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Grade Level : ___________________________________________
Name of Teacher : _______________________________________________________________________
Learning Area : _______________________________________________________________________

1|P age
 Reading and Writing Skills (ILAP)

Dear All:

We believe in the power of educational tools to expand the educational horizon and access to
the community. Our goal is to extirpate the educational barricade by providing teachers and
learners the means to teach and learn amid distance education and learning. This learning tool
gives a leeway for learners to freely learn at their own pace while meeting the 21 st century
skills. By leveraging our learning materials and resources, everyone will have the free access
to EDUCATION that is for all (EFA).

Rest assured that all the contents and delivery are best given in parts.

-From the author

“Our ability to think is not exactly useful, if we cannot translate these masterful thoughts into
speech and writing.”

Reading and Writing Skills

Individual Learning Activity (ILAP)
Copyright © 2020 Schools Division of Masbate Provinc

2|P age
 Learning Competency:
The learner…
1. Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing
across disciplines.
a. narration
b. description
c. definition
d. exemplification/classification
e. cause and effect
f. problem---solution
 Learning Objectives:
In this module, you will be able to independently:
1. Identify the key features of each pattern of development in writing from
the text-read.
2. Critic and analyze the different patterns of development in writing.

 Pretest
Direction: Read and analyze the selection below, and answer the questions that follow.
Aggressive Driving Should Be Avoided

Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which has only recently got the public
worried. The National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) defines aggressive driving
as the “operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons
or property.” Actions such as running red lights, improper passing, overtaking on the left,
improper lane change, failing to yield, improper turns, running stop signs, tailgating, careless
driving, and speeding are examples of aggressive driving. Such actions are dangerous to other
road users. Aggressive driving should be avoided because it causes crashes, injuries and

The first reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes crashes.
According to NHTSC, between 78 percent (excessive speed) and 100 percent (improper
passing) of the cases of aggressive driving resulted in traffic crashes and 96 percent of the
drivers cited for “following too closely” or tailgating caused crashes as a result of their
aggressive driving. Moreover, “running red light,” “improper passing,” and “overtaking on the
left” topped other categories of aggressive driving in contributing to traffic crashes.
Another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes injuries. NHTSC states
that the percentages of the injuries caused by aggressive driving are, in almost all categories of
aggressive driving, above 100 percent.

Aggressive driving also causes fatalities. “Overtaking on the left” appears to be the
most important contributing factor in traffic fatalities as it relates to aggressive driving.
“Improper lane change,” “running stop sign,” and “running red light” rank second through four
in terms of their contribution to traffic fatalities.

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The above evidence shows that aggressive driving causes crash injuries and fatalities. Hence,
aggressive driving should be avoided. Since the opening on the North-South Highway, the
number of kilometers of roads in the country has increased by one percent while the number of
vehicle miles driven has increased by 35 percent. More cars and more drivers are also on the
road leading to more aggressive drivers.


1. What is being talked about?

2. What are the bases why aggressive driving should be avoided? Provide three (3) evidences
from the text-read.

3. What do you think is the purpose of the selection you have read? Explain briefly.

You might be wondering why we have let you read the selection and asked you provoking
questions. The reason is that, the text you have read shows one of the examples of patterns of
development in writing. This is an Argumentative/Persuasive text. We believe that this is not
new to you as you have learned this in the lower years of your study. However in this module,
you will be refreshed with the characteristics of different patterns of development in writing.

So…, enjoy learning!

Patterns of Development

In previous lesson in ILAP 2, you have learned the different types of graphic organizers:
classification pattern organizer, comparison and contrast, cause-and-effect pattern to name a

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few. These patterns of organizers can be associated to the patterns of development since the
development of a particular essay depends on the pattern of organizer you have used.
Patterns of Development are structures writers use to organize their ideas. As a writer, you have
to be familiar with the different patterns of development so that you would know how to
connect ideas and provide enough details in your writing. These are just some of the different
patterns of development, to name:

a. narration
b. description
c. definition
d. exemplification/classification
e. cause and effect
f. problem---solution

Source: Diwa Textbook Senior High School Series, Reading and Writing Skills,DIWA Innovation in
Education pp. 12-14
Now, it’s time for you to learn it one-by-one.
Narration: A story that is written to explain what, when, and who. It reveals what a
reader should learn. Narration paragraphs are usually written in chronological order.

