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One Misfired Spell Later

By: losthpfanficwriter

Fandom: harry po er

Summary: Harry is hit by a misfired undoing spell in third year

and starts to remember things causing him to flee together
with Hermione and a few others, including a godfather he
didn’t know he had. For Wizarding Britain and Dumbledore in
par cular old oaths and secrets are now brought to light.
Dumbledore bashing, AU. / Story ends at the end of third

Status: Completed

Fic type: Books/Harry Po er

Pairings/Main char.: [Harry P., Hermione G.] Sirius B., Fleur D.

Published: 2013-06-19

Last updated: 2014-06-16

Words count: 102,838

Chapters count: 29

Converted using

Date: 2019-06-16
1. Finite
Disclaimer for this and all other chapters: The original
characters and plot of this story are the property of the
author. No infringement of pre-exis ng copyright is intended.

Chapter One
“Harry, I read about the most fascina ng spell today,”
Hermione said. The third-year witch was si ng in the
common room, with a copy of “The Standard Book of Spells,
Grade 6” on her lap. “It’s a variant on the General Counter-
Spell, and will stop just about any magical effect.”
“Isn’t the Counter-spell something we learned back in second-
“Yes, but this is an advanced variant of it. I was studying
ahead for some light reading.”
“Light reading? Only you would read NEWT-level text books
for fun, Hermione.”
The bushy-haired witch huffed, although a smile was on her
face. “Never mind that Harry. Help me test it out. You can cast
the levita ng charm on a pillow, and I will try to use the spell
to cancel the effect.”
Harry cast the Hover Charm, “Levioso‘, and the indicated
pillow rose. Hermione aimed her wand, and carefully said
“Finite Ul ma!‘. A light flashed from her wand p, but
pu ered out before it reached the pillow.
“It didn’t work, maybe there’s a reason this is a sixth year
spell,” Harry said.
“Honestly Harry, you didn’t expect me to get it on my first
a empt did you? Let me try again.” Another ‘Finite Ul ma‘,
and another failure.
“Fiddles cks,” mu ered Hermione.
“Did you just say fiddles cks?” asked an amused Harry.
“Mind your cheek Harry,” Hermione grinned at her friend.
“Let me try once more.”
“Nah let’s just give up. It’s not going to –”
Hermione cast another ‘Finite Ul ma‘, just as Harry stood up
to grab the pillow. Her wand p lit up, and a bright light shot
from it, into Harry. With a loud scream, he grabbed his
forehead, which had the scar break open and start bleeding,
and collapsed to the ground.
“Harry? Oh Merlin, someone get help!” Hermione was
panicking. She rushed to her fallen friend and cradled him on
her lap, as an older student rushed out to get Madam
Harry felt like his skull had split open, but as the pain began to
ebb away he felt lighter than he had in years. He opened his
eyes, and looked straight into Hermione’s. “You’re sooo
pre y,” he slurred, and fell asleep.
Hermione watched in fascina on as Harry’s scar closed on its
own and faded almost completely away, then she saw his hair
grow and lose some of its wildness, turning a dark red at the
same me. Harry’s body also began to change: he grew
slightly, and his gaunt frame was replaced by musculature.
Combined with his slurred statement, the just fourteen-year
old witch felt her hormones kick in as she was cradling the
boy. Finally Madam Pomfrey arrived, and Harry was taken to
the Hospital Wing.
When Harry woke up he saw by the light outside that it was
the next morning. Hermione was sleeping on a chair next to
his bed, obviously having not le his side. On a night stand
next to him were his glasses – wait a second, why could he
clearly see Hermione without them now? He also felt it was
easier to think. Then the memories hit him.
A twelve-year old Harry had just learned his best friend had
been petrified by the Beast of Slytherin. As he sat next to her
in the hospital wing, he held her cold stone-like hand in his
and promised her he would find a way to get her back.
Harry returned to the Hospital wing the next day a er classes,
and found Ron Weasley trying to strip off Hermione’s pants.
Enraged, Harry hit Ron with a stunner. “Madam Pomfrey!” he
yelled out, and the mediwitch rushed towards them. Just as
Harry tried to explain what had happened, his Headmaster
“Harry, you should not interfere with Pureblood ma ers. If
your friend Ronald wants to claim Ms Granger, you should let
him do so, it is his right. Oh, and before I forget: Obliviate.”
The scene shi ed.
An eleven-year old Harry was facing down a troll alone. The
troll had Hermione covered, and was preparing to kill her.
“Leave her alone you brute!” he yelled, and a pulse of
accidental magic le his hand and slammed into the troll’s
head. The beast’s skull exploded, covering the en re room in
blood and gore, except for Hermione and Harry, who were
protected by some kind of force field.
Wheezing from the effort, Harry fell to his knees.
The professors arrived, dragging Ron Weasley with them, and
found Hermione stammering that Harry had slain the troll to
save her. Ron had reluctantly told Professor McGonagall that
Harry had gone a er Hermione, and was told to come along.
Dumbledore took out his wand, “You’re talking nonsense dear
girl. Your friends Harry and Ron Weasley took down the troll
by a simple first-year spell, and the troll was s ll alive. You
forgive Ron for his words, and are grateful to him. “As for
young Harry here… you’re most troublesome, my boy. I will
bind all of ninety percent of your core this me. Oh, and
The spell hit the assembled professors and the three children,
and Harry knew no more.
The scene shi ed.
A ten-year old Harry was si ng in class doing a math test. He
knew he could do the answers, but it was so difficult to keep
his a en on, as if his thoughts kept creeping away from him.
His teacher looked on… the boy was a known troublemaker,
but at least un l about a year ago he had shown to have a
remarkable intellect. Now, he seemed even dumber than his
cousin. She sniffed with distaste, le ng the child struggle with
his work and focused on the few students that did s ll pay
a en on.
The scene shi ed.
A nine-year old Harry Po er was in the process of being
severely beaten by his uncle and cousin, when he suddenly
cried out “Stop!’. A huge flash of light slammed the walrus and
baby rhinoceros away from the young boy, and slammed
them into the wall.
Even as Petunia Dursley was fussing over “poor Diddykins’, a
“crack” sounded, and a wizard present-day Harry knew was
Dumbledore arrived.
“This will not do, this will not do at all. Why do you keep
breaking your bindings young Harry?
And past-Harry knew no more than that he had been punished
again. He felt weaker than before, and could no longer call on
the power.
The scene shi ed.
A seven-year old Harry was being chased by his cousin and
gang, who wanted to beat him up. Wishing he was anywhere
else, he suddenly disappeared in a “crack” and landed on top
of the school roof.
When he had go en down again and returned home, he was
beaten for “making a fool out of Dudley’, and later that night
Dumbledore arrived.
” Appari on at such a young age? Looks like binding half your
core was not enough… let’s do seventy-five percent. Oh and
Harry? Obliviate!”
The scene shi ed.
A three-year old Harry was happily levita ng Dudley’s toys, to
the amusement of both toddlers. Petunia looked on with a
slight smile, she remembered this from her own youth with
Lily. It was so nice to see the boys playing together.
Dumbledore arrived with a “crack” and took in the scene.
“Why did you not call me when Harry began using accidental
magic Petunia? You heard my instruc ons.”
“Professor Dumbledore, look at them! It’s as if I have my sister
back. Surely there can be no harm?”
“Incarcerous!” yelled the old wizard, and ropes bound Petunia
to her seat.
“You hate magic, and don’t want anything to do with it. Harry
must grow up a normal child, and you will tell your neighbour
Mrs Figg any me you see Harry doing freakish things,” he
reprogrammed her mind, “now Stupefy.”
Petunia Dursley fell asleep, and Dumbledore finite’d the ropes
binding her with a simple wave.
“As for you li le Harry… looks like it’s me to bind your core.
Half should be enough, I would think. Oh, and let’s not forget:
The scene shi ed.
A two-year old Harry Po er was cradled in Hagrid’s arms, as
the gentle giant delivered him to a wai ng Dumbledore.
“Look at “im, his momma’s hair an” eyes, an” his daddy’s chin.
Such a pre y boy he is, innit?” Hagrid cood at the auburn-
haired li le boy.
Dumbledore took a good look at the boy, as Harry shi ed his
hair from his natural auburn to a shade more closely
resembling Hagrid’s, and was beginning to morph his nose
into a copy of the giant’s.
“Oh dear, the Black Blood from Dorea has skipped a
genera on it seems. We can’t have that…”
Dumbledore took out his wand, and forced Harry into black
hair and green eyes, his face a copy of James’ at that age.
Then he bound Harry’s metamorphic capabili es, just to be
“Albus! What on earth are you doing to the wee lad?”
exclaimed Professor McGonagall, who was there as well.
“It’s all for the Greater Good Minerva. But just to be sure,
The spell hit Minerva, Harry, and Hagrid.
The scene shi ed.
Harry happily played with his toys in the Po er Co age, with
his parents and their best friend Sirius si ng at the table a
li le away. “Sirius, are you sure about switching to Peter?” he
heard his father say, worry in his voice.
His favourite “uncle” replied: “It’s the best choice James.
Nobody would ever suspect Wormtail, so they’ll s ll go a er
me. And you know that Moldywarts won’t kill a member of
the House of Black even if he catches me, so the worst I’ll have
to face is torture. Meanwhile you, Lily, and li le Harry can
escape further, and maybe rescue a dashing rogue.”
“Can’t you be serious at least once?” interjected his mother’s
voice, followed by his father’s groan as Sirius claimed he
always was.
“Pafoo pway,” Harry called out, and the smiling young man
went over to his “cousin” to play with the toddler.
Present-day Harry woke up again in the Hospital Wing in
“Hermione? Hermione, wake up.”
“Hmnhrg?” she grumbled, as she awoke and looked into
Harry’s eyes. His eyes had a sheen of intelligence and power
to them that was never there before.
“Hermione, do you trust me?”
“No me to waste Hermione, if you trust me, take my hand.”
She did so, and Harry and Hermione disappeared from the
hospital wing in a smoke-like effect that was unlike either
portkey or appari on.

A/N: Rewri en 02-10-2013. I’ve moved it up to a third-year

Upon re-reading my original notes for this I’ve found what
probably inspired me: Paladeus’ “I Didn’t Want to Remember‘,
part of his “Into the Rabbit Hole” series, story ID 5121007.
However, I am not following his guidelines for that short and
only stole^H^H^H^H^H reuse the memory block concept
A/N 2: minor change perhaps, but I changed the text to make
‘Finite’ a NEWT level spell. Thanks to reviewer Faraway-R for
some good thoughts on this. For the spell to be able to undo
the damage Dumbledore did to Harry it has to be significantly
more powerful than most things we’ve seen in canon.
A/N 3: Finite is now Finite Ul ma. Bad La n, but that’s
nothing new to the HP-verse…
2. Escape
Chapter Two
Godric’s Hollow was one of those silent villages you never
hear about. Located in the West Country of England, it held
no more than about a hundred houses and a handful of
stores. The village was inhabited by only a handful of families,
and like in most communi es, everyone knew everyone.
That was why when suddenly two young teenagers were
standing in front of the war memorial, long- me resident
Gary Wright knew they did not belong. The geriatric got on his
feet, and walked over to them intent to give them a stern
talking to.
“Ow be, young uns? Isn’t it it a school day?” He looked at the
two, a boy of about twelve or thirteen and a girl about the
same age. Despite it being October and cold having seeped in,
neither was wearing a coat of a kind, and upon further
inspec on he realised the boy was wearing some kind of
pyjamas, and not even shoes. The girl was wearing some kind
of school uniform he didn’t recognise.
The kids had s ffened upon his approach, and the boy
ins nc vely had put the girl behind him, protec ng her with
his body to the best of his possibility.
“Oi, where’s your clothes boy? How did you get here?”
The boy scrambled in his clothes and took out some kind of
wooden s ck, but the girl put her hand on his arm, and
pushed it down. Gary looked on, bewildered a bit.
“Please sir, I’m sorry, but we aren’t doing anything wrong,”
the girl started hesita ngly. “We’ll be going soon, won’t we
Harry?” The last was directed at the boy she was holding on
to, of course.
“Are you on a school trip? Where’s your teacher?” Gary asked
again, and took a step closer. Instantly, the boy raised his arm
again, and the last thing Gary saw was a red flash leave the
s ck, before he collapsed.
“Harry!” Hermione bit at her friend, as she watched him stun
the old man. “He was just concerned! How could you!”
Harry looked back at her, and Hermione realised he was
afraid. “I… I’m sorry Hermione. Where are we?”
“How should I know? All I know is that you asked me to trust
you, took my hand, and suddenly we were here, wherever
here is. Judging by the man’s accent I’d say we’re in Cornwall
or Devon in some village. Hang on, let me take a closer look.”
The young witch looked around the village square they were
at, and saw a war memorial a li le away from them. “Maybe
that has some informa on Harry.”
As they walked closer to it, suddenly the war memorial
changed: it no longer listed the forty-odd soldiers that had
fallen in both World Wars, but now became a statue of a
family. A father and mother were si ng, the mother cradling
a child in her arms. “In remembrance of James and Lily Po er,
heroes of the Wizarding War,” read Hermione out loud.
Behind her, Harry let out a gasp that sounded painful. “Oh
Harry!” Hermione rushed into the arms of her friend, and
hugged him ghtly.
Harry was feeling overwhelmed. Here he was at a statue of his
parents – and himself as a baby, something he hadn’t even
known existed. And just as he was coming to the realisa on
that this must have been his last real home town, his best
friend rushed in for one of her patented hugs… making him
acutely aware that Hermione not only had definitely entered
puberty, but so had he, judging by the sudden ght feeling in
his pants he got as he realised that the small bumps being
pressed into his chest must be her –
“He… Hermione?” Harry stammered, “You can let go now. I
know where we are. And we have to get out of here, right
Hermione let go of Harry, but not before she realised that he
had been hugging her back – a first – and that something had
been pressing against her lower stomach as they hugged –
another first. With a sudden realisa on, she let go of him, and
took a few steps back. A part of her was overjoyed that she
had had such a reac on on him, and a light smile escaped her
otherwise ghtly controlled emo ons and showed on her
Harry took her hand, and dragged her towards the end of the
square, towards one of the village’s streets. Luckily no one
else seemed to be out and about, Hermione thought as they
rushed past the snoring old man that had confronted them
earlier. Harry rushed to the end of the street, where the line
of houses gave way to a bare field… a field that changed to
show a ruined co age, le open to the elements all these
years. Upon reaching the gate, Harry stopped running, le ng
Hermione catch her breath.
“This is it “Mione,” Harry said in a small voice. “This is where I
would have grown up if it hadn’t been for Dumbledore.”
Hermione looked at the ruin. Most of the co age was s ll
standing, except for the second floor, where the right side had
been almost completely blown away. She realised that was
where Voldemort probably met his end when he tried to
curse Harry all those years ago.
“I wonder why nobody’s ever rebuilt it?” she whispered.
Somehow speaking out loud felt like defiling a sacred place
“Maybe it’s like when you get cursed with Dark Magic, and it
was not possible,” speculated Harry, taking a step towards the
“Harry, you can’t go in there!” Hermione bit at him, “You
don’t know if it’s safe, and – oh Harry, look!”
Harry touching the gate must have triggered some spell, as a
sign rose up out of the ground in front of them like a flower
suddenly giving bloom. It held golden le ers which
proclaimed this to be the house where Lily and James had
been killed, and that it had been le as a monument, invisible
to Muggles. All around it were scribbled notes and graffi ,
some by people leaving their name,s many others thanking
the Po ers, some wishing Harry well.
“It’s vandalism to defile the sign,” said Hermione in an
indignant tone.
“I’m okay with it,” said Harry, “at least someone remembers.
But why didn’t they even tell me this existed? I mean, I
remember now, but –”
Hermione suddenly realised what he had said earlier. “Harry,
what do you mean “if it hadn’t been for Dumbledore”? Don’t
you mean, “if it hadn’t been for Voldemort?””
Harry let out a pained laugh. “Voldemort? Oh Hermione, how
naïve you are.”
Hermione looked like she wanted to say something,
annoyance visible on her face, but Harry didn’t let her.
“Who was responsible for the safety of my parents?
Dumbledore. Who decided not to use lethal ac on against
Voldemort during the war? Dumbledore. Who was the one
man who knew Thomas Riddle as a child be er than anyone,
and could have stopped him before he became a Dark Lord?
Dumbledore. No “Mione, I do know who to blame,” Harry
replied with a half mad laugh, and stepped through the gate
to enter the ruined co age. Hermione scrambled to follow.
“Look at this damage,” he pointed out the ruined furniture,
and destroyed pain ngs in the co age once they’d both
entered. “Did Voldemort do all this? No, that was the Ministry
a er my parents were murdered. Apparently nobody even
thought of securing my family property. And tell me Hermione
Granger, who is the real head of our government, the one
man all Ministers have to listen to?”
“Easy, that is the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot,” replied
Hermione in her “school” voice.
“Ten points to Gryffindor,” Harry grinned, si ng down on the
mossy ruined sofa. Hermione looked on with distaste. “And
who was the Chief Warlock in 1981? Li le hint, the last
elec on of one was in the 1950s.”
“Dumbledo –” Hermione began, “Harry, you’re being silly. You
can’t just blame him for everything. He is the Leader of the
Light a er all!”
Harry gave her a look of disbelief. “Right, a self-given tle and
that explains everything.” He took a deep breath, and closed
his eyes briefly, then smiled at his friend. “Sorry Hermione, I
didn’t mean to be such a jerk just now. It’s just, I know. No, I
should say, I remember.”
Hermione wrinkled her nose, then took out her wand and cast
“Scourgify” at the sofa, cleaning it mostly, then sat down next
to her friend. “Apology accepted Harry,” she said with a light
smile. “Now, what do you mean, you remember?”
“I apologise for the pain in advance,” Harry said, as he took
out his wand and trained it on her. “Finite Ul ma.”
A bright light le his wand and hit Hermione in the forehead.
Her eyes rolled back, and Harry scrambed to catch her before
she fell.
Hermione was hurrying back to her Common Room with
Penelope Clearwater in chase, she had found the monster in
the Chamber of Secrets, a Basilisk! She had ripped out the
page of the book detailing the big snake – she’d apologise to
the stern librarian later and hope she could explain it without
losing library access – and now had to get back to Harry right
away. He’d know what to do. She was ignoring Penelope as
she told her to wait up, un l she reached another corner.
Penelope caught up with her, and took her by the shoulder.
“Granger, be careful! You know the corridors aren’t safe,” she
chas sed the younger witch.
“It’s fine Ms Clearwater, we can look through the mirror first,”
Hermione replied, and took out her handmirror. Both girls
looked in it… and saw two huge yellow eyes, petrifying them
Hermione was fully aware, even if she could not reply to
anyone, or move her body at all. She was quickly found and
brought to the hospital wing, where Harry was the first to visit
her. Her best friend stayed with her un l Madam Pomfrey
ushered him out.
The following day Ron Weasley was the first to visit. At first
Hermione felt touched that he thought of her, she did not
really see him as a close friend and only hung out with him
because Harry did, and some vague recollec on that Ron had
rescued her from the troll with Harry. But the relief quickly
turned to horror as she felt him touch her budding breasts
over her clothes. Hermione wanted to scream as Ron groped
her, and was praying for anyone to help her as the red-headed
git began to le her shirt, no doubt to get a be er look.
Then out of nowhere Harry showed up, and Ron was thrown
away. Lying there unable to move she appreciated that Harry
covered her with a blanket to protect her modesty before he
started to explain things to Madam Pomfrey… only for
Dumbledore to come in and Obliviate them all.
The scene shi ed.
“Harry, you’re a great wizard, you know,” Hermione declared
to her friend as she hugged him. They had reached the end of
the Third Corridor gauntlet together.
“I’m not as good as you,” Harry replied in an embarrassed
Hermione let go. “Me! Books! And cleverness! There are more
important things – friendship and bravery and – and love,” she
added with a blush, then kissed him on the cheek. “Harry,
please be careful?”
“I promise,” said Harry. “I like you a lot Hermione. If… if we
survive this, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes Harry, now go safe the world,” Hermione beamed back at
As she was going back to pick up the baggage – erm Ron –
from the Chess Room, she was met by Dumbledore.
“Professor! You have to hurry, Harry he’s, and I’m, and we –”
“Easy girl, calm down,” Dumbledore smiled genially at her, his
eyes twinkling. Hermione felt a ckle in her mind, as the last
few minutes seemed to replay before her. “Oh no, that won’t
do. My girl, you didn’t declare your love for him, and certainly
didn’t kiss him. Obliviate.”
The scene shi ed.
Hermione was crying hysterically in the girls bathroom, having
a nice li le pity party. A er that mean stupid fat walking
stomach had insulted her in front of the en re class she had
rushed here, skipping all other classes and even lunch. Her life
was over, everyone hated her, and no ma er how much she
did her best in class even the teachers did not appreciate her.
So a good long cry was just what she needed. She had told off
the girls coming to talk her into coming to the feast, didn’t
they understand she needed some alone me? A er a long
bout of crying she would feel be er, and maybe then could
face them again.
She heard the door open, and something heavy and smelly
come in. “Go away Bullstrode,” she yelled, thinking it was
probably the ogre-like Slytherin girl again. Bullstrode was not
popular even in her own House, and apparently was the only
other person to some mes use this bathroom.
But it wasn’t a classmate… it was a full-grown troll. As it
backed her into a corner and was preparing to kill her she
thought her life was literally over, but then Harry appeared
out of nowhere, and killed the troll.
Shortly a er the teachers appeared, and as Hermione was
telling them Harry had saved her, and that she was only there
because Ron had been bullying her, she found that
Dumbledore was not willing to listen. He Obliviated them all.
Hermione woke up with a spli ng headache, but found she
was res ng quietly on someone’s lap. She looked up, and as
chocolate brown eyes met azure green, a wide smile
appeared on her face. “The answer is s ll yes, Harry.”
“Hermione, you’re all right!” Harry looked down with relief.
“I’m sorry, the answer to what is ‘yes’?”
“Yes I’ll be your girlfriend Harry Po er. Now kiss me.”
Harry bent his head down and as their lips met, they heard a
gruff voice from the door. “Found you at last. Now hand over
your wands, and nobody needs to get hurt.”
3. On the Run
Chapter Three
On The Run
Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody was barely eighteen when he
joined the Auror force in 1902. By the me of the Muggle
Great War he was in command of his own squad, and was
known to be highly skilled and relentless to his foes.
In the early 1930s rumours started of a Dark Lord opera ng
out of the German republic, and it was Moody who at that
me convinced the Minister and Head of the Auror Office to
be prepared. When Grindelwald openly declared war on the
German ministry backed by the Knights of Walpurgis, terrorist
a acks also started in Britain. Moody was the one who
eventually took down the first leader of the Knights of
Walpurgis on Britain’s soil, losing his eye in the progress when
Cadmus Malfoy hit him with a dark variant of the
Conjunc vi s Curse followed by a cu er. Blinded and
bleeding, Moody s ll took Cadmus and his henchmen down,
ending the major opera ons of the Knights in Britain.
While he was recovering from his wounds Dumbledore finally
took ac on against his childhood friend, and ended the
European Wizarding War by taking down Grindelwald in a
duel. However peace would not come, as the Knights were
never completely disbanded, and would con nue a acks on
Muggles and Muggleborn for the next few decades. Moody
was convinced Cadmus’ brother Abraxas was behind the
a acks, but Dumbledore and the Minister at the me refused
to let him take Lord Malfoy in for ques oning.
When the Dark Lord Voldemort appeared out of nowhere in
the seven es, he took over the Knights of Walpurgis as its
new leader. The Knights of the early half of the century and
before had been proud of their involvement in the
organisa on, and openly showed their faces during the larger
a acks, but under Voldemort they adopted silver masks that
hit their iden ty. Soon enough the nickname “Death Eaters”
was applied to them, and by the mid-80s few remembered
that they had once been called the Knights.
Moody was instrumental in figh ng against this new group of
terrorists, and gladly accepted an invita on to the Order of
the Phoenix, the organisa on Albus Dumbledore started to
fight the Death Eaters. Although it cost Moody dearly: a large
chunk of his nose was lost in a ba le to the death with
Voldemort’s right-hand man Rosier, and he lost his leg by a
dark ro ng curse when he took down some of Voldemort’s
other lieutenants in an a ack on a Muggle orphanage.
Despite his wounds he refused to back down, and was set to
con nue figh ng even though Britain was losing the war…
when a miracle happened, and Voldemort was killed in the
Po er country house, having just murdered both adult
Po ers. A er the Death Eaters had been rounded up and
thrown in Azkaban Moody finally re red, but not to rest:
instead he used his free me to con nue hounding the Death
Eaters that had bribed their freedom.
And now, just over ten years later, he was in Godric’s Hollow
for the first me, with an Auror, officially to track down two
school skipping teens. Unofficially he knew they were a er
Harry Po er, who had for some reason le Hogwarts
unauthorised. They passed a stunned old man near the war
memorial, and as Moody stepped on following the
informa on Dumbledore had given him, he paid no no ce to
Dawlish reviving, and then oblivia ng the Muggle.
They came up to the Po er country house, and now he was
holding his wand on what could only be Harry Po er and a
friend. Moody was unhappy with this, but Dumbledore was
the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, and he had not
steered them wrong before, even if Moody felt that the
amnesty for Severus Snape was not what he would have
done, and would have liked harsher punishment for the
captured Death Eaters.
“Found you at last. Now hand over your wands, and nobody
needs to get hurt,” he growled at the canoodling duo, his
wand trained at them.
“Dawlish, disarm them. I need to tell Dumbledore we’ve
found our runaways.” Moody waited un l the tough-looking
grey-haired wizard stepped into the room, then went out to
cast his patronus message for Dumbledore.
Harry ins nc vely went for his wand as his first kiss was so
rudely interrupted, but Hermione’s hand on his stayed his
“Harry, you can’t cast another spell so soon a er Finite… it
nearly drained my magical core yesterday, that’s why I was in
the Hospital Wing with you. Just do what he says for now,
please?” Hermione’s big brown eyes pleaded at him, and
Harry reluctantly dropped his wand on the ruined coffee table
in front of the sofa. Hermione placed hers.
“Okay, we’ll cooperate,” Harry said. “How did you find us?”
“Tracking charms boy, all Hogwarts students carry them. We
would also have picked up the stunner you cast on that
Muggle outside eventually. If your goal was to hide, you’re not
doing a good job at it. Right you two, now stay s ll,” the man
iden fied as Dawlish said, stepping closer to them. “Just a
quick iden fica on spell.” He cast a light blue spell at them
both, which washed over Hermione before returning into
Dawlish” wand.
“Hermione Jane Granger, mudblood, third-year witch at
Hogwarts, correct?”
Hermione grumbled at the word mudblood, and Harry’s hand
painfully closed around hers as he fought his anger, but she
Dawlish cast the spell again, this me flooding over Harry.
“Harold James Po er, half-blood, Lord of House Po er, Heir of
House Black, nominal Lord Gryffindor… what?” Dawlish
looked surprised. “What’s this then? You can’t be Harry
Po er! He’s a black haired weakling with glasses and a
prominent scar! Don’t you two move an inch, I need to check
this with Mad-eye.”
Dawlish turned around and stepped out the door. Harry
grabbed for their wands, and pulled Hermione up.
“Hermione, quickly, focus on some place safe. Not Hogwarts!”
Harry hugged Hermione close, wrapping his arms around her.
“Harry, what is this? Why are they a er us? What did he
mean Lord Gryffindor? What are –”
Harry kissed her on the mouth, then quickly let go again.
“Some place safe Hermione. Please.”
Hermione focused, and thought of her parents’ den st
prac ce in Crawley. Just as Dawlish and Moody stepped back
in, a smoke-like effect engulfed the two teens, and rushed out
past the two men, disappearing into thin air.
“Dawlish you imbecile! How could you not disarm them at
least if you had to leave them unsupervised!” Moody cursed
at his former colleague, staring at the empty room.
“How the devil a thirteen-year old child figured out Fuma on
is beyond me,” he mu ered, and began cas ng a spell. “Just
as I thought, useless. If he had apparated we’d at least have a
trace of sorts. Right, no sense staying here then,” Moody
pocketed his wand, and cursed inaudibly once more.
“Mad-eye, what’s going on here? Was that really Harry
Po er? He doesn’t look a thing like the pictures in the
Prophet,” Dawlish was s ll confused. He thought they were
there just to pick up two Hogwarts runaways, and when they
found a red-haired kid kissing his girlfriend he thought no
further of the loca on. It wouldn’t be the first me some
teenagers or a drunk wizard stumbled into the heritage site,
and with magic any damage could easily be repaired.
“Listen up John, you just forget about the whole deal. I’ll
handle the rest. Go back to taking bribes from Malfoy and
rescuing cats from trees, or whatever you useless lot do the
these days since I’ve le ,” Moody glared at him, and
apparated away. Dawlish blustered at the insult, then turned
on the spot and apparated away as well.
Harry and Hermione literally appeared out of thin air in a dark
room. He let go of his friend, and she shot off somewhere.
Lights popped on, and he looked around and saw they were in
what appeared to be a wai ng room at a doctor’s office or
some place similar.
“Of course, it’s Saturday, the office is closed,” Hermione was
talking to herself, as she walked back to Harry. “All right
mister, now talk. What is going on? How did you get us here?
Why are we running? What did – oh! That bastard! And… and
Harry looked on with a li le concern, as his brune e friend
was raging and stomping around. “Hermione, please calm
down. What’s got you so upset?”
“He – he – Ron!” Hermione looked furious, and Harry
ins nc vely backed away some un l his legs bumped against
the row of chairs. He was feeling somewhat drained, so he
took the opportunity to sit.
“Oh, right,” Harry frowned, remembering he had caught Ron
the previous year in an a empt to molest – if not worse – her.
“Hermione, please calm down. We’re safe now, and I’ll never
let him do anything to you again. I stopped him then, and will
stop him again should he try something else.”
Hermione stopped raging, and took a second to find her calm
again. “All right Harry. Oh! The tracking charms! Hold s ll.”
She took out her wand, and prepared to cast a spell at him.
Harry shot up like a bullet, and grabbed the other end.
“Hermione, no! We’re in a Muggle area, and you’re under-
age! Do you want the Ministry to find us right away?”
The witch paled, she had forgo en about the Reasonable
Restric on on Under Age Magic for a moment. “But… how
else can we get rid of the tracking charms?”
“Let me think,” Harry sat back down. “Right, got it. They can
only be cast on non-living non-magical things, according to
The Standard Book of Spells for this year. So we both need to
get rid of anything we’re carrying, quickly.”
Hermione padded her pockets, finding them empty. She
frowned, realising all her possessions were s ll in her
Hogwarts dorm room. Harry padded himself, finding that
other than the sleeve jacket he had been keeping his wand in,
his pyjamas held no pockets at all.
“I’ve got nothing on me Harry,” Hermione stated.
“Well… that’s not quite true,” Harry said a er a minute of
silence, and blushed. “It’s got to be our clothes,” he added.
“Harry James Po er, if you think for a second I am going to
undress in your presence, you –” Hermione was working her
way up to a rant, so Harry quickly rushed up and hugged her.
This helped calm her down rapidly.
“Hush “Mione, that’s not what I was thinking. Tell me, where
are we exactly?”
“This is my parent’s prac ce, in Crawley. But they’re closed
today. I forgot, you kind of forced me to pick something
quickly. And you s ll haven’t told me exactly how we got here,
mister.” Hermione shot a grin at him for that last part.
“Your parents? They’re doctors?”
“Den sts, actually. And I don’t see why that ma ers.”
Harry thought of the one me he had gone to the den st.
During a round of Harry Hun ng Pierce Polkiss had kicked him
in the mouth, and Harry’s front tooth had cracked. Seeing the
smaller boy lying on the floor bleeding the bullies had run. A
teacher came up and found Harry bleeding, and for once did
his duty, and helped Harry to the school doctor. The doctor
called a den st nearby, and Harry had been whisked off to get
his tooth repaired. Of course when he came home later that
night the Dursleys were not happy, and he go en the belt
from his uncle.
“Do your parents have scrubs or another kind of protec ve
“Yes of course, through there – oh!” Hermione caught up on
his plan. “That will work. It will look weird, but it should get us
to mummy and daddy.” She pulled Harry up, and guided him
into the den st office itself.
“I’ve helped out mummy and daddy in the summer, so I know
where they keep everything. Right… here.” Hermione opened
a closet, and found several scrubs. “Harry, you go back to the
wai ng room and put on these,” she handed him a blue one,
“I’ll dress in here. Don’t you dare come back in before I call
“I won’t, I promise,” Harry took the protec ve clothing.
“What is it now Harry?” Hermione sighed.
“They’re a li le big.”
“Honestly Harry, what did you expect? We’re not in a clothing
store. These will just have to make do for now. Now scoot!”
“All right, I’m going!” Harry walked to the door, then turned
around again. “Underwear as well “Mione, they might have
put the trackers there.”
“Oh! You…” Hermione’s rant was cut off by Harry pulling the
door closed. He quickly stripped, and stepped into the scrubs.
With it being designed for an adult male, it fully covered his
arms and legs, flowing over the floor.
“At least nobody will no ce I’m not wearing pants, or shoes
for that ma er,” he remarked to himself, and bunched up the
pyjamas he’d been wearing previously.
A few minutes later Hermione stepped out, hidden in another
one, and blushing heavily as she was holding her clothes in
her arms. Harry no ced a bra peeking out, and when
Hermione saw where he was looking, she got an angry look.
“Pervert. Don’t you dare try to get a peek, or you’re not my
boyfriend any longer,” she chas sed him.
“I wasn’t trying,” Harry feebly protested, then saw Hermione
grin, and realised she was at least par ally kidding.
“Okay, we should get out of here, and dump our clothes.
Hermione, can we go to your parents’?”
Hermione looked pensive for a moment, “they should be
home, and it’s only a twenty minute walk or so. We look
ridiculous, but hopefully nobody will say anything. Oh… but
I’m afraid daddy will not take it well if I show up… well… just
about naked, with a boy…”
Harry’s face bunched up in thought, then a smile lit his face as
he remembered something from his early childhood. “Watch
this Hermione.”
Before the eyes of his amazed friend, Harry’s features began
to change. His newly reddish hair grew out un l it was
shoulder length, and the lines of his face so ened un l he
looked female. And judging by the two small bumps which
appeared on the scrubs, his face was not the only part of his
body he could change.
“Amazing… how? You didn’t take any polyjuice,” Hermione
was transfixed by her friend, and looked like she wanted
nothing but to inspect him fully.
“I used to – cough – I used do be able to do this as a young
child, before Dumbledore blocked my magic,” Harry replied.
Even his voice sounded female now. “This… this is what my
mum sort of looked like, I think.”
“She was beau ful Harry,” Hermione replied, then blushed, as
she hadn’t intended to imply Harry was beau ful. Even if part
of her thought he was, in any form. “Any way. Let’s go. I’ll take
the spare key so I can lock up behind us. We can drop off our
clothes on the way there.”
“And your shoes,” Harry pointed out. Grumbling, Hermione
took off her shoes, and placed them on the clothing pile.
“When we get to my home, you’d be er have some
explana ons mister… or should I say miss?”
“I’m s ll me, “Mione,” Harry answered. It felt weird being in
another body, and he was happy he had taken polyjuice the
previous year, so he was at least somewhat prepared for it. He
would not admit it to his friend yet, but he felt extremely
red. The overpowered “Finite” he had cast on her had taken
a lot out of him, and then the whisking away to Crawley and
on top of that morphing into and maintaining another form…
he felt as drained as he had been a er the fight with
Quirrelmort, or the Basilisk.
Alastor Moody apparated to Hogsmeade, and stepped into
the Hog’s Head Inn. He shot a quick gree ng to its publican
Abe, and went into a back room where Abe’s brother Albus
was wai ng.
“He’s a quick lad Albus, gave me and John the slip back there.”
“Most troubling my friend. Would you allow me to see your
memories of it?” Dumbledore stroked his beard.
“I’ll trust ye this once Albus. Don’t try to go anywhere else in
my mind though, or ye’ll regret it.” Moody dropped his
occlumency shields, and Albus’ twinkling eyes bore into his.
Moody felt the memories of Godric’s Hollow rush to the
forefront of his mind, then Dumbledore looked away and
Moody slammed his shields up again.
“Fuma on, again. So it must not be a fluke,” Dumbledore
mumbled. “Thank you Alastor, you can go now.”
“Hold of there Albus. What in the name of Morgana’s Tits is
going on here? You call me and tell me that Harry Po er has
been kidnapped, and needs to be found urgently. I track him
down with your help and find a couple of teens kissing in the
Po er memorial home, and before I can do anything else the
boy grabs the girl and they disappear.
“If it weren’t for John’s iden fica on spell, I’d not believe the
boy to be Po er at all, he looks dras cally different. Why are
they running in the first place?”
Moody saw Albus finger his wand, and whipped his own out.
“That’d be er be due to nerves Albus, or am I to believe you
were about to try to bespell me?”
“Forgive an old man his mistakes,” Dumbledore genially
smiled. “I don’t have all the answers yet my friend, but I fear
Harry is in grave danger and needs to be back at Hogwarts as
soon as possible. Will you join me back to my office, so we
can try to refocus the tracking charms?”
Moody stared down Dumbledore, then relaxed and nodded.
“All right Albus. I trust you to do what is best.”
The two men went for Abe’s floo, and headed off to
Dumbledore’s office by the quick route.
The two scrub-clad girls a racted some weird looks as they
walked through the streets of Crawley, but nobody stopped
them and around twenty minutes later they arrived at
Hermione’s home. They had thrown their clothes in a garbage
bin they passed, when they saw a garbage truck coming to
empty it at the other end of the street. At the least this would
make sure their clothes would end up on a garbage heap, and
at best they’d be incinerated, hopefully disspelling any
tracking charms remaining. Their wands of course they kept,
hidden in the oversized sleeves.
“Harry, what should I say?” Hermione hesitated before
knocking, “they’re bound to wonder why I’m here dressed like
this, and who you are.”
“Just get us inside “Mione, and calm down. I’ll do the rest.”
Harry tried to smile assuringly. The truth was he had no real
plan, other than running away from Dumbledore before he
could be obliviated and magically bound again.
Hermione ringed the bell, and they heard movement inside. A
moment later the door was opened by an older copy of
Hermione, but with bright blue eyes framing the face covered
by untameable brown hair.
“Yes, can I help– Hermione? What are you doing here,
dressed like that?”
“Hi mum,” Hermione smiled. “Can we come in, please?”
“Of course, of course…” her mother stepped aside to let them
enter. “Hermione, what on earth are you wearing? Did you
break into the office? Why aren’t you at school? Who’s she –
hello dear, Emma Granger, nice to meet you –” she quickly cut
an aside to Harry, then rounded back on her daughter, “where
are your clothes? You weren’t expelled were you? Oh dear, is
it something magical? Should I call that teacher of yours, Mrs
Harry looked on amazed, apparently his friend got her one-
thousand-ques ons-a-minute from her mother, but at that
last bit he had to stop her. “No! Don’t call McGonagall or
anyone else, please!”
That stopped Emma Granger from interroga ng her daughter,
and she visibly took a moment to calm down. “Well, I think
we’d best take a seat in the living room then. Hermione Jane, I
hope you have a good explana on for all this.”
“Yes mummy. Where’s dad?”
“Your father is at the shoo ng range dear, it is a Saturday,”
Emma replied. “Well then, isn’t this pleasant.” Harry could not
tell if she was being sarcas c or not. “You’re the first friend
my daughter has ever taken home. What did you saw your
name was dear?”
“Harry,” he answered. How to best approach every thing now,
he thought.
“Harry? Is that short for Harriet?”
“No, just Harry. Erm, Mrs Granger, will you promise not to
freak out?”
Emma Granger’s eyes narrowed briefly. “This is something
magical isn’t it. Okay dear, do your worst.”
Harry took a deep breath, and willed himself to return to his
natural form. His hair shortened again, and the feminine
features slowly changed into his normal male ones. Hermione
and her mother looked on in amazement, un l Harry was
once again a rather well-built thirteen-year old auburn
headed boy.
“Mrs Granger? My name is Harry Po er, and I–” Hermione
kicked his leg, “–we need your help. You see, we–”
Harry suddenly slumped forward, and would have cracked his
head on the coffee table had Hermione not grabbed onto
him, and lowered his head on her lap. Magical exhaus on had
suddenly, finally caught up with him.

A/N: Fuma on is the word I use to describe the strange

method by witch members of the Order of the Phoenix and
the Death Eaters traverse in the movies, where their body
changes to smoke and they appear to be living smoke passing
from point A to point B, which is clearly dis nct from the
books’ appari on and portkeys.
Adopted from willyolioleo’s Harry Po er and the Temporal
Beacon (story ID 6517567). Go read that fic :)
Explana ons for Harry’s sudden knowledge and skill is
forthcoming, as soon as I have the duo in a safe loca on.
4. Safe House
Chapter Four
Safe House
Emma Granger jumped up from her chair when she saw the
young boy’s eyes suddenly roll away, and fall forward. Her
daughter caught her friend and guided his head onto her lap,
and Emma carefully placed him in a lying posi on.
“Hermione dear, what is wrong with him? Do I need to call a
“No mum, it’s just magical exhaus on. Harry has been over-
exer ng himself today. With a bit of sleep he’ll be okay,” her
daughter answered, as she was slowly stroking Harry’s hair.
“I’ll head up and make up your bed honey, you keep him
secure. We can’t let him stay down here, your father will blow
his top if he comes home to find this.”
Hermione smiled at her mother, “thanks mum. He’s a silly boy,
but he’s my best friend.”
“More than just a friend, I think”, Emma thought as she went
back upstairs. With Hermione off to school her bed was not
made up, but that was quickly remedied. She was a li le
hesitant to put a boy in her daughter’s bed, but the other
bedroom had been converted into a library years before a er
her second miscarriage. The doctors had made it clear she
would not be having any other children, and with both her
and her husband being single children as well, and all of
Hermione’s grandparents dead, there was no need for a guest
A er preparing the bed she went back downstairs, and found
Hermione was stroking her friend’s hair so ly, and murmuring
things to him.
“Hermione? Let’s get him into bed. You are sure he will be
fine with just some sleep?”
Hermione was blushing as she looked up, confirming to Emma
that her daughter had at least a crush on the boy.
“Yes mummy. He’ll be fine in a few hours, once his core
recharges. He took us both all the way to the West Country,
and from there to here, not to men on the counter-spell he
cast on me.”
Emma did not like the sound of that counter-spell, but she
could wait for explana ons a li le later. She gently picked up
Harry and carried him upstairs, then laid him on the bed.
Once he was lying safely she took off the surgical gown,
frowning when she found he was naked under it. Ah well,
nothing to do about it now, so she just tucked him in and
went back downstairs.
“Honey? He’s safely asleep. Why don’t you put on some
normal clothes, but be careful not to disturb him. And then I
think we need to have a li le chat, before your father gets
“Yes mum,” Hermione assented, and went upstairs. Seeing
Harry sleeping in her bed was weird to say the least. She had
never had a friend over, let alone for a slumber party, and
certainly never expected the first to come over to be a boy. As
silently as possible she opened her wardrobe and picked out
some proper clothes, then went into the adjacent bathroom
to change. Normally she would do so in her own room, but it
was just improper to disrobe next to a boy!
Once fully dressed, Hermione went into her bedroom again.
Harry looked much younger lying there… and she suddenly
realised she could not see a hint of the surgical gown. Surely
her mother hadn’t –
Carefully she li ed up the blanket, finding her friend naked
under it. Just as she was raising it up further to reveal more
than just his – nicely shaped – chest:
“Hermione Jane, I think you’ve seen enough for now. Let’s go
downstairs young lady,” her mother’s voice came from the
door. A red-faced witch turned to see her mother looking on
with disapproval, and quickly she dropped the blanket again
and rushed out.
“Someone needs “The Talk”, Emma was thinking as she
preceded her daughter downstairs.
Damocles “Dan” Granger was in a good mood. He had spent a
nice three hours at the Clay Pigeon Shoo ng Associa on field
he was a member of, prac sing for the next compe on.
While he was not a professional shooter by any means, he
was one of the be er amateurs in the ranks, shoo ng with an
over-and-under shotgun. Making sure once again his gun was
secured in its case, he parked the car on the curb in front of
his home, and went inside with it.
“Em, it’s me,” he called out, stowing away his gun and jacket
in the closet. “A good day on the field, I think I– Hermione?”
The sight of his daughter si ng in the living room was
unexpected, to say the least.
“Pumpkin? What are you doing here? Did something happen
at school?”
Hermione rushed up and hugged her father, nearly cracking
his ribs. Both Granger women seemed to think that hugs were
be er if they were done with full force.
“Daddy! Yes, in a way… but I’m fine, no need to worry,” his
daughter beamed at him.
“Did I interrupt something?” Dan indicated the table the
women had been si ng at. He could not read the tles of
either the text book or the booklet, and Emma quickly
covered them both then mouthed “later” at him, and Dan
took the hint to back off.
“Welcome back dear, why don’t you have a seat while I make
us a cuppa. Hermione, could you check upstairs quickly?”
Emma took the book and flyer, and cleared the table before
going into the kitchen. Hermione released her father, clearly
hesita ng a bit, then rushed up the stairs.
“There’s something going on here isn’t there,” Dan said to no-
one in par cular. “Probably that blasted magic.”
Emma cleared away the anatomy text book and the flyer on
“Sex and young people” from the NHS, she had been using to
give her daughter “The Talk’. Hermione was intellectually
aware of some of the facts of course, but judging by her
responses to her mother’s frank discussion of sex and
sexuality, was – thank God – not yet ready for “it’. There was
definitely no need to involve her father. Dan was a good
husband, but was a li le overprotec ve of his only child.
Emma hoped that bringing Harry downstairs would not lead
to disaster.
Hermione entered her bedroom, and found her closest friend
s ll sleeping. For a moment she thought of taking another
peek at him, but her mother had made it clear that that was a
viola on of his privacy, and how would she like it if he did that
to her? That brought up the memory of being violated by a
certain dead boy walking in the Hospital wing last year, and
stopped her in her tracks. Her mother was right, she was no
be er than Weasley if she did that.
She gently nudged Harry’s shoulder, “Harry? Are you awake?
Harry?” Hermione bent down, bringing their faces close
together. Harry’s eyes opened, and before Hermione realised
what he was doing, had li ed his hand up behind her head,
and used it to pull her in for a kiss.
The teens snogged deeply, and Hermione let herself be pulled
up on the bed with him. In her stomach bu erflies were
performing an aerial ballet, as she moulded her body onto his.
“Hermione, everything all right dear?” called her mother’s
voice from downstairs a few minutes later, and the brune e
witch shot her head up with a shock.
“Harry, my dad is here,” she hissed at her friend, carefully
extrac ng herself from him. The blanket has uncovered his
chest, but nothing too untoward had happened.
“Oh Merlin, Hermione I’m sorry, I –” Harry stammered, he had
been ac ng on ins nct on waking up.
“No harm done Harry,” Hermione said, blushing. “Can you…
erm… can you maybe change yourself into a girl again? Daddy
wouldn’t like it if I had a boy over you see.”
“I can try,” Harry said. He focused hard, and once again he
changed form into a female version of himself. Hermione was
looking on transfixed, this was not something you saw every
day, even in a magical school like Hogwarts.
“Wow,” Harry sighed with a feminine voice, “this is ge ng
easier. Last me it took a lot more out of me. Erm, Hermione,
you’re staring.”
Hermione looked up from Harry’s chest, where had grown
two modest sized bumps in the morph. “Just… just comparing
Harry. I think you’re about my size.”
She stood up, trying to force her blush down, and rummaged
through her wardrobe un l she found a spare bra, underwear,
and a skirt and shirt.
“Put these on Harry, then meet us downstairs. We need to
have a talk, first with mum and dad, and then you and I. I s ll
need to know what’s going on.”
She made to get out of the room, but Harry called her back.
“Hermione? Sorry… I need some help with this.”
“Honestly Harry, it’s not that hard,” Hermione grumbled, but
helped him put on the bra correctly. “I trust pu ng on
knickers is not that different from what you’re used to?” she
couldn’t help but tease him, he looked adorable as a girl.
Harry blushed, then shooed her off.
“Oh Hermione dear, I was wondering what was keeping you,”
Emma greeted her daughter with false cheer. Inwardly she
was worrying, she had realised too late that they had no boy
clothes. And Dan would definitely not take seeing a naked boy
in his daughter’s bedroom well.
“Pumpkin, what is going on here?” Dan had a cup of tea in
front of him, but looked anything but relaxed. “Not that it is
not nice to see you, but I thought you were at that school of
yours learning how to pull a rabbit out of a hat and whatnot.
It would have been nice if you could have told us you were
coming. Hang on, who’s that upstairs?”
“Daddy? This is my friend, err… Jamie,” Hermione said just as
Harry stepped into the living room and greeted them with an
“Erm, hi.”
Emma sighed inwardly with relief, “hello dear. Have you
recovered fully?”
Harry sat down, doing his best not to crease the skirt as he did
so. Pants were a lot easier, he thought to himself.
“Yes’m, thanks. I was exhausted, the nap really helped me get
my energy back up.”
Dan stood up, and walked to the couch offering his hand to
the new girl. “Damocles Granger, call me Dan. Nice to meet
you Jamie, you’re the first friend my daughter ever took
“You’ve never men oned her in your le ers Pumpkin,” Dan
added to his daughter, si ng back down. “Did you only
become friends this year? Oh dear – you are going to the
same school, aren’t you?”
“Yes daddy,” Hermione answered. “Now Jamie, I think we
should tell mum and dad why we are here, don’t you?” She
sat down next to her friend, and ins nc vely straightened the
skirt a bit.
“Err… yes.” Harry stalled, “well you see Dan, Emma,
something happened at school.”
“I got that much yes. What exactly?” Dan threw in a er the
wait turned too long.
“Right, right. Damn. No be er way to say this then…” Harry
looked to his friend for support, then went on. “We can’t trust
Dumbledore. He’s been oblivia ng us, and has some plans in
mind which do not take our well-being into account.”
Dan’s ire began to rise. “This is the Albus Dumbledore that is
your headmaster?” Hermione nodded. “Right. Hermione,
you’re out of that school. It’s not too late to get you into
Cheltenham, I am sure we can ask the Head to let you roll in
“Daddy, no! You can’t!” Hermione protested.
“Young lady, I am your father, I can and will,” Dan stood up,
and went to get the phone book.
“Mr Granger, please, listen,” Harry called out. “I am sorry sir,
but you can’t. Once you allowed Hermione to begin her
magical educa on, she is legally bound to complete it at least
to OWL level. Only if she is expelled, her magic bound and her
and your memories wiped, can this be changed.”
“Please daddy, don’t let them do that to me. I can’t live
without magic… it is a part of me,” Hermione pleaded.
Dan stopped, took a deep breath, then turned back to the
three. “Is that the truth? You’re not just saying it to get me to
change my mind?”
“It is sir/ yes daddy,” the two girls on the couch answered.
Dan hid a curse under his breath which earned him a
disapproving look from Emma, then sat back down. “Well
then. If you can’t stop your educa on, but this Dumbledore
fellow cannot be trusted, what do you propose we do?”
“I have an idea sir,” Harry fingered the collar of the shirt. “But
first, we should make sure our possessions are here. Will you
promise not to freak out, please?”
“Promised,” Dan answered, wondering what the next surprise
would be.
The red-haired girl suddenly called out, “Dobby!”
With a pop, the House Elf appeared in the Granger living
room. “You is calling Dobby? Who is you? Oh! You is –!”
Harry had rushed towards the Elf, and clamped his hand over
the mouth.
“Hi friend Dobby. Remember me, I’m Jamie?”
Dobby looked at the witch, then felt her with his magical
senses, and was confused. The magic that called him had
come from The Great Harry Po er Sir, but The Great Harry
Po er Sir was a boy. And yet this girl’s magic felt just like The
Great Harry Po er Sir. Dobby thought on it, then smiled. The
Great Harry Po er Sir was so Great he could take other forms!
Dobby happily nodded, and Harry released his hand.
“Dobby is remembering everything. Why is The Great Sir
callings Dobby?”
Harry couldn’t help but grin, something about Dobby’s
devo on to him was just amusing. “Dobby, Hermione and I
had to quickly leave Hogwarts, and we le our trunks, clothes,
books, oh and our familiars behind. Can you get our
possessions and bring them here? Oh, and can you make sure
there are no tracking charms on them?”
Dobby nodded, “Dobby can do. Is The Great Sir wan ngs to
have Dobby go now?”
“Yes please Dobby,” Harry said, and Dobby popped out.
“What. The. Fu –” Dan started, and Emma shot him another
look, “– the fun was that?”
“A House Elf, daddy,” Hermione answered. “They’re a magical
servant race, working for some wizarding families. Dobby is a
free Elf, but he likes Har – Jamie here.”
Before Dan could ask something else, Dobby appeared back in
the Granger’s room, and snapped his fingers. Two trunks,
assorted loose books and clothing, and a very disgruntled owl
and cat appeared in the living room.
“Dobby is removing many tracking charms,” the Elf proudly
“Thank you Dobby,” Harry smiled. “Where were they placed?”
“All The Great Sir’s books and pants, and the owlsies cage.
They is done by Headmaster Whiskers. And The Great Sir’s
Hermie’s bras and knickers is having hads charms by Professor
“Professor Greasy is doing this to all girls thingsies. He is
having giving orders to cleaning Elfs that girls thingsies is to go
to him before they is washed. He is liking to touch and sniff
them, they says to Dobby, then he puts charms on them.”
Hermione turned green, and dropped the pair of knickers she
had been folding to put back in her trunks. “I am going to
burn them all,” she said with distaste.
“Snape? Eew,” Harry looked like he could throw up as well.
“Is Dobby doing things wrong? Dobby punishes himself,” the
House Elf grabbed his ears.
“No Dobby, you did well,” Harry smiled at him. “We’re angry
with Dumbledore and Snape, not you.” He hugged Dobby
against him. The House Elf s ffened momentarily, then
“Dobby is likings The Great Sir’s so shape, but hopes The
Great Sir is returnings to normal soon,” Dobby said once Harry
released him. “Is Dobby be allowed going now?”
“Yes Dobby, and thanks,” Harry answered. Dobby popped out.
Dan had been considering the hyperac ve Elf’s words and was
about to confront “Jamie” with the inconsistencies, when the
bombshell about the girl’s underwear was dropped. He was
jus fiably enraged by the thought of a teacher doing
unthinkable things to his student’s unmen onables.
“Pumpkin, this “Professor Greasy”, would he be the Po ons
teacher you wrote about?” he asked in a forced calm voice.
Hermione looked like she wanted to throw up s ll, and
meekly nodded.
“Right. Thanks dear. Honey, I’ll be back tomorrow.” Dan stood
up, and walked to the closet. Just as he took out his shotgun
case, Emma rushed up behind him.
“Dear, I know you want to kill him… so do I. But remember…
magic.” Dan deflated, and let Emma take the shotgun case
“I wish you’d never gone there Pumpkin,” he said as he
slumped back down in his seat.
“So do I daddy, so do I,” Hermione sniffed as she leant against
the other girl’s shoulder for support.
Moody and Dumbledore were in the Headmaster’s office.
Moody was si ng in one of the chairs, being bored, while
Dumbledore fran cally messed with the silver instruments on
his desk.
“Albus, enough me being wasted. Do you have them or
not?” Moody grumbled at the Headmaster, having felt
enough me had been wasted by now.
“Alastor my friend… I am afraid not. For some reason all my
tracking devices on Harry have stopped working, except for
the blood based ones. And those only track the state of the
wards at his home,” Dumbledore looked worried.
“And ye couldn’t have told me this an hour ago?” Moody was
annoyed. “Right. I’ll just be off to the DMLE to file a missing
person report then shall I? While you do whatever it is you
like with those toys.”
Moody got up to leave.
“Alastor, wait please.” Dumbledore stopped messing with the
devices. “You know the Ministry cannot be trusted, Minister
Fudge will immediately go to Malfoy if he hears Harry is lost.
We cannot risk the Enemy ge ng his hands on young Harry.”
“Well what then do you propose? Dammit Albus, he could be
in Black’s hands by now for all we care!”
Dumbledore hid a smile. Yes, he could very well blame Black…
the man’s escape from Azkaban had certainly ruined his plans.
“I fear you may be right Alastor. Why don’t you go to Madam
Bones of the DMLE and try to convince her to step up the
man hunt for Black? That will be our best bet to find Harry.
Meanwhile I will send Severus to search for the girl.”
“If yer sure, Albus?” Dumbledore nodded, and Moody flood
to the Ministry.
Once he was gone, Dumbledore thought of the next step. “I
cannot find Harry by tracking his curse scar at the moment,
and that blasted Poppy removed his clothes when she put him
to bed so my trackers for those won’t work either. Hang on,
didn’t Moody say his pet mudblood was with him when they
escaped? That gives us an opportunity.”
He called Snape to his office. It being a Saturday there were
no classes, so his spy quickly appeared.
“Severus my boy, I’m happy you came so quickly.”
“Is it about the Po er brat Headmaster? Has the li le spoilt
prince been found yet?” Snape nearly spit out the name
Po er, as if it was a foul word.
“Not yet my boy. But we do now have confirma on he is with
his Muggleborn friend.”
“Blasted Granger girl, thinks she is the brightest witch of her
age… stuck up mudblood,” Snape mu ered angrily.
“Now now Severus, mind your words,” Dumbledore
hypocri cally chided him. “I have a favour to ask of you. I
know you like to… keep track of the female students, can you
use that to find where Ms Granger is at the moment? Where
she will be, we will likely find Harry.”
Oh yes he knew exactly why Snape liked to “keep track’.
Fondling their underwear and keeping it with him at night was
fine with Dumbledore, as long as Snape didn’t take it further
in school. That the occasional poor Half-blood or mudblood
student “disappeared” during the holidays was a small price
to pay to keep his spy both happy, and in good trust with the
crowd of Death Eaters who could always use “entertainment’.
The Perks bint was the last girl to “disappear” like this just
before the school year started, he knew Snape had picked her
up from her home early in August. Ah well nobody would miss
a mudblood Hufflepuff, not even her own mother a er a
handy Confundus. Severus was such a good man, always
cleaning up a er himself, Dumbledore thought.
Snape got a perverted grin on his face. “I think I know of a
way, Headmaster. Tell me, what will happen to the two
“Deten ons, of course. I believe young Harry needs a good
lesson on what behaviour is appropriate and not, some
compulsion charms should help. As for Ms Granger, perhaps it
is me I hand her over to the Weasley boy as reward for his
service, as he requested.”
Snape grinned with pleasure at the thought of Harry being
made even dumber, and with the Granger chit going under
love po ons her annoying know-it-all behaviour would stop.
“I’ll have them back here before you know it,” the sallow-
skinned “redeemed” Death Eater answered one of his
masters, and le for his private chambers to track down
Hogwarts’ resident Po ons “teacher” headed down to his
chambers and opened the cabinet he kept his… collec on.
Thousands of knickers and bras greeted him, and he had to
stop himself from running his hands over them. Time for that
would come later. Now he had to find the right one. Of all the
girls he collected, he kept at least one item. Then once the
charm had been applied to both it and other items, he could
get the appara on loca on for the other pair by holding his
“home copy’. He sought out the Gryffindor sec on, then the
current third year’s – a quick glance over at the Ravenclaw
sec on reminded him that he had to complete his collec on,
for some reason the Lovegood bint didn’t appear to put her
unmen onables in the wash – and picked out Granger’s bra
he had pocketed earlier that year. He ran his fingers lovingly
over the so texture, then held it up to his nose and took a
deep sniff. The faint scent of sweat was s ll present, and his
bed looked so invi ng… but he steeled himself. Time for that
would come later. Perhaps he could convince Dumbledore not
to hand Granger over to Weasley, the girl was annoying but
with her tongue removed and a nice bout of training she
could learn her place, he thought. And once he red of her he
could always hand her over to one of his friends. Didn’t the
Carrow siblings ask him recently if the next mudblood pet
could be delivered to them? They were rather jealous once
they learned Gibbon had been given the Perks girl, and had
had fun with her for three days before the mudblood expired.
Time to get to work, Snape thought. He focused on the
loca ons given to him by the bespelled bra, and dismissed the
various Hogwarts loca on. There, that one looked promising…
somewhere in the south-western part of England, or
Cornwall. Snape placed the bra back on its posi on, and
apparated out.
Appari on was a rela vely save way to travel. If one was
focused enough not to splinch, all one needed to have in mind
was a des na on: appari on would never send one into solid
objects, and never more than half a metre above level, either
ground or a fixed object. Thus there was never a risk of
plumme ng to one’s death, the worst that could happen was
appara ng over water, or in the path of a moving object like a
Muggle car or train. And even in those cases usually a wizard’s
natural reflexes would protect them.
Snape was quick to find out that appara ng on top of an
unstable garbage heap was another worst case scenario. The
moment he touched down, he was engulfed by the collapsing
garbage, and buried by it. To add insult to injury, he lost grip
of his wand, and had to claw his way back up to get his breath
back. As he looked around he saw he was in the middle of a
garbage dump, and his dark robes were covered by disgus ng
A loud “Po er!” disturbed the meal of sea gulls, as an enraged
Death Eater began digging for his wand.
A/N: Snape is not a good person, and neither is Dumbles (at
least in this story). But this is about as bad as they will get. I
wanted to show that Snape is indeed despicable, that done
there should be no need to further highlight it.
I’m having fun with this story so far, cliché ridden as it is.
You’re ge ng it unbeta’d pre y much at the same speed I
write it, hopefully it will help clear the writer’s block that’s
preven ng me from working on other stuff!
5. Return to Diagon Alley
Chapter Five
Return to Diagon Alley
If Severus Snape thought he was having day, what followed
would make him sure he was having the worst day of his life,
even worse than when he had let his true opinion of
Muggleborns know to Lily Evans, the witch he had been
a emp ng to court back in his Hogwarts days.
You see, with his wand lost amidst the garbage, he could no
longer apparate out, as most wizards required their magical
focus to do so. So it le him li le recourse but to try to dig
through the garbage pile to find his lost most prized
A garbage truck driver delivering more trash spo ed him from
a few metres away, and reported him on the radio. A li le
later two garbage men walked up to the smelly, strange
looking man.
“Oi mate, you lost or somewhat?” asked one of them of the
smelly man.
“Get away you stupid Muggle, I need to find my wand,” Snape
bit off as a reply, con nuing digging through the trash.
“Muggle?” thought the garbage men, then shared a glance
with his colleague. Great, another loon. For some reason the
crazies loved to visit the garbage dump.
“Eh mate, why don’t you come with us? We’ll get ye sorted,”
the garbage man tried. Usually a li le friendlyness was all
these nu ers needed. He reached out to touch the strange
man by the shoulder.
Snape felt the Muggle touch him, and rage filled his brain. “I’ll
kill you, you damn Muggle! You and all the worthless filth!” he
raged at the man, trying to strike at the man’s throat. A single
blow to the head by the garbage man’s colleague stopped
Snape’s a ack though.
“Damn, what a nu er,” he commented to his slightly shaken
co-worker. “Best we call the coppers, right?”
“Aye mate, and I need a drink,” his colleague replied. They
picked up Snape between them, and dragged him off to the
office area where they’d wait for the police.
In the Granger household, Emma had finished dinner, and the
three Grangers plus their guest were ea ng it. As usual for the
family, they stayed away from serious topics, which in this
case was the obvious elephant in the room, Hogwarts.
A er dinner was complete Dan rose to do clear up and do the
dishes, and Emma was joined by Hermione and the s ll
morphed Harry in the ny living room.
“Harr – Jamie, Hermione, do you have a plan?” Emma was
worried. The previous year Hermione’s le ers had suddenly
stopped, only to resume at the end of the year. She had
go en no reply from any magicals she managed to contact,
and it was not un l Hermione had returned home that she
had learned that Hermione had fallen seriously ill while at
school and could not reply to the le ers. This did not make
her trust the magical world much… especially not with the
day’s revela ons that Hermione’s underwear had been
bugged by one of her teachers.
Hermione looked at her closest friend, and Harry took a deep
“Mrs Granger, no real plan as such. I think I should visit
Diagon Alley, get some money from Gringro s, and then see
about contac ng some of my parent’s friends. I remember
some of their names.”
Emma frowned a bit. “Ha– Jamie, please be honest. What
would have happened to Hermione if you had not involved
Harry took Hermione’s hand for support, and thought for a
moment. “I… I think at first, she’d have been be er off, but in
the long term she might have been In trouble. Someone I…
we… considered a friend has been… taking liber es, and it
was at the least condoned by Dumbledore.”
Hermione paled, she had not planned on revealing that to her
parents yet.
“Hermione Jane, care to clarify?” Emma was ge ng angry
“Yes honey badger, I would be quite interested to know
myself,” Dan’s voice sounded. He had walked into the living
room just shortly before.
Hermione shot Harry a glare promising retribu on, then she,
with a li le help from Jamie, began telling about the previous
year when she had been petrified, and how Harry had caught
Ron just in me.
Damocles Granger was hi ng the liquor in an effort to stay
calm. A large part of him wanted to take the shotgun and
storm the gates of Hogwarts, un l he had both Dumbledore
and this Snape fellow lined up. A bigger part though realised
that he stood no chance against a magic that could destroy
memories, confuse someone un l they did not even know
their own name, or even kill on sight.
He slammed down his drink, ge ng a concerned look from
Emma, then gave her a small smile to show he was not going
to rush off straight away.
“Hermione?” he called the a en on of his daughter, who was
si ng on the sofa hugging her friend, both watching TV as a
way to relax.
“We’re going to Diagon Alley tomorrow, all of us. Your mother
and I will be looking into finding a magical barrister or
equivalent, while you and Jamie over there will be scouring
that book store for ways to get out of Hogwarts. Do we have a
“Yes daddy,” “Yes sir’, were the girls’ replies. Emma smiled,
that was the Dan she was used to, prac cal solu ons.
“For now, the two of you had best gone to bed. Jamie, I’m
afraid we don’t have a guest bedroom. Would you mind
sharing with my daughter for one night?”
Jamie shared a panicked look with Hermione, and Emma also
s ffened. But surely one night would be all right?
“Yes swee e, why don’t you and Jamie go up. It’s been a
busty day for the two of you. Your father and I will have a li le
chat and then tomorrow morning we’ll head off to your
magical world.”
“Yes mummy,” Hermione mumbled, and took her friend’s
hand. The two adult Grangers watched them head upstairs.
“Hermione? I can sleep on the floor, I won’t mind,” Harry
offered, once they were in Hermione’s bedroom.
“Don’t be silly Harry, it’s just sleep. Besides, as two girls, it
should be okay,” Hermione countered. Her bravado trying to
mask her insecurity.
“If you’re sure,” Harry hesitated.
“Honestly Harry, you’re ac ng as if it is your first sleepover. So
we’re going to share a bed for one night, it’s not as if we’re…
erm…” Hermione trailed off. “Head into the bathroom Harry.
I’ll lay out one of my gowns for you, and you can get dressed
once I’m in there.”
Hermione waited un l Harry… Jamie… Harry disappeared into
the bathroom, then took out one of her sleeping gowns from
her school trunk, which Dobby had helpfully brought upstairs.
During the year she took most of her clothes with her to
Hogwarts, except for a few summer dresses, but she had
mul ple night gowns. With a look of distaste she glared at her
underclothes, reaffirming the vow to destroy them,
Harry stepped out of the bathroom a li le later, and
Hermione wordlessly handed him what Harry considered to
be a flimsy dress like the one she was wearing, then rushed
through the door before he could ask anything, or take a
closer look.
A bit later a red-faced Hermione came out, and lay down on
her bed. Harry found a place behind her, and by the me
Emma came up to check, two girls were asleep.
Severus Snape’s day had been ge ng even worse. A er being
knocked out by a Muggle garbage man, he woke up to find
himself handcuffed and in the back of a police vehicle, with of
a pair of police officers in the front seats.
“He’s coming “round Jeff,” the driver said to his colleague.
“Right mate, you feeling okay then?” the other asked, turning
in his seat to face Snape.
“You’re making a huge mistake Muggle,” Snape fumed.
“Return me to where I was right now, I am on a mission.”
“You hear that Bill? Our guest is on a mission,” “Jeff” said with
a laugh. “All right mate, and what mission is this?”
Snape fingered for his wand, then realised he had lost his. He
tried another tac c. “I apologise. I am a… erm tourist, and I
lost my way. If you can get me to Charing Cross Road, I will be
able to contact my tour guide.”
Snape smirked, once he was near Charing Cross he could slip
into the Leaky Cauldron, and sick the obliviators on these
blasted Muggles.
“Oh sure, we’ll drop you off in London then eh?” “Jeff”
laughed, “why don’t you give us your name, and na onality
“Severus Tobias Snape, and I’m from, erm, Canada.” Snape
started to get angry again, this was not how today was
supposed to go! It was supposed to be a simple grab of the
Mudblood and the Po er brat, then back to Hogwarts so they
could be punished.
“We’ll be checking that at the sta on Mr Snape. Hang ght,
we’re almost there.”
Snape cursed loudly, but insul ng the officers didn’t help a
In Hogwarts, Dumbledore was ge ng a bit worried, his
trusted Po ons Master/Spy had been gone a long me now.
Could there be a problem? With a shrug he dismissed that,
Severus always contacted him through a Patronus message
when something came up. It was more likely that he was
having his fun with the mudblood or her parents right now,
a er all as long as she was returned to Hogwarts in one piece,
oblivia on could take care of the rest.
Hermione woke up early that morning and felt the presence
of someone behind her. With a sudden shock she realised she
was in a bed with her best friend… and Harry had changed
back to his male form.
Gently she turned, and li ed up the cover. There was Harry,
soundly asleep, and revealed to her in all his glory…
hesita ngly she reached out towards him… and felt a large
hand on her shoukder.
“Hermione Jane, I believed we had talked about this,” the
disapproving voice of her mother sounded.
“Mum I…” Hermione blushed all over, as she dropped the
“You are going to take a nice cold shower, then wake your
friend. Ask him if, erm, Jamie can join us. And then you and I
will have another chat about what is proper,” Emma said in a
stern tone.
Hermione paled, and le the bed, “I’m sorry mummy!”
“I’m not the one you should be apologising to young lady,”
Emma replied. Part of her was disappointed in her daughter,
the other part remembered what it was like to be a girl in her
teenage years.
“Harry? Wake up please,” she gently touched Harry’s
shoulder. The young man s ffened, and curled up in himself.
“I’m sorry aunt Petunia, I’ll have breakfast ready soon… please
don’t hurt me!” Harry shouted, his eyes shoo ng open before
he focused on Emma.
“Mrs Granger? Oh… I’m sorry,” he began to apologise.
Emma Granger was trained into recognising signs of child
abuse like all health professionals in the United Kingdom, and
this simple awakening threw up mul ple alarms in her mind.
“Harry? Do you remember where you are?” she gently said.
“Oh… erm yes,” Harry said. “Where’s Hermione?”
“My daughter is taking a shower. Harry… can you change back
into Jamie maybe? I’m afraid my husband may not take it too
well should he learn…”
Emma’s voice tapered off as she saw Harry once again change
“Well… yes that will do. Hermione will help you get some
clothes, why don’t you join us for breakfast a er?”
Harry nodded, and Emma le . Hopefully they could find some
way to get Hermione and Harry into safety today, otherwise
she would need to find other sleeping arrangements. Harry
may not be ready yet, but her daughter’s hormones were
definitely running the show.
Dumbledore was ge ng worried, Severus had s ll not shown
up. He used a loca on charm to find his spy, and found him in
a Muggle area.
Quickly informing his second Minerva McGonagall an
emergency had come up, he apparated out.
The officer on duty raised an eyebrow as an eccentrically
dressed old man walked up the counter of the police sta on
in Exeter, who was asking if his friend Severus Snape had been
brought in.
“Right, we have a Snape in the cell blocks, he was brought in
for assault of a public worker and being unable to iden fy
himself. What is your rela on to him if I may ask?”
“One moment please,” Dumbledore answered, and the officer
watched the old man pull out a s ck from his sleeve. A
moment later he knew nothing.
Dumbledore did the same to some other officers, un l he
found the cell his trusted advisor was in. Wrinkling his nose
with distaste he offered Snape his arm, and together they
apparated out of the police sta on, leaving obliviated
Muggles behind.
A er a slightly tense breakfast the Grangers were preparing to
go to London. Hermione and Jamie went back up stairs to get
their wands and other items they thought they’d need from
their school trunks.
“Something’s up with Hermione this morning,” Dan remarked
to his wife. “And I’m pre y sure she never wrote about a
friend named Jamie before. Is there anything I should know
“It’s something best dealt with between a mother and her
daughter dear,” Emma answered. “I promise I’ll tell you
everything once the kids are safe.”
Dan seemed sa sfied with that, for now, and a while later the
Grangers plus one headed for London, Charing Cross Road.
A group of Muggles entering the bar drew some looks from
Tom and his patrons, but Harry (in girl form) preceded them
and with a quick wave to Tom went out the back door to the
alley, so they thought no more of it. It was a li le uncommon
to see a Half-blood family, as Tom thought they were now,
pass through a er school had begun, but not totally out of
the ques on. A er all not everyone went to Hogwarts. And he
didn’t recognise any of them, sure the brown-haired family
might have been through before, but so many people passed
by the Leaky Cauldron in a year he only really kept track of the
regulars, and the celebri es like Gwenog Jones, Harry Po er,
and Gilderoy Lockhart.
Harry tapped the bricks, and he and the Grangers entered
Diagon Alley. He lead them over to Gringo s first, but
hesitated outside.
“Dan, Emma?” The Grangers had insisted he call them such
during the car ride, “the Goblins are, well, not that friendly to
Muggles. Would you mind terribly if I go in alone?” Hermione
punched him none too gently on the shoulder, “erm I mean if
Hermione and I went in alone? We can meet up again in front
of the book store.”
“Well if you’re sure dears,” Emma found confirma on, and
she and Dan le the two to enter the bank alone. Harry took
Hermione by the hand, and they entered into an alley near
Gringo s when nobody seemed to be watching them.
“Is anybody watching us right now?” Harry asked. Hermione
looked around, and shook her head no.
“Good,” Harry scrounged up his face, and his features
morphed to the Harry Po er the Wizarding World was
familiar with, including scar. He waved his wand over his
clothes, and the girl’s ou it changed into a neutral pants and
“Harry! You’ll get expelled for using under-age magic,”
Hermione nagged immediately.
“Mione, we’re in a magical area. Don’t you know how the
Trace works?”
Hermione looked insulted, so Harry quickly added, “they can
only trace loca ons. So if a Muggleborn uses magic in their
home, they know the only wizard around is that student, and
they send out a warning or worse. That’s how Dobby got me
in trouble before second year. And yes,” he added with a smile
as he saw Hermione get upset, “that does mean that Half-
blood and Pureblood students can use magic in the summer if
their parents allow it, and no, it’s not fair. But it also means
that in a magical or par ally magical area like Diagon Alley, or
Godric’s Hollow, we can both use spells without problems.”
Hermione was lost for words, so Harry just took her by the
hand and prepared to step out of the alley again.
“Got you both,” a voice suddenly sounded behind them, and
Harry was felled by a red stunner. Hermione pawed for her
wand but with a shock realised her a acker held hers, and
before she could do as much as scream she too was downed
by a stunner from her own wand, and their a acker dragged
them further into the alley.

