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October 2, 2006



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Vol. 22, No. 20 October 2, 2006

5 From the Editor

7 Inside Track
8 Creating the North American Union

by Dennis Behreandt — The plans for a North American
Security and Prosperity Partnership are steps on the way to a
North American Union.

Design by Joseph W. Kelly

14 Myth vs. Fact
by Dennis Behreandt — In their myth-busting attempts, the
architects of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)
use half-truths and lies to conceal the real intent inherent in
their plans: building a North American Union.
31 Expert Analysis of the NAU
17 Your New North American ID Card Interview of Dr. Jerome Corsi by John F. McManus — Dr.
by Steven Yates — One element of the merger of the United Jerome Corsi shares his in-depth knowledge of the effort to
States, Canada, and Mexico is an effort to create a common create one political entity out of the United States, Canada,
“North American” ID card. and Mexico.
19 GOP Deeds Under a Microscope 33 Looking at the End Game
by Warren Mass — By failing to oppose the dangerous by William Norman Grigg — The proposed North American
policies of the Bush administration, much of the GOP Union is a major building bloc in a plan to merge the entire
leadership has proven that their talk about border security is world into a UN-supervised, centrally planned economy.
nothing but rhetoric.
39 China: Manufacturer for the World?
21 “SuperSlab” Paves the Way by John F. McManus — With vast amounts of slave labor
by Kelly Taylor — The NAFTA Super Highway, nicknamed to employ and the help of Western corporate leaders to
“SuperSlab” by some, is a planned system of roads, rail lines, build manufacturing plants, China is fast becoming the
and more that will speed up the unification of North America. manufacturer for the world.
25 Green Light From the Border to K.C. 41 Fighting the Good Fight
by Joyce Mucci — As part of the NAFTA Super Highway by Sam Antonio — In Fighting Immigration Anarchy,
system, a Mexican customs inspection facility is planned to author Daniel Sheehy recounts the stories of everyday
be constructed on U.S. soil in Kansas City, Missouri, far away American patriots who are battling to save our nation.
from the border.
44 Even Groucho Would Join This Club!
27 Following the EU Path by John Nelson and Larry Greenley
by William F. Jasper — The designers of the Security and
Prosperity Partnership plan to transform North America into a
regional government modeled after the European Union.
COVER Design by Joseph W. Kelly
Mix or
for Spe ch

Special Report on the North American Union

This need-to-read special report explains how our elected officials in
Washington are integrating the United States with Canada and Mexico
into a North American Union— just like Europe was joined into the
European Union — and how this will devastate our middle class, erase
our borders, and upend our Constitution. (October 2, 2006, 48pp) TNA061002

Escalating War
As pertains to the Mideast conflict, Americans Spy Nation
are repeatedly told by politicians and pundits Are the intelligence initiatives of the Bush
that we can either attack the terrorist- administration really making us more safe?
sponsoring regimes of Syria and Iran or This issue of THE NEW AMERICAN scrutinizes
negotiate and give gifts of foreign aid, but as the long-term ramifications of electronic
this issue explains, those alternatives won’t eavesdropping, the consolidation of the
settle matters and there is another way. intelligence branches, and “extraordinary
(August 21, 2006, 48pp) TNA060821 rendition.” (July 24, 2006, 48pp) TNA060724

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This 20th anniversary issue of T HE N EW Don't mend it — End it!
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about their coverage of the OKC bombing power elite’s phony UN reform agenda as a
coverup, UN conferences and summits, deceptive strategy for harnessing anti-UN
and saving the Constitution by preventing emotions to paradoxically strengthen the
constitutional conventions. (September 19, UN. (July 11, 2005, 48pp) TNA050711
2005, 48pp) TNA050919

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John F. McManus

veryone has heard about the Eu- particularly evident is our federal govern-
Gary Benoit ropean Union, the collection of ment’s supposed inability to secure our
countries in Europe that joined in borders, despite the terrorist threat. “The
Senior Editors economic union, but fewer know that this Bush administration’s open-borders poli-
William Norman Grigg “economic union” has evolved over time cy and its decision to ignore the enforce-
William F. Jasper
into a full-fledged European government. ment of this country’s immigration laws is
Copy Editor As the common citizens of Europe sit part of a broader agenda,” writer Dennis
Kurt Williamsen aghast, their elected representatives acqui- Behreandt quotes CNN commentator Lou
esce to the unelected elites at the EU over- Dobbs as saying in the “Overview” article
Contributors turning their countries’ laws, against the beginning on page 8. “President Bush
Dennis J. Behreandt
people’s wishes. Furthermore, relatively signed a formal agreement that will end
Christopher S. Bentley
Steven J. DuBord few people know either that our elected of- the United States as we know it,” Dobbs
Thomas R. Eddlem ficials in Washington are setting into place added, “and he took the step without ap-
Jodie Gilmore the mechanisms to enroll the United States proval from either the U.S. Congress or
William P. Hoar in a similar union, commonly referred to as the people of the United States.”
Warren Mass
the North American Union, and that if we That agreement, Behreandt explains, is
Michael E. Telzrow
Joe Wolverton II, J.D. allow them to fully implement their plans, called the Security and Prosperity Partner-
we will find ourselves sitting aghast as our ship (SPP). The establishment of the SPP
Editorial Assistant country’s own laws are overridden. was jointly announced in March 2005 by
Ann Shibler If our officials are successful, the Amer- President Bush and his counterparts from
ican flag would still exist, but it would no Mexico and Canada at a summit of the
Art Director
Joseph W. Kelly longer fly over a land in control of its own North American leaders in Waco, Texas.
destiny or even possessing its own national Full implementation of the SPP would cre-
Desktop Publishing Specialist identity. A place called “the United States” ate the North American Union.
Steven J. DuBord and its boundaries would still exist on a The developing political and econom-
map, but our laws would be “harmonized” ic integration of North America did not
Mary Benoit with the other members of the new re- begin with the SPP of course. A major
Brian T. Farmer gional government and the borders would preliminary step occurred more than a
Bonnie M. Gillis be opened. decade earlier with the adoption of the
Of course, the architects and promoters North American Free Trade Agreement
Marketing of this scheme do not openly call for abol- (NAFTA), which has significantly dam-
Larry Greenley
George R. Kotalik ishing the United States. They recognize aged our economy. A fully implemented
John H. Nelson that doing so would ignite a firestorm of SPP would be NAFTA on steroids. And
opposition from everyday Americans who there are other arrangements too, includ-
Web Manager would demand an end to this madness. ing the proposed Free Trade Area of the
Brian Witt So instead of trying to convince the Americas (FTAA), which would create a
Advertising/Circulation American people that we should tear up supernational government of the Ameri-
Julie DuFrane our Constitution and the Declaration of cas — including every country in North
Independence, and erase our national and South America except Cuba. Though
boundaries, these elitists instead advocate supported by the Bush administration, the
gradually entangling arrangements with FTAA has fortunately been temporarily
other governments that would eventually put on a back burner.
submerge the United States in a regional This power grab can be stopped through
Printed in the U.S.A. • ISSN 0885-6540
P.O. Box 8040 • Appleton, WI 54912 government controlled by unelected bu- exposure and organized action. We encour-
920-749-3784 • 920-749-3785 (fax) reaucrats of the elites’ choosing. age all readers to carefully consider the This premeditated merger of the United evidence assembled herein and to become
Rates are $39 per year (Hawaii and Canada, States with her neighbors to the north and actively engaged in the fight to preserve
add $9; foreign, add $27) or $22 for six months
(Hawaii and Canada, add $4.50; foreign, add
south is becoming increasingly obvious. our national independence. ■
$13.50). Copyright ©2006 by American Opin- One area where it is — GARY BENOIT
ion Publishing, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at
Appleton, WI and additional mailing offices. Post-
master: Send any address changes to THE NEW
AMERICAN, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912.
lished biweekly by Ameri- ➧ Additional copies of this issue of THE NEW AMERICAN are
can Opinion Publishing available at quantity-discount prices. To order, visit www.thenew
Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The John
Birch Society. or see the card between pages 38-39.


“Americans must think that “NAFTA was merely the first draft of an economic constitution
our political and academic for North America.”
elites have gone utterly mad Robert Pastor, one of the key architects of North American in-
at a time when three-and-a- tegration, made this observation in the January/February 2004
half years, approaching four issue of Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign
years after September 11, we Relations.
still don’t have border secu-
rity. And this group of elites “We cannot leap into world
is talking about not defend- government in one quick step....
ing our borders, finally, but The precondition for eventual
rather creating new ones. It’s globalization — genuine glo-
astonishing.” balization — is progressive
CNN commentator Lou regionalization.”
Dobbs, on his June 9, 2005 Former National Security Ad-

“Lou Dobbs Tonight,” was viser Zbigniew Brzezinski ex-

referring to a Council on Foreign Relations panel that wants pressed his view of regionalism
the United States to “create what effectively would be a common at Mikhail Gorbachev’s October
border that includes Mexico and Canada.” This objective is now 1995 State of the World Forum.

being pursued under the Security and Prosperity Partnership
established by President Bush and his Mexican and Canadian Hemispheric institutions, including the OAS [Organization of
counterparts in 2005. American States] and Inter-American Development Bank and
now the NAFTA institutions, can be forged into the vital mecha-
“The ultimate goal of any White House policy ought to be a nisms of hemispheric governance.
North American economic and political alliance similar in scope Then-National Security Adviser Anthony Lake recommended
and ambition to the European Union.” this course of action in a November 29, 1993 memo to President
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, in a September 7, 2001 edi- Bill Clinton.
torial, called for North American integration.
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of
“After consultation with our Canadian partners, we will strive to the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents
consolidate a North American economic community whose ben- such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller fam-
efits reach the lesser-developed areas of the region and extend to ily for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over Ameri-
the most vulnerable social groups in our countries.” can political and economic institutions. Some even believe we
Meeting at Rancho San Cristobal in Guanajuato, Mexico, are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the
President George W. Bush and President Vicente Fox jointly United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internation-
announced their intent for a “North American economic com- alists’ and of conspir-
munity” on February 16, 2001. ing with others around
the world to build a

more integrated global

political and economic
structure — one world,
if you will. If that’s the
charge, I stand guilty,
and I am proud of it.”
This incredible admis-
sion against interest
was made by David
Rockefeller in his
own book, Memoirs
(2002). ■



Design by Joseph W. Kelly

Creating the
North American Union
The plans for a North American Security and Prosperity Partnership are steps on the
way to a North American Union.

by Dennis Behreandt to discuss plans for integrating Canada, no longer respond on the national level
the United States, and Mexico. During to emergencies but will have a “common

n June 21, viewers of CNN’s Lou that meeting, the three heads of state ar- approach to emergency response.” And,
Dobbs Tonight heard the alarm- gued that the three nations are “mutually in a move that has tremendous implica-
ing introduction to a segment of dependent and complementary” and need tions for the growing immigration crisis,
the program devoted to the future of the to work together more closely on a range the three leaders agreed that the United
United States of America. “The Bush of issues. “In a rapidly changing world, States’ north and south borders would
administration’s open-borders policy and we must develop new avenues of coop- be eliminated. Under the SPP plan, the
its decision to ignore the enforcement of eration that will make our open societies three nations will “implement a border-
this country’s immigration laws is part of safer and more secure, our businesses facilitation strategy to build capacity and
a broader agenda,” Dobbs intoned. “Presi- more competitive, and our economies improve the legitimate flow of people and
dent Bush signed a formal agreement that more resilient,” the three leaders said in a cargo at our shared borders.”
will end the United States as we know it, joint statement. This plan is nothing short of revolution-
and he took the step without approval from The standard diplomatic language was ary. As Dobbs put it on his CNN program,
either the U.S. Congress or the people of a prelude to a radical proposal calling for it is “an absolute contravention of our law,
the United States.” the merger of the three nations in several of our Constitution, every national value.”
The agreement Dobbs was talking about important ways. Under a so-called Se- Though the plan sounds like a new innova-
was crafted a year earlier. On March 23, curity and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), tion, it is not new. It is the next step in a
2005, then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul the nations will no longer have separate progression of steps that, in a manner very
Martin and Mexican President Vicente Fox borders, but will “implement common similar to the process used in Europe to
met with President Bush in Waco, Texas, border-security.” The three nations will supplant individual nations with the Eu-


erlands, and Luxembourg and
created a supranational gov-
erning organization. Accord-
ing to Georgetown Univer-
sity historian Carol Quigley,
“This was a truly revolution-
ary organization since it had
sovereign powers, including
the authority to raise funds
outside any existing state’s
power.” As Quigley noted,
“This ‘supranational’ body
had the right to control pric-
es, channel investment, raise
funds, allocate coal and steel
during shortages, and fix pro-
duction in times of surplus.”
In short, “The ECSC was a
rudimentary government,”
Quigley concluded.
Creating a regional, su-
pranational government was
always the aim in Europe.
In 1990, the European Com-