It should make a clear point: it should bring to life a moral, lesson, or idea.
While it is true a narrative is a story, there is more in the telling of the story. The narrative,
or story, needs to make the reader feel involved, teach a lesson, help get an idea across, or feel
emotionally about it. The narrative needs to explain who is in the story, tell what is happening,
and when it happened. The topic sentence needs to be clear so the reader knows they are going
to learn something from the story. The story itself is written in time, or chronological order, as
the events occurred.~ Mary M.
Common Transitional expressions used in a narrative paragraph are after, finally, soon, as
(soon as), later, then, before, meanwhile, upon, during, next, when, first, now, and while.

A good way to plan for a well-developed paragraph is to write out a topic sentence, then write
events in chronological order and then write a conclusion. This is a good way to make sure you
stay on topic and that all the events are in the correct order.

My Most Embarrassing Moment

The most embarrassing moment of my sophomore year was how I earned my nick
name, Crash. It all started right after school when I turned on to the busiest street by the school.
First I pulled up right behind this truck at a stop sign. After a second, a fellow older student
told me that I was really close and that I was going to hit the truck in front of me. At the moment
I was trying to tell the kid that I was giving a ride to to get back in the car because he was
hanging out the window. Since I was distracted, I thought the long line of traffic had started to
move, but it hadn’t. In the blink of an eye I hit the back of the truck in front of me. The
devastation sunk in. I was so worried that I damaged the truck, but all that I did was scratch his
bumper. Lucky for him! Then it came time to look at my car. My car was ruined. The hood
was buckled, the front end was pushed back, and my headlights were broken. Humiliated and
scared, I still had to drive my totaled care home. During School that year, I never did hear the
end of what had happened that day.

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~© Tiffany Haggerty~
Descriptive- Rich descripitive words that puts a picture of a person, place, or an
object in a readers mind. When a person is writing a descriptive piece, there should be very
detailed observations, write what you see in your mind. All parts should be equal. The more
detail the better the story. You should start at one point and move in one direction as not to
confuse the audience. Such as clock wise, left to right, top to bottom. The reader should be able
to envision the picture that you had in your mind as the writer.

Transitional Expressions:
Next to, near, close, far, up, down, between, above, below, left, right, center, toward,
away.- All of these are used when writing a descriptive paragraph.

An example: I think the way a person dresses can really explain who they are and
what they are about.

The Hot Fudge Sundae

In front of me on the table sat a beautiful pure white bowl, simplistic in design, hiding
a decadent surprise inside. In the bowl was hidden something that was not so pure, however,
the irresistible indulgence was worth every calorie that I knew it contained. As I looked inside
I saw on the bottom of the bowl a hot, tender brownie loaded with macadamia nuts. I knew
from past experience that the nuts had a creamy and smooth texture, almost like white
chocolate. On top of the brownie were two firmly packed scoops of ice cream, laying side by
side, each one a different flavor. The scoop on the right was a rich vanilla, flecked with dark
specks of vanilla bean. The scoop on the left was a dark, smooth, bittersweet chocolate. The
scoops were just starting to melt tiny rivers of melted cream down the sides of the hot brownie,
pooling on the bottom of the pure white bowl. These scoops of ice cream were draped with a
sumptuous, rich, hot fudge sauce. Topping the luscious sauce was an ample dollop of whipped
cream that was in perfect contrast to the dense, almost too rich dessert below. The whipped
cream was topped with a shower of chocolate sprinkles and finely chopped walnuts. What
finally completed this wonderful creation was a perfect maraschino cherry, its red juice sending
tiny streams down the whole mountain of dessert delight. The contrast of colors, textures and
flavors in this dessert appealed to every part of my senses. I could not wait to eat it.
~© 2005 Kelly Cofske~


A definition paragraph is a paragraph explaining a term or subject, so your audience

comprehends the topic of the paragraph. This can be done in three different ways: Synonym,
Class, and Negation.

Synonym is explaining the term by using the words that mean the same thing.
EXAMPLE: To procrastinate is to slack.

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Class is when you put your topic in a larger category to explain your term.
EXAMPLE: A pineapple is a tropical fruit that has an acidic and sweet taste.

Negation means that the write first says something is not, and then says what it is.
EXAMPLE: A snow cone is not an ice cream cone, but rather a shredded ice and syrup


E-mail is not something you can hold in your hand, send in the mail, and a stamp is not
needed to send it. E-mail is simply mail put into digital form and sent to its recipient through
the Internet. Because of the technological advances of societ, mail has been turned into
something computer made that can be sent anyplace, anytime, as long as there is an Internet
connection. For instance, a person does not have to wait until the post office is open to send an
important letter or message, all they have to do is simply get on to the Internet and come up
with a draft and hit the send button. Also the person looking to send the mail does not have to
pay for the sometimes expensive postage price, but rather the monthly cost of Internet access.
Because of the development of E-mail, people can send messages without hassle and in a timely
fashion. E-mail also helps businesses communicate throughout their company simply with the
push of a button. As time goes on, e-mail will advance while while physical mailing will
slowing be turned into something of the past.
~Copyright 2005 Zach Younggren


Classification Paragraph: the purpose of a classification paragraph is to clearly

define something and place it in a group according to some basis or rule so that it only fits in
one group. In order to be successful at this you have to be very detailed.