A/N: for the Snape haters, no he won’t be ge ng off this

easily. This is just the buildup.
For the Snape lovers… erm maybe go read another story.
For those interested in details, this story begins in their third
year some me before the first Hogsmeade visit, and Sirius’
“a ack” on the Fat Lady. That means Hermione is 14 and
Harry is 13. Girls do go through puberty on average before
boys do, and as such the interest is there. No Hermione does
not want to “shag” Harry yet, but faced with the tempta on
to see a boy around her age naked, she does act on it. Her
mother is not worried about them going too far but is worried
Hermione might do something she will regret, as Harry may
not respond as she hoped.
And if you’re wondering where Professor Lupin and others
are, please be pa ent. I’ve worked out the plot for this story
this week and it should all come in. As always thanks for
reading and reviewing :)
6. Trouble With the Law
Chapter Six
Trouble With the Law
Hermione woke up to find herself lying on a sofa somewhere,
with Harry next to her. She looked around and didn’t
recognise the room at all. Slowly she got up, careful not to
wake her… boyfriend – the idea brought a smile to her face –
and tried to remember where they could be. The last thing
she could recall was Harry changing shape in the li le alley
close by Gringo s, then they were both stunned.
Harry had changed shape to his presumably normal form
again, she no ced. It was s ll odd to see him with red hair
and a slightly different face, but he was definitely good
looking. Deciding for herself they stood a be er chance to
escape wherever they were if he was awake, she decided to
wake him up in a pleasant manner, and leant over him to give
him a kiss. Hey if it worked in fairy tales, it could in real life…
“Hermione Jane Granger, we are having another talk as soon
as possible,” sounded behind her just as her lips met Harry’s.
Harry’s eyes shot open, and Hermione scrambled away,
looking back to see her mother glare at her.
“Mummy? How – what – where?”
“You know exactly what I mean young lady,” Emma Granger
replied. “Oh hello Harry,” she switched to the teenage boy.
“Are you feeling all right dear? You looked like you needed a
rest, so we let you sleep.”
Harry was confused and slightly flustered, the kiss had been a
nice way to wake up but he had no idea where they were.
“Err… yes ma’am,” he stammered. “Where are we? Do you
have my wand?”
“We’re in… actually I have no idea,” Emma admi ed. “We’re
safe though. Your wands are downstairs. You two freshen up
and meet us in the living room, and no hanky-panky young
Hermione’s blush was reaching from her ears to her bosom,
as she mumbled an affirma ve.
Taking a li le me to straighten their clothes, the duo got up
and le the room.
They were in an old run-down building, with yellowed
wallpaper par ally coming off the walls, and a weird smell
“Harry, I don’t like it here,” Hermione admi ed. “How did we
get here?”
“I’ve no idea “Mione, the last thing I remember was changing
in the alley, and then waking up with you kissing me.” He
looked away at that, but Hermione saw a smile on his face.
The duo went down the stairs, which lead to a small hallway.
Straight ahead was what was obviously the front door, and
the hallway con nued with a series of doors. There were no
electrical lights but instead old-style sconces on the wall, and
the wall that hid the stairs they had just descended from view
held a set of curtains. Behind one of them was light and they
could hear faint voices.
“Guess this is it?” Hermione was answered by a shrug… then
Harry tripped over an umbrella stand that looked like it was
made out of a troll’s leg.
With a rustling sound, the curtains on the wall next to
Hermione slid open revealing not a window but a portrait of a
nasty looking woman, who took one look at the two before
she started screaming.
“Thieves! Interlopers! Kreacher! Remove this scum from my
The door at the far end of the hall blew open, as a ragged-
looking man ran out. “Oh shut your trap you withered old
“Traitor! Good-for-nothing worthless coward!” the portrait
screamed back.
“Hermione, Harry, quick!” Emma Granger stepped into the
hall, beckoning them over. The teens ran towards her, happy
to have an escape from the screaming banshee… Harry
thought she was even louder than Molly Weasley at her
worst. They ran through the door into a kitchen that looked as
old and dirty as the rest of the house, then Hermione stopped
dead in her tracks. Harry could not slow down in me, and
crashed into her, bowling the two over.
“There’s to be no running in the hallways,” dead-panned their
teacher, Professor Lupin, who was si ng at the table drinking
tea together with Damocles Granger.
Severus Snape was raging angrily in Dumbledore’s office
about the mistreatment.
“POTTER! When I get my hands on him I’ll rend him for
po ons ingredients!”
“Now now my boy, I’m sure it was all an accident,”
Dumbledore soothed him. “You know we need him for the
“I want him for a month’s worth of deten ons,” Snape glared.
“And that mudblood of his will pay.”
“That we can do,” Dumbledore nodded. “Severus my boy, I
hate to ask this of you so soon, but I believe our wayward
students may be hiding with the mudblood’s parents. Could I
ask you to head over there and convince them to return?”
Snape was fuming, but at the thought of grabbing Po er and
his pet, his eyes lit up in malice. “Can I punish them first?”
“Nothing permanent my boy,” Dumbledore reached in a
drawer below his desk, and pulled out a wand. “We’ll try to
find your wand later, for now you can use this one.”
Snape took the wand, and gave it a prac ce wave. “This one
will do. Whose was it?”
“One of the Prewe twins’, I think Fabian,” Dumbledore
shrugged. “It’s such a shame they became a nuisance in the
later days of the war, can you believe they actually wished to
permanently harm Tom’s followers? That’s why I had you give
up their loca on to Tom, who knows what would have
happened if they had been allowed to kill poor misguided
pureblood ci zens.”
“I remember now, that was very amusing,” Snape grinned
evilly. “The Dark Lord took his me taking care of them, they
definitely weren’t iden cal by the me they expired.”
“Unpleasant mes,” Dumbledore waved it off. “Now off you
go to the Granger’s home. It’s in Crawley, Sussex.” He handed
over the exact address, and Snape stepped out of the
Headmaster’s office to walk to the Hogwarts gates, from
where he could apparate.
Minerva McGonagall waited un l she saw her colleague leave,
then knocked on Dumbledore’s door.
“Ah Minerva, what can I do for you?”
“Albus, have you been able to find Po er and Granger?”
Minerva was worried about her lions. First Harry had
collapsed, then they had both disappeared from the hospital
wing even though everyone knew you could not apparate in
“Alas, not yet,” Dumbledore sighed theatrically. “Have you
spoken with Ron Weasley and their other friends? Maybe
they have some insight on where the two may have gone.”
Other friends? Minerva didn’t think the two socialised with
anyone else outside of classes, except for the bare minimum.
They both seemed to be rather reserved, and others tended
to be scared away by Ron’s caus c personality.
“I’m afraid young Weasley had nothing to offer except
grumbling that “Po er” had gone off with “his girl”,” Minerva
answered. “I asked my other lions as well, but nobody had
any idea.”
Well that wasn’t quite true, but she doubted that Lavender
Brown’s theory that the two had go en “magically bonded”
and had gone off on a magical honeymoon to Fiji held any
“Fret not, they will be found,” Dumbledore folded his hands.
“Was there anything else?”
“Yes, Professor Lupin has le the castle,” Minerva added. “He
said he would be back a er the weekend.”
“Did he men on why?” Dumbledore’s mind was working
over me, he had called in one of the many favours Lupin
owed him to teach this year, and gradually let Harry learn a
li le about his parents. With some luck Lupin could also be
tricked to capture and kill Sirius Black, before that annoying
man could get into contact with Harry – it would not do for
his pawn to get a new home with his godfather and legal
guardian. Why couldn’t Black simply stay in Azkaban where he
had put him?
“He just men oned some “family business”. As it’s not a
Hogsmeade weekend and except for the disappearance of
Harry there’s nothing going on, I allowed him to leave.”
“Very well. Please inform me when he returns,” Dumbledore
nodded. His deputy le , and Dumbledore was thinking about
Lupin’s involvement. To the best of his knowledge, Lupin
should have no reason to have any knowledge of Harry’s
whereabouts, let alone the truth behind the Sirius situa on.
S ll, it would have to be kept in mind.
“Madam Bones? We have a situa on,” Cygnus Perwinkle,
head of the Administra ve Registra on Department of the
DMLE addressed his superior. It may have been Saturday
a ernoon, “crime never sleeps”, as Madam Bones was heard
to say.
The witch in ques on sighed. “What is it Perwinkle? Did
Dedalus Diggle get caught using magic on those CCTV thingies
The Muggles had been expanding their camera surveillance
across the United Kingdom over the past few years, and there
was an increasing number of “incidents” where magic was
caught on camera. Fortunately the DMLE had been able to
infiltrate the Muggle police force with a number of squibs,
who managed to erase most of these and inform the Aurors
and Oblivia ors when needed. It had been added to the tasks
of the AdReg. Dept. only a year or two prior. Cygnus was a
half-blood, but had managed to rise to the posi on of
subdepartment head because his father had come from an
old, if impoverished family. This meant Cygnus had at least
some knowledge of the Muggle world, unlike most other
“Well yes, but we dealt with that,” Cygnus momentarily lost
track. “No Ma’am, it’s more serious. A wizard was arrested
earlier today, and booked in a Muggle police sta on.”
“So call in our contacts with the Muggle police force, they’ll
have him out in no me. We can send in an oblivia on squad
to take care of any evidence le behind.” Madam Bones
wondered why Cygnus came to her with this, he usually never
bothered her with she small stuff.
“It’s too late for that ma’am. The wizard in ques on was
“rescued” from the police sta on by an amateur, leaving
records and camera evidence behind. I have my men doing
their best to have the footage “accidentally” lost, but the
paperwork had made its way to those Muggle automated
systems by the me we realised there was a problem.”
Madam Bones blanched. They were not prepared to deal with
an issue of that magnitude. “You’re being very circumspect
Cygnus. Who are these wizards?”
Cygnus looked pained. “The suspect was Severus Snape,
charged with trespassing and assault.”
Madam Bones groaned, “Perfect, a “former” Death Eater and
one of Dumbledore’s protégés. Wait don’t tell me –”
“Yes Ma’am. According to the camera footage, Albus
Dumbledore decided to “rescue” his employee and got us into
this trouble,” Cygnus admi ed.
“The Muggle police is currently looking for Mr Snape, they
have his name and appearance, as well as the “uniden fied
old man” who they believe used some kind of gas to get the
officers to black out.”
“Perfect, just perfect,” Madam Bones got up. “I’ll need to
speak with the Minister, and possibly even the Muggle Prime
Minister to fix this… keep trying to get that footage deleted,
and inform me the moment anything else happens!”
The Granger’s neighbours, Mr and Mrs Wilkins, were enjoying
a quiet Saturday a ernoon. Yesterday they had seen the
Granger’s girl unexpectedly arrive at her parents’ home with a
friend in tow, both dressed in odd gowns, but that was no
cause for alarm. Kids will be kids! The family plus one had le
with their car earlier this morning, everything looking fine.
Mrs Wilkins was baking a cake for when her daughter and
grandchildren would come to visit the next day, while Mr
Wilkins was mowing the back lawn. He shut off the
lawnmower to take a break, then realised he heard glass
break from next door.
“Dear, did the Grangers return while I was busy?” he asked his
wife through the open window.
“No, they are s ll out. Why?”
“Call the police Edna, I think there’s a burglary in progress,”
Mr Wilkins snapped at her. “I’ll go take a look.”
“Be careful Lionel!” his wife called back.
Mr Wilkins took a shovel from his tool shed, then carefully
opened the gate between the two house’s back lawns. He
heard more sounds from inside, so he picked up the flower
pot near the back door where the Grangers kept a spare key,
and opened the kitchen door. The sounds were coming from
Upstairs in the Granger home, Severus Snape kicked the
bedroom door in frustra on. He had apparated into their
living room, then on finding the home empty had gone
upstairs to look for any clues when he suddenly saw someone.
Firing a cu ng curse, the spell had hit a full-length mirror that
sha ered into a million pieces.
“Good for nothing know-it-all mudblood,” he mumbled as he
rummaged through Hermione’s closet. If he could find
something she had recently worn, he might be able to cast a
locator spell and find the bint.
Mr Wilkins paused near the bo om of the stairs, shovel ready
to strike, when the local neighbourhood policeman stepped
through the back door. Mr Wilkins knew him from sight, and
with a finger on his lips indicated the upstairs.
“Thanks Lionel, we’ve got it from here,” the PC whispered to
the older man. “You head on home.”
He indicated his colleague to follow him, and they crept up
the stairs.
Snape had moved to the bathroom, and was rummaging
through the washing hamper. With a cheer of delight, he
raised his prize: a pair of used girl’s underwear. This would
allow him to try to find Granger, and by extension the Po er
The police constables crept into the obviously girl’s bedroom,
finding it searched through, then saw the unmistakable figure
of an adult man in the adjacent bedroom, holding a pair of
dirty girl’s knickers.
“Right mate, step out of there with your hands raised,” one of
them called to the pervert.
Snape turned on a dime, and looked at the two Muggles with
anger. “Useless Muggles, I’ll –”
He a empted to draw his wand, and seeing their suspect pull
what looked to be a weapon, the other PC slammed his hand
hard on Snape’s arm, causing him to drop the wand. Before
Snape could react further, he was wrestled to the ground, and
cuffed behind his back.
“Bloody pervert tried to a ack us with a s ck?” the PC asked
incredulously, as he looked for any further sign of burglars.
Finding none, he and his colleague led the (verbally) cursing
Snape out of the house, taking the “s ck” with them as
evidence, to get him into a cell at the local precinct.
In a certain run-down London home, two teen kids got off
from the floor as a laughing Emma Granger stepped into the
kitchen behind them.
“Professor Lupin? What are you doing here?” Hermione
asked. Her DADA teacher was just about the last person she’d
expect to see here, wherever here was.
“I could ask you the same thing young lady, you gave us quite
a scare when you disappeared from Hogwarts like that,” Lupin
said with a smile. “Hello Harry, I must say I like the new look,”
he added to the other teen.
“Pumpkin? Where did that boy come from?” Dan Granger
slowly rose, but Emma had walked around the table by now
and placed her hand on his shoulder to keep him in place.
“Err… well…” Hermione looked to Harry for support. Harry
shrugged, and focused. His features shi ed, and he once
again took girl form.
“I bloody hate magic,” Dan groaned. “Wait a moment, do you
mean to tell me that you slept with a boy last night?” He tried
to rise again, but Emma stopped him once more.
“Nice li le talent you have there Harry, and I’m glad to see my
godson is such a ladies’ man!” The ragged looking man that
had rushed by them earlier had entered the kitchen, the
screaming from the hall had stopped by now.
Harry stammered nonsense in protest, and Hermione’s face
was blushing a deep red. The situa on was finally defused
when Professor Lupin burst out in laughter, and Emma’s
giggles joined him.
“I don’t think it’s funny,” Dan protested, but made no more
a empt to get up and immediately murder Harry. Harry
shi ed back to his normal form when the laughing started,
and took Hermione’s hand for support.
“Well this isn’t how I thought we’d meet, but welcome none
the same,” the strange man said as he took a seat at the table.
“Welcome to my home Harry, Hermione.”
“Err… thanks,” Harry carefully said. He held out a chair for
Hermione, then sat down himself.
“Why are we here, and where is “your home”?”
“And who are you?” Hermione added.
“You’re here because you were about to walk straight into the
arms of Moody and other members of Albus’ Fried Pidgeon
club, they were wai ng in front of Gringo s. I stopped you
because there was no me to explain, while Moony here
collected your parents.
“As for my home, it’s in London, and untraceable by anyone I
don’t want to,” he concluded with a grin. “Welcome to the
home of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, and I’m
your handsome and charming host, Sirius Black. I’m your
7. Distrust
Chapter Seven
“I’m your handsome and charming host, Sirius Black. I’m your
godfather,” the grinning haggard looking man concluded his
“Sirius Black…” Hermione looked to be in thought, she knew
that name.
Suddenly Harry jumped out of his chair, and placed himself as
good as he could in front of Hermione.
“Mi, back away quickly…”
Hermione paled, and got up. Harry was mirroring her ac ons,
shielding her to the best of his ability.
“Mr and Mrs Granger, we have to get out of here… Sirius Black
is a killer, he is a er me.”
“Harry, Hermione, stop this nonsense,” Remus Lupin said.
“Sirius is no danger to either of you.”
“Oh you would say that, Professor,” Harry sounded sarcas c.
“That makes three for three… first year my DADA teacher is
Quirrelmort, next year it’s the oblivia ng pervert, and now it’s
the henchman of a murderer out to get me.
“Mi, do you see our wands?” the last was added in an aside to
his girlfriend.
yelled out. The two Granger adults had go en up, and Emma
looked annoyed.
Hermione stopped backing away, and looked uncertain at her
mother, and her boyfriend.
“Mr Granger, Mrs Granger… do you know who that man is?”
Harry tried.
“Harry, please,” Sirius looked cres allen at the sight of distrust
in the eyes of his godson. “Please sit down and listen. I am not
out to harm you, either of you. I want to protect you.”
“Swear on it,” Harry demanded.
Sirius took out a wand, and raised it. “I swear on my life and
magic that I have no intent to harm my godson or his
girlfriend.” The wand p briefly flashed, and Sirius looked at
the two teens.
“I hope you’re sa sfied?”
“Harry… at the least we can listen to him,” Hermione
suggested. Her boyfriend nodded, and Hermione slid back
into her chair, followed by Harry.
“Well now that we’re all seated again, let me con nue,” Sirius
said with fake cheer. “As I was saying, I’m your godfather, and
this is my home. Harry you have no idea how good it is to see
you… but why do you look like that?”
Harry shrugged, “this is my natural form. That other shape
was forced on me. Okay Sirius, so if you’re my godfather,
where have you been all my life?”
“And why did both the telly and the Prophet report you were
an escaped murderer?” Hermione added. The two were
huddled close together.
“Hermione Jane, apologize to the man,” Emma chas sed her
“No Emma, it’s okay,” Sirius grinned. “You’ve got to tell me
more about that base form of yours later Harry, but as to your
ques ons… I was the guest of the Ministry for a few years,
un l I checked myself out this summer. The accomoda on
wasn’t much to my liking.”
“Padfoot, be serious,” Remus interrupted him.
“I’m always Sirius Moony,” Sirius said with a laugh. The
corresponding smile took years of his face, and for a moment
he looked to be a care-free man.
“Padfoot? Moony? “Harry looked incredulously at the two.
“I… I remember those names…” He looked away in thought.
The others in the room were gazing at him intently, none
more so than the two men in ques on.
“You’re a dog!” Harry suddenly exclaimed, poin ng at Sirius.
“Harry… you remember us?” Sirius looked amazed. “Yes… I
am a dog animagus. You liked to ride on my back when you
were li le… wow I haven’t thought of that in years…”
Sirius suddenly frowned, and began to look angry. “That
bastard! Moony… I think I’ve been obliviated!”
“Obliviated who by?” Remus looked a bit alarmed.
“Who else? Albus Too-Many-Bloody-Names Dumbledore of
course! Moony, do you know the reversal spell!?” Sirius had
stood up, and looked furious.
“Err… we know something that can help,” Harry tried. He was
s ll distrus ng a bit, but on the other hand he knew the
names Padfoot and Moony from his earliest memories, and
that could not be a coincidence…
“But we’ll need our wands.”
“Harry, you don’t mean? “Hermione asked him, and he
nodded in reply.
“Dan, their wands are in the cabinet to your le ,” Sirius
indicated. Dan got up, and took the two s cks, handing them
to the teens.
“Okay Padfoot, sit back down and brace yourself. You too
Moony, this will probably hurt like hell,” Harry warned them.
“Mi, you ready?” Hermione nodded, and both pointed their
wands at the duo.
“Finite Ul ma.”
Sirius stood in the middle of the wreckage, laughing like a
madman. He had just cornered the traitor Wormtail, only to
get tricked by him… the rat had hit him with a cheering charm
of all things, and then blasted the street, hi ng one of those
Muggle gas lines. The wreckage was enormous, and only the
fact he was a wizard and thus more resilient than baseline
humans had meant he survived. But the rat had escaped.
“Ha ha ha ha, it’s all my fault,” Sirius was laughing and crying
at the same me, “James, Lily, ha ha ha, I killed you both, ha
“Drop the wand, Death Eater!” an Auror yelled, poin ng his
wand at Sirius. Sirius complied, but was unable to stop
laughing. Then he was stunned, and knew no more.
Sirius woke up, and saw the leader of the Order of the Phoenix
in front of him. “Albus! Thank Merlin you’re here, it was
Peter… he betrayed the Po ers, and managed to escape!”
“I know my boy, no need to worry about it,” Albus Dumbledore
said with his eyes twinkling. “Now what to do with you…”
“Albus, you’ve got to get me out of here,” Sirius pleaded.
“There’s no me to waste… Wormtail could be going a er
Harry as we speak! I need to take Harry and get him
somewhere safe while the Aurors hunt the traitor down.”
“I’m afraid I can’t allow that Sirius,” Dumbledore said with a
sigh. “I have things all planned out for young Harry you see,
and you would interfere with that. Best if you were kept out of
the way for a while.”
“Albus… what do you mean?” Sirius looked very confused.
“Obliviate,” was Dumbledore’s answer, and as the beam of
light hit him, Sirius forgot ever seeing his former headmaster
there. The next me he woke up, he was in Azkaban.
The scene shi ed.
Padfoot the dog was barking happily, as Harry was riding on
his back. In his excitement Harry’s haircolour shi ed from its
natural dark auburn to a deep black closely resembling the
Grim’s fur.
“He’s great with children isn’t he?” James asked his wife, as
they were looking on.
“As if he could ever manage to trick a woman to stay with him
for longer than one night,” Lily replied with a laugh.
Padfoot mock-growled at his best friends, but Harry’s
happiness was infec ous and he could not really be angry.
When Dumbledore Obliviated him a good year later, Sirius
fought to keep this memory, but it was locked away with the
In the present, Sirius’s head slammed on the table as he
passed out.
“Moony, I’m sorry, but…” James looked very apologe c as he
prevented his friend from entering the Co age.
“Prongs, you can’t really mean you don’t trust me,” Remus
pleaded. “You know I would never harm a hair on your head,
or Lily’s, or Harry’s.”
“I know that Moony, but Dumbledore insisted. Please, go
away. The Fidelius will be cast tomorrow and you’ll forget
about this place, we’ll contact you once it’s safe again.”
“Dumbledore!” Remus angrily exclaimed, and walked away
from his friends “home without looking back. He apparated to
Hogwarts gates, and let Filch lead him to Dumbledore’s office.
“Albus, what the hell have you been telling James and Lily!?”
he demanded of his former Headmaster once he was in his
office. “They don’t want me to be in on the secret, as if they
don’t trust me!”
“Remus my lad, it’s for their safety,” Dumbledore smiled.
“You’re a dark creature a er all.”
“Bullcrap Albus!” Remus fumed, “you know I’d never harm
them. I swore an oath that if anything happened to them, I’d
take care of Harry, you know that!”
“Thanks for reminding me Remus,” Albus said with a smile. In
a flash, he had his wand out and had it trained on Remus.
“You planned to go to the Forest of Dean for a while, and seek
out a werewolf pack. You never swore an oath to keep Harry
safe, and in fact because you are a werewolf, you are afraid to
ever contact him again unless I tell you it is safe. Obliviate.”
Remus looked dazed, as the spell hit him and the instruc ons
overrid his plans.
“I… I need to go Albus,” he mumbled when he came to, and
le Hogwarts. He was hardly aware when the war was over
with the death of his best friends and the incarcera on of
Sirius, and had no thought of even ge ng close to Harry. A er
all, a werewolf could be a danger to him…
A second a er Sirius passed out, so too did Remus.
“Hermione, Harry, I think it’s me for some explana ons,”
Emma Granger said in a sickly sweet tone.
Hermione paled, and grabbed her boyfriend’s hand for
“Yes pumpkin, and I for one I am very interested in knowing
why you didn’t tell me your friend was really a boy,” Dan said
in a clipped tone.
Harry became even paler than his girlfriend, as he was faced
with a seventeen stone father who he knew wielded a
shotgun well.
Severus Snape was stripped of his belongings, booked, and
thrown into a cell. He had suffered through the indignity of
having his fingerprints being taken, and now was wai ng for
Dumbledore or someone else to rescue him.
The WPC running his records through the database called in
her supervisor when all kinds of alarms went off… one
Severus Snape had been arrested in Exeter the previous day
before some associate had broken him out, drugging several
officers in the process… and his fingerprints had been taken
then as well, and they had found a match with an unsolved
murder from the early 1980s. One Benjy Fenwick had been
found dead in his Surrey home, with mul ple unexplained
wounds on his body. From the evidence on site he had let his
killer or killers in willingly. There had been many strange
deaths in the late 1970s and early 80s, but in this case a set of
fingerprints had been iden fied on a glass… a set that
corresponded to the man they now had in custody.
“Looks like our pervert is a murderer as well,” the officer
reading the report men oned. “Have him sent to
Interroga on, me our bird tweeted a bit.”
Snape was taken from his cell to another room a while later,
and put down, s ll handcuffed, in an uncomfortable chair.
A Muggle policeman took a seat across from him, and placed
some Muggle device on the table, then spoke into it clearly.
“This interview is being tape recorded and may be given in
evidence if your case is brought to trial. The me is 1700
hours on Saturday, October 2nd 1993. This interview is taking
place at Crawley Police Sta on.
“My name is PC 759 Higgs, I work at Crawley Police Sta on.
My role today is to interview you in rela on to the offence(s)
you’ve been arrested for. I will be making notes during the
interview purely for my reference. Also present is,”
“PC 814 Jones,” the second policeman in the room answered.
The first con nued, “Can you give your full name please?”
Snape raised an eyebrow, then realised the ques on was
aimed at him. “Severus Tobias Snape.”
“And your date of birth?”
“January 9th, 1960.”
“Can you confirm for the purpose of the tape that there are
no other persons present in the interview room?”
“Yes, and get the hell on with it,” Snape grumbled.
“That is an affirma ve,” the policeman clarified. “I now need
to cau on you, and its important that you understand what
the cau on means, so you do not have to say anything but it
may harm your defence if you do not men on when
ques oned something which you later rely on in court.
Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you
Snape groaned, “yes, I understand. Can we get on with it?”
“You have the right to free and independent advice. Do you
require the services of a solicitor?” the policeman kept
droning on.
“No, no, no. Get on with it. I know my rights,” Snape drawled.
The sooner he was out of this room, the sooner someone
could come rescue him.
“For the record, the suspect clearly waives his right at legal
representa on,” the policeman spoke in the device again. “If
you change your mind at any point let me know and I can stop
the interview. You can then speak to a solicitor by phone or in
person. At the conclusion of the interview I will give you a
no ce that explains what happens to the tapes and how you
or your solicitor can have access to them. Ok, tell me why you
think you’ve been arrested?”
Snape sneered, “I haven’t a clue why. I am an upstanding
ci zen and demand to be released.”
“Can you tell us then why you were found in the Granger
household, rummaging through the laundry basket?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Snape sneered.
“I have here the arrest report, it states clearly you were found
holding a pair of girl’s knickers. Do you deny this?”
“I see. Also in your possession was this s ck. Does this have
s ck any purpose?”
“Yes, “Snape said, his eyes ligh ng up as the policeman laid
his wand on the table. “It is quite remarkable in fact.”
The policeman held up the wand, and inspected it as he spoke
for the tape’s benefit. “I am holding a wooden s ck
approximately thirteen inches in length. It appears to be
made out of black wood, and is decorated at one end. There
are no mechanical parts, and it seems to serve no purpose.
“I will now hand the s ck to the suspect. Mr Snape, will you
show us what this s ck’s purpose is? I must warn you, should
you choose to assault myself or my colleague with it, this will
be added to your list of charges.”
“I’ll be happy to show you both,” Snape sneered. The
policeman handed him his wand, and Snape took it in his
cuffed hands.
“May I?” he asked, and the policeman nodded. Snape pointed
the wand straight at the table, and with a jab shouted
“Bombarda Maxima!”, followed by a soundless shielding spell.
The white light fled from the p of the wand, hi ng the table
and oblitera ng it. The tape recorder was destroyed instantly,
and the force of the sha ering wood and metal instantly
killed the policeman called Higgs. Jones was stunned by the
blast. Snape turned the wand a bit and cast a cu ng spell to
remove his cuffs, then trained his wand at the wounded
“Avada Kedavra,” the teacher sneered, and the green light le
the p of his wand and murdered the officer.
“Bloody Muggle scum,” Snape grumbled, then apparated out
just before the door was kicked open, and a response team
rushed into the room to find out the cause of the explosion.
The sight of an actual crater in the room, two dead
policemen, and a missing suspect was not what the response
team was suspec ng at all.

A/N: Snape escapes once again. Once a wizard has his wand,
there’s li le Muggles can do against him… but he has le even
more evidence against him behind.
I hope the police interview is plausible. I’ve never been
arrested in my life let alone in England, so this is taken from
UK police series :)
And yes I know that handing Snape his wand was incredibly
stupid. Even if they do have no reason to belief it is anything
but a wooden s ck…
Sirius and Remus will be waking up next chapter with restored
memories, hopefully they can rescue Harry from impending
doom. The Shotgun of Damocles is hanging over his head.
8. Hunt
Chapter Eight
“Damocles Granger, you stop scaring our kids right now,”
Emma chas sed her husband.
“Our kids?” Dan frowned, glaring at Harry. “Emma, this… boy
slept with my baby girl last night! What depraved –”
“Slept Dan, slept! I knew Harry was a, erm, he, and you were
the one who suggested pu ng them together, remember? I
am confident Harry was the perfect gentleman… other than
someone who will remain nameless that is a li le too
inquisi ve for her own good.”
Hermione paled, hoping Harry would not catch the hint.
Fortunately this seemed to calm Dan down just a bit. “This
topic is not over,” he grumbled.
“Right now swee e, Harry, why don’t you tell us why you two
are really here, and Harry, just what did you do to Sirus and
your teacher?”
“Sirius?” Harry looked over at the two, then looked to
Hermione, “think we should Enervate them?”
“Nah Harry, let them rest a bit… if it is anything like what
happened to me, they’ll need the me to remember.”
“O-okay… well Mr Granger, Mrs Granger, it all started when…”
Severus Snape appeared in Hogsmeade with a loud crack
from a hasty appara on, and with a sneer on his face that was
bad enough to curdle milk he walked in a brisk pace to the
Hogwarts doors. Once inside he made his way to his
dungeons, only to find Dumbledore there, who had been
alerted by the school wards his dark teacher had returned.
“Severus my boy, where are Harry and Miss Granger?”
“That filthy mudblood of his laid a trap on me! I was searching
her home for evidence of their where-abouts when two–
twenty of those Muggle pleasemen overpowered me!” Snape
was fuming. “I had to fight for my life to escape, can you
imagine, me, a wizard?
“I demand the brat and his whore are expelled, Headmaster!
How dare they!”
“Now now my boy, let’s not be too hasty. You did not find
them then?”
“No, are you senile as well as deaf you imbecile?!”
“Mark your words Severus,” Albus said in a darker tone
suddenly. “I am willing to overlook a lot of your behaviour but
I will not suffer insults to my person.”
“I apologize Headmaster,” Snape said in a meeker tone. “S ll, I
demand the Mudblood at least is expelled.”
“Very well, once you find her you can snap her wand and
dispose of her and her parents. I will scrap her from the
records. We will need Harry back though, you know he is
integral to my plans for Voldemort.”
Snape shuddered at the name of his true master. “If that is all
Headmaster? I need some me to calm down before I rejoin
the hunt.”
“Dismissed Severus,” Albus waved, despite the fact they were
in the Po ons teacher’s office.
Albus Dumbledore had just made his way up to his office,
when the floo burst into life and the head of Madam Bones
“Dumbledore, can I come through?”
“Of course Amelia, always a pleasure,” Albus lied. The stately
head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement whisked
to his office and wiped the soot of her clothes.
“Lemon drop my dear?” Albus offered her his laced bowl.
“No thank you. Let me cut right to the chase. Are you aware
that your pet Death Eater has just murdered several Muggle
policemen and is now wanted on the Muggle side? They are
trea ng him as an IRA terrorist for Merlin’s sake, and have
authorized lethal ac on!”
“Surely there must be some kind of mistake? Severus has my
full confidence, I am certain he is innocent of whatever crime
he is accused of.”
“Dumbledore, they have his fingerprints –” seeing a blank
look of confusion she amended, “Err.. the Muggles have this
system where they keep track of small photos of the ps of
people’s fingers, and can keep track of suspected criminals
that way.”
“Ingenious those Muggles, so it is like a Magical Signature of
“More or less… anyway, they have Snape’s fingerprints and
have ed him to an old unsolved murder. Combine that with
the fact you caused an incident when you released him from
another prison yesterday, and his mul ple homicide today,
and you can understand that I am in a difficult situa on.”
“I see, I see. So how soon can the Obliviators take care of all
of this?”
“Dumbledore, I don’t think you understand. It’s gone past
that… they have installed cameras in the police buildings, so
not only were you caught on tape rescuing Snape yesterday,
they now have footage of Snape pulling out his Morgana-be-
damned wand! We’re lucky the spell caused the cameras to
go sta c or the Statute would be blown to all hell…”
“Hmmm… troublesome. I think I’ll need to contact good
Cornelius, see if he can talk to the Muggle Minister and get
this dealt with.”
“*Snort* Oh yes the Muggle police will just give up on Snape.
No Dumbledore, this has gone too far. I am going to need to
take Snape in and have him face the Muggle jus ce.”
“Oh… I don’t think he’d like that much.”
“What that Death Eater likes or not is immaterial
Dumbledore. Will you allow me to arrest Snape?”
“I think not Amelia.”
“Dumbledore, surely you understand the gravity of the
situa on?” Amelia pleaded. “We cannot possibly just obliviate
all the policemen involved, maybe if you would not have
interfered yesterday but –”
“Amelia, thank you for coming. I will have a stern word with
Severus, I am sure he is distraught about having had to take
precious life.”
“Dammit Dumbledore, you cannot just dismiss me like that!
Why was Snape in the home of one of your students in the
first place? At least let me speak to him and Miss Granger!”
“Out of the ques on Amelia. Now off you go,” Albus more or
less pushed her in the floo, and watched her leave.
“Harry my boy, I’d be er find you soon… you are causing a lot
of trouble,” he thought to himself.
The young wizard in ques on had just recounted everything
leading up to that morning, and now sat facing an incredulous
pair of parents while his sort-of-girlfriend (!) held his hand for
Dan s ll looked unhappy, Emma was more concerned. Just
then a groan indicated the two other adults in the room were
waking up.
“Unh… someone get the name of that hippogryff?” Sirius
stretched out, hi ng Remus in the face with his right hand.
“Dammit Padfoot watch your paws,” Remus grumbled, as the
two woke up fully.
Sirius’ eyes focused on his godson: “Harry! Thank Merlin
you’re safe!” Sirius rushed up to embrace him, and had Harry
smothered in his arms before the kid could react.
“Easy Padfoot, you’re scaring the lad,” Remus saw Harry
s ffen, and with a nod to Emma and Dan sat down at the
table with them. Sirius released Harry, and with a somewhat
sheepish grin took his own seat.
“Wow pup, you did a number on us two… that old geezer took
more memories of us both than I could have believed.
Wonder why he made you appear to look like a clone of
James though?”
Remus snorted, “knowing him, all part of some plan to make
it even more obvious Harry is the Po er heir. Or it could be
just to enrage Snape… from what I saw this year, he really
hates Harry.”
“Snivellus has no business being a teacher… or alive at all,”
Sirius grumbled.
“Easy Padfoot, you’re scaring the Muggles and the children,”
Remus had a glare on his face though, he didn’t like Snape
being around children any more than his old best friend did.
“So you… you two remember now? Everything?” Harry tried
to get confirma on.
“Everything pup, including that you had a brief period where
you liked to run around without your nappies! Drove poor Lily
Hermione giggled, then her betraying mind immediately went
to when they had woken up in her home earlier that morning,
and she had seen almost all of the current-aged Harry… a
deep blush appeared on her face.
Emma, with that mother’s ins nct that comes naturally when
kids are being naughty, caught her daughter’s eyes and
mouthed “talk, later”, to her.
“Anywho, we should get back to a more serious topic –”
Remus started.
“Sirius, that’s my name! And right you are Moony. Grangers,
how soon can you two leave old Blighty for safer pastures?”
“What? Leave England?” Dan splu ered.
“Obviously, with Dumbledore a er us, we need to get to
France at the least, the sooner the be er.”
“But… but… Hogwarts? School?” Hermione squeaked.
“Harry can get you both in Beauxbatons with no issues, and
you’re a smart young witch so I am sure you will have caught
up in no me,” Remus assured her.
“NOW HANG ON JUST A BIT!” Dan stood up, ges cula ng
wildly. “You cannot simply tell us to leave our home and
business! Why don’t we go to the police, or the army, or the
queen for protec on? This Dumbledore is just one man is he
“Dan, calm down,” Emma placed her hand on her husband’s
arm and guided him to his seat, “Let the good wizards explain
before you go Mount Damocles on us.”
“Thanks Emma,” Sirius smiled. “Dan, normally I’d say you
were right, and we could go to the Aurors – that’s our version
of the pleasemen, or maybe straight to the Minister for
Magic, however Dumbledore is not just the Headmaster… he
is also the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.”
“I don’t care if he is the Master Magician of Camelot or
whatever,” Dan grumbled.
“Dan, the Wizengamot is our government. Even if we got the
Aurors and the Minister on our side – and that’s a huge “if”
since Sirius is considered an escaped prisoner and thus we are
all accomplishes,” the ex-con smiled sheepishly at Remus’
words, “Dumbledore has immunity. What’s worse, he has a
great reputa on in our world, and on top of all that he
poten ally holds the future of Wizarding Britain hostage as
the Headmaster of Hogwarts.”
“Plus his bird club,” Sirius added. “The Order of the Phoenix,
a… paramilitary organisa on devotedly loyal to him,” he
added for clarifica on. “We both were members at one
point… before we found out how deep his betrayal goes.
That’s part of the oblivia ons.”
Dan looked a bit green. “I don’t think I like having a witch for a
daughter… Hermione, why couldn’t you be a musical prodigy
He shook himself to clear his thoughts. “Very well… honey, we
can ask Patricia if she can take over our clients for now, let’s
say it’s a family emergency. We’ll need an hour or two to pack
our stuff, then we can leave on that… holiday for France. Too
bad the Chunnel isn’t open for public yet, we’ll need to take
the ferry at Dover… Harry, Sirius, Remus, you lot have
“No need for all of that Dan,” Remus said with a small laugh,
“Sirius has a place in France and we can take a port-key to
there from here.”
“What’s a port-key?” Asked Dan, Emma, and Harry almost at
the same me.
“Honestly Harry, a li le reading ahead won’t hurt,” Hermione
said in the tone Harry knew all so well. “A port-key is a
magical transporta on device, usually disguised as an
inconspicuous object like a boot or a brooch, ac vated by a
“Twenty Points to Gryffindor,” Remus said with a smile. “Very
well… Dan, Emma, I’ll go with you for protec on. Sirius can
watch the kids while we’re out.”
No sooner had Hermione’s parents and Remus le , or Sirius
rounded on the two, who were si ng at the table s ll,
holding hands.
“Fess up, lovebirds. Seen each other in the buff yet?”
Harry’s open mouth of shock, and Hermione’s guilty blush,
were all that was needed to cause Sirius to get into a laughing
Snape walked through Knockturn Alley, a hood obscuring his
face. Dumbledore had assured him that the Aurors would not
try to capture him just yet, but it was be er to take
precau ons.
He stepped through the door of one of the seedy pubs, and
immediately found the men he was looking for.
“Oi mate, whatchoo wan’?” one of the group suspiciously
asked as Snape sat down, fingering his wand.
“Glory to the Dark Lord,” Snape said in a low tone. “Put that
wand away Scabior, it’s not you I want today.”
“Glory to the Dark Lord,” a rough voice answered him. “If it
isn’t Albus Dumbledore’s pet Po oneer. Now what is a
respectable teacher doing in a seedy Death Eater pub like
“Looking for some men willing to earn some coin on the side,
my old comrade,” Snape sneered. “Does your ax s ll sing for
Muggle blood?”
“Ah my friend, you know me all too well,” the man answered.
“How many, and when?”
“Two at least my friend, as well as one Mudblood whore we
can have fun with a erwards. There is a boy with them that is
to be unharmed, but we can have fun with the others.”
“Never let it be said Macnair is not in for fun,” the tall and
muscular man smirked. “Scabior, get your buddy and come
with us. Muggles panic if they are outnumbered.
“Lead on then Snape, and let the fun begin.”
The two Death Eaters and their followers stepped outside,
and prepared to apparate to Crawley.
9. Loss
Chapter Nine
“What… I… I wouldn’t,” Harry splu ered in protest at Sirius’s
lewd ques on. “Hermione, tell him I wouldn’t,” he turned to
face his bushy-haired friend.
Hermione’s blush made her face almost resemble Harry’s hair
“Something to admit to your boyfriend Hermione?” Sirius was
happy to lighten the mood, but oh boy had he hit the jackpot!
He had overheard Emma’s comments to her daughter earlier,
so knew there was something the teen girl had to admit.
Hermione was gaping wordlessly, there was no way she would
admit peeking on Harry while he was sleeping to him,
especially not like this!
“Ho– honestly Harry, don’t… don’t be ridiculous. And you!”
She rounded on Sirius, anger on her face, “you… you keep
your nose out of our business! What I do or don’t do with my
boyfriend,” the blush intensified, “is… is none of your
Feeling bold, Hermione grabbed Harry’s head, and pulled his
lips on her. Pointedly ignoring Sirius’s wolf whistle, the teens
started snogging.
Amelia Bones was angry with herself, with senile old men who
couldn’t see common sense, and with the useless coward that
was her boss.
“Really Madam Bones, as you well know Hogwarts is legally its
own jurisdic on,” said coward, Minister for Magic Cornelius
Fudge said in his annoying voice.
“You’re lucky Headmaster Dumbledore isn’t filing a complaint,
good thing you didn’t show up with Aurors in tow.”
“Cornelius, please you’ve got to understand my posi on. The
Muggles are furious, they want Snape’s blood!”
“Oh yes the killed pleasemen, really a shame,” Fudge nodded.
“Very well Amelia. I’ll contact the Muggle Minister and tell
him we apologize, that should do it.”
“Minister, I highly doubt that a simple apology will be
enough,” Amelia pleaded. “Sign this warrant for Snape, I
promise you I won’t go a er him in Hogwarts but as soon as
we catch him outside, we’ll just bind his magic, obliviate him,
and deliver him to the Muggle jus ce.”
“I will not! Madam Bones, you forget your place. We are
supposed to protect the good Wizards and Witches of Britain,
and not help the Muggles in their witch-hunts!”
“But –” Amelia protested, only to be interrupted:
“Enough! Snape has broken no wizarding law, and I’ll have you
know he is a personal friend of not just Dumbledore, but also
outstanding ci zens such as No and Malfoy. You will stop
your persecu on of him right now, or I’ll be asking for your
posi on as Department Head. Am I clear?”
“… Crystal,” Amelia grumbled. She had tried… now she’d best
hope Fudge didn’t escalate the problems with the Muggle
Hogwarts Professor (on leave) Remus Lupin and the two
Grangers popped into existence in a small alley near the
Granger house.
“That was… rather unpleasant,” Emma dead-panned, a li le
green in the face. Damocles looked worse, almost ready to
“I suppose I should have warned you both, appari on is
something most people only get used to a er a few jumps,”
Remus admi ed.
“Shall we then?”
Damocles took his keys and paused at the front door to their
home. “Looks like the Wilkins are not at home honey,” he
called back to his wife. Their friendly but nosey neighbours
usually had the curtains open, and always waved a gree ng to
the Grangers.
“That’s odd, I thought Edna said that they would have the
grandchildren over today,” Emma looked over at the oddly
quiet house.
“Maybe they are at a restaurant or similar. We can leave them
a note I guess,” Damocles opened the door, and stepped into
the house.
“Huh, the light isn’t working…” he stepped out of view.
“Dan? Dan?” Emma called a er him, a er a minute or so of
silence from the home. “Dan, where are you?” She made to
get into the house, but Remus took her arm to stop her.
“Hang on Emma, I don’t trust this…” Looking around to see if
they were not being watched by anyone, Remus took out his
wand. “Homenum Revelio‘, he cast at the home. Nothing
“That is weird… Emma, do you remember if anyone ever cast
any spells on your house?”
“Spells? Dan!” Emma rushed past him, into the dark and silent
“Wait! Dammit…” Remus wavered a second, then quickly cast
a disillusion spell on himself and followed a er her.
Inside the Granger’s living room, he found five masked Death
Eaters. Two of them were holding Dan up against the wall
with a spell, a third had his wand out and s ll raised in the
direc on of the door, where an apparently stunned Emma lied
on the floor – she was breathing, Remus no ced with relief.
“I’m ge ng bored holding this Muggle up, can we get to the
fun part yet?” one of the two holding Dan against the wall
“Not yet you imbecile, the Mudblood whore and the target
may s ll be outside,” a voice Remus recognised all too well bit
back – Severus Snape, “reformed” Death Eater and his
“Scabior, go around the back and go outside. If those brats are
outside, stun them and get them in here.”
“As long as I get first crack at that Muggle female,” Scabior
grumbled, but went out the back.
“Four against one… dammit not good odds,” Remus thought
to himself, ge ng closer to Emma as silent as possible.
“Maybe a distrac on upstairs, then I can grab the Grangers
and apparate us out of here?”
“It’s obvious the brats aren’t here Snape,” the tallest Death
Eater said, breaking Remus’ line of thought. He was holding a
huge ax that looked to be wet… Remus tried not to think of
the implica ons.
“Hold the Muggle up straight… I’m going to wake him up,”
amusement sounded in the large man’s voice, as he shi ed
his posi on, and took his weapon in both hands.
“Dammit no me le !” Remus took out his wand, and just as
the large Death Eater prepared to swing, he cast “Bombarda”
at the ceiling. The following blast stunned the Death Eaters.
“Enervate!” The red spell woke up Emma, who looked up
confused and not a li le scared; “Relashio!” a follow-up
charm caused a s ll stunned Dan to drop to the floor. Remus
had no me to cast another spell, as he found Snape and the
tall Death Eater had recovered, and both had their wands
trained on him now.
“We have an uninvited guest to the party I see…” the tall
Death Eater sounded amused. “Drop your wand if you know
what’s good for you.”
One of the other two Death Eaters came to, and was quick on
the uptake as he saw his leaders face an unknown assailant,
the other Death Eater was concussed or worse, a part of the
ceiling had hit him on the head.
“Sure, and if I surrender you’ll let us just go? Dan, come over
to me!” Remus called to Hermione’s father, who was si ng on
the floor looking a bit dazed. Emma had go en behind
Remus, and was looking panicked.
“Not so fast Muggle!” The tall Death Eater turned his wand on
Dan, who froze on the spot. “I was looking forward to some
more Muggle fun, but if you don’t drop that wand right now,
I’ll se le for using a Killing Curse.”
“Emma… when I drop my wand, you run outside and don’t
look back,” Remus whispered to the woman behind him.
“No, no, no… I can’t leave Dan,” Emma whispered back, panic
in her voice.
“Oi what was that big bang about? Hang on a bit, who’s the
guy?” Forgo en, the fi h Death Eater had come back in the
room, behind Emma and Remus.
“Avada Kedavra!,” the tall Death Eater shouted, and a green
light le his wand and hit Dan. Even as the man slumped to
the floor, dead, Remus grabbed Emma’s hand, and apparated
out just before curses from both Snape and Scabior’s wands
reached the spot he was standing just a second ago.
In Grimmauld Place Sirius was just talking about one of the
Marauder’s Pranks. He sat in a comfortable chair in the Family
Room, while the two teens were cuddling on a sofa. Harry had
a happy dazed look on his face from the long snogging session
Hermione had started earlier, and Hermione looked very
pleased with herself.
Harry may be an absurdly powerful wizard for his age, but her
lips had a power over him that was unrivalled! She was sure
that any ques ons Harry may have had about Sirius’ earlier
teasing ques on had long since le her boyfriend – she felt a
deligh ul ngle every me she thought of him that way – her
boyfriend’s mind.
“Can you picture it? There we are, all four of us si ng in the
Great Hall looking as innocent as a Hufflepuff firs e, even as
the en re upper fi h year of Slytherins is wearing the worst
kind of Muggle hippy clothes imaginable!” Sirius barked out a
loud laugh, joined by the happy laughter of the two teens.
In the middle of this happy scene, Remus and Emma
appeared. Emma turned away and threw up, nearly as soon
as they landed.
“Remus? Emma? Where’s Dan?” Sirius rushed to them, the
teens following.
“Trap… it was a trap. Snape and four others,” Remus said a er
he grounded himself again.
“Professor… where’s my daddy?” Hermione sounded years
“I… I’m sorry,” Remus started. Emma started crying loudly, and
Hermione broke down on the spot as well. All Harry could do
was hug her from behind and hold her while she was sobbing.
“We can’t go to the DMLE Moony, if Snape was involved you
can be certain Dumbledore knows about it!” Sirius shouted at
his friend.
“So what is your plan then? Off we go happily to Padfoot’s
place in France, and ignore the fact that Dan was murdered in
front of my eyes?”
Harry looked on, pained. Emma had been giving a calming
draught by Remus a er she wouldn’t stop crying over the loss
of her husband, and she was now in one of the upstairs
bedrooms with Hermione at her side. Harry had wanted to
join them, but Sirius thought it be er if the two Grangers had
some privacy.
“This is messed up Moony, but what else can we do? The
French at least won’t immediately jump if Dumbledore says
so. I can clear my name there, and we can help Harry get
jus ce as well. And Hermione maybe as well.”
Remus nodded a er a moment, “You’re not wrong. But I’ll
have to tell you this Padfoot… for the first me I really wish
James hadn’t stopped Snivellus from entering the Shack back
then. Snape is a dead man.”
“Marauders honour, Moony. Snape is going down.” The two
friends clamped their hands, murder on their faces.
“Ha– Harry?” Hermione came down the stairs. Her face was
streaked with tears, and she looked miserable. Harry
ins nc vely rushed to her and took her in his arms.
“Mummy is asleep now. I… I think we’d best let her rest for
now, we can s ll leave tomorrow right?”
“Are you sure Mione?” Harry was unsure what to do. Hugging
was not something he usually ini ated, most of the mes
Hermione started her bone-crushing “Hermy-hugs”, but this
felt right. And she seemed to appreciate the support.
“I am very upset Harry,” Hermione said in a too-calm tone,
“but I took some of that Draught as well. I can… manage for
now. We need to get to safety, there’ll be me to cry later.”
Amelia Bones came back from her unfrui ul appointment
with the Minister to a department that seemed to be in chaos
once again.
“Proudfoot, report! Why is everyone running around like
headless chickens?” she barked to the senior Auror.
“Muggle bai ng Madam, we have several dead in Crawley.
We’re lucky the Underage sensors picked it up first, we’re
sani zing the site now before the Muggle police gets
“Just great,” Amelia sighed. “First the Snape business, now
this. Do we know who the vic ms are yet, anyone from our
side involved?”
“One second ma’am…” Proudfoot took some parchment from
a nearby desk, and looked it over. “Six dead Muggles in two
houses. Two elderly Muggles were killed with what looks to
be cu ng spells, and a younger Muggle woman as well as two
children we assume to be hers were also murdered. In the
neighbouring house we found one dead Muggle, Killing Curse
from the looks of it, as well as evidence of a blas ng curse and
some blood we think belongs to another person.”
Amelia wrinkled her nose in distaste. “Two children Auror?”
Proudfoot looked angry, “Yes ma’am. And the mother was…
“Rapists and murderers… sounds like Death Eaters all right. No
Dark Mark?”
“No ma’am. Hang on a sec…” Proudfoot grabbed a younger
Auror by the arm, “we have a wand signature yet?”
“Yessir, looks to be one of the last spells cast,” the Auror
affirmed. “Nick Scabior, known DE associate. He was
previously arrested for Muggle bai ng and just came back
from a three-year s nt in Azkaban.”
“I want him in shackles within the hour, arrest him and
anyone with him,” Madam Bones barked an order.
“Any hint on what made them pick these vic ms in
par cular?” she next asked Proudfoot, who was reading
through new reports.
“The five dead in the one house are the Wilkins family, two
elderly residents and their visi ng daughter and
grandchildren. Poor souls,” Proudfoot sighed. “Not sure why
they were targeted. The other dead Muggle is Damocles
Granger, father of a Muggleborn witch.”
“Granger… sounds familiar,” Amelia mused.
“The daughter, one Hermione Granger, was a Hogwarts
student in your niece’s year.”
“Was? Don’t tell me she –” Amelia looked even more pained.
“No ma’am, as far as we know she wasn’t killed yet. However,
we found a no ce she has been expelled from Hogwarts,
there is a warrant out to have her wand snapped if she is
“Dumbledore, what are you playing at,” Amelia said with a
sigh. “I want that warrant torn up right now! We’re s ll
looking for Miss Granger, but she is not to be treated as an
expelled witch, she’s to be under my personal protec on, you
“Yes ma’am… oh this is interes ng,” Proudfoot was reading a
new report. “You’ll never guess who this Granger is usually
teamed up with at Hogwarts, ma’am.”
“Don’t tell me –”
“The-boy-who-lived,” Proudfoot supplied the answer. “She’s
supposedly his best friend, along with one Ronald Weasley.”
“Right, I’m taking an Auror squad with me to Hogwarts.
Someone has to give me some answers!” Amelia looked like a
Ba le Witch of old, her eyes flaming with resolve.