Creating North America: At a March 23, 2005 press conference, President Bush answered a reporter on the mission admitted as much in
question of the North American Union, saying: “As to what kind of union might there be, I see one based upon the publication Europe — A
free trade, that would then entail commitment to markets and democracy, transparency, rule of law.” Fresh Start: “Monetary union
and economic integration are
ropean Union, will ultimately lead to the creation by 2010 of a community to en- two long-standing ambitions which the six
formation of a new government for the hance security, prosperity, and opportunity founding States … set themselves.” The
United States, the North American Union. for all North Americans.” document continued, describing the intent
If not stopped, the plan for a North Ameri- The CFR is proposing nothing less than of the EU’s founders: “We see, then, that
can Union will supplant the former inde- a plan to create a North American Union, the institutions set up since 1950 on the
pendent states of Canada, Mexico, and the similar to the European Union. The CFR initiative of Robert Schuman and Jean
United States. And this is not conjecture. protests that this is not its intention. “A Monnet are responding well to the aim of
The North American Union is official U.S. new North American community will not their founders: broadening the scope of
policy. be modeled on the European Union or the democratically and efficiently organized
European Commission, nor will it aim at collective action to cover the new arenas
The European Template the creation of any sort of vast suprana- of interdependence among Europeans.”
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) tional bureaucracy,” the Chairmen’s State- The end result of this gradual planning has
serves as the intellectual incubator for most ment said. been union in Europe.
of the foreign policy direction followed by But this is exactly the kind of statements That union was the goal all along was
the executive branch of the federal gov- that were made about the EU during its not readily apparent during the decades
ernment. Before the trilateral meeting be- earlier phases of development. The EU got of its development. The long-term aim of
tween the heads of state in Waco on March its start in 1950 with the plan for
23 of last year, the CFR had already un- European Coal and Steel Com-
dertaken an initiative with its counterparts munity (ECSC). The plan was If not stopped, the Security and
in Mexico and Canada (Consejo Mexicano developed by Robert Schuman,
de Asuntos Internacionales and the Cana- who would become a socialist
Prosperity Partnership plan for the
dian Council of Chief Executives) to study prime minister in France, and North American Union will supplant the
the possibility of integrating the three na- French planning minister Jean
tions. Laying the foundation for the Waco Monnet in 1950. The so-called
former independent states of Canada,
meeting, the CFR produced a document Schuman Plan was adopted via Mexico, and the United States. And this
entitled Creating a North American Com- the Treaty of Paris in 1952. The
is not conjecture. The North American
munity: Chairmen’s Statement Indepen- ECSC merged the coal and steel
dent Task Force on the Future of North industries of West Germany, Union is, in fact, official U.S. policy.
America. The document called for “the France, Italy, Belgium, the Neth-



the ECSC was hidden by its pur- dence gave “a structural foun-
portedly narrow scope. From its dation for the task of inventing
name alone, it appeared that the North America.”
six-nation arrangement had only In a pro-NAFTA article in the
to do with coal and steel. Later Washington Post in 1993, Wil-
EU precursors followed the same liam Orme, Jr. pointed out that
plan. The European Economic the then-fledgling trade pact was
Community, at first glance, ap- indeed a steppingstone to further
peared to be nothing more than integration. “NAFTA,” Orme ad-
a free trade arrangement. It was mitted, “lays the foundation for a
nevertheless founded on the continental common market, as
Monnet doctrine that economic many of its architects privately
integration must precede politi- acknowledge. Part of this foun-
cal integration. dation, inevitably, is bureau-
Such deception, in fact, re- cratic: The agreement creates a
mained one of the key elements variety of continental institutions
in crafting the EU, right up until — ranging from trade dispute
recent years, a fact referenced by panels to labor and environmen-
Villy Bergström, a recent former tal commissions — that are, in
deputy of the Swedish central aggregate, an embryonic NAFTA
bank. “I have never before seen government.”
such manipulated, obscure and That free trade agreements
faked policies as in relation to like NAFTA must evolve into
Swedish relations to the EU,” political unions is taken for
Bergström wrote a few years granted among academics that
ago. “Information has been eva- work closely with such issues. In

sive and unclear, giving the im- 1998, Glen Atkinson, professor
pression that membership of the For giving up independence: American University Professor of economics at the University of
EU would mean much less radi- Robert Pastor speaks at the Omar Torrijos Foundation on July 31. Nevada in Reno, described this
A major intellectual contributor to the plan for the SPP, in testimony
cal change than what has been to the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee for the Western step-by-step process in an article
the case.” Hemisphere, Pastor said, “What we need to do now is forge a North entitled “Regional Integration in
The strategy of building the American Community.” the Emerging Global Economy”
EU through piecemeal means in the Social Science Journal. In-
paid off. Following the creation of the Economic Community in 1957. The EEC tegration “must be an evolutionary process
ECSC, European internationalists sup- was the immediate predecessor of today’s of continuous institutional development,”
ported by the U.S. government added addi- European Union. Atkinson wrote. Indeed, the development
tional elements to the emerging European of supranational governing organs is in-
superstate. Though they suffered setbacks An EEC for North America evitable, though it will erode national sov-
— a nascent European Defense Communi- North American integration got its big ereignty, he writes. “The need for shared
ty was rejected by France, and initial plans start with the North American Free Trade institutions among the parties is critical for
for a European Political Community were Agreement (NAFTA). The arrangement integration, which will lead to a weaken-
shelved shortly after the creation of the was billed as little more than the creation ing of national sovereignty in some areas
ECSC — those setbacks were temporary. of a free trade arrangement between Can- of interest. Sovereignty, however, must
The Treaty of Rome created the European ada, Mexico, and the United States. But reside someplace in order to enforce re-
it really was the initial step gional working conditions, intellectual and
toward regional integration. other property rights and other concerns.”
The Security and Prosperity Partnership According to professor Guy NAFTA, being a “free trade” arrangement,
also has tremendous implications for Poitras of San Antonio’s is only a preliminary step. According to
Trinity University, one of Atkinson:
immigration. As NAFTA erased most the factors motivating the
remaining barriers hampering the flow creation of NAFTA was the The lowest level of integration is a
view that it was an important free trade area which involves only
of capital between Canada, Mexico, and early step toward further in- the removal of tariffs and quotas
the United States, the SPP will eliminate tegration. In his book Invent- among the parties. If a common ex-
ing North America, Poitras ternal tariff is added, then a customs
bottlenecks hampering the flow of people. noted that NAFTA’s creation union has been created. The next
of regionalized interdepen- level, or a common market, requires


free movement of people and capital tend to the most vulnerable social groups infrastructure protection,” and “develop
as well as goods and services. It is in our countries,” said the Bush/Fox state- and implement joint plans for coopera-
this stage where institutional devel- ment announcing a new “partnership for tion for incident response, as well as con-
opment becomes critical. The stage prosperity.” duct coordinated training and exercises in
of economic union requires a high emergency response.”
degree of coordination or even unifi- A Deepening Union • Create a single energy policy for North
cation of policies. This sets the foun- With the announcement on March 23, America by “improving transparency and
dation for political union. 2005 of the Security and Prosperity Part- regulatory compatibility.”
nership, the Bush administration, along The SPP also has tremendous implica-
Now, according to those most concerned with the governments of Mexico and tions for immigration. As NAFTA erased
with creating a North American Union, Canada, has taken the next step toward a most remaining barriers hampering the
it’s time to move beyond NAFTA. Profes- European Union-style superstate in North flow of capital between Canada, Mexico,
sor Robert Pastor of American University America. The SPP features a wide range and the United States, the SPP will look
serves also as vice-chair of the CFR Task of initiatives on matters related to security for ways to eliminate bottlenecks hamper-
Force on North America and is one of the and commerce. These include: ing the flow of people. According to the
primary intellectual architects of North • Create a proto-parliament called the official SPP agenda, the new international
American regionalism. According to Pas- North American Competitiveness Coun- body will work to “identify measures to
tor, even after NAFTA, U.S. policy has cil. According to official SPP documents, facilitate further the movement of business
been too nationalistic. “Instead of trying this body will “address issues of immedi- persons.”
to fashion a North American approach ate importance” and provide “strategic” Specific policies likely to be followed
to continental problems, we continue to advice. It will also “provide input on the by the SPP can be found in the CFR re-
pursue problems on a dual-bilateral basis, compatibility of our security and prosper- port entitled Building a North American
taking one issue at a time,” Pastor said in ity agendas.” Community that was released just after
testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations • Under the purported threat of an avian the March 23, 2005 SPP meeting in Waco,
Committee’s Subcommittee on the West- flu pandemic, the parties to the SPP will Texas. In its recommendations, the CFR
ern Hemisphere on June 9, 2005. “But harmonize plans for continuity of govern- report suggests, “The three governments
incremental steps will no longer solve ment in the event of a crisis. should commit themselves to the long-
the security problem, or allow us to grasp • Begin harmonizing security organs by term goal of dramatically diminishing the
economic opportunities. What we need to creating a “common approach to critical need for the current intensity of the gov-
do now is forge a North American Com-
munity,” Pastor stated.
This, in fact, has been a major goal of
the Bush administration and of the Mexi-
can administration of Vicente Fox. In a
paper entitled Closing the Development
Gap: A Proposal for a North American
Investment Fund, Pastor and coauthors
Samuel Morley and Sherman Robinson
point out that Mexican President Vicente
Fox has long advocated a North Ameri-
can common market. “Soon after he won
Mexico’s presidential election on July 2,
2000, Vicente Fox proposed a Common
Market to replace the free-trade area,”
Pastor, Morley, and Robinson wrote. “He
invited President George W. Bush to his
home in February 2001 and persuaded
him to endorse ‘The Guanajuato Propos-
al.’ ” President Bush quickly signed on
to the plan. In a joint statement with Fox
released by the White House on Febru-
ary 16, 2001, Bush described the outcome
of the meeting. “After consultation with
our Canadian partners, we will strive to

consolidate a North American economic NAFTA: President Clinton signs NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, into law
community whose benefits reach the less- on December 8, 1993. NAFTA was an important early step in creating economic conditions
er-developed areas of the region and ex- conducive to an eventual union of North America.



According to the magazine aries will be defined by a common exter-

International Construction nal tariff and an outer security perimeter
It is incredible, but just four years from Review, the project “would within which the movement of people,
now — if the CFR template is followed — be part of the ‘super-high- products, and capital will be legal, orderly,
way’ spanning the United and safe. Its goal will be to guarantee a
the United States may cease to exist as
States from the Mexican free, secure, just, and prosperous North
an independent political entity. Its laws, border at Laredo, making its America.”
rules, and regulations will be subject way through Texas, Kansas It is incredible, but just four years from
and Oklahoma and connect- now — if the CFR template is followed —
to review and nullification by the North ing with the Canadian high- the United States may cease to exist as an
American Union’s governing body. way system north of Du- independent political entity. Its laws, rules,
luth, Minnesota. Because it and regulations — including all freedoms
would provide a connection guaranteed by the Constitution — will be
ernments’ physical control of cross-bor- all the way between Canada and Mexico, subject to review and nullification by the
der traffic, travel, and trade within North the project is also described as the North North American Union’s governing body.
America. A long-term goal for a North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) super Sure, the United States will still be here
American border action plan should be highway.” in name. American soldiers will still fight,
joint screening of travelers from third A further measure of the speed with mostly, under the U.S. flag. There will
countries at their first point of entry into which a North American Union is likely to be a U.S. president and both houses of
North America and the elimination of most develop is found within the CFR’s recom- Congress will continue to meet and pass
controls over the temporary movement of mendations for the SPP. That organization, legislation. Nevertheless, in very impor-
these travelers within North America.” which so often drafts the foreign-policy tant ways, the United States will become
This goes a long way toward explaining blueprints followed by the federal govern- nothing more than a province — albeit an
the maddening lack of urgency that is ap- ment, calls for “the creation by 2010 of a important one — in the emergent North
parent in Washington concerning the issue North American community.... Its bound- American superstate. ■
of illegal immigration from Mexico. If the
SPP follows the CFR template — a virtual European template: Appointed planning commissioner in France following World War II by
certainty — there will no longer be a bor- Charles De Gaulle, Jean Monnet was the architect of the Schuman Plan creating the European
der to cross illegally. Coal and Steel Community, a revolutionary arrangement that was the first step in the piecemeal
process that created the European Union — the same piecemeal strategy that is being used in
North America to forge a union between Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
Moving Fast
Perhaps the most important difference
between the formation of the European
Union and the effort to build a North
American Union is the speed at which the
North American version is moving ahead.
In Europe, union took decades, with ef-
forts starting just after World War II and
culminating in the 1990s. In North Ameri-
ca, issues related to union first began only
in 1965. According to economist Glen
Atkinson, “NAFTA has evolved over sev-
eral stages beginning with the Canadian-
U.S. automobile pact of 1965 and the
Canadian-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of
1989.” Now, little more than a decade after
NAFTA comes the SPP.
A measure of the rapidity with which
this drive for a North American Union can
affect the lives of citizens is the planned
super highway linking the U.S.’s north-
ern and southern borders. The plan for
this highway is breathtaking. It includes
plans to start construction in 2007 on the
so-called Trans Texas Corridor, to be built
in large part by a Spanish construction

