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First Lesson Isaiah 49: 1-7 born.

Remember when the angel Gabriel

appeared to Mary? When people these days
How will you feel if you happened to be
have babies, they spend literally hours and
eavesdropping in on a conversation where God
days trying to come up with the perfect name
the Father is speaking to God the Son?
for their new child. Well, Mary didn’t have to
Wouldn’t it be interesting sometime to be a fly
worry about that. Gabriel told Mary what God
on the wall when members of the Holy Trinity
was going to name her baby even before he was
sat down and discussed things together? .
born. The child’s name would be Jesus – Why?
Isaiah had that opportunity. And in our text for
Because the name Jesus means Savior, and that
this morning, the prophet writing by inspiration
was God’s way of letting the world know that
records a conversation between God the Father
this child was his choice to save the world from
and God the Son.

Verse 3 of this reading speaks of a Servant that And as Jesus grew up, he proved with his words
God was going to use. And many people have that he was the Son of God. And Jesus had some
had many different ideas of who this servant powerful words to speak. He wasn’t afraid to
might be. Some have thought that Jeremiah, rebuke his own followers the disciples when
who lived 100 years after Isaiah, was this they showed little or no faith in him.
servant. Some have thought that King Cyrus of
But the most powerful words that Jesus spoke
the Persians, who let the Israelites out of
were his words of comfort.
captivity, was this servant etc. But the real
answer of who this servant is simple. Jesus, Think of the paralytic, whose friends lowered
God’s Son, is the Servant that this reading him down through the roof in front of Jesus,
speaks of. So this morning, we will look at God so that Jesus could say, “Cheer up! Your sins
commissioning his Son with the words, “You are are forgiven. Oh, and by the way, just to
my Servant, Israel.” 1. You are the Servant who prove that I do have the authority to forgive
would speak with piercing words. 2. You are the your sins, why don’t you get off your mat and
Servant who would appear to have a failed walk?” Mk 2:5, 10-11
ministry. 3. You are the Servant whose work and the paralyzed man was healed just like
would extend to Israel and to all the nations of that!
the earth.
Think of the criminal dying on the cross next
Part I to Jesus, hearing from Christ, “Today, you
Did you notice whom this reading is addressed will be with my in paradise.” Jesus was
telling that dying man that his previous life
to? Whom is this Servant talking to? He’s of sin didn’t matter. Lk 23:39-43
talking to you, and I. He says, “Listen to me,
Can you also do the same?
you islands; hear this, you distant nations.”
Isaiah wrote to the Israelites, but here, his Second Lesson 1Corinthians 1 – 9
audience is much greater. It includes people
The city Corinth is a Business Town since it’s
who live far away from Israel, and it includes
surrounded by big cities Athens, Greece etc. So
people who are separated from biblical times by
one can easily perceive the sort of things that
thousands of years. Here, the Servant of God is
are likely to happen in Corinth. Different
talking to you.
religion, Pagan, Atheist and anything so
And first, he reminds you that he was God’s
negative that you can think of Accra for
choice to save the world even before he was
example; they indulge themselves in all these Am sure majority of us here eats from the
social vices you can think of 1Corinthians 6: 9- (Restaurant) ‘Chop Bars’ and sometimes takes
11 say it. in some thing to get the food settle? And am
sure there is there is one particular place we
Paul was really surprise at of the Corinthians
won’t like to miss if we happen to eat from a
church, knowing the History of Corinth.
restaurant. And guess you sometimes refer

But the fact is all Christians are by baptism friends to this place. Why is it so? I need some

dedicated and devoted to Christ, and are under few reasons why you would that. Does it mean

strict obligations to be holy. Christians are you are given a good testimony about the

distinguished from the profane and atheists, place? If that is true then clap for yourselves

that they dare not live without prayer; and they and I pray you do same about Christ.

are distinguished from Jews and pagans, that

*With today’s message from John 1:29-42, it
they call on the name of Christ. Observe how simply giving a record people sharing what took
often in these verses the apostle repeats the place when Jesus Christ is being baptized and
words, Our Lord Jesus Christ. He feared not to what happens when the Good News is shared.

