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Shocking Hidden Facts about AIDS in Africa and Real Solutions for

Real Problems par Mario Quesada,


I will share here some information that it is not common knowledge and I assume that many readers are not
going to agree with my message (At least not now).

I just don’t want you to believe a word I say and weather you agree or not with me I don’t want you to make
assumptions without verifying,.

The assumptions we make prevent us from perceiving the hidden truths, so we better dare to verify, to ask
questions, to do research but not assume that I am right or wrong.

Please don’t take anything personally as I’m not implying that people ignore things willingly. It is human to
make errors and we should keep doing our best, which changes every second of our lives. I want you to avoid
any feeling of guilt, shame, remorse or judgment.

So don’t feel I’m attacking anything else than misinformation and disinformation.

You'll probably want to verify by yourself all the information I'm sharing here.

Please do it!!

What if what you're going to read is based on facts?

This article is just a little piece of significant information. I am willing to answer your questions if you have.

With time, it is no longer uncommon to question some previously accepted ideas such as concerning the use of
drugs for the treatment of illnesses or the use of vaccines for preventing them. So, if I'm right, in a few years
everybody will say "of course that's the way it is..."

The first part of the message could be somehow disturbing but then I propose solutions and a message of hope.

Part 1- The problems

We’ve been told that there is an AIDS pandemic ravaging the African population and that we should do
something about it.

This implies that thousands of Africans are dying from a sexually transmitted disease and that African people
have a sexual behavior that makes them more affected by this disease than in rich countries.

Doing a deep research we notice some anomalies around this assumption, especially these facts:

1- In the rich countries there is a population at risk of AIDS, which makes about 90% of the cases, that is
composed of male homosexuals, drug addicts and hemophiliacs while strangely, in Africa everybody is said to
be at risk, women and men equally. Go to the "Gay Village" and you'll see they are more concerned with the
subject than the rest of the population.
2- In some of those countries such as the US, the sexual behavior is much more liberal with more changing
partners than in Africa, so "American women should be equally at risk”, especially after more than 28 years of
spreading this disease. But it’s not the case!

Why is this?

The statistics behind that idea of pandemic are based on a series of assumptions that start with the Bangui
definition of AIDS established by the World Health Organization for Africa and which doesn’t require blood

The Bangui definition of AIDS used in Africa consists on these simple signs:

1- Asthenia (weakness)

2 -10% loss of body weight for two months

3- Diarrhea for more than a month

4- Fever for more than a month

5- Persistent cough

Three of these signs can be enough to diagnose AIDS in most of these countries.

Aren’t you surprised? You’re not alone

You can "google" Bangui AIDS definition" or whatever you prefer to verify this information. Or even
better, ask an African physician about that. Here you can "right click" to download a PDF document on

You can read also a document from the Tanzanian Health Ministry

Or I guess you may take me more seriously if you can read an official document from the World Health
Organization here

In fact, in Tanzania, just one of these symptoms can be enough for a physician to declare AIDS if he thinks so.

Several conditions, especially tuberculosis can cause those symptoms and they are common in Africa long time
before the so called AIDS pandemic.

“There is nothing new but a new label for old diseases”.

It is not the sexual behavior but the underlying social, economic and environmental conditions that are causing
this crisis.
Poor harvests, rural poverty, migratory labor problems, urban crowding, ecological degradation, civil wars,
domestic violence, the inhumane conditions of exploitation and mistreatment, lack of proper water,
malnutrition, famine, deficient sanitary conditions, the panicking propaganda and the fatal misdiagnosis imperil
and destroy far more African lives than the "allegedly widespread virus".

I make clear that there are people sick and dying, but that it is not because of the HIV virus and I’m not saying
either that there are not sexually transmitted diseases, just that the AIDS definition is vague and dangerous and
that they are not sick and dying from an HIV infection..

Such a misdiagnosis becomes damnation if not a death sentence for many patients with all its implications.
Think about it. Many of these Africans become isolated from their communities because of this label and that
brings them depression and death.

Assuming many of them were diagnosed as having HIV with the use of tests, I’d like you to know that the
pharmaceutical companies have disclaimers on the tests label saying that those tests are not intended to be
accurate. You may want to read this sample label.

Watch this closely.

This is the label of the Elisa Test for HIV.People get their death sentences based on inaccurate diagnosis
and even some other labels say that this is not intended as a diagnostic tool.

or another disclaimer
This is the disclamer on the HIV test kit. You can read for yourself they admit the test is not accurate
enough to base the diagnosis on it alone.

This link of for you to save time but you can do your research in clinics and pharmacies if you want to

At the end of this article I'll give you a couple of links on the subject of AIDS.

Why changing the focus?

The focus on the improbable cause of these deaths not only may keep us more or less distracted from
unarguable problems but could worsen the situation at large and the health of the patients for the following

1- Besides that the very little probability that those patients are really infected with HIV, the antiretroviral
treatments would cost 12 times the average African salary for each patient, and if subsidized they would
compromise even more the African economy making the real conditions get worse.