A/N: Aaaand this is the darkest point of the story for a long
me. Sorry for any Granger fans, but I had planned Damocles’
demise long ago… it’s why I never developed him beyond
“stereotypical father of a teenage daughter”.
10. Ques ons and no Answers
Chapter Ten
Ques ons and no Answers
Dumbledore let out a groan when the wards informed him
that annoying Madam Bones was at the Hogwarts Gates,
along with four Aurors. The ming could not be worse: dinner
had just started and the Great Hall was as busy as ever.
“Hagrid? Seems like we have some unexpected guests at the
front gates. Could you collect them and bring them to the
Headmaster’s Office?”
Hagrid nodded wildly at Dumbledore’s request, and abruptly
stood up, his plate nearly flying into the air and landing on
Professor Flitwick, who just waved his wand to catch it mid-air
and con nued ea ng as if nothing had disturbed him. Over
me, one came to expect the impulsive behaviour of the
“Dumbledore if you don’t open this gate right now I am
breaking it down!” Amelia Bones yelled, slamming her glove-
covered fist on the closed Hogwarts gates as she and her
Aurors waited outside. Then finally she saw Dumbledore’s
half-Giant employee come up to them.
Seeing one of the junior Aurors raised his wand, Amelia
placed her hand on his arm to stop him. “It’s just the
groundskeeper, he’s a good guy.”
“Sorry fer the wait ma’am!” Hagrid took out one of his keys,
and opened the gates for them. “Headmaster Dumbledore,
Great man he is, asked me ta come get you an” bring ye ta his
“Mr… Hagrid was it?” the gentle giant nodded in reply, “I have
li le me to waste. Could you make sure we are joined nut
just by the Headmaster, but also by the Head of House for one
Her –” she took another look at the parchment, “Err… Hermo-
ninny Granger?”
Hagrid’s eyes seemed to light up, “Ye found Hermione an”
Harry then? I were so worried when I heard them two had
disappeared. I was the one ta bring Harry to the Wizarding
World first, ya know?” He beamed with pride.
Amelia stopped in her step, and with a sharp look prevented
any of the Aurors with her from speaking further. “We’re
close, Hagrid. How exactly did the two of them disappear?”
“Oh it was weird,” Hagrid was expanding as he led them
through the corridors of the school. “Harry and Hermione
were in their common room you see, and had been prac sing
spells. Hermione is one of the smartest li le witches ye’ll ever
seen. Somehow she hit Harry with some spell, and he passed
out and the Gryffs took him ta the Hospital Wing. When he
woke up he hit Hermione with the same spell, and then they
both le . I tell ya Headmaster Dumbledore is really upset
about that all…” suddenly the half-giant paled… “and asked us
not to talk about it. Err… best ya pretend I dinnae say that
“Don’t worry Hagrid, I’m with the Ministry and you can trust
us,” Amelia re-assured him. At the same me her mind was in
overdrive, trying to work out the story. So Harry Po er had
le with this girl with the odd name, and Dumbledore was
chasing them down? Why then the expelling of Hermione,
and not a single report on Harry Po er missing? Something
smelled ro en in Hogwarts and it wasn’t just Snape’s body
A er Hagrid spoke the password to let them into the
Headmaster’s office and le , Amelia had her Aurors begin to
inspect the Headmaster’s office for any evidence about the
case, without disturbing anything. When else did one have
the opportunity to do so inside Dumbledore’s domain?
“Harry? Hermione? We should think about leaving now. It’s
dinner me so if we take the portkey now, we have the best
chance of not running into the French magical border patrol.
How… how is Emma?” Remus had a mixture of guilt and
sympathy on his face as he addressed the two teens. Harry
was si ng on a comfortable couch, and Hermione was si ng
half next to and half on top of him, her head res ng on his
shoulder as Harry so ly brushed her hair.
“Mummy was sleeping when I came down,” Hermione said in
an almost dreamy tone. “I don’t know if she can travel… she
really misses dad– daddy…” Tears began to sprout up again,
and Harry wrapped his other arm around her as well and held
her as she cried. Remus le the two, thinking his sort-of
godson had it well in hand.
“A damned shame about Dan, but looks like my godson has
caught a big one hook, line, and sinker,” Sirius remarked. “If
they keep this up I’ll have to give Harry the “Talk” before
long,” he barked out a laugh.
“Really Padfoot? Now is not the me,” Remus grumbled.
“Lighten up Moony. I feel awful about Dan as well, but look on
the bright side: we are s ll safe and free, and as soon as we
get Emma ready we’ll be in the land of cheese and wine, away
from Dumbledore and his pet Death Eater!”
“Maybe… you keep an eye on the two of them and make sure
they don’t go any… further… I’ll see if I can get Emma ready to
leave.” Remus let out a sigh, and went up the stairs.
“Emma? Are you awake?” he knocked on the door, and a er
hearing something inside entered. Emma Granger stepped
out of the a ached bathroom, her face wet but otherwise
looking remarkably fine.
“Remus? Is it me?”
“Err… yes. Emma, how are you holding up? Seriously now.”
“I won’t lie Remus, I want to do nothing more than curl up in
a ball and cry for days. But that po on you gave me works
wonders. I’ll… manage at least un l Hermione is safe…” a
furious look suddenly appeared on her face, “but you have to
promise me you will make that Snape pay! I want him dead!”
“Easy Emma… did you really think I would let that snivelling
coward run for long?” Remus let a bit of the Wolf come out,
changing his usual friendly so features into a feral look even
the likes of Greyback would back down from. “Snivellus Snape
is a dead man, he just does not know it yet. I may only have
known you both for a li le me, but Dan was a good man and
nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it!”
“We are friends then Remus?” Emma wavered, then rushed
him in a hug. As Remus almost felt his ribs crack, he realised
that Hermione’s “Hermy-hugs” were something she definitely
got from her mother.
“Err… we’d be er collect the kids before they start tearing at
each other’s clothes, and get the portkey.” Remus extradited
himself from the hug.
“Oh honestly, that girl…” The distrac on worked, Emma
turned from the vengeful widow into a worried mother
immediately. “Do you know how many mes I’ve already
caught her trying to see Harry naked in the past few days?”
Remus was laughing, as they came down the stairs.
Snape was cursing up a storm. He and Macnair had barely
cleaned up the Granger home of any evidence in me to
escape before any Aurors arrived, then went their separate
ways just in case. He had contemplated returning to
Hogwarts, but that imbecile Macnair had used his name in
front of the Wolf, so there might be more problems for him.
Instead, he had apparated to his home in Cokeworth to think
over ma ers a bit.
“We have movement inside, over,” the MI5 agent on top of
the house opposite Snape’s home in Spinner’s End called to
Ground Control.
“Do not engage as long as target is inside, backup is on the
way, over,” the nny reply came. The agent looked back
through the scope of his sniper rifle, and followed the shade
of a man walking in the room inside.
It had been a stroke of luck that they had found the records
for Tobias Snape. The man had been found brutally murdered
in late 1980, at the local graveyard, near the grave of Eileen
Snape née Prince, his wife that had died under equally
unsolved circumstances a decade earlier. Since nobody had
been able to find any evidence of who would have wanted to
kill Tobias Snape, the case had been closed.
However with the suspected terrorist Severus Snape,
evidently his son even though no birth record could be found,
the current theory was his own son may have murdered his
father at some point. The son in ques on did seem to use the
Snape home in Cokeworth as his own residence, although he
had not been at home the past two days while first the police
and later MI5 had searched through the neglected two-
storied shack.
“Suspect loca on, over?” came over the radio, breaking the
agent’s line of thought.
“S ll inside. He was pacing the living room un l a moment
ago, I cannot see his shadow now. Over.”
“ETA for the intercep on team is five minutes. If suspect
makes a move to leave, shoot to disable, over.”
Inside the house, Snape willed his magic into the small orb on
the bookshelf, and the hidden stairway downwards opened.
He descended downwards, and took off his Death Eater robes.
Snape almost caressed the silver mask his true master had
given him, before he placed it back on the mannequin. This
was no me to think of the good old days!
Snape walked to a storage cabinet in the back, and opened it.
Just like he kept his “collec on” of female student items at
Hogwarts, here at his home he kept a few items belonging to
his most hated enemies. He passed over the sock that once
belonged to James Po er, never used as the object of Lily’s
affec on had hid under the Fidelius before the Dark Lord had
erased him from the world. Next to it was a scarf that once
belonged to Peter Pe grew. Snape knew very well that
Pe grew was in Hogwarts at that very moment. Did the rat
really think he could hide from him? The first day the Percy
boy had come in with the rat, Snape knew. But Pe grew was
also a follower of his Master, so he let the rat hide like the
coward he was… for now.
He had never go en anything of the wolf, but there he found
what he needed… a coin purse that had been Blacks, emp ed
of course seconds a er Snape had robbed it of him, but s ll
useful for today’s purposes. If the Wolf was with the brat and
the Mudblood, chances were the Dog was not far behind.
Snape placed the coin purse on a table in the middle of a
ritual circle, and began prepara ons to cast a locator spell.
Meanwhile a team of heavily armed Muggles was racing
through the sleepy town, closing on the last home at the
street called Spinner’s End.
Dumbledore ran through the halls to his office. Curse those
Weasley twins! He had been about to leave to make sure he
would arrive before that Bones women entered, but then the
pranking duo had somehow managed to cause several dung-
bombs to explode at the same me at the Slytherin table. The
resul ng chaos had kept him and the other teachers busy for
a good ten minutes… and ten minutes of Aurors in his office
was not something anyone with secrets to hide would like!
Curse that simple-minded fool of a groundskeeper for not
le ng them wait outside!
“Amelia, I am sorry to make you wait,” Albus spoke the
moment he rushed into his office – making it appear as if he
had come at a slow walk instead of a manic run. He ac vated
the mage sight on his glasses with a tap on the side, looking
for any disturbance in his many wards. He didn’t trust how
calmly the annoying woman and her Aurors were si ng in his
“That’s all right Headmaster, I am sure running a school and
keeping your Death Eater employee out of trouble is a full
me job,” Amelia cut through his thoughts.
“Now now Amelia, you know Severus was never charged. So
what brings you here again?”
“I’ll have to ask again Albus,” Dumbledore frowned as Amelia
used his first name, sure he did it to others but they owed him
some respect!
“Will you allow me to take Snape in for ques oning? If he is
really innocent as you claim he is, he has nothing to fear a er
“We talked about this earlier, and the answer is s ll no,”
Dumbledore let a li le bit of his annoyance creep in his voice.
“If that is all?”
“Not yet headmaster. I would like to know why we suddenly
received a report one Her– Hermione Granger was expelled,
and her wand was to be snapped at the earliest possible
“A sad decision that,” Dumbledore let out a fake sigh. “Miss
Granger was a promising student, but she le the school
grounds without permission, and her parents do not appear
to be home. That leaves me no alterna ve but to permanently
expel her, and as a Muggleborn witch without her OWLs, her
wand must be snapped by law.”
“Really headmaster?” Amelia raised her eyebrows, “Miss
Granger, a third-year witch somehow le on her own? And
how exactly, did no-one stop her from taking her things and
ge ng out the front gate?”
“Alas, I don’t have all the informa on, but yes she did
somehow sneak past Mr Filch and leave the grounds. Now if
that is everything, I am a busy man and–”
“Cut the crap Dumbledore,” Amelia interrupted him. “I know
Miss Granger le in the company of the -Boy-Who-Lived, right
from under your wards. Why was the DMLE not informed
about two missing students? And if you expel Miss Granger
for this, why not Mister Po er as well?”
“Who told you Harry was missing? I know exactly where he is,
and he is safe,” Dumbledore countered, mentally cursing
Hagrid for apparently s ll being unable to keep his giant
mouth shut.
“You do? Well that comes in handy, because I wish to speak to
him about his friend Miss Granger. You see Albus, her home
was invaded twice by Dark Wizards so far, and the second
invasion le her father dead. I am sure Mister Po er would
like to know so he can comfort his friend.”
“Erm… he is…” Dumbledore was spared the need to search for
an excuse when one of his li le devices on his desk began
screaming and puffing out purple smoke.
“He is leaving England?” Albus jumped from his seat,
momentarily ignoring the other people in his office, as he cast
a “Point Me Harry Po er” spell. A blue streak of light le his
wand and quickly went to the southeast, leaving his office.
“France…” Dumbledore mu ered, then snapped back to
reality and found a smirking Madam Bones and several Aurors
watching him, their wands out.
“Albus Dumbledore, I am placing you under arrest for lying to
the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement,
endangering children under your protec on, and I am sure a
load of other crimes I will think of later. Hand over your
“Amelia, it is all a misunderstanding, surely you can see that?”
Dumbledore tried, looking around for an escape venue.
“Albus, your wand, now. I will not hesitate to stun you,”
Amelia looked to be all business.
“I am afraid I cannot do that… Fawkes! Get me out of here!”
Dumbledore held up his hand, and his phoenix burst into
ac vity, taking him by the hand and flaming the two out,
leaving a furious Director behind.
“Curse that doddering old fool sideways! Aurors, begin
bagging up every single peace of parchment and all books in
this office, I need to contact Fudge ASAP before the old
bastard gets to him!”
Amelia rushed towards the floo, as the Aurors jumped into
ac vity.
“We have an unregistered portkey coming in from England, I
am rerouteing it to the ques oning chamber now,” Sebas an
De la Salle, officer in the French Magical Border Patrol
commented to his superior.
“Very well Sebas an, I will see who thinks they are too good
to use the normal ways to travel,” his superior answered.
The chief stepped into the adjacent room, and waited. A few
seconds later two adult men, one adult woman, and two
teens were dropped in the middle of the warded room as
their portkey suddenly was forced to change course by the
French magical wards, and stopped them in this secure
facility. He was not surprised to see three of them, the
woman and children, lose their stomach contents as the
spinning portkey had changed direc on and speed mid-spin,
and now had slammed them down on the floor. With a wave
of his wand the mess was cleared up, and he waited for the
group to get their bearing.
“Welcome to France. Do you all speak French?”
“Errr… hello to the France, we is the speak a li le,” the black-
haired man started, before obviously being lost for words.
The chief grinned a bit, then switched to English: “Very well.
Welcome to France, I take it you are English?” Seeing a nod,
he con nued, “You are currently in the Office for Magical
Border Patrol, following the intercep on of your illegal
portkey. Please place your wands on the floor and step away
from them. You are not in serious trouble, this is simply
rou ne.”
He saw the wizards look at each other, and the sandy-haired
one nodded. At that, the two adult men, followed by the two
teens, placed their wands on the floor.
“You as well ma’am,” the chief instructed the woman.
“I… I am not a witch,” she said. The chief raised his brows, and
nodded. A wave of his own wand had the four wands on the
floor pass out of the warded circle.
“Bon. Well then, your names please, and why did you use an
unregistered portkey to cross over to La France?”
He saw them look among each other again, worry on their
faces. A er a bit more hesita on, the dark-haired man spoke
up. “This is Harry Po er,” he indicated the red-haired teen
standing next to him, “his girlfriend Hermione Granger,” the
brune e blushed at that introduc on, “her mother Emma
Granger, Muggle,” the woman was a Muggle? Unexpected…
“Former Hogwarts teacher Remus Lupin,” the dark-haired one
indicated his taller friend, “and my name is Sirius Black.”
“Black? As in Azkaban escapee Sirius Black?” The Chief saw
the man nod, and raised his wand. “Then you will understand
I am placing you five under arrest pending inves ga on.”
“He is not guilty!” the teen introduced as the Harry Po er
shouted out, but was calmed when the woman – Emma –
placed her hand on his shoulder.
“I’m not,” Sirius Black added, “and that is one of the reasons
we came to France. We are asking asylum.”
“Merde,” the chief cursed so ly. “Very well… Monsieur De la
Salle will collect you in a moment and bring you to a holding
area, while I contact my superiors about you. For the moment
you are in custody, and any ac ons against myself or any of
my men will be seen as a hos le act, understood?”
“Understood,” the sandy-haired man replied. “May I get your
name sir?”
“I did not introduce myself? How rude of me,” the chief
answered. “Jean Delacour, at your service.”

A/N: Cokeworth is from a Po ermore press conference. I have

MI5 go a er Snape here because they seem to handle
domes c terrorism in the UK, hope that is not wrong.
Thanks for all the reviews!
11. The Plan
Chapter Eleven
The Plan
The French wizard introduced to them as De la Salle lead
them to a corridor with several rooms that were unmistakably
holding cells. They hadn’t go en their wands back, but as Mr
Delacour had had a mostly friendly expression they weren’t
too worried yet. “Monsieur Black, pleaze to be entering thiz
room?” De la Salle opened one of the cells for Sirius.
“Do you mean to separate us?” Sirius looked worried… while
nowhere near as bad as Azkaban, this did feel awfully close to
those horrible years he spent there.
“Eet eez rou ne, monsieur. We will “ave to interrogate you
one-at-ze- me to make sure your storiez match up.” A
worried look on his face, Sirius entered the cell and the door
was closed on him.
“Monsieur Lupin, si’l vous plait?” Remus was shown the next
“Madame Granger?”
“I will not be separated from my daughter,” Emma argued.
“And I won’t leave Harry,” Hermione grabbed both her friend
and her mother by the arm, a fierce look of protest on her
face as she regarded De la Salle.
“Madame, Mademoiselle, eet eez only for a leetle me,” De la
Salle tried.
“The answer is no, or non if you prefer,” Emma glared.
“Well, zey are children… bon. I will let zem stay with you,
madame. Pleaze remember you are not to a empt to theenk
of a story together unteel ze ques oning?”
Emma nodded her consent, as did the teens, and they were
put in the same holding cell for now. De la Salle went to the
monitoring sta on, and started listening in on the five to
make sure they did not break the rules. Meanwhile Jean
Delacour had flooed to his superiors to see what they could
do about ge ng Britain’s most wanted wizard in the company
of arguably the most well known teenager in the wizarding
world on their soil asking for asylum.
In his house in England, Snape prepared the ritual circle and
placed Black’s old coin purse in the middle.
He cast the loca on spell, and a faint impression of the Cliffs
of Dover past by him, then the rush of the waters of the
English Channel, and finally the French coast of Calais. A sneer
passed over his face, so Black had tried to run to the cowardly
French? Well he wouldn’t be safe there for long.
Snape put away the coin purse again, and went back up to his
living room, passing by his Death Eater robes. While he liked
the “uniform’, his master had always impressed on them
never to wear them outside of Britain as he could not afford a
war with the rest of Europe un l Britain was fully secured.
On the roof opposite him, the sniper tensed as he saw
movement again. “Suspect is back in sight, over.”
“Affirma ve. Intercep on team should be arriving any
moment now. If suspect makes a empts to leave, disable him.
The sniper focused on the lower half of the shadow he could
see through the drapes, hoping he would not have to take his
Inside the house, Snape rummaged through a cabinet
searching for some tools. Finally he found the magic
dampening manacles and the silver dagger. The Wolf he
would kill outright, but he wanted to keep the Dog alive to
take back to England, and introduce him to Macnair’s axe or
some other kind of fun. The Dog and his friends had messed
with him for all seven of his school years, and he was looking
forward to taking care of every painful memory by torturing
the Dog. Snape didn’t worry about the brat or the Mudblood:
a simple stunner would take them out, then he could just
hand over the brat to Dumbledore, and deliver the Mudblood
to the incestuous Carrow twins for them to have some fun.
Snape put the manacles and dagger in one of his expanded
pockets, and moved to the back door to apparate out.
The sniper cursed as he lost sight of his target. “Control,
target has moved to the back of the house. Do we have eyes
on that side, over?”
“Intercep on team is almost ready. Keep watching the front
and shoot to disable at the earliest opportunity, over.”
Snape stepped into the decaying small garden at the back,
and tried to focus his magic for the long appari on jump
across water, but before he could focus enough energy his
concentra on was disturbed by a shout:
“Snape! Put down your weapons and raise your hands above
your head!” At least five men clad in all-black clothes had
Muggle firearms trained on him, and he was lit by the beams
of their torches. And to make ma ers worse, he could hear
one of those flying things – a helicopter he thought they were
called – ge ng closer.
“Good evening gentlemen,” he said with a sneer. “What
brings you to my back garden?” Ever so slowly he tried to
move his right hand to his side, to allow him to whip out his
“Cut the crap Snape! Drop your weapon and surrender, we
will not hesitate to shoot!”
“Very well gentlemen…” Snape slowly made as if to shrug off
his bag, but instead whipped out his wand. At that moment
several things happened at once: a bullet hit him in his lower
stomach, shot by one of the Muggles as they saw him make a
suspicious move, three others rushed towards him, and Snape
himself apparated away with a loud crack, leaving spla ered
blood behind… as well as three of the fingers of his le hand
as the bullet impact had broken his concentra on at the last,
cri cal moment.
“What the hell happened!?” The men rushed to the spot
Snape had been standing a moment before, finding only
blood, and the remains of three fingers that seemed
somehow cut off.
“He… he disappeared! Impossible!” The confused strike team
kept their guard up, even as the helicopter finally arrived, and
they began to search the house.
Snape re-appeared not in Calais as he had intended, but
instead was thrown several kilometres off course and
slammed into the ground in the Belgian nature reserve near
the village of De Panne, just across the French border. The
combined shock of a bullet in his abdomen, the loss of three
fingers due to splinching, and the too hard landing, caused
him to pass out.
“Cornelius? Thank Merlin you are finally answering your floo!”
Amelia Bones sounded out of breath s ll. For the past few
minutes she had been a emp ng to get through to the
Minister, but his various secretaries had kept stalling and
would not allow the floo to connect directly to the Minister’s
“Amelia, what the hell do you think you are doing?” Fudge
angrily bit back at her. “Do you have any idea how much
trouble you are in right now? Step through already!”
The DMLE head frowned, then stepped through Dumbledore’s
floo, and arrived in the Minister’s Office… to be faced by
Fudge, a smirking Malfoy… and Dumbledore, looking smug as
“Cornelius! Quick, call up the guards, I have placed
Dumbledore under arrest!”
“Amelia, it is clear you’ve lost your mind,” Fudge countered.
“Hand over your badge, you are on suspension for now.”
“But…” the witch was momentarily lost for words, then took a
deep breath. “Cornelius, I don’t know what that man has
been telling you, but I assure you I have good reasons to
arrest him, he –”
“It is as I told you Cornelius, her grudge against Snape has
caused her to forget her posi on,” Dumbledore interjected.
“Amelia, your badge, now. Or do I need to call in the guards
and have you removed from the Ministry by force?” Cornelius
demanded of her.
“Don’t think this is over,” Amelia answered with clipped tones,
as she reluctantly handed her badge to the smirking Fudge.
“Thank you. You can come in now, Rufus,” Fudge called to the
door. Through stepped Amelia Bones’ second, Rufus
Scrimgeour, head of the Auror Office. “Madam Bones is
dismissed from her posi on for now, and I’ll have to ask you
to take over for now. Please escort Madam Bones to the floo
so she can go home, then recall your Aurors from their illegal
incursion in Hogwarts Rufus.”
“Yes Minister,” Scrimgeour nodded, and waited for Amelia to
leave the office. “I apologize Amelia, orders are orders you’ll
understand,” he said in a neutral tone as he guided his boss to
the elevators.
“Rufus, I understand your posi on but you know as well as I
do that something is seriously wrong here. At least let
Proudfoot con nue the inves ga on?” She was fuming, blast
that fried chicken Fawkes! Dumbledore had obviously
immediately gone to Fudge, and had managed to convince
the fool to take ac ons against her.
“I will see what can be done. Amelia, you understand I cannot
allow you to have any contact with the Department while you
are suspended?”
“Oh I understand Rufus,” Amelia snorted. “I’ll be back before
you know it though… if Fudge and Dumbledore think they can
shut me up like this they have another thing coming. Just wait
for the next Wizengamot session!”
Rufus watched Amelia floo away, finally le ng a smile appear
on his face. While part of him was unhappy with seeing
Amelia taken out like this, he was now ac ng Department
Head, and thus one step closer to power.
In a holding cell in Calais, Emma Granger had fallen asleep on
the bed, the emo onal turmoil ge ng to her. They had no
idea how long they had been there, only that first Sirius, and a
while later Remus as well, had been taken from their cells to
another place presumably to be interrogated. But no-one had
come for the Muggle woman or the two teens just yet. The
two teens in ques on were si ng on the floor a bit away,
“What do you think will happen to us now?” Hermione asked.
“Dunno. I hope they’ll let Sirius walk, he is innocent a er all,
and will let us stay at his French home for now,” Harry
“And then? Not that I am complaining for ge ng away from
Hogwarts, with Dumbledore, Ronald, and that murdering
bastard…” Hermione felt tears coming back as she thought of
Snape and how he had murdered her father.
“Hush…” Harry wrapped his arms around her, “it’ll be all right
Hermione. Hopefully the French will be able to help us. And
even if they won’t… we’re s ll together, and safe for now. And
I will never let anything bad happen to you.”
“Oh Harry!” Hermione turned her head, and kissed him
deeply on the lips. Harry responded to this, and where
Hermione had been close to crying only a moment before,
now they both seemed to be more interested in other
ma ers.
Amelia Bones paced through her study at Bones Manor.
Dumbledore, Fudge, and Scrimgeour thought he could get
away with discarding her like that? Well then they had
seriously underes mated this par cular witch… she picked up
the Muggle telephone that she had had installed only a few
months ago… just in case.
“Tony Blair speaking. Who is this, and how did you get this
“Tony? It’s Amelia… remember me from back in Durham?”
“Amelia? Wow this is a blast from the past, I haven’t heard
from you in years, ever since you le for that school of yours.
How did you ever track me down?”
“I have my ways Tony… I always kept track of you.”
“Should I be worried?” A laugh followed over the phone.
“Wow Amelia, we have to meet up some me. We used to
walk to school together, you to the DHS and I to Chorister…”
“I remember Tony. I hear your poli cal career is going well.”
“You can say that again, I am now the leader of the Labour
“Yes I heard… that’s actually sort of why I contacted you.”
“Oh you need some help Amelia? Well I can definitely try.
What is the problem?”
“It is perhaps… no definitely best if we talk in person. Do you
have me for a face to face mee ng any me soon?”
“Well I’m free now, but you’d have to get down to London of
course. You know where our offices are based?”
“Thank you. I’ll be there momentarily.”
Amelia hung up the phone, and concentrated on a street she
knew nearby, then walked to the poli cal party’s office. The
guards affirmed her iden ty – Amelia always carried Muggle
iden fica on since she had to interact with the Muggle police
from me to me – and let her in to see the party leader.
“Amelia, wow… err you look different than I remember,” Tony
Blair greeted her as he was led into his office.
“No need to watch your words Tony, I know I aged quickly…
it’s been a rough few decades,” Amelia admi ed with self-
depreca ng humour. She was no older than the Muggle
poli cian, but an ac ve Auror career had cost her most of the
vision in one eye, which was why she wore a monocle, and
she had turned prematurely grey a er her brother Edgar and
his en re family had been killed, except for young Susan who
had been staying with her friend Hannah Abbo at the me.
“Well take a seat, take a seat. Now why did you come to see
“Tony… what I am about to tell you could be considered a
state secret. I assure you Her Majesty the Queen is aware, as
is Prime Minister Major and a few members of his staff.”
“Sounds serious,” Tony said a er a slight pause. “Are you sure
you should be telling me this?”
“Tony… I have no-one else to turn to,” Amelia sighed. “I need
to speak with PM Major at the earliest opportunity, perhaps
even with Her Majesty herself… it is a ma er of na onal
“Why don’t you start at the beginning then? I promise I will
keep an open mind.”
“Very well then… Tony… back when I le for that special
school, it was not just a private school. You see, I have special
talents… oh Merlin I’ll just say it… Tony, I’m a witch.”
The poli cian blinked slowly, “I beg your pardon, I am sure I
Amelia whipped out her wand, and waved it, saying “Avis‘. A
flock of bluebirds appeared, and as the astonished Tony Blair
looked on, Amelia began telling him about the Wizarding
“Wow Mooney, do you think they are even aware her mother
is si ng right there watching them?”
“Probably not Padfoot, or their hands would s ll be above
their clothes,” Remus answered his friend in an equally jovial
The two teens rushed to move away from each other, Harry’s
hands leaving Hermione’s lower back and stomach, and
Hermione’s slipping out from under Harry’s shirt where they
had been inspec ng his respectable abdominal muscles,
Quidditch tended to be a hell of a workout and during the
summer Harry kept in shape with gardening. The teens had
blushes that were even redder than Harry’s new hair colour,
as they saw Emma, Sirius, Remus, and the Frenchman
Delacour looking at them, smiles and promises of teasing on
their faces.
“Well, now that I have the a en on of everyone,” Jean
Delacour started, a smile on his face as he looked at the two
heavily blushing teens, “I have good news. Monsieur Black
was willing to tes fy under Veritaserum, and has convinced us
he is indeed innocent. Monsieur Lupin confirmed his story, as
well as the reason why you all had to leave so sudden.”
“Wow that is great!” Harry got to his feet, a happy look on his
face. “So we can leave now for Sirius’ home!”
“Non, I am afraid not just yet,” Jean stopped him. “You see
while La France is quite willing to give Monsieur Black asylum
pending an official court case, and Monsieur Lupin is only
guilty of abandoning his post at Hogwarts and is thus free to
go as he pleases, the two of you give us a problem.”
“How… how do you mean sir?” Hermione asked. She was s ll
a bit flushed from the make out session, internally chiding
herself for forge ng where they were – and she just knew
her mother would give her a stern talking to once they were
in private.
“You are both s ll under compulsory educa on, at least un l
you have your O.W.L.s. While we are willing to allow you to
remain in France and will protect you from… unsavoury
elements in the Bri sh government, you will have to con nue
your educa on at Beauxbatons.”
“But… but I don’t speak French!” Harry complained.
“Neither do I,” Hermione admi ed.
“There are ways around that. However the bigger issue is that
we cannot simply enrol a Bri sh student that was expelled –”
“What?!” Hermione squeaked.
“– let alone the famous Boy-who-Lived,” Jean Delacour
con nued as if Hermione had kept silent, “not only will this
allow Dumbledore to demand we return his students, it will
also possibly paint a target at Beauxbatons for any of your
other enemies.”
“Can we get to the point already? Hermione there looks like
she’s about to explode… either that or Harry has pushed the
right bu ons she is about to explode in a different way,” Sirius
joked. The end of the sentence earned him a smack on the
head from Remus, as well as an angry glare by both Granger
“Ah, amour de jeunesse,” Jean said with a smile on his face.
“Very well. Hermione, you can easily be disguised as you are
not so famous… a hair cut and a colour change, and no-one
should recognise you I think. Hmm… perhaps a spell to reduce
those rather prominent front teeth as well,” he added, either
not no cing or ignoring Hermione’s flinch. “As for you Harry,
Mr Black and Mr Lupin both told me you are a
metamorphmagus and can easily hold two other forms. Is this
“Yes…” Harry didn’t like where this seemed to be going.
“Excellent. And these are your current, base form, the look
that Mr Black describes as “a clone of James Po er”, and a
female form, yes?”
“Oh no, don’t tell me you –”
“Bon. Then as soon as we Monsieur Black, Monsieur Lupin,
and Madame Granger se led, Beauxbatons will accept two
new female students.”
“Hope Hermione’s into girls eh Harry?” Sirius added, earning
him another smack on the head from Remus, and another by
Emma for good measure.
A/N: Thanks for reading and following, favouri ng, or
reviewing. I don’t reply to all reviews, but I do read them all.
Some interes ng discussions through PM :)
12. Bienvenue en France!
Chapter Twelve
Bienvenue en France!
A/N: unless otherwise noted, assume everyone in the French
loca ons is speaking French. It has been decades for me since
I took lessons in the language so I won’t butcher the language
by trying to translate it all!

It was good to be the Queen of Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour

mused as she and her clique walked through the halls of the
pala al château a er dinner, on their way back to the student
Even though she was s ll a sixth year, no-one dared go against
her and her group, not even the Head Girl. And that was only
right… not only was she a Veela, she was also the best student
in most subjects, only DADA kept her from ge ng a perfect O
in all subjects, and she was the cheer-leading captain for the
Beauxbatons Quidditch team. And star ng this year she had
also become president of the student council. Yes, life was
“Erm… Miss Delacour?” a nervous voice to her right sounded.
With an exaggerated sigh she turned to face the speaker, a
third-year boy whose name she couldn’t be bothered to
“Why are you talking to me, li le boy?” Fleur’s clique giggled,
and the boy looked like he wanted to be far away from her…
just as he should.
“The… the Headmistress would like to see you in her office,
she sent me to get you… I apologize…” the boy was shaking a
bit, what li le courage he had had gone under the glares of
four upper-year girls including the subject of most boy’s wet
dreams at the school, Fleur.
“Bon. Off you trot then,” she dismissed the boy. Turning away
from him and not giving him another thought, she addressed
her clique. “Amélie, Julie e, Charlo e, I’ll find you in a li le
bit. Madame Maxine has called for me.” Par ng with a kiss on
the cheek of each girl, Fleur le the group to head for the
Headmistress Office.
Unlike at some lesser quality schools, the Beauxbatons
Academy was located in the palace of the same name, located
in a magically hidden valley in the Pyrenees. Like the Palace of
Versailles, which it greatly resembled, it had at one me been
a noble’s hun ng lodge, but had been extensively rebuilt and
extended over the centuries. The current-day Beauxbatons
had long, open corridors framed by pillars connec ng the
various main structures, and the various classrooms had large
windows open to the beau ful vistas of the mountains and
Beauxbatons did not have Houses like Hogwarts had, instead
there were mul ple classes for each year group, evenly split
to have an equal number of boys and girls. Currently there
were ten per year, numbered A through J.
All student housing was in the same wing, with boys and girls
firmly separated. Each student had their own bed and locker,
and shared a room with one to three others of the same class,
with the en re year sharing a bathroom. All the seven years’
corridors were reached through a common room usually just
called “the girls’ room” or “the boys’ room”, which in turn
were connected to a third, larger common room, which was
shared between the boys and the girls intended for
intermixing as well as study sessions, it being directly
connected to the Beauxbatons student library.
The Prefects were exclusively sixth and seventh year students,
one from each year for each class, and they were expected to
act as guardians for the younger students, with the teachers
mostly staying out of the dormitories except for the
occasional patrol.
The teachers had their own apartments on the palace
grounds, with a ached offices. It was to these offices Fleur
was now walking, enjoying the golden a ernoon sun peeking
through the large glass windows as she stepped through the
corridor leading to the teacher’s apartments where the
Headmistress” office was also located.
“Fleur, thank you for coming,” Madame Maxime’s deep
baritone voice greeted her favourite student as she stepped
into the office.
“Of course Madame Maxime,” Fleur responded with a smile,
then she took in the other people present. “Papa! What
brings you here?”
Monsieur Delacour stood up to catch his daughter as she
rushed towards him to hug him. “Bonjour my Flower, I am
very proud to hear you are doing so well here. Please, take a
seat, we have a favour to ask of you.”
A slight blush on her face, Fleur sat down in the free chair
next to her father, crossing her legs out of habit. There were
two others besides her Headmistress and father in the room:
two younger girls, one blonde and one with red hair. The
blonde looked excited, the red-head had a surly expression on
her face. To Fleur’s surprise, they were holding hands.
“Let me introduce the others present,” Madame Maxime
started. “These two are Jamie Crochenydd and Mia Farmer,
who will be star ng at Beauxbatons today.”
“Nice to meet you,” the blonde girl said with a smile. She had
very short hair, almost a crew cut, and her smile didn’t quite
free her teeth as if she was ashamed of them, Fleur no ced,
but from what she saw there was no reason for this.
“Hi,” the red-haired girl mumbled. She wore her hair in a ght
braid, and looked very unhappy to be there. She was also
si ng with her legs straight, rather than crossing them as a
lady should. Fleur frowned a bit at this and her too informal
gree ng.
“Nice to meet you both,” she said to the two, then turned to
her Headmistress again, a ques oning look on her face.
“I see you already guessed why I called you here Fleur,”
Madame Maxime said with a slight laugh. “As Miss
Crochenydd and Miss Farmer are new to France and this fine
ins tu on, they will need a student mentor. Would you be
willing to make sure they get se led here?”
Fleur hesitated, did Madame Maxime expect her to take care
of two brats? She looked to her father for support, and saw he
was looking at her expec ngly.
“Oui Madame, I will,” she decided. If this was important to
her father somehow, she would not let him down!
“Thank you Fleur,” Madame Maxime looked happy. “Girls, go
with Fleur please, she will show you to your dormitories and
introduce you to your year-mates.”
Fleur stood up at this dismissal, and gave a slight curtsy to her
Headmistress. The younger girls also rose from their seats,
and while the blonde copied Fleur in giving the Headmistress
proper respect, the red-haired girl just stood up and walked to
the exit.
“Are you sure they will be fine Jean?” Madame Maxime
looked worried, as her favourite led the two new students out
of the office.
“They are intelligent and know what’s at stake, and especially
Hermione… or Mia I should say, is very compe ve. I have no
doubts they will do well.”
“I am more worried about the Po er boy,” Madame Maxime
looked at the door the three had just le from. “I understand
why it is important he… she hide like this, but s ll, pu ng a
boy in the girl’s dormitories? You can imagine the scandal I
will face should the truth come out.”
“Harry is a trustworthy young man Maxime, and remember,
Mia is with him. I have no worries she’ll keep him from doing
anything bad. Remember we already have a story in place to
prevent him from embarrassing or ge ng embarrassed in the
worst ways.”
“I suppose you’re right Jean, s ll, maybe we should have told
your daughter the truth, so we have eyes inside the dorm as
“I s ll don’t think that would go well. While I love my
daughter, I know she is not the best person to keep something
like this a secret. See it as a good thing: if Jamie has to deal
with Fleur’s special gi s, the chance he’ll get caught up in
something we do not wish with another girl is even less
“Poor boy,” Madame Maxime snorted, “but I’d be lying if I
didn’t admit this was very funny in a way!”
Fleur led the two through the long corridor connec ng the
teacher’s apartments to the rest of the school, the two
younger girls hurrying a er her to try to keep up with her
longer legs. Once they entered the school building proper,
Fleur led them into an empty classroom, where the Runes
elec ve was held during the day me.
“Why are we stopping here? Aren’t you supposed to take us
to our dormitories?” the blonde girl started.
“We need to talk about things first, li le girls. Take a seat,”
Fleur interrupted her, and sat down on a chair facing two
others. She was pleased to see the “li le girl” remark
annoyed her new charges as they sat down. “You, Farmer was
it?” the blonde nodded, “I take it you two are English?”
“Yes… we are originally from there,” Hermione answered.
“Just checking. Well Farmer, you seem to know to behave at
least, but you, whatever your name was,” she rounded on the
red-head, “Have you no manners? Madame Maxime is the
Head of our School, and deserves your respect.”
“It’s Crochenydd,” the red-head bit back, “It’s Welsh. And how
do you mean respect? I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Myrddin,” Fleur sighed. “You do not see or do not want to
see? When we see the Headmistress or any other teacher, we
stand and do not sit un l they do. When we are allowed to
leave, we give a curtsy before going. We do not greet others
with “hi”, but use “pleasure to meet you”, or something
similar. And we certainly don’t sit like that,” she indicated her
posi on, once again her legs uncrossed.
“Oh… sorry,” the Welsh? girl answered, quickly crossing her
legs. Fleur no ced the blonde giving the other girl a look of
disapproval as well.
“Now then, as you’ll have heard, I am Fleur Delacour. You may
address me as Miss Delacour. I will call you two Farmer and
Galles since I have no desire to remember that weird last
name of yours,” Fleur saw to her sa sfac on that “Wales”
didn’t like that one bit.
“You will not bother me with triviali es, and if I tell you to do
something, you’ll do so without complaint. Farmer, make sure
Galles learns some proper manners, and we won’t have any
problems. Galles, learn to behave like a proper young lady
soon, and I’ll let you two have some freedom. Am I
“If you think for even one second that –” “Wales” started, but
was silenced by a kick against her feet by the other girl.
“Understood Miss Delacour, we’ll not be a problem,” Farmer
instead answered, “won’t we Jamie?”
“Understood,” “Wales” mu ered.
“Bon. Then let us go to the dormitories, you are third year
students correct?”
“Yes, we both are,” Farmer confirmed.
“It is an hour to dinner, so your year-mates should be working
on their homework now. I will bring you to them, you can pick
out your beds and then see if they will be willing to help you
get ready for tomorrow’s classes.”
Fleur rose, as did the younger girls, and she led them through
the corridors to the student wing.
“The château’s layout is very straigh orward,” Fleur
instructed the two as she walked in a steady pace. She heard
their feet cla ering as they ran to keep up with her.
“All the classrooms are in this building, you’ll learn where
each class is located soon enough. If not, ask your fellow
students. We take a right here to the Student Wing, if we
were to go le through this corridor, we’d pass a few other
class rooms before we arrive at the Dining Hall and school
main entrance. Breakfast is from half past seven to nine,
when classes start. A endance is mandatory. “Lunch is from
half past twelve to half past one, and is op onal. Some of
your classes may extend through the first half hour of lunch
so keep that in mind. Following lunch you will have your
a ernoon classes, un l five, when dinner starts. Dinner ends
at six thirty.
Curfew is at ten, and you’ll be expected to be inside the
student wing from that me unless you have an evening or
night class, tutoring, or deten on.
“You will not go into the boy’s side of the dormitories, or try
to get a boy in the girl’s side. And in the shared common
room, any roman c ac vi es will be with clothes on, and you
are not to bother any students trying to work.”
Fleur looked back, and saw the two girls were holding hands
as they ran a er her.
“The same rules apply to the girl’s common room and your
sleeping chambers, if you two are thus inclined.”
Fleur saw them release their hands quickly and a blush
appearing on their face, with a sa sfied smirk. She didn’t have
anything against close girlfriends, but these brats would soon
learn that being made the responsibility of the Beauxbatons
Queen would not be an easy ride and she would tease them if
she wanted to!
“Well, here we are,” she stopped in front of a large door,
which was opened by a gentle push. “Farmer, Galles, welcome
to Beauxbatons.”
Hermione and Harry stepped through the doors a er her,
arriving in a large room filled with tables and lined with
shelves containing books, objects which Hermione recognised
as being useful for several classes, as well as what appeared
to be the wizarding kind of board games. Several of these
were in use at the tables. There were easily over two
thousand students present, and while the dominant language
was French, they also heard Spanish, Italian, and even some
Dutch being spoken.
“Did Madame Maxime tell you which class you are in?” Fleur
asked a er she let them take in the sights a bit.
“Err… 3H I think it was,” Harry spoke. Fleur nodded, that made
sense, she was the Prefect for the “H” classes already.
“Bon.” Fleur led them through the hustle, most students
automa cally giving her space as she passed, and shoo ng
interested glances at the two girls following the stately
blonde. Fleur led them to a table near the back, where about
twenty students were working on their homework.
“Pay a en on squirts,” Fleur got them to look at her, “you
have two new students star ng today, lately from England.
Make sure they get se led, and find out how far behind they
are Farmer, Galles, introduce yourself. I’ll be with my friends,
only come find me if you have a serious problem. Ta ta!”
Fleur walked off, happy to get rid of the two for now.
“Hello girls,” a brown-haired boy greeted the two new
students, “I am Jacob Vanhoogene, that’s Michel, Julie,
Antoine, Vi orio,” he con nued lis ng the names of everyone
at the table un l he no ced it passed by the newcomers
without really registering.
“Sorry, I guess it’s a li le much to take in for now. What brings
you two here, and what were your names? Farmer and Galles
was it?”
“It’s Crochenydd,” Harry sounded annoyed. “Jamie
Crochenydd, and she’s Mia Farmer. We were moved here
because our parents decided to move to France suddenly. I
don’t know why Fleur keeps calling me Galles.”
“Honestly Jamie, that should be obvious,” Hermione sighed.
“Crochenydd is Welsh, and Wales is called Pays de Galles in
She looked away from the red-haired girl and smiled at the
boy that had greeted them. “Err, yeah. So I’m Mia, she’s
Jamie… pleasure to meet you all, I hope I can pick up your
names soon enough.”
That broke the ice, and the newcomers were quickly
surrounded by their new classmates.
The two English students were talking with Jacob and a few
others about Transfigura on class, when a chime sounded.
Almost immediately the rumour in the room quieted, as
students began to pick up their stuff and clean up.
“Curfew starts now,” Jacob explained to the two. “I guess I’ll
see you two for breakfast, have a good night!”
“Night Jacob, Michel, Vi orio, err.. others,” Hermione
stumbled, ge ng waves and smiles in return.
“Follow me then,” the girl who had introduced herself as Julie
commented. They had learned that she was from the French
part of Belgium, and was a Quidditch fana c, so Harry and she
had instantly struck up a friendship.
With about three thousand students, Beauxbatons had over
ten mes the number of students Hogwarts did, and as a
result there were more Quidditch teams as well: twenty full
teams which played in an inter-school compe on
throughout the year, as well as several unofficial teams which
played pick-up games. On top of that, there were games of
Quadpot and other sports. The school had two full Quidditch
fields complete with stands for viewers, as well as a number
of sports fields for non-compe on use.
The girls passed through the girls’ room, which unlike the
shared common room was mostly used for “girl talk” and
relaxing, and were led to the third year sleeping area where
they passed through the door marked with an ornate le er
“Oh, I see you two will be sharing a room,” Julie commented,
as she no ced a new door. Opening it, the girls saw two beds
side-by-side, with unopened trunks in front of them. There
were six other doors where the other seventeen girls of their
year had their beds, and the English duo no ced they were
definitely in use as the walls behind them were hung with
tasteful posters or le ers, and many had photos on the bed
“You should unpack those and store them by your locker,” she
instructed the two transfers. “I don’t know how they do things
in England, but we’re supposed to keep our beds made up
and our dorm rooms clean.”
A er the duo was done unpacking the essen als, the other
girls got back to talking with the newcomers, hanging around
in the bedroom shared by Raquel, a Spanish girl; Anna; and
“So why did you two change schools in the middle of the
year?” Raquel asked them.
“Err… we had to move here with our parents. It’s sort of
complicated,” Hermione answered a er a brief pause.
“Are you two related?” Anna, a French girl asked.
“No! She’s my– I mean we are best friends,” Harry was quick
to answer.
“All right girls let’s give the newbies a break,” Julie said with a
laugh. “You two should get into our own bedrooms, the
Prefects will be by soon and then it’ll be light out.”
“Jamie, go, now,” Hermione bit to her friend, as Julie began
li ing her shirt up.
“Oh… right,” Harry rushed out the room, blushing.
“What’s up with that?” Anna wondered, taking off her top
and bra.
“Oh… Jamie is very erm… body shy,” the blonde girl
stammered. “I… I’d be er check on her.”
“She’s weird,” Anna commented to her dorm mates as
Hermione rushed out of the room. “I don’t think she’s told us
the whole story.”
“Oh let her be, it’s probably just stress from moving and
switching schools,” Julie threw a pillow to Anna, “you are the
weird one anyway!”
“You take that back Jules!” Anna laughed, throwing the pillow
Inside their new bedroom, Hermione walked in on Harry
changing, and found her friend struggling to reach the clasp of
the bra.
“Honestly Ha– Jamie, s ll not figured it out?” Rolling her eyes,
she helped her take the garment off.
“It’s not as easy as it looks,” Jamie grumbled. “Look away will
“Really, it’s not as if I haven’t seen it before,” the former
brune e said with a giggle, but turned her back as the red-
head undressed further. “You pervert, were you going to
watch un l she had her top of before you le ?”
“I was just not paying a en on,” Harry countered. “You
should know by now I’m not like that.
“Oh, and you can turn around again if you like.”
“Oh Harry, I know,” Hermione sighed. “Anyway I told them you
are very body shy, so want to be alone to dress and undress.”
“Ah thanks, that will work. But why are you here then?”
“Prat,” his friend said with a giggle, looking him over. “Are you
sure you can keep your form through the night?”
“Hope so, but I’ll be under the covers anyway and I can always
change back in the morning should I slip.”
“Right… now I can’t keep helping you with everything… so pay
a en on Po er,” the “smartest witch of her age” got a blush
on her face.
“Crochenydd, remember? We’ve got to be careful not to slip
up names, Mia Farmer.”
“Prat,” Hermione huffed. “Are you paying a en on?”
“To what?” Harry asked, then his eyes went twice as wide, as
Hermione li ed her shirt over her head revealing her bra-clad
“Not a word…” she said in a low tone, then in a lecturing
tone: “Now see how my bra closes in the back?” She turned
around, showing her back to her friend. “It’s very easy to
unhook, just reach back like this,” she did so, her arms
reaching around her back, “and li the hooks from the eye.
Your bra has two of them.”
Before her friend’s eyes, she freed the bra straps, le ng them
fall open against her sides, the cups only barely s ll covering
her mounds.
“N– Now fastening is the same way,” she reached back again,
“just hook each clasp in the right loop, like this.” The bra was
closed again.
“Err… I’ve err.. tried that, it’s hard,” Harry said a er a small
“You’ve got to prac ce then,” Hermione replied, s ll blushing.
“But in the mean me I’ll show you another way…”
She turned around, so her back was facing her friend.
“Now you’ll first want to free your arms like this,” she let her
arms slip through the arm holes.
“Th– then… move it around like this…”
Slowly, she moved the bra around un l the cups were on her
back. Harry looked on intently, not daring to make a sound as
he got a glimpse of her chest.
“Ne– next… you simply unhook it like this…” S ll keeping her
eyes closed, her ac ons followed the words, “and you’re
done… pu ng one on works the same way, first clasp it, then
move it to the proper place, then put your arms in. Got it?”
She didn’t wait for a reply, but quickly caught her bra before it
fell, and rushed to get her pyjama top on. She felt her face
burn as she did so, then once everything was properly hidden
again she turned around again, s ll blushing.
“Turn around now, I need to get undressed further…” Harry
turned fully, facing the wall, and the rustle of clothes made it
clear Hermione was rushing into her pyjama bo oms.
“Okay, you can turn back now,” she said a er a minute or so.
“Hermione, thank you,” Harry said with a smile. “You’re really
my best friend.” She rushed in to hug him, and just as her
arms wrapped around him, he added “and beau ful too.”
Hermione froze in place, then returned the hug, squeezing
ghtly. “Good… goodnight Harry,” she blushed deeply, and
stepped away to get in her own bed.
“Night Hermione,” Harry said in a somewhat higher voice,
blushing deeply as well.
By the me Fleur came by to check on the pair as part of the
light’s out check, both were deeply asleep.

A/N: Very much a filler chapter with perhaps too much

exposi on on Beauxbatons, but we know so li le about the
school I wanted to sketch how I see the school here. To make
up for it I’ll try to get the next chapter out sooner, where stuff
will be happening again, and we’ll look in on the adults.
Looks: Hermione (“Mia”) has short hair now, like her actress
Emma Watson did a er the HP movies. The pixie cut works
for her, and combined with the blonde colouring and
shrunken front teeth it is a real new look for her.
Harry (“Jamie”) of course is unrecognisable for Dumbledore
and his cronies in his girl form.
As for names:
Mia Farmer: Mia from Hermione, Farmer is a transla on of
Granger (originally a farmer, or farming steward).
Jamie Crochenydd: Jamie from James, his middle name, and
Crochenydd is just Po er in Welsh.
They’re not air ght disguises, but should be enough to throw
off Dumbledore as he’ll be looking for a boy and girl pair, not
two girls.
13. Plo ng
Chapter Thirteen
Plo ng
A/N: There is a lot of jumping scenes here, I hope everything
is clear. All takes day on the same day as the previous chapter
or the day immediately following.
A/N 2: Uploaded early in celebra on of JKR - the bloody
AUTHOR OF THE BOOKS - admi ng that pairing Ron and
Hermione was a mistake. Search Google for it ;)

Jean Delacour flooed to the Black villa near Marseille, a er

saying his goodbyes to the Beauxbatons Headmistress.
“Jean! How did it go?” Remus was wai ng for him in the
ves bule where the floo was located.
“About as well as could be expected my friend,” Jean said with
a smile. “Hermione looked happy to be star ng school again,
and I’m sure she’ll keep Harry in line. My Fleur agreed to look
a er the two of them at school.”
“Well that is good news. Let me go get Emma, I’m sure she’d
love to hear everything.”
“Oui, we need to talk about the hearing as it is,” Jean agreed.
Remus led him into the Si ng Room, where Sirius was
reading a copy of the Daily Prophet.
“Welcome back Jean,” the former prisoner remarked. Seeing
Remus walk to the stairs, he called a er his friend, “Emma is
asleep I think, I haven’t heard from her in a while.”
Remus nodded, then le the Frenchman and his best friend in
the Si ng Room.
“Emma? Jean is here,” he called through the door. Ge ng no
reply, he opened it to find Emma asleep, tears on her face.
“Emma? Wake up please,” he gently roused her.
“Dan! Run!” Emma looked panicked as she shot up, then got
back to her senses. “Oh god… Remus? What is it?”
“Emma, Jean is back… the kids are at Beauxbatons, everyone
is safe. Are… are you okay?” He looked worried.
“Just a bad dream,” Emma mumbled. “I’ll… I’ll be down in a
moment. Let me freshen up first.” Remus frowned as he saw
her quaff own a Calming Draught, and le the room.
A quarter hour later Emma came back down, looking as
reserved as ever. “Jean, good to see you,” she greeted their
new friend with a kiss on the cheek. “How did it go with the
“No problems at all,” Jean repeated himself. “Madame
Maxime knows she can call on me any me there is any issue,
not that I expect there to be one. We thought it best she not
directly contact the Black House, just in case someone finds
you here.”
“Probably for the best,” Sirius agreed. “I guess it’s not really
an op on for me to hide my iden ty while I am here.”
“Not if you want your day in court, non. Speaking of which,
the Magistrate wants to know if you would be willing to take
“Of course,” the black-haired wizard agreed, “as long as any
ques ons are kept to the case at hand that is.”
“Bon. Sirius, for the moment I am responsible for you, at least
un l the trial. I must ask you not to leave the house without
me, otherwise I will have no op on but to place you back
under arrest un l the actual trial. Can you deal with that?”
“Yes Jean, I know I can trust you. I won’t cause any problems
for you.”
Jean nodded, happy that the ex-convict was coopera ng.
“And what about Dumbledore, and the murderer?” Remus
“We have started inves ga ons on Mr Dumbledore officially,
but you have to understand that he is very well protected…
not just in Britain. He is currently s ll the Supreme Mugwump
for Europe at the ICW,” Jean said a er a moment of pause.
“However, La France is in talks with our German and Italian
friends to see if there is support for a vote of Non Confidence.
It appears that Mr Dumbledore has ruffled more feathers in
those countries as well, so we may get them on board.
“As for Mr Snape,” he ignored the growl coming out of Sirius,
“there is an arrest order out for him in France, and we hope
to get one out throughout all of Europe once we take care of
Mr Dumbledore at the ICW. Alas his current loca on is
“For his sake, you’d be er catch him soon Jean… if I see him
first, there won’t be anything le to go on trial,” Sirius
“I’ll pretend I never heard that while wearing my official hat,
my friend,” Jean solemnly nodded.
In the Belgian town of Fornes (or Veurne as the Dutch name
was), a “John Doe” pa ent was in intensive care. A hiker had
found the man in the nearby na onal park, bleeding and
unconscious, and given his extensive injuries had immediately
called the alarm number 112.
The pa ent had a bullet in his abdomen, was missing several
fingers, and had cracked ribs and a broken leg. The cause of
his injuries was a riddle to the doctors and police, as there
was no sign of any footprints or re tracks leading to where
he was found… the best theory they had was that he had
been involved in a criminal deal and was dropped from a
helicopter, that had somehow slipped under the radar.
For now they could do nothing but wait un l he woke up.
John Major, Leader of the Conserva ve Party of the United
Kingdom and the current Prime Minister, was frowning as he
read through a report in his office at Nr. 10 Downing Street.
What should have been a rela vely straigh orward arrest of a
domes c terrorist had gone inexplicably wrong, the suspect,
one Severus Snape, had somehow eluded the intercep on
team despite being shot… the manner of his escape meant
that they were likely dealing with a Wizard gone bad.
He groaned, as he remembered the first me he had had to
deal with the obnoxious “Minister for Magic”… it had been his
first day in office, when a sound of someone clearing his
throat had sounded in his empty office. It turned out to come
from a small pain ng that actually moved, and before he
knew what was happening John was introduced to one
Cornelius Fudge, “Minister for Magic”, who told him about an
en re hidden magical world, and expressed on him that
Major had best kept out of their way, as they were used to
self-rule and had been effec vely independent from what
they called the “Muggle world” since 1692. While s ll
nominally subjects to the Crown, Minister Fudge made it clear
to John that not only did he have no authority at all over the
magicals, but they even were within their rights to erase
memories of “Muggles” that got too close!
Needless to say John was not happy about this, but he found
the trea es confirming this, and later in a discussion with Her
Majesty it became clear that Minister Fudge was right: he
couldn’t do a thing.
And now he had another case of a magical causing havoc in
his Britain… John got up, and walked to the corner with the
pain ng.
“Err… are you awake?” he asked it, feeling foolish.
“Hmm? What is it, Muggle?” the pain ng asked in reply.
“Can you… can you tell that Fudge fellow I’d like to speak with
him as soon as possible?”
“I’ll see what I can do. Wait here,” the pain ng answered, and
walked out of the frame.
John waited for almost half an hour, before the pain ng got
back. “The Minister is too busy to deal with you Muggles,” it
said in a snobbish tone. “He asks you send him a le er with
your wishes, and will deal with it in his own good me.”
“Now listen here, I am the Prime Minister of the United
Kingdom, not some lackey!” John said in annoyed tone.
“None of my concern. Now let me go back to sleep,” the
pain ng cut him off, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.
John cursed so ly, and went back to his desk. A li le later, his
phone rang. He picked it up, ge ng his secretary.
“Minister Major? I have Mr Blair on the line, he says it is
rather urgent.”
“Pass him through,” John answered, s fling a sigh. While he
got along fine with his direct compe tor, Tony was a shrewd
poli cian and John feared he was likely to take his place as
PM at the next elec on unless things changed soon.
“John? Thanks for your me,” Tony Blair’s voice sounded.
“It’s no problem Tony, you men oned it was urgent. How can I
help you?”
“John… if I were to tell you magic is real…”
“… ” John Major kept silent, thinking. There was no reason
Tony Blair should know about the other world, to the best of
his knowledge.
“Tony, I am not in the mood for jokes,” he said a er a too long
pause. “What are you really calling about?”
He heard a sigh through the phone, then: “John, I know. And
we have a problem… Fudge is not trustworthy. Does the name
Severus Snape ring a bell?”
John nearly dropped the phone, “Tony, I think we’d best meet
face-to-face right now.”
“Agreed,” came from the headset. “I will be bringing a friend,
Amelia Bones, we have quite a lot to discuss.”
The next morning at Beauxbatons, Hermione woke slowly and
took a moment to find her surroundings. Then everything
came back to her, and she stretched before looking over at
her… her roommate’s bed.
“Harry, wake up,” she called. Her friend had once again
reverted to his male form, she no ced.
“Harry, you’re a guy again, wake up,” she repeated. Harry
grumbled, and woke up.
“Morning Mione,” he yawned. “What me is it?”
“You should change back Harry, and it’s almost seven.”
Harry focused, and morphed to his female form. “Huh, it’s
ge ng easier every me.”
“Well good, maybe you can learn not to turn back at night
then. Now we should go take a shower before breakfast. I’ll
go in first, and make sure you don’t embarrass anyone else.
Well, you coming?” Hermione stood near the door, her hands
on her sides. Harry rushed out of bed, and followed a er her.
The small corridor was empty, the others of their class
evidently either s ll sleeping, or already gone. Hermione
instructed Harry to wait near the bathroom door, then took a
quick peek inside. “Okay Jamie, come in,” she said a er a
moment. “You take that stall, I’ll be in the next one. If anyone
else comes in you will keep your eyes closed un l I say you
can peek, understood?”
“Yes yes, don’t worry,” Harry said, rolling his eyes. He stepped
into the indicated stall, and undressed. Fortunately taking a
shower was something girls and boys did the same… he was
not looking forward to not being able to change back while
using the bathroom for other ma ers!
The rushing warm water on his skin soothed his nerves. Harry
was s ll amazed by suddenly being able to speak French. Mr
Delacour had given him and Hermione a po on the day
before, which apparently allowed them to both speak and
understand the language perfectly for a full month;
a erwards they would either take a new dose, or hopefully
have learned the language by exposure. It was an
experimental po on and not for sale yet, but somehow he
had go en access to it for them both.
Le ng his thoughts dri to classes, Harry shut off the water,
and reached outside for some towels. He dried off inside the
cabin, then stepped out… and found himself faced with the
sight of several topless older girls, among them Fleur
Delacour. He gasped, closed his eyes and turned back to step
back in his stall as soon as he realised what he was seeing.
Hermione shut off her own shower, and stepped outside, to
find her boyfriend briefly ogling the breasts of several older
girls before he ducked back inside. Anger rising, she reached
in and grabbed him by the shoulder: “Jamie, our room, now,”
she bit at him.
Harry stammered an apology as he rushed out of the
bathroom, pointedly looking only at the floor.
“Wait up Farmer,” Fleur called over her shoulder as she
no ced the commo on. “What is Galles’s problem?”
“Oh… it is nothing Miss Delacour,” Hermione smoothly
replied. “Jamie is just not that used to sharing a bathroom. I’d
best go see how she’s doing.” Inside she was fuming at her
boyfriend, how dare he abuse the situa on like that!
“Hmpf,” Fleur snorted. “That is s ll no excuse for bad
manners. I will have a word with her later. You, go check on
her and make sure she makes it to Le Pe t Dejeuner, you
remember the way?”
“Yes,” Hermione nodded. “I’ll go check on Jamie then.” She
rushed out, a frown re-appearing on her face, and walked into
their room.
“How dare you!” she fumed.
“Wha?” Her friend was busy ge ng dressed, and looked up
“Don’t “what” me, you know exactly what I mean!”
“Huh?” Harry looked confused, as he laid out the blue robes
of the girl’s Beauxbatons uniform on his bed. “It’s not as if I
intended to Mia, I just didn’t hear them come in.”
“Don’t lie to me, I know you were checking out their breasts,”
the former brune e fumed. “Well, did you enjoy your look,
Harry rolled his eyes, “please. If I were interested in looking at
anyone’s breasts it would be yours…” He clapped his hand on
his mouth, eyes wide in shock, “err… never mind.”
Hermione staggered, “Wha… what did you just say?”
“Never mind Mia… I’m sorry okay?” Harry would not meet her
“Do… do you mean that? You’d rather see me than Fleur?”
Harry groaned, sounding very cute. “Can’t we forget I said
anything? We should be ge ng dressed, we have breakfast
Hermione got a weird look on her face, “All right then Jamie…
do you need me to show you one more me how to get a bra
Harry almost said “no”, but something in her voice made him
nod instead. His eyes went wide as Hermione dropped her
towel facing him, revealing her bare chest. He was holding his
breath as she picked up her bra from her own bed, and slowly
placed it on her mounds, then clasped it ght behind her
“You… you think you can do it now Harry?” Hermione said in a
small voice.
“You’re gorgeous…” Harry breathed out.
Hermione looked at his face, and saw an expression she had
only seen before when they were snogging… a look he
definitely had not had when he was in the bathroom just now.
A smile on her face, “Okay Harry, I forgive you. But be more
careful from now on,” she said, and turned her back to him to
get her new uniform on. Harry liked her body more than
Fleur’s, and Fleur was perfect! A wide smile had appeared on
her face, and she felt it would not be going away any me
Breakfast at Beauxbatons was hec c, to say the least. Instead
of a large hall with four large tables, the Beauxbatons dinner
hall more resembled an immense canteen with hundreds of
smaller tables, with place for groups of about fi y students.
Naturally the 3H class gravitated to one of these, “our table,”
Antoine commented.
“How was your night Mia, Jamie?” the blonde French boy
asked a er they had began filling up their plates. “It can’t be
easy moving into a new school midway through the year.”
“Fine,” Harry mumbled, just as he was bi ng down on a crêpe.
“I see that the English peasants have s ll not invented proper
manners,” Fleur’s snooty voice sounded. “You, li le girl,
move,” she instructed Anna, who was si ng across the table
from Jamie and Mia, and Anna quickly bunched up to make
place for the snooty blonde.
“Galles, that will be one demerit for improper behaviour,”
Fleur commented to the new girls.
“What? Just who do you think –” Harry bristled, but
Hermione’s hand flew in front of his mouth covering it up.
“She means to say she’s sorry, Miss Delacour,” Hermione tried
to smoothen things. “Eek!” Her hand flew off her friend’s face,
as Harry licked it.
“The hell I do. Listen you stuck up bird I have no idea what
your problem with me is, but it had be er end soon,” Harry
bit to Fleur.
To his surprise, Fleur simply laughed. “Oh ho ho ho, the li le
girl has some spirit! What a good way to start at a new school,
picking fights and insul ng Prefects… your parents must be so
proud of you.”
“At least I’m not a bitch with delusions of grandeur!” Harry
yelled out. The noise level around them dropped, as people
gasped at the sight of a third-year talking back to the Fleur
Fleur’s face was distorted by a scowl, “And that is deten on
tonight, Galles. You – Farmer – I am giving you one day to
teach your girlfriend some manners or I’ll have her in
deten on for the rest of the semester.
“Bye for now, don’t be late to classes or you’ll have even more
deten ons,” Fleur ended with a fake smile, standing up to go
back to her own table.
“Wow, I have not seen Fleur Delacour that angry since the
me that senior didn’t ask her to the dance,” Jacob
commented. He had been si ng next to Anna and then Fleur,
so had a front-row seat. “You have some guts Jamie, she’s
going to make your life hell now.”
“I can’t stand bullies, she’ll be sorry yet she messed with me,”
Harry grumbled.
“Oh Harry,” Hermione sighed. She missed the strange looks
the use of this name got her, and Harry was too focused
a emp ng to glare a hole in Fleur’s back to no ce.
Life in the Black villa was slowly rousing as well. Remus had
le early that morning to go to the Paris branch of Gringo s,
with Sirius effec vely grounded his friend had given the
werewolf a signed le er allowing him to deduct funds from
the Black Vault in his place. While the villa was quite ready for
human habita on, they would need to get Sirius some be er
clothes for the trial and some extra spending cash was never a
bad thing.
Emma came down to the living room where she saw Sirius
read the Daily Prophet.
“Any important news in there Sirius? Morning.”
“Hi Emma,” Sirius replied without looking up, “I’m not sure
yet. Apparently Madam Bones of the DMLE was fired for
some reason… I went to school with Amelia, she was a good
witch back then but I don’t know if she can be trusted s ll.”
“So this could have nothing to do with us?”
“Yeah, too soon to tell,” Sirius agreed. “By Merlin’s wand
Emma, you look awful,” he blurted out as he looked up.
“Not a very gentlemanly thing to say, Sirius!” Emma said with
a wry laugh. It was true, she had slept horribly.
“I ran out of that Calming Draught… do we have some more?”
“I don’t think we do, but let me check,” Sirius stood up,
walking to the kitchen where they also stored some po ons.
A er some rummaging through the cabinets, he called back
“Afraid we’re all out… Remus should be bringing back some
basic supplies so we can whip up a new batch in the lab later
“I… I don’t know if I can take that long,” Emma said with a
sigh. She had followed him into the kitchen. “Please Sirius,
can’t you help me?”
“I shouldn’t Emma…” Sirius hesitated, sad women were his
weakness. “Okay… I will, but you can’t tell Remus,
“Promise,” Emma answered.
“Veniat felicita s”, the Marauder cast a cheering charm on his
Muggle friend. The effect was instantaneous: Emma’s sad
expression was replaced by one of joy, and a wide smile
appeared on her face.
“Oh wow… I feel… wonderful,” she said, slowly taking in how
much more vibrant everything seemed.
“You look it,” the wizard answered.
“I look good? You’re being serious?”
“Heh,” Sirius barked a laugh, “I always am, especially when
pre y women are involved!”
Any further jokes were stopped as Emma crashed into him,
delivering a crushing hug and mashing her lips onto his.
On the other side of the Channel, Prime Minister John Major
once more stood in the corner of his office.
“Hello? Pain ng? It is urgent I speak with Minister Fudge,” he
tried once more.
“Muggle, it is as I told you before, the Minister has no me for
you,” the pain ng said in a snooty tone. “I will inform you the
next me he feels like summoning you.”
John sighed, well that was that. Since the Wizarding
Government had no interest in coopera on, it was me to
step up the ladder so to speak… with a phone call, he set in
mo on the procedure to have a mee ng between himself,
Tony Blair, Madam Amelia Bones… and her Majesty, Queen
Elizabeth II.