The same information can be classified into more than one category, but the
classification paragraph sticks to one basis of classification. The topic sentence has two parts:
the topic, and the basis of classification, which is the controlling idea; it controls how the writer
approaches the subject.

Classify- to gather into types, kinds, or categories according to a single basis of

Logical sequence- list the categories in this order: either most to least outrageous, least
to most expensive, from largest to smallest and so on.

Transitional expressions:
• can be divided
• can be classified

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• can be categorized
• the first type
• the second kind
• the last category

Types of Friends

Friends can be classified according to their honesty, loyalty, the type that fits you into their
schedule, or the type that finds time for you when they need something. An honest friend tells
you the truth even if it’s not always what you want to hear. In the long run, that honest friend
may have saved you from embarrassment or possibly rejection. They give you constructive
criticism overall. The loyal friend is the type of friend that will be there for you through the
thick and the thin. They don’t care how good or bad you may look one day; they are sensitive
to your feelings, they respect you and the other people in your life, and most of all they will
never let you down when times are hard. They may be what you call a best friend. The third
group, the person that fits you into their schedule, is the type of person that is always on the
go. They barely have time for themselves let alone another person. More than likely they will
not be there for you when you need them most, because they are so wrapped up in their busy,
hectic life. Then you have the self-absorbent type of “friend” that finds time for you only when
they need something. This type of person isn’t what you would call a friend. This person may
always be extremely nice to you because they know that if are nice to you then they will more
than likely get what they want. They will call you every once in awhile when it is almost time
for them to use that person again. It may be for a ride to work, home, or they just want
somebody to hangout with because they have no other friends. If the person that is being used
is smart they will eventually realize that they are getting used and will stop being there for that
~© 2005 Amy Neill~


A cause is a reason for, or events leading up to. An effect is the results of a cause or
causes. Having the skill to think in the mode of cause and effect is a key to victory in daily

A cause and effect paragraph analyzes the causes or effects of a certain situation.

Transitional Expressions For Cause & Effect:

To Show Causes
• the first cause (second, third)
• the first reason (second, third)
• yet another factor

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• because
• is caused by
• results from
To Show Effects
• one important effect
• another result
• a third outcome
• as a result
• consequently
• then, next, therefore, thus, so
Avoiding Problems in Cause and Effect Writing

1. Do not oversimplify
2. Do not confuse time order with causation
3. Do not confuse causes and effects


The Positive Effects of Daycare

Since my daughter has been in daycare she has become better at a few different things. To start
off, her vocabulary is much larger and more developed. Before she started daycare, my
daughter had a few select words that she would say like; momma, dada, Cocoa (one of the
puppies), and some other simple words. Now she tries to repeat everything that is said. Another
result of her being in daycare is that she has the ability to interact with other children better. In
the past, she was only around one child. Now she is around about six to eight kids, and she has
learned to share her toys and to play in a group with the other children. Her learning to share
has carried over at home when she tells her daddy or me that it’s his turn or mommy’s turn
when putting her socks on. A third outcome of her being in daycare is the fact that she is
becoming more self-reliant. Before daycare, she wouldn’t try very hard to help me with getting
dressed, but now she wants to try to do it all on her own. She puts her pull ups on and tries to
pull on her shirts and pants herself. Socks still go on upside down, but at least her shoes go on
the correct feet I am really glad that I decided to put her in a daycare, for the benefits have been
~© Jessi Johnson 2005~


Problem-solution paragraph presents a problem and describes two or more possible solutions
to that problem.

While writing a problem-solution paragraph, there are several steps to follow:

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1. State and define the problem: Briefly, clearly, and simply explain what the problematic issue
is and why it should be treated as a problem.
2. Suggest the possible solutions: Present the reader with at least two possible solutions to the
problem. The solutions should be acceptable, realistic, reliable and mutually exclusive. Otherwise, there
is no point in suggesting them as solutions.
3. Evaluate the solutions: Discuss the advantages (strengths) and the disadvantages
(weaknesses) of the solutions. Your aim is to make your reader understand why one solution is better
than the other(s). However, keep in mind that your solutions should be effective; otherwise, you
wouldn't have suggested them in the first place.
4. Make a recommendation: If you think that one of the solutions is better than the other(s),
state directly which of the solutions in your opinion is better (the best) and why. You may also suggest
that solutions be implemented together to overcome or prevent a problem.

