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Computer Science Grade IX

Upload Date: 25th June 2020 Due Date 29th June 2020

Total Marks: 20 Marks


- Avoid using brand names of computer hardware and software.

- This homework has be attempted on this MS Word Document
- After completing the homework, please submit it on Google Classroom by the due

Q1. (a) State what is meant by the term SSL.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol developed by Netscape for establishing an encrypted
link between a web server and a browser. SSL is an industry standard which transmits private
data securely over the Internet by encrypting it.[1]

(b) The following stages take place when a user wishes to access a secure website.
Put each stage in sequence by writing the numbers 1 to 6 in the column on the right.
The first one has been done for you. [5]

Stage Sequence

the encrypted data is then shared securely between the web browser and

the web server 6

the web browser attempts to connect to a website which is secured by SSL 1

the web server sends the web browser a copy of its SSL certificate 3

the web browser requests the web server to identify itself 2

the web server will then send back some form of acknowledgement to 5

allow the SSL encrypted session to begin

the web browser checks whether the SSL certificate is trustworthy 4

pg. 1
if it is, then the web browser sends a message back to the web server

Q2. The four statements below refer to firewalls and proxy servers. Study each statement.

Tick (✓) the appropriate column(s) to indicate whether the statement refers to a firewall and/or
a proxy server. [4]

Statement Firewall Proxy server

Speeds up access of information from a web server by using a


Filters all Internet traffic coming into and out from a user’s

computer, intranet or private network

Helps to prevent malware, including viruses, from entering a

user’s computer

Keeps a list of undesirable websites and IP addresses

Q3. Choose five correct terms from the following list to complete the spaces in sentences

• Cypher text
• Encryption algorithm
• Encryption key
• Firewall

• Plain text
• Proxy server
• Symmetric encryption

Fire wall is a security system.

It uses the same encryption key to encrypt and decrypt a message.
Before encryption, the message is called Plain Text.
The Encryption algorithm processes the original message. The output is known as
Cypher Text. [5]

Q4. Names the two layers of TLS ? [2]

1. Record Protocol

2. Handshake Protocal

Q5. Jatinder uses Internet banking.

Give one benefit and one drawback of using Internet banking.

Benefit: It is fast and efficient. Funds get transferred from one account to the other very fast. You can

also manage several accounts easily through internet banking.

Drawback: Your banking information may be spread out on several devices, making it more at risk. [2]


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