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Myth Fact
In their myth-busting attempts, the architects of the Security and Prosperity
Partnership (SPP) use half-truths and lies to conceal the real intent inherent
in their plans: building a North American Union. by Dennis Behreandt

hen President Bush and his counterparts from Can-
Myth per ada and Mexico created the Security and Prosperity
Partnership of North America, they took a substan-
“The SPP is a movement tial step toward unifying the three nations in a North Ameri-
to merge the United can Union. Aware of the potential for controversy, the SPP has
States, Mexico, and Can- sought to dispel “myths” about the arrangement by posting
ada into a North Ameri- a document entitled SPP Myths vs Facts to the official SPP
can Union and establish website, The document is intended to debunk asser-
a common currency.” tions that the SPP is a further step toward the North American
Union. What it does, instead, is cleverly spin the truth, as an
examination of the document reveals.
The SPP claims, “It
does not change our
courts or legislative
processes and respects the sovereignty of
the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The
SPP in no way, shape or form considers the
creation of a European Union-like structure
Myth per
or a common currency.” Elsewhere, officials “The SPP was an agreement signed by President
stated otherwise. In 2001, Paul Cellucci, Bush and his Mexican and Canadian counter-
the U.S. ambassador to Canada, called for parts in Waco, TX, on March 23, 2005.”
a North American Community. In remarks

that are still available from the web page of
According to study After the Earth Summit: The
the U.S. Embassy, Cellucci says, “It is par-
the SPP, the Future of Environmental Gover-
ticularly important that these three coun-
arrangement nance described this use of soft
tries continue to work together to build this
is a “dialogue” only. “The SPP is law. “Paradoxically, one way to
North American community.” In fact, even
not an agreement nor is it a treaty. make … agreements more effec-
President Bush has admitted that the ulti-
In fact, no agreement was ever tive is in some cases to make them
mate goal is union. The admission came at
signed.” Strictly speaking, this is less enforceable — and therefore
a press conference attended by President
true. This fact, however, does not more palatable to the negotiators
Bush and his Mexican and Canadian coun-
nullify the real impact of the SPP who may initially feel threatened
terparts at Baylor University on March 23,
on furthering North American inte- by any loss of sovereignty,” the
2005. “Keeping in mind, in front of us, the
gration. The arrangement is a sort study observed. “So-called ‘soft
European Union,” a reporter asked, “how
of “soft law” that lays the founda- law’ — declarations, resolutions,
much is this partnership a first step towards
tion for future, legally binding ar- and action plans that nations do
continental integration?” Bush responded,
rangements. Soft law has long been not need to formally ratify and are
saying, “The vision that you asked about
used to build international arrange- not legally binding — can help to
in your question as to what kind of union
ments that eventually are enforced. create an international consensus,
might there be, I see one based upon free
This has been a common tactic in mobilize aid, and lay the ground-
trade, that would then entail commitment
creating international environmen- work for the negotiation of binding
to markets and democracy, transparency,
tal arrangements. The Worldwatch treaties later.”
rule of law.”


Myth per In answer to this dence to the contrary. Consider the borders

“The SPP infringes on Fact: “myth” the SPP says,

“Nothing in the SPP
undermines the U.S.
alone. The SPP envisions replacing the bor-
ders around the United States with borders
around North America, a de facto geograph-
the Sovereignty of the
Constitution. In no way does the SPP in- ical merger of the three formerly sovereign
United States.” fringe upon the sovereignty of the United nations. The SPP’s weak protestations to the
States.” This flies in the face of all the evi- contrary are laughable.

Government denials saying that the SPP Myth per

will not lead to a North American Union “The SPP will cost U.S.
are disingenuous. taxpayers money.”

Myth per

Fact: In response to this
“myth,” the SPP
says: “The SPP is
being implemented with existing budget
“The SPP is illegal and violates resources” and that in the long term, “it
the Constitution.” will save U.S. taxpayers money by cut-
ting through costly red tape and reduc-

Fact: The SPP’s an- soft law, for now. Unfortunately, ing redundant paperwork.” First, if the
swer is that it the Executive Branch is cavalierly SPP is being paid for within the existing
“is legal and in pursuing the North American Union budget, then it is already costing taxpay-
no way violates the Constitution.” through the SPP without congres- ers money. Second, governments have
This is another “truth” used as a sional assent. This is another neat never been able to cut red tape. Build-
human shield to cover another nest “end run around national sover- ing bigger, regionally integrated govern-
of dangerous lies. It is a fact that eignty, eroding it piece by piece,” ments always creates more red tape, not
no treaty legitimizing the SPP has in the words of CFR international- less. The European Union, for instance,
been signed and that there has been ist scholar Richard Gardner, who is notorious for the Byzantine twists and
no Senate ratification. Therefore, described the strategy to build re- turns of its bureaucracy. The real issue,
the SPP has no legal bearing on the gional governance in a piecemeal though, is with joint security of the
United States, and it consequently fashion in his seminal 1974 article three nations. The United States is far
remains firmly within the realm of “The Hard Road to World Order.” and away the most powerful nation on
the planet in terms of law enforcement
and military resources and technology.
If North America is going to be secured
Myth per collectively, it is going to be done with
U.S. resources. Naturally, U.S. taxpay-
ers would then pay the tab.
“The SPP is meant to deal with immigration
reform and trade disputes.”

Fact: The SPP points out that “Immigration

reform is a legislative matter currently
being debated in Congress and is not
national borders. Already, efforts are underway to speed the
flow of goods and people across the borders between the three
nations. Ultimately, under the progressing plan for the North
being dealt with in the SPP.” Again, true to a point, but this American Union, the borders between the United States and
conceals the real effect the SPP and North American Union Mexico and the United States and Canada will fade in impor-
will have on immigration. SPP documents repeatedly state tance. If that happens, immigration will cease. We’ll all be
that the aim is to enforce North American borders rather than North Americans. ■



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Your New North American

One element of the merger of the
United States, Canada, and Mexico Your life on a computer chip: Biometric identification chips, such as
is an effort to create a common these produced in the authoritarian Asian city-state Singapore, can
contain reams of personal information, including thumb prints, iris
“North American” ID card. scans, and personal health and education records.

by Steven Yates It is true, of course, that America faces buildings, board planes, collect Social
a serious terrorist threat. But instead of Security payments, or establish accounts

eef cattle come down a loading instituting commonsense, non-intrusive with national banks.
chute leading into a slaughter- security measures, such as securing our Just as the animal RFID program can
house, mooing as they walk. Each borders so that terrorists cannot come easily be circumvented, the national ID
steer has a yellow ear tag containing a here undetected, we are openly inviting system can be easily bypassed by crimi-
radio frequency identification (RFID) de- unscreened foreigners across our borders. nals. Hackers have already demonstrated
vice, which is scanned by a tag reader to Any terrorist able to get into Canada or that they can strip information from RFID
assure that the proper animals are in the Mexico could then easily come here. Ter- cards up to 160 feet away from the victims
proper place. rorists among us then serve as the ratio- and that encrypted codes on the cards can
The RFID system was promoted as nale for monitoring the American people be broken.
a means to prevent the spread of animal themselves through the use of a RFID na- And because information on biometric
diseases into the food-supply chain and to tional ID card. chips could be stolen and changed, the ID
prevent bio-terrorism. But there were al- Although having citizens “tagged” by system will, in essence, be tracking the ID
ready adequate measures in place to stop the government won’t likely mean wearing cards themselves, not the people. Crimi-
diseased cattle from getting into the food yellow plastic-coated appliances attached nals will be able to move about at will on
chain, and many ways that the deviously to our ears like for cattle, the similarity to fraudulent cards. For honest people, the
minded would be able to circumvent the the animal RFID ID system is striking. To cards will likely be used to track them
RFID system. Critics of the system point- begin with, just like the cattle tracking pro- throughout the day — when their card is
ed out that there must be some ulterior gram, the national ID program is an inef- scanned at supermarkets and gas stations
motive to the government’s insistence on fective “solution” to a problem that can be to verify ID for credit card use, at banks
requiring such a tagging system, such as addressed in less intrusive ways. when depositing and withdrawing money,
increased profits for importers of non- and at airports, car rentals, and workplaces
tagged foreign beef. “Your Papers, Please” again to verify ID.
Now, in the name of national security, In May 2005, the federal government gave And as with the animal ID system, there
it’s our turn to be “tagged.” U.S. citizens de facto national ID cards. seems to be an ulterior motive behind the
Title II of the Real ID Act calls for new national ID initiative — to enable the im-
Steven Yates, Ph.D., teaches philosophy at the Uni- federal standards in drivers’ licenses. Un- plementation of a merger between Canada,
versity of South Carolina Upstate and Greenville less states comply by May 2008, their the United States, and Mexico.
Technical College. citizens will not be able to enter federal A book-length document called Build-


Partnership (SPP) that is being insti-
tuted by the governments of Canada,
Mexico, and the United States aims
to promote “the secure movement
of low-risk traffic across our shared
borders” through “identify[ing],
develop[ing] and deploy[ing] new
technologies to advance our shared
security.” Among its recommenda-
tions, the SPP calls for “a secure,
North American Border Pass with
biometric identifiers.”
Very likely, many Americans will
see nothing alarming in our govern-
ment’s turning WHTI “into a back-
door tri-national ID system” with
“Americans [having] little choice but
to be integrated into it,” in the words

of Liberty Coalition policy director
Insecure ID: Among the estimated $3 million worth of phony IDs and forgery materials seized
by federal officials in a March 2003 raid were stamps, seals, silk-screens, and items necessary
James Plummer. They might even
to produce bogus documents. Government assurances notwithstanding, criminals will be able to believe that RFID has advantages.
counterfeit “secure” biometric IDs as well. For instance, detailed personal med-
ical information stored on the card
ing a North American Community, pub- would likely be only an intermediate step would help paramedics treat seriously in-
lished by the Council on Foreign Rela- before the implementation of a national jured or incapacitated patients.
tions, explains how a unified ID would ID card that is unified between Canada, Of course, there are lots of reasons to
facilitate the combining of the three coun- Mexico, and the United States. be wary — expense, for one. In July, the
tries: “The three countries should develop The reason given for unifying the ID Associated Press reported the results of
a secure North American Border Pass amongst the three countries would likely a study done by the Texas Department
with biometric identifiers. This document be that a PASS Card-style ID, focusing of Public Safety concluding that fees for
would allow its bearers expedited passage exclusively on U.S. border security, could Texans applying for or renewing drivers’
through customs, immigration, and airport hamper border crossings and interfere licenses could jump from $24 to more
security throughout the region.” with increased mobility of persons and than $100. This is before any actual deci-
“free trade” across borders — which is one sion to incorporate RFID technology into
A North American ID of the oft-repeated objectives of the NAU/ Real ID.
The key question is: will adoption of Real SPP schemers. A coalition of U.S. and Ca- Much worse than mere expense, how-
ID be a precursor to an internationalized nadian businesses, Business for Economic ever, are the safety and privacy problems
North American ID? There are good rea- Security, Trade & Tourism (comprised of associated with the card. The information
sons for thinking so. over 60 companies and associations), re- encoded into RFID cards could include
The Western Hemisphere Travel Initia- viewed the PASS proposal associated with citizens’ entire lives — not just medi-
tive (WHTI), which grew out of the Intel- the WHTI and estimated that it would re- cal records, but education history and
ligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention duce commerce between the United States skills, work history, job evaluations, etc.
Act of 2004, is a cluster of programs that and Canada, costing the U.S. economy — allowing potential access by foreign
would require those entering the United $785 million and the Canadian economy bureaucrats, hackers, and sundry crimi-
States to present a passport, another verifi- $1.7 billion in lost revenue per year due to nals to one’s most personal information.
able and secure document, or some combi- the decline in tourism alone. There is no such thing as a completely
nation of documents to prove the bearer’s This will be used to create a constitu- tamper-proof system, and if hacked,
identity and citizenship. Not a bad idea. ency for internationalizing the REAL ID RFID chips could provoke a “boom” in
And the Department of Homeland Secu- program, so as not to interfere with “free identity theft.
rity (DHS), overseeing the Intelligence trade.” Worst of all, though, is the development
Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, The Bush administration’s proposed of a transnational bureaucracy with total
has suggested a driver’s license-like docu- amnesty for illegal aliens creates another surveillance capabilities. Our government,
ment for international travel called the rationale for a North American ID. RFID- along with at least Canada and Mexico,
PASS Card, which would have to be used enhanced ID cards have been suggested as would be able to track honest people all
both for leaving and entering the United a means of tracking immigrants who are or day, every day — just as slaughterhouse-
States. will soon be working in the United States. bound RFID-tagged cattle are tracked
But the PASS Card, if implemented, Finally, the Security and Prosperity today. ■



a Microscope

By failing to oppose the dangerous policies of the Bush administration, much of the
GOP leadership has proven that their talk about border security is nothing but rhetoric.

