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2) United States Patent (10) Patent No: US 10,056,659 B2 Ramasamy (4s) Date of Patent: Aug. 21, 2018 U 01005665982, (34) pHOTOSYN IETIC ELECTROCHEMICAL 6) References Cited a University of Georgia Research FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Foundation, Inc. Athens, GA (US) Inventor: Ramaraja P. Ramasamy, Watkinsville, Wo Wo201013263 + 112010 (79) Asin: Unversity of Georgia Research eee Hoe ee jg item Panetin Psy and The Pose vale (+) Notive: Subject to any dielimesthetem of his pene Ect hes Pants; Cyto: Chemisty a patent is extended oF adjusted under 35 Hislogy, Fated by NAL Kiinsky et als Plenum Press, New Yor, USC. 154(b) by 0 days, ores Appl. Nos 18/287,091 Rayerann, Famke; Rappaport, Fabsce; oli, Pere; Kail, Tv, Rapid Fleeton Transfer to Photosystem T and Unusal Spectral (22) Filed: Sep. 6, 2016 Features of Cytochrome of in Synechococcus sp, PCCTOO2 in Vie Go poe pebue aac oe ‘Blochemisty 2001, 40, 10570-10877 R'E. Blankenship, Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis, US 201610380321 Al Dee. 29, 2016 Blackwall Scenes, Oxford, UK. 2002, N.S. Lewis, Atal Phovsythoi- American Scientist 1995.83 Related U.S. Application Data ee (62) Division of application No, 13/957,494, filed on Aug. 1 Sun, 1 Hammarstom, B. Akermark and S. String. Towa 22013, stil pholosynherisruceniunmanganese Chemisty or ‘nergy provtion. Chem, Soe. Rev 2001, 30 (60) Provisional application No. 61/670,118, ied on Aug. (Continsedy 3.2012, (1) Inc. ais (2006.01) Primary Examiner —Ula C Ruddock HOiL S100 (00601), Assistant Examiner — Thomas 1 Parsons OIG 9720 (2005.01) (14) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Thomas | Horstemeyer, Ba2¥ 1000 (2011.01) LLP HOIM 816 (2006.01), on ABSTRACT HOIM 14005 (2013.01), BB2Y 10700 (G18 0, MONG 972059 2013.01); HOZL The present diclosure provides photosynthetic eleto- 5110093 (2013.01); HOLM 8/16 (2013.01); chemical cells including photosynthetic compounds and ‘HOLL SL/O048 2013.01), YORE 10542 ethos of generating an electrical eurentwsng the pho- 201301) tosyuthetic electrochemical cells. (58) Flold of Classiication Search crc HOIM 14/005; HOLM 8/16 Sce application fle for complete search history 14 Claims, 28 Dr YOO power toed AW node Thylakold MNT Laccese-MMANT

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