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S.Y 2018-2019

2nd Semester
Midterm Examination


Name:_______________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade:_______________________________________________________ Score:___________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to assessment of one’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

a. validation b. catharsis c. self-evaluation d. self- medication

2. It is an example of behaviour which means excessive love for oneself.

a. narcissism b. psychosis c. schizophrenia d. paranoia

3. The development pertaining to interest on questions concerning existence, essence, religion and God.
a. Cognitive development b. Spiritual development
c. Social development d. Physiological development

4. The philosopher who said, “If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”
a.Plato b. Lao Tzu c. Socrates d. Freud

5. These kinds of thoughts cause adverse feelings and behaviors.

a.positive b. optimistic c. happy d. negative

6. The explanatory framework involving the interrelationships among thoughts, actions, and feelings
surrounding an event.
a. Personality Triangle b. Cognitive Triangle
c. Isosceles Triangle d. Equilateral Triangle

7. He defined developmental task as that “which is learned at a specific point and which makes achievement of
succeeding tasks possible.”
a. Sigmund Freud b. Robert Havighurst c. Harry Sullivan d. Emil Coué

8. These are pronouncements of brave statements aimed at generating change in the individual stating them.
a.affirmations b. self-statement c. conviction d. self- medication

9. This increases the level of adrenaline and corticosterone in the body.

a.dopamine b. stress c. acetaminophen d. problems

10. This may be considered as the entry point to stress overload or burnout.
a.resistance stage b. alarm stage c. exhaustion stage d. response stage

II. On the line before the number, write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
________1. Erik Erikson defined developmental task as something learned at a specific point and
which makes achievement of succeeding task possible.
________2. The onset of adolescence is marked by physical and physiological changes.
________3. Adolescents need to acquire knowledge about entering married life, building a family,
and child rearing.
________4. Traditional mind maps are generally words-based and have less visual add-ons.
________5. The theory of brain lateralization was developed by Nobel-prize winners Robert Ornstein
and Roger Federer.
________6. Late adolescence stage is commonly referred to as emerging adulthood.
________7. Emil Coué is a French psychologist who first popularized self-affirmations.
________8. Puberty signals the beginning of adolescence.
________9. Stanley Hall said, “The more you know your self, the more patience you have for what
you see in others.”
________10. Taking on acceptable gender roles is unnecessary.

III. Choose the correct answer on the box and write your answer on the space provided.

late adolescence Sigmund Freud emotional

adolescence early adolescence stressor
Know thyself Pavlov
Cognitive physical
middle adolescent stress Jean Piaget Walter Cannon

positive self-statement significant others

________1.It is believed to persuade individuals positively when frequently written and stated.
________2.In this stage of adolescence the creation of stable identity is needed.
________3. This can be the byproduct of a person’s response to challenges and reaction to expectations of the
people around you.
________4. It is the term used to denote those which cause stress.
________5. This keeps you away from living a lie, fantasy, imagination, or pretension.
________6. It is the period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an
________7. He introduced fight or flight response or the acute stress response.
________8. It is the effect of stress on the adolescent manifested through impatience, irritability, and moodiness.
________9. It is the famous dictum of the Greek philosopher Socrates.
________10. It refers to all people who are of sufficient importance in a person’s life to affect his or her emotions,
behavior, and sense of self.

IV. Write the five aspects of holistic development


V. Complete the passage (10 points)

“Man's life has its ___________ and is endowed with ___________ glory. The period of youth is characterized by
___________and vigor and stands out as the choicest time in human life. Therefore you should strive day and night
so that endowed with heavenly strength, inspired with__________________ and aided by His ______________
and heavenly grace and ____________, you may become the _____________of the world of humanity, and
preeminent among those who are initiated into ____________ and the___________. You must be distinguished
amidst men by your sanctity and detachment, loftiness of purpose, magnanimity, determination, noble mindedness,
tenacity, the elevation of your aims and your___________________.”
VI. Essay (5 points)

At present, what do you think is your biggest stressor? How do you cope with it?


"The more we search for ourselves, the less likely we are to find ourselves; and the more we
search for God, and to serve our fellow-men, the more profoundly will we become acquainted with
ourselves, and the more inwardly assured. This is one of the great spiritual laws of life."

- Shoghi Effendi

Prepared by:
Leslie A. Gomez

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