by Warren Mass borders. But it does make sense in light States in the short-term, as well as to pave
of the administration’s Security and Pros- the way towards a long-term, coordinated

ince the inception of the Bush ad- perity Partnership (SPP) with the govern- and legal immigration plan for our Hemi-
ministration’s post-9/11 “War on ments of Mexico and Canada that would sphere.” (Emphasis added.)
Terrorism,” both the White House effectively erase the national borders with- Despite the implication in this statement
and congressional Republicans have paid in North America on the path to forming that the administration plans to stop illegal
generous lip service to the need to improve the North American Union patterned after immigration and then only allow limited
border security, an important part of con- the European Union. legal immigration, the reality is that the
trolling terrorism. “The United States In moving forward with the SPP/NAU, administration plans to legalize all cur-
must secure its borders,” President Bush the president has the support of the GOP rent illegal immigrants — and facilitate
stated on May 15 of this year when he ad- leadership. This was evident at the con- the legal migration of any willing persons
dressed the nation from the Oval Office on gressional hearing, “Immigration: Re- across the three countries’ borders. Con-
the subject of immigration. “This is a basic sponding to a Regional Crisis,” chaired by sider what the Senate’s “comprehensive
responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is Congressman Dan Burton (R-Ind.), chair- immigration bill” (S. 2611 ) supported by
also an urgent requirement of our national man of the House International Relations’ the Bush administration says.
security.” Subcommittee on the Western Hemi- S. 2611 represents a classic “bait-and-
However, in the same address, the presi- sphere. The meeting made clear that the switch,” insofar as providing a vehicle to
dent also stated that, “to secure our bor- United States is aiming to merge functions curb illegal immigration is concerned. The
der, we must create a temporary worker with Canada and Mexico and is pushing to earlier sections of the legislation appear to
program,” that this program “would create allow the citizens from Mexico, Canada, mandate a crackdown on illegal immigra-
a legal path for foreign workers to enter and the United States to cross borders at tion, by employing subheads such as “Bor-
our country in an orderly way,” and that will. In a statement issued in preparation der Enforcement,” “National Strategy for
it “would match willing foreign workers for the hearing, Burton stated: “We have Border Security,” “Document Fraud De-
with willing American employers.” This already begun the process of working with tection,” etc. These sections are followed
program — which would provide legal our friends by launching the Partnership by what we might term the “loophole”
status to millions of illegal immigrants for Prosperity (P4P) and the Security and provisions. Most of these fall under the
already here and open the floodgates for Prosperity Partnership of North America heading of Title IV — Nonimmigrant and
many millions more to come — does not (SPP), but more needs to be done to stem Immigrant Visa Reform (which establish-
make sense if the purpose is to secure our the tide of illegal aliens into the United es a “Temporary Worker Task Force”) and



In other words, illegal Secretary of Governance of Mexico, Car-

aliens who have been here los Abascal, and the U.S. Department of
President Bush and his allies in Congress for five or more years with- Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Mi-
claim that the SPP will secure our borders. out leaving are to be granted chael Chertoff met in Brownsville, Texas,
amnesty! Of course, because to sign an Action Plan to combat border
But how does enlarging our borders,
the people are here illegally, violence and improve public safety” —
merging our security functions with one there is no way to verify and we see beginnings of a framework of
of the most corrupt nations on Earth whether or not they have international law enforcement.
been in the United States for While no reasonable person would ob-
(Mexico), and giving up sovereignty and five or more years, and so ject to cooperation between law enforce-
constitutional protections make us safer? most all illegals would gain ment officials on both sides of the border,
citizenship. the “action plan” being created between
The congressional com- Homeland Security and the Mexican Sec-
Title VI — Work Authorization and Legal- mittee chaired by Burton also revealed that retariat of Governance employs language
ization of Undocumented Individuals. plans are well-advanced that would merge that points to something much more ex-
The latter section contains language the security functions of the United Sates tensive than U.S. and Mexican police
mandating that the secretary of Home- and Mexico. Department of Homeland officials sending e-mails and faxes to
land Security “adjust” the status of an Security Assistant Secretary Cresencio each other. For example: “The Presidents
alien lawfully admitted for permanent Arcos spoke of the establishment of the of Mexico and the United States have
residence. Lawfully? This is evidently Or- “Border enforcement and security task- pledged our respective Governments to
wellian Newspeak, since some of the re- force, which is known as BEST … which a new vision of our shared border and
quirements for an alien to have his status represents an integrated effort to combat our larger North American community
“adjusted” include provisions that allow border violence. This effort involves DHS … affirmed in the Security and Pros-
the legalization of most every illegal im- components, state and local enforcement perity Partnership for North America.”
migrant: the alien “was physically pres- agencies, and Mexico’s Center for Inves- (Emphasis added.)
ent in the United States on or before the tigation and National Security, known as The combined references to the “North
date that is 5 years before April 5, 2006”; CISEN.” American Community” and the SPP in a
“was not legally present [that is, was here Add to the BEST efforts what we glean plan for policing borders provide a strong
illegally] in the United States on April 5, from a news release issued by the U.S. De- indication that this administration is com-
2006,” and “did not depart from the United partment of Homeland Security on March mitted to building a North American
States during the 5-year period ending on 3, 2006 — “In accordance with the Secu- Community modeled after the EU, where
April 5, 2006.” rity and Prosperity Partnership [SPP], the national borders are as insignificant as
county lines, and where a central, multi-
U.S. Rep. Dan Burton, R-Indiana, right, a key ball carrier for the Bush administration’s many national authority supersedes national
sovereignty-destroying agreements, leaves the presidential house in San Jose, Costa Rica, last sovereignty.
January. Burton was visiting Costa Rica to lobby for the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Another Bush administration official,
Roger Noriega, a State Department assis-

tant secretary, presented a prepared state-

ment at the Burton hearing: “The SPP
… is based on the principle that security
and prosperity are mutually dependent
and complementary.” (Emphasis added.)
He added: “Ongoing bilateral initiatives
— such as the ‘smart border’ programs
with both Mexico and Canada — will be
incorporated into this broader framework,
giving greater cohesion to our overall bor-
der security program.”
President George Bush and his allies in
Congress claim that the SPP will secure
our borders, help stop terrorism, and make
all of North America more prosperous. But
how does enlarging our borders, merging
our security functions with one of the most
corrupt nations on Earth (Mexico), and
giving up sovereignty and constitutional
protections make us safer? ■



“SuperSlab”Paves the Way

The NAFTA Super Highway, nicknamed “SuperSlab” by some, is a planned system of
roads, rail lines, and more that will speed up the unification of North America.
by Kelly Taylor

n 2004, Austin residents
heard rumblings of plans
for converting local roads,
enjoyed by drivers for years as
free ones, to toll roads.
Soon we learned that plans
for new toll road construction,
conversion of existing roads to
toll roads, property confiscation
for land acquisition, awarding of
building contracts to a foreign
consortium, shady campaign
contributions, and passage of
the largest spending bill in Texas
history had slipped past Texas
voters unnoticed. Local polls
later revealed over 90 percent
of residents oppose the policy,
yet officials proceeded with con-
struction despite overwhelming
opposition. An investigation into
local toll issues led to the discov-
ery that tolls will be the funding
mechanism for the larger Trans

Texas Corridor (TTC), a segment

of the massive NAFTA Super The menace: Their homes threatened by eminent domain seizures, Colorado citizens gather at the capitol in
Denver to protest a 210-mile toll road that is just one of many planned NAFTA corridors.
Highway. The Super Highway
is important in developing the
North American Union. and social ties. The TEN was perceived as modal transportation lines accommodating
Perhaps you’ve heard of the North critical to properly linking the regions by passenger and freight lanes; rail lines and
American Union (NAU) in recent weeks. a modern and efficient infrastructure. Ac- depots; gas, oil, and water pipelines; and
The NAU is a proposed merger of Canada, cording to the TEN website, “For goods cabling for electronic information trans-
Mexico, and the United States into a Eu- and services to circulate quickly and easily mission — running north from Mexico to
ropean Union-style alliance, and the Super between member states, we must build the Canada. These corridors are designed for
Highway is the super-road connecting the missing links and remove the bottlenecks the purpose of speeding goods and people
dots, with chilling implications for all in our transportation infrastructure.” across our dissolving borders into Ameri-
freedom-loving Americans. The NAFTA Super Highway is our ca’s heartland.
The architects of the European Union American version of TEN, if one believes The effects of the Super Highway will
(EU) originally designed a coordinated the EU model is being copied. A venture hit close to home as Americans begin to
system of roads and highways, called unlike any previous highway construction pay with their jobs. In an August 9, 2006
the Trans European Network (TEN). The project, it’s comprised of dozens of corri- interview with Houston television station
system was created under the 1993 Maas- dors and coordinated construction projects KHOU, Texas’ Fayette County Judge Ed
tricht Treaty to help reinforce economic guaranteed to radically reconfigure the Janecka expressed concern about the ef-
physical landscape of the United States, fects of the “SuperSlab” on his own small
Kelly Taylor is an Austin-based writer and film- and our political and economic landscapes Texas town, right in the highway’s path.
maker, and the producer of a politically based TV as well. Like the TEN, the Super Highway Diversion of traffic from existing roads
talk show. will be a complex system of parallel multi- will dry up critical tourist and traveler rev-



About This Map

T his map is a conceptualization of the
Super Highways now underway to con-
nect the United States, Canada, and Mexico to
help bring about the creation of a North American
Union similar to the European Union.
The map’s travel corridors show the desired routes
of the new Super Highways as proposed by the North
American Forum on Integration (NAFI) — a group
of wealthy industrialists, academics, and politicians
whose aim it is to break down barriers to the North
American Union. The main actors in NAFI are mem-
bers of the Council on Foreign Relations or related
organizations based in Mexico and Canada.
NAFI, whose first objective is to make “the public and
decision-makers aware of the challenges of economic and
political integration between the three NAFTA countries,”
is following the country-integration plan of the European
Union. (Emphasis added.) That plan used the idea of “free
trade” to make steps toward integration sound appealing to the
public. Though the North American Union would devastate the
American middle class, the Super Highways are being touted as facili-
tating free trade and bringing about prosperity in the three countries.
NAFI’s vision is being enacted right now. Eighty separate, but intercon-
nected, “high priority corridors” are being initiated in the United States.
To find a complete list of the 80 intended Super Highway projects, go to ■


FIELD OF FREEWAYS: Computer image
depicts stretch of proposed NAU’s
borderless transit corridor.

Map information source:

(North American Forum on Integration)



Every American can expect to charged issue — from public opinion to how
pay in the form of increased taxes as toll roads will work to the mass infusion of
If the Super Highway proceeds,
well as tolls. To assist financing the capital expected from private investors. The
and all that goes with it, American mammoth highway, plans call for bill for Texans clocks in at $183 billion, ac-
law will be null and void, replaced converting current roads to toll ways cording to TxDOT’s website. Jerome Corsi
for all motor vehicles. Legislation is wrote in Human Events, June 30, 2006,
by an incomprehensible mess of already in place for all of this. The that investment bankers and those manag-
“trade” law. Coordinated Border Infrastructure ing capital investment funds “stand to make
Program of the Safe, Accountable, hundreds of millions, probably even bil-
Flexible, Efficient Transportation lions, in fees. This alone is enough to drive
enue, just as railroad bypasses shriveled Equity Act of 2005 — A Legacy for Users forward the NAFTA Super Highway move-
bustling towns years ago. (SAFETEA-LU) allows for the tolling of ment and to make sure politicians willing
And just as NAFTA trade policies have existing interstate highways, and even pro- to support the movement have ample funds
driven millions of jobs out of the United vides for U.S. taxpayer funds apportioned with which to run their campaigns and live
States, this Super Highway will accelerate to a border state to be used to construct their lives comfortably.”
the job exodus. Mexico will become irre- highways in Canada or Mexico! In 2004, In Texas alone, there are four congres-
sistible to remaining U.S. manufacturers Texas Senator John Cornyn introduced S. sionally designated “high priority corri-
as a place to reduce production costs and 2941 (reintroduced in 2006 as S. 3622 and dors,” but nationwide, 80 have “high pri-
aid their anemic businesses. Not to men- currently in committee), a bill to create a ority” designation.
tion increased opportunities for traffickers North American Investment Fund to make If the Super Highway proceeds, and all
of humans, drugs, terrorists, WMDs, and grants for road construction in Mexico fa- that goes with it, American government will
other contraband. As Mexico’s govern- cilitating trade between Canada, Mexico, no longer provide its time-tested protections
ment is notorious for corruption, including and the United States. against tyranny and socialism. American
kidnapping, torturing, and dismembering The Texas project, known as the TTC, law will be null and void, replaced by an
innocent victims, stopping the guarding is the test case for all aspects of this highly incomprehensible mess of “trade” law. ■
of our border — which would be part of
the easing of trade and travel, as happened