Energy Sources: A Dilemma of the Twenty-First Century

On most part, energy is created by burning fossil fuels -- coal, natural gas and oil. The problem
with this is that these resources are finite. At the current rate of use, it is expected that the world will
run out of fossil fuels in thirty to forty years to come. As a result, it will no longer be possible to generate
power to operate factories and vehicles or to light and heat houses. This world-wide problem can be
resolved through the implementation of two possible solutions. The first solution is to improve
conservation efforts. In order to do this, governments can try to raise public awareness, discourage over-
consumption and encourage recycling. For example, they can encourage the installation of high-
efficiency light bulbs in homes and offices. They can inform the public of the amount of energy saved
by simply turning off lights that are not being used or by using public transport more and cars less. They
can also pass laws mandating the recycling of whatever possible. Improvements in conservation will
surely extend the life of current fuels but they are not complete answers to what will happen when fossil
fuels eventually run out. The second and better solution, therefore, is to use alternative sources of energy
to meet future needs. The current leading alternatives to fossil fuels are solar energy and fusion, which
is the union of atomic nuclei to form heavier nuclei. Solar energy is directly obtained from the sun so it
is easily accessible and pollution-free. It can be used both to heat water and buildings and to generate
electricity but mostly in countries that have ample sunlight. Fusion, on the other hand, will make it
possible for nuclear power plants to generate enormous amounts of energy in order to meet the energy
needs of the planet indefinitely. In addition, despite public concern about safety and risk of
contamination, fusion is a safe and clean source of energy as modern power plants take strict safety
measures to prevent potential nuclear disasters and leaks. In conclusion, in order to have sufficient
energy for the next century, it will be necessary to develop and encourage the use of alternative energy
sources worldwide.

(Retrieved from:


ACTIVITY 1 (Day 1)
Direction: Read the selection below and try to identify the type of pattern/s of development
used by answering the questions after which.

Weightlessness in Space

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Astronauts face many problems in space caused by weightlessness. One of these problems is
floating around the cabin. To solve this problem, astronauts wear wear shoes that are coated
with a special adhesive. This adhesive sticks to the floor of the cabin. Serving food is another
problem. It won't stay put on the table! Experts solved this problem by putting food and drinks
in pouches and tubes. It only needs to be mixed with water. Weightlessness also causes
problems when an astronaut tries to work. The simple task of turning a wrench or a doorknob
can be difficult. Since there is no gravity to keep him down, when he exerts a force in one
direction, the opposite force may flip him over completely. To solve this problem, he must be
very careful about how much force he uses to do these simple tasks. Here on earth, life is much
simpler, thanks to gravity.
(Information source: Learning to read text structures through writing by Rita Ward)

1. Based on the selection you have read, what pattern/s of development is/are used by the
author? Why? Prove your answer by citing the characteristics of a particular pattern that is used
in the selection.

2. What are the issues raised in the selection, and how it is solved? Explain briefly.

3. Are the resolutions mentioned effective? Do it really solve the problem? Prove your answer.

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ACTIVITY 2 (Day 2)


Assuming that you are tasked to deliver a speech in your community convincing the people to
act on a national or community issue. As a speaker, you must prepare your speech prior to your
talk. Topics suggested by the host of the event would like you deliver are the following:

• The Necessity (or Unnecessity) of Incurring Foreign Debts

• Environment Pollution in Our Community
• Facing the Drug Abuse problem in Our Community
• Food Control
• The Traffic Mess in Our Community
Source: Reyes, Linda D. & Ribo, Lourdes M., English Arts Textbook for Third Year, Quezon
City: JTW Corporation, 2000, pp. 34
Note: You just have to choose one from the suggested topic above. Once done choosing,
what pattern/s of development are you going to use?________________________________

If it is so, apply your knowledge in developing your chosen-essay. Remember all the
conventions of writing. You may start writing your speech in the space provided below.


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ACTIVITY 3 (Day 3)


Examine the following topics below.

Describe your favorite place.

Describe your ideal bedroom.
Describe the house in which you grew up.
Describe what the first house on the moon would look like.
Describe some of your favorite places in your hometown.
Describe a peaceful place that you’ve visited.
Describe your perfect fantasy vacation destination.
Describe your favorite store.
Describe your favorite teacher’s classroom.


As you may have noticed, all of the topics above are all starting from the introductory phrase,
“describe your…describe the/a/an…”. Needless to say, the topic itself is descriptive in nature.
Now as a future writer, supply and expound the following phrases to complete the sentence
idea and make it a descriptive phrase. Your answers must be limited to 2-3 sentences only.