A/N: a shorter chapter than I’d hoped, but this seemed to be

the best place to cut it off. The “big mee ngs” where things
will finally start to go wrong for Dumbledore will take up a full
chapter on their own.
Despite how things may seem right now, this will NOT have a
Sirius/Emma pairing. The poor woman has to suffer from this
author some more though.
Thanks for reading and reviewing. To anon reviewers: please
don’t ask me things, I have no way to respond to you!
14. Queen
Chapter Fourteen
Remus walked to the Rue Magique’s floo access, Gringo s
and shopping had taken much longer than expected. Even
though Sirius had signed a le er giving him full access, even
signed with a drop of his blood, the Goblins s ll acted
suspicious. He had been interrogated by the nasty creatures
for close to an hour before they finally, grudgingly, allowed
him to get some galleons, supervised all the way. Remus
wondered if the Goblins hated werewolves as well, or maybe
it was because he was English, and the Goblins were upset
about how badly their race was treated in that country.
Regardless, he finally got access to the gold and was able to
stock up on some food, po ons supplies, and had made an
appointment with a tailor to get Sirius fi ed the next day.
Remus waited for an available floo, then stepped through
sounding out “Black villa” as he dropped the magical powder.
The first thing he saw a er the world stopped spinning was
his best friend’s hairy naked backside, as Sirius was standing in
the living room stretching in the buff.
“Dammit Padfoot, put some clothes on! What if Emma had
seen you like that?”
Sirius ducked behind the sofa, wearing only a sheepish grin,
“Oh hey Moony, err… don’t worry, she hasn’t been down all
Remus demonstra vely turned away, “I don’t even want to
know why you are naked, you dog. Ugh it smells in here… get
dressed for Merlin’s sake, and open a window already. It
smells weird in here.”
He dropped the groceries, and walked to the door. “You can
unpack, I’ll go take a walk on the grounds. I need to clear that
horrible sight from my brain,” he called out as he stepped
“Is he gone?” a small voice came from the sofa. Emma raised
her head slowly, peaking over the back. Her hair was ma ed
around her head, and she had a sweaty, glowing hue on her
“That was too close,” Sirius commented, picking up his pants
from the floor.
“No kidding. Do you see my knickers anywhere?”
“Not where I’m looking,” Sirius was grinning wide. “Damn
you’re a wild one.”
“Look, Sirius, this was…” Emma paused as she looked around,
seeing her bra hanging from a nearby houseplant – good thing
Remus hadn’t been paying a en on – and one of her socks
was halfway under the sofa itself.
“A lot of fun yes,” Sirius replied, “I definitely wouldn’t mind a
repeat session. I have been on a dry spell for 12 years!” He
found Emma’s skirt tangled in his shirt, and tossed it to her.
Emma wavered, “Not… not what I mean. Look Sirius, we had
fun, but this was just one me, and don’t tell the others?”
“Sure Em, whatever you say” Sirius was all smiles, leaning in
for a quick kiss. To his disappointment, Emma turned her head
“I’ll… I’ll be upstairs, I need to think.” Emma put her skirt on,
and awkwardly stood up.
“Want some company?” Sirius shot her a wink.
“No, I want to be alone for now. You go clean up.” She walked
towards the other room with the stairs, and headed upstairs,
not seeing the wizard’s face drop.
For Harry, classes served nicely to take his thoughts of
breakfast. To both his and Hermione’s surprise he found that
he was not behind at all, in fact during their first class,
Charms, they were taught the Cheering Charm, and he was
the first out of the en re 3H to get it right. Their teacher,
Professeur Poussin, awarded him a merit point, and Jamie
earned another during the same class when he helped their
classmate Julie cast it right.
“Damn Jamie, you’re good,” the Walloon blonde had
commented to him as they le the classroom. “Usually
Vi orio is the first to get the spell, either him or Jacob there.”
“I guess I just have a charming personality,” Harry grinned. He
liked Julie, she had a good sense of humour and liked
“Bad joke Galles,” Michel groaned, as he pushed past the two.
“Oh come on don’t start calling me that,” Harry whined, “it’s
Crochenydd, or Jamie.”
““Galles” is easier,” Julie grinned at him, “you’ll just have to
deal with it.”
“It’s your own fault for picking such a difficult name,”
Hermione hooked her arm around his, as she caught up with
the group. She had stayed behind to ask their teacher some
ques ons, but had caught the last bit of the joking.
Harry shot her a shocked look, sure he had chosen the name
himself when Mr Delacour had made it clear they needed an
alias, but what was she thinking poten ally ruining their
iden es with a comment like that?
Fortunately for them, the others took it as a joke: “Heh that’s
nothing, at least you don’t have a horrible name like Anna
there,” Vi orio called out.
“If you dare!” Anna shot him a murderous gaze.
“What are you going to do to me then, Anna Laflamme-
Brûlé?” the Italian boy yelled out, then ran off, a furious
brune e in reply, as the others of 4C descended in laughter.
The other classes of the day also went well, Harry showing
remarkable ap tude in all wanded subjects. He had always
been good at Transfigura on and Charms, but even he was
surprised when during Transfigura on class his hedgehog
turned into a pincushion on the first a empt. Hermione shot
him an envious look, as even with him helping her she could
not get it right.
Their lunch break was interrupted by another appearance of
Fleur, with a teacher in tow.
“See Professeur Gelée? I have found you a li le helper for this
evening, Galles doesn’t mind ge ng dirty, she has no
manners to speak of as it is,” she was commen ng as she
pointed out Harry to the man.
“Miss Delacour, I could do without the commentary, thank
you very much,” the man cut her off.
“Miss Crochenydd was it? Wait for me here a er dinner, I will
come collect you for your deten on. You will be assis ng me
prepare for tomorrow’s classes.”
“Yes sir,” Harry answered respec ully, knowing it was li le use
figh ng this, but as soon as the teacher turned around, he
glared at Fleur. Fleur actually stumbled as she felt the gaze of
the “li le girl” on her, and rushed back to her own table.
“I really can’t stand that bi– witch,” Harry grumbled.
“My brother says she wasn’t always this bad,” Michel
commented. “He’s in her year and class, you see. She used to
be perfectly nice un l puberty happened,” he ignored the silly
laughs and jeers of a few others, “a er that she changed.”
“Changed how?” Hermione asked.
“Have you no ced how she has only girls around her? Well
there’s a reason for that… she’s a Veela, and when she was
our age her Allure started coming out, she had much difficulty
controlling it at first. Most guys from her year and up couldn’t
focus on anything when she is looking at them, and were
constantly asking her out. “My brother says she turned into a
real snob a er that, since she thinks very li le of anyone who
is affected.”
“Like he is,” their classmate Antoine cut in, grinning widely.
“Yeah he embarrassed himself badly a couple of mes trying
to ask her out,” Michel admi ed. “That’s when some people
began calling her the Queen, or Queen witch-with-a-B…”
With the topic now about the Veela Queen of Beauxbatons,
3H went back to ea ng their lunch.
Hermione on the other hand was cri cally inspec ng how the
boys indeed seemed to avoid Fleur, or how weird they got
when they got too close to her, and wondered why Harry
seemed unaffected.
The wizard-in-girl-form in ques on was grumbling about
annoying blondes, and was not looking forward to their next
class, Po ons.
“Emma, can I come in?” Sirius knocked on the door to her
room. Emma had remained upstairs for most of the day, and
he had not seen her since Remus came back.
He heard stumbling within, and a er a bit more of a wait
Emma opened the door. She had tears on her face again.
“Here… I brought you this,” Sirius clumsily started, holding out
a flask of Calming Draught he had brewed.
“Oh thank God, I needed that,” Emma gulped it down as she
stood, le ng the relaxing magic take hold of her.
“Thanks Sirius,” she said in a calm voice a er the magic
finished its work.
“I made a few more, just in case. Anyway Remus has cooked
dinner, will you be joining us?”
“Let me freshen up a bit, I’ll be right down,” Emma sounded
her normal self again. “Thanks Siri, I mean it.”
“My pleasure Ems, oh I also think you’ll want these,” he
handed her her knickers. “I found them just before Remus
came back, don’t worry he didn’t see them.”
“Oh… well that is good,” Emma had a blush on her face as she
accepted them, then gave Sirius a quick peck on the cheek
before closing the door on him. The dog animagus was smiling
as he walked back down to tell Remus it would be a li le
“Madam Bones, I hope you understand that this is very much
unprecedented,” John Major broke through the silence. He
was si ng in one of the government’s official cars, together
with Tony Blair, the witch in ques on, and a security guard
next who was si ng to the driver. Both the guard and driver
had been cleared for the top secret informa on so he did not
have to watch his words.
“The Queen has agreed to extend our normal private mee ng
to meet with you as well, with none of the pomp and
ceremony which is otherwise required.”
“I understand fully John, and I thank you again for making this
possible at such short no ce,” Amelia answered. “Alas me is
very much of the essence, the next Wizengamot mee ng is
Saturday and I fear Dumbledore and Fudge may be trying to
get me censured there as well.”
“Let us hope Her Highness is able to help then,” Tony
commented. Shortly a er the car pulled up at Buckingham
“Your Majesty, it is an honour,” Amelia Bones dropped into a
small curtsy, even as Prime Minister Major and Mr Blair gave a
neck bow.
“We are pleased to meet with you Madam Bones, but very
unhappy with the circumstances. Please hand over your wand
to good Roger, he will keep it safe during your visit,” the
monarch indicated one of her guards.
Amelia only hesitated for a second, before handing over her
wand by the holster first. The guard took it, and stepped away
from the group, allowing them their privacy.
Feeling rather uneasy, Amelia took a seat at an indica on by
the Queen she could do so.
“Madam, I come before you to inform you that your magical
subjects have commi ed unspeakable crimes against the
Muggle popula on,” Amelia started.
“We are quite aware,” the Queen surprised her. “Did you
honestly believe we had no informants of our own?” The
Queen looked remarkably energe c for a woman of her age,
as a fire seemed to light in her eyes. “S ll it pleases us that
not all members of our Wizengamot have forgo en their
oaths. Tell me, Madam Bones, what is it you wish of us?”
Amelia gulped deeply, and launched into her tale.
“Sirius, you dog,” Remus scoffed his friend on the head. “I
knew I shouldn’t have le you two alone.” They had just
finished dinner together, and Emma had volunteered to wash
up, saying it would clear her head. Despite Remus and Sirius’s
protests they could take care of it with a spell, she had
ushered them out of the kitchen.
“What… what do you mean Moony?” Sirius wondered what
gave them away… he had taken care of all the clothes before
Remus had returned, and Emma had not men oned a thing.
“You idiot, didn’t you no ce how Emma is avoiding your eyes?
I bet she saw you while you were doing Merlin-knows-what in
the buff earlier,” Remus laughed.
Sirius let out a slight sigh of relief, “Well maybe she liked what
she saw Moony old pal?”
“Hah! Dream on mangy mu ,” Remus laughed out loud. “I bet
she is way out of your league!”
“Oh yeah? Remind me Moony, who among the Marauders
was s ll a virgin at gradua on?” Sirius had a wide smirk on his
“Well not me, thanks to Deina Callahan… the spirits protect
her soul,” Remus countered, raising his drink in salute of a
fallen friend. Remus clanked his glass against it, and they were
silent for a bit. Deina had been murdered in the same series
of a acks that took the life of the McKinnons and so many
others back in 1981.
“With you and Marlene, and of course James and Lils, that le
only Peter,” Remus countered, his face se ling into a more
serious look. “Which reminds me, once we clear your name
and have Dumbledore taken care of, we need to make sure
the rat is caught.”
“Number two target on the list, right a er Snivellus,” Sirius
“I want to be there when you take care of that monster,”
Emma’s voice sounded from behind them, as she stepped into
the room.
“But let’s not talk about that now. How do you think the kids
are doing?”
Fleur sat in her dorm room surrounded by her best friends
Amélie, Julie e, and Charlo e.
“I hate that li le girl!” she fumed, “have you heard what she
The other three looked to each other and in unspoken
communica on Julie e was volunteered to bare the brunt of
Fleur’s anger by asking, “who do you mean?”
“Galles!” Fleur fumed, “the disrespec ul salope has already
become a teacher’s pet, despite her complete lack of
manners! How dare they compare her to me?”
Julie e looked to her friends for help, and Charlo e
con nued, “They compared her to you? Who did that?”
“Professeur Poussin,” Fleur said with a sniff, “she said that
Galles was the first third-year girl to cast the Cheering Charm
right in the first a empt!”
“One a empt? Wow, it took even you mul ple tries,” Julie e
flapped out. She winced under the glare of the Veela, and
lucky for her Amélie rescued her: “Don’t worry Fleur, I am
sure it was just a lucky a empt.”
“But she also had a perfect brew in Po ons! They actually
gave her five merit points in total in just one day!” Fleur
The trio looked to each other for support, not used to seeing
their leader be that pe y…
“I haven’t seen her that upset since Marcel managed to turn
her down for last year’s Yule Ball,” Julie e whispered to
Charlo e.
“Yeah but that was over a guy… you don’t think Fleur actually
has a crush on a girl do you?”
“Don’t be absurd Charley,” Julie e scoffed silently, “Fleur is as
straight as they come.”
To Hermione’s surprise, Harry seemed happy when he
returned from deten on, he was actually smiling! She no ced
that Jamie caught the a en on of a lot of boys as she passed
through the common room to the girls’ side…
“Jamie, how did it go?” she asked.
“Hey Mia, it was great, much be er than at Hogwarts,” Harry
smiled. “Professeur Gelée had me plan ng talking roses,
nothing new for me, I used to do take care of the roses for
Aunt Pet– for my rela ves all the me. He said I was a natural,
and it only took an hour before I could leave!”
“Wow that is great,” Hermione smiled. “I started on the
Po ons essay while you were out, do you want to read over
my dra version? It’s due on Friday, remember?”
“No need Mia, but thanks,” Harry said in reply, si ng down
on one of the comfortable sofas.
“But it’s already Wednesday evening, you should get started
on it tonight,” Hermione chided him.
“I just meant I don’t need your dra , I wrote a dra of my
own during class already Mia,” Harry replied, surprising his
“Show me,” she demanded, and with a shrug Harry took the
parchment from his bag.
“I was really surprised by Po ons class, I mean I knew
Hogwarts was bad, but Miss Callot actually managed to
explain what the ingredients did,” he said as he handed over
the papers.
“Professeur Callot,” Hermione corrected him out of habit.
“And wow Harry, this is really good. Did you really write this?”
“Of course,” Harry replied with a shrug. “Do you want me to
check your notes then?”
“No need but thanks,” Hermione gave Harry his essay back.
“Well done Galles, I think I’ll copy from you for once,” she said
with a laugh.
As Harry grumbled about mean people not using people’s
correct names, they worked on their homework before bed.
Curfew started and was followed by lights out, and the two
English exiles were alone in their room. Harry was asleep,
maintaining the Jamie form at least for now, but Hermione lay
in her own bed thinking.
“Even the male teachers are affected by Fleur, but Harry just
shrugs it off. Is it because he is in girl form?”
A er what seemed like an hour of fidge ng, she could no
longer hold back her curiosity. Quietly Hermione got up and
stepped across the small dorm room to her roommate’s bed.
“Harry, are you sleeping?” she so ly called. Ge ng no reply,
she crept closer un l she was standing right next to the
sleeping shapechanger. “Harry… I love you,” she breathed into
his ear, then stepped back a bit to see the results.
Harry’s breathing changed, and a smile appeared on his… her
face. A li le later “Hermione…” so ly escaped from her lips,
followed by what could only be a moan.
Blushing heavily and equally embarrassed and pleased with
herself, Hermione went back to her own bed. As she listened
to the so sounds from across the room she thought to
herself, “So even though Harry is not in a male form, he
definitely has normal male desires. That means he should be
affected by Fleur… but he isn’t.”
The former brune e con nued listening to her best friend
un l she too fell asleep, a pleased expression on her face
matching the one across the room.
On the other side of the English Channel, Deputy
Headmistress Minerva McGonagall heard a chime go off,
meaning the Headmaster’s Office was once again occupied.
Dumbledore had not returned following Madam Bones’
invasion of his office, but a sulky looking Auror had come back
a er everyone had le bringing with him the same items
which Madam Bones’ group had removed, and had informed
McGonagall that Dumbledore would be back as soon as he
dealt with the poli can situa on, whatever that meant.
“Albus, thank Merlin you’re back,” she rounded into her
employer as she saw him si ng in his office.
“Have you been able to find Severus yet?”
“Alas, not yet,” Albus said with a drama c sigh. “I fear he may
be in trouble somewhere… I’ll ask the Order to look for him.”
“That’s all good and well Albus, but what can we do about
classes? Sep ma has been filling in for him for those hours
she can, and has also volunteered to keep an eye on Slytherin,
but we need a po ons teacher back.”
Minerva looked pained. “And what about our DADA situa on?
Professor Lupin sent a note he is resigning on the spot
through owl!”
“Remus is a major disappointment,” Albus sighed. “I fear he
may have go en in contact with the murderer Black, I may
have erred in trus ng him a er all.”
“Poli cs be damned Albus, DADA is one of the most important
classes and you know it. This is now the third year in a row we
are le ng the students down, first Quirrel, than that
Lockhart, and now Lupin… what can we do to make sure our
students have any chance of passing their OWLs or NEWTs like
“I’ll see if Minister Fudge can lend us an Auror for the rest of
the year at the next Wizengamot mee ng,” Albus thought out
loud. “I’m sure you and Filius can take over in the mean me.”
Minerva frowned at that, but kept her silence. She knew once
her leader made a decision, it was always final.
“And what of Harry Albus? His friends are ge ng worried, it’s
been days now.”
“Assure young Mister Weasley that Harry will be back with us
shortly Minerva. I have several people working on it now.”
“Mister Weasley? He hasn’t said a word other than whine he
has no-one to play chess with… and he’s behind on all his
homework. I meant Mister Longbo om, and for some reason
Miss Lovegood from Ravenclaw also inquired on his
whereabouts.” Minerva corrected him. “And what about Miss
“Miss Granger was expelled, there was nothing I could do to
stop that,” Albus lied. “As a Muggleborn who willingly le
school before her OWLs, you know the law.”
“If you’re sure Albus… a damn shame that, I was rather fond
of her… but perhaps it’s for the best. She was s ll very much
without friends in her year I believe, the Muggle world might
suit her be er.”
“I’m confident you’re right Minerva,” Albus smiled, his eyes
twinkling as he planted the sugges on in his gullible second
hand’s mind.
“Now if there’s nothing else? I need to prepare for the
upcoming Wizengamot mee ng, we have a small situa on
brewing at the Ministry.”
“Thank you Albus, I’ll just be going then,” Minerva nodded,
and le his office.
“Fawkes my friend, it’s a good thing she is so easy to
convince,” Dumbledore walked over to his phoenix, pe ng it.
Inwardly he could laugh, world-wide it was actually believed
that phoenixes could only bond to so-called “Light” wizards, a
rumour he himself had started. Those in the far east, where
phoenixes were a li le more common, knew the truth in that
a phoenix would always bond to whoever was the first human
they ever saw, regardless of how Light, Dark, or Grey the
wizard was. All it had taken him was a he y bribe to a
Japanese associate of his, and Albus had go en one of the
extremely rare phoenix eggs. Once Fawkes hatched for the
first me, the creature bonded with him and with just a few
statements to the press Albus had permanently changed his
reputa on in most of the world for life.
Now if only he could find the whereabouts of Severus, and
bring Harry back home… he had spies watching at all the
Wizarding Schools for the appearance of either a boy on his
own, or a boy and girl couple.

A/N: I know some of you wanted to see a long mee ng with

Queen Liz, but that would have been too many paragraphs of
“talking heads” spoiling what I have planned for the future
chapters. Hope the other bits make up for it.
Again, Sirius/Emma is not a final pairing. Emma made a bad
call under the influence of what is basically magical ecstasy
a er being on prozac ever since Dan’s death, and Sirius went
along with her (enthusias cally so) rather than do the right
A/N 2: I’ve replaced all single quotes with double quotes in
this story and will be using the American style from now on. I
hope I haven’t messed up forma ng now, please let me know
if you see stuff like don”t or Sirius”, it’s possible I missed a
couple of cases in the chapters.
15. What a Morning
Chapter Fi een
What a Morning
Thursday morning Emma had not come down for breakfast,
and when Remus knocked on her door to check on her she
had called back she wanted to be le alone.
“Tell Emma I’ve le a plate for her under a warming charm,”
the werewolf men oned to his friend. “I will be at the French
Ministry most of the day, tes fying on Dumbledore’s
involvement in the Voldemort war. Don’t forget Mr Delacour
will be stopping by some me this morning to talk about your
case okay Padfoot?”
“Got it Moony, don’t worry, I’ll be on my best behaviour,”
Sirius said with a grin on his face.
“Your best behaviour is what worries me,” Remus dead-
panned, then got a bit more serious. “Look… I think Emma is
more troubled than she lets on. Just give her room to grieve.
I’ll discreetly check around, see if we can maybe get her some
“She’ll be fine, no-one can be sad for long around Sirius
Black,” the animagus laughed. Remus shot him a worried look,
but le through the floo.
About an hour a er Remus le , Emma finally came
downstairs, looking like a wreck. She passed by Sirius without
comment, and went straight for the cabinet where they
stored their Calming Draughts. A er she quaffed one down,
she visibly relaxed.
“Morning Sirius. Where is Remus?”
“Ah, he le earlier Ems. There’s some food for you under that
hea ng charm. Err… how many of those draughts are you
taking exactly?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Emma
mumbled, as she sat down at the table. Sirius took her plate,
dismissed the warming charm, and placed it in front of her.
“Ems… I’m a bit worried about you,” the prison escapee
placed his right hand on her shoulder, as he stood behind her.
“If you need a friend to talk to… or more… I’m here for you.”
Emma froze in place, emo ons running to the front of her
mind but suppressed by the magical numbing po on. Only
a er Sirius began gently kneading her shoulder did she find
her voice, “I… I’m fine Sirius. Please, just let me be. I just need
some me.”
“Sure thing Ems,” Sirius held on to her for just a li le longer,
then stepped away. He didn’t see her tense form finally relax
a er he let go, nor her pained expression.
“Bonjour Monsieur Black,” Jean Delacour was all charm as he
stepped through the floo.
“Jean, great, do come in,” Sirius shook his hand and guided
him to the living room. Emma was si ng there, looking out of
the window.
“Madame Granger, how have you been holding up?” Jean
no ced bags under her eyes, it was clear the woman had not
been sleeping well.
“I’m fine Jean,” she said in a so tone. “Have you any news
from the kids?”
“Not just yet, but I am sure they are fi ng in just right. Your
Hermione is an intelligent young woman and I am sure she’s
already made new friends, and Harry is a dependable young
“Shall we sit down and discuss our local criminal?”
“Hey!” Sirius grinned, jumping on a chair, “So when can I call
myself a free man again?”
Jean took out a folder of papers, and handed one over. “As
you see there, your hearing is scheduled for next Monday. As
you are officially s ll under house arrest, I will collect you that
morning and bring you to the Ministry, where you will be
ques oned under Veritaserum regarding the happenings of
October 31st, 1981 only. Should your story hold true, you will
be a free man by the end of the hearing and we can try to
make waves in the ICW to try and force the Bri sh Ministry to
stop their manhunt for you.”
“How big a chance do you think we have at that?” Sirius
looked happy, reading through the same informa on just to
be sure… it looked like he would be out of danger soon!
“It is hard to say,” Jean admi ed. “Albus Dumbledore has
spent decades building up his reputa on, and he is immensely
popular in the European ministries. I think that we cannot
count on the support of Germany, as they s ll consider him a
hero for bringing Grindlewald to jus ce, and we may also
have problems in Eastern Europe, they s ll thank him for
helping them hide their communi es from the Muggle
communist regimes that ravaged their countries for the past
few decades.
“It will be a close call. We are in talks with the Low Countries
and Italy, they at least seem likely to support any mo on
against Dumbledore.”
“Jean, pardon me for asking, but what exactly is your
involvement in all this?” Emma looked pensive. “I thought you
were just a border control officer?”
The Frenchman laughed, “Oh no, not just that! I just
happened to be there on inspec on when you made your
unexpected arrival. I never told you my official posi on? No?
Well, let me officially introduce myself then,” he handed over
a business card to both of them.
“Jean Louis Marie Delacour, Ministère de la Jus ce Magique,”
read out Sirius. “Wait a sec… you’re the head of the French
“At your service,” Jean smiled.
Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge frowned as he read the
le er that was wai ng for him at his desk.
“What nonsense is this? Oath of loyalty? Jillian!” he barked at
the door.
“You called for me Minister?” his secretary asked. Fudge
looked up from her oversized chest and caught her eyes, then
indicated the le er.
“What is this?”
“I think it’s a le er sir,” Jillian answered.
“I can see that,” Fudge rolled his eyes. “How did it get here?”
“I put it there sir, it was in your in-box.”
“Did you see who delivered it?”
“No sir, it was there when I came in,” Jillian sounded worried.
“Grrr… all right Jillian, you can leave. If Mr Malfoy arrives,
send him straight through would you?”
“Yes sir,” the blonde airhead nodded, and le the Minister’s
Fudge read through the le er again.
“‘On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, the Royal Court
Magician shall accept an oath of loyalty by the members of
her loyal Wizengamot this Saturday, the 11th of October. Any
member of said body not in a endance without valid excuse
shall have their membership revoked.’
“What absolute nonsense! Who ever heard of a Royal Court
Fudge fumed, and cast a Tempus spell. Lucius would be
coming by some me this morning, hopefully his best friend
and benefactor could give him some advice on how to handle
this. And if that failed, there was always Dumbledore.
Harry woke up from some intense and pleasant dreams by the
feeling of a so pair of lips pressing against his.
“Morning boyfriend,” Hermione smiled at him.
“Morning girlfriend,” Harry smiled back. “Nice way to wake
up, thanks.”
“My pleasure,” Hermione actually giggled, “but not as much
pleasant as your dreams it seems,” she giggled again, and
Harry looked down his sheets to see something poking up.
Mor fied, he bunched up to try and hide it from view, but
Hermione just walked over to her own bed to get her shower
supplies. “I’ll go on ahead, you change to girl and come find
me a er you’ve… taken care okay?” Ti ering, she le the
“Women are evil, all of them,” Harry mu ered to himself.
About a quarter of an hour later Jamie le the dorm room for
the showers. Once the corridor was empty again, the air
shimmered, and Fleur appeared as she dismissed a disillusion
“Time to see what you have to hide Galles,” the Veela angrily
thought as she stepped into the dorm room shared by the
two English transfers.
One bed was neatly made up, the other was a bit of a mess
with crumpled sheets. Sniffing in distaste, Fleur walked over
to the la er, guessing it belonged to the girl that was slowly
becoming her rival. As she started to rummage through
Jamie’s stuff, she was caught in some lingering scent on the
sheets. The reac on was instantaneous. “Powerful mate” ran
through her mind, and her eyes clouded as she felt her
ins ncts take over.
Hermione knocked once on the door to Harry’s shower cabin,
thankful once more that Beauxbatons had some private ones
installed inside the larger bathroom. She may not have
minded showering with other girls, but she would not allow
Harry to do so – and she suspected he changed back to male
form as he showered anyway… he had admi ed he did so
whenever he had to use the loo, ‘the plumbing is just too
different’, as he had put it, his face one big blush.
At the arranged signal she heard the water turn off, and Jamie
stepped out covered in towels to a mostly empty room, just
some girls drying their hair but everything covered.
“See you at breakfast,” Hermione called to one of the other
girls, as she and Jamie went back to their room to get dressed.
Hermione was first to step through their door, and froze on
the spot. Lying on Harry’s bed was Fleur Delacour, grabbing
Harry’s sheet close to her.
“Miss Delacour? Fleur?” she hesita ngly asked, stepping
“Oh great what’s SHE doing here,” Jamie voiced from beside
Fleur’s head shot up, and she stared at the two with a wild,
almost feral look. “Where is he!” she demanded.
“Wh– who do you mean?” Hermione began backing off,
something about the older girl scared her.
“Where is my mate?!” Fleur jumped up, and with a quick
move, grabbed Jamie by the throat, pushing the smaller girl
up against the wall. “Tell me where he is now!”
“Fleur! Let go!” Hermione screamed, and ran towards Fleur.
With a snarl, the tall blonde extended her right hand, and a
fireball le her palm, narrowly missing Hermione’s head,
passing by so close that if she s ll had had her bushy hair, it
would have caught on fire.
“Leave,” Fleur snarled at her, then faced the girl she was
holding up, “I smell him on you… tell me where he is now!”
“You crazy bitch, let me go,” Harry gasped out. He had his
hands around Fleur’s, figh ng to get free. Where did she get
this insane strength from?
“Herm… Mia, get help!” he called to his friend.
Hermione wavered a moment, then ran out the door,
screaming for help.
“Let me down you stupid bitch!” Harry gasped out at the
blonde holding him up in a ght grip.
“I want him! You have no business hiding him from me! I need
him!” Fleur yelled back.
“You’re insane!” Harry kicked his right knee up, striking Fleur
against her breast. With a gasp of pain, she let go, and the
red-headed girl dropped to the floor. Fleur rounded on the
other girl again, but was faced by a wand p.
“Back off, don’t make me use this,” Harry warned her.
“Li le witch thinks she can stop me from taking what is
mine?” Fleur’s eyes seemed to narrow, and her dress tore
open, as two wings made up of large, dark feathers appeared
as out of nowhere on her back. Evidently not caring about her
wings at all, Fleur raised her right arm, and a ball of fire sped
towards Harry.
“Protego!” Harry raised a shield just in me, and saw the fire
splash against it. “Fleur! Stop it! I don’t want to hurt you!”
Fleur answered by a wordless scream, and jumped towards
him, her hands extended with claw-like nails. Harry
responded with a spell: “Expulso!”
The expelling spell hit Fleur straight on, and she was thrown
away from him, landing against the far wall. However he did
not get a chance to escape, as she seemed to get some sense
back, and took out her own wand.
“I will not let you take me down! Incarcerous!” Thick ropes
flew out of her wand, and shot towards Harry, who used his
wand to defend against it: “Diffindo!” The white light cut
through the ropes, le ng them fly by in two parts past him.
“Stupefy!” was his follow-up, but Fleur deflected it by raising a
“Manducare limax!” was her next spell, and as Harry dodged
the slug-ea ng spell, she followed it up with another
Harry couldn’t dodge the la er one, and his body flew rigid as
he fell to the floor, wrapped in ropes.
“Li le girl, now you have one more chance to tell me where
he is… Laedere!”
Harry winced as he was hit by the s nging hex, then saw Fleur
prepare another one, “Stop it! You’re mad!”
“I know he was here… I can smell him…” Fleur’s eyes
narrowed once more, and she looked down at her ed-up
opponent. “You want him for yourself is that it? Nobody steals
from a Veela… Reduc–”
Seeing her wand p glow, Harry cried out: “Stop! I’ll show
you!” Fleur looked on astonished, as Jamie’s features
changed, and the girl she hated turned into some boy… a
boy’s whose aura she had been sensing for the past few days
and which was driving her mad… Fleur jumped the boy,
pushing him against her.
Hermione ran back into the room a li le later, followed by
Madame Maxime with her wand out, and both froze at the
sight. Si ng on the floor in the middle of the room covered
with spell damage was Fleur Delacour in par al Veela form,
her large wings wrapped protec vely around herself and
Harry, the young wizard s ll ed up in thick ropes and his
head pressed against Fleur’s uncovered chest, as she cooed
loving terms at him.

A/N: This chapter just wouldn’t be wri en right, I wrote and

re-wrote it mul ple mes this week and I missed my usual
weekend update as a result. I’m s ll not 100% sa sfied with it,
but at least everything made it in this me. So you get a late
and short chapter this week with another evil cliffy.
Please give me a head-start before you bring out the angry
16. Rela onships
Chapter Sixteen
Rela onships
A/N: Since it came up as a ques on in several reviews: the
final pairing for this story is H/Hr, as per the tags. I don’t do a
bait-and-switch, so this will not become a threesome or a
Harry/Fleur story.

Hermione was first to react: “Get your hands off my

boyfriend!” She rushed forward, but stopped in her tracks as
Fleur simply raised her right arm, fingers extended towards
her. She remembered all too well the fireballs from earlier.
“Stay away from my mate!” Fleur glared at the English girl.
“Harry’s my boyfriend! Get your claws of him!” Hermione spit
back, fumbling for her wand. Madame Maxime placed her
large hand on Hermione’s arm, stopping her.
“Good morning Fleur,” the Headmistress said, a frown on her
face as she looked at the Veela and young man on the floor.
“Would you like to explain your current state of dress, the
state of this room, and the reason the young man you’re
holding so… in mately is gagged and ed up?”
“Of course madame,” Fleur smiled, her le hand brushing
Harry’s wild red hair. “I have found my mate. He was trying to
hide from me as that detestable li le girl, but I managed to
get him to see hiding from me was pointless.”
“And why then is he ed up and gagged?” Madame Maxime
sat down on Hermione’s bed, keeping a calm tone. Hermione
meanwhile was fuming but stayed in place, with Fleur keeping
her right arm extended towards her.
“That is because he tried to run away, and is not making much
sense. But I’ll forgive you for that m love.” Fleur smiled down
at the ed-up wizard. Harry mumbled something through the
gag, a wild look in his eyes.
“Hush,” Fleur chas sed him. “You see madame? My love is
s ll a li le reluctant. I am wai ng for him to calm down
before I let him go.”
“I see…” Madame Maxime stalled. “And the reason you are
“Oh, the li le fight we had had me par ally transform,” Fleur
moved her wings slightly, covering more of them, “and I saw
no need to get dressed. He is my mate a er all, and once he is
calmed down he will see a lot more of me.” All of this was
stated ma er-of-factly, not a single hint of embarrassment or
otherwise presen n her voice.
“Over my dead body!” Hermione had had enough, and drew
her wand. “Let… let go of my Harry right now or I’ll…”
“Miss Granger, put away your wand!” Madame Maxime
ordered, standing back up. “And as for you Fleur, release Mr
Po er.”
“Po er?” Fleur sounded surprised, and looked down at the
trapped boy. “Have you been keeping more secrets from me
my love? You are Harry Po er?”
Harry nodded, the cat was out of the bag, it seemed. He
looked at his girlfriend and the Headmistress for help.
“Madame Maxime, please take that li le girl away with you.
My mate and I need to have a li le chat. I am afraid we’ll both
be missing classes for the day.” Fleur looked very pleased with
The Headmistress frowned. “Fleur, you will release Mr Po er
now. I don’t care if you two want to start da ng or not, you
are both under-age and will listen to me.”
“Only by a few months madame, and this is a Veela ma er. I
will not allow you to interfere,” Fleur sounded defiant.
“I am calling your parents for this,” Madame Maxime huffed.
“Miss Granger will come with me. In the mean me there
shall not be any further removal of clothes un l I return. Am I
“Crystal, madame,” Fleur beamed at her, feeling she had won
a ba le. She directed her glare at Hermione, who she s ll
kept track of with her right hand. “Don’t worry li le girl, I will
not harm my mate.”
Hermione fingered her wand again, but Madame Maxime’s
massive hand on her shoulder all but forced her out of the
Hermione was not happy with this: “Headmistress, how could
you just leave Harry trapped like that? She’s–”
“She is a Veela, and extremely dangerous right now miss
Granger,” Madame Maxime countered. “If you had taken any
step towards her she would have tried to kill you, and she was
ready to a ack even me. For everyone’s safety, I need to get
her parents here to defuse the situa on.”
With a ‘Colloportus‘ Madame Maxime locked the door behind
her, then instructed a prefect to keep the corridor clear of
further students, and sped off towards the nearest floo,
Hermione in tow.
“How is our unknown stranger doing?” The Rijkswachter
(federal police officer) asked the nurse in the Fornes hospital.
“We have treated his wounds, but he has s ll not woken up.
The doctor is not sure if he ever will,” she read of the chart.
“Call us in if he does,” the officer instructed her. He took
another look at the unknown man: black, greasy hair (even
a er they’d tried washing it), a sallow, unhealthy look, a
crooked nose, and lines on his face that suggested he tended
to sneer a lot. And he had a strange dark ta oo on his le
forearm, of a snake and skull. That ta oo had led them to
inves ga ng biker gangs, but nobody in that scene seemed to
know him either.
They s ll had no idea how he had appeared in the na onal
park with those wounds, and he had carried no iden fica on
at all. Since they had no idea of the man’s na onality even,
they didn’t even know where to begin to look for further
Sirius was laughing out loud a er Jean told him he was the
French DMLE head, now that was unexpected! His laughter
was infec ous, and the Frenchman joined him. Even Emma
seemed to be roused a bit from her unresponsiveness, and
seemed amused. The glass of cognac she was sipping from
likely helped in her loosening up, too.
“Hell of a prank that, Jean! And here I thought you were just a
small- me Auror all along!”
“Glad it amuses you Sirius,” Jean took it in stride. “We do do
things a li le more differently here in La France, I know the
Bri sh poli cians like to strut around as if they are kings… I
see myself as serving the Magical Republic, first and
He sobered up a bit, “which also means that if I had any
doubts about your innocence, I would not hesitate to hand
you over to the prosecutors.”
Sirius got serious. “I know that Jean, and I wouldn’t expect
anything less. I just hope this will all be over soon, so we can
take the fight to Dumbledore.”
“He can’t get to us here, can he?” Emma spoke up. She had
go en a refill for her drink, and now sat down on the sofa
next to Sirius.
“Not directly no,” Jean let out a small sigh, “but as the
Supreme Mugwump for the ICW he can make ma ers very
difficult for Sirius and Harry even while he himself remains at
Hogwarts. And what Mr Lupin has told us about this Order of
the Phoenix is troublesome, it seems to be a paramilitary
organisa on directly under his control. There’s no telling what
he will have them do once he learns Sirius Black is in France.”
“Dumbledore is no fool, he’ll immediately realise that Harry is
here as well. If he doesn’t have spies at Beauxbatons already,
he will send them there. That’s why Harry has to hide as a
girl,” Sirius added. “Well that, and it is funny as heck.” The last
bit was followed up by a laugh.
“As much fun as this all is, I have my duty wai ng for me,”
Jean rose up. “Sirius, I suggest you go over your story this
weekend. Remember the inquisitor will be administering you
veritaserum, so you will not be able to lie. It is in your best
interest to not hold anything back either. Be clear and
extensive in your answers, and you should be fine.”
“Thanks Jean. Will we be seeing you over the weekend?”
“Perhaps. My wife Apolline has said she’d like to meet ‘the
people that are taking all of her husband’s me’, so we might
invite ourselves over for dinner.”
“You’re always welcome here,” Sirius smiled genially, and led
Jean back to the floo in the parlor.
“You’re a cruel man Siri,” Emma said with a smile as he walked
back in the living room. Sirius poured her another glass of
cognac, taking one for himself too.
“It is that I trust Hermione and Harry both, or I’d be more
worried that they are sharing a dorm room. Fortunately they
are both s ll very young.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t be too sure about that… I was fourteen when I
had my first me,” the animagus said with a grin.
“Oh do tell!”
“It’s a li le embarrassing to be honest… you see James,
Harry’s dad, well he was on the Quidditch team, as a chaser.
We Gryffindors had won the Quidditch cup, and the party was
a li le wild. You have to remember this was the 70s, and
well… alcohol in the dorms was s ll not exactly allowed, but
everybody knew where to get it anyway.”
“Quit stalling and get to the point,” Emma grinned. She
remembered the decade fondly as well.
“Okay, okay. Anyway, I was flir ng with some girls of course,”
“Of course.”
“Err.. yeah so maybe I had a li le too much to drink. Long
story short, I woke up the following morning in Peter’s bed,
with a pounding head-ache, and an older, sleeping, and very
naked witch next to me. I had no recollec on of the previous
night, so I yelped out when I spo ed her.”
“You didn’t!” Emma laughed.
“Yup… seems I managed to charm the beau ful Marlene
McKinnon somehow, and we had just managed to stumble up
to the boy’s dorm, then went into the first bed. I lost my
virginity to her, but we both passed out and the next morning
I couldn’t even remember a thing!”
“The poor girl,” Emma sounded amused. “So what happened
“Well, a er I got over my ini al shock and took a sobering up
po on, we talked a bit… and the talking lead to kissing, and
the kissing lead to more… and by the me we had to get up, I
was definitely not a virgin any longer,” Sirius grinned widely.
“Lucky sod,” Emma mock-slapped him. “So what happened to
this Marlene?”
Sirius got a pained expression. “We dated a bit for the next
two years, un l she le school. She was a year ahead of us
you see. Marlene joined up with the Order of the Phoenix,
just as the boys and I did the year a er, and she fought with
us un l she was murdered by Death Eaters, along with her
en re family, in the fall of 1981.”
“Oh Siri,” Emma hugged him, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s an old wound Ems. How… how are you holding up?”
Emma s ffened a bit, then let go of the hug. “It hurts if I let it.
Dan… Dan and I were together since our first day at St
Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, we connected when we
both learned we were studying den stry. He charmed me
with his wit and we became friends and more very fast… oh
god I can’t believe he is gone…”
She began crying, leaning into Sirius to hang on his shoulder
for support. Sirius wrapped an arm around her back to try and
give comfort, but it wasn’t working.
“Emma, don’t cry… you’ve s ll got Hermione, and all of us,”
he tried, but it didn’t help. Lost for ideas, he took out his
wand, and trained it on her: “Veniat felicita s.” The cheering
charm hit Emma, and her sobs ended.
“You smell good,” she mumbled in his shoulder. “I don’t want
to be sad…”
“I don’t want you to be sad,” Sirius took her by her arms, and
gently pushed her off him. “Ems, if there’s anything I can do
for you, let me know all right?”
“I’m going to lie down a for a bit,” Emma stood up, then
waited at the bo om of the stairs and looked back, “do you…
do you want to join me?” She was blushing bad.
Sirius grinned widely, and jumped up, “Do I ever! Wait… I
don’t mean to sound desperate or anything.”
“Oh shut up and just come with me Siri,” Emma winked at
him, and lead him upstairs.
Remus flooed back home to the Black villa, and found the
ground floor empty, except for a drained bo le. Wondering
where Sirius and Emma where, he went upstairs, then his
nose picked up the same weird scent that had been in the
living room the previous day, and he heard springs creaking
from behind Emma’s door, as well as moaning and pan ng
‘Padfoot, you absolute moron,’ Remus thought to himself. He
wavered at opening the door, but decided against it, and went
back down, where he poured himself a strong drink.
Sirius came back down, whistling happily, a bit later, then he
saw his friend si ng at the table, a frown on his face.
“Err, hey Moony, you’re back?”
“Sit down Padfoot,” Remus indicated a chair. “We need to
“Aren’t we talking now?” Sirius deflected. His mind was
running over me, wondering how much Remus knew.
“Enough with the joking! Sit your arse down Padfoot, before I
hex you! Dammit man, what were you thinking?”
“Oi, no reason to get upset mate,” Sirius sat down across from
the werewolf. “I’ve done nothing wrong!”
“Nothing wrong?” Remus looked at him in disbelief. “Sirius,
have you any idea what Emma is going through? I can’t
believe you took advantage of her like that!”
“I’ve not taken advantage of anyone!” Sirius bristled, “I can’t
help it if the bird is crazy for my body. Dammit Moony, what
happened to Marauders First, Girls Second?”
“This isn’t Hogwarts you idiot, and you’re not a teenager!
Emma lost her husband only a few days ago, and you think it’s
a good idea to seduce her and shag her?”
“Hey she wasn’t exactly complaining just now,” Sirius bit back.
“And she came on to me both mes, what was I supposed to
do, reject her?”
“Yes! That’s exactly what you had to do!” Remus rounded on
him. “Tell me exactly how it happened, and I’ll tell you how
you messed up.”
“I didn’t do a thing!” Sirius squirmed under the glare of his
friend. Moony was always the responsible one… so what if he
did screw up a li le from me to me? It’s not as if he hurt
anyone… right?
Sirius took a breath to steady himself, then told Remus,
reluctantly, about both mes he had ended up having sex
with the Muggle woman.
Remus was looking at him with disbelief when he ended his
story. “I… there are no words for how incredibly moronic you
were. Not only are you hiding from me that Emma is abusing
Calming Draughts, but you actually used a Cheering Charm on
her? Didn’t you think it was odd she suddenly changed her
behaviour like that?”
“It’s just a Cheering Charm Moony! Man I bet even a squib
can cast that, it’s a harmless spell!”
“It’s harmless to magicals yes, but DID IT ESCAPE YOUR MIND
EMMA IS A MUGGLE?! You imbecile, don’t you know Muggles
have absolutely no protec on against mind magics? Did you
sleep through sixth and seventh year of classes?” Remus
fumed at the animagus, who had the good sense to squirm.
“Just… just go. Stay the hell away from Emma, I’ll see if I can
do any damage control. Oh and Sirius?”
“Yes?” Sirius asked carefully, just as he was ge ng up.
“If you cast another spell at Emma or any other Muggle, I am
ge ng Padfoot neutered. I’m serious.”
Sirius opened his mouth to respond with the usual red pun,
then Remus’s words and glare registered, and he let out a
small whimper. “Understood…”
Remus watched his friend run off towards the garden, and
sighed. Trust the self-proclaimed playboy to make things
worse… he already suspected Emma was not doing nearly as
well as she let on, but this was certain to complicate ma ers.
Going to a Muggle psychologist was out of the ques on, but
what about a Muggleborn or a squib? Maybe he should give
an old friend a call…
At the French Ministry, Jean Delacour looked up in surprise,
and not a li le concern, as his wife walked onto the
department floor, their youngest daughter Gabrielle in tow.
“Cherie, what are you doing here? Not that I don’t wish to see
you of course. And how is daddy’s li le angel?” He knelt
down, and Gabrielle le her mother’s skirt and rushed into
her father’s arms.
“Madame Maxime called, there is a… situa on with Fleur,”
Apolline said, concern in her voice. “Eloisa is ill, so I had no
babysi er for li le Gabrielle. Please Jean, can you watch her
while I go to the school?”
“Mamam! I want to see Fleur as well!” Gabrielle protested.
“Is it… Veela related?” Jean carefully asked his wife, even as
he held his younger daughter.
“I think so, Madame Maxime was light on the details.”
“Then I should go as well,” Jean decided. The last me Fleur
had a ‘Veela Episode’, it had ended with the boy who stood
her up for a date heavily burnt from her Veela fireballs, and
Jean had to call in a few favours to get his parents not to set
charges against his family.
“Gabrielle, you can come along, as long as you listen to your
mother and I, understood?”
“Yes papa,” the li le girl nodded seriously, but she was
obviously bubbling with excitement over ge ng to see her big
Jean gave a brief explana on to his second, then the family of
three stepped through the floo.
“Jean, Apolline, good, I’ve been wai ng,” Madame Maxime
rose from her chair as the three flood in. “Oh, hello li le one,”
she smiled at Gabrielle, simultaneously raising an eyebrow at
the poli cian.
“Her usual babysi er is ill,” he excused her presence, then he
saw Hermione si ng there, looking sullen. “Good day to you,
Miss Granger, or should I say Farmer?”
“Either is fine, and hello to you sir,” Hermione answered in
clipped tones. “Madame Maxime, can we go now? I don’t
trust that hussy one bit with my boyfriend!”
“What is a hussy?” Gabrielle sounded curious.
“Never mind that child,” Madame Maxime answered her.
“Apolline, Jean, we should be going. Miss Granger, why don’t
you watch their daughter here un l we return?”
“But…” Hermione wanted to protest, but with a sigh,
accepted. “Yes madame… please, come find me if I can help?
“What’s your name then?” She bent down a bit, to receive
Gabrielle’s hand, who was slightly nudged forward by her
“Gabrielle,” the li le blonde sounded out. “So what is a
Repressing a smile, Jean watched Hermione flounder in
search of a response, then followed a er the Headmistress
and his wife, as they went through the school corridors at a
brisk pace.
Fleur looked up briefly as the door to the room she was in
opened, and upon spo ng her parents, wrapped her arms
and wings ghtly around Harry again.
“Fleur Isabelle Delacour, what do you think you are doing with
that boy?” Her mother declared loudly at the sight. Her oldest
daughter was si ng on the floor, large wings extending from
her back and partly wrapped around her, while her hands
were holding up a younger boy as she kissed him. The boy
was wearing girl’s clothes, and ed up by thick ropes.
Jean Delacour took one look at the situa on, saw his
daughter’s exposed chest, and stepped out of the room again.
“I am protec ng him mamam,” Fleur dead-panned. “He is my
mate, and I have found him. But he keeps struggling.” Indeed,
the boy in ques on looked very unhappy there, Apolline
“That is nice, my flower. Now let him go, and pull back in your
wings. You are exposing yourself shamefully,” Apolline said
a er a moment.
“But I–” Fleur protested, but a glare from her mother silenced
her. “All right mamam. Harry, will you try to run if I let you
Harry looked at the adults for support, and saw the woman
who was obviously Fleur’s mother nod. He nodded in turn
and to his relief Fleur finally let him go, se ng him gently on
the floor as she stood up.
Apolline Delacour cast a “Finite Incantatum” at Harry, and the
ropes and gag disappeared, giving him a chance to stretch his
painfully locked limbs again. Fleur meanwhile was
concentra ng hard, and her wings receded back into
nothingness, and her fingernails shortened un l the claw-like
look was gone. She took her wand and tapped her ta ered
dress, and the fabric rushed back up to its normal posi on,
and was repaired. Quick as a Quidditch player, she wrapped
an arm around Harry, and pulled him back to her, holding him
ghtly. Harry’s muscles were s ll painfully locked up, so he
could not dodge in me.
Jean stepped back into the room at a signal from Olympe
Maxime, “Fleur, what is going on?”
“Oh papa, it is wonderful. Thank you so much for sending
Harry to me, he is the perfect mate for me!” She was beaming
at her father, holding Harry in a ght grip.
“Dammit Fleur, let go already… I promise I won’t run away,”
Harry complained, but she ignored him s ll.
“Now that we’re all free to move, I suggest we go to my
office,” Madame Maxime commented. “Fleur, let go of Mr
Po er. Mr Po er, turn back to your other shape, so we will
not have any ques ons.”
“I don’t see what we need to discuss, but sure,” Fleur let
briefly go of Harry, only to take him by the hand in a vice-like
grip. Harry rolled his eyes, then focused inward, and changed
shape to girl form. Fleur’s grip turned even ghter around his
now slightly smaller hand, and she sniffed in distaste at seeing
her mate turn into the girl she loved to hate.
The walk through the corridors to the Headmistress’s office
was uncomfortable for Harry, with Fleur desperately clinging
to him, afraid he would escape her. To their luck they didn’t
come across any other students, he was unsure how to
explain it all. Finally they reached their des na on.
Fleur smiled as she saw her li le sister, only for the smile to
turn into a frown as she saw the other girl in the room. Harry
ripped his hand free from her grasp, and rushed to hug
“Harry!” his girlfriend beamed, “Are you all right?”
“To be honest I’m bloody well ge ng red of all this!” Harry
exclaimed. “Fleur, I’m not your mate, Hermione is my
girlfriend, not you!”
“You! You’re turning my mate against me!” Fleur’s eyes
narrowed as she looked at Hermione.
“Enough! Everyone sit down,” Madame Maxime’s voice
boomed. At least it broke the tension, and Fleur and
Hermione stopped glaring at each other, si ng down on
either side of Harry. Both girls grabbed one of his arms,
trapping him between them.
“Give me one good reason not to expel you Fleur,” Maxime
said. “From what I’ve seen, you assaulted Mr Po er there and
claimed him, then only let go when your mother ordered you
“Please Olympe, it’s not her fault,” Apolline answered for her
daughter. “It is the Veela.”
“Explain it to us then.”
“Very well… although this is a rather private ma er,” Apolline
looked at Hermione.
“I’m not going anywhere without my Harry,” Hermione caught
her eye defiantly.
“I see. Let me start then by dispelling a common myth… there
is no such thing as a half Veela or quarter Veela. I am a Veela
as was my mother, and so are Fleur and Gabrielle. Any
daughter of a Veela, is a Veela. Period.”
“But 1001 Magical Creatures by Newt Scamander says that –”
Hermione started.
“Scamander is an idiot,” Apolline stated. “And don’t interrupt
me please. As I was saying, we are Veela. And while we are
very much human, we do have a Veela side. I suspect you
know about the allure?” Receiving nods, she con nued, “the
Allure is best known, lesser known is that we are drawn to
magical auras. My Jean is a par cularly powerful wizard,” Jean
Delacour looked a bit bashful as she stated that, “and I was
drawn to him the moment we first met. When I found out he
could resist my Allure as well, I knew I had found my mate.”
“Like how Fleur keeps calling me her mate!” Harry exclaimed.
Fleur beamed at him, Hermione glared at them both.
“Indeed,” Apolline con nued. “Veela are drawn to their mate,
and will go to great lengths to claim them. I was lucky enough
that Jean was interested in me as well, so in our case we
started da ng soon a er we found each other, and now have
been married for eighteen years.”
“As interes ng as that all is, Harry is not single, and not
interested in that slu– in Fleur,” Hermione was s ll glaring at
Fleur. “So tell her to back off already!”
“Dream on li le girl, I will not surrender my mate to a
worthless li le tramp like you,” Fleur spit back.
Harry, seated between them, squirmed a bit. “Don’t I get a
say?” he asked, which was answered with a loud “No!” from
both witches.
Jean couldn’t help himself, he laughed, earning him a glare
from everyone (except Gabrielle). “I apologize, but this is
rather amusing,” he defended himself.
“I don’t see the humour in this,” Harry complained. “Look,
Fleur, I’m sure you can be a nice person and all, but I am not
interested in da ng you. Maybe we can become friends, but
that’s all I’m willing to offer you.”
Fleur’s eyes narrowed, as she looked across him to Hermione.
“I will not be cast aside for a li le girl like that!”
“Fleur! Come with me, we need to talk in private. Madame,
may we use the adjoining room?”
“But my mate–” Fleur protested.
“Harry will be here when we get back. Now come!”
“Yes mamam,” Fleur reluctantly let go of Harry’s hand, and
“What a mess,” Harry sighed. Hermione snuggled up to him,
now that she finally could.
“What a mess indeed,” Madame Maxime agreed. “Jean, had I
known taking in Harry would lead to this much trouble, I
would have reconsidered.”
“I apologize madame,” Harry sounded unhappy.
“I don’t blame you dear girl, err boy,” Madame Maxime
corrected herself.
“Ugh… I wish I were back home,” Harry grumbled, morphing
back to male form. The people in the room didn’t comment,
but Hermione looked happier.
The door opened to allow Apolline and Fleur back in. Fleur
looked annoyed, but smiled as she saw Harry’s male form,
then frowned again as she saw Hermione had snuggled up
against him. She sat down in her own seat, and immediately
claimed Harry’s other side.
“I’ve managed to let Fleur see some reason,” Apolline
informed the group. “Fleur, tell them?”
“Yes mamam. Harry, mamam had a good point… I will allow
you to date the li le girl there,” Hermione fumed at the
constant ‘li le girls’, but kept her silence, “as long as she can
defeat me in a duel. I have won my fight against you before
you stopped hiding from me, but mamam was right in telling
me that I need to win from her, to help you get over your li le
“Fleur! That is not what we talked about!” Apolline protested.
“I accept,” Hermione called out. “So a duel for Harry’s hand is
it? You are going down, bitch.”
“What is a bitch?” Gabrielle asked.

A/N: Thanks for reading.