Coming Your Way?

in the EU — will mean the violence will
gush into our country.
The Super Highway will have an in-
satiable appetite for acreage. According Trans-Texas
rans-T exas Corridor-69, a part 20
to the website of the Texas Department of the planned NAFTA Super
of Transportation (TxDOT), the present Highway, could be up to a
scope of the highway in Texas is 1,200
quarter-mile across,
feet wide and 4,000 miles long. Millions
of acres are scheduled for paving, and the consisting of up to six lanes for 0 125 mi 10
right of “eminent domain” will surely be cars and four for trucks, with 0 125 km
invoked to justify the land-gobble wait- railroad tracks, oil and gas
ing for Americans whose homes, farms, Houston
pipelines, water and other utility
ranches, businesses, and communities are lines, including broadband Laredo Corpus Christi
in the way. Conveniently, last year’s Kelo Raymondville
v. City of New London Supreme Court
transmission cables.
decision provides the necessary justifica- Brownsville
tion to transfer the property of one private
citizen to another who would make better Proposed Trans-Texas
ans-Texas Corridor
use of it — for the Super Highway is to be
constructed and operated by public/private
partnerships that smack of fascism.
Interestingly, the TEN in Europe was
developed in the same manner. Jacques
Barrot, the VP of the European Commu- Freight and
nity with Responsibility for Transport stat- commuter trains
ed (regarding TEN) that “a system of toll V
collection is being developed, as well as
new methods to attract private investment Trucks
for large-scale public private partnerships
(PPPs)” for funding. SOURCE: Te
xas Tr
ansportation Commission, 2001 AP



As part of the NAFTA

Super Highway system, a
Mexican customs inspection
Green Light
From the
facility is planned to be
constructed on U.S. soil in

Border to K.C.
Kansas City, Missouri, far
away from the border.

by Joyce Mucci

lthough not as attention grabbing
as the Dubai port story, the cur-
rent pilot project to establish a
Mexican government customs inspection
facility in Kansas City, Missouri, is just
as shocking. As a resident of Kansas City,
I have watched the politics of this project
play out, and have reviewed the internal
documents, obtained under the Missouri
Sunshine law. The Mexican customs in-
spection facility will be the first one of its
kind on U.S. soil. The project has the ap-
proval of U.S. Customs and is currently

being reviewed by the U.S. State Depart- Chris Gutierrez is president of K.C. SmartPort, a planned Mexican customs facility in Kansas City
ment for final approval. that would be the first of its kind to be established by a foreign government on U.S. soil. Gutierrez
Initially, the facility will inspect U.S. has stated that the customs facility “would need to be designated as Mexican sovereign territory.”
goods headed to our neighbor to the
south. Both K.C. SmartPort, Inc. and city lines at the border. For all practical purpos- Another thorny issue is sovereignty.
officials have strenuously denied that the es, the congestion — at least at the Laredo Again, K.C. SmartPort, Inc. and city of-
new joint customs facility will handle border — will be moved to Kansas City. ficials have denied that the facility will be
northbound traffic. However, Kansas A review of the documents obtained sovereign territory of Mexico. However,
City Councilwoman Bonnie Sue Cooper from the city indicates that the Mexican the documents reveal otherwise. An e-
(K.C. SmartPort board member) told Dos government would not have moved on mail record from Chris Gutierrez, presi-
Mundos newspaper in Kansas City, “Ship- this project without assurances that it dent of K.C. SmartPort, dated June 21,
pers can send their freight into the United would not have to pony up the cash for 2004, noted, “This space [for the customs
States and will not be held at the Laredo either the building or the equipment. The facility] would need to be designated as
border.” A June 2006 Logistics Today ar- Kansas City Council, which rarely turns Mexican sovereign territory and meet cer-
ticle, entitled “It’s what’s inside that down an opportunity to dip into the tax- tain requirements.”
counts,” explained: “Rail plays a key part payers’ pockets, created a $3.1 million A 2004 Logistics Today article, “Going
in SmartPort offerings and the evolving “loan” package for K.C. SmartPort, Inc. for Broke,” also highlighted the sover-
trade corridor between Mexico’s Port of for the construction of the facility on city eignty issue: “One holdup now is that the
Lazaro Cardenas and Kansas City prom- property. SmartPort, Inc. has also applied U.S. Department of State wants to know
ises to bring increasing amounts of Asian for a $1.5 million federal grant from the the exact location of the building which
shipments to the U.S. from that Latin U.S. Commerce Department’s Economic will house the Mexican Customs Project,
American port.” Development Administration (EDA). which SmartPort will ultimately provide.
Currently, freight from Asia makes its Inexplicably, the land that the city so State is involved because the facility will
way into Kansas City through the Long generously leased to K.C. SmartPort for be sovereign Mexican territory.” The
Beach and Seattle ports. One of the stated 50 years is already leased to another com- Southern Growth Policy Board, a public
reasons for the Mexican customs facility is pany, the American Royal Foundation, policy think tank, mentions the sovereignty
to alleviate congestion at our ports and long until 2045. To buy out the lease from the angle on its website: “Meanwhile, Smart-
American Royal Foundation may cost the Port negotiated with the Mexican Customs
Joyce Mucci is the executive director of the Mid- city an estimated $6 million more of tax- service to locate a facility in Kansas City
America Immigration Reform Coalition. payer money. — on Mexican sovereign territory.” ■



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Following the

Policing the continent: EU
Commission President Jose
Manuel Barroso (left) joins
EU Commissioner for Justice,

Freedom, and Security Franco
Frattini in announcing new
measures to take police power
away from EU member nations
and centralize it in Brussels.

The designers of the Security and Prosperity Partnership plan to transform North America
into a regional government modeled after the European Union.

by William F. Jasper transcendental “it” to which Mr. Fox was President Fox has been quite voluble
referring, of course, is the new Security and on the subject, making repeated calls for
Eventually our long-range objec- Prosperity Partnership for North America and references to EU-style “integration,”
tive is to establish with the United (SPP) that he, President Bush, and then- “convergence,” “community,” and “union”
States, but also with Canada, our Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin had for North America. In February 2001,
other regional partner, an ensemble just launched at their Texas meeting. President Bush joined President Fox in
of connections and institutions simi- President Fox’s comment evokes an pledging to “strive to consolidate a North
lar to those created by the European important question: just what is it that American economic community.”
Union. the Security and Prosperity Partnership is Now, however, the Bush administration
— Mexican President Vicente Fox’s transcending? The SPP has signaled the and the growing tri-national SPP bureau-
“new global agenda” speech launching of an ongoing political “process” cracy have become somewhat touchy on
to Club XXI in Madrid, Spain, that envisions transcending a great many this issue, claiming that there is no inten-
May 16, 2002 things, including our borders, our national tion for the SPP to move in an EU-type
independence, and our U.S. Constitution. direction.

eturning to Mexico from George Even a cursory examination of the avail- But the facts on the ground, together
W. Bush’s Texas ranch in March able SPP reports and the statements of its with a plain reading of SPP documents
2005, President Vicente Fox told leading proponents leads to the rational and public admissions by the SPP’s lead-
reporters aboard the presidential plane: “I conclusion that the SPP definitely is part ing lights, render these denials less than
would like you to understand the magni- of the “long-range objective” mentioned believable. In fact, even before the intro-
tude of what this means. It is transcendent, above in the 2002 quote by President Fox, duction of the SPP, NAFTA was morph-
it’s something that goes well beyond the to establish a North American version of ing into something far beyond the simple
relationship we have had up to now.” The the European Union, or EU. “trade agreement” that President Clinton



as and other produce by the tects of the European Union, CAFTA and
pound, as requested by their SPP are examples of the processes known
More and more Americans are beginning
customers, rather than by as “broadening” — by which more mem-
to realize that, as in the EU, integration metric weight, as dictated by bers are added to the arrangement — and
can only progress with the simultaneous EU officials in Brussels. “deepening” — by which more powers
• EU regulators conduct are gradually transferred from the mem-
disintegration of America’s independence “dawn raids” on businesses ber nation-states to the EU’s supranational
and constitutional protections. without any court warrant, institutions.
ransacking offices and com- The big push for broadening NAFTA
puters and interrogating own- came with the Bush administration’s
said it was when he signed it in 1993. ers and employees without allowing them multi-year effort to expand NAFTA to
Rulings by NAFTA tribunals already benefit of legal counsel. every country in the Western Hemisphere
have begun mimicking the European • The European Court of Human Rights under an agreement to create a Free Trade
Court of Justice and the European Court ruled that Britain must allow homosexu- Area of the Americas, or FTAA. Thanks
of Human Rights, the judicial bodies of als into its military, while the European to increased resistance to the plan in both
the European Union that have been lead- Court of Justice ordered Germany to end the United States and Latin America, how-
ing the attack on the national sovereignty its ban on women bearing arms in the ever, the FTAA failed to secure approval
of EU member states. In 2004, many U.S. military. in 2005 and has been, temporarily, put on
politicians, including those who had voted • EU bureaucrats from Brussels now a back burner. In the meantime, CAFTA
for NAFTA, expressed shock when a panel dictate to parents how and under what con- and SPP are being used to ratchet up the
of NAFTA judges overturned a ruling of ditions they may spank their children. broadening and deepening processes in
the Supreme Court of Massachusetts in Incredibly, instead of repairing the con- preparation for a future reintroduction of
a case brought by a Canadian company. stitutional breach by repealing the NAFTA the FTAA.
The company had gone to the NAFTA threat, President Bush and the Congress U.S. officials have adopted the euro-
court because the U.S. Supreme Court greatly expanded the threat in 2005 by speak terminology to describe and pro-
had denied the company’s appeal. And the passing the Central American Free Trade mote the transformation of NAFTA into
NAFTA court, asserting its power under Agreement (CAFTA) and initiating the an EU-style supranational arrangement.
Chapter 11 of the agreement, decided to SPP. CAFTA extends a NAFTA-type re- Hence, for instance, U.S. Treasury Sec-
trump both the Massachusetts court and lationship to Central America. retary John Snow and Mexico’s Treasury
the U.S. Supreme Court. In “eurospeak,” the jargon of the archi- Secretary Gil Diaz issued a joint statement
“This is the biggest threat to
United States judicial indepen-
dence that [few people have]
heard of and even fewer people
understand,” John D. Echeverria,
a law professor at Georgetown
University, told the New York
Times following the ruling. “It’s
basically been under the radar
screen,” Peter Spiro, a law pro-
fessor at Hofstra University, said
in the same Times article. “But it
points to a fundamental reorien-
tation of our constitutional sys-
tem. You have an international
tribunal essentially reviewing
American court judgments.”
(Emphasis added.)
Using the EU as precedent, we
can surmise that the rule of law in
the United States will increasing-
ly be dictated to us by unelected
“trade” officials. The following is
a short list of abuses visited upon
Europeans by the EU:

• British grocers have been Imposing its will: European Union Commissioner for Competition Neelie Kroes announces a $357 million
thrown in jail for selling banan- fine against Microsoft for ignoring an EU directive to share its program code with its European competitors.


