full view
of the structures and organs involved in the procedure.

76. optional surgery - an operation the patient chooses to have done, which may
not be essential to continuation or quality of life. (See also elective surgery.)

77. outpatient surgery - surgery which allows the patient to go home the same day.

78. ovary - one of a pair of almond-shaped glands situated on either side of the
uterus. Egg cells develop in the ovaries.

79. partial colectomy - the removal of part of the large intestine.

80. peritoneal adhesions - the peritoneum is a two-layered membrane that lines the
wall of the abdominal cavity and covers abdominal organs. Sometimes organs
begin to adhere to the peritoneum, requiring surgery to free the organs again.
81. plasma - the watery, straw-colored fluid which carries the cellular elements of the
blood through circulation.

82. pneumonectomy - removal of an entire lung, for cancer, or lung abscesses,

bronchiectasis, or extensive tuberculosis.

83. post-anesthesia care unit - the area a patient is brought to after surgery to
recover. Also called recovery room.

84. prostatectomy - surgical procedure for the partial or complete removal of the

85. radical mastectomy - surgical removal of the entire breast, the pectoral
muscles, and the ancillary lymph nodes.

86. regional anesthetic - an anesthetic used to numb a portion of the body.

87. required surgery - an operation which is necessary to continue quality of life.

Required surgery may not have to be done immediately, like emergency surgery.

88. saline solution - a solution containing sodium chloride.

89. salpingectomy - surgical removal of a fallopian tube.

90. shock - a dangerous reduction of blood flow throughout the body.

91. sigmoidoscopy - examining the rectum and sigmoid colon.

92. simple mastectomy - surgical removal of the breast and possibly a few of the
axillary lymph nodes close to the breast.

93. spinal anesthetic - an anesthetic which is injected into the spinal canal fluid for
surgery in the lower abdomen, pelvis, rectum, or other lower extremities.

94. splenectomy - surgical removal of the spleen.

95. subtotal or partial gastrectomy - surgical removal of a portion of the stomach.

96. Thoracotomy - surgery to view the lung and may be used to confirm cancer, or
for chest trauma to detect source of bleeding.

97. Thrombolytic drugs - medication used to dissolve blood clots.

98. Total gastrectomy - complete removal of the stomach.

99. Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - the entire uterus,

fallopian tubes, and the ovaries are surgically removed.

100. Total hysterectomy - the entire uterus is surgically removed, including

the cervix; the fallopian tubes and the ovaries remain.

101. urgent surgery - an operation performed immediately as a result of an

urgent medical condition. (See also emergency surgery.)
102. urinary retention - the inability to empty the bladder.

103. Uterus - the hollow, muscular organ of the female reproductive system.

104. Wedge resection of the lung - a small, localized section of the lung is
removed -- often for a lung biopsy.

105. X-rays - electromagnetic energy used to produce images of bones,

organs, and internal organs onto film.


Melba Grace T. Donio BSN-3

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