17. Fight!
Chapter Seventeen
Madame Maxime looked outraged: “Miss Farmer! Fleur! Stop
this nonsense right away!”
“Non, the li le girl has accepted my challenge. Are you
proposing to interfere with the Duel Code Headmistress?”
Fleur got a smirk on her face.
“Hermione, please, don’t!” Harry tried, “I don’t want you to
get hurt.”
“Harry, this is not about you,” Hermione smiled at her
boyfriend, “Well not completely so. I have to do this, don’t
you see?”
“Jean, Apolline, please, try to talk some sense in your
daughter?” Maxime looked at the parents for support.
“I apologize Madame, but Fleur is right… she issued a
challenge, and the li le– and Miss Farmer has accepted.
“Fleur, you will not hurt her too badly, understand?” Apolline
Delacour rounded on her daughter.
Hermione looked annoyed at the implica on, and huffed.
“If that is the case… Jean, Apolline, please watch the children
while I go see if the dueling pitch is available. Let’s get this
over with as soon as possible.”
The Delacours accepted, and Madame Maxime le the room.
“Maman, why is Madame Maxime so angry?” Gabrielle
sounded curious, she was si ng on the floor between her
mother’s legs looking up.
“Your sister has challenged that other girl to a duel, I think
Madame Maxime is scared someone will be hurt,” Apolline
tried explaining.
“Oh…” Gabrielle looked inquisi vely at her sister, who held
strongly on to Harry’s le arm, next to Hermione, who was
holding on to Harry’s right side.
“What is a duel maman?”
“A duel is a fight, swee e,” Apolline answered her.
“Fleur, figh ng is bad! You should kiss and make up!”
Gabrielle declared.
“Good idea li le one,” Fleur leaned over, and caught Harry’s
unprepared lips with hers.
“Get away from my boyfriend!” Hermione shrieked, pulling on
Fleur’s hair to get her away.
“You horrible li le tramp!” Fleur looked enraged, but before
she could do anything to retaliate, Jean Delacour was there,
pulling them apart.
“Enough! Fleur, go in that corner, Hermione, in that one,” he
indicated opposite sides of the room. “As for you Harry, stay
where you are.”
“But she– yes papa,” Fleur quickly calmed down, and with a
look of longing toward Harry, went to her corner. Hermione
did the same, and the two girls were glaring at each other.
Class 3H was in their Charms class, with two of their number
missing: neither Mia nor Jamie had been seen since before
breakfast, and the corridor with their dorms had been
guarded by a Prefect earlier that morning. They were
wondering what was going on with the girls, especially when
they found out through the rumour mill that the Queen of
Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour, was also missing from class.
None of their teachers knew the reason (or at least wouldn’t
tell them), so specula on was running wild.
“I bet Jamie and Fleur have fought and they are both in the
hospital wing,” Anna whispered to Raquel.
“And Mia is there because she is crushing on Jamie”, Raquel
answered, and the girls giggled.
Lucky for them their teacher, Professeur Poussin, was not
paying a en on to the whispers in her class, as she was
reading a missive that came in on a flying note.
“Class? Please pack away your books and quills,” the teacher
spoke up. “I have just been informed there will be a duel in
the main dueling room. Pack up your belongings and then I
will escort you there.”
“See! I told you Raquel, Jamie is going to kill Fleur!” Anna said
a li le too loudly.
“No-one is going to be killing no-one, Miss Laflamme-Brûlé”,
Professeur Poussin answered her. As some of the class
laughed at Anna’s red face, they were packing up their stuff.
Soon a er 3H met up with other classes, as they were lead by
their teachers to one of the Quiditch stadiums, which doubled
as the main dueling pitch.
“Can you see Jamie or Mia yet?” Jacob asked Michel, as both
kids sat down on one of the benches. The stadium was filled
with students, no surprise there – while duels were hardly
common, Beauxbatons had an official dueling club, which
competed with the other schools, and they had an internal
compe on as well that was usually well watched. S ll, duels
between the students themselves were not that common,
even if the school did allow them when they inevitably
The rumour of students cha ng stopped when their
Headmistress stepped out on the field, followed by four girls.
Fleur was accompanied by her best friend Amélie, and the
other two were, to no-one in 3H’s surprise, Jamie and Mia.
“Everyone, may I have your a en on please?“As the stadium
was built more or less like an amphitheatre, Madame Maxime
needed no sonorous charm to be heard over the din. “For
those of you who have never been at a duel before, I’ll briefly
go over the rules. The two challengers will shortly begin their
fight, and there shall be no interference asides from their
seconds. All spells are permi ed, with the excep on of those
that are designed to do permanent harm, including of course
the Unforgivables.”
The rumour started up again, as specula on started on who
would be the winner… Fleur was by far the favourite of
course, except for a view members of class 3H, who had seen
how well Jamie did in class.
On the pitch, Madame Maxime turned to the two pairs. “I’ll
ask you two one last me… do you want to go through with
this? There is no loss of honour in backing down.”
“Never,” Fleur proudly stated. ‘Mia‘ took a deep breath, and
glared at the older girl as she gave her answer, “Bring it.”
Madame Maxime sighed at the two, then raised her voice
again for the public: “Miss Delacour, Miss Farmer, accompany
your second to the dueling lines.”
That got the crowd started again, as nobody was expec ng
Fleur’s opponent to be Mia! Bets were rapidly changed, none
of them in Mia’s favour.
On the pitch, Madame Maxime raised a dueling shield, cu ng
off Amélie and Harry from their friends. Both looked worried,
Harry extremely so.
“When I drop my wand, you may begin,” Madame Maxime
raised hers… then lowered it.
Hermione was first to lash out, intent to not let Fleur get
enough me to cast a spell she was not prepared for.
“Expelliarmus!” she yelled. Fleur didn’t even try to dodge the
red spell… she caught it with her wand p, smirking as she did
so. Hermione barely had to me to react to this, as Fleur sent
a sickly yellow spell her way, without speaking.
“Damn! Wordless cas ng? And what was that thing?”
Hermione jumped to her right, and Fleur’s spell hit the
dueling shield, causing it to become visible as it sizzled out.
Only her ins ncts saved her from Fleur’s follow-up spell, as
another yellow light shot her way, and she rolled to her le …
straight into a third spell she hadn’t no ced yet. Hermione
slashed her wand down: “Protego!” Just in me, a weak
shield caught Fleur’s stunner, sizzling out as it collapsed to
contain the spell.
Hermione was already star ng to get out of breath, as Fleur
seemed to stop cas ng. “What is the ma er li le girl? Do you
want your daddy and mummy?” the older girl teased her.
“Dodge this!” Hermione angrily shouted, cas ng an
“Incarcerous!” at the Veela. Fleur was caught by surprise, and
her legs were wrapped up, causing her to stumble forward.
Even as she fell, she cast a spell though: “Avis!” she sounded
out, and a flock of birds appeared, diving for Hermione in a
re-crea on of Hitchcock’s The Birds.
While Hermione was shielding her eyes from the pecking
beaks, too panicked to think of using a spell to stop them,
Fleur cast two cu ng spells to free her legs, then cast another
cu ng spell in the direc on of the younger girl: “Diffindo!”
Hermione was hit in the le shoulder, and a deep gash
appeared, which immediately began to fill up with blood. She
cried out in pain, as she finally remembered a spell to fight off
the birds: “Flamma Ignis!”
A blast of fire hit the birds and turned them into drums cks,
and Hermione glared at her opponent, trying to ignore her
“Flamma Ignis!” she yelled again, poin ng her wand at the
To her shock and surprise, Fleur just laughed as the flames
washed over her: “Fire against a Veela? Li le girl, we are fire
nymphs!” Indeed, the flames passed past her, leaving her
unhurt. “It takes a dragon’s breath or fiendfyre to hurt me…
unlike you.”
Fleur cast her own fire spell, and Hermione had to cast
another shield spell to protect herself.
“Hermione, stop! You’re bleeding!” Harry yelled out from
behind the dueling shield. Hermione only grew more
determined: “Injuria Magna!”
The pain spell le her wand, and Hermione stumbled as she
was almost drained… the spell took a lot more energy than
she had been coun ng on. S ll, as she saw it hit the Veela
who could not duck in me, she smiled in grim determina on
at hearing Fleur’s cry of pain.
“You’ll pay for that! Reducto!” Fleur cast the curse towards
Hermione, who jumped back to avoid it, but the splashing up
stones as it hit the ground hurt her s ll. Small wounds on her
face from the sharp stones, Hermione let out a whimper of
pain, even as she cast another spell towards Fleur, but her
“Stupefy!” missed widely.
“Let’s see how well you do if you can’t speak! Silencio!”
Hermione was hit by the silencing spell, and to her horror
found she indeed could not speak… and thus cast… even as
she was trying her best to cast a Finite Incantatum on herself,
Fleur cast the next spell: “Locomotor Mor s!”
Hermione’s legs slammed together, and she fell forward
quickly, catching herself with her le arm but s ll her head hit
the floor, as her injured arm couldn’t take the weight.
“Frango Os!” A bone-breaking spell le Fleur’s wand, and hit
Hermione’s right arm, causing her to silently cry out in pain.
“Enough! The duel is over, winner Fleur Delacour!” Madame
Maxime yelled out, bringing down the shield with a single
move of her wand. She cast a spell remover on Hermione, but
‘Jamie’ beat her to the girl’s side: “Oh Merlin please be
Madame Maxime looked over the downed girl, “A broken
arm, mul ple cuts and lacera ons… Jamie, let go of her, she
needs to go to the hospital wing.”
“Yes… yes madame…” Harry leant down to kiss Hermione’s
forehead, as she lied there whimpering in pain. “I’ll come
check on you soon honey,” he whispered to her.
“I’m so sorry I lost…” Hermione whimpered. One of the school
nurses rushed towards them, and a er cas ng a quick
diagnos c spell, Hermione was whisked away to the hospital
Fleur shrugged off Amélie’s praise, and confidently walked
over to ‘Jamie’. “Now that that is over with, come along my
love, and I’ll show you my room,” she smiled at her disguised
“What makes you think I have any interest in that?” Harry
glared at her.
“But… but I won the duel!” Fleur sounded confused. “You are
mine now!”
“I told you before, I already have a girlfriend! And you just
beat her up. Are you really that demented that you think I’ll
suddenly like you because you, a nearly seventeen year old
witch, mercilessly beat up a girl three years younger than
Harry spit to the ground in front of her, “Stay away from me!
I’m going to check up on the girl I love.”
Fleur froze in place, then collapsed to her knees, wailing
loudly as Harry walked off. Amélie was confused to no end,
but a er a li le hesita on just hugged her friend, as she

A/N: Short chapter since I thought the fight deserved one on

its own. Sorry to all Hermione fans, but realis cally there is no
way she stood a chance. Fleur is in canon the best student out
of the en re Beauxbatons delega on, and while Hermione
has a great knowledge of spells she is simply outclassed.
Next chapter, the duel a ermath.
18. A Couple of Problems
Chapter 18
A Couple of Problems
Jamie had an angry look on her face as she rushed past the
assembled students, ignoring their ques ons. Giving no
further thought to the heart-broken Veela, he arrived at the
main corridor and rushed to the hospital wing. Harry almost
skidded to a halt when he found Apolline and Gabrielle
Delacour in front of the doors.
“Jamie? Do you have a moment to talk? Your friend is being
treated now, you’ll be allowed to go in in a moment,” Fleur’s
mother asked him.
“Look no offence, but I want to see my girlfriend now. I don’t
have me to deal with the bitch,” Harry bit back.
Slap, Apolline’s hand cuffed him on the side of his head.
“Mind your language, there are young children present,” she
chided him. “And I’ll remind you Fleur is my daughter, and I
love and will support her, despite her… problems.”
Apolline took a deep breath. “Jamie? Let’s go to the wai ng
room for now. I don’t think you want to do this in the
corridors now do you?”
Harry grumbled, but let her guide him into the adjacent room,
young Gabrielle following.
“Look Mrs Delacour, I am sorry for calling your daughter that,
but I am really annoyed with her now! She hurt my Hermione
and now expects me to be happy and be her mate? Is she
absolutely mental?”
Apolline sighed, “Harry, you have to understand Fleur here.
It’s not easy being a Veela. She has learnt to be on her guard
around boys– young men,” she corrected herself as Harry
glared, “but your… effec ve disguise caught her off-guard. I
doubt she was fully aware of what was happening herself.”
“S ll doesn’t excuse her a acking me and Hermione,” Harry
“Non, it does not,” Apolline nodded. “Harry, please wait here
un l the Healer calls you in to see your friend. May I ask you
to watch my other daughter? I should see what’s keeping Jean
and Fleur.”
“Oh, all right,” Harry sighed. “Look… despite all this… I
appreciate your help, you know?”
“Bon,” Apolline smiled. She placed a quick kiss on Gabrielle’s
head, “be good li le one, your sister and I will be right back.”
Gracefully stepping out of the room, she le Harry alone with
the minute Veela.
‘Fleur is out of her mind if she thinks she has “won” me now, I
am not some prize. Besides, it is my own decision who I want
to be with, and – ouch!’ Harry was pulled away from his
thoughts by a rela vely hard kick to his shin.
“Ouch! What was that for?”
Gabrielle stood in front of him, and kicked his leg again. “You
are mean,” she informed him. The a empt at a glare on her
angelic face was adorable.
“Gabrielle, stop kicking me,” Harry held out his arm, keeping
her at length. “How am I mean?”
“You made my big sister cry,” Gabrielle informed him. “Papa
always says boys shouldn’t pick on girls, and I know you are
really a boy. So you are mean.” She tried another kick, but her
legs could not reach, so she se led for a glare.
Harry stared, then rolled his eyes. “Gabbi, I didn’t mean to
make your sister cry. Will you stop kicking me so I can
“Gabbi? Fleur calls me that too,” the li le girl informed him.
“Okay. But you are s ll a meany!”
“Look Gabbi, the reason your sister is crying is that she
thought I would be her boyfriend if she beat up my girlfriend,
and she was wrong,” Harry tried to explain.
“Fleur beat up someone?” Gabrielle’s eyes went wide.
“Yes, that’s why I am here,” Harry nodded. “I like Hermione a
lot, she is my best friend in the world, and she got hurt in a
fight with your sister just now. I am wai ng for the doctor to
let me in.”
“What’s a doctor? And why did Her… Hermainy and Fleur
“Sorry, I meant Healer,” Harry explained. “They fought over
me, for the right to be my girlfriend, I guess.”
“And Fleur won?” Gabrielle looked pensive.
“Sort of,” Harry said with a sigh.
“Okay…” Gabrielle looked at him cri cally. “Okay, you’re not
mean. But you s ll shouldn’t make my sister cry.”
“Trust me Gabbi, I don’t want any of this…”
A bit later the other door in the room opened, and a Healer
stepped through to find a stressed teen girl si ng there, and
a pre-teen blonde girl playing with a doll.
“Miss Crochenydd? You can come in to see your friend now if
you wish,” she informed the girl. “Where is Mrs Delacour?”
“I think she went to go get the other one,” Jamie said in a flat
tone. “Err… Gabbi, do you want to come in with me?”
“I suppose,” Gabbi put the doll in a pocket – obviously
magically expanded – and followed Jamie inside.
Hermione looked miserable lying on her bed. The cuts were
healed, as was the gash on her le shoulder, but her right arm
looked unnaturally s ff and was lying inert.
“Mia! Are you okay?” Harry rushed to her side, and took her
le hand in his.
“I… I lost…” she said in a small voice. Oh Morgana I was so
stupid, how could I forget that Veela are fire resistant? I
should have used water, or ice, or maybe some plant magic.
Hmm, I think transfiguring some of those rocks to Devil’s
Snare might have worked…” she looked to be lost in thought.
Harry couldn’t help but grin, that was his bookworm friend.
“It’s okay Mia, I’m sure you could beat her if you had three
more years of school like she did.” He gently squeezed her
Hermione looked back up in shock, “Oh Ha– Jamie… I am so
sorry,” her face fell. “I promise I won’t get into your way now.
But… can we at least s ll be friends?”
Harry looked confused, “What are you on about?”
“You’re with Fleur now… I lost,” Hermione said in an
exasperated tone. “Honestly Harry, what do you think the
fight was for?”
“It’s Jamie,” Harry bit to her, shoo ng a quick look to the
Healer, who fortunately was at the other end of the room
talking with Gabrielle about something. “And I have no idea
what you’re on about Mia.”
“Har– Jamie, Fleur and I fought a duel. Over you. Over the
right to be your girlfriend. She won, I lost.” Hermione looked
pained, but resolved at the same me. “I’ll miss you.”
Harry had an incredulous look on his face, then this turned to
anger. “You know what? If you think you and Fleur can decide
who I’ll date without my involvement, well then you can just
go date each other for all I care! I am DONE with this CRAP!”
“What’s all the commo on about? Miss, if you are disturbing
my pa ent, I’ll have to ask you to leave,” the Healer came
rushing up.
“Don’t worry, I will,” Harry said in a clipped tone, and stepped
out, leaving a somewhat shocked Hermione behind.
Apolline had not found Fleur in the stadium, but one of
Fleur’s clique told her that Amélie and Jean had taken Fleur to
her dorm room. As Fleur’s injuries were negligible she didn’t
need a trip to the hospital wing.
Arriving at the students dorms Apolline entered her
daughter’s room, which she shared with Amélie only.
“Fleur darling, are you okay?” she asked her daughter. Fleur
was si ng on her bed, sobbing so ly, while Amélie had an
arm around her. Jean stood near the door looking pained, and
his eyes lit up when he saw his wife enter. Madame Maxime
was nowhere in sight.
“Where’s Gabrielle?” he so ly asked her. “Har– Jamie is
watching her,” Apolline informed her husband.
Fleur looked up as her mother spoke, “Where is my mate?”
she asked in a weak voice. “Oh maman… he rejected me…”
she started sobbing again.
“He?” Amélie asked. “Amélie, it’s a Veela thing,” Apolline
made up on the spot. “Could you please go find the
Headmistress? I need to have a li le chat with my daughter in
“Oui Madame,” Amélie nodded. “Fleur, it will be okay, don’t
cry,” she hugged her friend again, and le the room.
Jean sighed, “Fleur, I understand you are upset, but you can’t
reveal Harry’s iden ty to anyone, not even Amélie,” he
started. “My Flower, you messed up.”
“Daddy, how could you!” Fleur looked shocked.
Apolline took over. “Fleur, I know you weren’t exactly thinking
straight, but did you really think that Harry would fall in love
with you if you beat up Hermione? I am disappointed in you.”
Fleur’s face fell even more. “But… but it was a fair duel! She
accepted! And he is my perfect mate papa, my magic tells me
“I know honey, but did you think to ask Harry what he
wanted?” Apolline so ened her tone, and sat down next to
her daughter. “I think he’ll be rather upset with you, and
maybe with Hermione as well. Your best bet now is to
apologize to them both, and try to become his friend first.”
“I… I will try,” Fleur said slowly.
Harry sat under a tree on the grounds, fuming and thinking.
‘So this is what I le Hogwarts for. Instead of being
manipulated by the Headbastard now my own girlfriend
decides to ignore my own feelings. And I am forced to hide as
a girl, with her blaming me whenever I accidentally get a
glimpse of one of the other girls, as if I’m trying to look! Did I
do something wrong in a previous life or something? It’s all
not fair!’
He’d rushed outside a er the scene in the hospital wing,
ignoring anyone calling to him other than shou ng back he
wanted to be alone. Fortunately the weather was s ll decent
enough he wouldn’t grow cold. The one thing he missed most
right now was his broom, but that he’d had to leave with his
godfather, as they feared he would be quickly found out even
in female form if he showed off his Quidditch skills. For the
same reason Hedwig was not allowed to be with him at
Over in Scotland, Albus Dumbledore received an update on
the goings-on at Beauxbatons from his spy.
‘A student duel? Uncommon, let’s see… ah, just some spat
between two girls. S ll no sign of Po er.’
“Well Fawkes, where do you think Harry is hiding?” He asked
his familiar. “I hope Severus is on his trail. I haven’t heard
from him in a few days either, and he’s not one to stay silent
too long.”
Fawkes tweeted something in reply, and Dumbledore nodded.
“You are right my friend, no news can be good news. S ll, I am
ge ng worried. There are no new students at Durmstrang,
and Beauxbatons only had girls enroll recently, so I am at a
loss where to find my errant student. And the ICW is proving
to be annoying, thanks to that Bones woman.”
Fawkes tweeted a higher pitch, and cocked his head. “Right
you are. Bones will not be a problem a er this weekend, Mr
Malfoy proved to be quite useful in ge ng Fudge to strip her
of her posi on at the Ministry, as well as her Wizengamot
seat. If she s rs up trouble, he’ll have her arrested. Hmmm…
thanks for reminding me of the Aurors my friend.”
Dumbledore walked over to his floo, and threw in some
powder. “Mad-eye’s Shelter,” he called as the flames arose.
Jamie showed up for dinner, much to the relief of the
Headmistress. Mia Farmer was s ll in the Hospital wing they
knew, and Fleur Delacour had not been seen since the duel.
“Hey Galles, so you’re into girls?” Michel asked as soon as
Jamie sat down.
Harry glared at him, “That’s none of your concern. That…
thing between me and Mia is private, understood?”
“Easy there Jamie, Michel may have no tact, but he means no
harm,” Julie defused the situa on. “We’re all just wondering. I
know you and Mia are… close… so the whole business with
Fleur is confusing. But you don’t have to talk about if you
don’t want to.”
“Thanks Jules,” Harry shot her a small smile. “It’s more
annoying than anything else. I promise I’ll tell you guys what I
can, once I figure it out myself, okay?”
“Heck of a shame about you and Fleur though,” Michel added.
“Two hot witches like you should be in the market or else
what can I aim for?”
Quicker than anyone could imagine, Harry’s wand was out,
and a s nging hex hit Michel on the face. As he cried out, the
others laughed. “It’s your own fault Michel,” Vi orio grinned.
“Guess you got the same tact as your brother has.”
Relieved this mini-confronta on was over, Harry focused on
his food.
A er dinner he was intercepted by the Delacours before he
could leave, Jean and Apolline had Gabrielle with them as
they called him into a private room.
“Harry, we’ve had a chat with Fleur,” Jean started. “I’d like to
ask you to hear her out once she’s calmed down.”
“Why should I?” Harry looked the man in the eye.
“Because it is the gentlemanly thing to do,” Jean countered. “I
know you are upset with her, but she realises she made a
mistake now. I’m not asking you to forgive her straight away,
but please just listen to her. If only to relieve some of the
tension between you both.”
“Very well… but she’d be er not bring up the mate thing
again or I’m leaving. Where is she?”
“Fleur is in her room, and won’t be coming out tonight,”
Apolline informed him. “You both need a chance to get some
quiet and just focus on school for now.”
“Speaking of… Mr Delacour, I really hate all this,” Harry waved
around in a non-dis nct manner. “The whole hiding as girl
thing mainly. Hasn’t it caused enough problems?”
“Harry, I promise you, it’ll all be over soon,” Jean promised
him. “Mr Black’s trial is tomorrow, and Mr Lupin will collect
you and Hermione from school tomorrow a er dinner so you
can a end it. If all goes well, France will be able to officially
shelter you so you can become Harry Po er again in public.”
“Where is Hermione, Harry?” Apolline asked.
“Hospital wing,” Harry shrugged. “I guess she has to spend
the night.”
“You guess? She’s all alone?” Apolline raised an eyebrow, and
was obviously about to say more, but Jean silenced her by
placing his hand on her arm.
“Harry, we should leave, and you should probably get to your
dorms. Try to stay calm, remember everyone just wants to
help you.”
With that a empt to reassure him, the Delacours le .
Gabrielle looked red as it was nearing her bed me. Harry
just went for the common room, to work on some of his
homework and make up for the day’s missed classes.
Hermione showed up again for breakfast the next morning, as
did Fleur. Jamie surprised everyone by choosing to sit away
from Mia, instead si ng between Julie and Anna. In the day’s
classes too, he chose not to sit next to her, but instead picked
another companion.
Harry was surprised to see Hermione and Fleur walk up to
him together a er the last class.
“Jamie… can we talk? In private?” Fleur asked him. Harry took
a deep breath, nodded, and the trio picked out an empty
room with some chairs.
“Harry… I am sorry,” Fleur started once they were alone. She
was looking at the floor. “I let my Veela side took over, and
acted horribly to the both of you this past week.”
“You nearly killed me and Hermione both,” Harry interrupted.
“I… I know,” Fleur said in a small voice. “I was… ac ng without
thinking. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”
The young wizard stayed silent.
“Harry… please listen to her,” Hermione interceded. “She
apologized to me yesterday in the hospital wing, she told me
she never should have challenged me to a duel like that,
“And?” Harry caught Hermione’s eyes, and she gulped. “And…
and I accepted her apology. I should not have goaded her like
that myself.”
“So you two made up?” Harry asked, and both girls nodded.
“Well… I guess I can forgive you then Fleur,” he said a er a
moment’s silence.
Seeing Fleur’s face brighten, he quickly added: “But that does
not mean I am your mate,” he nearly spat out the word. “At
most we’re school buddies for now.”
“Harry, you’re being unreasonable,” Hermione added. “She
won the right to date you!”
“Dammit Hermione, don’t you think that’s my own
decision?!” Harry glared at the former brune e. “You don’t
want to be my girl? Fine, we’re through then! But I’ll decide
for myself if I want to date Fleur, or anyone else for that
ma er!
“At least she has apologized for ignoring my feelings,” he
concluded in a so er voice.
“But she–” Hermione began again, only for Fleur to stop her.
“I accept your decision Harry. I hope we can become friends?”
Harry looked away from Hermione, and his expression
so ened a bit. “All right Fleur, we can give it a try at least.
Maybe we should start over.”
Harry focused, and morphed to his natural boy form. “Hi, I’m
Harry Po er, pleased to meet you,” he held out his hand.
“Fleur Delacour, pleased to meet you,” Fleur said with a small
smile, as she took his hand.
Harry smiled back, then looked at the door. “Ugh, back to girl
form I guess… so Fleur, what is there to do for fun here while
we wait for dinner?”
Harry morphed again and they stepped outside, leaving
Hermione behind. Harry didn’t no ce, but Fleur shot the
flabbergasted younger girl a triumphant look over her
shoulder just before the door closed on her.
Hermione sat frozen in place. Various thoughts ran through
her mind… she was sure that if she were a toon, she’d have a
shoulder angel and demon now.
‘Go a er him girl! You cannot let that Veela hussy steal your
‘But I lost the duel… and the duel was for Harry’s hand. She
won fair and square.
‘She has three years more of schooling, plus has Veela powers.
The fight was not fair. I deserve a rematch.
‘And if I win that, Harry will be mine again.’
A small smile made its way on her face, and she made up to
step out… then another thought crossed her mind.
‘But what if… Harry is upset with me not because I lost, but
because I treated him like my property?’
Hermione slumped back in her chair, and began sobbing. She
messed up, and now she was sure Harry hated her.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Sorry for missing last week, real life
got in the way. I’m not sure if I’ll make it next weekend as I’ll
be away then, but I’ll try to get the next chapter up some me
during the week following at the latest.
Next chapter: Sirius gets a trial, and the Wizengamot meets in
A/N 2: Last paragraph added. I was intending to use it next
chapter, but judging by the many reviews I got so far, it is
needed here. Thanks for some of you to reply to my PMs :)
And just to remind everyone… the final pairing is in the story
descrip on. The “love triangle” angst should be over soon.
19. Cour ng
Chapter Nineteen
Cour ng
Remus Lupin looked up as the door to the Headmistress’s
office opened, and three girls stepped through.
“Miss Farmer, Miss Crochenydd, good to see you’re here. And
hello Miss Delacour,” Madame Maxime greeted them, looking
inquisi vely at the Veela for her presence.
“I was just escor ng them here Madame,” Fleur explained.
“Have a good weekend Harry,” she gave him a quick kiss on
the cheek, and walked out, humming happily.
Remus looked at the teens in more detail, Jamie looked a bit
annoyed he thought – the unfamiliar female face made
Harry’s emo ons harder to read – and Hermione definitely
looked sad. They were also standing quite far apart.
“Did something happen between you two?” he asked them.
“Other than the duel you mean?” – Harry.
“Duel? What duel?” Remus rounded on the Headmistress.
“An internal school ma er Monsieur Lupin, you know how
teens are. Miss Farmer challenged Miss Delacour to a duel
“Why is this the first me I hear of this? Was anyone hurt?”
Remus sounded agitated.
“Just some minor damage Monsieur Lupin. Really, I don’t see
why you are ge ng upset.”
“You are telling me Hermione fought a duel, and got hurt, and
you didn’t inform her mother? Of course I’m upset!”
“Please Monsieur Lupin, calm down. It is school policy to not
trouble the parents about every minor fight. Nobody broke
any rules, and Her– Miss Farmer only missed a day of classes.
Hardly a problem, non?” Madame Maxime raised her massive
shoulders in an impressive gallic shrug.
“Well… I guess,” Remus said a er a pause. “All right kids. I’ll
floo to the Black Villa first, you follow straight a er
“Yes Remus”/“Yessir”, they answered, and Remus stepped
into the fireplace, threw down the powder, and disappeared.
“Harry… please?” Hermione tried to grab for his hand as they
got up to walk to the fireplace, but he just shrugged it off as if
he didn’t see or hear her. Hardly wai ng for Hermione to step
next to him, Harry threw down some floo powder, shouted
out “Black villa!” and the two disappeared.
“Hermione!” Emma rushed forward, crushing her daughter in
a hug.
“Harry!” Sirius did the same to Harry. “Woah, boobs,” he
“Really Sirius?” Harry wrestled himself free, and glared at his
godfather. Not allowing the man a choice to reply, he focused
and morphed back to male form.
“Okay, seriously weirded out now.., I’ll be in my room, ge ng
dressed in some male clothes,” Harry rushed past them.
“Smooth, Padfoot, really smooth,” Remus chas sed his friend.
“Not my fault Moony, I mean have you seen the chest on
him… err her… Merlin that is weird.”
“Dog,” Remus shook his head. “One, that’s your godson. Two,
that’s normally a man. Three… even if he were a girl and not
your godchild, should I remind you he’s thirteen?”
“Hey as they say, if the grass grows you can –” The rest of
Sirius’ comment was muffled as Emma clamped her hand over
his mouth.
“Bad dog,” she commented o andedly, then inspected her
daughter. “How was your school week? Did you learn any new
spells? Can you pull a rabbit from a hat yet? Oh, you’ve been
crying? What is wrong honey? Where – eek!” Her Granger-
babble was interrupted as Sirius licked her hand, and she
pulled it away in surprise.
That did it for Remus, and he barked in laughter, joined by
“Children, those two,” Emma looked to the ceiling for support,
the corralled her daughter off to the kitchen. “Siri, Remus, I’m
having a mother-daughter chat with Hermione here. Can you
two entertain Harry if he comes down a er ge ng dressed?”
She didn’t wait for a reply, and closed the door on them.
“Okay Hermione, why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?”
Hal ngly Hermione started, first by recoun ng how Fleur and
Jamie had been figh ng for dominance, and then the
disastrous morning where Fleur had almost killed Harry, only
to claim him as her mate.
“And nobody did anything about this?” Emma looked in
disbelief. “Is that… normal in that world of yours?”
“I guess mum,” Hermione said in a small voice. “It’s one of the
reasons why England doesn’t allow a Veela colony, and why so
many purebloods dislike them. But that’s not all… I did
something really stupid mummy.”
“Oh honey, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Emma put an arm
around her daughter. “Tell me what’s got you so upset.”
Hermione went on to discuss her own verbal match with
Fleur, and how she had challenged the older witch to a duel,
going on with how Harry reacted a erwards, and how he had
told her they were ‘through’ this morning.
Emma sat with an arm around her crying daughter, and was
thinking of a response. Finally she found something. “Yes
Hermione, you did mess up. You should have been more
considerate of Harry’s feelings,” she started, causing
Hermione to wail louder.
“Hush honey, it’s not all bad,” Emma consoled her. “I am sure
Harry just blurted that out as he was upset, he seems to be a
bit of a hot-head. You just let him calm down and apologize,
and I’m sure you two will be thick as thieves again in no me.”
“He is a boy, they have the emo onal range of a table spoon,”
Hermione had a small smile on her face. “I’ll flash him my
chest, he seems to like that…”
“Hermione Jane, you will do nothing of the sort,” Emma
interrupted that thought. “Not only are you awfully young to
be even thinking that – at least as far as your mother is
concerned – but you’re not going to manipulate that poor boy
any further. You apologize first, and if he accepts you back,
then you can see how you can repair your rela onship. If
not… well honey, it’s your first rela onship and nobody says it
has to be your last one.”
“But mummy, I really do like Harry…”
Emma hugged her daughter again.
By the me the Granger women came out of the kitchen,
Harry was downstairs as well, dressed in his normal clothes,
and joking with Sirius and Remus about something. A er
some idle chat Remus joined Emma to help finish up dinner,
and Sirius went out for a walk on the grounds, leaving the
teens alone.
“Harry… can we talk?” Hermione began carefully.
“We’re talking now aren’t we?” Harry dead-panned.
“Not what I meant prat,” Hermione gave him a weak smile.
“Harry… I was wrong. Can you please forgive me?”
Harry looked away from her, and took a few breaths to steady
himself. “Hermione… you’re my best friend, and I like you a
lot. But what you did –”
“I am so sorry!” she interrupted him.
“I know,” Harry looked at her, and she saw he was not looking
angry. “But you saw me as someone… something to trade
away. And I swore to myself when we fled Hogwarts I’d never
let myself get used like that by Dumbledore, the Dursleys, or
anyone ever again.”
“So… we are through? You hate me now?” Hermione said in a
small voice.
“You hurt me Hermione,” Harry took her le hand in his. “But
I’ve had some me to think, and I want to go back to how we
were as well. Just promise me to at least listen to me from
now on, okay?”
“Oh Harry!” Hermione rushed towards him, and their lips
“Guess they made up,” Remus commented so ly to Emma as
they stood in the door opening a bit later. Hermione sat on
Harry’s lap, and they were both reading the same book, with
the occasional kiss.
Jean Delacour flooed to the Black Villa the next morning, all
by himself Hermione no ced to her sa sfac on (Fleur was at
“Good morning all,” he greeted the quintet. The group had
just finished breakfast and were wai ng for him.
“Monsieur Black, you’re dressed properly, good. For the
record, let me ask once more, do you assent to the use of
veritaserum should the inquisitor ask?” Sirius nodded.
“Bon. Then please hand over your wand, and I’ll place you
under arrest. Monsieur Lupin, the trial will start at eleven, and
you are on the list for the watching gallery along with an
under-aged witch and wizard.”
Harry looked up at this, and Jean smiled. “Yes Harry, you can
go as yourself. There is no way to prevent Dumbledore from
learning about this as it is, so you may as well appear in
public. Even Dumbledore won’t try something inside our
“What about me?” Emma asked.
“I am sorry Mrs Granger, there are no Muggles allowed,” Jean
apologized. “Should I see if my wife can keep you company?”
“No, that’s okay,” Emma said with a small sigh. “Kids, listen to
Remus, and I expect you all back straight away a er Siri is
cleared so we can celebrate, okay?”
The kids affirmed it, and gave Sirius some words of support.
Just before Jean put magic suppressing cuffs on Sirius –
“Procedure, I’m afraid,” – she rushed to his side, and gave him
a kiss on the cheek, “for luck”. A slightly blushing Sirius was
flooed away by Jean, leaving the kids to look somewhat
bewildered at Emma, but no ques ons were asked.
About half an hour later, Remus and the two teens flooed
away to the Ministry’s visitor entrance, leaving a worried
Emma behind.
The entrance to the French Ministry of Magic was a big hall
with floos on one wall and a row of what looked like bank
teller windows on the opposite wall. To the side was an area
cordoned off with ropes on three sites reserved for incoming
appari on, and on its opposing wall was an opening guarded
by a pair of rough-looking French aurors.
The “teller” windows were manned with minor clerks who
handled bureaucra c procedures for the public, and many
people were neatly lined up in front of them.
Remus guided the teens past the rows of wai ng people, to
the guards.
“Remus Lupin and two under-aged students, here for the
hearing in Courtroom Three,” he said to the guards as they
got close.
“Your wands please,” the le guard held out his hand, and
Remus, Harry, and Hermione handed over their wands. The
guard put them in a box which he put in the wall behind him,
and gave Remus a receipt.
“You’ll get them back if you leave. Do not lose the receipt.
Courtroom three is on the fourth floor, follow the signs,” he
informed them, and stood aside to let them pass.
Remus ushered the teens to the elevator, and they got into
the car as it arrived. Going up four floors – the Ministry
entrance was on the ground floor – they stepped out into the
legal department.
“Looks like we’re on me,” Remus commented, as they
followed the sign for the third courtroom. “Harry, Hermione,
s ck close to me no ma er what happens all right? As far as
we know Dumbledore has no clue about this trial, and he’ll be
at the Wizengamot now, but best to be prepared than to be
“Got it Remus,” Harry nodded. He squeezed Hermione’s hand
as they walked through the doors and got into the mostly
empty visitor’s gallery.
In London, the Wizengamot chamber was filling up with the
landed gentry, Order of Merlin holders, and Ministry
Personnel. Dumbledore already sat on his elegant chair which
he held as the Chief Warlock, and he nodded cordially to his
followers as he saw them enter, people like Dedalus Diggle,
Amos Diggory, and Arthur Weasley. Then came the Ministry
for Magic, flanked by his ‘chief advisor’ Lucius Malfoy, and his
Under-secretary Dolores Umbridge.
“Chief Warlock Dumbledore, good to see you,” Malfoy spoke
as they came close.
“Likewise Lucius,” Dumbledore answered.
“I don’t see the Bones woman? Has she taken the hint and
stayed home?” Malfoy asked him.
“We can only hope,” Dumbledore said. “Sadly Amelia is rather
misguided as of late, but worry not, we are prepared.”
“Then I’ll take my seat. Chief Warlock, Minister, Madam
Under-secretary, I bid you good day,” Malfoy said with a
smooth voice and a slight nod as he headed over to his seat
near that of the other ‘tradi onalist’ Purebloods.
“I say Dumbledore, are you certain Amelia will not be any
problem?” Minister for Magic Fudge sounded worried.
“One can never be certain about these things Cornelius, but I
doubt she’ll cause too much of a problem. She has been
stripped of her posi on, and she’s not the head of House
Bones a er all, she’s just a regent for young Susan. Therefore
she has no right to be here.”
“I have Aurors standing by,” Cornelius added. “Well then, I
think everyone is here… Chief Warlock, will you call the
mee ng?”
Dumbledore rose, and the murmur in the room died out as
his natural presence registered. “Lords and Ladies, esteemed
Members of the Order, and Department Heads of the Ministry
for Magic, I call the Wizengamot into session. I shall cede the
floor to the Minister for Magic of the Bri sh Isles, unless
anyone believes they have priority?”
He began si ng down a er calling this as per custom, no-one
ever answered this, but to his immense surprise someone did
speak up from the visitor’s gallery:
“I demand to be heard before the Wizengamot,” Amelia
Bones spoke up.
“Amelia, you are not a member of this body,” Dumbledore
said in a disappointed voice. “Aurors, please remove Madam
Bones, to prevent her from further interrup ng this session.”
The Aurors were visibly conflicted at the order to arrest their
former Department Head, but were saved from ac ng as
Amelia spoke up again: “I am not here on my own accord.
Chief Warlock Dumbledore, allow me to present my papers.”
“Indulge her Dumbledore,” Fudge spoke up. “Let her dig her
own hole. Once she’s in a cell where she belongs we can get
on with the session.”
Dumbledore nodded, and waved Amelia over. One of the
Aurors opened the gate for her so she could pass from the
visitor’s gallery onto the main floor. She was dressed in
strange black robes, not adorned in the crest of House Bones,
but in one that was unfamiliar to most purebloods present,
although several Half-bloods and the few Muggleborn Order
of Merlin members paled at recognising it.
Amelia handed over an official looking scroll to Dumbledore.
“What?! Is this some kind of joke?” he glared at Madam
“You recognise the seal, Chief Warlock?” Madam Bones had a
smirk on her face.
“Yes… but this is preposterous! Royal Court Magician? There
hasn’t been one since–”
“Since Dr. John Dee,” Amelia concluded for him, and turned to
face the body at large. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the
Wizengamot, I stand before you as Royal Court Magician for
her majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second. As those among
you with a knowledge of the laws will a est, the Wizengamot
was granted limited self-rule upon the dissolu on of the
Wizard’s Council in 1629, freeing the newly founded Ministry
of Magic and its subjects from having to follow all Muggle
laws or pay taxes.
“However,” she raised her voice, “this freedom was only given
as long as the Wizengamot would watch that the Magical
world would not interfere with the Muggle world, nor any
basic rights of the King’s subjects be entrenched upon.
“Her Majesty has watched the incursion by You-Know-Who
and his band of terrorists with great concern, and is not
pleased with how the Wizengamot and Ministry have dealt
with the a ermath. Therefore, on this day in the year of 1993
I stand before you in her place, reques ng you swear the
same Oath your predecessors did three centuries prior.”
“Enough!” Fudge rose up, his head red with anger. “Aurors,
remove this delusional woman!”
“Minister Fudge, have you not heard a word I said?” Amelia
Bones looked disappointed more than anything.
“How dare you speak to the Minister like that!” Madam
Umbridge also rose to her feet, “Aurors! Get moving or you’ll
share a cell next to this harridan!”
“Members of the Wizengamot,” Amelia turned her back to
the two to address the others again, “I implore upon you, call
your leaders to account. Her Majesty does not wish to take
control over you, all she is asking is you affirm your oath of
loyalty. Is that so much to ask?”
“Someone shut that woman up, the men have a government
to run,” the voice of Lucius Malfoy called. A good por on of
the Wizengamot’s male members voiced their support, and
even some women glared at Amelia.
Seeing two Aurors finally wake from their stupor and walk
towards her, Amelia sighed. “You leave me no choice. In name
of her Majesty the Queen, I declare the Wizengamot and by
extension the Ministry for Magic in open rebellion against
their monarch.”
Amelia turned back to face Fudge and Dumbledore, “This is
on your own heads.”
“Enough! Grab her!” Fudge shouted. A young Auror rushed
forward, but just before he could lay a hand on Amelia, she
shook her head, and twisted a ring she had been wearing.
With a loud crack, she disappeared from the Wizengamot
chamber, leaving an angry and bewildered government
In Paris, ma ers went much more calmly.
“Monsieur Black, we have already established that one Peter
Pe grew, not you as is commonly believed, was the Secret
Keeper for the Po ers. Now I ask you, are you now, or have
you ever been, a follower of the Dark Lord Voldemort?” the
inquisitor asked.
“No, I was and am opposed to his foolish beliefs,” Sirius
answered in a flat tone, Veritaserum present in his system.
“Honourable Judge, the prosecu on has no further ques ons,
and has no desire to prosecute Monsieur Black and asks the
case against him to be dropped,” the inquisitor turned to the
“Does the defence have anything to add?” the judge asked
the man Jean had asked to stand beside Sirius. Ge ng a “No
your honour” in reply, the judge called for an auror.
“Please administer the an dote to Monsieur Black.”
Sirius accepted the clear liquid, and felt the compulsion to
only say the truth pass. The judge took his gavel in hand, “This
court finds the accused innocent of all charges. Monsieur
Black, as your own government seems unwilling to give you a
fair trial, you are hereby granted poli cal asylum in the
Magical Republic of France un l said me Britain is willing to
listen to common sense.”
He slammed down the hammer, and Sirius whooped in joy.
Emma sat wai ng for news, when Sirius and Harry flooed in,
immediately followed by Remus and Hermione.
“Ems! I’m a free man!” Sirius was beaming.
“Oh Siri, congrats!” Emma rushed in to hug him.
Hermione and Harry looked on with surprise, as behind them,
Remus let out a pained groan.
Sirius seemed to ignore the ma er: “Let’s go out and
celebrate! I am sick of ge ng cooped up in here.”
“I hate to be the boring one,” Remus started, ignoring the
mu ered “Since when?” from Sirius, “But technically Harry
and Hermione are supposed to be at school s ll. And you may
be freed now mate, but it will take a while before the papers
publish it. You don’t want to risk someone recognising you
and deciding to be a hero.”
“Right…” Sirius’ face darkened a bit, then lit up again. “Party
at home then! I’ll floo Jean and ask if he and Apolline will
want to celebrate with us.”
Sirius wasted no me in ge ng back to the floo, “Apolline
Delacour!” he yelled out as he threw some powder in and
stuck his face in the fire.
“Ah Sirius, congratula ons, Jean told me it all went well,”
Apolline greeted him once she accepted the call.
“Thanks Line,” Sirius said with a wide grin. “I wanted to ask if
you and Jean would like to join us for a celebra on dinner
tonight, here at the Black Villa.”
Apolline took on an apologe c look, “I am afraid we can’t,
Jean has to work late. But we’re free tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow then! I’ll floo you later today, or tomorrow early,
for the details. Bring your li le one as well, she can keep the
kids company!”
“Bon, it’s a date,” Apolline smiled.
Sirius broke the connec on and faced the rest, “did you catch
“Yes, tomorrow then? Do you have anything planned?”
Remus asked.
“I’ll try one of the restaurants in the magical quarter of Paris,”
Sirius suggested. “May as well splurge a li le, you’ve all been
great help to me.”
That was received well.
Later on the same day, a er a none-too-fancy home cooked
meal prepared by Remus, they celebrated a bit with wine
from the villa’s cellars. Even Hermione and Harry got a half
glass of the vintage draught.
“Next me some… some girl comes for you, I’ll punch her
lights out,” Hermione said in a slightly slurred tone as she was
half si ng, half hanging against Harry.
“Sounds like it’s bed me for you two,” Remus commented.
“Up you go, if you s ll can, or do I need to carry one or both
of you?”
“We’re fine Re…moony,” Harry slurred. “Heh, that sounds
funny, Remoony.”
“Honestly Harry, don’t tease your teacher,” Hermione said,
then giggled, “tease teacher!”. Remus rolled his eyes as the
teens got up and helped each other up the stairs.
“Glad to see they made up,” he commented to Sirius and
Emma, rejoining them at the comfortable sofa. He picked up
his wine glass, and the three talked a bit about non-important
ma ers for half an hour.
“Another glass Moony?” Sirius opened a new bo le, and
poured for himself and Emma. Remus took a look on the floor,
where three emp ed bo les already lay, and put his hand
over his glass.
“No more for me, I’m good thanks.”
“You should live a li le Remus,” Emma sounded a li le drunk,
but at least she was smiling, Remus thought.
“Perhaps,” he said in a neutral tone. “Well I’d best call it a
night myself. I wanted to read up on some ICW material
before bed anyway.”
“They s ll got you working on the Dumbledore case?” Sirius
asked between sips.
“Hey I like paperwork, and as a former ‘insider’ I know a lot
about the manipula ve old bastard,” Remus grinned. “Don’t
make it too late you two. I’ll check on the kids on my way to
my room.”
“Cheers mate”/“Thanks Remus”, followed him as he headed
upstairs. Remus peeked in Harry’s room… and found both
kids, s ll clothed, asleep on Harry’s bed. With a smile on his
face he pulled the blanket over both, and headed to his own
Downstairs, the ‘party’ con nued.
“Aren’t you worried about Dum… Dumbell… that old man
finding you here?” Emma downed her glass, and allowed
Sirius to refill it again.
“Nah old whiskers won’t dare to go to France right now, and
he’ll have enough problems with the ICW thingie soon if
Moony keeps it up,” Sirius laughed in reply.
“I can finally have a bit of fun now.”
“So what does a pureblood wizard do for fun in France?”
Emma had a slightly mischievous look on her face.
“Don’t know about other wizards, but I know what I like,”
Sirius replied, scoo ng closer to her.
“Oh really? Is it a… bad thing?” Emma’s grin grew wider, as
her speech got more and more slurred.
“It’s very,” Sirius’ right hand landed on her knee, “very,” it
slowly began sliding up, “very bad indeed,” his finger- ps
grazed her inner thigh.
“Oh no. Someone save me,” Emma leaned forward, and
kissed the dark-haired ex-prisoner.
The next morning Harry and Hermione awoke, blushing a bit
as they found themselves in the same bed, but they had been
ge ng somewhat used to the closer in macy over the past
week so Hermione pretended not to no ce Harry was keeping
the blanket hugged close to him as she got up. She had rather
liked the feeling pressing against her side as they both woke.
A er showering and dressing – in their own rooms – the
teens went downstairs, finding only Remus.
“Morning Remus, where’s mum and Sirius?” Hermione took a
croissant, as Harry poured himself a cup of pumpkin juice.
“S ll asleep I bet, they par ed a bit late last night. Why don’t
you go wake your mum? I’ve got some hangover cure po on
ready,” Remus grinned.
“Make Harry do it,” Hermione laughed, “I’m hungry.”
“Sure, I don’t mind,” Harry shrugged. He went upstairs, and
knocked on his godfather’s door, but could not hear his own
“Silencing spell? What Sirius, are you snoring?” Harry grinned,
and opened the door… then froze in place.
In Sirius’ bed was not just his godfather, but also a very much
naked, and very much curled up in the wizard’s arms Emma
A/N: I hope you weren’t hoping to see more of the court
business, all my knowledge of them comes from – American –
films and television, and I know that would not fit England or
France. Besides, I find most court scenes rather boring to read
so I don’t really want to write them…
Next chapter, see how overjoyed (or not) Harry and Hermione
are with the Sirius/Emma stuff.
Thanks for reading.
20. First Strike
Chapter Twenty
First Strike
“Oh my god!” Hermione looked up in shock as she heard
Harry yell from upstairs, and rushed towards them. Remus
was startled as well, dropped his cup of tea, and groaned.
Hermione rushed towards Harry, who was standing in front of
the door to Sirius’ room. Harry heard her coming, and tried to
stop her: “Hermione stop! You don’t want to see this.”
Ignoring him, she pushed him out of her way, and looked in
the open room. Si ng on Sirius’s bed was her topless mother,
looking like she had just woken up. Her hair was a mess, and
her eyes were wide in surprise. Hermione looked down a bit,
and realised that not only was her mother buff naked, but she
was si ng on the lap of an equally naked Sirius.
“Mummy?” Hermione croaked out, then rushed past Harry to
the downstairs, tears in her eyes.
Emma Granger had the decency to look guilty as she sat at
the breakfast table. Sirius, si ng next to her, definitely didn’t
look guilty, in fact he looked very pleased with himself.
On the opposite side of the table sat Hermione and Harry.
Harry had an arm around Hermione’s shoulder for support.
He was glaring at Sirius as Hermione sought to calm herself.
Remus sat at the table’s head, a resigned look on his face.
Finally Hermione spoke, “Mummy… how could you?”
“Hermione… honey… I…” Emma sought for words.
“What about daddy? Why?” Hermione sobbed.
Emma looked pained, and looked at Sirius for support.
“Look Hermione, it’s just two people having a bit of fun,
nothing bad,” the animagus said.
“Nothing bad?” Harry glared at the two, and rose from his
“God, Sirius, you can’t just… just… do that with Hermione’s
“And you!” He rounded on Emma, “does Hermione’s dad
mean nothing to you? He’s probably not even in the ground
Hermione sobbed loudly, and Harry sat back down, pu ng an
arm around her. “Oh sheesh… sorry honey… I didn’t mean…”
“Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me that way?!”
Emma jumped up, fuming at Harry now. “This is all your fault!
If you hadn’t dragged Hermione into this Dan would…
She sat down, and put her head on her hands as she sobbed
in turn.
Remus looked as both sides had a crying Granger woman
being held by their… paramour? Harry was glaring at Sirius,
who was obviously beginning to feel at least a li le
uncomfortable under the look, but the men kept silent as they
tried to calm the girls down.
“Before we all say something more we’ll regret… Harry, Sirius,
why don’t you two join me in the living room? Let Emma and
Hermione talk a bit?” Remus suggested.
“Hermione? Is that all right with you?” Harry so ly asked his
girlfriend. The brune e sobbed some more, then nodded a
weak ‘yes’. Harry gave her a kiss on the cheek, and got up
from his seat, then stomped off to the living room.
“Padfoot, heel!” Remus pulled Sirius up by the shoulder, and
half steered, half dragged the other Marauder out of the
“Oh Hermione, I’m so sorry you had to see us like that,”
Emma so ly spoke. She had walked around the table, and
took Harry’s seat next to her daughter.
“Why mummy? Why would you cheat on daddy like that?”
“He… he is…” Emma stalled, taking a deep breath. “Oh
honey!” She hugged her daughter. Hermione s ffened first,
but then relaxed a bit.
“Dan… Dan is dead… and it hurts so damned much,” Emma
sobbed. “I don’t want to cry all the me, and you were gone
at school, and Remus was busy in Paris, and Siri was so
understanding and nice…”
“Do… do you love him mummy?”
“I… I don’t know honey. I don’t know what to feel…” The
Granger women hugged, both silent in thought. They ignored
the yells from the next room.
In the living room, Sirius saw Harry standing looking out of the
window, and he walked towards him. “Hey pup, we good?” he
said, placing his right hand on Harry’s le shoulder.
Harry turned on a dime, shou ng: “You arsehole!” and his
right fist hit Sirius in the jaw. Next, both Harry and Sirius cried
out, Harry cradling his fist, and Sirius staggering backwards,
holding his sensi ve jaw.
“Dammit! Is your face made out of metal?” Harry cradled his
right hand in his le one, pain on his face.
“You… hit me?” Sirius looked at Harry in disbelief. His cheek
was beginning to swell. “You dared hit me?”
Remus stepped between the two of them: “Stand down, both
of you! Sirius, sit! Harry, sit!” Both immediately obeyed and
grabbed a chair… Remus was usually so spoken, but he was
in full teacher mode right now.
“Harry, hold out your hand,” Remus said in a so er voice. He
waved his wand over it, “Solacium“. Harry felt the pain
disappear. “Next me you punch someone, don’t fold your
thumb inside the fist okay?” Remus waited un l Harry
nodded, then went over to his oldest friend.
“Kid has a hell of a punch,” Sirius half laughed.
“Well you deserved it,” Remus replied. “I thought I told you to
stay away from Emma?”
“WHAT? He did this before?!” Harry started to rise from his
chair again, but Remus quickly pushed him back down.
“Harry, calm down! Sirius knows what he did is wrong, right
Sirius?” The last part was addressed at the animagus of
“Err… yeah. But Moony, I didn’t do anything! We were just
celebra ng, and one thing lead to another…”
“Yes, I think both Harry and Hermione saw exactly what those
‘things’ lead to,” Remus dead-panned, then knelt next to
“Look pup, I know it must be quite a shock, but why don’t you
let me deal with this? There’s no reason for you and Sirius to
fight. I am sure he’s sorry.”
“Touch her again and I’ll kill you,” Harry glared at Sirius.
“Big words from a small boy,” Sirius barked a laugh. “For what
it’s worth, I apologize for you finding out this way. But what’s
between me and Emma is between me and Emma. I don’t rib
you for sleeping in a single bed with Hermione either.”
“That… that’s different!” Harry felt a blush creep on.
“Sure it is. Look pup… I messed up. And I’m truly sorry. We
good?” Sirius stood up, holding out his right hand.
“I… I guess,” Harry sighed. “Man I got you good,” he grinned,
and shook Sirius’ hand.
“Order! I will have order in here!” Dumbledore shouted. The
Wizengamot was a mess of shou ng wizards and witches a er
Amelia had portkeyed out.
“Chief Warlock! What oath was that infernal woman referring
to?” Malfoy’s voice could be clearly heard above the others.
“I must admit to my ignorance of the oath,” Dumbledore
stroked his beard. “Court Scribe, fetch the records for the first
Wizengamot mee ngs if you would.”
The young man rushed out to a side chamber, and returned
ten minutes later with a heavy book. Dumbledore, ignoring
the shou ng match s ll going on on the ‘floor’, read through
the records, a deep frown appearing on my face.
“Silence! I will have silence!” he shouted out, firing of a
cannon blast spell when that had no effect. Finally the
Wizengamot members focused their a en on on their
leaders again.
“I have before me a record of the first calling of this esteemed
chamber. In the year 1628, the Muggle Monarch Charles
Stuart had suspended the Muggle Parliament, and abolished
the Wizarding Council. In March of 1629, a er the Muggle
had had problems trying to bend the Muggle parliament to
his knee, he contacted the former Chief Druid and suggested
a Wizengamot be formed, which as its first act would arrange
to create a Ministry of Magic. In exchange for self-rule and not
having to pay taxes, the following Oath was sworn by its
I, (name here), being chosen and admi ed to the Wizengamot
of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland,
swear that I will duly and impar ally serve His Majesty The
King, His heirs and successors, in accordance with the laws
and customs of these great na ons. I will, to the best of my
power, help keep the peace between the Magical and non-
Magical world. So help me God.
Mul ple statements and ques ons were being shouted:
“Loyalty to a Muggle?” / “France? Since when do we have
jurisdic on over France?” / “‘God’? What do Muggle religions
have to do with us?” / “Why can’t we simply swear this
At the last, shouted by a Muggleborn Order of Merlin holder,
the din stopped. He cowered under the glare of some of the
purebloods, as Dumbledore closed the book again.
“Wizards and Witches, this Oath is meaningless! The Muggle
King was deposed and killed by the rebels led by Oliver
Cromwell, who abolished the monarchy in 1649! The later
monarchs never introduced themselves to us, and we
therefore have no obliga on to them what so ever.”
“What about Madam Bones then?” Clearly the voice of
Augusta Longbo om could be heard.
“That woman is deranged,” Fudge shouted. “I call a vote!
Everyone who wishes to remain free from slavery to some
Muggle ‘queen’, vote now!”
The Wizengamot lit up with the light of nearly every wand
being lit up.
“Everyone who wishes to betray Wizarding Britain, and
become a servant to Muggles?” Fudge smirked. No-one dared
place their vote.
“Chief Warlock?” Fudge returned the floor to Dumbledore.
“With a unanimous vote, the Wizengamot votes not to
indulge Madam Bones’ mad fantasies. Scribe, make note of
the vote.”
“I call for the arrest of Madam Bones and any of her
sympathisers, for a empted treason!” Madam Umbridge
shouted out.
“Seconded!” Fudge jumped up.
“May I remind the esteemed Madam Undersecretary and
Minister that such proposals need to come from the floor?”
“In that case, I take up Madam Umbridge’s call. Let the
harridan be arrested,” Lucius Malfoy’s smooth voice spoke.
“Seconded,” No , si ng next to Malfoy, spoke.
“Very well… vote now if you support this,” Dumbledore
nodded. Just over half of the Wizengamot raised their wand
and lit it… most of the pureblood crowd, and a great number
of so-called neutrals.
“The vote passes. Aurors, track down the Bones woman and
bring her to a holding cell,” Dumbledore gave the order.
While the Wizengamot was ‘deba ng’, things outside were
con nuing. Tom, publican of the Leaky Cauldron, let out a sigh
as he for the sixth me that day had to open the doorway to
the Alley, to allow people through. Each me it had been five
adult men, dressed in Muggle clothes, but they had no
problems seeing the pub so Tom assumed they were either
Muggleborn, or squibs. It was none of his business anyway.
The latest group met up with their comrades in the Alley, and
they took a tac cal posi on.
Up at Hogsmeade, Madam Rosmerta looked annoyed at five
men who were si ng in her bar, but were ordering only water
and sandwiches. She didn’t recognise any of them, and they
hadn’t given her a name. They looked to be wai ng for
something. What she didn’t know, was that they were one of
five groups, spread out through the Wizarding village.
Barnabas Cuffe, editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet, liked to
look over the incoming news. He had a talent for picking up
scoops s ll, so it paid to stay involved. Currently he had the
uncommon luxury of having to decide between two
poten ally major items for the front page. The first had come
in over the interna onal floo a li le while ago:
Sirius Black tried in France!
Betrayer of the Po ers and You-Know-Who’s right-hand man
found innocent of all charges.
A major miscarriage of jus ce, but is it Britain’s, or France’s?
That was all he got so far, it needed a reporter’s hand to
complete. He thought about giving this to Rita Skeeter, with
her poison pen it could become a real seller.
The second one was stranger, it had been delivered by a non-
dis nct man to the front desk of the Prophet, with the
request to have it printed in the next paper.
Royal Declara on
The Wizengamot and Ministry of Magic have been dissolved
by order of Her Majesty The Queen.
The Queen requests her loyal Wizarding subjects to remain
calm in this me of transi on.
A new Wizarding government will soon be created, headed by
the Royal Court Magician, Madam Amelia Susan Bones.
Barnabas genuinely didn’t know what to think about the
la er. It sounded seriously strange, and he had sent Andy
Smudgley to the Ministry to get a reac on. Come to think of
it, Smudgley was supposed to be back already…
“Curse you stupid thing,” Andy Smudgley kicked the sides of
the phone booth that masqueraded as the public’s entrance
to the Ministry of Magic. For some reason the phone was
dead, and no ma er that he called 62442 several mes,
nothing happened.
“First the bloody floo won’t connect, and now this? Should’ve
learned to apparate as my mum said I should,” Andy
mu ered, frustrated.
And across the English Channel Sirius, spo ng a big bruise,
and Harry, rubbing his hand, were laughing and mock-
wrestling as the Granger women came into the living room.
The two looked at the men, then at each other, both sighing,
“Boys,” at the same me.
“How are you holding up Emma?” Remus asked her, concern
in his voice. He was standing near the door, away from the
two darker haired wizards.
“Good Remus… Hermione and I talked things through. I… I
think I need to talk to Siri, alone, later.”
“Not sure that’s a good idea,” Remus grumbled. “Listen
Emma… I want to call over a friend of mine, and want you to
talk to her. I think she can help you.”
“Is she someone we can trust?” Emma sounded unsure. “And
why do you think she can help me?”
“I’d trust her with my life,” Remus nodded. “She’s… someone
who can provide a lot of insight about your situa on.”
“She’s a shrink?” Emma glared at Remus. “Are you seriously
trying to tell me you think I am nuts?”
Remus winced. “No, nothing like that, it’s just –”
“Oi Ems! Harry and I talked out our issues,” Sirius interrupted.
He had spo ed the Grangers, and dropping Harry on the floor,
walked over to them.
“Cheater! I won that!” Harry called a er him, picking himself
up from the floor. Hermione rushed over to him.
“I see that,” Emma dead-panned, raising her hand so ly to
Sirius’s face. “Did Harry do that, Siri?”
“Yup!” Sirius sounded proud. “Kid’s got a hell of a punch. So,
what are you and Moony talking about?”
“Nothing, Remus was just joking,” Emma said in a jovial tone,
shoo ng a glare at Remus. “Siri, doesn’t that hurt?”
“I can handle it,” the animagus grinned. “Good you’re here,
we need to talk about the kids.
“Oi! Lovebirds! You can snog later, talking me now,” he called
back to where Hermione and Harry were si ng on the floor.
The teens scrambled to get up. “Pot, Ke le, Black,” Harry
“Why yes, I am a Black, and don’t you forget it.” Sirius barked
out a laugh. “So Harry, have you given any thought to how
you want to con nue at Beauxbatons?”
“How do you mean?” Harry sat down in a chair, Hermione
dropping on his lap.
“The way I see it, with my face all over the papers tomorrow,
Dumbles will know you’re in France anyway, so you may as
well drop the girl disguise,” Sirius grinned. He dropped down
on the adjacent sofa, Emma and Remus taking a seat there as
“I can stop the pretence?” Harry’s face lit up. “That’s great!”
“Of course, that means no more sharing a room with
Hermione,” Remus added in a teasing tone.
“And no more looking at naked girls in the showers either!”
Sirius couldn’t help but add, earning him a punch on the arm
from Emma.
A/N: A shorter chapter, I split off some of it for next week’s to
keep the “ac on” contained in a single chapter.
A/N 2: corrected an error. Percy Weasley was s ll at Hogwarts
at this me so I’ve replaced him with a random scribe.
A/N 3: Just to clarify: Harry and Hermione don’t know about
the po ons and cheering charms – they don’t have the full
story and think the Sirius/Emma thing is fully consensual
between two adults ac ng in their right mind. Of course
they’re wrong, but they can’t know that yet.
21. Prelude to War
Chapter Twenty-One
Prelude to War
Harry took Hermione’s hand back in his and thought. Both
op ons had pros and cons: if he remained as ‘Jamie’, there’d
be no need for explana ons to their fellow students, and he
could remain in a room with Hermione… and explore their
rela onship a bit further. Of course this would mean keeping
up the charade, with all the embarrassment that entailed, and
risked them being found out. Plus it would mean that going to
the toilet and things like that remained a hassle.
If he returned to school as Harry Po er, well none of the
embarrassment needed to happen, but he’d need to explain
to his fellow students why he had lied to them. And it meant
being away from Hermione. But it would mean he could try
out for Quidditch, and it took away any risk of being found
In the end he decided to do what all smart men did… ask your
significant other. “Hermione… what do you think I should
Hermione smiled at him encouragingly, “I think you should go
as, you. I’ll be proud to be your girl in the open, and no ma er
what happens, we can stand it together.”
“Plus you can always drag him into a broom closet for a
quickie,” Sirius threw in. Ge ng evil looks from everyone he
quickly amended, “I meant a quick snog! Why, what do you
think I meant? Perverts.” He grinned at the rest.
“Ignoring the man-child over there,” – “Hey!” – “I agree with
Hermione,” Remus spoke. “We’ll contact the Headmistress
later, she’ll be able to smooth things over to allow your return
as a boy.”
“I’ll contact a funeral service for when the girls who you’ve
been ogling in the shower tear you into pieces,” Sirius threw
“Silencio,” Remus had taken his wand out in a quick move,
and silenced his friend. “Enough with your jokes Padfoot,
we’re trying to be serious here.”
The Marauder looked especially pained that he could not
make his favourite red joke right now…
The Sunday Prophet was the best read newspaper in
Wizarding Britain, and was known for being delivered on me.
That morning it was late however, and in several households –
and at Hogwarts – people were wondering why. Finally the
parliaments of owls descended on the various Wizarding
towns, mansions, and houses, and dropped off the primary
source for news to eagerly awai ng recipients.
Many people paled as they read the dual headline.
Black Day for Britain!
Muggle Queen Declares Wizengamot Dissolved while France
Frees Sirius Black
by Rita Skeeter
Dear readers! The unthinkable has happened, and the
Muggles have got involved in our government! A declara on
issued by the Muggle Queen (see page 3 to read it in full) has
declared our Ministry and Wizengamot to be closed, and
claims its members are guilty of commi ng treason! One of
my colleagues has tried to get a statement from Minister
Fudge or another Ministry official, but the Ministry building is
closed, for the first me since the War, with no statement
And you’d think that was bad enough news right readers?
Well you’d be wrong! Remember Sirius Black, the betrayer of
the Po ers and You-Know-Who’s right hand man? The first
Death Eater to escape Azkaban prison, and who was
suspected to be hun ng down The-boy-who-lived? Turns out,
he was in France all along! The French Minister has given him
a trial, and they now claim Black was innocent of all his
crimes, and have given him asylum! Your faithful reporter, not
believing her own eyes when she read this, has looked through
the trial transcripts of 1981, and to her immense surprise, it
turns out Black was never given a trial in the first place! What
does this mean? Was Black innocent all along, as the French
claim? Was he thrown in Azkaban without a trial? Are more
people sent to gaol for, dare I say it, poli cal reasons? This
reporter will be taking a trip to our neighbours soon, to get a
statement from Lord Black himself.
One early reader of the newspaper was Arthur Weasley.
“Mollywobbles, I’d best go in to work today, this does not look
good for the Ministry,” he commented to his wife.
“All right dear,” Molly nodded. “If you think that’s best. But
don’t worry, surely Dumbledore has everything well in hand.”
“I hope so dear,” Arthur sighed. He went to the Weasleys’
fireplace and threw in some powder on the fire. As the flame
roared up and turned green he stepped in the floo and clearly
said: “Ministry of Magic!”
Strangely, nothing happened. Arthur frowned. “Ministry of
Magic!” he tried again. “Ministry Atrium,” was his next
a empt.
“Molly dearest, how old is this floo powder?”
“It’s only a month old Arthur, remember? Don’t tell me this
thing is broken again, if the twins –”
“Dear, the twins are at Hogwarts remember? I’m sure it’s not
on our end this me,” Arthur calmed her before Mount Molly
could erupt again.
“I’ll apparate over.” Arthur focused on his internal magic, and
popped away.
Appari on was invented before wands were introduced, and
one of the few magical ‘spells’ that was s ll usually performed
wandless. Using a wand helped, especially for beginners, as it
took me to learn to find and access ones internal magic
without using a wand, but it was not required. In Magical
Britain, appari on was usually taught to children the year
before they turned seventeen, at which me they would have
already learned to cast some spells wandless.
It was also non-verbal, and for this reason some wizards did
not consider it a spell at all. Over the millennia there had
been some research in how appari on actually worked, but
the only conclusion people had come to was that ‘it just did’.
Some Muggleborns likened it to the science-fic on
transporta on, the sensa on one had when appara ng was
of being squeezed in an impossibly small tube, which could be
a form of quantum entanglement – not that most wizards had
any idea what that meant. As long as appari on worked,
nobody really needed to know more.
The witch or wizard wan ng to apparate needed to focus on
the ‘three Ds’: Des na on, Determina on, and Delibera on.
Des na on: the place where one wanted to apparate to.
Most magicals could only apparate to places they had been,
but powerful wizards and those with a good imagina on
could also apparate to new places, if they could picture them
in their mind.
Determina on: the wizard or witch needed to have no doubts
whatsoever about moving themselves to the Des na on.
Even a li le doubt meant that the appari on would fail
Delibera on: the most cri cal step, and the one that most
o en went wrong. For appari on to work the magical needed
to have their own body completely in mind, as well as the
body of others going with them, or splinching could occur.
If three Ds were kept firmly in mind, appari on could bring
the witch or wizard to any place they wanted to go within
reason. How far one could apparate and how many – if any –
others they could take with them depended on magical
power. Most magicals could apparate about 500 kilometres
over land, but appara ng over water was much more difficult
for some reason, with most magicals not being able to
apparate further than 100km over open sea or ocean. Only
especially powerful wizards were able to apparate across vast
distances, the number of people who could apparate from
Britain to the Americas could be counted on one hand.
Keeping those things in mind, appari on was widely
considered a reliable form of transport. It only failed if
someone erected an An -Appari on Charm… as Arthur
Weasley found out as he tried to apparate to the Ministry
Atrium, and found himself hi ng the invisible wall, and ended
up splashing into one of the fountains on Trafalgar Square. As
he climbed out, mu ering curses, he saw several other
dishevelled Ministry personnel standing around, looking
confused and angry.
“Morning Arthur,” Dempster Wiggleswade, a legal aide from
the DMLE greeted him. “Tried appara ng as well I see?”
“Obviously,” Arthur grumbled. “The floo was out.”
“Not just the floo, the Visitor’s Entrance is non-func onal as
well,” Dempster pointed off in the direc on of the phone
booth. “We’re pre y much locked out, it seems.”
“You don’t suppose it has to do with the Queen’s
proclama on do you?”
Dempster shrugged. “Who knows? There’s no protocol for
this, that’s for sure. Anyway, I and some of the boys have cast
a mild no ce-me-not on the area as you’re hardly the first to
try appara ng to work –” they were interrupted by a splash,
as a rather rotund witch dropped into the water “– and some
of the Muggles were beginning to no ce,” Dempster
con nued talking a er shrugging.
“Well then what am I supposed to do?” Arthur frowned.
“Might as well go home Arthur, once this gets cleared up I’m
sure someone will let us know. Unless you want to help out?”
“Sure, I can help. What do you need?”
“Could you go to the Leaky Cauldron and inform Tom? He can
tell anyone else about the floo problems and all. A er that,
might as well go home.”
“Sure, I’ll do that.” Another splash, as a wizard dropped into
the water. “What a mess.”
“You said it,” Dempster shrugged.
The Wizengamot mee ng was drawing to a close. They were
going over some future agenda points, when the door opened
and a clerk rushed through.
“What is the meaning of this interrup on?” Minister Fudge
asked loudly.
“Minister! The newspaper, look!” the clerk pushed it into
Fudge’s hands, who began reading it, Dumbledore peeking
over his shoulder.
“That’s not all sir, the floo has stopped working, as well as the
Visitor’s Entrance!” the clerk added. “Sir, we’re cut off from
the outside!”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Madam Umbridge bit at him, “the floo
has never failed before. And besides, we can always apparate
out of the Atrium.”
“Madam, with all due respect, people have been able to
apparate out, but nobody has returned yet,” the clerk said in a
small voice. “We don’t know what’s going on!”
Minister Fudge finished reading the front page, and was
splu ering, “D– D– Dumbledore? What is the meaning of
this? You told me Black would not be an issue?”
Dumbledore stroked his beard, “I am sure it is nothing
Cornelius. Let the French do what they want, I’ll go over their
heads in the next ICW and get the murderer extradited to us.”
‘France then? You made a huge mistake Sirius… now I know
where to find Harry,‘ Dumbledore thought. ‘I’ll send Alastor to
Beauxbatons, the lad will likely show up any day there now. I’ll
have Harry back under control in no me.’
“Hmm? Did you say something Cornelius?” Dumbledore was
roused from his thoughts as Minister Fudge pulled on his
“I was saying, what about the Muggle Queen’s declara on?
Could it have something to do with the Ministry?” Fudge
seemed to be panicking. Dumbledore looked in the room, and
found more Sunday Prophets had appeared in the mean me.
The Wizengamot members were looking worried, and angry,
as they read it.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, a er all, Muggles are powerless,”
Dumbledore said in a calm voice.
“Minister, we should have the Prophet closed for sedi on,”
Madam Umbridge offered.
“Can we do that?” Fudge looked to Dumbledore for support.
Dumbledore stroked his beard again, “Hmmm… we could…
but rather than closing it, we should see about taking control
instead. I think if we threaten Mr Cuffe with a stay in Azkaban
he’ll see reason.”
“Right then, we’ll do that,” Fudge sounded relieved. “I’ll send
over an Auror to show Mr Cuffe that it will be best not to
oppose us.”
“A wise choice,” Umbridge sycophan cally agreed.
“Very well then Cornelius, I think I’d be er deal with the
crowd now,” Dumbledore closed the conversa on. He raised
his wand, and fired a cannon blast.
“Now that I have your a en on witches and wizards, it is me
to draw this mee ng to a close,” Dumbledore spoke loudly as
everyone quieted down.
“Pay no a en on to the ran ngs in the Sunday Prophet.
Order will be restored soon. For now, return to your homes or
work places.”
As the crowd began thinning out, Dumbledore bid his
farewells to the Minister and Undertoad… err Undersecretary.
It was me to send the Order of the Phoenix to France. He
overtook some stragglers as they spoke among one another,
and was ignoring anyone trying to talk to him. Quickly he
made his way to the Atrium, and walked over to the floos…
where he found Aurors blocking the way.
“Gentlemen, if you’ll let me pass?” Dumbledore tried.
“Apologies Mister Dumbledore sir, the floo is non-func onal
at the moment,” the Auror answered. “So is the Visitor’s
Entrance for that ma er. You can apparate out though?”
“I see,” Dumbledore nodded. The floo not working was
troubling, but not that new. “I’ll do that then.” He walked over
to the far wall where the An -appari on Jinx that covered
most of the Ministry had le a hole, and apparated away to
the Hogwarts gates. Not many could make the same jump,
but he was not considered one of the most powerful wizards
in the world for nothing.
Snape woke up suddenly. He was in an unfamiliar place, with
a somewhat sterile white ceiling. Someone had dared to place
a tube in his arm, and nose! Suppressing a snarl, he gathered
his thoughts: ‘Okay Severus… you’re in some kind of Muggle
hospital, and were in a magical coma un l now. Can you s ll
feel your magic?‘ He closed his eyes, and concentrated. ‘Yes,
it’s depleted, but it’s there. Good. That means I can get out of
here… wherever this. Is my wand anywhere nearby?’
“Accio wand,” Snape croaked out, his voice unused and
strained. He heard something hit the inside of the nearby
cabinet, and smirked. Carefully he took out the various tubes
the Muggles had placed on him, and tried to stand up. He
almost collapsed to the floor, but caught himself in me.
Somehow he made his way over to the cabinet, and opened
it. Inside were his clothes, filthy and torn, and his wand. He
reached out for it, and then saw himself in the mirror on the
They had dressed him in a Muggle gown of some sorts, and…
they had washed his hair.
‘I will murder them all, how dare they!‘ Snape fumed for a bit.
Then he no ced that the Muggle machine next to his bed was
emi ng a loud tone. ‘Best get out of here… these Muggles
get to live for now.‘ Snape focused on his internal magic, and
disappeared from the room/
Only minutes a er he le a nurse rushed in, she had been on
a coffee break and when she returned she saw the alarm light
for their John Doe room light up! But as she opened the
locked door the unknown man was not in his bed, or
anywhere in the room… he had disappeared. Panicked, she
ran to call her superiors, who would soon call the police.
“Avada Kedavra,” Snape watched with sa sfac on as the
Killing Curse hit the unfortunate man from behind. Finding a
Wizard home was easy once he had apparated out of the
hospital, he had had the luck to see an owl fly with a parcel
a ached to its legs, and followed it. He saw a few street signs,
revealing he had crossed the Flemish-Walloon language
border at some point, so at least he knew somewhat where
he was, either in Belgium or the north of France. The dead
man had just taken the newspaper when Snape had killed
Snape undressed the corpse and put his clothes over his, then
transfigured them to fit him be er and turn black instead of
the bright colours they had been. He then picked up the
newspaper and snarled again as he read the date. ‘I’ve lost
several days? Curse you Po er!’ The newspaper was in
French, but that didn’t ma er, since Snape liked to pretend to
be a pureblood he had learned the language years ago.
Snape’s eyes narrowed as he read the front page ar cle.
‘They actually gave the mu a trial? That was a huge mistake,
now I know where to find you.‘ Thoughts of revenge ran
through his head as he made his way into the now empty
house, and made himself something to eat. The man had
been living alone, well at least that meant he didn’t have to
take care of someone else now. The ques on now was, report
to Dumbledore, or go a er Black and Po er directly?
Snape yawned, and realised he was s ll red. He cast an alert
charm on the house so he’d be no fied if anyone came
nearby, then went to the small bedroom and decided to catch
some sleep before he con nued the hunt. Dumbledore could
Dumbledore arrived at the Hogwarts gates, and opened the
gates with a gesture of his wand, then he walked up the path
to his school. He made his way to his office untroubled, but
almost as soon as he sat down, the alarm charm indicated
Professor McGonagall was wai ng to be let up.
“Albus, have you found them?” McGonagall looked harried.
“Found who, my dear?” Dumbledore was truly lost for a
“Harry and Hermione! And Severus, and Remus of course,”
McGonagall clarified. “People are asking about them Albus,
and I don’t know what to tell them. On op of that, there’s the
Sunday Prophet and all the ques ons it raised!
“Albus, what does it mean? Is the Ministry really closed? Did
they say why the floo was shut down?”
“I think it’s best if we stopped the paper delivery for now,”
Dumbledore decided. “I’ll erect the mail wards. As for the
Ministry… I’m sure whatever is going on, is just a temporary
issue. The floo has been shut down before, I am sure it will be
up again in no me.
“If that is all?”
“Albus… what about the DADA and Po ons classes for the
upcoming week? We can’t miss too many more of those.”
Dumbledore sighed, “I will contact Horace, perhaps he will
amenable to an offer to return… and I am sure I can get
Cornelius to lend us an Auror for a while. Thank you Minerva.”
McGonagall le , and Albus stepped over to his floo. If it was
down everywhere, that was troubling indeed… he tested it,
and found he could not get a connec on to anyone.
‘Most troubling,’ he thought. He took out his wand, and cast a
messenger patronus: “Loquor Patronum“. A majes c silver
phoenix escaped from his wand and waited for a message.
“Go find Alastor Moody and tell him: ‘Alastor, the fugi ve is in
France. Go to Beauxbatons and bring him back at all costs’”.
The phoenix nodded, and flew away through the wall.
Arthur had apparated back home from the Leaky Cauldron.
He had done his job, informing Tom that the floo was out of
commission, and there was li le else to do. There was simply
no way to get into the Ministry building, and it was not a
working day anyway.
He was taking apart a Muggle leaf-blower in his shed now, but
was interrupted from his work by someone knocking on the
“Yes dear?” Arthur poked his head out, and was surprised to
see not just his wife, but several men unknown to him.
“Oh, I wasn’t expec ng guests,” Arthur apologized.
“Arthur, they say they are here for you,” Molly offered, looking
a bit afraid.
“What can I do for you, gentlemen?” Arthur smiled.
“You are Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle
Artefacts Office?” one of them asked.
“Yes, yes,” Arthur answered. “Are you here from the Ministry?
I tried to go in today, with the newspaper and all, but –”
“Mister Weasley, we’re going to have to ask you to come with
us,” the man interrupted.
“May I ask what this is about?” Arthur fished for his wand
“You have read the Proclama on closing the Ministry have
you not?” As Arthur nodded, the man con nued, “on behalf
of Her Majesty, we’re reques ng you come with us to a secure
loca on where your involvement in this illegal organisa on
will be researched. If you are found to be innocent of any
crimes and be loyal to the Crown, you have nothing to worry
“Err… this is rather irregular,” Arthur hesitated. “Who did you
say you are with?”
“We are part of the South West England Pacifica on Squad,”
the man answered. “Sir, I must ask you to give us your wand
and come with us. You have my promise you will not be
“Well… I suppose,” Arthur said. “Here’s my wand,” he handed
it over to one of the other man’s subordinates, who took it
carefully and placed it in a transparent bag which he sealed.
“Mollywobbles, could you contact Dumbledore about this?
Don’t worry dear, I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Arthur
reassured his wife, and went with the man.
Several Ministry personnel were safely rounded up in such a
manner, but it didn’t all go so well.
Brandon Yaxley was the son of a squib, and a nephew to the
‘suspected’ Death Eater Lysander Yaxley who was currently
the third highest ranking member of the DMLE. His father
Leonidas, Lysander’s older brother, had been kicked out of the
family mansion (both literally and figura vely) when no
Hogwarts le er came for him at the age of eleven. Forced to
survive on the streets he had the “fortune” of ge ng caught
up in the ranks of the war orphans following the second world
war, and had eventually enlisted in the army. He had never
risen past sergeant rank, but always appreciated the
opportunity the Bri sh armed forces had given him. They had
paid for his educa on, and helped him become a well
rounded ‘Muggle’. “Leo” Yaxley hadn’t thought about his birth
family in decades.
Brandon had been born in the mid seventees a er his father
re red to become a teacher, where he had met his future wife
at the school. In the year before he turned eleven his father
had revealed the magical world to him, since the chance
existed Brandon might get a le er for Hogwarts or one of the
lesser schools. However, his birthday came and went without
an owl. Brandon kept the existence of the world in mind
though, and on occasion had seen a store or house his fellows
couldn’t. When he had brought this up to his father, Leo had
theorized Brandon was a squib as well, and could see past
Muggle repelling wards.
Like his father, he enlisted in the army as soon as he could,
and a er several years of service he proudly held the rank of
Corporal. So when the secret order came from up high calling
for soldiers with experience in such ma ers, Brandon had
signed up. And now he was the sec on leader in charge of
securing the end of the strange Diagon Alley where the Daily
Prophet and one of the Muggle-owl post exchanges was
located. Eight people made up his team: four fellow squibs
like him, who were all standing out in the open pretending to
be wizards, and three Muggleborn wizards who had enlisted,
covered by No ce-me-not spells or invisibility cloaks.
Throughout the Alley, as well as in the known magical villages,
the same set-up was used. Another full platoon was standing
by near Trafalgar Square, where the only known entrance to
the Ministry was located.
Brandon was currently watching the comings and goings of
the Wizarding populace on what by all accounts should be a
quiet Sunday a ernoon, but now something seemed to be
“Heads up lads, we’ve got company,” he commented to his
Lance Corporal, indica ng two men clad in red robes that
made their way to their posi on.
“Morning,” Brandon greeted the front one, stepping in his
way and blocking his way to the office of the Prophet.
“Out of my way man, I’m on Ministry business,” Dawlish said
in a surly manner. Fudge had ordered him and his colleague
Selwyn to go ‘rough up’ Barnabas Cuffe, and he preferred to
get that annoying business over with.
“What Ministry?” Brandon saw his other men had taken
posi on, and felt secure enough to antagonise the Auror.
“The Ministry of Magic, you fool. What are you, a Muggle?”
Dawlish sneered.
“Didn’t you read the Sunday Prophet today? By order of Her
Majesty the Queen, the Ministry has been shut down. So I ask
again, what Ministry?”
“Who cares about some delusional Muggle?” Selwyn
interrupted. “Get out of our way, or you’ll be sorry.”
“I take it you don’t intend to stand down?”
“Bloody Muggle loving scum,” Selwyn growled, and whipped
out his wand. In a quick move, he cast a spell towards
Brandon, which hit a shield that one of Brandon’s wizard
subordinates had quickly cast.
Selwyn got no chance to fire another one, as mul ple pulses
of 1200 volts rushed through his body.
“How do you like ge ng tased you scumbag?” yelled the man
holding the device on him.
“Enough Smith,” Brandon ordered. Turning his a en on back
to Dawlish: “I suggest you surrender your wand now sir.”
“What… what will happen to me?” Dawlish carefully handed
his wand over to Brandon.
“You’ll be taken to a special facility where we will ques on
Ministry personnel on their involvement in this illegal
organisa on. Should you be found innocent of treason, you’ll
be freed in no me and a posi on for you will be found in the
new government, should you wish one.”
“I was just following orders,” Dawlish offered. Brandon rolled
his eyes, and let the wizard be carried off.
For some reason none of the onlooking crowd commented on
two Aurors being subdued like that… Brandon assumed
correctly the Auror force was highly unpopular.
Fudge sat at his desk ge ng angrier and angrier. Nobody had
returned to the Ministry a er being sent off, and the
entrances were s ll blocked!
Then his Undersecretary knocked on his door and let herself
“Dolores, please tell me you have good news,” Fudge pleaded.
He had sent her to take charge of ge ng the floo back up and
running, since he had other ma ers to a end to (read: was
“Those incompetents say they have no clue why the floo is
down Minister,” Umbridge complained. “They say it is as if the
magic refuses to work, which is of course preposterous!”
“How soon will it be fixed?”
“They can’t say,” Umbridge added. “Minister, are you sure this
has nothing to do with that Bones woman?”
“How can it possibly… hang on, didn’t she claim to be
speaking in name of the Muggle Queen?”
“I believe so,” Umbridge nodded.
Fudge rose from his seat, “those bloody Muggles! I know
what to do.”
John Major had Tony Blair with him in his office when they
heard someone clearing his throat. “Hang on Tony, I’ll be right
back,” John informed his direct compe tor and the man who
was likely to win the next elec on, despite whatever he could
do about it.
He stepped into the corner, and looked at the pain ng.
“Muggle, the Minister for Magic will speak to you now. Send
that other Muggle away, and he’ll come speak with you,” the
pain ng said in a snooty tone.
“What Minister? There is no Ministry of Magic,” John
countered. “You can tell your boss that I am not interested.
And for his sake I’d not try something foolish either.”
“You cannot speak of the Minister like that,” the pain ng
scoffed. “Hang on, what are you –”
John took the pain ng off its hook, and dropped it in a drawer
on his desk. “Sorry about that Tony, had to take care of the
rubbish. You were saying?”
“They did what?” Fudge nearly exploded from anger at the
pain ng’s counterpart’s report.
“The Muggle took my frame off the wall, and dropped me in
some dark place,” the pain ng repeated. “He claims there is
no Ministry, and that you are not to try to apparate to him.”
“We’ll see about that,” Fudge sneered. “Dolores, go fetch me
an Auror squad. We’re going to take care of that upstart
Muggle, and then we’ll have him talk to that Queen of his.
Nobody makes a fool of the Ministry!”
Before Umbridge could answer, the lights went out
throughout the Ministry.