make too frequent or too honourable mention *It is significant because we are gathered here
of him. To all who called upon Christ, the as a believer today is either we’ve been spoken
apostle gave his usual salutation, desiring, in to by God from Heaven or you have had an
their behalf, the pardoning mercy, sanctifying encounter with the Holy Spirit. I was born and
grace, and comforting peace of God, through bread in the mission house and as son of a
Jesus Christ. pastor, I was part of the family who was at
church at every time something was going on.
Sinners can have no peace with God, nor any
Because Christ was always shared in the house,
from him, but through Christ. He gives thanks
I can’t but become a believer at all cost and so
for their conversion to the faith of Christ; that
will it be to my kids as well.
grace was given them by Jesus Christ. They had
been enriched by him with all spiritual gifts. *People’s lives are truly changed when the
1Corinthians 1:3 Good News is preached to them. Let’s look at
John 1:29 - 30 “On the next day John saw Jesus
He speaks of utterance and knowledge. And
coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb
where God has given these two gifts, he has
of God who takes away the sin of the world”
given great power for usefulness. These were
This is the one about whom I said, ‘After me
gifts of the Holy Ghost, by which God bore
comes a man who is greater than I am, because
witness to the apostles. Those that wait for the
he existed before me.
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ will be kept by
him to the end; and those that are so, will be
*The Good News there is the Lamb of God. Who
blameless in the day of Christ, made so by rich
among us here won’t like it if upon all the sins
and free grace. We will be too happy; to be kept
we’ve committed just a single day a (Lamb) will
by the power f Christ, from the power of our
be sacrificed to take away those sins.
corruptions and Satan's temptations.
1Corinthians 1:4 - 9
*If you read the whole of (Isa 53) you will
3rd Lesson John 1: 29 – 42 understand what John is trying to say but let
look at verse 6 “All of us had wandered off like
sheep; each of us had strayed off on his own
path, but the LORD caused the sin of all of us can as well read verse 15-68 when u gets
to attack him.” Jesus was truly made the home.
sacrificial Lamb - Led as a lamb to the slaughter Let’s all live a life that will give a good
for our forgiveness. testimony about Jesus so in the end victory will
(John 1:35-37 ours. Read 1 John 5: 4-5; 7-13.
*Again the next day John was standing there
Yesu menono nyo wu sika sika kpakple klosalo o…….
with two of his disciples. Gazing at Jesus as he
walked by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God
When John’s two disciples heard him say this,
they followed Jesus. And because John Pray and ask God’s Guidance in your life so you
declared His stand as being a ‘’small boy’’ can draw people to Him only. Prayer for the
before Jesus, He did not say anything. What will
happen if we found ourselves in this state? week and ask God to find you a job to do and
Only God knows. also to people ard you. Pray for all neighbors
*Here you will notice Jesus saw them following and ask God to protect them even those you
and asked, “What do you want?” I know that think they hate.
day world will break lose. Visa to America, Good
wife and Husband to marry, just everything (Romans12:18 - 21 As far as it possible for you
that will make life sweet will surely come to
be at peace with all men.) If you hate them
mind. But they in turn ask “Rabbi” (which
then ask God to change that decision of hatred.
means Teacher), “where are you staying?”
They stayed with Jesus and you see Andrew one Pray for the word you just heard. Work out with
of the Disciples brought his brother Simon to this Word and your will never be the same.
Jesus and that He’s found the Messiah Jesus
then named Simon “Cephas meaning Peter.” Amen.
Matthew 16: 13-15

Did you notice that Jesus changed Peter’s

name? - Before he met Jesus he was Simon
- Afterwards: Peter or Simon Peter -
Knowing Jesus might not mean that we get a
new name - But knowing Jesus always
transforms who we are
(Speaking naturally about our life styles now)
Do we live a life draw to God or drag them
away from God.
Someone here is just praying we close from
Church, He/she has case with someone and it
need to be solved violently (examples).
Matthew 16: 24
Our life outside the Church that is offices,
market places and just anywhere should serve
as a link to that will first of all draw people to
God. ‘Matthew 6:33 says Seek ye ……’ By so
doing you are more or less advertising the
kingdom of God and testifying the good name
of and also telling someone being with Jesus
you have all you need. And I assure you your
rewards from God will be really great as stated
Deuteronomy (5th Bk. Of Moses 28:1 – 14). You

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