on December 15, 2005
declaring: “Our ongoing
work on financial market
linkages … is a key part
of the SPP’s comprehen-
sive agenda for deepening
North American integra-
More and more Ameri-
cans, however, are begin-
ning to realize that, as in
the EU, integration can
only progress with the si-
multaneous disintegration
of America’s indepen-
dence and constitutional
protections. The peoples
of Europe learned this les-
son too late and have been
fighting a desperate rear-
guard action for the past
decade to stanch an ava-
lanche of oppressive EU
legislation and court deci-

sions and prevent swarms Military bloc: German troops, including a female soldier, muster for service in an EU “peacekeeping” force in the
of Brussels-based bureau- Balkans. Designed to follow the EU model, the North American Union would eventually meld together the military
crats from riding rough- forces of the United States, Mexico, and Canada for similar UN-assigned missions abroad.
shod over their local and
national laws and cherished traditions. In transforming into the European Union. In a 2004 article for the CFR’s journal
a 1991 op-ed, Sir Peregrine Worsthorne, a What is most disturbing in all of this evo- Foreign Affairs entitled, “North America’s
columnist for Britain’s Sunday Telegraph, lution is that admissions by EU architects Second Decade,” Robert Pastor, a director
expressed the anger of many over the re- and decades-old documents that only re- at the CFR, repeatedly calls on the “North
peated lies, deception, and betrayal em- cently have been released clearly show American Community” to emulate the EU
ployed to advance EU integration. “Twenty that from the very beginning of the ECSC, model by:
years ago, when the process began, there the founders planned for their creation to • Merging “immigration and refugee
was no question of losing sovereignty,” he morph into the leviathan it has become, policies”;
wrote. “That was a lie, or at any rate, a even as they were telling the peoples of • Establishing a continental “security
dishonest obfuscation.” Europe not to listen to those “crackpots” perimeter”;
The foundation for what we now know who were warning about this danger. • Transferring at least $100 billion to
as the EU was laid in 1952 when the treaty The EU now has fully-functioning Mexico over the next 10 years for “infra-
creating the European Coal and Steel legislative, executive, and judicial insti- structure development”;
Community (ECSC) took effect. This tutions — equipped with enormous bud- • Creating institutions necessary for the
was sold as the way to create security and gets and bureaucracies — that are rapidly SPP to effectively exercise executive, leg-
prosperity in post-World War II Europe. stripping member states of all vestiges of islative, and judicial powers; and
The public was not told that this was just sovereignty. Even former Soviet dictator • Developing a North American pass-
the first step in a process that would lead Mikhail Gorbachev has commented that port.
to a single currency, a European central the EU’s leaders are “constructing a Eu- Pastor calls sovereignty, as presently
bank, a continental perimeter replacing ropean soviet.” defined, “obsolete,” and contends that
national borders, and unaccountable gov- This EU-Western Hemisphere collabo- North American governments should be
erning institutions that would override ration is applauded and assisted in the reeducating their citizens “to think of
their national sovereignty. United States by top-echelon Democrats themselves as North Americans.”
The ECSC was gradually broadened and Republicans, corporate globalists, and If Americans allow the SPP to go for-
and deepened with additional treaties the policy elites of influential institutions ward, we will find a great many treasured
and agreements, becoming the European such as Harvard University’s David Rock- things declared obsolete and defined
Economic Community (EEC or Common efeller Center for Latin American Studies, out of existence — things like indepen-
Market), which later morphed again into the Institute for International Economics, dence, sovereignty, the Constitution, and
the EC, or European Community, before and the Council on Foreign Relations. freedom. ■


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of the NAU
Dr. Jerome Corsi shares his in-depth
knowledge of the effort to create one
political entity out of the United States,
Canada, and Mexico.

Interview of Dr. Jerome Corsi TNA: You have coau-

by John F. McManus thored a book about
our porous borders

r. Jerome Corsi earned his Bach- with Minutemen
elor’s Degree in Economics and founder Jim Gilchrist.
Political Science from Case How did you and he

Western Reserve University in Cleveland. get together?

He then earned a Ph.D. in Political Science Corsi: From afar, I
from Harvard University. He has taught at admired the work the Word warrior: Author and lecturer Jerome Corsi speaks to the press
the University of New Mexico and the Minutemen organi- at a New York event marking publication of his book Minutemen.
University of Denver. zation was doing in
A journalist, Dr. Corsi coauthored Unfit aiding the Border Patrol. So I contacted tion to a great many other harmful conse-
for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Jim Gilchrist and suggested that we work quences, this would mean there will be no
Out Against John Kerry and Minutemen: together. I’m very pleased with our joint borders, and anyone will be able to move
The Battle to Secure America’s Borders. effort. The Minutemen are simply un- from one of the three countries to another
By himself, he has also authored Atomic armed observers at the border who report at will.
Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought to the Border Patrol what they see. They
the Bomb and American Politicians. The are not “vigilantes” as Mr. Bush derisively TNA: What brought you to such a fright-
vice president for a financial marketing claimed. Their very presence at the border ening conclusion?
firm, he and his family reside in New has reduced crossings to almost none in Corsi: I discovered the formal launching
Jersey. areas where they have set up their obser- of the Security and Prosperity Partnership
vation posts. Jim and I then coauthored (SPP), a March 2005 agreement entered
THE NEW AMERICAN: What got you start- the book Minutemen: The Battle to Secure into by President Bush, Mexico’s Presi-
ed looking into the topics of terrorism and America’s Borders. dent Fox, and Canada’s Prime Minister
immigration? Martin. Anyone can verify the reality of
Jerome Corsi: My interest in political sci- TNA: What have you concluded about the this agreement by going to on the
ence led me to study the topics of violence current administration’s attitude regard- Internet. It will confirm the SPP’s exis-
and terrorism. Then, after the takeover of ing the border with Mexico? tence even though the website is designed
Iran by militant Islamists in 1979, my in- Corsi: It became perfectly obvious to me to deny the ultimate goal. It’s quite clear
terest intensified. Iran, of course, became that the Bush administration has no in- that the SPP calls for open borders and an
the force behind Hezbollah, and I recently tention of securing the border. Instead, its eventual political union of the three na-
discovered that some Hezbollah members leaders are planning to erase it. Govern- tions. Exactly a year after the SPP’s birth,
and supporters in Dearborn, Michigan, ment officials, right up to and including Mr. Bush, President Fox, and the new Ca-
had entered the United States through President Bush, are implementing plans nadian Prime Minister Harper met again
Mexico. This led me to wonder why our to create one political entity out of the in Cancun, Mexico, under the auspices of
southern border was not being guarded three nations of North America: Canada, the SPP to continue implementation of this
more closely. the United States, and Mexico. In addi- sovereignty-compromising proposal.


lar, and the Mexican peso. This
follows in virtual lock step with
what the European Union has ac-
complished for the once-totally
independent nations across the At-
lantic. Most of them have discard-
ed their own currencies in favor of
the Euro. And we know that Mexi-
co’s Vicente Fox has openly stated
that he wants to duplicate for the
Western Hemisphere what the Eu-
ropean Union has done in Europe.

TNA: So you see a parallel between

the European Union and what is
planned for our hemisphere?
Corsi: Yes indeed. The EU was
foisted on the people of Europe

incrementally with promises of
Treasonous agreement: President Bush meets with his Mexican and Canadian counterparts, Vicente Fox greater trade and no loss of inde-
and Prime Minister Stephen Harper, during a March summit in Cancun to advance the program to form a
pendence. The ultimate plans for a
North American Union.
North American Union and beyond
TNA: Didn’t NAFTA cost thou- are similarly below the public’s
“Our nation is being treated like the sands of Americans their jobs? radar screen. This enables the scheme’s
Corsi: Yes, many firms closed promoters to deny their intentions. Our
frog who was placed in appealingly down operations in the United nation is being treated like the frog who
low-temperature water before the heat States and moved their plants to was placed in appealingly low-tempera-
Mexico. But these same profit- ture water before the heat got turned up
got turned up and he was cooked.” driven firms have now gone to and he was cooked.
— Jerome Corsi China where slave labor is widely
available and less expensive. The TNA: When President Bush addressed the
next move in the planned over- nation via television on May 15, 2006, he
TNA: What, if anything, have these plans all merger of the three nations is to have pledged to undertake numerous steps to
to do with the North American Free Trade goods shipped from Asia (mostly from secure the border. What did you think of
Agreement (NAFTA)? China) into Mexican ports such as Lazaro the speech?
Corsi: When the SPP was launched in Cardenas on Mexico’s west coast. The Corsi: I hate to say this but I concluded that
2005, its creators acknowledged that goods would then be sent by rail and truck the speech was nothing more than public
NAFTA hadn’t accomplished all of the to the U.S. border and into our nation and relations posturing and window dressing.
goals expected of it. So they created SPP, Canada. This arrangement will bypass the In a bit of a panic after the speech, Mexi-
sometimes referred to by opponents of expense of using ports at Long Beach and co’s President Fox called President Bush
this scheme as “NAFTA Plus.” The White Los Angeles, California, where the costs of and was speedily reassured that placing
House then established SPP working employing U.S. longshoremen and Ameri- some National Guard troops on the border
groups housed in the NAFTA office at the can trucking firms are much higher. was only a temporary measure until the
Department of Commerce. public forgets about the situation.
TNA: Is the plan to use Mexican ports
TNA: Are you suggesting that all of why the NAFTA Superhighway will be TNA: What then do you recommend to put
NAFTA’s expectations were unrealized? constructed? a stop to this?
Corsi: No, not at all, because some of Corsi: Precisely. Plans are already drawn Corsi: The American people have to be
them were realized. For instance, under to build this new road, four football fields alerted, and they have to contact their
its Chapter 11, NAFTA established a wide, through the heart of our country from members of Congress to put a stop to this.
judicial tribunal whose rulings have al- Laredo, Texas, to the Canadian border. The congressmen and senators are largely
ready superseded national, state, and local unaware of what I have described. And I
jurisdictions. TNA: Does this plan to merge our three am quite certain that an aroused and deep-
Unless the plans culminating in a North nations even include a new currency? ly concerned electorate would have little
American Union are derailed, this NAFTA Corsi: Yes, Robert Pastor has also called trouble in gaining support to block what
precedent will be applied to similar tribu- for the creation of the “Amero” that would is planned and to retain our nation’s hard-
nals in the planned NAU. replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dol- won independence. ■



Looking at the
End Game

Integration and demolition: Once one

of North Carolina’s largest employers,
Pillowtex Plant No. 1 in Kannapolis is
reduced to rubble after being shut down
in late 2003 — a casualty of artificially
cheap imported textiles from China.

The proposed North American Union is a major building bloc in a plan to merge the
entire world into a UN-supervised, centrally planned economy.

by William Norman Grigg framework supporting global trade, most asked God to confer his blessing on Ber-
importantly the World Trade Organiza- nanke, “your chosen vessel.” At least some

ith Wyoming’s mighty Teton tion,” but also “regional frameworks and members of Bernanke’s audience hoped
Mountain Range providing a agreements, such as the North American that he would be able to work a miracle
suitably Olympian background, Free Trade Agreement and the European to resurrect the community’s moribund
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Union’s ‘single market.’” economy.
eagerly preached the gospel of global eco- A few days after communing with the
nomic integration. global banking elite on Mount Olympus, Globalization’s Impact
“One of the defining characteristics of Bernanke paid a visit to his old hometown As a bright and energetic teenager grow-
the world in which we now live is that, — Dillon, South Carolina, a community of ing up in Dillon, Bernanke worked in con-
by most economically relevant measures, about 6,800. The 1971 Dillon High School struction, waited tables, and worked other
distances are shrinking rapidly,” Bernanke Valedictorian, Bernanke was on hand to summer jobs in the small community’s
informed his fellow titans — central bank- celebrate “Ben Bernanke Day” and receive vibrant economy. Once largely dependent
ers from around the globe, gathered at the the Order of Palmetto, the highest civilian on tobacco farming, Dillon had branched
annual Jackson Hole Economic Forum. honor the state can bestow. out decades before into textile produc-
“The shrinking globe has been a major For most locals, Bernanke was a case tion. But largely because of the globalist
source of the powerful wave of worldwide of “local boy makes good.” Those attuned economic policies Bernanke extolled at
economic integration and increased eco- to the ways of the power elite, however, Jackson Hole, his old hometown has all
nomic interdependence that we are cur- treated him like a divine emissary. The but disappeared.
rently experiencing.” “local power structure turned out in rever- Over the past two decades, tobacco
Bernanke praised the “critical role of ent multitudes” to pay tribute to Bernanke, price supports, an unconstitutional subsidy
government policy in supporting, or at reported columnist James Pinkerton from that had attracted many farmers into that
least permitting, global economic inte- the scene. Chosen to offer a benediction industry, were phased out — not because
gration” by creating “the institutional at the event, state Senator Kent Williams the federal government has become more



[to Dillon] in recent years is a administration to remove protective tariffs

distribution center for Harbor on American steel.
The so-called North American Union Freight Tools, a catalog retailer On November 26, 2004, the WTO is-
would join the Central American Free of tools — many of which are sued a ruling authorizing the European
imported — employing about Union — a multinational trade bloc de-
Trade Agreement (CAFTA) as another
250 people,” notes a Reuters signed to be a regional enforcement arm of
steppingstone toward amalgamating report. The only other signifi- the globalized trade system — to impose
the entire Western Hemisphere into one cant local business is South “punitive taxes” against the United States
of the Border, “a tourist-trap unless the steel tariffs were lifted. “While
political and economic entity called the collection of souvenir shops, quite small initially,” noted Newsday, “the
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). fireworks stands, carnival rides level of punitive duties will be reviewed
and restaurants at the North each year and could rise sharply. The value
Carolina border along a major of the sanctions, on everything from sweet
scrupulous about its constitutional duties, interstate highway.” corn to metals and textiles, hasn’t been
but because of trade agreements requiring It’s doubtful that so many as a hand- determined, but trade officials estimated
that such subsidies be discontinued. More ful of Dillon’s residents were aware that them at more than $150 million a year.”
recently, the town’s troubles have been decisions made by a group of unelected Consider what this means, in practical
thanks to decisions by the World Trade foreign bureaucrats in Geneva could have terms.
Organization (WTO) opening up huge such devastating effects on their com- A body in Geneva took issue with a tar-
markets for textiles produced in China for munity — or that the man they honored iff law that — whatever its merits — was
what amounts to slave-labor wages. on September 1 is among the elite that is passed by our elected representatives and
According to Labor Department figures, busy building a global system that would signed by the president. Without consti-
unemployment in Dillon is nearly 10 per- wreak similar devastation on the rest of tutional authority, accountability to the
cent, and many families in a community our country. American people, or any interest in our
that once boasted a thriving middle class At the apex of that system is the WTO, national prosperity, that body gave permis-
now live on an annual household income a kind of economic United Nations that sion to kindred bureaucrats presiding over
of less than $20,000. “We’ve got a lot of claims the authority to set trade and eco- the European Union to impose punitive
poor people in this area,” Mayor Todd nomic policy for its 149 member nations. taxes on U.S. imports, thereby inflicting
Davis reports. “Some families are on their The WTO enforces its rulings through the severe and escalating economic damage
second and third generation of welfare. use of fines and targeted retaliatory tariffs; on millions of Americans who work in
They don’t know anything else.” it was through the threatened use of such agriculture, textiles, steel production, and
“The only major new facility to locate measures that the WTO induced the Bush other fields.