A/N: Before I get complaints about how easy the Muggles

appear to be “winning”: see the chapter tle.
And exactly what is happening at the Ministry will become
more clear next chapter.
22. Coping
Chapter Twenty-Two
Cornelius Oswald Fudge had several good quali es. His best
quality was that he had a skill for finding people unhappy with
their lot in life, and se ng them up in a new posi on where
they could flourish. He was rather like his old Po ons teacher
Slughorn in that regard, he’d like to think. Several Ministry
personnel could thank their ini al interview to him, including
Aurors Lysander Yaxley and John Dawlish, Unspeakable
Augustus Rookwood – a shame that the man had been falsely
accused of being a Death Eater later –, Dangerous Creatures
Execu oner Walden Macnair, his current Undersecretary
Dolores Umbridge, and many others.
A er a quiet career at Hogwarts, Fudge had joined the
Ministry and had risen through the ranks un l he had become
the Head for the Department of Magical Accidents and
Catastrophes. There he got his big break, as he was one of the
first on the scene when Sirius Black a acked and murdered
Peter Pe grew, and it was his tes mony that Black had been
standing there laughing, that convinced then-Minister
Bagnold of Black’s guilt. They had made him Junior Minister
for that.
A er the War, with Bagnold re red and Crouch in trouble
over his son, Fudge had become Minister for Magic. He
proved to be a rather skilled administrator, mainly thanks to
his talent for finding the proper people for Ministry posi ons,
and the economy prospered.
He was not, however, a par cularly brave man, or capable of
working under stress. Therefore when the lights went out
throughout the Ministry, something that to his knowledge
had never happened before, he panicked.
“Help! Get me out of here!” he started to yell, stumbling
around in the dark.
“Minister? Is that you?” a voice sounded near him. Fudge
recognised his Undersecretary.
“Dolores! The lights! Where are you?” Fudge was more than a
li le scared of the dark, and in this underground loca on, the
darkness was absolute.
“Oh… let me Minister,” Umbridge said. “Lumos.” A light lit up,
and Fudge saw his Undersecretary with her wand in hand,
and the p lit up.
“Ah… err… thank you Dolores,” Fudge tried to get his
composure back. “I could not find my wand in the darkness
you see, or I would have cast the charm myself.”
“It’s right there on your desk Minister,” Umbridge said in a
sweet tone. “Sir, perhaps we should go to the Atrium? If the
lights are out everywhere, we need to try and get out of
“Ah… yes… quite right,” Fudge mu ered. “Lead the way,
They picked up other panicking personnel on the way, and by
the me they came to the li sha s they were fi een people,
everyone who had been on Level One this day who had not
le earlier. Then they found the li s were not working…
Tired and swea ng, Fudge finally made his way down the
stairs to Level Eight much later. The indignity of having to use
stairs like a Muggle!
Fortunately the Atrium was lit, several wizards had cast
bluebell lights and other las ng light charms, to provide some
light by which to work. Fudge spo ed several Unspeakables
standing in a group, and grabbed one by the arm.
“You there, why are the lights out?”
The Unspeakable turned to face the Minister, distaste visible
on his lips. “As of yet we do not know. Unspeakable Bode is
checking on the Ward Stone, we expect him back here any
me…” he trailed off, looking past Fudge. “Oh, and there he
The Unspeakable all but pushed Fudge out of the way, and
addressed the new arrival. “Report, Bode.”
“The Ward Stone has lost all its magic,” Bode said in a
somewhat sepulchral tone. “It is nothing more than an inert
rock at this moment.”
“Conjecture as to the cause?” the first Unspeakable asked.
“With such a rapid failure, it has to be a broken Oath. The only
other possibility is a focused a ack, but we know for a fact
no-one has entered the room in years. But we’d need to do
further research to be sure.” Bode looked somewhat pleased
at the prospect.
The first Unspeakable dismissed Bode, and turned back to
face the Minister. “There you have it then. Since our
Department has become unusable, we are moving to the
secondary loca on. Should you require our services, you
know how to contact us.” The wizard stepped away from
Fudge, walking back to his men.
“Now wait just a minute!” Fudge splu ered, “I am the
Minister for Magic and you will listen to me!”
“We do not work for the Minister, we work for the Ministry,”
the Unspeakable said in a calm tone. “Once the Ministry exists
again, we’ll be back at work. For now, good day.”
He nodded his head to his colleagues, and as one they
apparated out, proving the wards had indeed failed.
As others saw the Unspeakables leave, they too began to
apparate away, leaving Fudge with only Umbridge, and his
protec ve Aurors, and a few people who decided to wait for
their colleagues and friends.
“Minister? What can we do?” Umbridge asked him.
“Dumbledore,” Fudge breathed out. “Dumbledore will know
what to do… he should have warned us!”
Throughout Wizarding Britain, people were worried. The floos
had stopped working completely, and anyone who worked at
the Ministry reported they could not get in… the Visitor’s
Entrance was non-func onal, floos were of course all out, and
people could only apparate out, not in.
Amos Diggory gave up on trying to get to his work place, and
so now sat with his wife at the kitchen table, wondering about
what to do next.
“Dear, why don’t we turn on the wireless? Maybe they have
some news,” his wife Sarah offered.
“Capital idea love,” Amos said, giving her a smile. He stood up,
and turned on the radio.
“… Calm and Carry On. On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen,
we thank you for your coopera on,” a calm, female voice
spoke, then some music played which Sarah Diggory, Half-
blood by birth, recognised as the Bri sh Na onal Anthem.
“Message repeats,” the female voice said a er the tune had
stopped. “Ci zens of Magical Britain, with the dissolving of
the Ministry for Magic and abolishing of the Wizengamot, it is
unfortunate that your normal life is interrupted. We assure
you there is no need to worry, and order will be restored
“Dear, what is going on?” Sarah asked Amos. He shushed his
wife, as the voice con nued.
“Pacifica on Squads will be maintaining order in your
communi es, and we ask you for your full coopera on with
these brave men and women. We also request any Ministry
employee of the rank of Vice Department Head or above to
remain at home, un l someone will come for you. We also
request any Auror or Obliviator to do the same. You have
nothing to worry about, we have your best interests at heart.
All private ci zens have nothing to worry about. Keep Calm
and Carry On. On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, we thank
you for your coopera on.” The na onal anthem again began
Amos sat back, thinking. “Sarah dear, I think I’ll need a new
job,” he said a er a silent few minutes. “Sounds like Minister
Fudge has really screwed up.”
Sarah took his hand in hers, and squeezed it. “Don’t worry
dear, you’re a great wizard and will certainly come out on
In other households, the reac on was less courteous:
“Muggle scum!” Lucius Malfoy yelled, and he cast a blas ng
curse at the wireless, blowing it up along with the
seventeenth-century end table it had been placed on. “So
they think they can just take us over? Time to call in the old
boys network…”
He walked to his study and opened a secret compartment,
revealing mul ple communica on mirrors. The secret behind
them was the one thing Peter Pe grew had shared with his
fellow Death Eaters that was of use, and a er the Dark Lord
had disappeared, those of the Dark Lord’s Inner Circle that
had not been arrested or killed, had shared these with each
other for emergencies. The floo a er all could be shut down
or monitored, and those that dealt with the Dark Arts could
not cast a Patronus, leaving these mirrors as the only real
alterna ve.
It was me they came together once more, and take care of
some upstart Muggle woman that claimed to be their Queen.
Arthur was escorted by two men down the path leading up to
his house, and they asked him to enter a Muggle automo ve.
“Can you tell me where we are going at least?” he asked of
one of them.
“The car’ll take you to London,” the man answered. “You’ll be
mee ng with a Crown representa ve. Don’t worry sir, I doubt
you have anything to worry about. You could be home by
evening at the latest.”
“And my wand?” Arthur opened the car door, but waited
before ge ng in.
“My colleague has it, it will be returned to you once it is safe,”
the man said. His colleague walked to the front of the car.
“Please Mr Weasley, enter the car. The sooner we leave, the
sooner you can be released.”
“If I must,” Arthur said with a sigh. He stepped inside. His
escort closed the door a er him, then got in on the other
side, as his colleague went in the front passenger seat.
The car sped off to O ery St. Mary, and from there to the
Muggle road system.
Things were much more quiet in France. The ‘family’ finished
up their lunch, and Remus and Sirius were clearing the table.
“Why don’t you two go outside and get some sun while you
s ll can?” Emma suggested. “You can talk a bit, I think you’ve
a lot to discuss.”
“Erm… all right,” Harry said. He took Hermione by the hand
and helped her stand up. “We’ll be in the back garden okay?”
“Later mum,” Hermione said as she let Harry lead her outside.
Emma watched the two exit with a smile on her face.
“You seem very comfortable with them being together,”
Remus spoke up.
“I remember being her age, but I trust my daughter,” Emma
answered him. “I know they’ll be snogging and maybe more,
but telling her not to will only result in her trying to hide it
from me. You’ve seen how crazy they are for each other.”
“True,” Remus nodded. “You’re not afraid they’ll… err… go all
the way too soon?” He sounded a bit worried.
Emma raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Remus, she’s fourteen
to his thirteen. I have no doubt they’ll see each other naked
before the year ends, and get… familiar with each other… but
I highly doubt they’ll be having… intercourse before another
two years have passed. Hermione is a smart girl and knows
the consequences of going too far, and from what I’ve seen of
Harry, he’ll follow her lead in everything.”
Remus looked out the window, where you could just barely
see Harry si ng against a tree, Hermione beside him. “It may
be wrong, but all I can see when I look at him is his father
James. And both he and Sirius were rather precocious.”
“Who is what now?” Sirius walked up to the two and asked in
a jovial tone, “You telling Ems bad things about me Moony?”
“Nothing I haven’t already heard,” Emma replied, turning to
face Sirius with a slight smile. “Look at them, don’t they look
so sweet together?” she pointed outside.
“She’s a lovely girl, takes a er her mother,” Sirius said in a
smooth tone, wrapping his arm around Emma.
“Right… err… I’ve got something to do,” Remus said in an
uncomfortable tone. Leaving the others behind, he went
upstairs to his room, and took a le er from his desk, then
went back down. He walked to the study, where Hedwig’s
perch was.
“Hedwig, could you deliver a le er for me?” he asked the
snowy owl. Hedwig barked an agreement. Remus bent down
to e the rolled up parchment to her leg.
“It’s for Charlo e Abbo , she lives on 76 Plungington Road,
Preston, in England. Think you can find her?”
Hedwig looked at him as if he was stupid.
“Right, of course you can,” Remus said with a small laugh.
“Please wait for a reply okay?”
Hedwig barked once more, and flew out the open back door.
The owl circled around a big tree, beneath which her wizard
has his mate si ng on his lap, and was kissing her. She barked
once more in approval, then flew off. Harry never no ced his
familiar leave.
Dumbledore sat in his office working on ICW paperwork when
a charm informed him someone was at the front gates. He
looked through the modified sneak-a-scope, and saw a
familiar bowler hat.
“As if I don’t have enough to do today,” he grumbled. He took
out his wand, and cast a messenger Patronus.
Hagrid was working in his garden when he saw a silver
phoenix fly towards him. “Hagrid, we have visitors. Please
escort them to my office,” it spoke, before disappearing. The
gentle half giant put his rake away, and walked to the
Hogwarts front gates.
“Minis’er Fudge,” he said to the man standing there, flanked
by two aurors. “One second sir, ah’ll let ye in straigh’ away.”
“Yes yes man, hurry up,” Fudge bit at him. Hagrid frowned. He
didn’t like the man one bit, he had never even go en an
apology for being falsely arrested last year, so he was extra
slow in searching through his pockets for the front gates key.
As a result of the slow entry, Minister Fudge was even more
annoyed than he had been prior when he finally got inside
Dumbledore’s office.
“Dumbledore! The Ministry is non-opera onal!” he exclaimed
as soon as he saw the older wizard.
“And hello again to you too Cornelius,” Dumbledore said in a
smooth tone. “Do sit down. Lemon drop?”
“What? No!” Fudge exclaimed. “Didn’t you hear me? The
Ministry is closed to everyone! Nobody can get back inside,
and the power has gone!”
“I see,” Dumbledore stroked his beard. “When did that
“An hour or two a er the Wizengamot session,” Fudge
clarified. He sat down a er all now. “I had tried to contact the
Muggle Minister, but the blasted man took down the pain ng
and –”
“Took down the pain ng? Nonsense Cornelius, it is a ached
with a permanent s cking charm. No mere Muggle can
remove it,” Dumbledore interrupted him.
“And yet he did,” Fudge angrily said.
“Cornelius, that pain ng is directly ed to the Ministry itself.
There is no possible way for the charms on it to fail, unless…”
Dumbledore paled. “Oh dear.”
“What? What were you about to say?” Fudge demanded.
Dumbledore was silent a bit longer, then spoke up: “I fear we
may have overlooked a ny detail,” he said in his customary
calm voice. “Apparently, the Ministry itself was ed to the
Oath of Loyalty.”
“Tiny detail?” Fudge was turning red. “Dumbledore, the
Ministy is closed! The floo is down! The wireless is
transmi ng Muggle propaganda, and I cannot contact any
Department Heads! This… this is your fault!”
“Cornelius, remember your place,” Dumbledore answered the
rant. “You’d best return home for now. I’ll see what I can do to
get the Ministry back in working order. Tell me, have you
spoken to the Unspeakables yet?”
“You cannot get rid of me that easily,” Fudge protested. “I am
going nowhere! Who is to say I’ll be safe at home? No
Dumbledore, I demand you let me stay here. We’ll coordinate
the Ministry from Hogwarts for the me being.”
Dumbledore took off his pinche-nez spectacles and looked
directly at the Minister. “I will allow that on one condi on –
you follow my lead in contac ng the Muggles.”
Fudge grudgingly agreed.

A/N: I missed last week, if you read my other story you’ll

already know I had computer problems. They are fixed now
My update schedule may need to change to once every two
weeks, real life is also ge ng busier…
On another note en rely, this story broke 1000 reviews a
while back, and I got over 182000 views in total last month.
I’ve now also been nominated for the Non-Canon Awards, see
my profile for a link. Thank you all! I started wri ng for my
own pleasure but I’m so happy this many people like my work.
You inspire me to keep going :)
23. New Starts
Chapter Twenty-Three
New Starts
The car carrying Arthur Weasley stopped in front of an office
building in the outer area of London. Arthur didn’t see
anything strange in how fast they had made the trip, but both
his guards were impressed: some of the first people they had
rounded up were the drivers of the Knight Bus, and the man
who iden fied himself as ‘Ernie Prang’ had been very willing
to tell them about the spells the bus used. The various cars
used by what were for now called the Wizarding Pacifica on
Squads all used the same spells, allowing them to zip through
Britain at impossible speeds, weaving through traffic as if it
wasn’t even there.
“Mr Weasley? Follow me please,” the man on his le said.
Arthur got up a er him, and saw the other man get in line
behind him. Thus flanked by two guards once more, Arthur
was led inside the building.
He felt himself pass through some wards, and asked the man
in front of him: “Are we back in our world?”
The man answered without turning, “Your world? Mr
Weasley, there is only one world. You are in the office of what
we are calling the RCM for now.” They stepped into a li
cabin, and went up two floors. Arthur was thinking about
“If you’ll step in here please? Someone will be with you
shortly,” the man behind him said as they got out and walked
past a few doors. Arthur was led into a Spartan room with a
single desk holding chairs on either side, and a large mirror
facing one wall. He was led to the seat facing the mirror, and
saw the man leave. Having nothing else to do, Arthur waited.
What seemed like half an hour later, the door opened and a
man stepped through, carrying a notepad and pen in one
hand, and a cup in the other hand. Arthur recognised him:
“Dirk Cresswell! You’re here as well?”
“Hi Arthur,” Dirk answered. “Yes, I contacted the RCM myself
once I heard the news about the Ministry and am working
here now.” He sat down, placing the cup in front of Arthur.
“You’re no longer with the Ministry?” Arthur sipped the tea,
as Dirk shook his head. He then asked: “From what the men
who came to pick me up said, they’re rounding up all of us
from the Ministry, right?”
“Only those of us who were in charge, and the Aurors,” Dirk
answered. “I’m trying to smooth the transi on over with the
Goblins for now, and have also volunteered to inves gate
some of my ex-colleagues, like you. Shall we get started
then?” Arthur nodded, and Dirk con nued, “Arthur, would
you be so kind as to briefly explain your job to me?”
“Err… well… I am the Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts
Office, part of the DMLE, so I mainly inves gate bewitched
Muggle objects and make sure they don’t end up in the
Muggle world.” Arthur sounded a bit proud as the spoke.
“So you were not involved in the daily decision making at the
Ministry?” Dirk made a note on his paper.
“Well, not directly,” Arthur agreed. “Although I am considered
the expert on Muggle ma ers, and my voice is heard when it
comes to such things.”
“And who do you report to?” Dirk made another note.
“Err… I can’t say I ever needed to report to anyone,” Arthur
sounded a bit confused. “Technically I suppose my direct
supervisor is the Head of the DMLE, and of course the
“If you don’t report to them, who would you say you work
for?” Dirk looked directly at him.
Arthur didn’t hesitate: “The people of Wizarding Britain. I help
keep them safe in my own way.”
“Thank you Arthur, I think I’ve heard enough,” Dirk made
another note on the paper.
“You have? Oh… so… what will happen now?” Arthur asked
“That is up to the RCM,” Dirk informed him.
“And who is this RCM? And what does that stand for?” Arthur
worried a bit.
The door opened, and a familiar face stepped through. “Royal
Court Magician,” Amelia Bones spoke up, “and you’re looking
at her. Arthur, good to see you again.”
“Madam Bones, you are working for the Muggles now?”
Arthur sounded as surprised as he looked.
“I report directly to the Prime Minister, and through him, to
Her Majesty,” Amelia answered. “Thank you Dirk, you can go.
I’ll handle Arthur from now on,” she said in aside to the other
She waited un l he stepped out, then handed Arthur a wand
– his wand.
“Arthur, we’re re-building the Wizarding government from the
ground up, and I could use some trustworthy people. Would
you be willing to work with me?” she asked him.
“Wouldn’t that get me in trouble with the Ministry?” Arthur
“Arthur, there is no more Ministry. The building has been
completely shut down, and the Fudge administra on is
powerless. I am in contact with Saul Croaker of the
Unspeakables and a few others you’d recognise by func on if
not by name, and as soon as I hear we know where all the
Department Heads and Aurors are, or have them here, we will
begin reclaiming it for proper use,” Amelia said in a serious
“For the me being, I am allowed to rule by decree… Her
Majesty trusts me to secure order, before we call for general
elec ons and create a Wizarding Parliament. I could really use
someone like you to help me out.”
“Then I agree,” Arthur said. “What do I need to do?”
“I need you to swear an Oath, it’s all wri en here,” Amelia
handed over a piece of paper. “Arthur, if you take this Oath,
you cannot go back. Your loyalty will be with the Bri sh
monarch, and not Fudge… or Dumbledore. Do you
understand?” She looked at him pleadingly.
“Is… Is Dumbledore not considered trustworthy then?” Arthur
asked in a small voice.
“I have my reasons to doubt it,” Amelia confirmed. “It’s why I
personally ask you now… I know you were part of the Order
of the Phoenix in the Voldemort War, but Dumbledore has
effec vely commi ed treason against the Queen. I cannot
and will not force you to denounce him, but if you will not
take this oath, I cannot consider you loyal and you will not be
involved in the new government in any way.”
They were both silent a bit, then Arthur took the paper. “I
took my job at the Ministry not because of Dumbledore, but
because I want to do what is right for everyone,” he said with
convic on.
He raised his wand in his right hand, and read: “I, Arthur
Weasley, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her
heirs and successors, according to law. So I swear upon my
Life and Magic.” A bright white light briefly lit the p of his
wand, and receded again.
Amelia stood up, and grasped Arthur by the hand. “Welcome
to the team Arthur.”
Molly Weasley was fran cally pacing in the Burrow’s kitchen.
Arthur had been taken earlier that day, and she hadn’t been
able to contact anyone. The floo was s ll out, she didn’t know
how to cast a Patronus so that way of sending a message was
impossible, and their owl Errol was at Hogwarts currently,
carrying a howler for the twins’ latest an cs.
Finally she heard the so chime indica ng someone had
crossed the Weasleys’ ward boundary, and stormed outside.
“Arthur! I was so worried!” She rushed into her husband’s
“There there Mollywobbles, everything’s fine,” Arthur smiled
as he embraced his wife. “Let me tell you the news…”
“Kids! Pull up your pants and clean up we’re leaving for dinner
in thirty minutes!” Sirius’ voice yelled across the back garden,
followed by “Ouch!” as he was smacked on the head.
“Really Padfoot? Tone it down a bit,” Remus said
“We were not doing that!” a red-faced Hermione huffed as
she stamped through the door, followed by Harry, who glared
at his godfather.
“Well good, because I haven’t taught the pup here all the
spells he needs to make sure I don’t become a grand-
godfather yet,” Sirius quipped.
Harry glared again, and Sirius shrunk down a bit, “Just kidding
pup! Put on your good clothes, we’re being fancy today.”
“Yeah, you’re hilarious,” Harry grumbled. “We’ll be right
down. Keep him in line would you Moony?” he asked Remus,
and he followed Hermione up the stairs.
“You’re borrowing one of my suits,” Sirius informed Remus. “If
you’re going to be my wingman you need to look the part.”
The two men made their way upstairs as well as they were
“Padfoot, need I remind you that this is a thank you dinner for
Jean and Apolline, not one of your wild ou ngs to pick up
chicks?” Remus rolled his eyes.
“I’m not picking up anyone, got my Ems and I’m happy
enough with that,” Sirius said, a smile on his face. “But you
could stand to get laid my friend. How long has it been?”
“None of your business,” Remus grumbled. “Look, Sirius,
about Emma –”
“Here, try this,” Sirius interrupted him, throwing clothes his
way. “Hurry up already Moony, and don’t worry about
mooning me, I’ve seen it all before.”
“Dammit man, I’m trying to be serious here,” Remus
grumbled… and paled. “Wait I –”
“If you’re Sirius, am I Remus then?” Too late… Sirius jumped
on it. “I wouldn’t mind some of that werewolf stamina, if you
know what I mean…” he grinned wide.
Remus just rolled his eyes, pu ng on the suit. Fortunately
their sizes were comparable so it fit mostly, and what didn’t
fit, a simple resizing charm took care of.
Half an hour later Sirius and Remus were wai ng downstairs
for Emma and the kids. Harry and Hermione were first to
show up: Harry was wearing not a suit, but s ll a nice pair of
trousers and a silk shirt, topped with a kind of blazer, and
Hermione was wearing a simple yet elegant half dress with a
zipper running down the back.
“You kids look good,” Remus said apprecia vely.
“Thanks Remus,” Harry replied. “You look good in a suit as
Sirius had a grin on his face again. “No words for your dashing
godfather, pup?”
“A few of them,” Hermione said: “Keep it up and I’ll neuter
Padfoot,” she glared at him. She was red of the teasing.
Sirius paled a bit, Remus actually laughed.
“Sorry, am I late?” Emma’s voice sounded, and they turned to
see her walk down the stairs. She had found a dark green
knee length dinner dress, and was wearing stockings under it.
“I would wait a thousand years for you to get ready if this is
the result,” Sirius smoothly said. “Shall we, my lady?” He
offered her his arm, Emma was blushing slightly.
Harry and Hermione looked uncomfortably at them, then
Hermione took Harry’s arm and half pulled him away. “Thanks
for helping me with the zipper,” she said in a so tone to him.
“You look amazing tonight,” Harry no ced none of the adults
were watching just now, and placed a kiss on her cheek.
Remus was first to step through the floo, to the ‘Rue
Magique’. Sirius, Emma on his arm, followed, and they in turn
were followed by Harry and a widely smiling Hermione.
As the five made their way through the s ll busy shopping
street some people were staring at Sirius because he had just
been in the news, but nobody bothered them. They made
their way to the more pricey end of the street, then Sirius and
Emma were first to enter the door.
The maître d’hôtel greeted them as they came in, “Welcome
to Le Centaure Noble, do you have a reserva on?”
“Thank you for your welcome. Black, party of seven,” Sirius
answered him. “Are Mr and Mrs Delacour here yet?”
“Ah yes, the Delacours just arrived… please follow me,” the
maître d’ answered, and proceeded them inside.
“Apolline, you look breathtaking tonight,” Sirius greeted their
new friends.
“You look rather dashing yourself monsieur,” Apolline replied.
“Emma, that dress looks wonderful on you,” she inclined her
head to her, then smiled wide as she saw Harry and
Hermione. “Oh look Jean, they are so adorable together!”
“Sirius, Remus, Harry, ladies, you all look good,” Jean took
over. “We’ve ordered a red wine, hope that is all right with
The five English refugees sat down and throughout the dinner
only small talk was held. At the end of a rather lengthy meal,
everyone was a li le psy from the wine, including the kids.
Apparently the wizarding world – or at least the French part –
had no trouble serving wine to teenagers, and the adults
either weren’t paying a en on or didn’t care as Harry and
Hermione also partook in several glasses.
Sirius paid the extravagant bill, ignoring Jean’s protest, and
the groups made their separate ways home.
“Gnite all,” Remus mumbled, going upstairs as soon as they
flood back. He had an early morning coming up, back to Paris
to work with the ICW in building their case to get Dumbledore
removed as Supreme Mugwump.
Harry and Hermione were red-faced and giggling as they
ckle-fought, un l Emma had enough: “All right you two, off
to bed. School day tomorrow, remember?”
“Night mummy,” Hermione slurred a bit. “Night,” Harry
agreed, and they helped each other up the stairs.
“You do realise they’re probably going to end up in the same
bedroom, if not the same bed, right?” Sirius asked Emma.
“Oh let them Siri, we all were young once… and I’m s ll sure
they know their limits,” Emma mock-punched him to
emphasize this.
Sirius caught her hands. “We’re s ll young ourselves… and
you were easily the most beau ful woman in the restaurant
“Oh now I know you’re lying,” Emma replied with a small
blush. “Apolline is the most beau ful woman I’ve ever seen,
and nobody even no ced me with her around.”
“I did,” Sirius stepped into her personal space, and gently
li ed up her head. “I no ce you all the me Ems.”
“Sirius… we really shouldn’t,” Emma said in a small voice, but
let him li up her chin with his hand and accepted his kiss.
She embraced him as their lips met. ‘Damn the
consequences… this feels too good to be wrong,‘ she jus fied
it mentally to herself.
“Let’s… let’s go to bed,” Sirius breathed as he released her
Monday morning broke with a slight rain over the villa.
Hermione s rred as the alarm charm on her night stand went
off. She was spooned up with Harry, and suppressed a small
giggle as she felt his right hand was cupping her breast while
he s ll slept, only the fabric of her shi between his fingers
and her flesh. Feeling a bit devious, she placed her own hand
over his, and turned her head slightly.
“Wake up Harry… it’s morning,” she cooed at him.
Harry woke up with a small yawn, and tried to stretch. His le
arm was pressed under his own body, and his right hand was
holding something… he gave it a small squeeze.
“Mmmm… not so hard love,” he heard Hermione’s voice.
“Hermione?!” Harry’s eyes shot open, and he realised what
he was holding. “I’m sorry!”
“I’m not,” Hermione said with a giggle. “You ended up in the
wrong bed mister,” she carefully li ed his hand off her, and
moved to get out of bed.
“I… I… I didn’t mean to,” Harry apologized. He was beet red as
he stared at his girlfriend, wearing only her knickers and a
shi .
“I really don’t mind Harry… feels rather nice, actually,”
Hermione leant down and kissed his nose. “I’m going to take a
shower and get dressed. You do the same in your room…
school today, remember?”
“Ugh… not looking forward to that,” Harry grumbled. He
waited un l Hermione stepped into her bathroom, then
quickly rushed out of her room into his own, slightly hunched
over to hide the effect waking up in her bed had had on him.
Showered and dressed the two came downstairs and found
Remus reading the morning newspaper, Sirius ea ng some
toast, and Emma pu ng down two plates of breakfast.
“Morning kids,” Sirius said with a full mouth.
“Swallow before you speak,” Remus commented without
looking up.
“Hey you two, did you sleep well?” Emma smiled as she
waved them over.
“Yes mum,” Hermione replied. “And you?”
“Really good,” Emma s ll looked happy. “Eat up you two,
Sirius is going to take you to school in a bit as Remus has to be
in Paris again. Speaking of, when do you need to leave
Remus looked up, and took his wand from his holster. He cast
the me keeping charm, and frowned. “I should get leaving…
some weird news coming in from Britain which I bet they
want my input on. And so should you two Harry, Hermione.
Have fun at school and we’ll see you again soon, okay?”
“Bye Remus,” the teens said in chorus. Remus walked to the
floo and disappeared.
“Harry, don’t worry about going back as, well, you, I’m sure
everything will work out,” Emma assured him. “Hermione,
watch out for him okay?”
“Yes mum”/“Yes ma’am,” she got as replies.
“See you later Ems,” Sirius gave her a peck on the cheek, and
followed the two teens to the floo. “I’ll go first, you follow
a er a minute okay?” He took out some floo powder and
threw it in, “Beauxbatons Headmistress’s Office!”
Emma watched first Sirius, then the teens disappear.
Julie and Anna looked up in surprise as Professeur Poussin
came up to them at the breakfast table. “Miss Desruelles,
Miss Laflamme-Brûlé, could you collect the rest of your
classmates please and come with me to the Headmistress’s
Office?” she asked them.
“Yes Professeur,” Julie nodded. “Is this about Jamie and Mia?”
One table over, Fleur looked up as she heard Julie speak.
“Yes, good reasoning Miss Desruelles,” their Charms teacher
replied. “I’ll wait for you at the door. Please don’t dawdle.”
She walked off, and Julie and Anna quickly rounded up the
rest of class 3H.
“Fleur? Where are you going?” Amélie asked her best friend
as the Veela girl stood up as well.
“With them,” Fleur simply said, indica ng the depar ng
“But we have Transfigura on class now,” Amélie tried to stop
“This is more important,” Fleur disagreed. “Try to cover for
me okay? I’ll copy your notes later, and serve deten on if I
Amélie nodded, looking a er her blonde friend as she rushed
a er the younger students.
“Mia, we missed you this weekend,” Jacob Vanhoogene spoke
up as they were led in the Headmistress’s office. The girl they
knew as Mia was there, holding hands with a ginger kid who
they didn’t recognise. A dark-haired man was also present.
“You’re Sirius Black!” Raquel squeaked. “I read about you in
the paper!”
“You’re well informed miss?” Sirius answered her.
“Guerrero, Raquel Guerrero sir,” the Spanish girl answered.
“Well, now that we are all here,” Madame Maxime started,
but was interrupted as her door opened, and a blonde missile
went through.
“Harry! I missed you!” Fleur rushed up to embrace the
younger wizard, ignoring how he s ffened as she held him.
“Let him go Fleur,” Hermione said in clipped tones. Fleur
ignored her however, and only let go because Harry wriggled
out of her arms.
“Hi Fleur,” Harry simply said.
“Miss Delacour, you were not invited here this morning,”
Madame Maxime said disapprovingly. “We’ll have words later.
For now, everyone sit down please.”
She waved her wand, and chairs for everyone appeared. Fleur
rushed to take the seat on Harry’s le side, Hermione was
already si ng on his right.
The rest of their class took a seat, wondering a bit what was
going on.
“Harry? Do you want to tell them?” Madame Maxime asked.
Harry gulped, and stood up, having to free both his hands
from the girls si ng next to him. He turned to face the seated
“Err… hi all. You probably don’t recognise me but, erm…”
“You’re Jamie,” Julie said as he fell silent.
“Err… yeah. How did you know?” Harry was genuinely
confused, as were some of their other classmates.
“Please, it’s obvious,” Julie scoffed. “I only need to look at
how your girlfriends –” “Hey!” Hermione interrupted – “are
hanging on you,” Julie con nued ignoring the outburst. “What
I want to know is why you were pretending to be a girl. And it
was obvious you were hiding something, am I right?” the last
she asked to her class mates. Several nodded.
“Err… yeah I guess,” Harry pulled at his collar. “As to why I was
hiding… and how… I’ll show you.” He closed his eyes and
focused, and 3H saw Harry morph into Jamie.
“A metamorphmagus,” Vi orio sounded impressed. “That’s a
really rare talent.”
Harry held the Jamie form for half a minute, then scrunged up
his face as he focused again… and morphed into a form that
was li le smaller, and had black hair with a dis nguishing
mop of hair.
“Mon dieu… Le Garcon Qui A Vecu?!” Of all people, it was
Professeur Poussin who said this.
Harry winced, and quickly morphed back to his more natural
‘ginger’ form. “Yup… I’m Harry Po er. So I guess you can
understand now why I was hiding?”
“You’ve been holding out on us mate,” Antoine was the first
student to speak up. “Wow… that’s a lot to take in.”
The girls in their class shared a look, then huddled in a private
chat, excluding Hermione for now. A er a bit Anna took the
word, “Jamie… err I guess Harry… we’ve decided to let you off
the hook for perving on us for now,” – “I wasn’t,” Harry
protested – “As long as you give us all your autograph,” Anna
con nued.
“And a kiss, if Mia allows it,” Raquel sheepishly added. She
had had a crush on Le Garcon Qui A Vecu growing up
alongside countless other girls in the en re Wizarding world.
“My name is really Hermione,” the bleached-blonde brune e
spoke up, a frown on her face. “One kiss, not on the lips… if
that’s okay with you Harry?”
Harry looked at his girlfriend to see if this was some kind of
test, but couldn’t see any hidden signals in her eyes. ‘I guess
she really is just asking for my opinion here,‘ he thought.
“Okay, one kiss it is.”
Madame Maxime had an amused look on her face as she
scraped her throat to get their a en on. “Well, it seems that
all is se led now. Professeur Poussin, please take your class to
their classroom, you should s ll have forty minutes le . Mr
Po er, Ms Granger, I will be informing the rest of your
teachers about your… new iden es throughout the day,” she
added to the two. “As for the rest of you, can I count on your
support for your new celebri es?”
Harry looked somewhat annoyed at the ‘celebrity’ status, as
the rest of 3H agreed.
“Very well, off to class then,” Madame Maxime dismissed
them. “Not you Miss Delacour, you need to explain to me why
you are not in your own class,” she prevented Fleur from
As the door closed Harry heard Fleur complain, “But… it’s a
Veela ma er?”
Hogwarts also had an unusual morning. Next to the teachers’
table another table had been placed on the dais, with four
people si ng at it: a man wearing a crumpled jacket and a
bowler hat, a woman wearing ugly pink and green clothes,
and two Aurors in uniform. The Headmaster was absent, as he
so o en was.
“Susan, isn’t that the Minister?” Hannah asked her best
friend. Susan nodded.
“Wonder what he’s here for,” Hannah con nued. Susan just
shrugged. If it was important the Headmaster would inform
them, she reasoned. She was more wondering why the
newspaper hadn’t been delivered. The Sunday Prophet hadn’t
been delivered either, and the Wireless stopped working
throughout the castle as well this weekend.
Dumbledore sat up in his office cursing up a storm as he read
the Daily Prophet. “Good thing I set up those mail wards
Fawkes, it would be a disaster if the students got their hands
on this,” he spoke to his familiar. Fawkes was more interested
in cleaning his feathers though.
“More of that Muggle propaganda… this is an absolute
disaster,” Dumbledore sighed as he read ar cles on how the
government would be redesigned, with the Royal Court
Magician as its head.
“You should have realised Magical Oaths have their own
power,” a Headmaster from centuries past offered. “Back in
my day we s ll had to deal with royals, you know. Both Prince
Edward and Prince Richard were wizards, Hufflepuff and
Gryffindor if I recall correctly.”
“Yes yes, I know the story,” Dumbledore grumbled. “Queen
consort Elizabeth Witchville arranged for them to be rescued
by her magical rela ves so that the Muggle king Richard could
not kill them. I don’t see how that is relevant now though.”
“No relevance young man, I simply wanted to point out that
the Bri sh Monarch has always known about us,” the old
Headmaster con nued.
“You’d be er not have endangered Hogwarts by your oath
breaking habits Albus,” his predecessor Headmaster Dippet
spoke up.
“Enough! Silence all of you!” Dumbledore shouted. “Fawkes,
what should I do? Cornelius is downstairs, no doubt preparing
to make trouble, I s ll haven’t found Harry, and Severus hasn’t
been heard from in too long…” he looked at the phoenix for
advice. Fawkes simply preened his feathers some more.