2- Assuming there were real victims of the HIV, if they were treated with the antiretroviral drugs they would
get worse because the main drug that is used. AZT is extremely toxic, so much so that nurses have to use mask
and gloves to handle the pills.

Read closely what this drug does to a healthy human being.

I could keep giving you pages of information but you can do your own research about all the "whatifs" you
may think about. But you've got the point so...

We better find real solutions to unarguable problems rather than on an improbable cause and questionable

Now, take a deep sigh and here are some hints for the solutions

Part 2 - Real solutions for real problems

Now that we realized something wasn’t really evident about the AIDS pandemic we need to be sagacious,
curious, creative and inspired to find solutions and act accordingly.

Let’s leave no room for doubts or assumptions. Keep asking and researching.

I want to emphasize that there are institutions and generous people that are already doing a lot of good
for these people. My goal is not to bash what is been done but to point out where corrections could be made by
knowing all this.

The first problem which we need to address is the emotional distress and desperation based partly on the
ignorance of the resources that they have at hand and of their own potential as individuals.
Underprivileged Africans need to be encouraged and supported to recover independence from unethical foreign
and local interests that don’t care about the wellbeing of individuals.. They don't need us to send food as much
as they need to be reminded of who they are as creators of their own reality and that they can turn the tide of the

This crisis we perceive is the sum of all the emotional distress of those who aren’t aware of their power within.

So they need to recover faith and confidence in their own human nature, they need tools for inner freedom, they
need care, love and playfulness, they need to trust their hearts and smile. They need tools for material autonomy
as well. Those who are sick need to be respectfully and kindly touched and treated.

They need to rely on their own material and human resources to eat better, to live better and to be healthier and
wealthier instead of feeling powerless and sell their lives to inhumane corporations.

In practical terms, for the social conditions they need to be supported for;

-Spiritual support in a non invasive, non judgmental, non doctrinal manner

-Organizing mutual support groups

-Recreational programs

-Encouraging and helping their own elders to share their wisdom

-Community traditional celebrations

-Alternative economy such as barter and micro-credit

-Libraries and ways to have access to information and use it responsibly (hopefully Internet)

-Commissions to gather and keep their ancestral wisdom and knowledge of plants and nature.

-Commissions to resolve their own problems such as housing and more desirable ways to get revenues

-Social work and emotional-psychological help, including group therapies and other.

-Tools for conflict resolution such as Non-Violent Communication for social and domestic problems.

-Tools of self-improvement to empower individuals that want to make a difference

For the health conditions and for prevention they can be provided with information about;

-The internal conditions for illness and the real sources of health that they have at hand

-How to organize their own “barefoot clinics”

-Alternative ways to improve soil fertility

-Space efficient gardening systems

-Companion plants to avoid the need for chemicals

-Permaculture to improve efficiency and soil protection

-Inexpensive watering systems

-The wealth of knowledge from their own local traditions including their botany and herbal medicine

-Nutritional information adapted to their environment and economy

-Sprouting for availability of fresh foods

-The importance and use of wild plants and weeds, which are more nutritious than anything else

-Using indigenous grasses to consume the way we use wheat grass without the need of extractors nor
imported seeds

-How to get the most nutrition of each byte they get

-Clever ways to get, purify and improve drinkable water

-Clever sustainable ways to produce energy such as heat or electricity or simply replace the need of it

-Using fermentation to increase the absorption of nutrients and to improve immune functions

-Using clay and charcoal to detoxify, to relief digestive problems and to stop diarrheas

-Using other natural means to treat illnesses such as the use of mold, which was traditionally used in
different cultures for treating illnesses, wounds and infections

-Natural and cheap means to health such as thermal treatments, mud treatments, water treatments
available without the need of manufactured devices

-Tools for emotional healing and resilience

-Psychophysical practices such as yoga, meditation, Chicong, massage and other health and healing
practices adapted to their culture and manners, which require just instruction and practice

-Inexpensive oxidizing substances for treating malaria, dysentery, tuberculosis etc. that has been used
successfully already in Africa such as hydrogen peroxide and sodium chlorite (MMS)

-Information about the environmental problems that they need to resolve or stop

Underprivileged from anywhere need to be kindly reminded that the answers have been within themselves and
that they fell into the trap of the inhumane unethical interests.

To stop the REAL PANDEMIC we need to keep the focus on REAL SOLUTIONS such as the samples

There is wisdom in nature and forces hidden in every human heart that need to be awakened so health and
abundance are easily accessible

How different is to focus on promoting health instead of treating illnesses!

The truth shall set us free (and healthy)

You want to watch a well presented video on the subject watch here

Here an article from the University of Pensylvania:

And here some genuine African articles from afrol News:


In some countries the health systems are supporting their traditional medicines to different extents such as
China, Korea and India and gladly in some African countries such as Ghana they are moving in the direction

Any suggestions, questions, critics or help will be joyfully accepted

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