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Class: Test paper

1). Scrieţi forma verbului TO BE la interogativ şi forma scurtă a negativului to be. 16x0.2 p=3.2p)

o o
o o
o o
o o
o o
o o
o o
o o

2). Traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza. (8x0.1p=0.8 p)

o Twelve = o Trousers =
o Grandfather = o Garlic =
o Snake = o Mushroom =
o Monkey = o Strawberry=

3). Completaţi propoziţiile următoare cu unul din cuvintele: this, these, that, those.(4x0.2p=0.8 p)

o …………… duck is white and small.

o …………… apples are red, yellow and green.

o …………… fish is in the lake.

o …………… cherries are on the table.

4).Completaţi cu: there is, there are, there is not, there are not. (4x0.1p=0.4 p)
o a lion in the garden, is a cat.

o three butterflies on the red flower.
o a bread on the table in the kitchen.
o seven children in the class, there are 27 children.

5). Puneţi am/is/are (forme ale verbului ‘’to be‘’) în locul potrivit. (5x0.2p=1 p)
o You at school now.
o I a beautiful girl.
o He an intelligent boy.
o We in the house now.
o They in the classroom now.
6). Faceţi legătura între cele 2 coloane. (10x0.1p=1 p)
Rooster gâscă
Cow urs
Pig cocoş
Turtle elefant
Lion porc
Bear ţestoasă
Butterfly raţă
Hippo vacă
Duck leu
Goose fluture
7). Puneti următoarele cuvinte la plural. (10x0.1p=1 p)
o Dinte = tooth –
o Pisica = cat –
o Peste = fish –
o Barbat = man –
o Copil = child –
o Rochie = dress –
o Cartof = potato –
o Bomboana = candy –
o Baiat = boy –
o Frunza = leaf –

8). Puneti a, an sau the in fata cuvintelor.(10x0.1p=1p)

…… elephant, ….. cat,

….. black shoe, …….. ant,

….. mouse, …… big tiger,

…… red dress, …. pancake,

…….. apple, …… cucumber.

9). Faceti legatura intre coloane.(4x0.2=0.8p)

On sub

In la

At pe

Under in fata


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