Protesting “downward harmonization”: Demonstrators at an April rally outside Michigan’s state capitol in Lansing An Economic UN
protest the engineered reduction in the American standard of living that accompanies efforts to “integrate” our Like the European Union
nation into a global managed economy.
and other proposed re-
gional trade blocs, the

so-called North Ameri-

can Union, officially
known as the Security
and Prosperity Partner-
ship (SPP), is intended
to be an enforcement and
implementation arm of
the WTO-headed global
economic system. It
would build on the North
American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA),
“broadening” its regu-
latory and enforcement
powers while “deepen-
ing” the economic and
political relationships
among the three sig-
natory nations. And it
would join the Central

34 TNA • OCTOBER 2, 2006

American Free Trade Agreement
(CAFTA) as another steppingstone
toward amalgamating the entire
Western Hemisphere into one po-
litical and economic entity called
the Free Trade Area of the Ameri-
cas (FTAA) — which, once again,
would be supervised by the WTO.
Multinational bodies like
NAFTA, CAFTA, and the pro-
posed FTAA “have far less to do
with the free movement of goods
and services than they do with gov-
ernment coordination and manage-
ment of international trade,” points
out Congressman Ron Paul (R-
Texas), who enthusiastically sup-
ports genuine free trade (that is,
mutually beneficial transactions
between producers and consumers
without government intervention).
Noting that an announced objec-

tive of those working to create the Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke, fresh from communing with the global banking elite, visited his
SPP/North American Union is “to hometown of Dillon, South Carolina, to receive his state’s highest honor. Once a thriving middle-class
strengthen regulatory cooperation” community, Dillon has been wiped out by the globalist economic policies Bernanke champions.
and to “have our central regulatory
agencies complete a trilateral regulatory opinion regarding the wisdom of contin- Similar reactions were heard from both
framework by 2007,” Rep. Paul points out ued entanglement in the world body and sides of the aisle in Congress.
that this “adds up to not only more and its affiliates had changed dramatically; it Although described as “a charter to
bigger government, but to the establish- was clear to Congress that the American ‘free world trade,’” the ITO agreement
ment of an unelected mega-government.” public had no interest in turning over its was actually “a charter for trade control,”
And that “unelected mega-government” economic future to a global bureaucracy. noted Senator George W. Malone (R-
would be just the regional arm of an even Congressman Bertrand Gearhart (R- Nev.). “The result of its adoption would
greater version with global jurisdiction. Calif.) captured that mood when he de- have been socialism, on a global plane.”
As originally proposed after World War scribed the Hiss-led delegation at Havana Congressman Samuel B. Pettingill (Ind.),
II, the WTO was to be called the Interna- as “boatloads of smug diplomats, all-wise a Democrat who had spoken out critically
tional Trade Organization, or ITO. The economists … experts, theorists, special- against FDR’s economic policies, agreed
trade body was intended to join the World ists and whatnots, sailing gaily from our with Malone’s assessment of the pact, de-
Bank and the International Monetary Fund shores to barter away … the little factory nouncing it as “part and parcel of inter-
as another multilateral economic append- in Wichita, the little shop in Keokuk.” national socialism, one-worldism, and the
age of the UN system. As with the United In that era before business associations slow surrender of American sovereignty.”
Nations itself, the ITO’s chief architect had been broken to the saddle of the cen- Writing in 1958, ten years after Con-
was Alger Hiss, a key State Department tral government, business groups freely gress rejected the ITO, Senator Malone
adviser to FDR who was later exposed denounced the ITO. “The entire document pointed out that the global trade body
as a Soviet spy. Hiss had co-written the reflects an excessive acceptance of eco- and the United Nations were designed
UN Charter alongside Soviet official V.M. nomic planning,” protested the U.S. Cham- as two arms of “a pincers movement …
Molotov, and been the secretary-general ber of Commerce when the final draft of both on the domestic and on the inter-
of the UN’s founding conference in San the ITO agreement was made public in national scene.” The political arm con-
Francisco. He played a very similar role March 1948. The National Foreign Trade sisted of incremental entanglement of
in the effort to create the ITO. Council warned that “if the United States the United States in UN-centered inter-
With Hiss acting as chairman for the subscribes to the charter it will be aban- national alliances and multilateral bod-
U.S. delegation, a conference was con- doning traditional American principles and ies. The economic arm was created by
vened in Havana in 1947 for the purpose espousing, instead, planned economy and the Trade Agreements Act of 1934, in
of creating a framework agreement for the full-scale political control of production, which Congress ceded to the Executive
ITO. Although only two years had passed trade, and monetary exchange. The charter Branch the power to control our nation’s
since the Senate’s near-unanimous approv- does not reflect faith in the principles of trade policy.
al of U.S. membership in the UN, public free, private, competitive enterprise.” Because of the 1934 act, wrote Malone



pletely eliminates the congressional power

to “regulate commerce with foreign na-
tions,” replacing that constitutional duty
with a simple “take it or leave it” proposi-
tion permitting only an up or down vote
on presidentially crafted agreements. The
first president Bush was granted “fast
track” authority to conclude NAFTA; Bill
Clinton used the same power to finalize
negotiations on the WTO; George W. Bush
followed their lead in finishing CAFTA.
In addition to major multilateral ini-
tiatives like CAFTA and the SPP/North
American Union, the current Bush admin-
istration has completed numerous bilat-
eral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with
countries ranging from Chile to Singa-
pore. Each of these agreements opens our
vast consumer market to small, low-wage
nations that can’t afford to buy what we
produce. In effect, FTAs are agreements
to export part of our manufacturing base

North American solidarity: Canadian Robert Wright, Mexican Carlos de Icaza, and former U.S. abroad, in addition to helping lay the
Senator Howard Baker, “NAFTA ambassadors” for their respective countries, spread the gospel of groundwork for larger multilateral agree-
economic integration at a 2002 conference in Tokyo. ments. The most recently enacted FTA
with Oman — a Middle Eastern emirate
in his remarkably prescient book Mainline, “This is not just another trade agree- — passed the House by a 221-205 vote
“the business and the enterprise of individ- ment,” Gingrich continued. “This is on July 20.
uals now were considered in close connec- adopting something which twice, once in FTAs with Latin American nations such
tion to the policies of the State. The State the 1940s and once in the 1950s, the U.S. as Chile and Colombia are seen as precur-
would assist them in the expansion of their Congress rejected. I am not even saying sors for the FTAA. The U.S.-Oman FTA
markets. Government would negotiate the that we should reject it; I, in fact, lean to- is one of several bilateral agreements with
channels of trade.” Put succinctly, “the State ward it. But I think we have to be very Middle Eastern nations — Israel, Jordan,
would determine trade,” rather than the free careful, because it is a very big transfer Morocco, and Bahrain — that are either
market, and that power was to be exercised of power.” active or scheduled to go into force soon.
by the president, not the Congress. Creation of the SPP/North American And all of these FTAs anticipate creation
In December 1994, decades after Con- Union would likewise be what Gingrich of yet another WTO-supervised regional
gress initially rejected the ITO and just calls a “transformational movement,” the bloc — the Middle East Free Trade Area
weeks after the Republicans took control creation of a powerful regional mechanism (MEFTA), scheduled for completion in
of the Congress for the first time in dec- for the WTO to implement its designs and 2013.
ades, a special “lame-duck” session was impose its will directly on the citizens of
called to ratify U.S. membership in the the United States, as well as Canadians Reclaim Our Sovereignty
body, now renamed the World Trade Or- and Mexicans — all of whom, inciden- While politicians and other policymakers
ganization. This was done with the active tally, would be expected to repudiate their knit together their grand design for an inte-
involvement of incoming House Speaker present national identities. grated globalized economy, their schemes
Newt Gingrich and Majority Leader Bob inflict real suffering on people in commu-
Dole, who understood that the newly “Fast Track” and FTAs nities like Dillon, South Carolina.
elected Republican legislators would al- All of these sovereignty-sapping trade The costs of surrendering our indepen-
most certainly have opposed the WTO. agreements have been negotiated under dence, and turning our economic destiny
To his credit, Gingrich admitted in tes- “fast track” or “trade promotion authority” over to globalist bodies, are genuine and
timony before the House Ways and Means (TPA), under which a president is permit- tangible. A small part of that price can be
Committee that approval of the WTO ted to negotiate not just a particular trade found amid the shuttered looms and pad-
would amount to nothing less than a fun- agreement, but also to craft the implement- locked factories of economically blighted
damental change in our system of govern- ing legislation needed to “harmonize” U.S. towns like Dillon, South Carolina — the
ment, by “transferring from the United law to conform with the agreement. first American communities to partake
States at a practical level significant au- An obvious violation of the constitu- of the blessings of global economic
thority to a new organization.” tional separation of powers, TPA com- integration. ■


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China: Manufacturer for the World?

With vast amounts of slave labor to employ and the help of Western corporate leaders
to build manufacturing plants, China is fast becoming the manufacturer for the world.
by John F. McManus

n a gambit few could have predicted,
China is becoming a foil in the game
to create a North American Union.
Since the liberalization of China’s econo-
my after the Tiananmen Square massacre,
China’s manufacturing sector has shifted
into high gear.
According to some, the upsurge in
China’s economy is the reason why the
Mexican economy has not performed
better since the signing of NAFTA. “The
‘giant sucking sound’ Ross Perot used to
talk about is back, only this time it is not
Mexico sucking away American jobs. It
is China sucking away Mexico’s jobs,”
William Greider, the national affairs cor-
respondent for The Nation, wrote in that
magazine in 2001. This, Greider argued,

could provide an impetus to integrate China convergence: Senator Mark Dayton (D-Minn.) shakes hands with Chinese President Hu
Mexico and the United States. “This is an Jintao while his colleagues (left to right) Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) and Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)
opportunity to change the politics in both look on. The U.S. legislators were in Beijing for an “interparliamentary exchange.”
countries,” he wrote. “The relationship
would borrow a lot from the European issue of Foreign Affairs, Pastor alleged that interests have infused it with money, in-
Union’s economic integration of rich and several types of “reform” in U.S. policy frastructure, technology, and business
poor nations ranging from wealthy Ger- would be needed. “The reforms,” he said, savvy. They have even moved their plants
many to low-wage Portugal and Spain. “would also make Mexico more competi- to China. They have done so, in large part,
The European Union delivers substantial tive with China.” because they have been actively encour-
aid conditioned on democratic standards China has had a devastating effect not aged to do so by the U.S. Commerce De-
and labor rights, implicitly encouraging only on the Mexican economy but, more partment; because their China ventures are
rising wages in the poorer countries.... importantly, on the American economy. bankrolled by U.S. taxpayer-subsidized
A North American union, in addition to Twenty-five years ago, our nation could entities such as the International Monetary
North/South development aid, would re- point to 19 million manufacturing jobs. Fund and the World Bank; because their
quire concrete legal obligations: If U.S. The number today has shrunk to less than loans are guaranteed by the Export-Import
taxpayers are asked to invest in Mexico’s 14 million. Jobs are going overseas at an Bank, a U.S. government agency; and be-
future, U.S. commerce cannot be allowed increasingly rapid rate, mostly to China. cause heavy U.S. taxes and regulations add
to enjoy NAFTA benefits, then pick up and A look at what has occurred in the textile significantly to the cost of manufacturing
leave whenever it sees fit.” Greider has not industry alone is instructive. According to goods in the United States.
been alone in seeing Mexican competition the National Council of Textile Organiza- U.S. government officials not only en-
with the Chinese as a rationale for forming tions, China now controls half of the U.S. courage the export of American jobs and
a North American Union (NAU). apparel market in product areas where industry to China, they even ignore exist-
This has been noted as well by Rob- quotas have been removed. ing U.S. law. Last month, the Office of
ert Pastor, the chief intellectual architect It’s reasonable to wonder how a com- the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)
of the current scheme to create the NAU. munist-led nation could become an eco- brushed off the AFL-CIO’s call for an in-
Discussing the options for deepening the nomic power. The answer is that, by itself, vestigation into labor practices in China.
integration of the North American nations it could never have accomplished what it Pointing to a 1974 law that restricts trade
in the article “North America’s Second has done. China has become a significant with countries who enslave their workers,
Decade,” in the January/February 2004 producer because U.S.-based corporate the labor giant tried to have restrictions



