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Surname 13.

What do you think is the better mode of

(optional):________________Age:______ communication with the customers and
Gender: ____ Male ____Female potential customers? (Kindly check all
School: applicable)
___________________________________ ___Twitter
Occupation: ___Facebook page
_______________________________ ___Via text/call
Address: ___Via e-mail
__________________________________ Others:__________
14. Would you like a website to visit for more
information, announcement or promos?
1. Do you get stress or extremely angry and ___Yes ___No
can’t control it? 15. What characteristics of the employees are
___ Yes ___ No you often looking for? (Kindly check all
2. How often does this happen? applicable)
___ Daily ___Once a week ___Pleasant ___Patient
___Once a month ___Once a year ___Approachable ___Organized
Others:________ ___Courteous ___Energetic
3. Are you aware of Virtual Reality Box (VR ___Knowledgeable ___Friendly
Box)? 16. What ambiance are you looking for?
___Yes ___No ___Calming
4. If yes, are you willing to try VR Box to ___Revitalizing
release your uncontrollable emotions? 17. Are you willing to travel for this kind of
___Yes ___No treatment?
5. If you are going to release your stress/anger, ___Yes ___No
which of these activities are you willing to 18. Rank the following attributes according to
try? (Kindly check all applicable) your priority (1 is the highest while 3 is the
___Takshapo lowest)
___VR Rampage (Kill all you can) ___Affordable ___ Customer Friendly
___Punching Bag ___Accessible Services
6. Are you aware of stress or anger treatment?
___Yes ___No
7. Are you willing to take stress or anger
___Yes ___No
8. If yes, how often?
___Daily ___Once a week
___Once a month Others:________
9. How do you prefer it to be done?
___Individual ___Per group
10. What time do you prefer your treatment?
___9am-12pm ___1pm-4pm
___4pm-7pm ___7pm-10pm
11. Which mode of payment do you normally
___Per session ___Monthly
12. Are you willing to avail these services as a
package? (a releasing activity of your choice
plus stress/anger treatment)
___Yes ___No

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