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Executive Committee Meeting 7/27/2020 - 5:00pm

Roll Call

Executive Committee

Rick Berg y

John Trandem y

Carma Hanson y

Kyle Handegard y

Nick Hacker y

Shane Goettle y

Sandy Boehler y

Doug Burgum (Dawson Schefter) y

Rich Wardner y

Chet Pollert y

Chuck Walen y

Paul Henderson y

Claus Lembke y

Erik Nygren y

Representative Armstrong (Roz) y

Senator Hoeven (Carol Nitschke) y

Senator Cramer

Dick Dever (Guest) y

Mike Lefor (Guest) y

Sean Johnson (Guest)


● Chairman Berg establishes this meeting is a continuation of the prior Executive

Committee meeting.
○ Chairman Berg states that the Resolutions we passed do not follow our bi-laws
due to it being a mail in ballot.
● Mike Lefor apologizes for stating in the prior meeting that he “does not care about the
● Carma Hanson makes a motion that the Executive Committee come out against the
Resolution as it is written.
○ Governor’s office seconds the motion
● Paul Henderson challenges the motion citing it potentially violates the recent rules
passed at the unsanctioned convention
● Chairman Berg rules Paul Henderson out of order
● Paul Henderson asks for a roll call vote
○ Chairman Berg assures that it will be a roll call vote
● Shane Goettle supports the motion on the table
● John Trandem asks that the language of the motion be restated
● Carma reiterates the language “I move that the executive committee come out against
resolution 31 as presently written”

Rick Berg y

John Trandem n

Carma Hanson y

Kyle Handegard y

Nick Hacker y

Shane Goettle y

Sandy Boehler y

Doug Burgum (Dawson Schefter) y

Rich Wardner y

Chet Pollert y

Chuck Walen n
Paul Henderson n

Claus Lembke y

Erik Nygren y

● Motion passes 11-3

● Chairman Berg asks that Paul Henderson gives a rundown of why he thinks the rules
passed at the unsanctioned convention should stand.
○ Paul Henderson reads points from the “Official North Dakota Republican State
Convention Report”
○ Donna Henderson was the Chairman of the convention
○ Paul Henderson states that 59 delegates voted and passed these rules
○ Chairman Berg asks for what rules were changed.
○ Section 8 of the rules regarding the Chairman of the Party was changed.
○ Paul Henderson states that if Chairman Berg cannot adhere to the rules he
recommends that he resign.
○ Paul Henderson explains the proposed change to the Executive Committee.
○ Chairman Berg asks that he get a chance to review the report.
○ Chairman Berg shares that Robert’s Rules states that a majority of the 929
delegates is needed to come together to make it an official vote.
● Senator Dick Dever shares that he does not work for the Republican Party, he works for
the people that elected him. Dick also shares that the unsanctioned convention was
bogus and Measure 3 opposition should be our focus right now.

Meeting is adjourned 5:40pm

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