placed on Chinese imports. They received

a rebuff by the USTR. The USTR’s spokes-
man, Sean Spicer, was forced to admit the
existence of “serious concerns with labor
rights and working conditions in China,”
but he refused to initiate any action.
A “Background” paper issued by USTR
claims that “data compiled by China’s Na-
tional Bureau of Statistics suggests that
real wages, adjusted for inflation, rose
10-11 percent per year between 1996 and
2004.” But the U.S. Bureau of Labor Sta-
tistics reports that manufacturing workers
in China receive the equivalent of 57 cents
per hour. Manufacturing and Technology
News calculated that increasing a wage of
57 cents per hour by 11 percent per year Curry Insurance Agency
4539 S.E. 29th
would take until 2037 to bring a Chinese
Del City, OK 73115
laborer to the $16.08 U.S. pay level for
manufacturing workers. By then, sad to
say, there wouldn’t be many manufactur-
ing workers left in the United States. And
the AFL-CIO even claims that China’s 57-
cent per hour wage rate is for urban work-
ers only, not for the lower-paid migrant
workers who comprise the vast majority
of China’s labor force.
In addition, the Bureau of Labor Sta-
tistics (BLS) distributed deceptive indi-
cations that no real problem exists as to
the loss of American jobs. Columnist Paul
Craig Roberts noted that a July report from
BLS listed 113,000 new jobs. The admin-
istration exulted over the new jobs. But,
wrote Roberts, “all are in services” such as
waitresses, bartenders, educators, health
workers, and business service personnel. 7877 Raytheon Road • San Diego, CA 92111
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are run-of-the-mill, concerned Americans
who have gone to extraordinary lengths to
protect America and Americans, despite
much vilification in the press. For example,
here you will meet a computer programmer,
a grandmother, a school teacher, an auto
mechanic, a CPA, and a journalist.
Glenn Spencer began as an expert in
statistical analysis, and he morphed into
a lone citizen-activist writing letters to
his local paper on his road to waking up
thousands of concerned Americans through
eye-opening videos on his organization’s
Terry Anderson, from South Central
Los Angeles, went from fixing cars as
an auto mechanic to fixing our nation by
becoming a popular talk-radio host and
warning the nation about the dangers of
the illegal immigration invasion.
Sam Antonio

Roy Beck, an environmental journalist,

saw the connection between unrestrained
immigration and the dangers it posed to
In Fighting Immigration Anarchy, author Daniel Sheehy our local communities. The organization
he founded, NumbersUSA, educates the
recounts the stories of everyday American patriots who American public about how Congress
are battling to save our nation. votes on federal immigration policies.
Barbara Coe, who collected and collated
crime statistics for a police department,
by Sam Antonio who are changing the course of history. was forced to resign for doing her duty
Furthermore, since the book is written from to report crimes committed by illegal
Fighting Immigration Anarchy: American the perspective of a personal narrative, the aliens. But she opened another door for
Patriots Battle to Save the Nation, by Daniel passion of these leaders, but more impor- herself. She organized concerned citizens
Sheehy, Bloomington, Indiana: Rooftop tantly Sheehy’s passion, for this topic is at into a group, the California Coalition for
Publishing, 2006, 344 pages, paperback, play on every page. As a result, the reader Immigration Reform (CCIR). As a result,
$19.95. (To order through AOBS, use the will come away after reading this impor- she changed the California political
order form or contact information in the ad tant book with the realization that the love landscape forever with her pivotal role in
on the inside front cover.) for America still burns brightly. working to pass Proposition 187, which
It has been said that three components would have stemmed the tide of illegal

‘‘T he best way to make history is

to write it,” Winston Churchill
observed. Author Dan Sheehy
is definitely writing history with his new
characterize great leaders: a great
individual, a great country, and a great
issue. All three characteristics are evident
in the eight leaders profiled by Mr.
immigration in California had not an
activist liberal judge nullified it.
Joe Guzzardi went from teaching
English as a Second Language classes to
book, Fighting Immigration Anarchy. It is Sheehy. immigrants in Lodi, California, to learning
a unique book that chronicles the courage, Sheehy shows that the human side of about the hard facts on the detrimental
passion, struggle, and dedication of the the leaders in the immigration fight runs effects of mass immigration as immigrants
leaders in the immigration battle in which contrary to the demonized characterizations took gross advantage of federal and state
America is now engaged. What sets this that the media usually show of them. services. That gave him the impetus to
book apart is its in-depth look at leaders Sheehy’s patriots, for that’s what they are, run for governor of California and gain
aren’t what the media would typically a platform from which he could warn
Sam Antonio is the John Birch Society’s national portray as “American patriots.” They’re his fellow citizens of the impending
spokesman on immigration. not paragons of political correctness; they immigration crisis.



roots effort to save America. Mexico and Canada met in Waco, Texas, on
Terry Anderson utilizes March 23, 2005 to form the “Security and
While Fighting Immigration Anarchy may the power of talk radio while Prosperity Partnership of North America.”
frighten some with its startling stories Congressman Tom Tancredo Thus, the merging of the economies and
echos his message from the political systems of the three countries in
and shocking statistics, its profiles of
halls of Congress, and Roy North America. As a result, there will be
courageous leaders should serve as an Beck of NumbersUSA uses no more illegal immigration since there
inspiration to many and, as the book title the Internet to expose the will be legal migration!
voting records of our elected As Sheehy so aptly states, President Bush
so states, should encourage Americans representatives. “was quietly agreeing with the leaders of
to fight immigration anarchy. Glenn Spencer and his Mexico and Canada to erase U.S. Borders
organization, American Border and end American sovereignty after 230
Patrol, use modern technology, years of independence.”
Congressman Tom Tancredo, a one-time such as unmanned aerial vehicles, to patrol Sheehy gives warning to Americans:
school teacher turned immigration reform the southern border, while the Minutemen “Our government’s immigration and trade
leader on Capitol Hill, has shaken up the call upon everyday citizens to stand policies are being used to bring down
beltway and the Bush White House enough watch over porous borders in Arizona and America’s middle class, lower wages, and
for Karl Rove to tell him, “Don’t ever California. integrate the hemisphere.” “These policies
darken the door of the White House.” There are eight personal stories, but a are designed to serve the economic interests
Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox, an common thread weaves its way through it of the globalists and the multinational
unlikely duo, a retired CPA and former all: the love of America and the hope that corporations and to centralize government
school teacher, launched the Minuteman the common American will answer the call power.”
Project to catapult the immigration crisis to duty when the need arises. While Fighting Immigration Anarchy
to the media forefront and to the halls of In this book, Sheehy has made history by may frighten some with its startling
Congress. bringing to light the struggles of ordinary stories and shocking statistics, its profiles
With diverse backgrounds, these Americans who have performed valiantly of courageous leaders should serve as an
American Patriot leaders have a common in extraordinary times and chronicling it inspiration to many and, as the book title
desire that led each of them down a similar by putting pen to paper. In addition, these so states, should encourage Americans to
path — standing up for what is right to activists are now writing history with fight immigration anarchy. ■
save America from the negative effects of their historic, bold moves — from the
illegal immigration. passage of California Proposition 187
Because Sheehy lives in Southern in 1994, to the successful
California (ground zero of the immigration recall of pro-amnesty
crisis) and knows most of these leaders California Governor
personally, he was able to wonderfully Gray Davis in 2003 to
chronicle these patriots‘ personal the launching of the
transformations from the perspective of Minuteman Project.
an individual looking from the inside- The last chapter of
out, rather than from the outside in as the book is perhaps
most books on immigration are written. the most powerful
Each profile demonstrates that one one. In it, Sheehy
person can make a difference in his or her clearly connects all
respective sphere of influence, regardless the dots on why our
of background. Finally, because the own government
book is written from a personal narrative refuses to secure
perspective rather than an academic one, o u r borders.
Sheehy is able to convey the complexities Sheehy states,
of the immigration debate in a clear, “Open borders and
concise manner for all to understand. illegal immigration
Interesting to note is that the activists are part of a
profiled have approached solving the larger scheme to
immigration crisis by seeking different discard American
paths. sovereignty in
Joe Guzzardi became a one-man favor of a regional
educational army with his writing pen while government.”
Barbara Coe founded an organization, President Bush
CCIR, to enlist good Americans in a grass- and the leaders of


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Even Groucho
Would Join
This Club! by John Nelson and Larry Greenley

ome problems and issues facing our world are so enor- point when they say, “Think globally, act locally.” It works!
mous that they appear insurmountable. When we read 3. Begin contacting your state legislators. It is your state sena-
about them, or talk about them with friends, the issue of tors and representatives who have the clout to create grass-roots
“But what can I do about it?” seems unanswerable. That’s why opposition to an issue. They should be asked to support the
we humans form organizations and groups. In numbers, Ameri- resolution available at By persuading your state
cans believe we can achieve anything. legislators to pass this resolution against the NAU/SPP and the
Sometimes we even form groups that don’t really exist except planned NAFTA Super Highway, the pressure will swell upward
in our minds. For example, the nice thing about the Internet is and reach U.S. senators and representatives, where real change
that it allows us to become part of a virtual group without really can begin to take place.
joining anything. When we “Google,” there are always thou- There are many ways to find out the names of your state sena-
sands of hits on just about every topic under the sun, so we just tor and state representative, with their official e-mail addresses,
know that there are vast numbers of people out there who must mailing addresses, and fax/phone numbers — and even their
agree with us on our issue: it’s just impossible that many others home addresses and phone numbers — so there’s no excuse for
have not also “seen the light.” not obtaining this information and being able to use it.
And so it is with the North American Union (NAU), to which We like the National Conference of State Legislatures’ web-
this special issue of THE NEW AMERICAN is dedicated. Many site, where you simply enter the name of your state and are
have seen the light and know that our own government is work- provided links to the various state legislatures and assemblies:
ing behind the scenes with the governments of Canada and
Mexico to create a single bureaucratic entity called the NAU Then, you’re only limited by your energy and imagination.
— like the European Union — and they know it’s a bad idea. Ambitious? Visit your state senator’s or representative’s office
For instance, most of Mexico would be allowed to move here to express your opinion in person (yes, you’re really allowed
if they wanted and bleed our government dry through their reli- to do this). But more typically, politely call their office and
ance on social welfare programs, and the costs associated with give expression to your concerns. Or fax or e-mail the same
high crime rates. concerns.
So, what to do? One answer: join a unified virtual group called 4. After you’ve created some activity with your state senators
ANAUSPPA (the Anti-North American Union/Security and and representatives, go national and contact your U.S. senators
Prosperity Partnership Association, of course). Our first meeting and representative. An excellent resource for sending letters on-
is today. Your list of tasks as a “newbie” ANAUSPPA member line is This site includes prepared mes-
follows. We may never meet, but I know you’re out there… sages on the North American Union and other issues as the basis
What You Can Do to Help Halt the Progress of the North for your faxing, e-mailing, or phoning.
American Union and the Security and Prosperity Partner- 5. Go to and find the “Lightning Round” link. The
ship (SPP): link goes to a video that is a truly creative means to get people
1. Become informed. Google the three terms “North Ameri- talking about the NAU, and to get them to visit,
can Union,” “Security and Prosperity Partnership,” and “SPP.” which is a storehouse of NAU info and links. Copy the link to
You’ll be amazed at the number of well-informed articles, web- the video and send it to all of your friends and acquaintances
sites, backgrounders, white papers, position statements, govern- with a brief note.
ment news releases, and press conference transcripts that pop 6. Use this issue of THE NEW AMERICAN as a handy tool for
up. There’s a lot of information out there — pro and con. Also educating your friends and acquaintances. To order copies in
check out The John Birch Society website, which has a deep quantity, see the card between pages 38 and 39 of this issue, or
section on the issue at go to
2. Find ways to spread the word about NAU/SPP in your Finally, talk about the North American Union with everyone
local community, among professionals, city workers, execu- with whom you come into contact. They’ll be amazed, and ter-
tives — everybody. Joining local organizations and service rified, that this government effort is under way. But it is, and we
clubs are good ways to begin. The environmental lobby has a need to get others to join our non-exclusive little club. ■


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“’Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances,
with any portion of the foreign world....”
– George Washington (1796)

“Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.”
– Thomas Jefferson (1799)

“I deem [one of] the essential principles of our government [to be]
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entangling alliances with none....”
– Thomas Jefferson (1801)

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