A/N: Thanks for reading. I had a mean cli anger planned but
I’ve decided against using it. Something to look forward to
next chapter therefore :)
And yes I know the mother of the Princes in the Tower was
properly named Elizabeth Woodville, but thanks to English
spelling rules at the me this was also wri en Wydville,
Witheville, and variants. Witchville is a temp ng pun.
24. A acks
Chapter Twenty-Four
A acks
Beauxbatons, France, immediately following the
Headmistress’ mee ng
Harry somehow made it through his Charms class, and
following that, History. Professeur Poussin followed them to
their next class, and briefly informed her colleague about
Harry’s ‘situa on’.
Fortunately they were in a magical school, and people were
not that unused to unexpected situa ons… the only
annoyance was that his teacher couldn’t decide to call him
Po er or Crochenydd.
Finally they could break for lunch. “So… Harry… did you really
grow up in a floa ng castle?” Raquel asked him curiously.
“What?” Harry looked at her bewildered. “No, of course not.
Where did you get that idea from?”
“That’s from ‘Harry Po er and the Cyclops‘,” Vi orio offered.
“Come on Harry, don’t tell me you’ve never read it?”
“I didn’t even know that book existed,” Harry grumbled. “Look
guys, whatever you think you know about me… or rather
‘The-Boy-Who-Lived’, it’s probably not true, okay?”
“Harry is just, Harry,” Hermione offered, taking his hand in
hers. “We’ll talk a bit over lunch okay?”
Hand in hand they stepped into the huge Beauxbatons dining
hall, and made their way over to 3H’s table, followed by the
rest of their class.
“So… you can’t apparate through wards either?” Raquel spoke
up again, sounding a bit disappointed.
“Err… actually,” Harry uncomfortably pulled on his collar…
“Sorta? But it’s not appara ng, I think.”
“You have hidden talents my love,” Fleur’s voice sounded. She
placed her hand on his le shoulder, and effortlessly slid into
place on the bench next to him.
“Err… hi again Fleur,” Harry started. “How did things with the
Headmistress go?”
“Yes Fleur, why are you here? Aren’t you in trouble now?”
Hermione bu ed in. She was si ng on Harry’s right, and was
not happy with the Veela interfering again.
“She gave me a deten on for tonight, can you imagine, me?”
Fleur let out a theatrical sigh.
“How horrible,” Hermione said in a mocking tone. “Well thank
you for the news. You can go now, I’m sure your own friends
want to see you.” She glared at the Veela on the other side of
“You are welcome, li le girl,” Fleur said in a mock cheerful
tone. Hermione’s expression grew darker at the slight
mocking. “I’ll leave in just a second, but Harry owes me
something first,” Fleur added.
“What is it?” Harry asked. Si ng between the two feuding
girls was really not his idea of comfort.
“One kiss, your… friend agreed upon, did she not?” Fleur
looked at Raquel, si ng in front of Harry for support. The
dark haired Spanish girl nodded in support.
“What?! That was for the other girls!” Hermione protested
out loud.
“Ah ah ah, you did not say so, no going back on the deal now,”
Fleur smirked. “I’ll take my kiss now Harry?”
“Hermione?” Harry sounded uncertain, as he looked to his
right and asked his… girlfriend?
Hermione huffed in frustra on. “Do it Harry. Maybe then
she’ll leave us alone.” She glared at the Veela again. If Fleur
was bothered by it, she did not let it show at all.
“Erm, okay… err… how do you want it Fleur?” Harry asked the
Veela on his le .
“Just express your feelings for me my love, then I’ll be happy,”
Fleur looked Harry deep in the eyes as she said this.
Harry decided to just go with it, and leaned in to give her a
kiss on the right cheek. But a moment before his lips could
meet her skin Fleur quickly turned her head, and captured his
lips with hers. Harry froze, but Fleur was not deterred, intent
on ge ng all she could out of him. From somewhere, it
seemed to come outside of him, Harry felt a feeling of love
and comfort flowing through him, and mostly involuntarily he
allowed himself to respond to Fleur’s kiss. Her tongue
brushed over his lips, and he opened his mouth a li le,
allowing her tongue to enter his mouth. He was lost in her
eyes, and was only par ally aware that her arms wrapped
around him, pulling him closer to her…
“Aguamen !” A spray of ice cold water went over Harry and
Fleur, and Harry came back to his senses. He looked at the
source of the cold, and saw Hermione standing behind them
both, fury in her eyes and her wand aimed at them.
“What in Circe’s name was that, li le girl?” Fleur glared at her.
“I agreed to one kiss, not on the lips! Not a full on snog like
that! How dare you use your allure like that!” Hermione
fumed. Harry looked at the table, and saw everyone come
back from a form of daze… even a few tables further on were
“Hermione, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what I was doing!”
Harry apologized loudly.
“I’m not angry with you,” Hermione gave him a weak smile.
“Fleur, leave, now,” she said in clipped tones as she looked at
the Veela.
Fleur licked her lips seduc vely, then slowly stood up. “I’ll see
you around my love,” she said as she rose. She gave Harry a
wink, and walked away from the table.
“Merlin… that was some kiss,” Anna offered as Fleur le .
Hermione sat back down next to Harry, and demonstra vely
took his hand in hers again, to show him he had nothing to
“No kidding Anna… Harry, you’d be er kiss us all like that!”
Julie agreed. Then she caught Hermione’s glare, and shrank
down a li le. “Or just a nice kiss on the cheek, that’s good
At the teacher’s table, Madame Maxime nodded in
sa sfac on as she saw Fleur walk away.
“Madame, are you sure it’s wise to let this all play out?”
Professeur Poussin asked her employer. She had been about
to get up and walk over as Hermione cast the water spell, but
the Headmistress had stopped her.
“Do you want to deal with another Veela episode Léandra?”
the Headmistress answered her. “I know Miss Delacour well. If
we were to forbid her from approaching Mr Po er, she’d go
around our back and do something more dras c. This way, the
public humilia on will prevent her from going too far.”
“If you say so Madame,” Prof. Poussin reluctantly agreed. “I
just hope you’re right.”
None of the teachers felt one of the wards around
Beauxbatons briefly go down, as a figure hidden under an
Invisibility Cloak powered his way through and stepped onto
the school grounds.
Re red Auror Alastor Moody knew his target was inside, now
it was only a ques on of me before he could strike.
Buckingham Palace, Westminster
Buckingham Palace was not just a tourist a rac on: it was the
actual working residence of the presiding Bri sh Monarch. As
such, its guards were not just men in silly clothes, but soldiers,
many of whom had and would also serve in actual ba le.
Known as the Queen’s Guard, a full regiment of three officers
and forty other ranks were split between Buckingham Palace,
and St. James’ Palace, at Pall Mall. At any me the Queen was
in residence, as she was now, four sentries guarded the
forecourt. They were not only armed, but also able to call in
the rest of the regiment, as well as the London Metropolitan
Police, as backup if needed. Nor did Buckingham Palace’s
defences end there.
With a loud clang noise, the sky over Buckingham Palace
briefly lit up, as wards protec ng the palace became visible
for a frac on of a second. Mar n Varnell, soldier of the
Coldstream Guards and currently guarding the Palace, didn’t
hesitate one second and slammed the alarm bu on in his
sentry house.
Four figures clad in dark robes and wearing silver masks
dropped from nowhere onto the courtyard of the palace,
straight in front of Varnell and his three colleagues.
“Merlin’s hairy balls! What was that?” Malfoy cursed,
extrac ng himself from the arms of Crabbe Senior who had
landed on top of him, and he looked up. Straight into the
barrel of a Muggle rifle, held by someone clad in a red coat
and wearing an absolutely huge black fur cap.
“Throw away your wand and lie down on the floor,” Varnell
barked an order at the intruder. At the Changing of the Guard
that morning he and his other sentries had received special
orders, including a warning on how to treat a strange
incursion like this. He had never heard about magic outside of
fairy tales, but a good soldier didn’t need to know everything:
as long as he had his orders, he would carry them out, no
ma er how strange they sounded.
“Foolish Muggle, you’ll pay,” Malfoy sneered at the young
man. He quickly raised his arm to cast a curse, when a loud
noise sounded, and suddenly he felt only pain as a bullet hit
his hand, destroying muscle and bone, and his damaged wand
fell to the ground.
“Down on the floor, now! All of you!” Varnell ordered. He
hadn’t fired the shot, hadn’t even seen the man raise his arm,
but one of his fellow guardsmen had.
“Die!” the largest of the four intruders yelled, and rushed
toward Varnell. The soldier fired his rifle. Crabbe was
staggered back by the impact, but somehow ignored his
wound, and aimed his wand at Varnell. The soldier fired again,
and this me the large man went down screaming, a pile of
blood star ng to appear under him.
The Carrow siblings looked at the downed and bleeding
Malfoy and Crabbe, and decided retreat was the best op on.
They popped out of existence, leaving their ‘friends’ behind
just as more soldiers rushed onto the courtyard, and
policemen began clearing the crowd in front of the Palace.
Hogwarts, Scotland
“Where is that Dumbledore?” Fudge mu ered. Breakfast was
approaching its end, and he really felt uncomfortable si ng in
front of the student body, several of them shoo ng glances at
“Professor McGonagall, when will your leader be joining us?”
Madam Umbridge called in a sickly smooth voice.
“I have no idea Dolores,” McGonagall answered. “The
Headmaster o en takes his breakfast in private. I am sure he’ll
schedule me for a mee ng with you and Mr Fudge later
“That is Minister Fudge,” Umbridge corrected her.
“My apologies,” McGonagall said unconvincingly. She was
spared any further interac on with the disagreeable woman
as Dumbledore finally showed up.
“Good morning all,” he greeted the fellow teachers.
McGonagall no ced he looked stressed, not at all his usual
cheery self.
“Excuse me a moment,” Dumbledore walked over to his chair,
but did not sit down. Instead he raised his wand and cast a
‘Sonorous‘ spell.
“Your a en on please,” his voice sounded over the Great
Hall. The murmur of conversa on and ea ng stopped, as
everyone looked at the Headmaster.
“You will have no doubt no ced that we have some
dis nguished guests at Hogwarts today,” Dumbledore
indicated the new table on the dais. “The Minister for Magic
and a few members of his staff will be temporarily staying at
Hogwarts, un l a minor issue in London is resolved. I trust you
all will treat the Minister and his people with the respect they
“What is this minor issue?” a Ravenclaw student called back.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with, Mr Inglebee,”
Dumbledore answered him. “Now I suggest everyone finish
their breakfast, and then go to classes. If you have any further
ques ons, ask your Head of House later,” he made to sit down
“Our Head of House?” Draco Malfoy’s voice called out.
“Where is Professor Snape?”
“Professor, our first class is Po ons. Will it be cancelled
again?” a Hufflepuff yelled.
“Professor Snape will be back as soon as possible,”
Dumbledore answered. “And yes, Po ons students are
requested to go to the Library for free study instead. That will
be all.”
He sat down, and cancelled the Sonorous.
‘Hopefully that will keep them calm for now,’ Dumbledore
thought to himself. The look on Fudge’s face indicated that he
was not out of trouble yet, though.
Black villa, earlier that morning
Emma hummed a tune as she cleaned up the kitchen table.
The kids were back at school, Remus would be busy all day in
Paris working on bringing down the bastard that had been
essen ally responsible for driving them from the UK… and the
loss she wouldn’t allow herself to think of…
Emma’s hand wavered as it reached for the cabinet where the
‘family’ kept their Po ons. A Calming Draught would help her
get control back… but no, she didn’t need one. Sirius had told
her she was strong enough to do without, and he was right,
she decided. Emma’s right hand closed the cabinet and she
decided to catch some clean air in the back garden before
Sirius would return.
Far to the north in France, just below the Belgian border,
Severus Snape awoke from his deep slumber. He took a
moment to get his bearings back, then realised where he was.
Oh yes… the home of that idiot who let himself get killed.
Snape went to the house’s kitchen and made himself a quick
breakfast. As he was ea ng an owl arrived, and tapped its
beak against the kitchen window.
‘Those stupid animals don’t care who they deliver to, as long
as the address is correct,’ Snape thought to himself, a smirk
on his face as he grabbed a three coins from a bowl near the
window-sill obviously intended for that purpose, and dropped
them into the pouch around the owl’s neck. Apparently the
amount was correct, for the owl let him remove the
Snape browsed through it, a sneer appearing on his face
when he found an ar cle on Black. ‘Got you, you mu ,’ Snape
thought, as it clearly detailed Black’s address. ‘Think you can
hide from me? I’ll make you pay for my school years, you and
anyone else you’re with… think I’ll cut li le pieces of Po er’s
bitch while you and her mother watch, before I obliviate the
brat and take him home to Hogwarts,‘ the Death Eater
gleamed, imagining the horrified look that would appear on
the brat’s face as his Mudblood would rasp out her last words
before expiring.
The Riviera was too far for him to apparate blindly, but he was
not a wizard for nothing… Snape walked over to the floo, and
dropped in some powder. “La Bague e Magique, Lobby!” he
exclaimed, and stepped in the green flames, to re-appear in a
Wizarding hotel he knew to be in Nice.
“May I help you sir?” a clerk asked as he stepped out. Snape
sneered at the young man, and apparated away, leaving a
bewildered hotel staff behind. Why would someone floo and
leave immediately?
Emma heard a crack of appari on, but did not look up from
her book. The weather was s ll nice so she had lied down on
a lounge chair and was reading a Jane Aus n novel.
“Siri? How are the kids?” she called out.
“Foolish Muggle,” a voice that was definitely not Sirius’
answered her. Emma froze for a second, then rolled quickly
off her chair… just in me for a blast of red energy to miss her.
‘Oh God it’s him, he was there when they mur… murdered
Dan…‘ Emma thought, as she scrambled behind a table, and
pushed it on its side to serve as a barrier.
“Hiding won’t save you,” Snape sneered. “Tell me where Black
and the brats are, and I’ll let you live,” he said as he walked
closer to the table Emma was hiding behind. Metal would
absorb most spells except for the Unforgivables, but he
wanted to save those for Black and the brat, they tended to
take a lot of energy.
“They’re not here!” Emma almost squeaked. She felt herself
begin to shiver with fear as the steps came closer. “Please,
just go!”
“Go?” Snape let out a bi er laugh. “No, I think not… not
before you tell me exactly where they are.” He whipped out
his wand quickly, “Accio table!”
Emma looked directly at him in shock as the table shot away,
revealing her to the invader.
“Legilimens!” Snape shouted, looking her directly in the eyes.
Emma couldn’t stop the thoughts of the hec c days spent in
France from coming to the fore, as Snape drained her mind of
informa on.
“You… you would breed with the mu ?” He sneered at Emma,
as the spell ended. “And you allowed the Po er brat and your
spawn to leave before I got here?” Fury was in his eyes as he
trained his wand on her again. “Crucio,” he incanted, and a
red beam le his wand, impac ng Emma.
Emma started to scream loudly, as she felt a more intense
pain than she had ever imagined possible. Her en re body
twitched and she involuntarily rolled on the ground, her limbs
out of control.
“Feel that, Muggle? You’ll be begging for death before I am
through with you,” Snape sneered at her, not li ing his curse
yet. “Your spawn will be next… I’ll have her beg for mercy with
Po er watching. Maybe I’ll make her debase herself for me…
yes that could be fun. A shame you won’t be alive to see it,
you’ll – urgh.”
“Reducto!” someone else shouted from inside the house, and
Snape was hit in the head by shrapnel of blasted wood,
collapsing to the floor. Sirius Black stormed out of the ruined
garden door, and aimed his wand at the Death Eater.
“Incarcerous!” the enraged wizard cast next, binding Snape
up, then he rushed toward and stepped on Snape’s wand.
With a sa sfying crack, it broke under his foot.
“You would invade my home Snivellus?” Sirius spat at the
Death Eater lying before him. “Take this!” he kicked Snape in
the crotch.
Snape let out a wordless cry, and Sirius kicked him again.
“You’re dead, dead you hear me!” Sirius trained his wand on
Snape, and shouted: “Lacero!” A red blast went from his
wand, and slammed into Snape’s right arm, severing his hand
from the rest of his body. Snape screamed out in pain.
“Liked that did you? Here’s some more,” Sirius again trained
his wand on the downed Death Eater.
“Si… Sirius…” a weak voice spoke up. Sirius looked past Snape,
and saw Emma lying there, s ll twitching.
“Ems?” Sirius paled. How could he have forgo en her? Her
screams had alerted him to Snape’s presence to begin with…
“It… it hurts,” Emma sobbed.
Sirius began to see red as the realisa on Emma was badly
hurt set in. He looked down at Snape again, and aimed his
wand directly between Snape’s eyes. “Goodbye Snivellus. Safe
a spot for your masters in hell,” Sirius spit in Snape’s face,
then focused his magic: “Avada Kedavra,” he said in a
remarkably calm voice. A green bolt le the p of his wand,
slamming into the downed Death Eater.
A/N: One down.
And I know some of you don’t like it much, but I really am
enjoying having Fleur be a b*tch like this. She is again
deliberately riling up Hermione, but this second me
Hermione will not make the same mistakes.
25. Hospitals and Prisons
Chapter Twenty-Five
Hospitals and Prisons
Black villa, lunch me (immediately a er last chapter)
Sirius’ rage disappeared as he looked down on the body of his
long- me nemesis. “Good riddance,” he mu ered, kicking the
corpse one more me.
“Siri… it–it hurts,” Emma whimpered.
“Crap…” Sirius rushed over and visually inspected her. “Are
you bleeding somewhere?”
“Can–Can’t tell… it hu–hurts too bad…” Emma’s voice was
so , and she was crying from the pain.
Sirius scooped her up in his arms as gently as possible and
brought her inside, res ng her on the couch. “I’ll be right back
Ems… hold on okay?” he rushed over to the floo in a panic,
and threw in the green powder. “Delacour Mansion!” he
A li le face appeared and answered him: “Hello, who is
“Gabbi, get your mum or dad please, hurry!” Sirius barked at
her. The li le girl nodded quickly, and disappeared from view.
A minute later Apolline Delacour was crouching in front of her
“Monsieur Black? You have Gabrielle a scare. Why are you
calling?” she asked him.
“Emma is hurt, bad, the Cruciatus!” Sirius yelled. Apolline’s
eyes widened in shock and he con nued: “I took care of the
bastard cursing her, but I can’t treat her. I need the floo
address for the nearest magical hospital, or a squad of
Healers, or something fast!”
“Merde,” Apolline cursed beneath her voice. “How long ago
was this?”
“I dunno, five, ten minutes maybe? Can’t you bloody help
me!” Sirius was losing his pa ence.
“I will step through in a moment Monsieur Black. You go back
to Madame Granger now,” Apolline decided.
Sirius nodded, and rushed out of view.
Apolline s fled a curse, and stood up as well. “Gabrielle
dearest? Mummy needs to go for a while. Why don’t you go
over to the Gastons? I am sure Séraphine would be happy to
see you.”
Séraphine Gaston was a young witch of Gabrielle’s age, and
lived in the neighbouring house. The girls o en played
“Okay maman,” Gabrielle nodded. “Will you come for me
“Yes dear,” Apolline gave her youngest a smile. “Say hello to
Monsieur and Madame Gaston for me will you?”
Gabrielle nodded, and threw in some floo powder, then le .
Apolline threw in her own hand of floo powder, and went to
the Black Villa. Upon arriving she immediately went over to
the couch, where Emma was lying down, s ll twitching
occasionally, as Sirius rested her head on his lap and was
trying to sooth her.
“Monsieur Black, go to your floo and call for Healers from
Sainte Pétronille’s. Tell them it is for Cruciatus Exposure,” she
ordered the man. “Have you given her anything yet?”
Sirius carefully li ed Emma’s head off his lap and stood up.
“Nothing yet… we don’t have pain relieving po ons in stock.”
“Good,” Apolline said. “Most Po ons interfere with the proper
treatment. Hurry up and call the Healers.”
Sirius rushed to obey. Apolline cast a diagnos c charm on
Emma, and repressed a wince as it gave a red glow all over
her body. “You poor woman,” she said in sympathy, res ng
her hand on Emma’s head.
A commo on near the floo caused her to look up again, and
she saw three men stepping through: two clad in Healer’s
white, and one in red, an Auror.
“The vic m is over here,” she called out, and the Healers
rushed in. Deciding not to get in their way, Apolline went over
to Sirius and the Auror.
“Madame Delacour!” the Auror exclaimed as he saw her. “I
was not expec ng to see you here.”
“That’s all right Robert,” Apolline replied. She knew most of
the Aurors at least in passing, as Jean o en took her to
Ministry gatherings.
“What’s the problem here?” she asked.
“This bloody git wants to arrest me!” Sirius fumed.
Apolline raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”
“Standard procedure madame… as always when it comes to
an Unforgivable,” Robert apologized to her.
“I’m not the one who cursed her, you imbecile!” Sirius yelled.
“That filth is outside. I simply defended Ems from him!”
“Outside?” Robert looked surprised. “What’s keeping him
from running?”
“I took care of him,” Sirius said in a dark tone, a strange grin
appearing on his face. “Snivellus won’t curse anybody again.”
“Madame, please make sure Monsieur Black doesn’t leave?”
Robert pleaded with her. Apolline nodded, and the Auror
rushed outside.
“We’ll need to take her in,” one of the Healers by Emma’s side
said. “Definite Cruciatus exposure, but she’s also bleeding
“Will she be all right?” Apolline asked in a worried tone.
“She is stabilized for now,” the Healer said. His colleague
started cas ng a spell, and a stretcher appeared. The first
Healer helped his colleague get Emma on it, then turned back
to Apolline and Sirius.
“We’ll be at Sainte Pétronille’s. The recep onist can help you
further,” he said, then the duo disappeared along with the
stretcher holding Emma.
Sirius looked like he wanted to rush to the floo to follow
them, but Apolline’s hand on his arm stopped him. “She is in
good hands Sirius, no need to worry,” she assured him.
Robert the Auror stepped back inside, a grim look on his face.
“Monsieur Black, I’ll need to inspect your wand,” he stated.
He was followed by two other Aurors.
“Over my dead body,” Sirius grumbled.
“Sirius, please coöperate with the man,” Apolline chas sed
him. “We’re all here to help you.”
Turning to Robert, she con nued: “Robert, why are your
colleagues here? And why do you need to see Monsieur
Black’s wand?”
“I called them in because we have a dead body outside,”
Robert said. “Please Madame, we’ll need to inspect his wand
“Sirius? Hand it over. It’s for the best,” Apolline said.
Reluctantly, Sirius handed it to Robert, who waved it and cast
a “Priori Incantatem!”
A green glow le the p of Sirius’ wand, and briefly took the
shape of Severus Snape. Then it disappeared, and the ghost of
a red cu ng charm showed up, then the Incarcerous, then a
Robert lowered the wand.
“I’ve seen enough, that confirms our findings outside.
Monsieur Black, you are under arrest for murder,” he said in a
grim tone, as his colleagues rushed up on either side of Sirius.
“No… this must be a mistake…” Apolline whispered.
“Murder? The bloody git invaded my house, and was torturing
my Emma!” Sirius yelled, struggling as his arms were held by
the other Aurors. “I was simply defending myself, you
“Monsieur Black… the deceased was disarmed, ed up, and
already bleeding from a poten ally fatal wound when you
cast the Killing Curse, was he not?” Robert said in a calm
Sirius visibly deflated. “But… but he…”
“Take him in,” Robert ordered his colleagues. Then he looked
at Apolline, with an uncertain look. “I apologize madame… I
have no alterna ve here.” Sirius was complaining loudly as he
was side-along apparated out by the two Aurors.
“I understand,” Apolline spoke. “Robert, do you know where
Jean is now?”
“Directeur Delacour is giving tes mony in a trial now,” Robert
said. “He cannot be disturbed right now.”
“Merde,” Apolline cursed once more. “Will you need any thing
else from me?”
“If you could come with me to the Ministère de la Jus ce
Magique and give an official statement?” Robert asked her.
The floo flared up again, and two new Aurors stepped
through. “Ah, the body is outside, just behind the destroyed
doors,” Robert said in an aside to them. They nodded, and
passed by without a word.
“Madame? Shall we?” Robert asked her. Apolline nodded, and
they, too le .
French Ministry of Magic, Judicial Wing, around 3 P.M.
Remus Lupin was happy, working as a paper pusher. Officially
he was s ll there just to give his tes mony on Albus
Dumbledore’s Order of the Phoenix and plans for the ‘Greater
Good’, but he was allowed to help in preparing the en re
case, and found he had a talent for going through the
documents and correla ng data. Best of all, France didn’t
have laws against werewolves taking a job with their Ministry,
so he was thinking of applying for a real job there.
Currently he was looking for similari es between
Grindlewald’s speeches and Dumbledore’s published
comments on the ‘Greater Good’ concept, and was finding a
lot of overlap between the two.
The door to his office opened, and a Ministry clerk stepped
inside. “Monsieur Lupin?” he asked, and Remus gave him a
nod. “Madame Delacour is asking for your presence, in the
“Oh? Did she say what is was about?” Remus put down the
folder of parchment, and placed his bookmark so he could
con nue later.
“I’m afraid not, but it is important you come with me sir,” the
clerk said. Remus voiced his consent, put away his work, and
followed the clerk outside.
A li le later he was in the Ministry lobby, where he found a
worried looking Apolline wai ng for him.
“Apolline, what is wrong?” he asked her.
“Remus… it’s Sirius and Emma,” she started. “Sit down, I have
some bad news.” Remus took a seat, and Apolline started
telling him about what had happened that morning… Sirius
was under arrest for cas ng an Unforgivable, and Emma was
in the hospital, undergoing treatment for the Cruciatus.
They le for the hospital soon a er.
Beauxbatons Academy Grounds, around 5 P.M.
Harry had to endure a lot of ques ons and looks throughout
the day about ‘Jamie’ turning out to be him, so when classes
were finally over for the day he and Hermione decided to skip
dinner, instead op ng for a small picnic outside on the
grounds. They had collected some food, placed it in a
conjured basket, and went outside.
Despite it being later in the year, due to the loca on of the
school in southern France and the Beauxbatons wards
maintaining a pleasant temperature, the school gardens were
s ll a pleasant loca on to sit in, at least un l nigh all.
The two English exiles weren’t the only ones taking advantage
of this, as they passed a few couples and a few groups of
friends si ng at one of the tables or on a cloth on the ground,
but they s ll managed to find a nice, secluded spot.
“What about here Hermione?” Harry asked, indica ng the
grass in front of an old tree.
“Good choice Harry,” she beamed at him. Harry cast his wand
and conjured a blanket for them to sit on. His girlfriend gave
him an apprecia ve look, and put down two plates.
“Sit down Mr Po er,” she said with a giggle.
Harry dropped down, and Hermione snuggled up to him.
“Today wasn’t too bad,” Harry admi ed. “Other than the fuss
some people are making over me being The-Boy-Who-Lived
that is… it’s like First Year at Hogwarts all over again.”
“They’ll grow out of it,” Hermione assured him. They ate in
silence a bit, then Hermione took Harry’s hand and caught his
a en on.
“Harry… do you want to kiss me?”
“Always…” Harry said in a so voice. He leaned in, and their
lips met. For a while, they ignored the world around them.
“You two look comfortable,” a voice startled them. Hermione
groaned in frustra on as the voice’s owner, Fleur, sat down on
Harry’s other side.
“Fleur. What are you doing here?” Hermione complained.
“I missed you at dinner Harry,” Fleur ignored Hermione. “I am
so happy you are back with me now… tell me Harry, did you
miss me?” She leaned in closer to Harry.
“Err… Fleur… not really,” Harry said. ‘I don’t want to hurt her
feelings… but she is beginning to be damned annoying,‘ he
“Do you mind Fleur? I want some private me with my
boyfriend,” Hermione spat at the older blonde.
“Am I bothering you Harry?” Fleur said in a seduc ve voice.
Her shirt was slightly unbu oned, allowing him to get a good
look at her cleavage as she leaned closer. “We’re friends are
we not? Don’t you want to be close to your friends? I can be
really nice to you…”
Hermione was ge ng ready to take out her wand and curse
the Veela, when suddenly Fleur was pushed away by Harry,
straight on top of Hermione. Before either girl could voice
their protest, they saw the light of a spell pass through where
Harry had been si ng a second before, it would have hit both
Harry and Fleur had he not reacted.
“Impressive reflexes boy,” a deep voice came out of nowhere,
speaking English. “See if you can block the next one.”
Harry dove to his right away from the girls, as another spell
was cast.
“Protego!” he yelled, having grabbed his wand even as he
rolled away. The spell hit his shield, and ricocheted away to
the side.
“Show yourself you coward!” Harry yelled, switching back to
English as well. Fleur and Hermione both had their wands out
as well now, and were looking for their a acker.
As answer, a silent spell was cast towards Harry, hi ng his
shield and rebounding off again. Harry cast a stunner in
response to where he thought it had come from.
“Lousy aim Po er,” the voice said. “Put down your wand and
nobody’ll get hurt.”
“As if!” Harry cast another stunner to where he thought the
speaker was, but it passed without hi ng anyone.
“What do you want with us?” Hermione called out. “Leave us
“Silence girl,” the voice answered her. “I’m just here for Po er.
He needs to get back to Hogwarts where he belongs. I don’t
need you any longer.”
“Homenum Revelio,” Fleur cast. The outline of a man was
clearly visible.
“Smart, girlie,” the voice said. He shimmered into view,
revealing himself to be heavily scarred, having a par ally
destroyed nose, a wooden leg, and, most shocking of all, an
electric blue magical eye.
“You stay out of this if you don’t want to get hurt,” he
dismissed the girls. “Well Po er? Ready to come home now?”
“Never,” Harry bit at him. “Stupefy!”
With surprising agility considering his wooden leg, Moody
jumped out of the way, and before he even landed, cast
another silent spell at Harry. The spell hit his shield, sha ering
it completely, then went on to cast a deep cut in the tree
behind Harry.
“Are you mad! That could have killed me!” Harry yelled.
“Reducto!” he cast at the man.
“Finally stepping up your game eh?” their a acker said, as he
silently summoned a rock that caught Harry’s spell.
“Stupefy!” Hermione cast, trying to cast him off-guard.
“Nice try Mudblood,” Moody grumbled. “Incarcerous!” Ropes
sped off towards Harry, “Lacero!” a cu ng curse was thrown
towards Hermione, almost in the same wand movement.
Harry nearly was caught by the ropes, and looked in horror as
the cu ng curse flew straight for his girlfriend, who looked
stunned at the red light flying her way. Just before it would
have caught her, the sound of tearing fabric was heard as
Fleur transformed, ripping her shirt open, and her large, black
right wing was raised in front of Hermione and caught the
Fleur let out a cry of pain as her wand arm was cut deeply by
the curse, but a mixture of rage and adrenaline allowed her to
raise her le arm, and let fly a fireball towards the man who
dared a ack her mate.
Moody blanched as the massive ball of fire flew his way, and
jumped out of the way. Not to be outdone, Harry cast another
Stupefy, and this me it hit the old man as he rolled into it.
Moody let out a grunt as he passed out, collapsing on the
“You… you saved my life,” Hermione stammered at Fleur. The
Veela stood in an a ack pose, her le wing/arm s ll extended
out towards the now downed man, and her right wing
dripping blood. The torn up remains of her shirt were hanging
from her shoulder or lying on the ground.
“Fleur! You’re hurt!” Harry rushed to her.
Fleur shi ed her gaze from the a acker to Harry, and let out a
weak smile.
“It’s nothing my mate,” she said, morphing back. Only to let
out a cry of pain as her right arm wouldn’t cooperate, and
seemed to be stuck. “That is a lot of blood,” she said in a
strange voice. Her eyes rolled away, and she passed out.
Harry caught her just in me, preven ng her from falling on
the floor. “Hermione! Go get help, anyone!” he yelled at his
girlfriend, as he tried to shi Fleur into a more comfortable
posi on.
Hermione ran off, as Harry held Fleur close to him. He didn’t
know any proper healing spells he dared to use now. Despite
Fleur being unconscious, her le arm had wrapped around
his, and she had him in a firm hold.
Hermione came running back with a teacher in tow, and in no
me Fleur and Harry were whisked away to the Hospital
Wing, and their a acker was properly secured.
Beauxbatons Hospital Wing, shortly a erwards
“Fleur? Wake up please,” Harry said. The school Medi-witch
had mended the deep gash in Fleur’s arm, but Fleur s ll had
held on ghtly to Harry, and they didn’t dare use force to
break her free, so had allowed Harry to sit on the bed next to
her, s ll holding her, un l she would wake up.
Hermione stood on Harry’s other side; the Medi-witch was
standing in front of the bed.
Fleur’s eyes flu ered open. “Hello my mate,” she cooed at
Harry. If possible, her le arm squeezed him even ghter.
“Miss Delacour?” the Medi-witch called her a en on. “Can
you try to change your right arm back now? The wound
should be properly healed.”
“Oui madame,” Fleur nodded. Her arm changed, the feathers
disappearing, and it was human again.
The Medi-witch cast a diagnos c spell, then nodded as only
white light appeared. “The cut is fully healed, and there
should be no scarring. But I’ll want to keep you here over
“That is fine madame,” Fleur agreed. “May I have a talk in
privacy with my mate and the other girl now, please?”
“Of course,” the Medi-witch agreed. She walked away, and
closed the curtain around the bed, sealing Harry, Hermione,
and Fleur in.
“What did you want to talk abou– hmmh!?” Harry started
saying, but Fleur used her healed right arm to pull his head
closer, and muffled it against her impressive breasts.
“Thank you for saving me my mate… I knew you wouldn’t let
me get hurt,” Fleur cooed. She let Harry get up, his face
blushing so much he was almost as red as his hair.
“Can you let go of my Harry already?” Hermione demanded.
She looked furious.
“Oh, sorry, I was not aware,” Fleur lied. She let go of Harry’s
arm, and the heavily flustered boy moved off the bed.
“Errr… thank you Fleur for helping me, and protec ng
Hermione, I’m sorry you got hurt,” Harry said.
Fleur got a mischievous look. “Li le girl… I mean Hermione…
would you agree that I saved your life just now?” she asked.
Hermione stared at her, then slowly nodded. “Yes… I suppose
you did… why?”
“I, Fleur Isabelle Delacour, call in the Life Debt you owe me,”
Fleur declared. Harry looked up sharply at those words.
“Errr… I… Hermione Granger, confirm that I owe you my life,
and will agree to any reasonable demand,” Hermione stated
in an official tone, looking very unhappy.
“What’s going on here?” Harry demanded.
“Later Harry,” Hermione said in an aside. “What do you want
Fleur?” she asked, resigning herself for the worst.
“Don’t worry li le girl, I’m not taking your boyfriend from
you,” Fleur let out a slight laugh. Hermione visibly relaxed.
“But Harry is my mate,” Fleur con nued. “When the me
comes, I will want him, and you will not step in my way. Will
you agree?”
Hermione blanched. “What do you mean, exactly?” she
“I will want children one day… and only by my mate. I do not
need to be his wife, but you will not deny me the right to
carry my mate’s child. Are we agreed?” Fleur looked directly
at Hermione.
“I… I…” Hermione wavered, looking at her boyfriend for
support. “Harry?”
Harry was dumb-struck. “Child?” he squeaked out.
“Don’t worry my mate, not for a while yet,” Fleur reached
over and padded his arm. “I just want to make sure there will
not be any problems in the future,” she said.
“I accept,” Hermione said suddenly. She took out her wand,
and spoke: “I, Hermione Granger, will agree not to step in the
way of Fleur Isabelle Delacour in the ma er of her mate, in
exchange for considering my Life Debt paid.” The wand p
glowed bright white for a second.
Fleur smiled widely. “Thank you Li le– Hermione I mean.”
“Hold on a sec, what did you two just agree to?” Harry found
his voice again. “What the hell do you mean, Life Debts and
children?” He looked to be ge ng angry.
“Harry, calm down!” Hermione said. “I’ll explain later. For
now, just accept that Fleur and I have come to an agreement
“It is as she says my mate,” Fleur smiled at him. “I will allow
you to date her if you wish.”
“Erm, well, good,” Harry stammered. He suddenly realised
that he was s ll standing next to a topless girl, with his
girlfriend looking on, apparently approving now.
“Err… I think we should go now,” he proposed to Hermione.
“Ah good, you are all s ll here,” Madame Maxime’s voice
sounded as she pulled open the curtain around Fleur’s
hospital bed.
“Miss Delacour, cover yourself,” she ordered. Fleur pulled up
the covers to obey.
“Hello Madame,” Hermione greeted their Headmistress. “Did
you find out who the a acker was, and where he came
“That is why I came here,” Madame Maxime said. “Monsieur
Po er, you are causing a lot of trouble for me,” she started.
Harry looked ready to protest, but she didn’t let him speak:
“The man who a acked you is one Alastor Moody, a re red
Bri sh Auror. From what he told the Aurors, he was ordered
by Dumbledore to retrieve you, Harry, at all costs. We are
fortunate in that he underes mated you three.”
“Dumbledore!” spit out Harry. “Figures it would be him. How
did this Moody get on the grounds?”
Madame Maxime looked apologe c. “The wards protec ng
the school have a few weak spots it seems, and Monsieur
Moody had a ward breaking stone with him. Beauxbatons has
not been a acked ever, even during the Grindlewald war the
school was secure, therefore the weak spots were never
found before,” she explained.
“Madame, what is preven ng Dumbledore from sending
more people to a ack my mate?” Fleur asked.
“I have called in a favour with the Ministry, and they will be
sending over new warders as soon as possible,” Madame
Maxime answered her. “I have a favour to ask of the three of
you,” she looked a bit worried now.
“What is it?” Hermione asked.
“If word about this a ack should go out… it would embarrass
the school,” Madame Maxime sounded worried. “It might also
lead to some people a emp ng to do what Monsieur Moody
did, and if they should try before the wands are renewed… I
think you see the problem?”
“You want us to lie about this?” Hermione sounded
“Not lie… just not tell anyone what happened,” Madame
Maxime amended. “Of course, you can tell your family, but
please, no others?”
“What’s in it for us?” Fleur sounded intrigued.
“Miss Delacour, this is as simple favour, not a barter I am
proposing,” Madame Maxime protested.
“No no, I think this is a big deal,” Fleur let out a wide grin.
“But I think I know what to ask for… Harry, Hermione, do you
trust me?”
“Not really,” Hermione mu ered, but Harry nodded.
Fleur smiled, ignoring Hermione for now. “We will accept
Madame, as long as you allow us to take up one of the vacant
Head Girl quarters. It is clear Harry will need more protec on
at this school,” Madame Maxime winced at that, and Fleur
con nued: “And this will allow me to keep an eye on him and
Hermione both.”
“And I in turn can make sure she doesn’t try anything with
Harry she shouldn’t,” Hermione added. ‘I’ll take Fleur if it
means I can stay closer to Harry,‘ she thought.
“But having a male student in private quarters with two girls is
very irregular,” the Headmistress objected.
“You allowed my mate to sleep in the girls’ dorm before,”
Fleur countered. “If you trusted him then, why not trust him
“Monsieur Po er? What are your thoughts on this?” Madame
Maxime looked at the one male present for his opinion.
“I… Err…” Harry looked at the two girls. ‘They both look like
they want me to accept… and I do like the idea of staying close
to Hermione… and if she and Fleur are really done figh ng, it
may work out…‘ he thought.
“I think Fleur has a great idea,” he said. To his relief, he saw
both girls smile in response.
“Very well then, I accept your demand in return for your
silence on today’s ma er,” Madame Maxime said with a sigh.
“However, I expect all three of you to behave in a manner
becoming of a Beauxbatons student, understood? And I or
another teacher will be inspec ng you,” she stated.
“That is acceptable Madame,” Fleur agreed. Hermione and
Harry also voiced their support.
“I’ll ask the House Elfs to prepare your quarters then,”
Madame Maxime got up to leave. “Monsieur Po er, Miss
Granger, could you wait in the Hospital Wing for now?”
The two agreed, and a slightly annoyed Headmistress le
Both Fleur and Hermione felt they had won a kind of victory…
Harry wasn’t sure what to think.
Sainte Pétronille’s Hospital, Paris, around 6 P.M.
Remus and Apolline sat in the comfortable chair of a wai ng
room. Emma was s ll being treated for her wounds, and it
had proven impossible to reach Jean Delacour as he was ed
up in an unrelated case.
All they had accomplished so far was that Sirius was being
held at the Ministry itself instead of a prison awai ng trial,
and Jean’s assistant had been told to send him directly to the
hospital should he become free.
A Healer rounded the corner, and walked up to them. “You
are Madame Granger’s friends, yes?” he asked them.
“Apolline Delacour and Remus Lupin yes,” Remus answered.
“How is she?” he asked.
The Healer sat down next to them. “Madame Granger is
sleeping now. We have successfully treated the worst nerve
damage caused by the Cruciatus, unfortunately as she is a
Muggle, most Po ons will not work fully on her,” he said in a
calm voice.
“What does that mean? Will she be all right?” Remus
“She will be fine with enough rest,” the Healer replied. “We
do not expect any long term complica ons,” he let out a small
Remus caught on this quickly, “and short term?”
“The Cruciatus is the worst pain imaginable,” the Healer
began carefully. “It over-s mulates all the nerves in one’s
body, and causes the body to spasm uncontrollably. Most of
the physical damage is because of this, you see.” He let out a
small sigh.
“Monsieur Lupin… Madame Granger was married, was she
“Yes…” Remus said slowly. “But her husband was murdered
before we fled to France. Why?”
“When Madame Granger was brought in, she was bleeding
internally,” the Healer said as calm as possible. “Her
uncontrolled movements unfortunately caused her to have
severe cramps in the uterus area.”
“No…” Apolline let out a small gasp. “Was she…?”
“There was nothing we could do,” the Healer let out a sigh. “I
am afraid Madame Granger lost her child as a result of the
“How… how long was she pregnant?” Remus asked.
“A month at most, it is difficult to tell,” the Healer said.
“Sirius, you irresponsible imbecile,” Remus mu ered under
his breath.
“How soon can we see her?” Apolline asked the Healer.
“You can go in now, however she is sleeping. If you do go in I
must ask you to let her rest.” The Healer made to stand up,
then wavered, and sat back down. “I must ask… do you have
any idea who the father was?”
“No doubt about that, Sirius Black,” Remus said in a sad tone.
“Apolline… you go in first. I need to get some fresh air first.”
They watched him go. Apolline thanked the Healer, then went
into Emma’s room.
French Ministry of Magic, Holding Cells, around 8 P.M.
In one of the holding cells a large Black dog lied on the floor,
whimpering so ly.
‘You’re not going back to prison, you’re not going back to
prison,’ the man inside Padfoot had a mantra going.
The dog’s ear went up as it heard footsteps coming, and
Padfoot disappeared, and Sirius stood in its place.
“Jean! Get me out of here!” Sirius exclaimed, on seeing Jean
Delacour arrive, together with an Auror.
“Mind if come in?” Jean asked Sirius. The Auror opened the
door, and Jean stepped inside. The door was locked behind
“You can leave us,” he instructed the Auror, and he waited
un l they were alone.
“Jean, you’ve got to get me out of here, I’m going crazy,” Sirius
pleaded. “How is Emma?”
“Emma Granger is no longer in danger, and the Healers say
she will recover,” Jean told him. “Remus Lupin and my wife
are with her, and I will take her to my home once she can
“Why? She can stay with me for as long as she likes!” Sirius
exclaimed. “Can I go see her already?”
“Monsieur Black… Sirius…” Jean sat down on the prison
bench, gathering his thoughts. “Sirius. I can understand that
you wanted to take Monsieur Snape down… but did you have
to kill him?”
“You don’t know him!” Sirius yelled. “That slimy snake always
got away. Besides, he deserved death, he was torturing Emma
and Merlin knows what else he would have done! Snivellus
was a killer, I just took care of the trash!,” Sirius nearly frothed
at the mouth.
“Sirius, calm down,” Jean said in a firm voice. “I know he was
an evil man. We traced his wand signature to a murder in the
north of France, he killed a random wizard before going a er
you. But Sirius… he was down. You had him. Why did you have
to use the Killing Curse?”
“I should have tortured the git some more,” Sirius said in a
dark voice. “Castrate him and make him eat his own genitals…
or cut off his long beak nose and send it to Dumbledore as a
gi .”
Suddenly his eyes cleared, and he looked Jean straight in the
eye. “He was torturing Emma, Jean. Her screams…” Sirius
shuddered. “I had to do it. I couldn’t allow anyone else to
suffer by that monster, don’t you understand?”
“I see…” Jean stalled. “Sirius… what is your rela on with
Emma, exactly?”
“Ems?” Sirius let out a wry smile. “She understands me, you
know? We both lost someone… or many someones… and
comfort each other. I think I love her.”
“And did you two have a… physical rela onship?” Jean had a
grimace on his face, but Sirius didn’t no ce.
“Oh yes, she couldn’t resist the Black Charm,” Sirius let out a
pained laugh, then focused on Jean again. “Come on Jean…
take me to her. I must know she is okay.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Jean answered him. He stood up, and
walked to the cell door. “Please, stay calm. That’s the best
thing you can do now,” he told Sirius. The Auror from before
arrived, and opened the cell to let Jean step out. Sirius
watched the Frenchman walk away, and sat down on the
bench, res ng his head on his hands.
‘You’re not going to prison, you’re going to be a free man,’ he
chanted mentally again.
Another part of the same cell block, immediately following
Jean halted in front of the cell holding the man who had
a acked Beauxbatons.
“You look like you’re in charge here,” Moody spoke in English.
“Come to release me have you? I knew Dumbledore wouldn’t
let me down.”
“I am afraid zat you are mistaken,” Jean answered in the same
language. “We ‘ave not ‘eard from Monsieur Dumbledore at
“Give it me,” Moody grumbled in his low voice. “So if you’re
not here to release me, why are you bothering me? I already
gave a statement to your men. I was just following Ministry
“Funny zat, because ze Ministry no longer exists, and ze
Crown Representa ve we spoke to ‘as no knowledge of your
mission,” Jean replied. “No, I am simply ‘ere to see ze man
who tried to murder my daughter.”
“You’re the father of that half-breed?” Moody sounded
surprised. “I had no problem with her. She was the one who
chose to get involved.”
“Zat Veela is my daughter, yes,” Jean said in a clipped tone.
“We will speak more tomorrow, I think. Adieu, Monsieur
“If it makes any difference, I never intended to hurt her,”
Moody said before Jean le . “That Granger chit could’ve
ducked out of the way, all I needed was a distrac on to take
down Po er.”
“And yet it was Monsieur Po er and my daughter who took
you down,” Jean said. “How very skilled you must be.” A smirk
on his face, he le the fuming Moody behind.

A/N: Just a few more chapters un l I can wrap up this fic, at

least this part so I can decide on how to do a sequel (I haven’t
wri en an outline for that at all yet!).
It seems like I hate Emma Granger, with how I’m torturing her,
isn’t it? Well that’s not the case… she unfortunately is such a
logical vic m here that I just have to use her. At least it’s over
for her now, with her no longer around Sirius work can start
on repairing the damage.
Next chapter, a look at Britain. Amelia vs Dumbledore; the
Crown vs the Ministry/Hogwarts.
26. Bed Times Ahead
Chapter Twenty-Six
Bed Times Ahead
Madame Maxime sat down in her office chair with a sigh. It
had been a long stressful day so far: she had been enjoying
her dinner when one of the teachers ran up to her to bring
her to the school grounds. There she found a stunned
unfamiliar man being guarded by two other teachers, and was
told the three students she began dubbing the ‘Troublesome
Trio’ in her thoughts, Fleur Delacour; Hermione Farmer… no,
Granger; and Harry Po er; had all been taken to the Hospital
Wing, Fleur apparently being injured.
She had ordered the a acker being brought to the
administra on building out of sight of the students, then had
just made her way back to her office herself, when someone
flood her. It had been Jean Delacour. Madame Maxime gave
him no chance to speak and immediately begged him to come
arrest the a acker, and keep it out of the public eye…
reluctantly Jean had agreed.
In the confusion, he would not realise he had forgo en to
inform Harry and Hermione about Sirius and Emma un l
much later.
Madame Maxime was roused from her thoughts when a
House Elf popped up in her office.
“Mistress Heads? The rooms for Miss Fireballs is being ready,”
it said.
Madame Maxime had to wrap her head around the speech
pa ern for a bit, then she realised the Elf meant Fleur
“Thank you… Pippy, was it?” she asked the Elf, who nodded.
“Please go to the Hospital Wing and take them there. I am too
red to do it myself now.”
“Pippy will do Mistress Heads,” the Elf said as it bowed, and it
popped away.
Fleur had transfigured a loose sheet into a makeshi shirt and
had – somewhat reluctantly – covered up. The Medi-witch
had cleared Fleur to leave, once she knew where to. Fleur
now sat on her hospital bed, her long legs hanging over the
side, with both Harry and Hermione si ng in chairs next to
her. None of the three were talking at the moment, all were
somewhat red.
A House Elf appeared. “Miss Fireballs? Yous room is being
ready,” it said.
Fleur suppressed a snort at her address, and said: “thank you
Elf.” She gently got off the bed, and took Harry’s right hand.
“Harry? We can leave now,” she roused him from half
slumber. Hermione glared at Fleur for taking Harry’s hand,
grabbed onto his le one, and Harry had no choice but to get
up as well. With an incline of the head to the Medi-witch who
watched on amused, the trio le the Hospital Wing a er the
It lead them to the student dorms, but instead of going into
the main corridor that lead to the boys’ and girls’ wings, it
instructed them off to a smaller corridor on the right.
“This is being where Head Girls and Head Boys rooms are,” it
told them. “Yous room is this,” it opened one on the le -hand
side, and the Trio stepped in.
“Will you needs anything from Pippy?” the Elf asked.
“Elf, please take our possessions from our dorms and bring it
here,” Fleur told it. The Elf popped away, and Fleur took in the
room. It was a small area that held a comfortable couch and a
desk obviously meant for homework, with two doors leading
off. Fleur guessed they led to a bathroom and bedroom.
“You can let go of my hand now,” Harry interrupted her. He
sounded a li le curt.
“Oh, apologies my mate,” Fleur gently squeezed his hand then
let go.
“Why is this room empty? Isn’t the Head Girl using it?”
Hermione asked, as she too, let go of Harry.
“Oh, this is only used if there are two Head Girls,” Fleur
answered her as she walked further into the room. “This year
we have one Head Girl and one Head Boy, last year we had
two Head Boys. The posi on goes to the top two students
regardless of gender you see,” she informed Hermione. Then
she opened one of the two doors.
Inside was a single large bed, but smaller beds were placed
against the wall, one of them even hid behind a screen. Fleur
looked back into the larger room and saw Hermione and
Harry were talking so ly, not paying a en on. She stepped
inside, took out her wand, and whispered: “Evanesco“.
The Vanishing Spell was one she had learned last year, and
she was very skilled at it. Her colourless spell hit the first
smaller bed and disappeared it into nothingness, then she
repeated it with the second smaller bed, and the screen. As
she slipped her wand back into her sleeve, there was no
indica on the room had ever held more than the single bed it
had now.
Meanwhile Hermione and Harry were cha ng so ly. They
didn’t even no ce the small House Elf pop back in, deposi ng
three trunks in the room, and leaving.
“What exactly did you and Fleur agree to in exchange for your
Life Debt being cancelled?” Harry asked.
“She thinks she is so clever, but I pulled one over on her,”
Hermione replied, a gleam in her eyes. “All she asked for was
that I do not get in her way if she goes a er you… and in
exchange, she will not interfere between you and I,” she
clarified to Harry.
“But nothing says you have to agree to her demands when
the me comes. So there’s no need to worry Harry, you can
forget all about the deal.” Hermione smiled at him.
Harry was about to ask what the whole child comment was
on, when Fleur stepped back in the larger room.
“Hermione, do you prefer to sleep on the le hand side, or on
the right?” she asked.
“Le , but why?” Hermione answered her, looking up at the
“Well Harry of course takes the middle, and I have no
preference,” Fleur said. “We should re re I think, there will be
classes – and ques ons – tomorrow. Are you two coming?”
“The middle? What?” Harry got to his feet, and moved to the
bedroom. Hermione was on his heels.
“Where… where are the other beds?” Harry squeaked. Fleur
caught Hermione’s eye, and indicated her head back to the
larger room.
Catching the hint, Hermione gently padded Harry’s back.
“We’re going to check the other room Harry, you wait here
okay?” she asked, and got a distracted nod in reply.
She rushed out a er Fleur, and rounded on her: “Okay, what
did you do?” she demanded.
“Calm down li le girl,” Fleur bit back. “Don’t pretend you
don’t want to sleep in the same bed as Harry?”
“Well… I…” Hermione blushed. “But just sleeping! Not… that!”
she protested.
Fleur let out a so laugh, “of course… well, I want to, as well.
All we need to do is convince my mate… are we together on
this?” she asked her.
“My boyfriend, not your mate,” Hermione grumbled. “And
okay… but no funny business understood?”
“Worry not li le girl, I am perfectly content just sleeping,”
Fleur said. ‘For now,‘ she mentally added.
The two girls stepped back inside and found Harry s ll
standing in front of the bed. “Did you find another bed in the
other room?” he asked them.
“Afraid not,” Hermione said. Her blush intensified and she
shi ed her gaze to the floor as she con nued, “We should get
to bed I think… you go in first, Harry.”
“What? I can’t sleep in here with you!” Harry protested. “I’ll…
I’ll sleep on the couch in the other room!”
“Nonsense, you will sleep here with us. I will not take no for
an answer, understood?” Fleur chided him.
“Err… but…” Harry was flustered s ll.
“This is taking too long,” Fleur stated. She trained her wand
on Harry, and said: “Discincto.” Before he could even react to
her spell, his clothes started flying off his body, leaving him
only clad in his boxers.
“Get to bed Harry,” Fleur ordered him. Harry ‘eeped‘, and
jumped on the bed, then pulled the covers over himself.
“See, that was not so hard was it?” the corners of Fleur’s
mouth rose as she suppressed a laugh. Then she took off the
transfigured shirt she s ll had been wearing, in full view of
Harry and Hermione.
“Fleur! Have you no modesty?” Hermione protested as Fleur’s
upper chest was once again revealed.
Fleur looked surprised at her, “Why should I, around my
mate? Besides, he has seen them several mes before and
Harry doesn’t mind, do you Harry?” the last was cast in an
aside to the flustered young man.
“That’s… that’s not the point!” Hermione protested again,
then she saw Fleur was wriggling her skirt down her legs,
leaving her clad only in knickers: “Fleur!”
“Stop complaining Hermione, I always sleep this way,” Fleur
answered, rolling her eyes. “Well? Are you coming to bed with
us?” she li ed the right hand side of the duvet, and stepped
onto the bed.
“I… I…” Hermione stammered, looking at the two others.
“It’s all right Hermione, it’s just sleeping and we can do
something about this tomorrow,” Harry said a er he found his
voice again.
‘That bitch is not going to beat me this easily,’ Hermione
thought as she glared at Fleur. Then wordlessly she stripped
down to bra and knickers, and while her blush deepened,
removed her bra and got in the bed as well.
“Good… goodnight Harry,” she said in a so voice, rolling on
her side so her back was facing him.
“Good night Harry,” Fleur said in a seduc ve voice to Harry’s
right. She snapped her fingers and the lights went out. She
was s ll lying on her back.
“Night Hermione, Fleur,” Harry croaked out. ‘They’re going to
kill me, how can I possibly get any sleep like this?‘ he thought,
as he tried to remain perfectly s ll, not daring to move an
inch either le or right as he listened to the breath of the two
London, England. Office of the RCM.
Royal Court Magician Amelia Bones reflected on her day. The
campaign to secure Magical Britain was nearly over: with the
excep on of Hogwarts, all major sites were now under her
control. An es mated 80% of Ministry Personnel had been
detained, as well as nearly all the Aurors: she had personally
visited many of them and with only a few excep ons, they
chose to follow their former Department Head over the
absent orders of ex-Minister Fudge.
Unfortunately Fudge had managed to escape to Hogwarts, on
the plus side this meant both primary targets were now place.
On the nega ve side, she had made a tac cal error in not
securing the school earlier, meaning Dumbledore and Fudge
now were hiding behind the future elite of Britain, including
her own niece, Susan. In hind-sight she should have go en at
least her out of school first, but things had gone much faster
than she could control.
She looked over a report from the Queen’s Guard. One of the
guardsmen, a private Varnell, had shot and killed Crabbe
senior in a foiled a ack on the Queen herself. And apparently
none other than Lucius Malfoy had been wounded and
captured… she foresaw a mee ng with Her Majesty the next
day. Things did not look good for Malfoy. Treason was s ll a
capital crime a er all… and while the Queen may have
men oned – in private – that she would not demand the
highest penal es for all Wizengamot members as long as they
asked forgiveness, she doubted Malfoy could be saved. And
that thought was not exactly unpleasant.
French Ministry of Magic, the next morning
Sirius was alerted back to awareness when he heard footsteps
coming down the cell block corridor.
“Jean! How is Emma? Can I go yet?” he blurted out when he
saw the man who was the closest to a friend he had in France.
“Emma is expected to wake up today Sirius,” Jean said. “May I
Sirius let out a bi er laugh, “It’s your gaol isn’t it?”
Jean took that as assent, and the Auror with him opened the
door. Jean stepped inside. “Sirius, I have pulled some strings,
and got you a closed trial today,” he started.
“Trial? What for? All I did was take care of a murdering
scumbag!” the animagus protested as he jumped up.
“Sit down and be calm!” Jean bellowed. Cowed, Sirius sat
back down.
“I understand your ac ons Sirius, really I do,” Jean said in a
so er voice. “But in this, my hands are ed. You did use an
Unforgivable curse, and Mister Snape is dead – it does not
ma er if you think he deserved it or not.”
“So… I… I am going to get stuffed in another cell? Is that it?”
Sirius said in a small voice.
“Not if I can help it,” Jean said in an equally so tone. “I would
like to act as your advocate in this Sirius, if you’ll let me. With
all the facts I have, I am certain I can get you out. But you’ll
need to listen to me and follow my lead.”
“That’s the best offer I’m going to get I think,” Sirius said a er
a pause. “Very well Jean… I’ll do as you say.”
“Bon,” Jean let out a sigh of relief. “Try and rest some more.
They’ll come for you in an hour and bring you to the court
room. Remember to keep your calm and let me do the talking,
and all should go well.”
Sainte Pétronille’s Hospital, Paris
“Emma? Emma, wake up please,” Remus said in a gentle
voice. He stood next to Emma Granger’s hospital bed, having
spent the night at the hospital. Apolline Delacour had had to
leave to take care of her youngest, but she would be coming
back some me this morning.
Emma s rred, and opened her eyes. “Sirius?” she asked first.
Remus winced, “he’s not here. How are you feeling Emma?”
“It doesn’t hurt any longer,” Emma answered. “Remus, what
happened? Where is Sirius? Where are the kids?”
“The kids are s ll at school, we haven’t had a chance to
inform them yet… yesterday was a horrible day,” Remus
started. “As for what happened… you were a acked by
Snape,” he spat out the word as if it was a curse, “and he
tortured you with the Cruciatus. The Healers had to put you in
a magical coma for most of the day since most Healing
Po ons don’t work as well on Muggles otherwise.”
“I had to be put in a coma? What exactly happened to me?
And what happened to Snape? And where is Sirius?” Emma
asked, showing where Hermione’s rambling ques oning came
“You… you were bleeding internally,” Remus said. “As for
Snape… Sirius killed him. That’s why he’s not here… he’s been
“Killed…” Emma trailed off. “Good,” she said in a firm voice a
moment later. “That scumbag was there when Dan… when
Dan was killed, I recognise his voice.”
She stared defiantly at Remus, daring him to object, but
Remus just nodded sadly.
Then Emma’s eyes widened a bit, “you said I was bleeding
internally? How did that happen? I read Hermione’s books
you see, and they say the Cruciatus only causes immense
“You… err…” Remus looked away, wishing for an escape.
“Tell me Remus, now,” Emma demanded.
“I really shouldn’t… here, let me call over a Healer,” Remus
protested, and made to stand up.
“Remus John Lupin, if you do not tell me now, I swear I will
get out of this bed and take it out of your hide,” Emma fumed.
“Oh Merlin,” Remus sat back down, and dared not meet her
eyes as he spoke up: “the Cruciatus causes uncontrolled
muscle movement and internal cramping. You… you lost your
baby,” he said in an almost inaudible voice.
What he was not expec ng, was a nearly hysterical laugh.
“Baby? Impossible, Dan had a vasectomy,” Emma protested.
“I’d have know if I were pregnant, stop making up lies and tell
me what really happened!”
“It was not Dan you were shagging, it was Sirius!” Remus
yelled back. “Neither of you used any protec on, and you
were carrying his child!”
“Sirius? Child?” Emma paled as realisa on set in… “Oh god no
oh god oh god oh god…” she trailed off, as she began rocking
back and forth.
A Healer burst in, “What’s all the commo on here?” He saw
Emma, and Remus standing next to her, a guilty look on his
face. “You there, out of this room!” he barked at Remus.
Two nurses rushed past him, cas ng a diagnos c spell on
“I didn’t mean to,” Remus protested.
“Out, or I’ll have security remove you!” the Healer said once
more, stepping between Remus and Emma. Remus drooped
his head, and le the room, leaving the nurses to try to calm
the Muggle woman.

