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Subjects You need to know:

You will need to know in detail about its primary instruments, which are listed below.

 Data Science
 Machine Learning
 Deep Learning
 Natural Language Processing
 Artificial General Intelligence

Programming Languages of AI
To play the AI chords, you need a good understanding of one of the below notes.

 Python
 R
 Java
 Lisp
 C++
 Julia
 JavaScript

Defining Data Science

Data Science refers to the activity of analysing a large amount of data to extract
knowledge and insight leading to actionable decisions.
The main components in Data Science are, namely:

 Acquiring
 Cleaning
 Describing
 Exploratory Analysis
 Making predictions
 Suggesting recommendations
Data science must scale across all the layers of the organization. To ensure this ,
the three important elements to consider are:

 Data
 Architecture
 Tools

 A proper strategy must be put in place to ensure that data scientists have
easy access to the sources of data.
 Data governance must be dealt cautiously.

Traditional Monolithic Architecture
Features are bundled in a single deployment location.
Service-Oriented Architecture
Functionalities are drilled down into services that will be deployed independently to
ensure high efficiency and scalability.

You need the right tools to help you perform data science operations with ease.

 Python
 R
 RapidMiner
 DataRobot
 Apache Hadoop
 Trifacta
 Alteryx

Industry Standard
You have covered the components of Data Science in the previous cards.
To implement the same in an industry context, you need knowledge on few open
standards such as CRISP-DM (Cross-industry standard process for data mining).
It has six phases, namely:

1. Business understanding
2. Data understanding
3. Data preparation
4. Modeling
5. Evaluation
6. Deployment

Machine Learning
Machine Learning is a subset of AI that provides machines the capability to learn
automatically and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

Knowing the ML Terms

Before diving deep into ML, you have to be aware of the following terms.
Algorithm is a set of rules and statistical techniques used to learn and derive insights
from data patterns. e.g., Decision tree, Linear Regression, and Random Forest.

ML Model
ML model is a mathematical model trained by an algorithm to predict the patterns in
the data.

Predictor Variable
Predictor variable is a variable used to predict another variable/output.

Response Variable
Response Variable is the target variable or the output variable that needs to be

Training Data
A model is built using training data.

Testing Data
Model is evaluated using testing data.

Predictor vs Response Variable

In the scenario where the height of the individual is predicted based on age, the
predictor variable will be Age, and the response variable will be Height.

Defining Your ML Problem

If I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the
problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions. - Albert Einstein
The following questions will aid you in defining a problem:

 What kind of problem are you facing?

 How much or how many? (Regression)
 Which category? (Classification)
 Which group? (Clustering)
 Is this an outlier? (Anomaly detection)
 Which option to opt? (Recommendation)
Once you have defined your problem, you need to strike the data science chord to
get the data prepped up for further processing.

Exploring ML
Let's now dive into the process of Machine Learning!
The ML steps involved in predicting an outcome for a given problem are listed below.

1. Build the Model

2. Model Evaluation
3. Prediction

Build the Model

This step starts by splitting the data, which is ideally split into

 Training data, and

 Testing data

Data Splitting follows the rule-of-thumb  80/20 rule. 80% of data contributes to
Training set while the remaining 20% is assigned to the Testing set.

Training data is used to train (build) the model using algorithms such as Linear
regression and Decision Tree.

If you feed more data in the training phase, the model will perform better in the
testing phase.

Exploring ML
Model Evaluation
It's time to put the model you just built to test.
In this step, using the testing data, you will check the predictions of your model,
based on which you can tune the accuracy and efficiency of the model.
Parameter Tuning is a popular technique that helps in improving the efficiency of the

In this stage, the model is all set to give predictions for the input you provide.
A Sample Scenario
Using examples to back up statements of fact can add value to your concept.
Predict the occurrence of rain in your area with the ML process by studying the
weather condition.

Define the Problem

Possibility of rain (yes or no - Response Variable)
Temperature, Humidity condition (Predictor Variable:)

Data Gathering and Cleaning

Data Source: Meteorological Research Center

Exploratory Data Analysis

Insight 1: High probability of rain, if the temperature has fallen low.
Insight 2: When it rains, the humidity is at 100%.

Build the Model

Use suitable ML algorithms to train the model.

Types of ML
Machine Learning can be broadly categorized into three types, as listed below.

 Supervised
 Unsupervised
 Reinforcement Learning
Deep Learning
Deep learning is a branch of machine learning where algorithms are inspired from
the way neurons work in a human brain.
Artificial neurons form the crux here, which enables the machines to think naturally
like humans.
This is the main building block for technologies such as driverless cars.

Natural Language Processing

Now, you are an inch closer to play the AI music.
So, what is NLP?
NLP - A machine’s ability to understand the human language by breaking it down, and
then comprehend its meaning to determine the appropriate action, and respond in a
language the user will understand.

Explore More!
Here is the list of courses, you can explore to gain in-depth knowledge in the AI

1. Machine Learning Axioms

2. Machine Learning - Exploring the Model
3. Clustering - Data Ensemble
4. Regression Analysis
5. Association Rule Mining
6. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
7. Build Effective Deep Learning Models
8. Convolutional Neural Networks

Explore these Courses!

1. Tableau: The Sequel
2. QlikView
3. TIBCO Spotfire - Deuce
4. Explore with D3js
5. Data Visualization with R

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