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Main Problem: it is an acute contagious disease characterized by generalized toxemia

coming from a localized inflammatory process known as pseudomembrane caused by
Mode of transmission:droplet
Incubation Period: 2-5 days, period of communicability variable; usually 2-4 weeks
Clinical Manifestation:
⮚ Grayish white, leathery consistency
Types of respiratory Diphtheria:
⮚ Nasal diphtheria
Serous-sanguinous foul musty odor secretion
Dryness/excoriation on the upper lip and nares
⮚ Pharyngeal/Faucal
Difficulty of swallowing
Bullneck appearance
⮚ Laryngeal
Barking dry metallic cough
Sore throat
Diagnostic test:
⮚ Nose and throat swab
⮚ Virulence test
⮚ Shick’s test: test for the susceptibility to diphtheria
⮚ Moloney’s test: test for the hypersensitivity to diphtheria
Nursing diagnosis: Risk for airway obstruction
⮚ Diphtheria antitoxin: skin testing required
Penicillin G Potassium
⮚ Nursing considerations:
Tracheostomy (laryngeal obstruction)
Isolation: until 2-3 (-) cultures
Bed rest (CBR) 2 weeks
Adequate nutrition (soft diet if with sore throat)
Maintenance of fluid & electrolyte balance
Ice collar
1. Due to toxemia
Toxic myocarditis
Neuritis: absorption of toxin in the nerve
Toxic nephritis
2. Due to intercurrent infection
Respiratory failure

Main Problem: also called pinworm, seatworm or threadworm infection caused by the
nematode enterobius vermicularis
Mode of transmission: fecal-oral
Clinical Manifestation: intense perianal pruritus especially at night, when the female
worm leaves the anus to deposit ova
Diagnostic test: Cellopane Tape Swab to recover eggs from the perianal area
Nursing diagnosis: Sleep pattern disturbances
⮚ Pyrantel pamoate, Piperazine, Mebendazole
⮚ Tell parents to bathe children daily, change underwears and linen daily, educate
the importance of handwashing

Main Problem: helminthic infestation caused by Wuchereria bancrofti; Brugia Malayi
Vector: Aedes albopictus; culex fatigans, anopheles
Clinical Manifestation:
Acute: fever, malaise, chills
Chronic: lymphadenitis, swelling of scrotum; elephantiasis lymphatic channel
Diagnostic test: identification of microfilariae in a blood smear by microscopic
Nursing diagnosis: Body image disturbance
Intervention: Diethylcarbanazeoine citrate (Beltrazan)

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