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Direct speech is sentence cited or imitated from someone’s words

directly without any changes on the sentence.
Direct speech uses comma and quotation marks.
Direct speech consisted of two part namely:
A. reporting sentence is a sentence that begins the direct speech it doesn’t
use quotation mark it reports what the speaker says.
B. reported sentence is a sentence that is said by he speaker. In direct
speech it use quotation mark.

for example :
Andy says , ” I go to work every day.”

At the example of the sentence one word of Andy says referred as reporting
sentence, while I go to work every day referred as reported sentence.


Indirect speech is sentence cited or imitated from someone’s words

By experiencing some changes on their structure and words without
changing the words meaning.
In the form of this indirect sentence between reporting sentence and
reported sentence connected by conjunction or indirect word.indirect
does not use the quotation mark and comma

for example :
Andy says , that he goes to work everyday,

Looking carefully change direct sentence become the indirect sentence on

the example above ,where there are addition of conjunction that ,change
subject at reported speech I become he and also its verb.
# Some notes that should be paid attention on the change of direct speech
into indirect speech.

Note 1. if the reporting verbs in the direct speech is in present tense form,
then the verbs in its indirect speech does not change.

Example :

- direct speech : John says, “ I go to school.”

- Indirect speech : John says / tells (me) that he goes to school

Note 2 : if the reporting verbs in the direct speech is in past tense form, then
he verbs in its indirect speech change.

Example :

- Direct speech : John said, “ I came here yesterday.”

- Indirect speech : John said that he had come there the day before “.

Note 3 : the tenses change

Direct speech Indirect speech
1.present tense (simple/continuous) 1.past tense (simple/continuous)
2. past tense (simple/continuous) 2.past perfect tense
3.present perfect tense 3.past perfect tense
(simple/continuous) (simple/continuous)
4.present future tense 4.past future tense
(simple/continuous) (simple/continuous)
5.past future tense 5.past perfect future
(simple/continuous) (simple/continuous)
5.present perfect future 6.past perfect future
(simple/continuous) (simple/continuous)
Note 4 : the changes on adverb of time, adverb of place and other expression
a. adverb of time

Direct speech Reported (Indirect) speech

1.Now 1.then
2.yesterday 2.- the day before
- the previous day week 3.- the week after
- the following week
4.tomorrow 4.- the next day
- the following day 5.that day
6.last month 6.- the month before
- the previous month

b. adverb of place 1.there

c. other expression
1.this 1.that
2.these 2.those



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