A/N: Apologies for it being late, short, and over-all

unsa sfying. I had a big family meet over the weekend, and
on top of that this chapter just wouldn’t let itself be wri en.
Thanks to my reviewers, Mr Norrell in par cular, for giving me
some story ideas and ge ng anything wri en at all this week!
I’ll try to get the rest (and a proper chapter) out soon. I also
have no idea what to use for a chapter tle, the one I had
planned doesn’t fit this part. If you have any sugges ons,
please let me know. /Edit: went with a pun. Thx for the two of
you that had sugges ons :)
On a more posi ve note, this story got second place in the
Harry/Hermione category at the non-Canon awards :)
27. Good-bye to Magical Britain
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Good-bye to Magical Britain
Early in the morning, two days a er the a acks, a cell in a
secret loca on, London
Lucius Malfoy sat in a cell with an expression promising
bloody murder to any and every one. He refused to look at
this ruined flesh… his hand had been destroyed by a muggle
fire-leg, as well as his wand, and he had had to suffer the
indignity of muggle medical care. He was s ll alive, but in
pain, and imprisoned.
He mused over the failed a ack: ‘How did things go so
wrong? It was supposed to be simple… apparate in the
muggle Queen’s palace, cast a Killing Curse on her and any
other muggle present, then leave. Who had cast such a strong
an -appari on ward on the palace?’
Lucius’ concentra on broke when he heard footsteps, and
Amelia Bones stepped into view, followed by two grim-looking
men wearing muggle military uniforms.
“Mister Malfoy, you look like shite,” Amelia opened.
“That’s Lord Malfoy, and you would look the same if you were
trapped in a muggle gaol. Come to let me out?” Malfoy
answered her, a glare in his eyes.
“Lord? I think not,” Amelia smirked. “Listen up Lucius, you’ll
be the first to hear this, before it is read over the Wireless and
printed in the Daily Prophet.” She took out a piece of paper
and parchment and read:
Whereas We have taken into Our Royal Considera on the de
facto self rule by the so-called Ministry of Magic of our
Possessions in Britain, ed to our Crown by the Grace of God;
and being desirous that all Our loving Subjects, magical and
not, as well as our Kingdom itself, may find their lives in
stability, and following laws that ensure all men are treated
equal; We have thought fit, with the Advice of Our Privy
Council and Our Royal Court Magician, to issue this Our Royal
Proclama on, hereby to publish and declare to all Our loving
Subjects, that we have, with the Advice of Our said Privy
Council and Royal Court Magician, granted our Le ers Patent,
under our Great Seal of Great Britain, to erect, within the
Countries and islands confirmed to belong to Us under various
Trea es, a New Government for the so-called Magical Britain,
styled and called by the names of Crown Ministry and Magical
Ministry of Ireland, and limited and bounded as follows:
First – the Crown Ministry, comprehending the island of Great
Britain and the Kingdoms of England and Scotland contained
within, as well as the Principality of Wales; as well as the
outlying islands belonging to the Crown including but not
limited to the Channel Island, Orkney, the Isle of Man; and
also including the Territory of Northern Ireland in the former
Province of Ulster.
Secondly – the Magical Ministry of Ireland, which shall govern
the Isle of Eire except for the aforemen oned part of Ulster
which shall fall under the Crown Ministry. We have thought fit,
with the advice of Our said Privy Council and Royal Court
Magician, to cede Our direct control over this Government,
and advice it sets up es with the Irish non-magical
We have also, with the advice of Our Privy Council and Royal
Court Magician, decided to terminate all Noble Titles held by
those members of the Wizengamot that refused to re-affirm
their Oaths, in lieu of calling for their execu on as traitors to
the Crown.
And We do declare that all exis ng laws and rules wri en and
enforced by the illegal so-called Ministry of Magic to be
nullified, with new laws and rules to be wri en by the office of
the Crown Ministry.
And We do call for renewed nego a ons with those sovereign
magical na ons that are known to exist on the islands of
Great Britain and Ireland, including but not limited to the
Goblins, the Centaurs, and the Merfolk, in order to form
proper Trea es which shall be just for all.
And We do further call for the Crown Ministry and the Magical
Ministry of Ireland to introduce themselves to the so-called
Interna onal Confedera on of Wizards, in order to ensure
those other sovereign magical governments properly
acknowledge the new magical Governments under Our
Given at Our Court at St. James’s,
Malfoy paled as the implica ons set through… “You mean to
tell me this muggle bitch has declared all Noble Houses
ex nct? Over a millennium of history, gone?”
“For the me being at least, Lucius. Her Majesty has
expressed an interest to create new tles in the future… but
you’ll not be there to see it,” Amelia replied. She took on a
stern look as she looked him directly in the eye.
“Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, for conspiring to commit High
Treason against our Monarch, you are sentenced to execu on
by hanging. Would you like to confess your sins before you
shall be executed?”
“You… you’re insane!” Lucius splu ered. “I will not play along
to this charade!”
“Very well then Lucius… I’ll see you in an hour. I suggest you
make peace with whatever you believe in,” Amelia then leant
in close to the cell bars, “you murdering bastard.” She stepped
out of sight, the men following.
An hour later, the two uniformed men returned and opened
the cell door. They stepped inside, and went to either side of
“What are you doing? Unhand me, you filthy muggle!” Lucius
yelled, as they roughly took him by his arms and raised him to
his feet.
They were silent to his protests as they secured his hand and
stump behind his back with a metal chain, then marched him
out the corridor into a small courtyard, where a gallows
“You cannot do this! I am Lord Lucius Malfoy!” the wizard
protested again.
“Ready, Lucius?” Amelia stood next to the pla orm.
“No! You can’t!” Lucius protested again. Undeterred, the
military men forced him to the side of the pla orm where a
stair led up to the beam, on which a noose dangled.
A clergyman came up, “Would you like me to perform your
last sacrament, my son?” he asked in a gentle tone.
“Filth!” Lucius spat him in the face. “When my Master returns,
he will kill you all!”
“I apologize, Reverend,” Amelia said to the clergyman, who
used a ssue to remove the spi le.
“It is all right madam,” he said to Amelia.
Amelia gave a signal, and Lucius was forced up the pla orm.
As one of the soldiers held him, the second placed the noose
around his neck, the conven onal thirteen wraps knot in
place. A black hood was drawn over Lucius’ head, and he was
li ed onto the trap.
“Amelia! You must stop this! I’ll talk! I know things, I know
names!” Lucius yelled. Panic was in his voice, and his pants
grew dark as he literally pissed himself in fear.
“Do it,” Amelia said, and the trap was opened. Lucius fell
down five feet, and with a sickening crack, his neck snapped.
Amelia looked on stoically as did the soldiers, but the
clergyman had to look away.
“May God have mercy on his soul,” the priest mu ered.
Lucius Malfoy was no more.
Sainte Pétronille’s Hospital, Paris
Emma sat on her hospital bed, sobbing. The nurses refused to
give her Calming Draught, claiming that she was already at
risk of ge ng addicted to it, so Emma had no chance but to
try to deal with her problems herself. A knock on the door
came, and two persons stepped through shortly a er as
Emma did not respond.
Appolline Delacour came in, concern present on her face, as
well as a woman Emma did not know.
“Oh my dear, I am so sorry,” Apolline hugged Emma, and the
English woman was not too proud not to take the offered
comfort. For a while she just sobbed as Apolline held her,
then she finally found some grounding.
“Thank you for coming Apolline… I take it you heard
everything?” Emma said in a small voice.
“All of it yes,” Apolline confirmed. “I am so sorry you had to
suffer so much,” she added, then waved the other woman
over. “Emma? This is Charlo e Abbo , from England, she is a
friend of Remus’… would you please talk to her?”
“Hello Emma,” Charlo e said. She was a tall blonde woman,
wearing a sensible muggle business suit. “I wish I could’ve
come earlier, but magical travel to and from England is rather
difficult at the moment so I had to take the muggle route.
Remus asked me to come speak with you.”
“Why?” Emma asked, suspicion in her voice. “How do you
know him in the first place?”
“My husband went to school with him,” Charlo e said. “We
have a daughter, Hannah, who is in your Hermione’s year at
“Oh, so you’re a witch? But your clothes…” Emma trailed off.
“My husband is a wizard, and I live in a wizarding home,”
Charlo e nodded. “But I am a muggle like you. My job is…
talking to people who have to work through some difficult
situa ons. Would you like to talk, Emma? I promise to listen,
and not judge.”
“I… I am not sure,” Emma said. She looked at Apolline for
“Do it,” Apolline mouthed. Emma nodded, and beckoned
Charlo e closer. Relieved, Apolline stepped out of the room.
“How is she?” Remus asked. He was wai ng just outside, not
daring to go back inside.
“She’s hur ng, but hopefully Mme Abbo can help her,”
Apolline said. “You, Monsieur Lupin, are a fool,” she punched
him so ly on the arm.
“I know,” Remus dropped his head. “I shouldn’t have yelled at
her like that, it’s just, with the whole situa on… and Sirius in
serious trouble – heh – I wasn’t thinking straight. Do you think
she’ll forgive me?”
“That is up to her, but I think so,” Appolline padded his hand
comfor ngly. “We should go to the Ministry, see if we can
help that other fool Monsieur Black… Jean will be wai ng for
us,” she offered.
“What about Emma? And oh Merlin… what about Harry and
Hermione?” Remus asked.
“The Healers will contact us if anything comes up, but I
believe Emma will be fine, talking with Mme Abbo should do
her good. As for the kids, we really should let them have at
least one calm day at Beauxbatons don’t you think? It’s not as
if we know the outcome yet in any place,” Apolline explained.
“True that, Harry deserves a normal school day,” Remus
Beauxbatons students wing, early the same morning
Harry was dreaming he was lying on his back in a so grassy
field, looking up at the clouds. But there was something odd
about the grassy hill, it moved beneath him and he imagined
he could hear a river rouse nearby.
“Fleur! Let go of him!” he heard Hermione yell angrily.
“I did not make him do anything, I woke up like this,” Fleur’s
voice said. Strangely, the hill was rumbling as she spoke.
“Besides, doesn’t my love look comfortable like this?”
“Harry! Wake up!” Hermione yelled.
Harry opened his eyes, and saw a fleshy mound directly to his
right… he so ly turned his head, and saw another on his le …
“Harry! What do you think you are doing!” Hermione
demanded. Harry’s eyes shot fully open, and he realised his
head was on Fleur’s – bare – chest… he raised his head in a
near panic, and found Hermione si ng up on the bed glaring
at him… his gaze dropped, and he saw her perky fourteen-
year old breasts poin ng at him… he looked further down,
and found Hermione’s knickers had ridden up as she slept…
“That is an impressive size for someone your age my mate,
would you like some help taking care of it?” Fleur said from
behind him.
Harry snapped back to reality, glanced down at himself, and
found his body had reacted as could be expected this early in
the morning…
“Eek!” Harry jumped up, and rushed out the bedroom. The
girls heard the bathroom door slam shut a second later, and
water began running as Harry jumped under a cold shower.
“You… you… you bitch! How can you be so cruel to Harry?”
Hermione glared at Fleur.
“Cruel? Harry doesn’t seem to have minded,” Fleur let out a
small laugh. “You should relax li le girl.”
“Relax? When you are all but… raping my boyfriend?”
Hermione shrieked.
“Silent,” Fleur bit at her. “Need I remind you of our deal? I will
allow you to court my mate… but I will not give up on him,
ever. You should thank me… I am merely trying to get Harry
more comfortable around me… and you… so that our
rela onship can progress into the next stage. Surely you
cannot be so blind not to no ce he is far too mid?”
“Well yes but… I don’t want you to molest my Harry like that!”
Hermione protested.
“He was the one who decided to use me as a pillow,” Fleur
said with a giggle. “I can’t help it if he subconsciously prefers
these,” she li ed her rather impressive pair briefly, “over your
pin-pricks. But don’t worry li le girl, in a few years you may
grow up and find someone who does like you.”
“Bitch,” Hermione simply said. ‘I am ge ng rid of you one
way or another,‘ she vowed to herself.
Following a long cold shower, Harry made it back to the
bedroom to get dressed. Hermione and Fleur rushed to get
into the bathroom, the younger girl bea ng the Veela by a
single step.
‘They’re going to be the death of me,’ Harry mused as he put
on his clothes. Once he was done he went into the connec ng
study room and waited for the girls to both get ready.
“We need to talk,” he said as both came out.
“Can it wait Harry? We need to get some breakfast before
classes start,” Hermione said.
“No it bloody well can’t,” Harry said in a stern tone. “I am not
some trophy to be won over! Hermione, we had this talk
before and you said you understood?”
“But Harry, I thought you understood what the deal actually
meant, and –” Hermione started to explain.
“I don’t care,” Harry grumbled. “I can’t deal with another
night like yesterday’s. Either there are going to be some rules,
or I move out.”
“Harry love, be reasonable,” Fleur tried. “I am sorry my
teasing went a li le overboard, but you have to understand,
you need to be kept safe.”
“Okay, I can understand that I guess,” Harry admi ed. “But
you both are at least going to wear proper sleeping clothes.
And we need to set some privacy rules”
“Don’t you like looking at me?” Fleur pouted.
“Errr… it’s not that, it’s…” Harry looked to Hermione for
“What Harry means, is that you don’t need to flaunt yourself
like some cheap streetwalker,” Hermione stated in a mean
“And who was it who stripped down as well last night, li le
girl?” Fleur glared.
“Ugh I am so red of this! You two fight all you want, I’m
going for breakfast!” Harry grabbed his school bag, and
walked out the room. The two girls shared a single look, then
rushed a er him.
Courtroom Two, French Ministry
Sirius Black looked worried as he was brought forward. He
had never seen the inside of a Bri sh courtroom as an
accused – he would have if he had had his trial, but of course
that never happened. But from the visitor’s gallery he had
seen the inside before, and this French room looked very
similar, down to the chair with straps for the accused where
he was now lead to. Fortunately the bands were not clasped
closed as he was instructed to sit down.
He saw Remus and Apolline si ng on the otherwise mostly
empty visitor’s benches, and felt a li le relief at the support
at least.
A clerk stood up and declared: “Trial of the accused Sirius
Black, English wizard on temporary asylum to France, for the
charge of murder. Honourable Judge Bonisseur presiding.
Everyone rise.”
Sirius got to his feet as the judge entered, and waited un l he
was instructed to sit down. The judge asked: “Who is speaking
for the defence?”
“That will be me your honour,” Jean spoke up. Sirius let out a
sigh of relief as his friend stepped up to his chair.
“Monsieur Delacour? It is highly irregular to find the Jus ce
Minister speaking for a defendant,” the judge commented.
“I am here not wearing my official hat your honour,” Jean said
respec ully.
“Very well, then I’ll allow it,” the judge said. “Who is speaking
for the prosecu on?”
“Magistrate Louis Banque, your honour” a s ff-looking man
who stood a few metres to Sirius’ le said.
“Very well, let us get started then. Is there anything we need
to discuss before we read out the charges and hear the
defendant’s plea?” the judge asked.
Jean spoke up: “May I approach the bench, your honour?”
The judge nodded, and Jean, followed by his counterpart,
went up to the judge.
“What is this about Jean?” the judge asked.
“Your honour, we would like to propose a plea bargain,” Jean
“A bargain? You’re going to need to give me something good
Jean, Mr Black was caught pre y much in the act,” Louis
Banque countered.
“Well, Mister Delacour?” the judge asked.
“Your honour, you are familiar with Mr Black’s history I
assume?” Jean asked. The judge nodded, and Jean con nued:
“Mr Black was not… fully in his right mind when he found
the… vic m… torturing Emma Granger, a woman with whom
my client has been having a roman c rela onship. He was
tortured for over a decade in the most vile prison on this
Earth by the Dementors, and hasn’t had the chance to deal
with that in a healthy manner.”
“All the more reason he should be kept away from the general
popula on,” Mr Banque suggested. “Unlike our Bri sh
‘friends’ we do not torture our prisoners, and once Mr Black is
safely behind bars we can force him to accept professional
“That seems like a good sugges on to me Mr Delacour,” the
judge offered.
Jean suppressed a grimace as he spoke up again, “May I
propose an alterna ve? My client will plead guilty… if his
sentence is commuted to having him sent back to England.”
“Hmm, that would remove him from the populace, but isn’t
he at risk from the Fudge administra on? Surely a prison
sentence is preferable to execu on. I am willing to lower my
demand to two decades in prison, instead of life,” Mr Banque
“You’ve not read the papers this morning Louis?” Jean
allowed a small smile to creep on his face. “Fudge is out of
power, and an honourable woman, Madam Bones, is now in
charge over there.”
“Interes ng,” Mr Banque mused. “But s ll, why should I
accept the plea bargain?”
Jean looked directly in his opponent’s eyes, “because if you
don’t, we’re pleading not guilty on account of my client not
being capable to stand trial. You do realise that not only was
the deceased torturing someone my client loves, but she was
also carrying his child – and lost it as a result of the torture?”
“But he didn’t know that!” Mr Banque complained. “You can’t
use that in court!”
“Can you prove my client did not know? And even if he didn’t,
do you think he’ll pass a psychological examina on?” Jean
looked up at the judge, and con nued: “Your honour, Mr
Black’s friend Remus Lupin has contacts in Britain s ll who can
take care of my client should he be sent back. I honestly feel it
is the best solu on for us all.”
“Very well, I will accept a long-term ban on entering France,
and a he y monetary fine, in exchange for a guilty plea,” Mr
Banque said a er a pause.
“Mr Delacour? Do you agree?” the judge asked.
“Yes, your honour,” Jean said. “It is be er than the
alterna ve… May I have a moment to speak with my client
before we con nue?”
“Of course,” the judge allowed. Jean walked back to Sirius.
“What the hell is going on Jean? What were you talking
about?” Sirius demanded in hushed tones.
“It took some clever manoeuvring, but I managed to keep you
out of prison Sirius,” Jean said.
“That’s great,” Sirius let out a sigh of relief. “So I can walk
“Not… exactly. Sirius, if you plead guilty to killing Snape… you
will be banned from France, but you will not have to go back
to prison.”
“But… where will I go? They want to kill me in England! And
what about Harry? And Emma?” Sirius asked worriedly.
“England is safe Sirius,” Jean padded his hand. “Fudge and
Dumbledore are no longer in power. Harry and Emma will be
fine here, I will personally make sure of it.”
“Is there no other way?” Sirius begged. Jean shook his head,
and Sirius deflated. “Very well then… I’ll plead guilty.”
“Mr Delacour, can we proceed?” The judge asked.
“Yes, your honour,” Jean answered.
“I understand the defence and prosecu on have come to an
agreement,” the judge spoke. “Mr Delacour, has your client
been informed of the deal?”
“Yes, your honour,” Jean again said.
“Very well. In the case of the murder of one Severus Tobias
Snape by the accused, Sirius Orion Black, how does the
defendant plead?”
Sirius stood up, and took a moment to steady himself. Then in
a steady voice he spoke, “Guilty, your honour.”
On the visitor’s gallery, Remus s ffened. Appolline took his
hand and squeezed for support.
“Then in accordance with the bargain my sentence is as
follows: Mr Black, you will be fined four thousand Galleons,
and will be extradited to England at the earliest opportunity.
You will not be allowed to return for a period of no less than
forty years.
Your magical signature will be recorded, should you return
before your term is up, you will be imprisoned for life in La
Bas lle. Understood?”
“Y– Yes, your honour,” Sirius answered, allowing his shoulders
to sag.
“Aurors, take the accused back to his cell for now. Court
adjourned,” the judge stood up, everyone rising with him, and
he le .
“Jean, what about Emma? Harry? My house?” Sirius asked,
even as two guards came up.
“I will take care of it Sirius,” Jean comfor ngly said. “I’ll visit
later and we’ll work out the details.”
Sirius calmed and allowed himself to be moved away. Jean
went over to the visitor’s gallery.
“Exile, Jean? Was there nothing you could do?” Remus asked
“It is the best I could do… it was exile, or life imprisonment,”
Jean defended himself.
“Maybe it’s for the best,” Apolline suggested. “This way, he
and poor Mme Granger are far from each other, allowing
them both to heal…”
“As always, you are right, my dear,” Jean smiled, as he took
her hand. Remus was le worrying on how they would break
the news to Harry and Hermione… let alone what would
happen with Emma now.
Ministry building, London
Amelia looked around as she and her four guards stepped out
of the employee’s entrance to the Ministry, then waited for
the others to join her. Several people arrived simultaneously,
among them one clad in Unspeakable’s robes.
“Seems you were right Algernon,” she commented to the
Unspeakable standing next to her. “As soon as the oaths were
confirmed, the Ministry became accessible again.”
Algernon Croaker nodded, “as I suspected, Madam RCM. I will
contact my department members and we shall return to work
at this main site shortly.”
“One day you’ll need to tell me what it is exactly you do down
there,” Amelia said.
Croaker let out a laugh, “Perhaps… it’s on a need-to-know
basis though, and you do not need to know at this me.”
“Away with you scamp,” Amelia smiled. “Arthur, Dirk, will you
join me?” she asked the two man standing closest. Arthur
Weasley and Dirk Creswell stepped in line, as their new leader
and her bodyguard went for the li .
“I am not sure about this Madam Bones,” Arthur started.
“Arthur, call me Amelia please,” Amelia suggested. “We’ll be
working closely together from now on won’t we?”
“Yes Amelia, but are you certain I am the right person? I was
just dealing with a small sub-department before,” Arthur
Amelia shot him a smile. “Arthur, I trust you. I need someone
comfortable around muggles, a er all you’ll be in charge of
transla ng the Bri sh civil laws for a magical world. As for you
Dirk,” she moved her a en on to the other wizard, “I hope
you’re up for the task. Her Majesty not only wants the Crown
Ministry to establish working rela ons with the other ICW
na ons, we also need to help the Irish in se ng up their own
Ministry, and we need to sign new trea es with the other
“I have a good accord with the Goblin reader Ragnok, but I’ll
need some help ge ng an “in” with the Centaurs and
Merfolk,” Dirk admi ed.
“Talk to me or my assistants on what you need, we have carte
blanche from her Majesty to start from scratch,” Amelia told
them. “I’ll be in my office later, first I have an important
mee ng.”
The li stopped, and Amelia and her guards got out. They
were on the floor that used to – and soon would again – hold
the offices of the DMLE as well as the Minister. They rounded
the corner and found none other than Alastor Moody si ng
there, flanked by two French Aurors, easily recognisable by
their blue uniforms with fleurs-de-lys. Amelia thought it fi ng
he was wai ng at what once had been his desk.
“Madam Bones,” Moody said respec ully, rising to his feet.
“Thank you for hearing me out in person.”
“You were a good man Alastor, and a great colleague. Despite
your blind loyalty to Dumbledore, I had to intercede when
Jean Delacour told me you were in a French holding cell.
“Dumbledore, don’t talk to me about that man,” Moody
growled. “He lied to me, and made me go a er school
children… I nearly made a huge mistake.”
“I heard,” Amelia replied dryly. “A dark cu ng curse at a
fourteen-year old girl, Alastor? Really?”
“She could have ducked,” Moody grumbled. Then he let out a
sigh. “What’s done’s, done. The French were happy to send
me back over the Channel, once I told them I’d work for you
“Will you, Alastor?” Madam Bones looked at him cri cally.
“You do know I will go a er Dumbledore now, right? Your
leader in the Order of the Phoenix?”
“Amy, I will swear an Oath if you wish,” Moody answered her.
“That man lost my respect.”
“I will take that Oath,” Amelia nodded. “And then we’ll talk
about what you know about Dumbledore, and his
Throughout Britain, people listened in wonder to the Wireless
or read the Daily Prophet which held the Proclama on. The
Wireless had more to add a er it informed the public about
the new Crown Ministry though:
“We have it from reliable sources that the Ministry building
has been opened up again, and that RCM Madam Amelia
Bones will be taking office there today. The floos should be re-
opening later today or tomorrow, however for the me being
all appari on into the Ministry building shall be banned,” the
reporter read. “We have no word on the whereabouts of
former Minister Fudge yet, and we’ve reached out to Madam
Bones as well as former Chief Warlock Dumbledore for a
comment, but they have not yet replied.
We will keep you informed as news comes in,” she concluded.
At Hogwarts, Dumbledore, Fudge and Umbridge sat in the
Headmaster’s office listening to the Wireless – the only one
s ll opera onal in the castle – with pale expressions on their
“Dumbledore! What can we do now? The Ministry is gone!”
Fudge complained.
“I must confess Cornelius, this took me by surprise,”
Dumbledore said a er a pause. “Not all is lost though, I s ll
see a way out,”
‘For myself,’ he mentally added.
“Please, why don’t you and Madam Umbridge re re to your
guest chambers? I will inform you once I have some news,”
Dumbledore said, using some subtle compulsion magic to
make them agree.
The two le his office, and Dumbledore let out a deep sigh.
“So it has come to this eh, Fawkes? I will miss this castle, you
know… but hopefully I can return in me.”
Fawkes squawked ques oningly, cocking his head to the side.
“Yes my friend, I am afraid I must leave here,” Dumbledore
spoke to his familiar. “Some mes we must accept a small
defeat if we are to win the war.”
He took out a quill, and wrote a note, then ed it to the
phoenix’s leg. “Please Fawkes, take this to Amelia and wait for
a reply.”
The phoenix nodded, and flamed away. Dumbledore sat at his
desk, le ng his head rest on his hands.

A/N: Some of you really hate Fleur in this story, judging by the
angry reviews I got demanding I kill her.
If you’re s ll reading despite me le ng Fleur live, thanks for
s cking with me.
I hope I got the style of a royal proclama on right. The court
case is ridiculous I know, blame the magicals for not seeing
common sense, not the author for having no idea how to
write a believable court scene *whistles*.
28. Boiling Point
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Boiling Point
Harry pointedly ignored both Hermione and Fleur at
breakfast. Despite both of them trying their best to get his
a en on, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with either of them.
Julie tried to get him out of his slump: “Harry, can I have my
kiss now?” she asked, blushing slightly.
“I’m not kissing anyone,” Harry grumbled, turning away from
“But you promised!” Julie complained.
“I don’t feel like it. Go bother someone else,” Harry bit at her
in reply. Ge ng the message, Julie backed off. The girls
seemed very disappointed Harry reneged on the deal like
“Mia, you said it was okay,” Julie complained to Hermione.
Hermione looked at Harry and saw him scowl in reply.
“Sorry Julie, maybe tomorrow? He’s a li le annoyed,” she
tried to explain. Harry scoffed loudly at the ‘a li le’, but
otherwise kept silent.
Finally they could leave for class. Harry was happy to take his
minds off other things, and he was trying to perform a tricky
colour changing charm when the classroom door opened, and
Fleur stepped in.
“Yes, Miss Delacour?” Professeur Poussin asked the intruder.
“Apologies Professeur, but I must ask Mr Po er and Miss
Granger to come with me to the Headmistress’s office,” Fleur
Their teacher shrugged, and said: “Very well. Mr Po er, Miss
Granger, pack up your things and you can go. Your year mates
will tell you what we covered in class.”
Harry grumbled. He wanted to protest out loud, the last thing
he needed was more drama this morning, which inevitably
would come if he was forced to be with them, but what he
liked even less was airing their problems in public like this.
They were all looking at him a er Hermione stepped outside,
so he quickly packed his books back in his bag, and stepped
out into the corridor to join the girls.
“What’s this about?” Harry asked. “It be er not be another of
your tricks.”
“Oh my mate, you think so li le of me?” Fleur pouted, then
took on a more serious expression. “Madame Maxime really
did call for the three of us. Please, come with me.” The two
Bri sh exiles shared a look, then followed a er the Veela.
Inside Madame Maxime’s office they found Remus wai ng.
“Hello Harry, Hermione,” he greeted them with a small smile,
then turned to Fleur, “Miss Delacour,” he nodded.
“Monsieur Lupin,” Fleur inclined her head.
“Remus, what brings you here?” Harry cau ously asked.
“Don’t tell me something is wrong again.”
Remus winced. “Actually… Harry, Hermione, there was an
a ack at your home. Emma was hurt, and Sirius…”
“What?! Where’s mummy?” Hermione shrieked.
“She’s fine now!” Remus hurried to explain. “Hermione,
Emma is in the hospital now, but she should be recovering
nicely. I will take you to see her in a few.”
“And Sirius?” Harry demanded.
“Sirius… oh Merlin.” Remus trailed off.
Harry paled. “Is he… dead?”
“No, no! But he’s…” Remus looked pained, as he sought for
the right words. “Crap. Harry, Sirius found the a acker hur ng
Emma, and he killed them. Sadly, that got him in trouble with
the law.”
“Why?” Harry looked angry. “If he was protec ng Emma,
surely he –”
“Harry, it’s gone beyond that” Remus stated bluntly. “Mr
Delacour did what he could to keep Sirius from going to
prison, and at least your godfather will not be locked away.”
“But?” Harry said through clenched teeth.
“But he’s been banned from France. He’s going to have to
leave some me today.”
“You cannot be serious!” Harry yelled.
“No I’m not, that’s your godfather,” Remus quipped.
Harry glared at him. “Really? You think now is the me for
Remus was about to reply when Madame Maxime cleared her
throat. “Ahem. Monsieur Lupin, why don’t you take them to
Sainte Pétronille’s now? I am sure Miss Granger will want to
see her mother.”
“Before we go, why is she here?” Harry indicated Fleur with
his thumb.
“Jean and Apolline asked for her,” Remus said. “Look, shall
we? Erm… why don’t you and Hermione go first Harry? Just
clearly say ‘Sainte Pétronille’s Hospital‘ when you step into the
floo. Fleur and I will follow.”
“Hermione?” Harry offered her his hand. Wordlessly she
accepted and let him guide her to the floo, then he threw
down the powder and flooed them away with a call of the
“Is there something wrong between the two of them?”
Remus asked Fleur as they, too, stepped into the floo.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with Monsieur Lupin,”
Fleur deflected. She took the floo powder, and they flooed
out in turn.
Ministry Building, London
Amelia was s ll speaking with Moody when Fawkes flamed in
with a le er.
“Don’t take that le er!” Moody barked before Amelia could
grab it, and quickly he cast a detec on spell.
“Old goat-lover is up to something,” he grumbled as the le er
got a purple glow. “There’s some mind-influencing magic on
it, from what I can tell.”
“Thanks Moody,” Amelia said gratefully. ‘I can’t believe I
almost fell for such a rookie mistake,‘ she chided herself
Fawkes chirped and cocked his head, as he again held out his
“Hold s ll you,” Amelia barked. She grabbed a quill and some
paper, and scribbled a note, then ed it to Fawkes’ other leg.
The phoenix stared at her.
“Take both back to your master,” Amelia ordered. “I am not
touching that le er he sent me, understood?”
Fawkes squawked, and flamed away.
“We’re going to need some defences against phoenix travel,”
Amelia stated. “I’ll ask Croaker to find a way to block Albus’
bloody pigeon.”
“Just blast it with a Reducto,” Moody offered. At Amelia’s
horrified look he added, “What? The bird is immortal isn’t it?
A well-aimed spell will just force it back to chick state, so
Dumbledore can’t use it to flame away for a few days.”
“I’ll… keep that under considera on,” Amelia replied.
Dumbledore got a frown on his face as Fawkes returned with
two le ers, his original, and a new one. He relieved Fawkes of
both, then read Amelia’s new note:
‘Dumbledore, if you think I’m le ng you use mind magic on
me you’re further gone than I thought. If you want to talk eye
to eye, we can meet either at the Ministry building, or in
Hogsmeade. Send me a Patronus message if you decide on a
loca on and me.
I advise you not to try to do something stupid like using the
children as collateral. Hopefully, you’re not the Dark Lord
some people say you are making yourself out to be.
RCM Amelia Bones’
Dumbledore stroked his beard. “Well Fawkes my friend, alas
Amelia isn’t willing to amicably solve our li le problem… but I
doubt going to the Ministry will end well for anyone. What do
you think?”
Fawkes preened his feathers.
“Right you are, Hogsmeade it is. I’d best inform Minerva,”
Dumbledore stood up and cast his patronus. The silver
phoenix flew through the walls to Madam Bones, while
Dumbledore sought out his second.
Professor McGonagall was of course in class, teaching, but she
stepped outside as her superior asked for her. “Yes Albus?”
“Minerva, I am leaving Hogwarts for now, and I do not know
when I will be able to return. Can I trust you to keep the
school running in my absence?” Dumbledore spoke.
“Albus, what do you mean? Where are you going?”
McGonagall sounded worried.
“I have tried to shield the students and staff from the bad
news, but it seems Dark forces have managed to take over
Britain. Madam Bones is their current leader… she has
commi ed a coup on the Ministry, and I fear Hogwarts will be
next,” he said.
“Surely the walls can keep them out? Albus, you cannot give
“Alas Minerva, that is exactly what they want… then they can
claim I am a Dark Lord who wishes to use the children as
shields. Bare in mind, young Miss Bones is currently in the
castle as well. No, I am going to surrender Hogwarts. That
way, I can keep you in charge here, and while I escape to a
safe loca on, you can be my eyes and ears inside.”
“Should I call the Order?” McGonagall suggested.
Dumbledore shook his head: “The enemy is more insidious
than I believed, and I fear many have already fallen for her
schemes. For the me being, only trust in the school staff, my
“All right Albus, if you think it’s best,” McGonagall embraced
him. “Stay safe?”
“I will,” Dumbledore promised with a smile. He strode off to
the stairwell. McGonagall watched a er him for a bit, then
returned to class. There would be me for announcements at
Madam Bones entered the Hog’s Head pub along with four
Aurors. Quietly over half the pub’s clientèle sneaked out
through the back door, and the barman gave them an
annoyed look as he indicated his head to the stairs.
Taking the hint, the RCM and her guard went upstairs, and
found Dumbledore si ng calmly at a table.
“Amelia my dear, do take a seat,” Dumbledore said without
“I’ll stand,” Amelia countered. “You know why I am here I
“Hogwarts’ gates will open for your Aurors,” Dumbledore said.
“You will find former Minister Fudge and his Undersecretary
in the guest quarters on the third floor. I locked them into
their room before I le .”
“You think that by offering up Fudge you will be going scot-
free?” Amelia asked.
“Oh no, it is too late for that,” Dumbledore smiled. “Hogwarts
will officially submit to your new Ministry, and I promise to let
any parents that wish to pull their children from school…
provided Hogwarts can remain opera onal.”
“Under your control, I bet,” Amelia scoffed.
“Oh no, I have stepped down. Professor McGonagall was quite
surprised, but I am sure she can handle the work,”
Dumbledore said.
“I… I see,” Amelia stalled. She looked the man over, he was
looking far too calm. “And what about you? Surely you
understand I will have to arrest you for High Treason?”
“Must we use such unpleasant terms?” Dumbledore let out a
sigh. “Much as I regret how some of my ac ons may look, I
cannot allow myself to be put at the muggle Queen’s mercy,”
he said.
“Dumbledore… Albus… you cannot seriously think I can let
you leave,” Amelia said slowly. “I do not wish to fight you so I
am asking you, please surrender.”
“I think not Amelia,” Dumbledore gave her a disappointed
look. “Portus,” his right arm moved slightly under the table,
and before the eyes of Madam Bones and her Aurors, he was
whisked away.
“Dammit all to heck! Get me a portkey tracker here, stat!” she
barked at her men. ‘I knew things were going too easy…
Dumbledore, what are you planning?‘ she thought.
Sainte Pétronille’s Hospital
Harry watched from the door as Hermione climbed into her
mother’s hospital bed, and the two Granger women hugged.
The medical staff refused to answer any specifics on Emma’s
condi on, and neither Remus nor Emma herself were willing
to go into details. Harry and Hermione were relieved to at
least hear that Emma was free to leave today.
There was another Englishwoman present who introduced
herself as the mother of one his Hogwarts class mates, a
Charlo e Abbo , but what she had to do with everything
wasn’t clear to him yet.
The Delacours and Remus were out in the hallway, speaking.
Harry caught Emma’s eye and she smiled at him. He shot her
a small smile back, then stepped out, giving the Granger
women some privacy, with Mrs Abbo who Emma asked to
stay close by.
“Harry, good, we need to talk,” Remus said as he found Harry
walking their way.
“Can we go see Sirius now?” Harry asked.
“In a bit, first we need to discuss something important,”
Remus said.
“Harry! I always wanted a big brother, even if you make sissie
cry,” Gabrielle broke free from her mother’s hand, and rushed
towards Harry.
“Hey there Gabbi,” Harry held out his arms and caught her,
then pulled her on his lap as he sat down. Despite how he
now felt about Fleur, Gabrielle was an innocent, and he
genuinely began to care for the li le girl.
Mr and Mrs Delacour smiled at the sight. Fleur was also
looking at them, but Harry felt far more uncomfortable under
her gaze as it implied she had other things on her mind.
“What do you mean, big brother?” Harry asked Gabbi.
Anything to take his mind off Fleur for now.
“Daddy and mummy said that –” the excitable li le blonde
“Gabrielle? Please let mummy tell Harry,” Apolline stopped
her. Gabrielle nodded, and Apolline con nued: “Harry, Jean
and I have offered Mme Granger a place to stay with us, now
that she is released from the hospital. We all believe a normal
household is a be er place for her to recover.”
“Oh,” Harry simply said. “Guess that’ll make it quite lonely in
the Black villa.”
“About that,” Apolline looked to Remus for support, and
found him nodding. “Harry, legally you are the ward of
Monsieur Black… however with his legal problems, we’ve
decided to ask for your custody in his place.”
“Wait, do you mean I have to stay with you now?” Harry
sounded surprised.
“Oui,” Apolline beamed at him. “Gabrielle is exited, she
always wanted a big brother.. and of course this way you can
stay close to our Fleur.”
“And Hermione,” Jean added.
“I… I don’t know,” Harry just said. “Why can’t Remus and I just
stay in the Black Villa? It’s a nice enough place.”
“We can move in there together once we get married, my
mate,” Fleur suggested. “I am sure Monsieur Black will be
willing to give, or sell it to you if you ask.”
“Don’t count on me marrying you,” Harry scoffed. Fleur
winced a bit at the venom in his voice.
“I need to think about this,” he con nued, ignoring Fleur’s
pained look. “When do I need to decide?”
“You have a li le me, but soon,” Remus suggested. “Shall we
see if Hermione and Emma are ready? We should be going to
see Sirius now.”
“I guess,” Harry mumbled.
“You wait there, I’ll see if Hermione wants to come,” Remus
walked over, allowing Gabrielle to stay on Harry’s lap.
Remus and Hermione walked back to the group a li le later.
“Mummy will stay here,” Hermione informed them.
“Doesn’t she want to say goodbye to Sirius? A er all, they…
well, you know,” Harry lamely finished, realising Gabrielle was
s ll on his lap and unwilling to spell things out.
“She said it was be er this way,” Hermione sounded a bit
“Hi Gabbi… guess I’ll be your big sister for a while,” she smiled
at the li le blonde.
“Will you play with me, or will you always send me away like
Fleur does?” Gabbi asked her, sliding off Harry’s lap.
“Of course I’ll play with you, I never had a li le sister before,”
Hermione promised.
“Goodie! Then I forgive you for stealing my sister’s mate,”
Gabbi stated, rushing in for a hug. As Hermione received it
she shot a glare at Fleur for badmouthing her to her sister,
Fleur didn’t seem worried though.
“Shall we then?” Remus suggested.
French Ministry of Magic, Visitor’s Area of the Holding Cell
Sirius looked up as the group entered the room. “Pup!” He
rushed to embrace his godson, then looked around. “Where is
“Emma is not coming Sirius,” Remus said.
“Why not? Is she hurt s ll? Jean, can’t you let me go see
her?” Sirius blurted out, moving from Remus to Jean.
“Monsieur Black, we’ll talk about it later in private okay?”
Jean offered. “Now, I suggest you make the most of your
me… alas I will have to escort you to Calais today.”
“You’re really going through with it then?” Sirius sounded sad.
“Exiling me from France, just for taking care of a murdering
“Sirius! Mind the company,” Remus hissed, poin ng at
“We will let you talk a bit… Jean, why don’t we show Gabrielle
where your office is?” Apolline suggested.
“Capital idea. We’ll return within the hour,” Jean agreed.
“Fleur, you coming with us?”
“If it’s all right with you, I’ll stay here,” Fleur said. The
Delacours nodded, and le .
“Okay… with li le ears gone, what ‘murdering beast’ did you
mean?” Harry asked.
“Remus didn’t tell you?” Sirius looked incredulously as the
Wolf shook his head.
“Snape, Harry. These bloody frogs are kicking me out of the
country because I killed that no-good Death Eater while he
was torturing my Ems!” Sirius yelled.
“Tor… torture?” Hermione said in a small voice.
“Merlin Moony, haven’t you told them anything?” Sirius
glared at his oldest friend. “Hermione, Harry… Snape broke
through my wards and a acked Ems. I arrived as he had her
under the Cruciatus… and took care of the murdering bastard.
But do you think these bloody frogs gave me a medal? No!
They decided to either throw me in prison or kick me out…
lucky for me they chose the la er,” his voice was laden with
Fleur apparently took affront to the slights on her country as
she spoke up: “You must not be telling us all Monsieur Black.
There is no way daddy would let them throw you out just for
defending yourself.”
“So what if I used the Killing Curse? Snape deserved it!” Sirius
The kids looked at him in shock. Harry was first to recover.
“Good,” he said. “About me someone takes care of him. I’m
glad it was you, Sirius.”
“Harry! How can you say that! Don’t you realize how bad this
is?” Hermione rounded on him.
“Harry… the Killing Curse, it is evil! Nobody can ever use it, it
stains the soul!” Fleur added. Her face was pale s ll from
shock, and she inched away from Sirius slowly as if afraid even
being near him would hurt her, somehow.
Harry glared at them both. “Why do I even bother with either
of you? All you do is treat me like some trophy to fight over,
and you ignore my feelings and opinions!”
“Harry, how can you say that? I love you!” Hermione cried.
“Harry… my mate… I always listen to you,” Fleur said in a
seduc ve voice. Harry felt the pull of her allure start. That
only made him angrier.
“You love me? You listen to me?” Harry scoffed, figh ng off
the allure. “Hermione, a er that stupid duel you fought you
promised, PROMISED to listen to me from now on, didn’t
“Yes…” Hermione said so ly.
“And yet, you and Fleur decided, WITHOUT ASKING ME, to
share me? ‘She thinks she is so clever, but I pulled one over
on her’ eh, Hermione? Did you think I forgot you pre y much
told her that you were okay with her bearing my children one
day, while at the same me you claim to want to be with
me?” Harry glared at Hermione.
Fleur sported a wide grin, un l he rounded on her in turn.
“And you! A er that same bloody duel, you claimed to want
to be friends!”
“But Harry, aren’t we friends?” Fleur countered.
“Friends don’t trick their friends like you did! Did you plan to
get hurt saving Hermione just so you could trap her into that
insane proposal, or was that just luck?” Harry fumed. “No,
don’t answer that. Answer me this instead… can you honestly
swear that there only being one bed last night was not your
Fleur kept silent, not mee ng his gaze.
“That’s what I thought,” Harry broke the silence. “Let me
guess, you and my so-called girlfriend decided to ‘let me get
used to it’ or some bull crap like that? Again, deciding FOR
me, not WITH me?” He glared at them both.
Sirius and Remus had been looking on in silence, but now
Remus spoke up.
“Harry… don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh on them?”
“Oh, now you have something to say?” Harry glared at Remus.
“And I am the bad guy?”
“You are the one ran ng, I don’t see them doing that,” Remus
sounded a bit irked.
“Bloody useless!” Harry glared at Remus, then shi ed his gaze
to Sirius, who was standing off to the side, looking sad. “Well,
what do you have to say?” he spat at his godfather.
“Look pup, I don’t have all the facts,” Sirius said, “but if it is as
you say it is, I understand you’re upset.”
“No wise cracks about how I should feel lucky to have two
girls in my bed?” Harry sounded a bit surprised.
“Teasing can come later, I know when it’s not the me for
that,” Sirius said.
“Hah! That’ll be the first,” Remus blurted out.
“Harry… it is not as you think,” Hermione tried.
“She is right my love… let us talk about it,” Fleur added.
Harry glared at them both. “Fleur, tell your mother and father
I appreciate the offer, but I’m staying with Sirius,” he said.
“Hermione, say bye to Emma for me okay? Fleur, give Gabbi a
hug for me.”
“Harry, what are you –” “What do you mean, my mate?” the
girls asked in tandem.
Harry took Sirius by the arm. “Let’s go.”
Before Remus or the girls could react, Harry and Sirius
disappeared in a wisp of smoke. The Ministry wards, like
those at Hogwarts, were set up to block portkeys and
appari on, but apparently not fuma on.

A/N: Don’t kill me! Next chapter will come early.

Thanks to Mr Norrell for helping me with this chapter and
sugges ng some great ideas on where to take the tale next.
29. Resolu on
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Resolu on
Black Villa
Sirius shook his head as he and Harry appeared in the foyer of
the Black Villa.
“I completely forgot you could do that, pup,” he commented
as he got his bearings. “So, what are we doing here?”
“I am sick and red of France,” Harry told him. “Come on,
pack what we want to take with us. No idea how much me
we have,” he rushed to the stairs.
“Harry, wait a sec,” Sirius called him back. “What is the plan?”
Harry waited at the bo om step. “Look Sirius, they’re going to
send you out of the country. What if they send you back to
England, where both the Ministry and Dumbledore are a er
us?” He sounded annoyed.
“Harry, they said it was safe there now. Apparently Fudge is
gone,” Sirius tried. “Look, let’s go back and talk things out,
“Suddenly you’re the voice of reason?” Harry let out a weird
laugh. “I don’t trust poli cians. Look, if you don’t want to
come with me it’s fine with me. It’s your life you’re gambling
away. I can handle being on my own.”
“No, no, I’m coming with you,” Sirius quickly said. “Let’s see…
how do you feel about Gibraltar?”
“I have no idea where that is,” Harry said.
“Didn’t those bloody Muggles teach you any geography?”
Sirius sounded surprised. “Gibraltar is perfect pup. It’s part of
Muggle England, but magically, it is in limbo between Britain
and Spain. Meaning, it is mostly self-ruled.”
“And why is that good for us?”
“The governor is distant family,” Sirius recalled. “I haven’t
spoken to him since I was a Hogwarts brat, but I bet he’ll at
least listen to us. And if not… you can use that fancy fuma on
trick of yours to get us out of trouble, can’t you?”
“I… I guess,” Harry said. “Are you sure we’ll be safe though?
And what about, well, our stuff?”
“As sure as I can be,” Sirius stated. “I’ll seal up the wards on
the Black Villa, don’t worry, I’ll make sure the Grangers’ and
Remus’ possessions are out on the lawn where they can get to
it. Once we’re se led in we can hire a House Elf to get what
we leave behind to our new loca on.” He had a gleam in his
eye as he thought about star ng anew.
“Sounds like a plan… do you think a House Elf can also take
my stuff out of Beauxbatons then?” Harry asked.
“Sure, I don’t see why not. I’ll admit I don’t like the creatures
much which is why I don’t have one here, but they can be
useful. We’ll need a housekeeper, since I can’t cook, and I
doubt you want to do all the cleaning,” Sirius admi ed.
Harry let out a short laugh. “So where is this Gibraltar? Can
you take us there?” he asked him next.
“All the way south, once we’re across the Spanish border I can
probably apparate us, or we can use the Spanish floo system.
Erm, do you know how to get to Beauxbatons from here?”
Sirius looked cri cally at his godson.
“Probably,” Harry said. “Why?”
“Because if you cross those mountains, you’re on the Spanish
side. Think that’s possible?”
“Easy,” Harry said.
“Good. Then let’s get the Grangers’ and Remus’ stuff on the
lawn, I’ll write a quick note, and we can leave,” Sirius stated.
With handy use of the Pack spell the others’ rooms were
cleared in no me, everything belonging to the others flying
into steamer trunks. Harry waited outside as Sirius touched a
ward stone, sealing the property. All he had taken with him
for now was a change of clothes, the rest could wait.
Hedwig had been wai ng in his room, looking at him
quizzically. “Hedwig… I must ask you to stay with Hermione
for now, okay?” Harry gently stroked her feathers.
Hedwig appeared to understand. She looked sad as Harry
stepped away from the trunks, se ling down on a tree branch
“Sure you want to leave her behind pup? We can take her
with us, you know,” Sirius offered. He’d finished wri ng his
note, and le the le er on top of the middle trunk where the
others wouldn’t miss it.
“It’s be er not… she’s too no ceable. Besides, who would I
write? She’ll be be er off with the others,” Harry sadly said.
“If you’re sure,” Sirius placed his hand on Harry’s shoulder for
support. “Hey pup… do you think we should pop by Emma
before we leave? See if she wants to come with us?” Sirius
sounded unsure.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Sirius… who knows what the
French will do to us if they catch us. Probably hand you over
to the Brits and force me back with the Delacours, and that’s
if we’re lucky,” Harry objected.
“You’re really annoyed with the girls aren’t you?” Sirius asked
in a so tone.
“They broke my trust twice,” Harry glared. Sirius got the hint
and dropped the subject.
Harry looked around once more. “I think we should go now…
you ready?”
“Take us away, pup,” Sirius said.
A wisp of smoke rushed to the Pyrenees shortly a er.
French Ministry
Hermione looked in shock at the place where Harry and Sirius
had been standing a second before. “He… he le me?”
Fleur collapsed to her knees, and started crying.
Remus blinked stupidly, then rushed out the room to get help.
In no me at all the Delacours were back, along with Aurors.
While Apolline tried to console Fleur who was crying
hysterically, and Gabbi did her best to calm Hermione down in
her own way, Jean, Remus, and the Aurors tried to find some
indica on of where Harry may have gone.
“I am checking Beauxbatons, you should go to the Villa,” Jean
instructed Remus. “Take two Aurors with you, just in case.”
“Surely you don’t think they are needed?” Remus asked.
“Remus, much as it pains me, we need to have confirma on
of Monsieur Black’s whereabouts. He is an undesired person,
and if he is s ll on French soil a er the end of today, will be
treated as a criminal. We also need to make sure Harry is
“I can see your point,” Remus agreed.
Black Villa
Remus and two Aurors flooed to the Villa… or at least
a empted to, but the floo seemed to be closed. With a frown
on his face, he decided to apparate instead, the two Aurors
side-alonging with him.
Instead of appearing in the foyer, they landed in a heap in the
back garden.
“We hit an an -appari on ward,” one Auror said as he
extracted himself from the pile of limbs.
“Not good… Sirius you fool, what have you done?” Remus
asked rhetorically. The villa was sealed off, he couldn’t even
touch the door before his hand hit an invisible wall, which
caused all the hairs on his hand to stand up. You didn’t need
to be a curse breaker to know it was generally a really bad
idea to try to force your way through a ward that physically
repelled you.
“Mr Lupin? There’s a le er here for a ‘Moony’,” the other
Auror spoke up. Remus looked his way, and saw three
steamer trunks si ng on the lawn, with a le er lying on top
of one.
“That’s my nickname,” Remus said. He walked up and took
the le er, and read it:
Harry and I are leaving now. I apologize for kicking you out,
but with the Grangers staying at the Delacours and us out of
the country, the place won’t be needed. I hope you can stay
with the Delacours as well… if not… there’s some galleons in
your trunk. Use them for a house if you need it, otherwise just
get some new clothes.
I’m not telling you where we’re going. The frogs were willing
to hand me over to Britain just because I rescued Emma, that
should tell you enough about how trustworthy they are. Harry
and I both agree France is no longer safe for us.
I am not a fool, I know there’s something more with Emma
you’ve not told me. But I trust your judgement in this, so I’ll
not contact her directly. I only ask that you take care of her
while I’m away.
Harry is really annoyed, as I write this I can feel his magical
aura pulse. The pup combines Lily’s slow boil temper with
James’ stubbornness… I don’t think he’ll forgive either girl
easily. And I’m not going to force him to.
I’ll set up something with the goblins so you can send us
le ers if you like, just ask them to deliver it to the Head of the
Black Family and it should eventually reach me. Yes, I am
taking up my role as family head. Not that I par cularly want
to, but I’ll need it to keep Harry safe.
Don’t expect to hear from us any me soon. Harry is my prime
priority now, I let him down too many mes before. The girls
will get over him, I’ll definitely try to make Harry get over
Your friend,
“Padfoot, you fool,” Remus mu ered. Then, to the Aurors:
“We can call off the search, they’re not here.”
“Not my decision sir, that’s up to Deputy Minister Delacour,”
one Auror replied.
“Well summon him then, he’ll want to read this,” Remus
impa ently replied.
The magically amplified voice of Professor McGonagall
sounded through the halls: “All students are to go their
Common Rooms right away. Teachers, please escort your
students to their Houses then report to the Great Hall;
Prefects, please assist the teachers in their task before
returning to your own House. Any student found outside of
their Common Room or dormitories in thirty minutes will lose
House Points and get a deten on.”
Those that were in their classrooms quickly packed away their
things at their teachers’ instruc on, the others hurried out of
the library, school grounds, or where-ever they could be
found, to make their way back.
None of the teachers had informa on on why this was
happening, or wouldn’t say. About thirty minutes later the
teachers all had arrived in the Great Hall. Professor
McGonagall stood there, next to an impa ent looking Auror.
Another eleven Aurors stood close by.
“Minerva, what is going on? Where is the Headmaster?”
Pomona Sprout asked.
“In a minute Pomona,” McGonagall said. She turned to face a
pain ng hanging behind the Headmaster’s chair, “Are all the
students in their Houses?”
The occupant, a shi y looking man with very broad shoulders
and short, scrubby hair, moved out of his frame, and re-
appeared a number of seconds later. “The four door
guardians report that they believe everyone is inside,” he
answered her. “If any of the hallway pain ngs sees someone,
they’ll tell me.”
“Thank you Corvinus,” Minerva nodded respec ully. “To
answer your ques on Pomona, Headmaster Dumbledore has
le us. These Aurors are here to… secure our guests, and…
protect the castle,” she said with distaste.
“Le us? What do you mean?” Professor Sinistra asked.
“It appears Professor Dumbledore felt it best to keep us
uninformed of happenings on the outside,” Minerva sounded
annoyed. “I found the missing Daily Prophets in his office,
they’re on the Head Table if you wish to read. I think you’ll be
as shocked as I was. Please, all, read them carefully… we’ll
need to break the news to the students somehow.”
“Madam, may we proceed?” the Auror next to her asked.
“The door will unlock from the outside,” McGonagall let out a
sigh. “Please, remember that this is a school and keep any
violence to a minimum?”
“I doubt Mister Fudge will be a challenge,” the Auror said with
a grim smile. “We’ll be off then, ma’am. My colleague here
shall remain with you un l the RCM decides otherwise.”
The head Auror and seven of his peers le for the stairwell,
four of their number remaining behind.
As the Aurors le for their prey, the teachers were reading
through the Prophet, their expressions varying from shock to
outrage as they realised their world had changed while they
had been kept incommunicado.
Fudge’s room
Former Minister Fudge looked up as the door to his guest
chambers finally opened. “About me! Did Dumbledore send
you? We’ve been locked in here all day!” he complained as
the Aurors entered.
The two Aurors that had remained loyal to him as a
bodyguard took one look at the four new entries, and made a
show of slowly drawing their wand, then handed them over
with the p facing themselves.
Fudge didn’t pay a en on to what his ‘useless’ guards were
doing, as he a empted to fluff himself up in a feeble a empt
to in midate the newcomers.
“Cornelius Oswald Fudge, you are charged with High Treason,”
the lead Auror spoke. “You will hand over your wand and
come with us, now.”
“Preposterous!” Fudge splu ered. “I am the Minister for
Magic! What is your name Auror, I will have your head for
“Auror Proudfoot, proudly serving the Crown Ministry,”
Proudfoot spoke. “Surrender your wand, sir.”
“Crown Ministry?” Fudge glared. “I am the Minister here!
Wait ‘ ll I tell Dumbledore!”
“Mister Dumbledore is gone,” Proudfoot said. “Now hand
over your wand sir, or we’ll be forced to assume you are
resis ng arrest.”
“You are damned right I am resis ng arrest!” Fudge stated
proudly, then began fumbling for his wand, which he kept in
his back pocket. However when his hands reached there, they
found nothing… one of the Aurors had simply li ed it from
“Stun him, easier that way,” Proudfoot ordered. Fudge never
even saw who cast the stunner that took him out.
Umbridge’s room
Dolores Umbridge was si ng at her desk when her door
opened, wri ng on parchment. She looked up and saw four
“You can wait outside un l I am finished,” she dismissed
“Madam Umbridge? You are under arrest for High Treason,”
one of the Aurors spoke.
“I knew it!” Umbridge got to her feet quickly. “Fudge turned
on me? I will talk! I know all his dark secrets!”
“You misunderstand ma’am… we are with the Crown
Ministry,” the Auror corrected her. “Former Minister Fudge is
likewise under arrest.”
“Crown Ministry? You are working for that Bones traitor?”
Umbridge’s eyes narrowed, and she made to stealthily take
out her wand.
Unfortunately for her, her idea of stealth was hardly efficient.
Before she could even think of a spell to cast, she too, was
Hogwarts Great Hall, later that day
The students entered the Great Hall in a disorderly bunch,
having been locked up in their Common Rooms without
explana on un l supper, all classes cancelled.
The more alert among them immediately no ced that
Professor McGonagall had taken Professor Dumbledore’s
chair, and that instead of Minister Fudge, the toad woman,
and two Aurors at an extra table, now four (different) Aurors
stood at the back of the hall, one near each table.
“If I may have your a en on please,” Professor McGonagall
called out as she rose.
“Where’s the Headmaster?” Cormac McLaggen called out.
“That will be answered, Mr McLaggen,” McGonagall shot him
a glare for interrup ng her.
“There have been problems with the delivery of the Daily
Prophet and your le ers these past few days, for which I
apologize. The Headmaster felt it best not to let you learn the
news first hand.”
“Get to it already,” Draco’s whiny voice called out. “If there
are le ers from my father I demand to read them now!”
“That will be twenty Points from Slytherin for lack of respect
Mr Malfoy,” McGonagall bit at him.
“The Ministry for Magic, along with the Wizengamot, has
been replaced with a new Crown Ministry, repor ng directly
to Her Majesty, the Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth
II. Furthermore, for the me being at least, all noble tles
have been declared invalid.”
As was to be expected, there was a huge uproar at this,
especially from the Pureblood crowd. “What? When my
father hears about this!” Malfoy spoke up again.
“When your father heard about this, Mr Malfoy,” McGonagall
glared at the spoiled brat, “your father tried to kill Her
Majesty. He failed, was captured, and the muggles hanged
him for his crimes.”
Silence filled the hall. People were shocked to learn that not
only was Mr Malfoy dead, but the muggles had apparently
taken down a wizard, and executed him like a common
McGonagall looked around the Hall while Malfoy slumped to
his seat, his face ashen pale. “I can understand you are all…
surprised at this news,” McGonagall con nued. “This will be a
difficult me of transi on for all of us. Hogwarts itself is also
affected: we will require several new teachers, as Professor
Snape will not be returning. The Crown Ministry has also
informed me there shall be some changes in the curriculum.
As such, the school will be closed as we prepare for the next
year. We will contact your parents and guardians to make sure
you all have a house to return to un l the school opens
“Professor McGonagall, what about those of us taking our
O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s?” a Ravenclaw called out.
“I am sure the Wizarding Examina on Authority is already
well aware of the disrup on, Mr Duncan, and you will all be
contacted directly.” McGonagall answered. “Now, the mail.”
She clapped her hands, and owls swooped down, delivering
le ers to most students.
Standing out by their lack of le ers were those students that
did not receive any, among them Draco Malfoy and Vincent
Crabbe. Instead, they got a no ce reques ng them to stay
behind a er dinner ended.
The owls flew off, dinner was served, and the students talked
among each other. Most Muggleborns took the news fairly
well as did many Half-bloods, but the Purebloods, especially
those in the Slytherin and Ravenclaw houses, were mainly
worried, even those that did hear from their parents. Draco
seemed to be in a daze. His expression wavered between
disbelief and righteous fury. When he did speak, he loudly
exclaimed that it was a lie, and that his father would come for
Finally dinner ended, and the students filed out, except for
those that received the summons to stay behind, twenty in
total: seventeen Slytherins, and three Ravenclaws.
“Where is my mail, Professor?” Draco demanded. Despite
being only a third year, his father’s high status at the Ministry
meant the others fell in line.
“Mr Malfoy, others, please sit back down,” McGonagall
instructed them. “Calming draught has been placed on the
tables… I suggest you take it now, before we con nue.”
Malfoy scoffed at the no on… the others, especially the older
students, did follow the sugges on. Professors McGonagall
and Flitwick waited un l those that would cooperate drank –
all but Malfoy and Crabbe – then she waved her wand.
The side doors opened and sad looking people stepped
through. The assembled students recognised family members:
either a mother, or an uncle, or someone else they knew.
Draco saw his mother, and rushed up to meet her. “Mother!
Where is father?”
“Oh li le dragon… I am so sorry,” Narcissa said with a sniff.
“Your father… he…”
They were interrupted as a wail of despair came from an older
Slytherin girl. Her mother embraced her, and so ly began
rocking her.
“Mother, this is not funny! Tell me where father is, I demand
“Draco dear… your father… he… he is no longer with us,”
Narcissa said as gentle as possible.
“No! What are you saying?” Malfoy looked around for
support, but his fellow students were either staring ahead
morosely, or sobbing so ly, their kin providing support.
“Draco, please calm down,” Narcissa tried. “Your… Lucius… he
was found guilty of a acking the Queen… and was
executed…” she began to cry.
“You are mad! You’re all insane!” Draco pushed his mother
away, looking around wildly. “This joke can end now! It is not
funny! I demand to know the truth!”
“Draco, please,” Narcissa pleaded, but Draco only got louder.
“My father cannot be dead! He’s not some filthy muggle!”
“Stupefy,” Professor Flitwick stunned him. At a look from
Narcissa, he explained: “I apologize madam, but he was
upse ng the other students.”
“My poor boy,” Narcissa held him. “Thank you, Professor. If it
is all right with you, I’d like to take my son home now… before
the – sniff – funeral…”
“Of course, and my condolences madam,” Flitwick respec ully
bowed his head. One of the Aurors came near, and offered to
help Narcissa get Draco home. Despite her re cence to accept
help from the government that had executed her husband,
she accepted.
The other students fared a li le be er, but in the end all were
taken by their family to grieve at home.
Next Morning, Delacour Home
Hermione woke from a bad dream. It took her a bit to realise
where she was, but then she recognised the bedroom as
Fleur’s… she had been too red and distraught to care much
about where she had been allowed to sleep, and ended up on
a conjured bed in the older Veela’s room.
With Harry disappearing, no-one felt it wise to let the girls
return to school just yet.
Fleur’s bed was empty. Hermione wasn’t sure if she was glad
or not… on the one hand she blamed Fleur for driving Harry
away, on the other hand, the pain she had seen on Fleur’s
face as Harry le had been real enough that she now finally
admi ed that Fleur did, indeed, care for Harry as well.
Even if her way was wrong… even worse than Hermione’s own
clinginess and controlling nature, a small voice inside her tried
to tell her.
Not feeling up to ge ng dressed properly, Hermione just
went into the adjacent bathroom, did her morning ritual, and
threw on a bathrobe that was hanging on the door. Probably
Fleur’s, but that it was a li le too large for her was the least of
her concerns. She found stairs leading down, and followed
them to a room where she heard so voices.
“Hermione dear, how are you?” Her mother asked. Emma was
si ng between Mrs Delacour and Mrs Abbo at the breakfast
table. Gabrielle was seated as well, Fleur stood at a counter
pouring coffee.
“Miserable,” Hermione said in a small voice. “Has there been
any news?”
Fleur handed her a cup of coffee without words. The Veela
looked to be as sad as Hermione felt… her natural beauty was
hardly visible under bad bed hair and walls under her tear-
stricken eyes.
“Papa and Monsieur Lupin are at the Ministry, trying to find
out if they crossed the Bri sh or any other border,” Fleur told
“They le early this morning, before I woke up even.”
Hermione shot Fleur a weak smile and sat down, cradling her
cup of coffee more for the warmth than to drink it.
“I drove him away didn’t I? He’s really gone… even Hedwig
won’t take a le er to him,” she said miserably. The snow owl
had presented herself to Remus and had made it clear she
wanted to come with him. She was now res ng in the
Delacours’ modest owlry.
That, more even than the Black villa being sealed, drove the
point home for Hermione. Harry wouldn’t have told Hedwig
to leave the villa if he had any plan of returning… the only
conclusion she could come to was that he had decided to
permanently go.
Tears started to slowly flow again.
“Don’t cry,” Gabrielle said. She took a seat on Hermione’s
right side, so that the former Gryffindor now had a Veela on
each side of her.
“Mama said, true love is forever,” Gabrielle con nued. “He is
mean and stupid now, but he will come back to you and sissie,
I know it.”
Hermione started to cry for real now. Next to her, Fleur did
the same. Gabrielle looked unsure what she did wrong, all she
had tried was to comfort her big sisters.
Beauxbatons, Fleur and Hermione’s room, a few days later
Hermione and Fleur returned to Beauxbatons the next
Monday. As they had feared they found all Harry’s
possessions had disappeared from their room, and not even a
note had been le behind.
At breakfast, Hermione got a rather cold recep on… their
classmates had been looking forward to being in the same
school as the world famous Garcon-Qui-A-Vecu, but now with
Harry gone and Hermione returning alone, they blamed her.
Gone was the beginning friendship with the other girls.
Hermione felt as alone as she had in Hogwarts prior to the
Troll incident. Just like then, she was in a foreign environment,
with no friends, and no idea on where to go next. All she had
now was her school work… and somehow trying to be the
best in class didn’t seem as worthwhile a goal as it had in the
past. She sat in a daze through Transfigura on, and had to be
reminded by the teacher twice to pay a en on. The only
reason she didn’t get a deten on was that her teacher felt
some sympathy for her.
Fleur had it a li le be er… she had her clique which had her
back. But even Amélie, her oldest and closest friend, couldn’t
quite understand why Fleur was so sad.
“All men are stupid Fleur, and boys even more so. You’re
be er off without him,” she tried to comfort her friend, but
that was not what Fleur needed to hear.
The rumour that the Queen of Beauxbatons had been crying
in class spread throughout the school quickly.
Hermione arrived back at their room a er a lonely dinner. She
found Fleur si ng on the bed, with a picture of Harry that
Hermione had had with her school books.
“That’s mine, give it back!” Hermione demanded.
Fleur looked up sadly, “Please, can’t I look at it even? I miss
him so… it hurts so bad.”
Hermione felt as if someone had hit her. “I… I’m sorry… I miss
him too,” she sniffled. Fleur got off the bed, and held the
younger girl as they both cried.
“What am I doing here Fleur? Harry was the only reason I
even came to France… with him gone, who do I have le ?”
Hermione sobbed.
“I… I don’t know,” Fleur said a er a long pause. “It seemed so
simple, I found my mate, the one person in the world who is
perfect for me… I would tease him a li le, he would fall in
love with me, and we’d get married… my en re future was
there, with him. Now… what do I have le ?”
“Oh Fleur,” Hermione hugged her. The two girls just sat on the
bed comfor ng each other.
“Tell me about your first two years at Hogwarts,” Fleur
Hesita ngly, Hermione dri ed off into narra ve. A small smile
returned on her face as she recalled how Harry rescued her
from the troll, how he was in fact the first person to pay her
any a en on other than her parents… how Harry had, with
her help, protected the Philosopher’s Stone. And how she had
given her his first kiss, and they said they’d be boyfriend and
girlfriend, at least un l she had lost that memory.
Then second year, when the school had turned against Harry
because he was revealed to be a parselmouth, but she had
stood by him. The long hours of just si ng together and
cha ng, o en not even working on their homework for long,
and just being friends.
The horror when she had nearly died when the Basilisk caught
her. And how Harry had prevented their so-called friend from
feeling her up – or worse – while she was helpless.
And third year, which started so nicely. No Philosopher’s
Stones, no Basilisks… just the Dementors, but asides from the
scare on the train, they had le them alone. How she and
Harry had recovered their memories thanks to one misfired
spell, and the whole mess that followed.
Fleur gave her a weak smile as Hermione finished. “I didn’t
exactly do the smart thing in more or less forcing him to be
my mate, did I?”
“It’s not your fault, you couldn’t have known ‘she’ was really a
‘he’… I should’ve been more understanding,” Hermione
comforted her.
“We should send him a le er to apologise, hopefully he’ll
forgive us and come back,” Fleur suggested a er another long
pause. “I… I thought… I thought… I don’t know what I was
thinking! I didn’t realise I was driving him away, it seemed just
harmless fun…”
Hermione looked up surprised as Fleur suddenly sounded
angry. The Veela hit herself on the head, saying: “Stupid,
stupid, stupid!”
Hermione took Fleur’s hands to stop her. “Fleur… I am as
guilty as you are,” she said so ly. “We both were wrong. Harry
was right… we should have talked with him, see what he
wanted. I… we… oh Merlin, do you think he’ll come back?”
“I do not know… I really don’t know,” Fleur said so ly.
The girls hugged, using each other for comfort, un l they
were red from crying and fell asleep.
Harry may be gone, but at least they had each other. They
both hoped that Harry, wherever he was, was thinking of
them, too.
Crown Colony of Gibraltar, Magical Quarter
Harry woke up in his new bedroom. Despite the
Mediterranean climate, the apartment Sirius had found for
them looked dis nctly Bri sh. Harry doubted he would ever
feel anywhere at home again, but at least the surroundings
were familiar. And Sirius was with him, which was enough for
The Magical Government of Gibraltar had a very liberal
approach to schooling: as long as students sat for their
O.W.L.s at the end of their fi h year, they could be home
schooled, sent to the small Bri sh school, or even to one of
the Spanish schools on the Iberian subcon nent with no
problems. Sirius had offered, and Harry had gladly accepted,
to get home schooled for now. The fewer people around, the
be er. He had had it with crowds.
“Is Great Harry Po er Sir likings his room?” Dobby popped up
beside him. Harry smiled at the Elf. Going on a hunch, he had
called for Dobby as soon as Sirius had go en them the
apartment and was talking about seeing if a House Elf
contract was on the market, or if he could somehow get the
old Black family Elf to come over. Showing once again that
nobody fully understood the diminu ve beings’ capabili es,
Dobby had popped up near Harry almost instantly when Harry
men oned him, and had immediately offered to serve ‘Great
Harry Po er Sir’ and ‘Mister Doggie Wizard Sir’.
“Very much so Dobby, thanks,” Harry thanked him. No more
crazy Veela, no more controlling and inconsiderate
‘girlfriend’… perhaps he could finally have some peace and
quiet, he thought.

A/N: And so it ends on a whimper, not with a bang. Don’t

worry, I won’t leave the loose ends hanging forever. There will
be a sequel, posted as a new story, tle yet to be decided. I’ll
post another chapter to this story when it starts, for those of
you that only use story alert.
Thanks again to Mr Norrell for some great help with this
A/N 2: Since it’s being asked I’ll clarify: this will con nue
directly from where it le off, but in a new story. I need a
break from this to make sure the sequel is a more internally
consequent narra ve, and with a number of other changes I
didn’t want to con nue it with a simple “chapter 30”.
A part of the sequel is wri en, and I will work on ge ng full
chapters out as soon as I’m done with my other story. Thanks
for your pa ence.

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