My favorite place is___________________________________________________________


My ideal bedroom is________________________________________________________


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The house in which I grew up___________________________________________________


The first house in the moon would look like_______________________________________


Some of my favorite places in my hometown are____________________________________


The peaceful place/s that I have visited is/are_______________________________________


My perfect fantasy vacation destination__________________________________________


My favorite store is___________________________________________________________


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My favorite teacher/s is/are____________________________________________________


ACTIVITY 4 (Day 4)

Read and analyze the selection below, and answer the following questions that follow.


Shoppers in Wal-Mart can be classified according to the attitudes that they display. There are
many subcategories, but the observant people-watcher can detect five general types. They are:
the purposeful shopper, the leisurely shopper, the hypnotized shopper, the bored shopper, and
the angry shopper. The purposeful shopper is one who is intent and organized. They are short
on time. They stride in the store purposefully, and they go directly to the appropriate aisle(s).
They get what they need, and they get out of the store quickly. The leisurely shopper enjoys
shopping, and strolls along deriving pleasure from viewing all the different objects that can be
purchased and displayed in their homes and offices. It is somewhat of a pastime for them. The
hypnotized shopper wears a dazed expression on his or her face. They are dazzled by the bright
lights, and the sheer cubic footage of the massive box store. The endless array of goods leeches
their will and intent the moment they enter the store. They will walk away from the store with
far more than they intended. The bored shopper is usually brought into the store slightly against
their will. Men and children fall into this category. The only exception to this group is if the
men or children are shopping for their toys; then they can be pleasant until they get what they
want. The last category is the angry shopper. The majority of this group was previously in one
of the other groups listed above, but for some reason their mood swiftly deteriorated. They can
be harassed wives, or husbands. They can be a child throwing a temper tantrum, or the parents
reacting to such a tantrum. The minority are just the plain angry, rude people. It is just best to
avoid eye contact with this group lest their anger be turned on you. All of the above shoppers
are interesting to watch, and all types are welcome to spend their money in “Wally’s World.”

~Copyright 2005 Kelly Cofske~


14 | P a 14 | P a g e

1. Based on the text-read, what is the pattern of development used by the author?

2. (From your answer in no. 1) Why did you say so?


3. What are the five (5) general types of shoppers? Be able to enumerate and describe them based on
the text.

4. What can you say to the presentation of data? Are they well-classified and distinguishes? Y/N. Why?
Prove your answer.

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5. If you were the author, how would you like to classify them based from your own observation?

ACTIVITY 5 (Day 5)

As a grade 12 senior high school student, you will be graduating this school year. Being in school for
at least 12 arduous years is not a joke. Studying for a long time is not easy as eating peanuts. Now, that
you are already in the final year in high school, try to share with us your experience at least a parcel of
your life’s story as a student since you have started studying until the present. Write a narrative essay
about your school journey. Be guided with the following questions in developing your narrative essay.

1. How has everything started?

2. How’s life as a student? How far have you gone studying?
3. What are the momentous event do you still remember, and how these personal experiences inspire
4. Were there plans before that suddenly changed? How did it change?
5. Describe school as a whole.

Do not forget to develop a good title of your essay. Write your narrative essay below. (You may use a
separate sheet, if necessary.)



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 Post-test
1. Explain and discuss the following patterns of development briefly using your own words.
Be able to distinguish and classify each one. Provide cues of development, if necessary. You
may use the space provided below.
• Narration
• Description
• Definition
• Exemplification/classification
• Cause-and-effect
• Problem-solution


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***The post-test part must be kept by the teacher and placed it inside a sealed envelope along
with the ILAP tool.

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Diwa Textbook Senior High School Series, Reading and Writing Skills,DIWA Innovation in
Education pp. 12-14







Learning to read text structures through writing by Rita Ward)

Reyes, Linda D. & Ribo, Lourdes M., English Arts Textbook for Third Year, Quezon City:
JTW Corporation, 2000, pp. 34

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Program SHIELD Literacy Team

Helen Titong
Rudyard Balacano
Marma Capellan
Gloria Fontelar
Juancho Azares
Martin Espayos Jr
Rosita Nuñez
Jeanne Antipolo
Rene Atibagos
Rene Abaño
Helen Cadiz
Kristine Canales


SHIELD Logo lay-out artist: Rizka Viktoria E. Fontelar

G12 ILAP Editor: Martin Espayos Jr.

Kristine R. Canales- EPSA

Consultant: Ma. Dorothy L. Daniel- Chief EPS, CID

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